Minimal conversion of PubPub footnotes links to Markdeep's.

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Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas 2022-10-23 07:50:29 -05:00
parent 162d126aeb
commit 0a6dccba99

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@ -288,6 +288,74 @@ Markdeep >> processMarkdownFor: aFileReference [
self metadata: markdownContent yamlMetadata self metadata: markdownContent yamlMetadata
] ]
{ #category : #accessing }
Markdeep >> pubPubFootnoteLinks [
| footnotes sanitized footnotesText |
footnotes := OrderedDictionary new.
self pubPubFootnoteRawLinks do: [:link | | footnote|
footnote := self pubPubFootnoteMetadataFromString: link second.
footnote ifNotNil: [ | toReplace |
footnotes at: link first put: footnote.
toReplace := '[', link first, ']', '{', link second, '}'.
sanitized := self body copyReplaceAll: toReplace with: '[^', link first, ']'
footnotesText := '' writeStream.
footnotes keysAndValuesDo: [:k :v |
nextPutAll: '[^', k, ']: ';
nextPutAll: (v at: 'data-value')
self pubPubFootnotesText.
^ {footnotes . sanitized . footnotesText contents } third
{ #category : #accessing }
Markdeep >> pubPubFootnoteMetadataFromString: string [
| sanitized footnoteData |
(string lines size <= 1) ifTrue: [ ^ nil ].
sanitized := '' writeStream.
string lines allButFirstDo: [:line |
(line beginsWith: '>') ifTrue: [
nextPutAll: line allButFirst;
nextPutAll: String lf
sanitized := sanitized contents copyReplaceAll: '.footnote ' with: ''.
sanitized := sanitized copyReplaceAll: 'type=' with: 'type: '.
sanitized := sanitized copyReplaceAll: 'value=' with: 'value: '.
footnoteData := { 'id' -> string lines first } asDictionary.
footnoteData addAll: (MiniDocs yamlToJson: sanitized).
^ footnoteData
{ #category : #accessing }
Markdeep >> pubPubFootnoteRawLinks [
| parser |
parser := PubPubGrammar new linkSea star.
^ parser parse: self body
{ #category : #accessing }
Markdeep >> pubPubFootnotesLinesRange [
| beginningLine endingLine |
beginningLine := self body lines size + 1.
self body lines doWithIndex: [:line :i |
(line beginsWith: '::: {.pub-notes}') ifTrue: [ beginningLine := i ].
(i > beginningLine and: [ line beginsWith: ':::' ])
ifTrue: [
endingLine := i.
^ {beginningLine . endingLine}
{ #category : #accessing }
Markdeep >> pubPubFootnotesText [
^ self pubPubFootnotesLinesRange
{ #category : #accessing } { #category : #accessing }
Markdeep >> tail [ Markdeep >> tail [
"I enable the document tail, which, in turn, enables a Markdeep document" "I enable the document tail, which, in turn, enables a Markdeep document"