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2022-12-26 22:05:57 +00:00
A ShortenerTest is a test class for testing the behavior of Shortener
Class {
#name : #ShortenerTest,
#superclass : #TestCase,
#category : #'Shortener-Tests'
{ #category : #tests }
ShortenerTest >> testEnlarging [
"I thist that an already shortened address gives the proper result."
| shortenUrl |
shortenUrl := Shortener shorten: ''.
self assert: (Shortener enlarge: shortenUrl) equals: ''
{ #category : #tests }
ShortenerTest >> testIsShortenerUp [
self assert: ((ZnEasy get: '') isSuccess)
{ #category : #tests }
ShortenerTest >> testShortening [
"I thist that an already shortened address gives the proper result."
| shortenUrl |
shortenUrl := Shortener shorten: ''.
self assert: (Shortener shorten: '') equals: shortenUrl