2020-05-23 15:45:54 -05:00

1637 lines
72 KiB

* @license Highcharts JS v8.1.0 (2020-05-05)
* (c) 2017-2019 Highsoft AS
* Authors: Jon Arild Nygard
* License: www.highcharts.com/license
'use strict';
(function (factory) {
if (typeof module === 'object' && module.exports) {
factory['default'] = factory;
module.exports = factory;
} else if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
define('highcharts/modules/venn', ['highcharts'], function (Highcharts) {
factory.Highcharts = Highcharts;
return factory;
} else {
factory(typeof Highcharts !== 'undefined' ? Highcharts : undefined);
}(function (Highcharts) {
var _modules = Highcharts ? Highcharts._modules : {};
function _registerModule(obj, path, args, fn) {
if (!obj.hasOwnProperty(path)) {
obj[path] = fn.apply(null, args);
_registerModule(_modules, 'mixins/draw-point.js', [], function () {
/* *
* */
var isFn = function (x) {
return typeof x === 'function';
/* eslint-disable no-invalid-this, valid-jsdoc */
* Handles the drawing of a component.
* Can be used for any type of component that reserves the graphic property, and
* provides a shouldDraw on its context.
* @private
* @function draw
* @param {DrawPointParams} params
* Parameters.
* @todo add type checking.
* @todo export this function to enable usage
var draw = function draw(params) {
var _a;
var component = this, graphic = component.graphic, animatableAttribs = params.animatableAttribs, onComplete = params.onComplete, css = params.css, renderer = params.renderer, animation = (_a = component.series) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.options.animation;
if (component.shouldDraw()) {
if (!graphic) {
component.graphic = graphic =
.animate(animatableAttribs, params.isNew ? false : animation, onComplete);
else if (graphic) {
var destroy = function () {
component.graphic = graphic = graphic.destroy();
if (isFn(onComplete)) {
// animate only runs complete callback if something was animated.
if (Object.keys(animatableAttribs).length) {
graphic.animate(animatableAttribs, void 0, function () {
else {
* An extended version of draw customized for points.
* It calls additional methods that is expected when rendering a point.
* @private
* @param {Highcharts.Dictionary<any>} params Parameters
var drawPoint = function drawPoint(params) {
var point = this, attribs = params.attribs = params.attribs || {};
// Assigning class in dot notation does go well in IE8
// eslint-disable-next-line dot-notation
attribs['class'] = point.getClassName();
// Call draw to render component
draw.call(point, params);
return drawPoint;
_registerModule(_modules, 'mixins/geometry.js', [], function () {
/* *
* */
* Calculates the center between a list of points.
* @private
* @param {Array<Highcharts.PositionObject>} points
* A list of points to calculate the center of.
* @return {Highcharts.PositionObject}
* Calculated center
var getCenterOfPoints = function getCenterOfPoints(points) {
var sum = points.reduce(function (sum, point) {
sum.x += point.x;
sum.y += point.y;
return sum;
}, { x: 0, y: 0 });
return {
x: sum.x / points.length,
y: sum.y / points.length
* Calculates the distance between two points based on their x and y
* coordinates.
* @private
* @param {Highcharts.PositionObject} p1
* The x and y coordinates of the first point.
* @param {Highcharts.PositionObject} p2
* The x and y coordinates of the second point.
* @return {number}
* Returns the distance between the points.
var getDistanceBetweenPoints = function getDistanceBetweenPoints(p1, p2) {
return Math.sqrt(Math.pow(p2.x - p1.x, 2) + Math.pow(p2.y - p1.y, 2));
* Calculates the angle between two points.
* @todo add unit tests.
* @private
* @param {Highcharts.PositionObject} p1 The first point.
* @param {Highcharts.PositionObject} p2 The second point.
* @return {number} Returns the angle in radians.
var getAngleBetweenPoints = function getAngleBetweenPoints(p1, p2) {
return Math.atan2(p2.x - p1.x, p2.y - p1.y);
var geometry = {
getAngleBetweenPoints: getAngleBetweenPoints,
getCenterOfPoints: getCenterOfPoints,
getDistanceBetweenPoints: getDistanceBetweenPoints
return geometry;
_registerModule(_modules, 'mixins/geometry-circles.js', [_modules['mixins/geometry.js']], function (geometry) {
/* *
* */
var getAngleBetweenPoints = geometry.getAngleBetweenPoints, getCenterOfPoints = geometry.getCenterOfPoints, getDistanceBetweenPoints = geometry.getDistanceBetweenPoints;
* @private
* @param {number} x
* Number to round
* @param {number} decimals
* Number of decimals to round to
* @return {number}
* Rounded number
function round(x, decimals) {
var a = Math.pow(10, decimals);
return Math.round(x * a) / a;
* Calculates the area of a circle based on its radius.
* @private
* @param {number} r
* The radius of the circle.
* @return {number}
* Returns the area of the circle.
function getAreaOfCircle(r) {
if (r <= 0) {
throw new Error('radius of circle must be a positive number.');
return Math.PI * r * r;
* Calculates the area of a circular segment based on the radius of the circle
* and the height of the segment.
* See http://mathworld.wolfram.com/CircularSegment.html
* @private
* @param {number} r
* The radius of the circle.
* @param {number} h
* The height of the circular segment.
* @return {number}
* Returns the area of the circular segment.
function getCircularSegmentArea(r, h) {
return r * r * Math.acos(1 - h / r) - (r - h) * Math.sqrt(h * (2 * r - h));
* Calculates the area of overlap between two circles based on their radiuses
* and the distance between them.
* See http://mathworld.wolfram.com/Circle-CircleIntersection.html
* @private
* @param {number} r1
* Radius of the first circle.
* @param {number} r2
* Radius of the second circle.
* @param {number} d
* The distance between the two circles.
* @return {number}
* Returns the area of overlap between the two circles.
function getOverlapBetweenCircles(r1, r2, d) {
var overlap = 0;
// If the distance is larger than the sum of the radiuses then the circles
// does not overlap.
if (d < r1 + r2) {
if (d <= Math.abs(r2 - r1)) {
// If the circles are completely overlapping, then the overlap
// equals the area of the smallest circle.
overlap = getAreaOfCircle(r1 < r2 ? r1 : r2);
else {
// Height of first triangle segment.
var d1 = (r1 * r1 - r2 * r2 + d * d) / (2 * d),
// Height of second triangle segment.
d2 = d - d1;
overlap = (getCircularSegmentArea(r1, r1 - d1) +
getCircularSegmentArea(r2, r2 - d2));
// Round the result to two decimals.
overlap = round(overlap, 14);
return overlap;
* Calculates the intersection points of two circles.
