Minimal working example of nesting page contents importation.
This commit is contained in:
@ -2,14 +2,14 @@ Extension { #name : #LeDatabase }
{ #category : #'*MiniDocs' }
LeDatabase >> addPage2FromMarkdeep: markdeepDocTree withRemote: externalDocLocation [
| remoteMetadata divSnippets dataSnippets snippets page |
| remoteMetadata divSnippets dataSnippets snippets newPage |
divSnippets := (markdeepDocTree xpath: '//div[@st-class]') asOrderedCollection
collect: [ :xmlElement | xmlElement postCopy ].
remoteMetadata := Markdeep new metadataFromXML: markdeepDocTree.
remoteMetadata at: 'origin' put: externalDocLocation.
dataSnippets := self sanitizeMarkdeepSnippets: divSnippets withMetadata: remoteMetadata.
snippets := dataSnippets collect: [ :each | each asLepiterSnippet ].
page := LePage new
newPage := LePage new
title: (remoteMetadata at: 'title');
basicUid: (UUID fromString36: (remoteMetadata at: 'id'));
createTime: (LeTime new time: (remoteMetadata at: 'created') asDateAndTime);
@ -17,8 +17,22 @@ LeDatabase >> addPage2FromMarkdeep: markdeepDocTree withRemote: externalDocLocat
latestEditTime: (LeTime new time: (remoteMetadata at: 'modified') asDateAndTime);
createEmail: (remoteMetadata at: 'creator');
editEmail: (remoteMetadata at: 'modifier').
^ { snippets . page }
"snippets do: [ :snippet |
"^ { snippets . page }"
"Rebulding partial subtrees"
snippets do: [:currentSnippet | |parentSnippet|
parentSnippet := snippets
detect: [:item | item uid asString = currentSnippet parent]
ifNone: [ parentSnippet := 'unrooted' ].
currentSnippet parent: parentSnippet.
(parentSnippet class = ByteString)
ifFalse: [ parentSnippet children addChild: currentSnippet ]
"Adding unrooted subtrees to the page"
select: [:each | each parent = 'unrooted']
thenDo: [:unrooted | newPage addSnippet: unrooted ].
"^ newPage"
newPage childrenDo: [ :snippet |
(self hasBlockUID: snippet uid)
ifTrue: [ | existingPage |
existingPage := self pages
@ -27,8 +41,8 @@ LeDatabase >> addPage2FromMarkdeep: markdeepDocTree withRemote: externalDocLocat
^ self ]
ifFalse: [ snippet database: self.
self registerSnippet: snippet ] ].
self addPage: page.
^ page"
self addPage: newPage.
^ newPage
{ #category : #'*MiniDocs' }
@ -86,7 +100,7 @@ LeDatabase >> addPageFromMarkdeepUrl: aString [
ifNotNil: [ :arg |
self importErrorForLocal: page withRemote: aString.
^ self ].
^ self addPage2FromMarkdeep: (self docTreeForLink: aString) withRemote: aString
^ self addPageFromMarkdeep: (self docTreeForLink: aString) withRemote: aString
{ #category : #'*MiniDocs' }
Reference in New Issue
Block a user