Utilities for visualizing dictionaries.

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Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas 2024-05-11 11:19:25 -05:00
parent da459b9d26
commit 28a3d22911
1 changed files with 61 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -33,3 +33,64 @@ OrderedDictionary >> redefineTimestampsBefore: dateAndTime [
self at: 'modified' put: dateAndTime asDateAndTime.
self at: 'created' put: dateAndTime asDateAndTime - 1 second.
{ #category : #'*MiniDocs' }
OrderedDictionary >> replaceNilsWith: aCharacter [
self associationsDo: [:each |
each value ifNil: [self at: each key put: aCharacter].
each value isDictionary ifTrue: [each value replaceNilsWith: aCharacter].
each value isArray ifTrue: [ | newArray|
newArray := (each value asDataSeries replaceNilsWith: aCharacter) asArray.
self at: each key put: newArray
{ #category : #'*MiniDocs' }
OrderedDictionary >> replaceWithUniqueNilsAndBooleansStartingAt: anInteger [
| totalNils shortUID |
totalNils := self flattened asDataSeries countNils.
shortUID := [NanoID generate copyFrom: 1 to: 3].
self associations doWithIndex: [:assoc :i | | subIndex |
subIndex := anInteger asString, '-', i asString.
assoc value
ifNil: [ self at: assoc key put: 'nil-', subIndex ].
assoc value isBoolean
ifTrue: [ self at: assoc key put: assoc value asString, '-', subIndex ].
assoc value isDictionary ifTrue: [assoc replaceWithUniqueNilsAndBooleansStartingAt: i].
assoc value isArray ifTrue: [ | newArray|
newArray := (assoc value asDataSeries replaceNilsWith: 'nil-', shortUID value) asArray.
(newArray includesAny: #(true false))
ifTrue: [ | response newItem |
response := OrderedCollection new.
self do: [ :item |
item isBoolean
ifTrue: [ newItem := item asString, '-', shortUID value]
ifFalse: [ newItem := item ].
response add: newItem.
newArray := response asArray.
self at: assoc key put: newArray
{ #category : #'*MiniDocs' }
OrderedDictionary >> treeView [
| view |
view := GtMondrian new.
view nodes
stencil: [ :x |
BlElement new
border: (BlBorder paint: Color black);
geometry: BlEllipseGeometry new;
layout: (BlLinearLayout new alignCenter);
addChild: (BlTextElement text: (x asRopedText fontSize: 17)) ];
with: (self flatCollectAsSet: #yourself) , self keys.
view edges
stencil: [ :x | BlLineElement new border: (BlBorder paint: (Color blue alpha: 0.5) width: 4) ];
connect: self associations from: #key toAll: #value.
view layout tree.
^ view