* NOTE: does not handle floating errors well.
* @private
* @param {Highcharts.CircleObject} c1
* The first circle.
* @param {Highcharts.CircleObject} c2
* The second sircle.
* @return {Array<Highcharts.PositionObject>}
* Returns the resulting intersection points.
function getCircleCircleIntersection(c1, c2) {
var d = getDistanceBetweenPoints(c1, c2), r1 = c1.r, r2 = c2.r;
var points = [];
if (d < r1 + r2 && d > Math.abs(r1 - r2)) {
// If the circles are overlapping, but not completely overlapping, then
// it exists intersecting points.
var r1Square = r1 * r1, r2Square = r2 * r2,
// d^2 - r^2 + R^2 / 2d
x = (r1Square - r2Square + d * d) / (2 * d),
// y^2 = R^2 - x^2
y = Math.sqrt(r1Square - x * x), x1 = c1.x, x2 = c2.x, y1 = c1.y, y2 = c2.y, x0 = x1 + x * (x2 - x1) / d, y0 = y1 + x * (y2 - y1) / d, rx = -(y2 - y1) * (y / d), ry = -(x2 - x1) * (y / d);
points = [
{ x: round(x0 + rx, 14), y: round(y0 - ry, 14) },
{ x: round(x0 - rx, 14), y: round(y0 + ry, 14) }
return points;
* Calculates all the intersection points for between a list of circles.
* @private
* @param {Array<Highcharts.CircleObject>} circles
* The circles to calculate the points from.
* @return {Array<Highcharts.GeometryObject>}
* Returns a list of intersection points.
function getCirclesIntersectionPoints(circles) {
return circles.reduce(function (points, c1, i, arr) {
var additional = arr.slice(i + 1)
.reduce(function (points, c2, j) {
var indexes = [i, j + i + 1];
return points.concat(getCircleCircleIntersection(c1, c2)
.map(function (p) {
p.indexes = indexes;
return p;
}, []);
return points.concat(additional);
}, []);
* Tests wether the first circle is completely overlapping the second circle.
* @private
* @param {Highcharts.CircleObject} circle1 The first circle.
* @param {Highcharts.CircleObject} circle2 The The second circle.
* @return {boolean} Returns true if circle1 is completely overlapping circle2,
* false if not.
function isCircle1CompletelyOverlappingCircle2(circle1, circle2) {
return getDistanceBetweenPoints(circle1, circle2) + circle2.r <
circle1.r + 1e-10;
* Tests wether a point lies within a given circle.
* @private
* @param {Highcharts.PositionObject} point
* The point to test for.
* @param {Highcharts.CircleObject} circle
* The circle to test if the point is within.
* @return {boolean}
* Returns true if the point is inside, false if outside.
function isPointInsideCircle(point, circle) {
return getDistanceBetweenPoints(point, circle) <= circle.r + 1e-10;
* Tests wether a point lies within a set of circles.
* @private
* @param {Highcharts.PositionObject} point
* The point to test.
* @param {Array<Highcharts.CircleObject>} circles
* The list of circles to test against.
* @return {boolean}
* Returns true if the point is inside all the circles, false if not.
function isPointInsideAllCircles(point, circles) {
return !circles.some(function (circle) {
return !isPointInsideCircle(point, circle);
* Tests wether a point lies outside a set of circles.
* TODO: add unit tests.
* @private
* @param {Highcharts.PositionObject} point
* The point to test.
* @param {Array<Highcharts.CircleObject>} circles
* The list of circles to test against.
* @return {boolean}
* Returns true if the point is outside all the circles, false if not.
function isPointOutsideAllCircles(point, circles) {
return !circles.some(function (circle) {
return isPointInsideCircle(point, circle);
* Calculates the points for the polygon of the intersection area between a set
* of circles.
* @private
* @param {Array<Highcharts.CircleObject>} circles
* List of circles to calculate polygon of.
* @return {Array<Highcharts.GeometryObject>} Return list of points in the
* intersection polygon.
function getCirclesIntersectionPolygon(circles) {
return getCirclesIntersectionPoints(circles)
.filter(function (p) {
return isPointInsideAllCircles(p, circles);
* Calculate the path for the area of overlap between a set of circles.
* @todo handle cases with only 1 or 0 arcs.
* @private
* @param {Array<Highcharts.CircleObject>} circles
* List of circles to calculate area of.
* @return {Highcharts.GeometryIntersectionObject|undefined}
* Returns the path for the area of overlap. Returns an empty string if
* there are no intersection between all the circles.
function getAreaOfIntersectionBetweenCircles(circles) {
var intersectionPoints = getCirclesIntersectionPolygon(circles), result;
if (intersectionPoints.length > 1) {
// Calculate the center of the intersection points.
var center_1 = getCenterOfPoints(intersectionPoints);
intersectionPoints = intersectionPoints
// Calculate the angle between the center and the points.
.map(function (p) {
p.angle = getAngleBetweenPoints(center_1, p);
return p;
// Sort the points by the angle to the center.
.sort(function (a, b) {
return b.angle - a.angle;
var startPoint = intersectionPoints[intersectionPoints.length - 1];
var arcs = intersectionPoints
.reduce(function (data, p1) {
var startPoint = data.startPoint, midPoint = getCenterOfPoints([startPoint, p1]);
// Calculate the arc from the intersection points and their
// circles.
var arc = p1.indexes
// Filter out circles that are not included in both
// intersection points.
.filter(function (index) {
return startPoint.indexes.indexOf(index) > -1;
// Iterate the circles of the intersection points and
// calculate arcs.
