2020-05-23 15:45:54 -05:00

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49 KiB

/* *
* (c) 2010-2020 Torstein Honsi
* License: www.highcharts.com/license
* */
'use strict';
import H from './Globals.js';
* Callback JavaScript function to format the data label as a string. Note that
* if a `format` is defined, the format takes precedence and the formatter is
* ignored.
* @callback Highcharts.DataLabelsFormatterCallbackFunction
* @param {Highcharts.PointLabelObject} this
* Data label context to format
* @param {Highcharts.DataLabelsOptions} options
* [API options](/highcharts/plotOptions.series.dataLabels) of the data label
* @return {number|string|null|undefined}
* Formatted data label text
* Values for handling data labels that flow outside the plot area.
* @typedef {"allow"|"justify"} Highcharts.DataLabelsOverflowValue
import U from './Utilities.js';
var animObject = U.animObject, arrayMax = U.arrayMax, clamp = U.clamp, defined = U.defined, extend = U.extend, fireEvent = U.fireEvent, format = U.format, isArray = U.isArray, merge = U.merge, objectEach = U.objectEach, pick = U.pick, relativeLength = U.relativeLength, splat = U.splat, stableSort = U.stableSort;
import './Series.js';
var noop = H.noop, Series = H.Series, seriesTypes = H.seriesTypes;
/* eslint-disable valid-jsdoc */
* General distribution algorithm for distributing labels of differing size
* along a confined length in two dimensions. The algorithm takes an array of
* objects containing a size, a target and a rank. It will place the labels as
* close as possible to their targets, skipping the lowest ranked labels if
* necessary.
* @private
* @function Highcharts.distribute
* @param {Highcharts.DataLabelsBoxArray} boxes
* @param {number} len
* @param {number} [maxDistance]
* @return {void}
H.distribute = function (boxes, len, maxDistance) {
var i, overlapping = true, origBoxes = boxes, // Original array will be altered with added .pos
restBoxes = [], // The outranked overshoot
box, target, total = 0, reducedLen = origBoxes.reducedLen || len;
* @private
function sortByTarget(a, b) {
return a.target - b.target;
// If the total size exceeds the len, remove those boxes with the lowest
// rank
i = boxes.length;
while (i--) {
total += boxes[i].size;
// Sort by rank, then slice away overshoot
if (total > reducedLen) {
stableSort(boxes, function (a, b) {
return (b.rank || 0) - (a.rank || 0);
i = 0;
total = 0;
while (total <= reducedLen) {
total += boxes[i].size;
restBoxes = boxes.splice(i - 1, boxes.length);
// Order by target
stableSort(boxes, sortByTarget);
// So far we have been mutating the original array. Now
// create a copy with target arrays
boxes = boxes.map(function (box) {
return {
size: box.size,
targets: [box.target],
align: pick(box.align, 0.5)
while (overlapping) {
// Initial positions: target centered in box
i = boxes.length;
while (i--) {
box = boxes[i];
// Composite box, average of targets
target = (Math.min.apply(0, box.targets) +
Math.max.apply(0, box.targets)) / 2;
box.pos = clamp(target - box.size * box.align, 0, len - box.size);
// Detect overlap and join boxes
i = boxes.length;
overlapping = false;
while (i--) {
// Overlap
if (i > 0 &&
boxes[i - 1].pos + boxes[i - 1].size >
boxes[i].pos) {
// Add this size to the previous box
boxes[i - 1].size += boxes[i].size;
boxes[i - 1].targets = boxes[i - 1]
boxes[i - 1].align = 0.5;
// Overlapping right, push left
if (boxes[i - 1].pos + boxes[i - 1].size > len) {
boxes[i - 1].pos = len - boxes[i - 1].size;
boxes.splice(i, 1); // Remove this item
overlapping = true;
// Add the rest (hidden boxes)
origBoxes.push.apply(origBoxes, restBoxes);
// Now the composite boxes are placed, we need to put the original boxes
// within them
i = 0;
boxes.some(function (box) {
var posInCompositeBox = 0;
if (box.targets.some(function () {
origBoxes[i].pos = box.pos + posInCompositeBox;
// If the distance between the position and the target exceeds
// maxDistance, abort the loop and decrease the length in increments
// of 10% to recursively reduce the number of visible boxes by
// rank. Once all boxes are within the maxDistance, we're good.
