
112 lines
2.2 KiB

Class {
#name : #PPCMList,
#superclass : #PPCMDelegateNode,
#instVars : [
#category : #'PetitMarkdown-AST'
{ #category : #visiting }
PPCMList >> accept: visitor [
^ visitor visitList: self
{ #category : #accessing }
PPCMList >> isBlockLevel [
^ true
{ #category : #'as yet unclassified' }
PPCMList >> isLooseItem: item [
| document size |
"empty item case"
(item children size == 0) ifTrue: [ ^ false ].
document := item child.
size := document children size.
size < 3 ifTrue: [ ^ false ].
(1 to: size - 2) do: [ :idx |
((document children at: idx) isBlockLevel and:
[(document children at: idx + 1) isBlankLine and:
[(document children at: idx + 2) isBlockLevel] ]) ifTrue: [ ^ true ]
^ false
{ #category : #'as yet unclassified' }
PPCMList >> isLooseList [
| size |
size := children size.
size < 3 ifTrue: [ ^ false ].
(1 to: size - 2) do: [ :idx |
((children at: idx) isBlockLevel and:
[(children at: idx + 1) isBlankLine and:
[(children at: idx + 2) isBlockLevel] ]) ifTrue: [ ^ true ]
^ false
{ #category : #'as yet unclassified' }
PPCMList >> isTight [
"blanks in the list?"
self isLooseList ifTrue: [
^ false
"blanks in the items?"
self children do: [ :listItem |
(self isLooseItem: listItem) ifTrue: [
^ false
^ true
{ #category : #accessing }
PPCMList >> start [
^ start
{ #category : #accessing }
PPCMList >> start: anObject [
start := anObject
{ #category : #accessing }
PPCMList >> type [
^ type
{ #category : #accessing }
PPCMList >> type: string [
type := string
{ #category : #accessing }
PPCMList >> viewBody [
| aText |
aText := (self className, ' type: ', self type) asRopedText.
self children do: [ :child |
aText append: ' ' asRopedText.
aText append: (child className asRopedText foreground:
BrGlamorousColors disabledButtonTextColor).
aText append: ('= "' asRopedText foreground:
BrGlamorousColors disabledButtonTextColor).
aText append: (child className asRopedText foreground:
BrGlamorousColors disabledButtonTextColor).
aText append:
('"' asRopedText foreground:
BrGlamorousColors disabledButtonTextColor) ].
^ aText