.reduce(function (arc, index) {
var circle = circles[index], angle1 = getAngleBetweenPoints(circle, p1), angle2 = getAngleBetweenPoints(circle, startPoint), angleDiff = angle2 - angle1 +
(angle2 < angle1 ? 2 * Math.PI : 0), angle = angle2 - angleDiff / 2;
var width = getDistanceBetweenPoints(midPoint, {
x: circle.x + circle.r * Math.sin(angle),
y: circle.y + circle.r * Math.cos(angle)
var r = circle.r;
// Width can sometimes become to large due to floating
// point errors
if (width > r * 2) {
width = r * 2;
// Get the arc with the smallest width.
if (!arc || arc.width > width) {
arc = {
r: r,
largeArc: width > r ? 1 : 0,
width: width,
x: p1.x,
y: p1.y
// Return the chosen arc.
return arc;
}, null);
// If we find an arc then add it to the list and update p2.
if (arc) {
var r = arc.r;
data.arcs.push(['A', r, r, 0, arc.largeArc, 1, arc.x, arc.y]);
data.startPoint = p1;
return data;
}, {
startPoint: startPoint,
arcs: []
if (arcs.length === 0) {
// empty
else if (arcs.length === 1) {
// empty
else {
arcs.unshift(['M', startPoint.x, startPoint.y]);
result = {
center: center_1,
d: arcs
return result;
var geometryCircles = {
getAreaOfCircle: getAreaOfCircle,
getAreaOfIntersectionBetweenCircles: getAreaOfIntersectionBetweenCircles,
getCircleCircleIntersection: getCircleCircleIntersection,
getCirclesIntersectionPoints: getCirclesIntersectionPoints,
getCirclesIntersectionPolygon: getCirclesIntersectionPolygon,
getCircularSegmentArea: getCircularSegmentArea,
getOverlapBetweenCircles: getOverlapBetweenCircles,
isCircle1CompletelyOverlappingCircle2: isCircle1CompletelyOverlappingCircle2,
isPointInsideCircle: isPointInsideCircle,
isPointInsideAllCircles: isPointInsideAllCircles,
isPointOutsideAllCircles: isPointOutsideAllCircles,
round: round
return geometryCircles;
_registerModule(_modules, 'mixins/nelder-mead.js', [], function () {
/* *
* */
/* eslint-disable valid-jsdoc */
var getCentroid = function (simplex) {
var arr = simplex.slice(0, -1), length = arr.length, result = [], sum = function (data, point) {
data.sum += point[data.i];
return data;
for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
result[i] = arr.reduce(sum, { sum: 0, i: i }).sum / length;
return result;
* Finds an optimal position for a given point.
* @todo add unit tests.
* @todo add constraints to optimize the algorithm.
* @private
* @param {Highcharts.NelderMeadTestFunction} fn
* The function to test a point.
* @param {Highcharts.NelderMeadPointArray} initial
* The initial point to optimize.
* @return {Highcharts.NelderMeadPointArray}
* Returns the opimized position of a point.
var nelderMead = function nelderMead(fn, initial) {
var maxIterations = 100, sortByFx = function (a, b) {
return a.fx - b.fx;
}, pRef = 1, // Reflection parameter
pExp = 2, // Expansion parameter
pCon = -0.5, // Contraction parameter
pOCon = pCon * pRef, // Outwards contraction parameter
pShrink = 0.5; // Shrink parameter
* @private
var weightedSum = function weightedSum(weight1, v1, weight2, v2) {
return v1.map(function (x, i) {
return weight1 * x + weight2 * v2[i];
* @private
var getSimplex = function getSimplex(initial) {
var n = initial.length, simplex = new Array(n + 1);
// Initial point to the simplex.
simplex[0] = initial;
simplex[0].fx = fn(initial);
// Create a set of extra points based on the initial.
for (var i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
var point = initial.slice();
point[i] = point[i] ? point[i] * 1.05 : 0.001;
point.fx = fn(point);
simplex[i + 1] = point;
return simplex;
var updateSimplex = function (simplex, point) {
point.fx = fn(point);
simplex[simplex.length - 1] = point;
return simplex;
var shrinkSimplex = function (simplex) {
var best = simplex[0];
return simplex.map(function (point) {
var p = weightedSum(1 - pShrink, best, pShrink, point);
p.fx = fn(p);
return p;
var getPoint = function (centroid, worst, a, b) {
var point = weightedSum(a, centroid, b, worst);
point.fx = fn(point);
return point;
// Create a simplex
var simplex = getSimplex(initial);
// Iterate from 0 to max iterations
for (var i = 0; i < maxIterations; i++) {
// Sort the simplex
// Create a centroid from the simplex
var worst = simplex[simplex.length - 1];
var centroid = getCentroid(simplex);
// Calculate the reflected point.
var reflected = getPoint(centroid, worst, 1 + pRef, -pRef);
if (reflected.fx < simplex[0].fx) {
// If reflected point is the best, then possibly expand.
var expanded = getPoint(centroid, worst, 1 + pExp, -pExp);
simplex = updateSimplex(simplex, (expanded.fx < reflected.fx) ? expanded : reflected);
else if (reflected.fx >= simplex[simplex.length - 2].fx) {
// If the reflected point is worse than the second worse, then
// contract.
var contracted;
if (reflected.fx > worst.fx) {
// If the reflected is worse than the worst point, do a
// contraction
contracted = getPoint(centroid, worst, 1 + pCon, -pCon);
if (contracted.fx < worst.fx) {
simplex = updateSimplex(simplex, contracted);
else {
simplex = shrinkSimplex(simplex);
else {
// Otherwise do an outwards contraction
contracted = getPoint(centroid, worst, 1 - pOCon, pOCon);
if (contracted.fx < reflected.fx) {
simplex = updateSimplex(simplex, contracted);
else {
simplex = shrinkSimplex(simplex);
else {
simplex = updateSimplex(simplex, reflected);
return simplex[0];
var content = {
getCentroid: getCentroid,
nelderMead: nelderMead
return content;
_registerModule(_modules, 'modules/venn.src.js', [_modules['parts/Globals.js'], _modules['mixins/draw-point.js'], _modules['mixins/geometry.js'], _modules['mixins/geometry-circles.js'], _modules['mixins/nelder-mead.js'], _modules['parts/Color.js'], _modules['parts/Utilities.js']], function (H, draw, geometry, geometryCirclesModule, nelderMeadModule, Color, U) {
/* *
* Experimental Highcharts module which enables visualization of a Venn
* diagram.