if (typeof maxDistance !== 'undefined' &&
Math.abs(origBoxes[i].pos - origBoxes[i].target) > maxDistance) {
// Reset the positions that are already set
origBoxes.slice(0, i + 1).forEach(function (box) {
delete box.pos;
// Try with a smaller length
origBoxes.reducedLen =
(origBoxes.reducedLen || len) - (len * 0.1);
// Recurse
if (origBoxes.reducedLen > len * 0.1) {
H.distribute(origBoxes, len, maxDistance);
// Exceeded maxDistance => abort
return true;
posInCompositeBox += origBoxes[i].size;
})) {
// Exceeded maxDistance => abort
return true;
// Add the rest (hidden) boxes and sort by target
stableSort(origBoxes, sortByTarget);
* Draw the data labels
* @private
* @function Highcharts.Series#drawDataLabels
* @return {void}
* @fires Highcharts.Series#event:afterDrawDataLabels
Series.prototype.drawDataLabels = function () {
var series = this, chart = series.chart, seriesOptions = series.options, seriesDlOptions = seriesOptions.dataLabels, points = series.points, pointOptions, hasRendered = series.hasRendered || 0, dataLabelsGroup, seriesAnimDuration = animObject(seriesOptions.animation).duration, fadeInDuration = Math.min(seriesAnimDuration, 200), defer = !chart.renderer.forExport && pick(seriesDlOptions.defer, fadeInDuration > 0), renderer = chart.renderer;
* Handle the dataLabels.filter option.
* @private
function applyFilter(point, options) {
var filter = options.filter, op, prop, val;
if (filter) {
op = filter.operator;
prop = point[filter.property];
val = filter.value;
if ((op === '>' && prop > val) ||
(op === '<' && prop < val) ||
(op === '>=' && prop >= val) ||
(op === '<=' && prop <= val) ||
(op === '==' && prop == val) || // eslint-disable-line eqeqeq
(op === '===' && prop === val)) {
return true;
return false;
return true;
* Merge two objects that can be arrays. If one of them is an array, the
* other is merged into each element. If both are arrays, each element is
* merged by index. If neither are arrays, we use normal merge.
* @private
function mergeArrays(one, two) {
var res = [], i;
if (isArray(one) && !isArray(two)) {
res = one.map(function (el) {
return merge(el, two);
else if (isArray(two) && !isArray(one)) {
res = two.map(function (el) {
return merge(one, el);
else if (!isArray(one) && !isArray(two)) {
res = merge(one, two);
else {
i = Math.max(one.length, two.length);
while (i--) {
res[i] = merge(one[i], two[i]);
return res;
// Merge in plotOptions.dataLabels for series
seriesDlOptions = mergeArrays(mergeArrays(chart.options.plotOptions &&
chart.options.plotOptions.series &&
chart.options.plotOptions.series.dataLabels, chart.options.plotOptions &&
chart.options.plotOptions[series.type] &&
chart.options.plotOptions[series.type].dataLabels), seriesDlOptions);
fireEvent(this, 'drawDataLabels');
if (isArray(seriesDlOptions) ||
seriesDlOptions.enabled ||
series._hasPointLabels) {
// Create a separate group for the data labels to avoid rotation
dataLabelsGroup = series.plotGroup('dataLabelsGroup', 'data-labels', defer && !hasRendered ? 'hidden' : 'inherit', // #5133, #10220
seriesDlOptions.zIndex || 6);
if (defer) {
dataLabelsGroup.attr({ opacity: +hasRendered }); // #3300
if (!hasRendered) {
setTimeout(function () {
var group = series.dataLabelsGroup;
if (group) {
if (series.visible) { // #2597, #3023, #3024
group[seriesOptions.animation ? 'animate' : 'attr']({ opacity: 1 }, { duration: fadeInDuration });
}, seriesAnimDuration - fadeInDuration);
// Make the labels for each point
points.forEach(function (point) {
// Merge in series options for the point.
// @note dataLabelAttribs (like pointAttribs) would eradicate
// the need for dlOptions, and simplify the section below.
pointOptions = splat(mergeArrays(seriesDlOptions, point.dlOptions || // dlOptions is used in treemaps
(point.options && point.options.dataLabels)));
// Handle each individual data label for this point
pointOptions.forEach(function (labelOptions, i) {
// Options for one datalabel
var labelEnabled = (labelOptions.enabled &&
// #2282, #4641, #7112, #10049
(!point.isNull || point.dataLabelOnNull) &&
applyFilter(point, labelOptions)), labelConfig, formatString, labelText, style, rotation, attr, dataLabel = point.dataLabels ? point.dataLabels[i] :
point.dataLabel, connector = point.connectors ? point.connectors[i] :
point.connector, labelDistance = pick(labelOptions.distance, point.labelDistance), isNew = !dataLabel;
if (labelEnabled) {
// Create individual options structure that can be extended
// without affecting others
labelConfig = point.getLabelConfig();
formatString = pick(labelOptions[point.formatPrefix + 'Format'], labelOptions.format);
labelText = defined(formatString) ?
