Modularizing and cleaning to improve upcoming support for tagged snippets.

This commit is contained in:
Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas 2024-07-18 17:08:46 -05:00
parent 6072fd8971
commit 94fdf3052f

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@ -45,33 +45,8 @@ LeTextualSnippet >> asMarkdownWithMetadataWrappers [
{ #category : #'*MiniDocs' }
LeTextualSnippet >> contentAsStringAnnotated [
| annotations substitutions exported pageConfig|
self ast ifNil: [ ^ self contentAsString ].
annotations := self ast parts select: [:each | each className includesSubstring: 'AnnotationNode' ].
annotations ifEmpty: [ ^ self contentAsString ].
substitutions := OrderedDictionary new.
pageConfig := self page config.
annotations do: [ :each | | key type value color |
key := each source.
type := (key splitOn: ':') first copyWithoutAll: '{{'.
value := key copyFrom: type size + 4 to: key size - 2.
ifNil: [ color := 'default' ]
ifNotNil: [ | colors |
colors := pageConfig at: 'annotationColors' ifAbsent: [ nil ].
colors ifNotNil: [
color := colors at: type ifAbsent: [ colors at: 'defaultColor' ifAbsentPut: ['default'] ]
at: key
put: '<span st-class="',type,'" style="color:', color, '">', value,'</span>'.
exported := self contentAsString.
substitutions keysAndValuesDo: [:k :v |
exported := exported copyReplaceAll: k with: v.
^ exported
self ast ifNotNil: [ ^ self processSnippetAnnotations ].
^ self contentAsString
{ #category : #'*MiniDocs' }
@ -143,6 +118,37 @@ LeTextualSnippet >> metadataUpdate [
{ #category : #'*MiniDocs' }
LeTextualSnippet >> processSnippetAnnotations [
| exported substitutions annotations pageConfig |
annotations := self ast parts
select: [ :each | each className includesSubstring: 'AnnotationNode' ].
annotations ifEmpty: [ ^ self contentAsString ].
substitutions := OrderedDictionary new.
pageConfig := self page config.
do: [ :each |
| key type value color |
key := each source.
type := (key splitOn: ':') first copyWithoutAll: '{{'.
value := key copyFrom: type size + 4 to: key size - 2.
ifNil: [ color := 'default' ]
ifNotNil: [ | colors |
colors := pageConfig at: 'annotationColors' ifAbsent: [ nil ].
ifNotNil: [ color := colors
at: type
ifAbsent: [ colors at: 'defaultColor' ifAbsentPut: [ 'default' ] ] ] ].
at: key
put: '<span st-class="' , type , '" style="color:' , color , '">' , value , '</span>' ].
exported := self contentAsString.
keysAndValuesDo: [ :k :v | exported := exported copyReplaceAll: k with: v ].
^ exported
{ #category : #'*MiniDocs' }
LeTextualSnippet >> sanitizeMetadata [
self options ifNil: [^ self ].