* (c) 2016-2020 Highsoft AS
* Authors: Jon Arild Nygard
* Layout algorithm by Ben Frederickson:
* https://www.benfrederickson.com/better-venn-diagrams/
* License: www.highcharts.com/license
* */
var getAreaOfCircle = geometryCirclesModule.getAreaOfCircle, getAreaOfIntersectionBetweenCircles = geometryCirclesModule.getAreaOfIntersectionBetweenCircles, getCircleCircleIntersection = geometryCirclesModule.getCircleCircleIntersection, getCirclesIntersectionPolygon = geometryCirclesModule.getCirclesIntersectionPolygon, getOverlapBetweenCirclesByDistance = geometryCirclesModule.getOverlapBetweenCircles, isCircle1CompletelyOverlappingCircle2 = geometryCirclesModule.isCircle1CompletelyOverlappingCircle2, isPointInsideAllCircles = geometryCirclesModule.isPointInsideAllCircles, isPointInsideCircle = geometryCirclesModule.isPointInsideCircle, isPointOutsideAllCircles = geometryCirclesModule.isPointOutsideAllCircles;
// TODO: replace with individual imports
var nelderMead = nelderMeadModule.nelderMead;
var color = Color.parse;
var addEvent = U.addEvent, animObject = U.animObject, extend = U.extend, isArray = U.isArray, isNumber = U.isNumber, isObject = U.isObject, isString = U.isString, merge = U.merge, seriesType = U.seriesType;
var getCenterOfPoints = geometry.getCenterOfPoints, getDistanceBetweenPoints = geometry.getDistanceBetweenPoints, seriesTypes = H.seriesTypes;
var objectValues = function objectValues(obj) {
return Object.keys(obj).map(function (x) {
return obj[x];
* Calculates the area of overlap between a list of circles.
* @private
* @todo add support for calculating overlap between more than 2 circles.
* @param {Array<Highcharts.CircleObject>} circles
* List of circles with their given positions.
* @return {number}
* Returns the area of overlap between all the circles.
var getOverlapBetweenCircles = function getOverlapBetweenCircles(circles) {
var overlap = 0;
// When there is only two circles we can find the overlap by using their
// radiuses and the distance between them.
if (circles.length === 2) {
var circle1 = circles[0];
var circle2 = circles[1];
overlap = getOverlapBetweenCirclesByDistance(circle1.r, circle2.r, getDistanceBetweenPoints(circle1, circle2));
return overlap;
* Calculates the difference between the desired overlap and the actual overlap
* between two circles.
* @private
* @param {Dictionary<Highcharts.CircleObject>} mapOfIdToCircle
* Map from id to circle.
* @param {Array<Highcharts.VennRelationObject>} relations
* List of relations to calculate the loss of.
* @return {number}
* Returns the loss between positions of the circles for the given relations.
var loss = function loss(mapOfIdToCircle, relations) {
var precision = 10e10;
// Iterate all the relations and calculate their individual loss.
return relations.reduce(function (totalLoss, relation) {
var loss = 0;
if (relation.sets.length > 1) {
var wantedOverlap = relation.value;
// Calculate the actual overlap between the sets.
var actualOverlap = getOverlapBetweenCircles(
// Get the circles for the given sets.
relation.sets.map(function (set) {
return mapOfIdToCircle[set];
var diff = wantedOverlap - actualOverlap;
loss = Math.round((diff * diff) * precision) / precision;
// Add calculated loss to the sum.
return totalLoss + loss;
}, 0);
* Finds the root of a given function. The root is the input value needed for
* a function to return 0.
* See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bisection_method#Algorithm
* TODO: Add unit tests.
* @param {Function} f
* The function to find the root of.
* @param {number} a
* The lowest number in the search range.
* @param {number} b
* The highest number in the search range.
* @param {number} [tolerance=1e-10]
* The allowed difference between the returned value and root.
* @param {number} [maxIterations=100]
* The maximum iterations allowed.
* @return {number}
* Root number.
var bisect = function bisect(f, a, b, tolerance, maxIterations) {
var fA = f(a), fB = f(b), nMax = maxIterations || 100, tol = tolerance || 1e-10, delta = b - a, n = 1, x, fX;
if (a >= b) {
throw new Error('a must be smaller than b.');
else if (fA * fB > 0) {
throw new Error('f(a) and f(b) must have opposite signs.');
if (fA === 0) {
x = a;
else if (fB === 0) {
x = b;
else {
while (n++ <= nMax && fX !== 0 && delta > tol) {
delta = (b - a) / 2;
x = a + delta;
fX = f(x);
// Update low and high for next search interval.
if (fA * fX > 0) {
a = x;
else {
b = x;
return x;
* Uses the bisection method to make a best guess of the ideal distance between
* two circles too get the desired overlap.
* Currently there is no known formula to calculate the distance from the area
* of overlap, which makes the bisection method preferred.
* @private
* @param {number} r1
* Radius of the first circle.
* @param {number} r2
* Radiues of the second circle.
* @param {number} overlap
* The wanted overlap between the two circles.
* @return {number}
* Returns the distance needed to get the wanted overlap between the two
* circles.
var getDistanceBetweenCirclesByOverlap = function getDistanceBetweenCirclesByOverlap(r1, r2, overlap) {
var maxDistance = r1 + r2, distance;
if (overlap <= 0) {
// If overlap is below or equal to zero, then there is no overlap.
distance = maxDistance;
else if (getAreaOfCircle(r1 < r2 ? r1 : r2) <= overlap) {
// When area of overlap is larger than the area of the smallest circle,
// then it is completely overlapping.
distance = 0;
else {
distance = bisect(function (x) {
var actualOverlap = getOverlapBetweenCirclesByDistance(r1, r2, x);
// Return the differance between wanted and actual overlap.
return overlap - actualOverlap;
}, 0, maxDistance);
return distance;
var isSet = function (x) {
return isArray(x.sets) && x.sets.length === 1;
* Calculates a margin for a point based on the iternal and external circles.
* The margin describes if the point is well placed within the internal circles,
* and away from the external
* @private
* @todo add unit tests.
* @param {Highcharts.PositionObject} point
* The point to evaluate.
* @param {Array<Highcharts.CircleObject>} internal
* The internal circles.
* @param {Array<Highcharts.CircleObject>} external
* The external circles.
