Converting PubPub image links to Markdeep and cleaning debugging code.
This commit is contained in:
@ -384,11 +384,6 @@ Markdeep >> pubPubFootnotesToMarkdeep [
nextPutAll: '[^', k, ']: ';
nextPutAll: '[^', k, ']: ';
nextPutAll: (v at: 'data-value'), String lf, String lf.
nextPutAll: (v at: 'data-value'), String lf, String lf.
"^ { 'links' -> parsedLinks .
'footnotes' -> footnotes .
'sanitized' -> sanitized .
'footnotesRaw' -> self pubPubFootnotesText .
'footnotesNew' -> cleanedFootnotesText contents } asDictionary."
self body: (sanitized copyReplaceAll: self pubPubFootnotesText with: cleanedFootnotesText contents)
self body: (sanitized copyReplaceAll: self pubPubFootnotesText with: cleanedFootnotesText contents)
@ -397,6 +392,19 @@ Markdeep >> pubPubImageLinks [
^ self selectPubPubLinksWithSize: 3
^ self selectPubPubLinksWithSize: 3
{ #category : #accessing }
Markdeep >> pubPubImagesToMarkdeep [
| sanitized parsedLinks |
parsedLinks := self pubPubImageLinks.
parsedLinks ifEmpty: [ ^self ].
sanitized := self body.
parsedLinks do: [:link |
sanitized := sanitized copyReplaceAll: '{', link third, '}' with: ''
self body: sanitized
{ #category : #accessing }
{ #category : #accessing }
Markdeep >> pubPubRawLinks [
Markdeep >> pubPubRawLinks [
| parser |
| parser |
Reference in New Issue
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