format(formatString, labelConfig, chart) :
(labelOptions[point.formatPrefix + 'Formatter'] ||
labelOptions.formatter).call(labelConfig, labelOptions);
style = labelOptions.style;
rotation = labelOptions.rotation;
if (!chart.styledMode) {
// Determine the color
style.color = pick(labelOptions.color, style.color, series.color, '#000000');
// Get automated contrast color
if (style.color === 'contrast') {
point.contrastColor = renderer.getContrast((point.color || series.color));
style.color = (!defined(labelDistance) &&
labelOptions.inside) ||
labelDistance < 0 ||
!!seriesOptions.stacking ?
point.contrastColor :
else {
delete point.contrastColor;
if (seriesOptions.cursor) {
style.cursor = seriesOptions.cursor;
attr = {
r: labelOptions.borderRadius || 0,
rotation: rotation,
padding: labelOptions.padding,
zIndex: 1
if (!chart.styledMode) {
attr.fill = labelOptions.backgroundColor;
attr.stroke = labelOptions.borderColor;
attr['stroke-width'] = labelOptions.borderWidth;
// Remove unused attributes (#947)
objectEach(attr, function (val, name) {
if (typeof val === 'undefined') {
delete attr[name];
// If the point is outside the plot area, destroy it. #678, #820
if (dataLabel && (!labelEnabled || !defined(labelText))) {
point.dataLabel =
point.dataLabel && point.dataLabel.destroy();
if (point.dataLabels) {
// Remove point.dataLabels if this was the last one
if (point.dataLabels.length === 1) {
delete point.dataLabels;
else {
delete point.dataLabels[i];
if (!i) {
delete point.dataLabel;
if (connector) {
point.connector = point.connector.destroy();
if (point.connectors) {
// Remove point.connectors if this was the last one
if (point.connectors.length === 1) {
delete point.connectors;
else {
delete point.connectors[i];
// Individual labels are disabled if the are explicitly disabled
// in the point options, or if they fall outside the plot area.
else if (labelEnabled && defined(labelText)) {
if (!dataLabel) {
// Create new label element
point.dataLabels = point.dataLabels || [];
dataLabel = point.dataLabels[i] = rotation ?
// Labels don't rotate, use text element
renderer.text(labelText, 0, -9999, labelOptions.useHTML)
.addClass('highcharts-data-label') :
// We can use label
renderer.label(labelText, 0, -9999, labelOptions.shape, null, null, labelOptions.useHTML, null, 'data-label');
// Store for backwards compatibility
if (!i) {
point.dataLabel = dataLabel;
dataLabel.addClass(' highcharts-data-label-color-' + point.colorIndex +
' ' + (labelOptions.className || '') +
( // #3398
labelOptions.useHTML ?
' highcharts-tracker' :
else {
// Use old element and just update text
attr.text = labelText;
// Store data label options for later access
dataLabel.options = labelOptions;
if (!chart.styledMode) {
// Styles must be applied before add in order to read
// text bounding box
if (!dataLabel.added) {
if (labelOptions.textPath && !labelOptions.useHTML) {
dataLabel.setTextPath((point.getDataLabelPath &&
point.getDataLabelPath(dataLabel)) || point.graphic, labelOptions.textPath);
if (point.dataLabelPath &&
!labelOptions.textPath.enabled) {
// clean the DOM
point.dataLabelPath = point.dataLabelPath.destroy();
// Now the data label is created and placed at 0,0, so we
// need to align it
series.alignDataLabel(point, dataLabel, labelOptions, null, isNew);
fireEvent(this, 'afterDrawDataLabels');
* Align each individual data label.
* @private
* @function Highcharts.Series#alignDataLabel
* @param {Highcharts.Point} point
* @param {Highcharts.SVGElement} dataLabel
* @param {Highcharts.DataLabelsOptions} options
* @param {Highcharts.BBoxObject} alignTo
* @param {boolean} [isNew]
* @return {void}
Series.prototype.alignDataLabel = function (point, dataLabel, options, alignTo, isNew) {
var series = this, chart = this.chart, inverted = this.isCartesian && chart.inverted, enabledDataSorting = this.enabledDataSorting, plotX = pick(point.dlBox && point.dlBox.centerX, point.plotX, -9999), plotY = pick(point.plotY, -9999), bBox = dataLabel.getBBox(), baseline, rotation = options.rotation, normRotation, negRotation, align = options.align, rotCorr, // rotation correction
isInsidePlot = chart.isInsidePlot(plotX, Math.round(plotY), inverted),
// Math.round for rounding errors (#2683), alignTo to allow column
// labels (#2700)
alignAttr, // the final position;
justify = pick(options.overflow, (enabledDataSorting ? 'none' : 'justify')) === 'justify', visible = this.visible &&
point.visible !== false &&
(point.series.forceDL ||
(enabledDataSorting && !justify) ||
isInsidePlot ||
// If the data label is inside the align box, it is enough
// that parts of the align box is inside the plot area
// (#12370)
options.inside && alignTo && chart.isInsidePlot(plotX, inverted ?