* @return {number}
* Returns the margin.
var getMarginFromCircles = function getMarginFromCircles(point, internal, external) {
var margin = internal.reduce(function (margin, circle) {
var m = circle.r - getDistanceBetweenPoints(point, circle);
return (m <= margin) ? m : margin;
}, Number.MAX_VALUE);
margin = external.reduce(function (margin, circle) {
var m = getDistanceBetweenPoints(point, circle) - circle.r;
return (m <= margin) ? m : margin;
}, margin);
return margin;
* Finds the optimal label position by looking for a position that has a low
* distance from the internal circles, and as large possible distane to the
* external circles.
* @private
* @todo Optimize the intial position.
* @todo Add unit tests.
* @param {Array<Highcharts.CircleObject>} internal
* Internal circles.
* @param {Array<Highcharts.CircleObject>} external
* External circles.
* @return {Highcharts.PositionObject}
* Returns the found position.
var getLabelPosition = function getLabelPosition(internal, external) {
// Get the best label position within the internal circles.
var best = internal.reduce(function (best, circle) {
var d = circle.r / 2;
// Give a set of points with the circle to evaluate as the best label
// position.
return [
{ x: circle.x, y: circle.y },
{ x: circle.x + d, y: circle.y },
{ x: circle.x - d, y: circle.y },
{ x: circle.x, y: circle.y + d },
{ x: circle.x, y: circle.y - d }
// Iterate the given points and return the one with the largest
// margin.
.reduce(function (best, point) {
var margin = getMarginFromCircles(point, internal, external);
// If the margin better than the current best, then update best.
if (best.margin < margin) {
best.point = point;
best.margin = margin;
return best;
}, best);
}, {
point: void 0,
margin: -Number.MAX_VALUE
// Use nelder mead to optimize the initial label position.
var optimal = nelderMead(function (p) {
return -(getMarginFromCircles({ x: p[0], y: p[1] }, internal, external));
}, [best.x, best.y]);
// Update best to be the point which was found to have the best margin.
best = {
x: optimal[0],
y: optimal[1]
if (!(isPointInsideAllCircles(best, internal) &&
isPointOutsideAllCircles(best, external))) {
// If point was either outside one of the internal, or inside one of the
// external, then it was invalid and should use a fallback.
if (internal.length > 1) {
best = getCenterOfPoints(getCirclesIntersectionPolygon(internal));
else {
best = {
x: internal[0].x,
y: internal[0].y
// Return the best point.
return best;
* Finds the available width for a label, by taking the label position and
* finding the largest distance, which is inside all internal circles, and
* outside all external circles.
* @private
* @param {Highcharts.PositionObject} pos
* The x and y coordinate of the label.
* @param {Array<Highcharts.CircleObject>} internal
* Internal circles.
* @param {Array<Highcharts.CircleObject>} external
* External circles.
* @return {number}
* Returns available width for the label.
var getLabelWidth = function getLabelWidth(pos, internal, external) {
var radius = internal.reduce(function (min, circle) {
return Math.min(circle.r, min);
}, Infinity),
// Filter out external circles that are completely overlapping.
filteredExternals = external.filter(function (circle) {
return !isPointInsideCircle(pos, circle);
var findDistance = function (maxDistance, direction) {
return bisect(function (x) {
var testPos = {
x: pos.x + (direction * x),
y: pos.y
}, isValid = (isPointInsideAllCircles(testPos, internal) &&
isPointOutsideAllCircles(testPos, filteredExternals));
// If the position is valid, then we want to move towards the max
// distance. If not, then we want to away from the max distance.
return -(maxDistance - x) + (isValid ? 0 : Number.MAX_VALUE);
}, 0, maxDistance);
// Find the smallest distance of left and right.
return Math.min(findDistance(radius, -1), findDistance(radius, 1)) * 2;
* Calulates data label values for a given relations object.
* @private
* @todo add unit tests
* @param {Highcharts.VennRelationObject} relation A relations object.
* @param {Array<Highcharts.VennRelationObject>} setRelations The list of
* relations that is a set.
* @return {Highcharts.VennLabelValuesObject}
* Returns an object containing position and width of the label.
function getLabelValues(relation, setRelations) {
var sets = relation.sets;
// Create a list of internal and external circles.
var data = setRelations.reduce(function (data, set) {
// If the set exists in this relation, then it is internal,
// otherwise it will be external.
var isInternal = sets.indexOf(set.sets[0]) > -1;
var property = isInternal ? 'internal' : 'external';
// Add the circle to the list.
return data;
}, {
internal: [],
external: []
// Filter out external circles that are completely overlapping all internal
data.external = data.external.filter(function (externalCircle) {
return data.internal.some(function (internalCircle) {
return !isCircle1CompletelyOverlappingCircle2(externalCircle, internalCircle);
// Calulate the label position.
var position = getLabelPosition(data.internal, data.external);
// Calculate the label width
var width = getLabelWidth(position, data.internal, data.external);
return {
position: position,
width: width
* Takes an array of relations and adds the properties `totalOverlap` and
* `overlapping` to each set. The property `totalOverlap` is the sum of value
* for each relation where this set is included. The property `overlapping` is
* a map of how much this set is overlapping another set.
* NOTE: This algorithm ignores relations consisting of more than 2 sets.
* @private
* @param {Array<Highcharts.VennRelationObject>} relations
* The list of relations that should be sorted.
* @return {Array<Highcharts.VennRelationObject>}
* Returns the modified input relations with added properties `totalOverlap` and
* `overlapping`.
var addOverlapToSets = function addOverlapToSets(relations) {
// Calculate the amount of overlap per set.
var mapOfIdToProps = relations
// Filter out relations consisting of 2 sets.
.filter(function (relation) {
return relation.sets.length === 2;
// Sum up the amount of overlap for each set.
.reduce(function (map, relation) {
var sets = relation.sets;
sets.forEach(function (set, i, arr) {
if (!isObject(map[set])) {
map[set] = {
overlapping: {},
totalOverlap: 0
map[set].totalOverlap += relation.value;
map[set].overlapping[arr[1 - i]] = relation.value;
return map;
}, {});
// Filter out single sets
// Extend the set with the calculated properties.
.forEach(function (set) {
var properties = mapOfIdToProps[set.sets[0]];
extend(set, properties);
// Returns the modified relations.
return relations;
* Takes two sets and finds the one with the largest total overlap.
* @private
* @param {object} a The first set to compare.
