2020-05-23 15:45:54 -05:00

339 lines
12 KiB

/* *
* */
'use strict';
import H from './../../parts/Globals.js';
import U from './../../parts/Utilities.js';
var extend = U.extend, format = U.format, isNumber = U.isNumber, merge = U.merge, pick = U.pick;
import './../../parts/SvgRenderer.js';
import controllableMixin from './controllableMixin.js';
import MockPoint from './../MockPoint.js';
import Tooltip from '../../parts/Tooltip.js';
/* eslint-disable no-invalid-this, valid-jsdoc */
* A controllable label class.
* @requires modules/annotations
* @private
* @class
* @name Highcharts.AnnotationControllableLabel
* @param {Highcharts.Annotation} annotation
* An annotation instance.
* @param {Highcharts.AnnotationsLabelOptions} options
* A label's options.
* @param {number} index
* Index of the label.
var ControllableLabel = function (annotation, options, index) {
this.init(annotation, options, index);
this.collection = 'labels';
* Shapes which do not have background - the object is used for proper
* setting of the contrast color.
* @type {Array<string>}
ControllableLabel.shapesWithoutBackground = ['connector'];
* Returns new aligned position based alignment options and box to align to.
* It is almost a one-to-one copy from SVGElement.prototype.align
* except it does not use and mutate an element
* @param {Highcharts.AnnotationAlignObject} alignOptions
* @param {Highcharts.BBoxObject} box
* @return {Highcharts.PositionObject}
* Aligned position.
ControllableLabel.alignedPosition = function (alignOptions, box) {
var align = alignOptions.align, vAlign = alignOptions.verticalAlign, x = (box.x || 0) + (alignOptions.x || 0), y = (box.y || 0) + (alignOptions.y || 0), alignFactor, vAlignFactor;
if (align === 'right') {
alignFactor = 1;
else if (align === 'center') {
alignFactor = 2;
if (alignFactor) {
x += (box.width - (alignOptions.width || 0)) / alignFactor;
if (vAlign === 'bottom') {
vAlignFactor = 1;
else if (vAlign === 'middle') {
vAlignFactor = 2;
if (vAlignFactor) {
y += (box.height - (alignOptions.height || 0)) / vAlignFactor;
return {
x: Math.round(x),
y: Math.round(y)
* Returns new alignment options for a label if the label is outside the
* plot area. It is almost a one-to-one copy from
* Series.prototype.justifyDataLabel except it does not mutate the label and
* it works with absolute instead of relative position.
ControllableLabel.justifiedOptions = function (chart, label, alignOptions, alignAttr) {
var align = alignOptions.align, verticalAlign = alignOptions.verticalAlign, padding = label.box ? 0 : (label.padding || 0), bBox = label.getBBox(), off,
options = {
align: align,
verticalAlign: verticalAlign,
x: alignOptions.x,
y: alignOptions.y,
width: label.width,
height: label.height
x = alignAttr.x - chart.plotLeft, y = alignAttr.y - chart.plotTop;
// Off left
off = x + padding;
if (off < 0) {
if (align === 'right') {
options.align = 'left';
else {
options.x = -off;
// Off right
off = x + bBox.width - padding;
if (off > chart.plotWidth) {
if (align === 'left') {
options.align = 'right';
else {
options.x = chart.plotWidth - off;
// Off top
off = y + padding;
if (off < 0) {
if (verticalAlign === 'bottom') {
options.verticalAlign = 'top';
else {
options.y = -off;
// Off bottom
off = y + bBox.height - padding;
if (off > chart.plotHeight) {
if (verticalAlign === 'top') {
options.verticalAlign = 'bottom';
else {
options.y = chart.plotHeight - off;
return options;
* A map object which allows to map options attributes to element attributes
* @type {Highcharts.Dictionary<string>}
ControllableLabel.attrsMap = {
backgroundColor: 'fill',
borderColor: 'stroke',
borderWidth: 'stroke-width',
zIndex: 'zIndex',
borderRadius: 'r',
padding: 'padding'
merge(true, ControllableLabel.prototype, controllableMixin,
/** @lends Annotation.ControllableLabel# */ {
* Translate the point of the label by deltaX and deltaY translations.
* The point is the label's anchor.
* @param {number} dx translation for x coordinate
* @param {number} dy translation for y coordinate
translatePoint: function (dx, dy) {
controllableMixin.translatePoint.call(this, dx, dy, 0);
* Translate x and y position relative to the label's anchor.