alignTo.x + 1 :
alignTo.y + alignTo.height - 1, inverted))), setStartPos = function (alignOptions) {
if (enabledDataSorting && series.xAxis && !justify) {
series.setDataLabelStartPos(point, dataLabel, isNew, isInsidePlot, alignOptions);
if (visible) {
baseline = chart.renderer.fontMetrics(chart.styledMode ? void 0 : options.style.fontSize, dataLabel).b;
// The alignment box is a singular point
alignTo = extend({
x: inverted ? this.yAxis.len - plotY : plotX,
y: Math.round(inverted ? this.xAxis.len - plotX : plotY),
width: 0,
height: 0
}, alignTo);
// Add the text size for alignment calculation
extend(options, {
width: bBox.width,
height: bBox.height
// Allow a hook for changing alignment in the last moment, then do the
// alignment
if (rotation) {
justify = false; // Not supported for rotated text
rotCorr = chart.renderer.rotCorr(baseline, rotation); // #3723
alignAttr = {
x: (alignTo.x +
options.x +
alignTo.width / 2 +
y: (alignTo.y +
options.y +
{ top: 0, middle: 0.5, bottom: 1 }[options.verticalAlign] *
setStartPos(alignAttr); // data sorting
dataLabel[isNew ? 'attr' : 'animate'](alignAttr)
align: align
// Compensate for the rotated label sticking out on the sides
normRotation = (rotation + 720) % 360;
negRotation = normRotation > 180 && normRotation < 360;
if (align === 'left') {
alignAttr.y -= negRotation ? bBox.height : 0;
else if (align === 'center') {
alignAttr.x -= bBox.width / 2;
alignAttr.y -= bBox.height / 2;
else if (align === 'right') {
alignAttr.x -= bBox.width;
alignAttr.y -= negRotation ? 0 : bBox.height;
dataLabel.placed = true;
dataLabel.alignAttr = alignAttr;
else {
setStartPos(alignTo); // data sorting
dataLabel.align(options, null, alignTo);
alignAttr = dataLabel.alignAttr;
// Handle justify or crop
if (justify && alignTo.height >= 0) { // #8830
this.justifyDataLabel(dataLabel, options, alignAttr, bBox, alignTo, isNew);
// Now check that the data label is within the plot area
else if (pick(options.crop, true)) {
visible =
chart.isInsidePlot(alignAttr.x, alignAttr.y) &&
chart.isInsidePlot(alignAttr.x + bBox.width, alignAttr.y + bBox.height);
// When we're using a shape, make it possible with a connector or an
// arrow pointing to thie point
if (options.shape && !rotation) {
dataLabel[isNew ? 'attr' : 'animate']({
anchorX: inverted ?
chart.plotWidth - point.plotY :
anchorY: inverted ?
chart.plotHeight - point.plotX :
// To use alignAttr property in hideOverlappingLabels
if (isNew && enabledDataSorting) {
dataLabel.placed = false;
// Show or hide based on the final aligned position
if (!visible && (!enabledDataSorting || justify)) {
dataLabel.placed = false; // don't animate back in
* Set starting position for data label sorting animation.
* @private
* @function Highcharts.Series#setDataLabelStartPos
* @param {Highcharts.SVGElement} dataLabel
* @param {Highcharts.ColumnPoint} point
* @param {boolean | undefined} [isNew]
* @param {boolean} [isInside]
* @param {Highcharts.AlignObject} [alignOptions]
* @return {void}
Series.prototype.setDataLabelStartPos = function (point, dataLabel, isNew, isInside, alignOptions) {
var chart = this.chart, inverted = chart.inverted, xAxis = this.xAxis, reversed = xAxis.reversed, labelCenter = inverted ? dataLabel.height / 2 : dataLabel.width / 2, pointWidth = point.pointWidth, halfWidth = pointWidth ? pointWidth / 2 : 0, startXPos, startYPos;
startXPos = inverted ?
alignOptions.x :
(reversed ?
-labelCenter - halfWidth :
xAxis.width - labelCenter + halfWidth);
startYPos = inverted ?