* @param {object} b The second set to compare.
* @return {number} Returns 0 if a and b are equal, <0 if a is greater, >0 if b
* is greater.
var sortByTotalOverlap = function sortByTotalOverlap(a, b) {
return b.totalOverlap - a.totalOverlap;
* Uses a greedy approach to position all the sets. Works well with a small
* number of sets, and are in these cases a good choice aesthetically.
* @private
* @param {Array<object>} relations List of the overlap between two or more
* sets, or the size of a single set.
* @return {Array<object>} List of circles and their calculated positions.
var layoutGreedyVenn = function layoutGreedyVenn(relations) {
var positionedSets = [], mapOfIdToCircles = {};
// Define a circle for each set.
.filter(function (relation) {
return relation.sets.length === 1;
}).forEach(function (relation) {
mapOfIdToCircles[relation.sets[0]] = relation.circle = {
x: Number.MAX_VALUE,
y: Number.MAX_VALUE,
r: Math.sqrt(relation.value / Math.PI)
* Takes a set and updates the position, and add the set to the list of
* positioned sets.
* @private
* @param {object} set
* The set to add to its final position.
* @param {object} coordinates
* The coordinates to position the set at.
* @return {void}
var positionSet = function positionSet(set, coordinates) {
var circle = set.circle;
circle.x = coordinates.x;
circle.y = coordinates.y;
// Find overlap between sets. Ignore relations with more then 2 sets.
// Sort sets by the sum of their size from large to small.
var sortedByOverlap = relations
// Position the most overlapped set at 0,0.
positionSet(sortedByOverlap.shift(), { x: 0, y: 0 });
var relationsWithTwoSets = relations.filter(function (x) {
return x.sets.length === 2;
// Iterate and position the remaining sets.
sortedByOverlap.forEach(function (set) {
var circle = set.circle, radius = circle.r, overlapping = set.overlapping;
var bestPosition = positionedSets
.reduce(function (best, positionedSet, i) {
var positionedCircle = positionedSet.circle, overlap = overlapping[positionedSet.sets[0]];
// Calculate the distance between the sets to get the correct
// overlap
var distance = getDistanceBetweenCirclesByOverlap(radius, positionedCircle.r, overlap);
// Create a list of possible coordinates calculated from
// distance.
var possibleCoordinates = [
{ x: positionedCircle.x + distance, y: positionedCircle.y },
{ x: positionedCircle.x - distance, y: positionedCircle.y },
{ x: positionedCircle.x, y: positionedCircle.y + distance },
{ x: positionedCircle.x, y: positionedCircle.y - distance }
// If there are more circles overlapping, then add the
// intersection points as possible positions.
positionedSets.slice(i + 1).forEach(function (positionedSet2) {
var positionedCircle2 = positionedSet2.circle, overlap2 = overlapping[positionedSet2.sets[0]], distance2 = getDistanceBetweenCirclesByOverlap(radius, positionedCircle2.r, overlap2);
// Add intersections to list of coordinates.
possibleCoordinates = possibleCoordinates.concat(getCircleCircleIntersection({
x: positionedCircle.x,
y: positionedCircle.y,
r: distance
}, {
x: positionedCircle2.x,
y: positionedCircle2.y,
r: distance2
// Iterate all suggested coordinates and find the best one.
possibleCoordinates.forEach(function (coordinates) {
circle.x = coordinates.x;
circle.y = coordinates.y;
// Calculate loss for the suggested coordinates.
var currentLoss = loss(mapOfIdToCircles, relationsWithTwoSets);
// If the loss is better, then use these new coordinates.
if (currentLoss < best.loss) {
best.loss = currentLoss;
best.coordinates = coordinates;
// Return resulting coordinates.
return best;
}, {
loss: Number.MAX_VALUE,
coordinates: void 0
// Add the set to its final position.
positionSet(set, bestPosition.coordinates);
// Return the positions of each set.
return mapOfIdToCircles;
* Calculates the positions, and the label values of all the sets in the venn
* diagram.
* @private
* @todo Add support for constrained MDS.
* @param {Array<Highchats.VennRelationObject>} relations
* List of the overlap between two or more sets, or the size of a single set.
* @return {Highcharts.Dictionary<*>}
* List of circles and their calculated positions.
function layout(relations) {
var mapOfIdToShape = {};
var mapOfIdToLabelValues = {};
// Calculate best initial positions by using greedy layout.
if (relations.length > 0) {
var mapOfIdToCircles_1 = layoutGreedyVenn(relations);
var setRelations_1 = relations.filter(isSet);
.forEach(function (relation) {
var sets = relation.sets;
var id = sets.join();
// Get shape from map of circles, or calculate intersection.
var shape = isSet(relation) ?
mapOfIdToCircles_1[id] :
getAreaOfIntersectionBetweenCircles(sets.map(function (set) {
return mapOfIdToCircles_1[set];
// Calculate label values if the set has a shape
if (shape) {
mapOfIdToShape[id] = shape;
mapOfIdToLabelValues[id] = getLabelValues(relation, setRelations_1);
return { mapOfIdToShape: mapOfIdToShape, mapOfIdToLabelValues: mapOfIdToLabelValues };
var isValidRelation = function (x) {
var map = {};
return (isObject(x) &&
(isNumber(x.value) && x.value > -1) &&
(isArray(x.sets) && x.sets.length > 0) &&
!x.sets.some(function (set) {
var invalid = false;
if (!map[set] && isString(set)) {
map[set] = true;
else {
invalid = true;
return invalid;
var isValidSet = function (x) {
return (isValidRelation(x) && isSet(x) && x.value > 0);
* Prepares the venn data so that it is usable for the layout function. Filter
* out sets, or intersections that includes sets, that are missing in the data
* or has (value < 1). Adds missing relations between sets in the data as
* value = 0.
* @private
* @param {Array<object>} data The raw input data.
