" A ShortenerTest is a test class for testing the behavior of Shortener " Class { #name : #ShortenerTest, #superclass : #TestCase, #category : #'Shortener-Tests' } { #category : #tests } ShortenerTest >> testEnlarging [ "I thist that an already shortened address gives the proper result." | shortenUrl | shortenUrl := Shortener shorten: 'https://pharo.org'. self assert: (Shortener enlarge: shortenUrl) equals: 'https://pharo.org' ] { #category : #tests } ShortenerTest >> testIsShortenerUp [ self assert: ((ZnEasy get: 'https://is.gd') isSuccess) ] { #category : #tests } ShortenerTest >> testShortening [ "I thist that an already shortened address gives the proper result." | shortenUrl | shortenUrl := Shortener shorten: 'https://pharo.org'. self assert: (Shortener shorten: 'https://pharo.org') equals: shortenUrl ]