(reversed ?
this.yAxis.height - labelCenter + halfWidth :
-labelCenter - halfWidth) : alignOptions.y;
dataLabel.startXPos = startXPos;
dataLabel.startYPos = startYPos;
// We need to handle visibility in case of sorting point outside plot area
if (!isInside) {
.attr({ opacity: 1 })
.animate({ opacity: 0 }, void 0, dataLabel.hide);
else if (dataLabel.visibility === 'hidden') {
.attr({ opacity: 0 })
.animate({ opacity: 1 });
// Save start position on first render, but do not change position
if (!chart.hasRendered) {
// Set start position
if (isNew) {
dataLabel.attr({ x: dataLabel.startXPos, y: dataLabel.startYPos });
dataLabel.placed = true;
* If data labels fall partly outside the plot area, align them back in, in a
* way that doesn't hide the point.
* @private
* @function Highcharts.Series#justifyDataLabel
* @param {Highcharts.SVGElement} dataLabel
* @param {Highcharts.DataLabelsOptions} options
* @param {Highcharts.SVGAttributes} alignAttr
* @param {Highcharts.BBoxObject} bBox
* @param {Highcharts.BBoxObject} [alignTo]
* @param {boolean} [isNew]
* @return {boolean|undefined}
Series.prototype.justifyDataLabel = function (dataLabel, options, alignAttr, bBox, alignTo, isNew) {
var chart = this.chart, align = options.align, verticalAlign = options.verticalAlign, off, justified, padding = dataLabel.box ? 0 : (dataLabel.padding || 0);
// Off left
off = alignAttr.x + padding;
if (off < 0) {
if (align === 'right') {
options.align = 'left';
options.inside = true;
else {
options.x = -off;
justified = true;
// Off right
off = alignAttr.x + bBox.width - padding;
if (off > chart.plotWidth) {
if (align === 'left') {
options.align = 'right';
options.inside = true;
else {
options.x = chart.plotWidth - off;
justified = true;
// Off top
off = alignAttr.y + padding;
if (off < 0) {
if (verticalAlign === 'bottom') {
options.verticalAlign = 'top';
options.inside = true;
else {
options.y = -off;
justified = true;
// Off bottom
off = alignAttr.y + bBox.height - padding;
if (off > chart.plotHeight) {
if (verticalAlign === 'top') {
options.verticalAlign = 'bottom';
options.inside = true;
else {
options.y = chart.plotHeight - off;
justified = true;
if (justified) {
dataLabel.placed = !isNew;
dataLabel.align(options, null, alignTo);
return justified;
if (seriesTypes.pie) {
seriesTypes.pie.prototype.dataLabelPositioners = {
// Based on the value computed in Highcharts' distribute algorithm.
radialDistributionY: function (point) {
return point.top + point.distributeBox.pos;
// get the x - use the natural x position for labels near the
// top and bottom, to prevent the top and botton slice
// connectors from touching each other on either side
// Based on the value computed in Highcharts' distribute algorithm.
radialDistributionX: function (series, point, y, naturalY) {
return series.getX(y < point.top + 2 || y > point.bottom - 2 ?
naturalY :
y, point.half, point);
// dataLabels.distance determines the x position of the label
justify: function (point, radius, seriesCenter) {
return seriesCenter[0] + (point.half ? -1 : 1) *
(radius + point.labelDistance);
// Left edges of the left-half labels touch the left edge of the plot
// area. Right edges of the right-half labels touch the right edge of
// the plot area.
alignToPlotEdges: function (dataLabel, half, plotWidth, plotLeft) {
var dataLabelWidth = dataLabel.getBBox().width;
return half ? dataLabelWidth + plotLeft :
plotWidth - dataLabelWidth - plotLeft;
// Connectors of each side end in the same x position. Labels are
// aligned to them. Left edge of the widest left-half label touches the
// left edge of the plot area. Right edge of the widest right-half label
// touches the right edge of the plot area.