* @return {Array<object>} Returns an array of valid venn data.
var processVennData = function processVennData(data) {
var d = isArray(data) ? data : [];
var validSets = d
.reduce(function (arr, x) {
// Check if x is a valid set, and that it is not an duplicate.
if (isValidSet(x) && arr.indexOf(x.sets[0]) === -1) {
return arr;
}, [])
var mapOfIdToRelation = d.reduce(function (mapOfIdToRelation, relation) {
if (isValidRelation(relation) &&
!relation.sets.some(function (set) {
return validSets.indexOf(set) === -1;
})) {
mapOfIdToRelation[relation.sets.sort().join()] =
return mapOfIdToRelation;
}, {});
validSets.reduce(function (combinations, set, i, arr) {
var remaining = arr.slice(i + 1);
remaining.forEach(function (set2) {
combinations.push(set + ',' + set2);
return combinations;
}, []).forEach(function (combination) {
if (!mapOfIdToRelation[combination]) {
var obj = {
sets: combination.split(','),
value: 0
mapOfIdToRelation[combination] = obj;
// Transform map into array.
return objectValues(mapOfIdToRelation);
* Calculates the proper scale to fit the cloud inside the plotting area.
* @private
* @todo add unit test
* @param {number} targetWidth
* Width of target area.
* @param {number} targetHeight
* Height of target area.
* @param {Highcharts.PolygonBoxObject} field
* The playing field.
* @return {Highcharts.Dictionary<number>}
* Returns the value to scale the playing field up to the size of the target
* area, and center of x and y.
var getScale = function getScale(targetWidth, targetHeight, field) {
var height = field.bottom - field.top, // top is smaller than bottom
width = field.right - field.left, scaleX = width > 0 ? 1 / width * targetWidth : 1, scaleY = height > 0 ? 1 / height * targetHeight : 1, adjustX = (field.right + field.left) / 2, adjustY = (field.top + field.bottom) / 2, scale = Math.min(scaleX, scaleY);
return {
scale: scale,
centerX: targetWidth / 2 - adjustX * scale,
centerY: targetHeight / 2 - adjustY * scale
* If a circle is outside a give field, then the boundaries of the field is
* adjusted accordingly. Modifies the field object which is passed as the first
* parameter.
* @private
* @todo NOTE: Copied from wordcloud, can probably be unified.
* @param {Highcharts.PolygonBoxObject} field
* The bounding box of a playing field.
* @param {Highcharts.CircleObject} circle
* The bounding box for a placed point.
* @return {Highcharts.PolygonBoxObject}
* Returns a modified field object.
var updateFieldBoundaries = function updateFieldBoundaries(field, circle) {
var left = circle.x - circle.r, right = circle.x + circle.r, bottom = circle.y + circle.r, top = circle.y - circle.r;
// TODO improve type checking.
if (!isNumber(field.left) || field.left > left) {
field.left = left;
if (!isNumber(field.right) || field.right < right) {
field.right = right;
if (!isNumber(field.top) || field.top > top) {
field.top = top;
if (!isNumber(field.bottom) || field.bottom < bottom) {
field.bottom = bottom;
return field;
* A Venn diagram displays all possible logical relations between a collection
* of different sets. The sets are represented by circles, and the relation
* between the sets are displayed by the overlap or lack of overlap between
* them. The venn diagram is a special case of Euler diagrams, which can also
* be displayed by this series type.
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/demo/venn-diagram/
* Venn diagram
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/demo/euler-diagram/
* Euler diagram
* @extends plotOptions.scatter
* @excluding connectEnds, connectNulls, cropThreshold, dragDrop,
* findNearestPointBy, getExtremesFromAll, jitter, label, linecap,
* lineWidth, linkedTo, marker, negativeColor, pointInterval,
* pointIntervalUnit, pointPlacement, pointStart, softThreshold,
* stacking, steps, threshold, xAxis, yAxis, zoneAxis, zones,
* dataSorting
* @product highcharts
* @requires modules/venn
* @optionparent plotOptions.venn
var vennOptions = {
borderColor: '#cccccc',
borderDashStyle: 'solid',
borderWidth: 1,
brighten: 0,
clip: false,
colorByPoint: true,
dataLabels: {
enabled: true,
verticalAlign: 'middle',
formatter: function () {
return this.point.name;
* @ignore-option
* @private
inactiveOtherPoints: true,
marker: false,
opacity: 0.75,
showInLegend: false,
states: {
* @excluding halo
hover: {
opacity: 1,
borderColor: '#333333'
* @excluding halo
select: {
color: '#cccccc',
borderColor: '#000000',
animation: false
inactive: {
opacity: 0.075
tooltip: {
pointFormat: '{point.name}: {point.value}'
var vennSeries = {
isCartesian: false,
axisTypes: [],
directTouch: true,
pointArrayMap: ['value'],
translate: function () {
var chart = this.chart;
this.processedXData = this.xData;
// Process the data before passing it into the layout function.
var relations = processVennData(this.options.data);
// Calculate the positions of each circle.
var _a = layout(relations), mapOfIdToShape = _a.mapOfIdToShape, mapOfIdToLabelValues = _a.mapOfIdToLabelValues;
// Calculate the scale, and center of the plot area.
var field = Object.keys(mapOfIdToShape)
.filter(function (key) {
var shape = mapOfIdToShape[key];
return shape && isNumber(shape.r);
.reduce(function (field, key) {
return updateFieldBoundaries(field, mapOfIdToShape[key]);
}, { top: 0, bottom: 0, left: 0, right: 0 }), scaling = getScale(chart.plotWidth, chart.plotHeight, field), scale = scaling.scale, centerX = scaling.centerX, centerY = scaling.centerY;
// Iterate all points and calculate and draw their graphics.
this.points.forEach(function (point) {
var sets = isArray(point.sets) ? point.sets : [], id = sets.join(), shape = mapOfIdToShape[id], shapeArgs, dataLabelValues = mapOfIdToLabelValues[id] || {}, dataLabelWidth = dataLabelValues.width, dataLabelPosition = dataLabelValues.position, dlOptions = point.options && point.options.dataLabels;
if (shape) {
if (shape.r) {
shapeArgs = {
x: centerX + shape.x * scale,
y: centerY + shape.y * scale,
r: shape.r * scale
else if (shape.d) {
var d = shape.d;
d.forEach(function (seg) {
if (seg[0] === 'M') {
seg[1] = centerX + seg[1] * scale;
seg[2] = centerY + seg[2] * scale;
else if (seg[0] === 'A') {
seg[1] = seg[1] * scale;
seg[2] = seg[2] * scale;
seg[6] = centerX + seg[6] * scale;
seg[7] = centerY + seg[7] * scale;
shapeArgs = { d: d };
// Scale the position for the data label.
