src | ||
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Lepiter Plugins
A bundle of plugins to customize the Lepiter experience.
Some day they may evolve so Grafoscopio becomes a Lepiter distribution, in a similar way that Doom Emacs or Spacemacs customize the "raw" Emacs experience (or may not...).
GToolkit now provides a more mature platform to build something similar to what Grafoscopio was exploring since 2015: data storytelling powered by a live coding moldable environment to bridge the gap between programming cultures and the wider culture to explore together the question of "how can we change the digital tools that change us?".
Plugins here try to improve and/or customize the Lepiter experience to improve document writing/outlining and focus more on data narratives. This is build from the years long experience with a diverse community around Grafoscopio mostly of non professional coders (teachers, students, desginers, artists, librarias, scientists, among others) since its beginnings. Also they serve as a starting test bed to explore the moldability of GToolkit the affordances it provides for customization and how easy is to use them.
To load this package open a Playground in GToolkit and execute:
"I load the configuration of this package using a external Gitea repository."
"While more Git independient providers are implemented in Monticello, I will use Iceberg
to download the repository and load it from a local directory"
| location localRepo repoName packageName |
"Sometimes repoName and packageName are different, following Pharo's conventions.
For example the repoName can be MyPackage, while packageName can be My-Package"
repoName := 'LepiterPlugins'.
packageName := 'LepiterPlugins'.
"Local and remote repo definition"
location := FileLocator localDirectory / 'iceberg' / 'Offray' / repoName.
location exists ifFalse: [
(IceRepositoryCreator new
location: location;
remote: (IceGitRemote url: '', repoName, '.git');
"Package loading"
localRepo := 'gitlocal://', location fullName.
Metacello new
repository: localRepo;
baseline: repoName;
spec baseline: repoName with: [ spec repository: localRepo ].
spec package: packageName with: [ spec repository: localRepo ].