alignToConnectors: function (points, half, plotWidth, plotLeft) {
var maxDataLabelWidth = 0, dataLabelWidth;
// find widest data label
points.forEach(function (point) {
dataLabelWidth = point.dataLabel.getBBox().width;
if (dataLabelWidth > maxDataLabelWidth) {
maxDataLabelWidth = dataLabelWidth;
return half ? maxDataLabelWidth + plotLeft :
plotWidth - maxDataLabelWidth - plotLeft;
* Override the base drawDataLabels method by pie specific functionality
* @private
* @function Highcharts.seriesTypes.pie#drawDataLabels
* @return {void}
seriesTypes.pie.prototype.drawDataLabels = function () {
var series = this, data = series.data, point, chart = series.chart, options = series.options.dataLabels || {}, connectorPadding = options.connectorPadding, connectorWidth, plotWidth = chart.plotWidth, plotHeight = chart.plotHeight, plotLeft = chart.plotLeft, maxWidth = Math.round(chart.chartWidth / 3), connector, seriesCenter = series.center, radius = seriesCenter[2] / 2, centerY = seriesCenter[1], dataLabel, dataLabelWidth,
// labelPos,
labelPosition, labelHeight,
// divide the points into right and left halves for anti collision
halves = [
[] // left
], x, y, visibility, j, overflow = [0, 0, 0, 0], // top, right, bottom, left
dataLabelPositioners = series.dataLabelPositioners, pointDataLabelsOptions;
// get out if not enabled
if (!series.visible ||
(!options.enabled &&
!series._hasPointLabels)) {
// Reset all labels that have been shortened
data.forEach(function (point) {
if (point.dataLabel && point.visible && point.dataLabel.shortened) {
width: 'auto'
width: 'auto',
textOverflow: 'clip'
point.dataLabel.shortened = false;
// run parent method
data.forEach(function (point) {
if (point.dataLabel) {
if (point.visible) { // #407, #2510
// Arrange points for detection collision
// Reset positions (#4905)
point.dataLabel._pos = null;
// Avoid long labels squeezing the pie size too far down
if (!defined(options.style.width) &&
!defined(point.options.dataLabels &&
point.options.dataLabels.style &&
point.options.dataLabels.style.width)) {
if (point.dataLabel.getBBox().width > maxWidth) {
// Use a fraction of the maxWidth to avoid
// wrapping close to the end of the string.
width: Math.round(maxWidth * 0.7) + 'px'
point.dataLabel.shortened = true;
else {
point.dataLabel = point.dataLabel.destroy();
// Workaround to make pies destroy multiple datalabels
// correctly. This logic needs rewriting to support multiple
// datalabels fully.
if (point.dataLabels && point.dataLabels.length === 1) {
delete point.dataLabels;
/* Loop over the points in each half, starting from the top and bottom
* of the pie to detect overlapping labels.
halves.forEach(function (points, i) {
var top, bottom, length = points.length, positions = [], naturalY, sideOverflow, size, distributionLength;
if (!length) {
// Sort by angle
series.sortByAngle(points, i - 0.5);
// Only do anti-collision when we have dataLabels outside the pie
// and have connectors. (#856)
if (series.maxLabelDistance > 0) {
top = Math.max(0, centerY - radius - series.maxLabelDistance);
bottom = Math.min(centerY + radius + series.maxLabelDistance, chart.plotHeight);
points.forEach(function (point) {
// check if specific points' label is outside the pie
if (point.labelDistance > 0 && point.dataLabel) {
// point.top depends on point.labelDistance value
// Used for calculation of y value in getX method
point.top = Math.max(0, centerY - radius - point.labelDistance);
point.bottom = Math.min(centerY + radius + point.labelDistance, chart.plotHeight);
size = point.dataLabel.getBBox().height || 21;
// point.positionsIndex is needed for getting index of
// parameter related to specific point inside positions
// array - not every point is in positions array.
point.distributeBox = {
target: point.labelPosition.natural.y -
point.top + size / 2,
size: size,
rank: point.y
distributionLength = bottom + size - top;
H.distribute(positions, distributionLength, distributionLength / 5);
// Now the used slots are sorted, fill them up sequentially
for (j = 0; j < length; j++) {
point = points[j];
// labelPos = point.labelPos;
labelPosition = point.labelPosition;
dataLabel = point.dataLabel;
visibility = point.visible === false ? 'hidden' : 'inherit';
naturalY = labelPosition.natural.y;
y = naturalY;
if (positions && defined(point.distributeBox)) {
if (typeof point.distributeBox.pos === 'undefined') {
visibility = 'hidden';
else {
labelHeight = point.distributeBox.size;
// Find label's y position
y = dataLabelPositioners
// It is needed to delete point.positionIndex for
// dynamically added points etc.