if (dataLabelPosition) {
dataLabelPosition.x = centerX + dataLabelPosition.x * scale;
dataLabelPosition.y = centerY + dataLabelPosition.y * scale;
else {
dataLabelPosition = {};
if (isNumber(dataLabelWidth)) {
dataLabelWidth = Math.round(dataLabelWidth * scale);
point.shapeArgs = shapeArgs;
// Placement for the data labels
if (dataLabelPosition && shapeArgs) {
point.plotX = dataLabelPosition.x;
point.plotY = dataLabelPosition.y;
// Add width for the data label
if (dataLabelWidth && shapeArgs) {
point.dlOptions = merge(true, {
style: {
width: dataLabelWidth
}, isObject(dlOptions) && dlOptions);
// Set name for usage in tooltip and in data label.
point.name = point.options.name || sets.join('∩');
/* eslint-disable valid-jsdoc */
* Draw the graphics for each point.
* @private
drawPoints: function () {
var series = this,
// Series properties
chart = series.chart, group = series.group, points = series.points || [],
// Chart properties
renderer = chart.renderer;
// Iterate all points and calculate and draw their graphics.
points.forEach(function (point) {
var attribs = {
zIndex: isArray(point.sets) ? point.sets.length : 0
}, shapeArgs = point.shapeArgs;
// Add point attribs
if (!chart.styledMode) {
extend(attribs, series.pointAttribs(point, point.state));
// Draw the point graphic.
isNew: !point.graphic,
animatableAttribs: shapeArgs,
attribs: attribs,
group: group,
renderer: renderer,
shapeType: shapeArgs && shapeArgs.d ? 'path' : 'circle'
* Calculates the style attributes for a point. The attributes can vary
* depending on the state of the point.
* @private
* @param {Highcharts.Point} point
* The point which will get the resulting attributes.
* @param {string} [state]
* The state of the point.
* @return {Highcharts.SVGAttributes}
* Returns the calculated attributes.
pointAttribs: function (point, state) {
var series = this, seriesOptions = series.options || {}, pointOptions = point && point.options || {}, stateOptions = (state && seriesOptions.states[state]) || {}, options = merge(seriesOptions, { color: point && point.color }, pointOptions, stateOptions);
// Return resulting values for the attributes.
return {
'fill': color(options.color)
'stroke': options.borderColor,
'stroke-width': options.borderWidth,
'dashstyle': options.borderDashStyle
/* eslint-enable valid-jsdoc */
animate: function (init) {
if (!init) {
var series = this, animOptions = animObject(series.options.animation);
series.points.forEach(function (point) {
var args = point.shapeArgs;
if (point.graphic && args) {
var attr = {}, animate = {};
if (args.d) {
// If shape is a path, then animate opacity.
attr.opacity = 0.001;
else {
// If shape is a circle, then animate radius.
attr.r = 0;
animate.r = args.r;
.animate(animate, animOptions);
// If shape is path, then fade it in after the circles
// animation
if (args.d) {
setTimeout(function () {
if (point && point.graphic) {
opacity: 1
}, animOptions.duration);
}, series);
utils: {
addOverlapToSets: addOverlapToSets,
geometry: geometry,
geometryCircles: geometryCirclesModule,
getLabelWidth: getLabelWidth,
getMarginFromCircles: getMarginFromCircles,
getDistanceBetweenCirclesByOverlap: getDistanceBetweenCirclesByOverlap,
layoutGreedyVenn: layoutGreedyVenn,
loss: loss,
nelderMead: nelderMeadModule,
processVennData: processVennData,
sortByTotalOverlap: sortByTotalOverlap
var vennPoint = {
draw: draw,
shouldDraw: function () {
var point = this;
// Only draw points with single sets.
return !!point.shapeArgs;
isValid: function () {
return isNumber(this.value);
* A `venn` series. If the [type](#series.venn.type) option is
* not specified, it is inherited from [chart.type](#chart.type).
* @extends series,plotOptions.venn
* @excluding connectEnds, connectNulls, cropThreshold, dataParser, dataURL,
* findNearestPointBy, getExtremesFromAll, label, linecap, lineWidth,
* linkedTo, marker, negativeColor, pointInterval, pointIntervalUnit,
* pointPlacement, pointStart, softThreshold, stack, stacking, steps,
* threshold, xAxis, yAxis, zoneAxis, zones, dataSorting
* @product highcharts
* @requires modules/venn
* @apioption series.venn
* @type {Array<*>}
* @extends series.scatter.data
* @excluding marker, x, y
* @product highcharts
* @apioption series.venn.data
* The name of the point. Used in data labels and tooltip. If name is not
* defined then it will default to the joined values in
* [sets](#series.venn.sets).
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/demo/venn-diagram/
* Venn diagram
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/demo/euler-diagram/
* Euler diagram
* @type {number}
* @since 7.0.0
* @product highcharts
* @apioption series.venn.data.name
* The value of the point, resulting in a relative area of the circle, or area
* of overlap between two sets in the venn or euler diagram.
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/demo/venn-diagram/
* Venn diagram
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/demo/euler-diagram/
* Euler diagram
* @type {number}
* @since 7.0.0
* @product highcharts
* @apioption series.venn.data.value
* The set or sets the options will be applied to. If a single entry is defined,
* then it will create a new set. If more than one entry is defined, then it
* will define the overlap between the sets in the array.
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/demo/venn-diagram/
* Venn diagram
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/demo/euler-diagram/
* Euler diagram
* @type {Array<string>}
* @since 7.0.0
* @product highcharts
* @apioption series.venn.data.sets
* @excluding halo
* @apioption series.venn.states.hover
* @excluding halo
* @apioption series.venn.states.select
* @private
* @class
* @name Highcharts.seriesTypes.venn
* @augments Highcharts.Series
seriesType('venn', 'scatter', vennOptions, vennSeries, vennPoint);
/* eslint-disable no-invalid-this */
// Modify final series options.
addEvent(seriesTypes.venn, 'afterSetOptions', function (e) {
var options = e.options, states = options.states;
if (this.is('venn')) {
// Explicitly disable all halo options.
Object.keys(states).forEach(function (state) {
states[state].halo = false;
_registerModule(_modules, 'masters/modules/venn.src.js', [], function () {