Improving Markdown metadata importation. Exportation needs to be changed consequently.

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Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas 2023-03-09 15:51:50 -05:00
parent a4c77629ff
commit 1c935c0de0

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@ -55,6 +55,16 @@ Markdown >> contents: anObject [
contents := anObject contents := anObject
] ]
{ #category : #accessing }
Markdown >> contentsWithoutYAMLMetadata [
| newContents |
self detectYAMLMetadata ifFalse: [ ^ self ].
newContents := '' writeStream.
(self lines copyFrom: self yamlMetadataClosingLineNumber + 2 to: self lines size) do: [ :line |
newContents nextPutAll: line; crlf ].
^ newContents contents.
{ #category : #utilities } { #category : #utilities }
Markdown >> detectYAMLMetadata [ Markdown >> detectYAMLMetadata [
| lines | | lines |
@ -114,7 +124,8 @@ Markdown >> fromFile: aFileReference [
{ #category : #'instance creation' } { #category : #'instance creation' }
Markdown >> fromString: markdownString [ Markdown >> fromString: markdownString [
self contents: markdownString. self contents: markdownString.
self populateMetadata self populateMetadata.
self contents: self contentsWithoutYAMLMetadata
] ]
{ #category : #accessing } { #category : #accessing }