delete point.positionIndex; // @todo unused
// Find label's x position
// justify is undocumented in the API - preserve support for it
if (options.justify) {
x = dataLabelPositioners.justify(point, radius, seriesCenter);
else {
switch (options.alignTo) {
case 'connectors':
x = dataLabelPositioners.alignToConnectors(points, i, plotWidth, plotLeft);
case 'plotEdges':
x = dataLabelPositioners.alignToPlotEdges(dataLabel, i, plotWidth, plotLeft);
x = dataLabelPositioners.radialDistributionX(series, point, y, naturalY);
// Record the placement and visibility
dataLabel._attr = {
visibility: visibility,
align: labelPosition.alignment
pointDataLabelsOptions = point.options.dataLabels || {};
dataLabel._pos = {
x: (x +
pick(pointDataLabelsOptions.x, options.x) + // (#12985)
left: connectorPadding,
right: -connectorPadding
}[labelPosition.alignment] || 0)),
// 10 is for the baseline (label vs text)
y: (y +
pick(pointDataLabelsOptions.y, options.y) - // (#12985)
// labelPos.x = x;
// labelPos.y = y;
labelPosition.final.x = x;
labelPosition.final.y = y;
// Detect overflowing data labels
if (pick(options.crop, true)) {
dataLabelWidth = dataLabel.getBBox().width;
sideOverflow = null;
// Overflow left
if (x - dataLabelWidth < connectorPadding &&
i === 1 // left half
) {
sideOverflow = Math.round(dataLabelWidth - x + connectorPadding);
overflow[3] = Math.max(sideOverflow, overflow[3]);
// Overflow right
else if (x + dataLabelWidth > plotWidth - connectorPadding &&
i === 0 // right half
) {
sideOverflow = Math.round(x + dataLabelWidth - plotWidth + connectorPadding);
overflow[1] = Math.max(sideOverflow, overflow[1]);
// Overflow top
if (y - labelHeight / 2 < 0) {
overflow[0] = Math.max(Math.round(-y + labelHeight / 2), overflow[0]);
// Overflow left
else if (y + labelHeight / 2 > plotHeight) {
overflow[2] = Math.max(Math.round(y + labelHeight / 2 - plotHeight), overflow[2]);
dataLabel.sideOverflow = sideOverflow;
} // for each point
}); // for each half
// Do not apply the final placement and draw the connectors until we
// have verified that labels are not spilling over.
if (arrayMax(overflow) === 0 ||
this.verifyDataLabelOverflow(overflow)) {
// Place the labels in the final position
this.points.forEach(function (point) {
// #8864: every connector can have individual options
pointDataLabelsOptions =
merge(options, point.options.dataLabels);
connectorWidth =
pick(pointDataLabelsOptions.connectorWidth, 1);
// Draw the connector
if (connectorWidth) {
var isNew;
connector = point.connector;
dataLabel = point.dataLabel;
if (dataLabel &&
dataLabel._pos &&
point.visible &&
point.labelDistance > 0) {
visibility = dataLabel._attr.visibility;
isNew = !connector;
if (isNew) {
point.connector = connector = chart.renderer
.addClass('highcharts-data-label-connector ' +
' highcharts-color-' + point.colorIndex +
(point.className ?
' ' + point.className :
if (!chart.styledMode) {
'stroke-width': connectorWidth,
'stroke': (pointDataLabelsOptions.connectorColor ||
point.color ||
connector[isNew ? 'attr' : 'animate']({
d: point.getConnectorPath()
connector.attr('visibility', visibility);
else if (connector) {
point.connector = connector.destroy();
* Extendable method for getting the path of the connector between the data
* label and the pie slice.
* @private
* @function Highcharts.seriesTypes.pie#connectorPath
* @param {*} labelPos
* @return {Highcharts.SVGPathArray}
// TODO: depracated - remove it
seriesTypes.pie.prototype.connectorPath = function (labelPos) {
var x = labelPos.x,
y = labelPos.y;
return pick(this.options.dataLabels.softConnector, true) ? [
// end of the string at the label
x + (labelPos[6] === 'left' ? 5 : -5), y,
x, y, // first break, next to the label
2 * labelPos[2] - labelPos[4], 2 * labelPos[3] - labelPos[5],
labelPos[2], labelPos[3], // second break
labelPos[4], labelPos[5] // base
] : [
// end of the string at the label
x + (labelPos[6] === 'left' ? 5 : -5), y,
labelPos[2], labelPos[3], // second break
labelPos[4], labelPos[5] // base
* Perform the final placement of the data labels after we have verified
* that they fall within the plot area.
