Improving metadata reading.

This commit is contained in:
Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas 2022-10-17 14:00:41 -05:00
parent d7bc31b094
commit 9a3d17e200
2 changed files with 33 additions and 28 deletions

View File

@ -277,6 +277,7 @@ Markdeep >> processMarkdownFor: aFileReference [
self markdownFile: aFileReference. self markdownFile: aFileReference.
markdownContent := Markdown fromFile: aFileReference. markdownContent := Markdown fromFile: aFileReference.
self body: (markdownContent commentYAMLMetadata contents). self body: (markdownContent commentYAMLMetadata contents).
self metadata: markdownContent yamlMetadata
] ]
{ #category : #accessing } { #category : #accessing }

View File

@ -31,13 +31,12 @@ Markdown >> commentYAMLMetadata [
self detectYAMLMetadata ifFalse: [ ^ self ]. self detectYAMLMetadata ifFalse: [ ^ self ].
newContents := '' writeStream. newContents := '' writeStream.
newContents nextPutAll: '<!--@yaml:'; crlf. newContents nextPutAll: '<!--@yaml:'; crlf.
newContents nextPutAll: self extractYAMLMetadata. newContents nextPutAll: self yamlMetadataString.
newContents nextPutAll: String cr. newContents nextPutAll: String cr.
newContents nextPutAll: '-->'; crlf. newContents nextPutAll: '-->'; crlf.
(self lines copyFrom: self yamlMetadataClosingLineNumber + 2 to: self lines size) do: [ :line | (self lines copyFrom: self yamlMetadataClosingLineNumber + 2 to: self lines size) do: [ :line |
newContents nextPutAll: line; crlf ]. newContents nextPutAll: line; crlf ].
self contents: newContents contents. ^ newContents contents.
^ self contents
] ]
{ #category : #utilities } { #category : #utilities }
@ -90,23 +89,10 @@ Markdown >> exportMetadataAsJson [
Markdown >> exportMetadataAsYaml [ Markdown >> exportMetadataAsYaml [
| exportedFile | | exportedFile |
exportedFile := FileLocator temp / 'metadata.yaml'. exportedFile := FileLocator temp / 'metadata.yaml'.
MarkupFile exportAsFileOn: exportedFile containing: self yamlMetadataAsString. MarkupFile exportAsFileOn: exportedFile containing: self yamlMetadataStringWithDelimiters.
^ exportedFile ^ exportedFile
] ]
{ #category : #operation }
Markdown >> extractYAMLMetadata [
| output yamlLines |
self detectYAMLMetadata ifFalse: [ ^ nil ].
yamlLines := self lines copyFrom: 2 to: self yamlMetadataClosingLineNumber - 1.
output := '' writeStream.
yamlLines do: [ :line |
nextPutAll: line;
nextPut: Character cr. ].
^ output contents
{ #category : #accessing } { #category : #accessing }
Markdown >> file [ Markdown >> file [
^ file ^ file
@ -121,7 +107,7 @@ Markdown >> file: aFileReference [
{ #category : #'instance creation' } { #category : #'instance creation' }
Markdown >> fromFile: aFileReference [ Markdown >> fromFile: aFileReference [
self contents: aFileReference contents. self contents: aFileReference contents.
self file: aFileReference self file: aFileReference.
] ]
{ #category : #accessing } { #category : #accessing }
@ -140,7 +126,7 @@ Markdown >> lines [
{ #category : #accessing } { #category : #accessing }
Markdown >> metadata [ Markdown >> metadata [
| rawMeta | | rawMeta |
rawMeta := PPYAMLGrammar new parse: self extractYAMLMetadata. rawMeta := PPYAMLGrammar new parse: self yamlMetadataString.
rawMeta associationsDo: [ :assoc | rawMeta associationsDo: [ :assoc |
assoc value = 'false' ifTrue: [ assoc value: false ]. assoc value = 'false' ifTrue: [ assoc value: false ].
assoc value = 'true' ifTrue: [ assoc value: true ] ]. assoc value = 'true' ifTrue: [ assoc value: true ] ].
@ -160,15 +146,9 @@ Markdown >> startsWithYAMLMetadataDelimiter [
] ]
{ #category : #utilities } { #category : #accessing }
Markdown >> yamlMetadataAsString [ Markdown >> yamlMetadata [
| output | ^ MiniDocs yamlToJson: self yamlMetadataString
self extractYAMLMetadata ifNil: [ ^ nil ].
output := String new writeStream.
output nextPutAll: self class yamlMetadataDelimiter; cr.
output nextPutAll: self extractYAMLMetadata.
output nextPutAll: self class yamlMetadataDelimiter; cr.
^ output contents.
] ]
{ #category : #utilities } { #category : #utilities }
@ -179,3 +159,27 @@ Markdown >> yamlMetadataClosingLineNumber [
(currentLine beginsWith: self class yamlMetadataDelimiter) ifTrue: [ ^ i + 1 ]] (currentLine beginsWith: self class yamlMetadataDelimiter) ifTrue: [ ^ i + 1 ]]
] ]
{ #category : #operation }
Markdown >> yamlMetadataString [
| output yamlLines |
self detectYAMLMetadata ifFalse: [ ^ nil ].
yamlLines := self lines copyFrom: 2 to: self yamlMetadataClosingLineNumber - 1.
output := '' writeStream.
yamlLines do: [ :line |
nextPutAll: line;
nextPut: Character cr. ].
^ output contents
{ #category : #utilities }
Markdown >> yamlMetadataStringWithDelimiters [
| output |
self yamlMetadataString ifNil: [ ^ nil ].
output := String new writeStream.
output nextPutAll: self class yamlMetadataDelimiter; cr.
output nextPutAll: self yamlMetadataString.
output nextPutAll: self class yamlMetadataDelimiter; cr.
^ output contents.