* @param {number} dx translation for x coordinate
* @param {number} dy translation for y coordinate
translate: function (dx, dy) {
var chart = this.annotation.chart,
// Annotation.options
labelOptions = this.annotation.userOptions,
// Chart.options.annotations
annotationIndex = chart.annotations.indexOf(this.annotation), chartAnnotations = chart.options.annotations, chartOptions = chartAnnotations[annotationIndex], temp;
if (chart.inverted) {
temp = dx;
dx = dy;
dy = temp;
// Local options:
this.options.x += dx;
this.options.y += dy;
// Options stored in chart:
chartOptions[this.collection][this.index].x = this.options.x;
chartOptions[this.collection][this.index].y = this.options.y;
labelOptions[this.collection][this.index].x = this.options.x;
labelOptions[this.collection][this.index].y = this.options.y;
render: function (parent) {
var options = this.options, attrs = this.attrsFromOptions(options), style = options.style;
this.graphic = this.annotation.chart.renderer
.label('', 0, -9999, // #10055
options.shape, null, null, options.useHTML, null, 'annotation-label')
if (!this.annotation.chart.styledMode) {
if (style.color === 'contrast') {
style.color = this.annotation.chart.renderer.getContrast(ControllableLabel.shapesWithoutBackground.indexOf(options.shape) > -1 ? '#FFFFFF' : options.backgroundColor);
if (options.className) {
this.graphic.labelrank = options.labelrank;
redraw: function (animation) {
var options = this.options, text = this.text || options.format || options.text, label = this.graphic, point = this.points[0], show = false, anchor, attrs;
text: text ?
format(text, point.getLabelConfig(), this.annotation.chart) :
options.formatter.call(point, this)
anchor = this.anchor(point);
attrs = this.position(anchor);
show = attrs;
if (show) {
label.alignAttr = attrs;
attrs.anchorX = anchor.absolutePosition.x;
attrs.anchorY = anchor.absolutePosition.y;
label[animation ? 'animate' : 'attr'](attrs);
else {
x: 0,
y: -9999 // #10055
label.placed = Boolean(show);
controllableMixin.redraw.call(this, animation);
* All basic shapes don't support alignTo() method except label.
* For a controllable label, we need to subtract translation from
* options.
anchor: function () {
var anchor = controllableMixin.anchor.apply(this, arguments), x = this.options.x || 0, y = this.options.y || 0;
anchor.absolutePosition.x -= x;
anchor.absolutePosition.y -= y;
anchor.relativePosition.x -= x;
anchor.relativePosition.y -= y;
return anchor;
* Returns the label position relative to its anchor.
* @param {Highcharts.AnnotationAnchorObject} anchor
* @return {Highcharts.PositionObject|null}
position: function (anchor) {
var item = this.graphic, chart = this.annotation.chart, point = this.points[0], itemOptions = this.options, anchorAbsolutePosition = anchor.absolutePosition, anchorRelativePosition = anchor.relativePosition, itemPosition, alignTo, itemPosRelativeX, itemPosRelativeY, showItem = point.series.visible &&
if (showItem) {
if (itemOptions.distance) {
itemPosition = Tooltip.prototype.getPosition.call({
chart: chart,
distance: pick(itemOptions.distance, 16)
}, item.width, item.height, {
plotX: anchorRelativePosition.x,
plotY: anchorRelativePosition.y,
negative: point.negative,
ttBelow: point.ttBelow,
h: (anchorRelativePosition.height || anchorRelativePosition.width)
else if (itemOptions.positioner) {
itemPosition = itemOptions.positioner.call(this);
else {
alignTo = {
x: anchorAbsolutePosition.x,
y: anchorAbsolutePosition.y,
width: 0,
height: 0
itemPosition = ControllableLabel.alignedPosition(extend(itemOptions, {
width: item.width,
height: item.height
}), alignTo);
if (this.options.overflow === 'justify') {
itemPosition = ControllableLabel.alignedPosition(ControllableLabel.justifiedOptions(chart, item, itemOptions, itemPosition), alignTo);
if (itemOptions.crop) {
itemPosRelativeX = itemPosition.x - chart.plotLeft;
itemPosRelativeY = itemPosition.y - chart.plotTop;
showItem =
chart.isInsidePlot(itemPosRelativeX, itemPosRelativeY) &&
chart.isInsidePlot(itemPosRelativeX + item.width, itemPosRelativeY + item.height);
return showItem ? itemPosition : null;
/* ********************************************************************** */
* General symbol definition for labels with connector
* @private
H.SVGRenderer.prototype.symbols.connector = function (x, y, w, h, options) {
var anchorX = options && options.anchorX, anchorY = options && options.anchorY, path, yOffset, lateral = w / 2;
if (isNumber(anchorX) && isNumber(anchorY)) {
path = [['M', anchorX, anchorY]];
// Prefer 45 deg connectors
yOffset = y - anchorY;
if (yOffset < 0) {
yOffset = -h - yOffset;
if (yOffset < w) {
lateral = anchorX < x + (w / 2) ? yOffset : w - yOffset;
// Anchor below label
if (anchorY > y + h) {
path.push(['L', x + lateral, y + h]);
// Anchor above label
else if (anchorY < y) {
path.push(['L', x + lateral, y]);
// Anchor left of label
else if (anchorX < x) {
path.push(['L', x, y + h / 2]);
// Anchor right of label
else if (anchorX > x + w) {
path.push(['L', x + w, y + h / 2]);
return path || [];
export default ControllableLabel;