* @private
* @function Highcharts.seriesTypes.pie#placeDataLabels
* @return {void}
seriesTypes.pie.prototype.placeDataLabels = function () {
this.points.forEach(function (point) {
var dataLabel = point.dataLabel, _pos;
if (dataLabel && point.visible) {
_pos = dataLabel._pos;
if (_pos) {
// Shorten data labels with ellipsis if they still overflow
// after the pie has reached minSize (#223).
if (dataLabel.sideOverflow) {
dataLabel._attr.width =
Math.max(dataLabel.getBBox().width -
dataLabel.sideOverflow, 0);
width: dataLabel._attr.width + 'px',
textOverflow: ((this.options.dataLabels.style || {})
.textOverflow ||
dataLabel.shortened = true;
dataLabel[dataLabel.moved ? 'animate' : 'attr'](_pos);
dataLabel.moved = true;
else if (dataLabel) {
dataLabel.attr({ y: -9999 });
// Clear for update
delete point.distributeBox;
}, this);
seriesTypes.pie.prototype.alignDataLabel = noop;
* Verify whether the data labels are allowed to draw, or we should run more
* translation and data label positioning to keep them inside the plot area.
* Returns true when data labels are ready to draw.
* @private
* @function Highcharts.seriesTypes.pie#verifyDataLabelOverflow
* @param {Array<number>} overflow
* @return {boolean}
seriesTypes.pie.prototype.verifyDataLabelOverflow = function (overflow) {
var center = this.center, options = this.options, centerOption = options.center, minSize = options.minSize || 80, newSize = minSize,
// If a size is set, return true and don't try to shrink the pie
// to fit the labels.
ret = options.size !== null;
if (!ret) {
// Handle horizontal size and center
if (centerOption[0] !== null) { // Fixed center
newSize = Math.max(center[2] -
Math.max(overflow[1], overflow[3]), minSize);
else { // Auto center
newSize = Math.max(
// horizontal overflow
center[2] - overflow[1] - overflow[3], minSize);
// horizontal center
center[0] += (overflow[3] - overflow[1]) / 2;
// Handle vertical size and center
if (centerOption[1] !== null) { // Fixed center
newSize = clamp(newSize, minSize, center[2] - Math.max(overflow[0], overflow[2]));
else { // Auto center
newSize = clamp(newSize, minSize,
// vertical overflow
center[2] - overflow[0] - overflow[2]);
// vertical center
center[1] += (overflow[0] - overflow[2]) / 2;
// If the size must be decreased, we need to run translate and
// drawDataLabels again
if (newSize < center[2]) {
center[2] = newSize;
center[3] = Math.min(// #3632
relativeLength(options.innerSize || 0, newSize), newSize);
if (this.drawDataLabels) {
// Else, return true to indicate that the pie and its labels is
// within the plot area
else {
ret = true;
return ret;
if (seriesTypes.column) {
* Override the basic data label alignment by adjusting for the position of
* the column.
* @private
* @function Highcharts.seriesTypes.column#alignDataLabel
* @param {Highcharts.Point} point
* @param {Highcharts.SVGElement} dataLabel
* @param {Highcharts.DataLabelsOptions} options
* @param {Highcharts.BBoxObject} alignTo
* @param {boolean} [isNew]
* @return {void}
seriesTypes.column.prototype.alignDataLabel = function (point, dataLabel, options, alignTo, isNew) {
var inverted = this.chart.inverted, series = point.series,
// data label box for alignment
dlBox = point.dlBox || point.shapeArgs, below = pick(point.below, // range series
point.plotY >
pick(this.translatedThreshold, series.yAxis.len)),
// draw it inside the box?
inside = pick(options.inside, !!this.options.stacking), overshoot;
// Align to the column itself, or the top of it
if (dlBox) { // Area range uses this method but not alignTo
alignTo = merge(dlBox);
if (alignTo.y < 0) {
alignTo.height += alignTo.y;
alignTo.y = 0;
// If parts of the box overshoots outside the plot area, modify the
// box to center the label inside
overshoot = alignTo.y + alignTo.height - series.yAxis.len;
if (overshoot > 0 && overshoot < alignTo.height) {
alignTo.height -= overshoot;
if (inverted) {
alignTo = {
x: series.yAxis.len - alignTo.y - alignTo.height,
y: series.xAxis.len - alignTo.x - alignTo.width,
width: alignTo.height,
height: alignTo.width
// Compute the alignment box
if (!inside) {
if (inverted) {
alignTo.x += below ? 0 : alignTo.width;
alignTo.width = 0;
else {
alignTo.y += below ? alignTo.height : 0;
alignTo.height = 0;
// When alignment is undefined (typically columns and bars), display the
// individual point below or above the point depending on the threshold
options.align = pick(options.align, !inverted || inside ? 'center' : below ? 'right' : 'left');
options.verticalAlign = pick(options.verticalAlign, inverted || inside ? 'middle' : below ? 'top' : 'bottom');
// Call the parent method
Series.prototype.alignDataLabel.call(this, point, dataLabel, options, alignTo, isNew);
// If label was justified and we have contrast, set it:
if (options.inside && point.contrastColor) {
color: point.contrastColor