Moving Pandoc class from GrafoscopioUtils.

This commit is contained in:
Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas 2023-12-10 12:44:45 -05:00
parent 8b424f4f03
commit cc99feebac
5 changed files with 147 additions and 24 deletions

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@ -45,11 +45,6 @@ LePictureSnippet >> fromString: aString [
^ self ^ self
] ]
{ #category : #'*MiniDocs' }
LePictureSnippet >> metadata [
^ self optionAt: 'metadata' ifAbsentPut: [ self metadataUpdate ]
{ #category : #'*MiniDocs' } { #category : #'*MiniDocs' }
LePictureSnippet >> metadataDiv [ LePictureSnippet >> metadataDiv [
| output | | output |

View File

@ -84,11 +84,6 @@ LeTextualSnippet >> metadataUpdate [
yourself yourself
] ]
{ #category : #'*MiniDocs' }
LeTextualSnippet >> options [
^ options
{ #category : #'*MiniDocs' } { #category : #'*MiniDocs' }
LeTextualSnippet >> sanitizeMetadata [ LeTextualSnippet >> sanitizeMetadata [
self options ifNil: [^ self ]. self options ifNil: [^ self ].

View File

@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ MiniDocsServer class >> build [
MiniDocsServer class >> defaultConfiguration [ MiniDocsServer class >> defaultConfiguration [
"Override to set more default values" "Override to set more default values"
^ { ^ {
#port -> 9090 #port -> 1701
} }
] ]

View File

@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
I model the interaction between Pandoc and Grafoscopio.
Class {
#name : #Pandoc,
#superclass : #Object,
#classInstVars : [
#category : #'MiniDocs-Core'
{ #category : #'as yet unclassified' }
Pandoc class >> downloadLuaFilters [
self luaFilters do: [ :filter | | filterUrl |
filterUrl := filter asUrl.
(FileLocator temp asFileReference / (filterUrl segments last)) exists
ifFalse: [
ZnClient new
url: filterUrl;
downloadTo: FileLocator temp ] ]
{ #category : #accessing }
Pandoc class >> executable [
^ executable ifNil: [ self executableLocation ]
{ #category : #accessing }
Pandoc class >> executable: aFileReference [
executable := aFileReference
{ #category : #accessing }
Pandoc class >> executableLocation [
| location |
location := '/usr/bin/pandoc'.
location asFileReference exists
ifTrue: [ ^ location ]
ifFalse: [ self definePandocExecutable ]
{ #category : #utility }
Pandoc class >> extractImagesInUnixFor: aFileReference withFilter: aLuaFilter [
"I use Pandoc Lua scripting capabilities to extract al images links in aFileReference"
OSSUnixSubprocess new
command: 'pandoc';
arguments: {aFileReference fullName . '--lua-filter=',aLuaFilter fullName };
runAndWaitOnExitDo: [ :process :outString :errString |
process isSuccess
ifTrue: [
^ ((Soup fromString: outString) findAllTags: 'td') collect: [ :each | each next ] ]
ifFalse: [
"OSSUnixProcessExitStatus has a nice #printOn: "
Transcript show: 'Command exit with error status: ', process exitStatusInterpreter printString; cr.
Transcript show: 'Stderr contents: ', errString.
{ #category : #converters }
Pandoc class >> htmlToMarkdown: inputFile [
| outputFile |
outputFile := FileLocator temp / ''.
outputFile ensureDelete.
outputFile ensureCreateFile.
OSSUnixSubprocess new
command: 'pandoc';
arguments: {'-f'. 'html'. '-t'. 'markdown'. '--atx-headers'. inputFile fullName.
'--output'. outputFile fullName };
runAndWaitOnExitDo: [ :process :outString :errString |
process isSuccess
ifTrue: [ ^ outputFile contents ]
ifFalse: [ ^inputFile contents ]
{ #category : #'as yet unclassified' }
Pandoc class >> listImagesFrom: aFileReference [
"I provide a list of all images contained in aFile."
| filter commandString outputString |
filter := FileLocator temp asFileReference / 'image-links.lua'.
filter exists
ifFalse: [ self downloadLuaFilters ].
commandString := 'pandoc ' , aFileReference fullName
, ' --lua-filter=' , filter fullName.
^ self extractImagesInUnixFor: aFileReference withFilter: filter
{ #category : #utility }
Pandoc class >> luaFilters [
"I define the location of set of scripts, that allows to change the default behaviour of Pandoc
and/or the processing of supported markup languages.
For more information about Lua filters see:
| filters |
filters := OrderedCollection new.
add: ''.
^ filters
{ #category : #converters }
Pandoc class >> markdownToHtml: inputFile [
(Smalltalk os isUnix or: [ Smalltalk os isMacOS ]) ifTrue: [ ^ self markdownToHtmlOnUnix: inputFile ].
Smalltalk os isWindows ifTrue: [ ^ self markdownToHtmlOnWindows: inputFile ].
{ #category : #converters }
Pandoc class >> markdownToHtmlOnUnix: inputFile [
| outputFile |
outputFile := FileLocator temp / (inputFile basenameWithoutExtension , '.html').
outputFile ensureDelete.
outputFile ensureCreateFile.
OSSUnixSubprocess new
command: 'pandoc';
arguments: {'-f'. 'markdown+startnum+task_lists'. '-t'. 'html'. inputFile fullName.
'--output'. outputFile fullName };
runAndWaitOnExitDo: [ :process :outString :errString |
process isSuccess
ifTrue: [ ^ outputFile ]
ifFalse: [ ^ inputFile ]
{ #category : #converters }
Pandoc class >> markdownToHtmlOnWindows: inputFile [
"ToDo: This command still doesn't receive any arguments."
^ (LibC resultOfCommand: 'pandoc ', inputFile fullName) correctAccentedCharacters.

View File

@ -1,18 +1,5 @@
Extension { #name : #String } Extension { #name : #String }
{ #category : #'*MiniDocs' }
String >> accentedCharactersCorrection [
| modified corrections |
corrections := {
'ó' -> 'ó' . 'ú' -> 'ú' . 'ñ' -> 'ñ' .
'í' -> 'í' . 'á' -> 'á' . 'é' -> 'é' . '’' -> $' asString} asDictionary.
modified := self copy.
corrections keysAndValuesDo: [ :k :v |
modified := modified copyReplaceAll: k with: v
^ modified
{ #category : #'*MiniDocs' } { #category : #'*MiniDocs' }
String >> asDashedLowercase [ String >> asDashedLowercase [
"I convert phrases like 'This is a phrase' into 'this-is-a-phrase'." "I convert phrases like 'This is a phrase' into 'this-is-a-phrase'."