2020-05-23 15:45:54 -05:00

1130 lines
40 KiB

/* *
* (c) 2009-2017 Highsoft, Black Label
* License: www.highcharts.com/license
* */
'use strict';
import H from '../parts/Globals.js';
import U from '../parts/Utilities.js';
var addEvent = U.addEvent, defined = U.defined, destroyObjectProperties = U.destroyObjectProperties, erase = U.erase, extend = U.extend, find = U.find, fireEvent = U.fireEvent, merge = U.merge, pick = U.pick, splat = U.splat, wrap = U.wrap;
import '../parts/Chart.js';
import controllableMixin from './controllable/controllableMixin.js';
import ControllableRect from './controllable/ControllableRect.js';
import ControllableCircle from './controllable/ControllableCircle.js';
import ControllablePath from './controllable/ControllablePath.js';
import ControllableImage from './controllable/ControllableImage.js';
import ControllableLabel from './controllable/ControllableLabel.js';
import eventEmitterMixin from './eventEmitterMixin.js';
import MockPoint from './MockPoint.js';
import ControlPoint from './ControlPoint.js';
var chartProto = H.Chart.prototype;
/* *********************************************************************
******************************************************************** */
* Possible directions for draggable annotations. An empty string (`''`)
* makes the annotation undraggable.
* @typedef {''|'x'|'xy'|'y'} Highcharts.AnnotationDraggableValue
* @private
* @typedef {
* Highcharts.AnnotationControllableCircle|
* Highcharts.AnnotationControllableImage|
* Highcharts.AnnotationControllablePath|
* Highcharts.AnnotationControllableRect
* }
* Highcharts.AnnotationShapeType
* @requires modules/annotations
* @private
* @typedef {
* Highcharts.AnnotationControllableLabel
* }
* Highcharts.AnnotationLabelType
* @requires modules/annotations
* A point-like object, a mock point or a point used in series.
* @private
* @typedef {Highcharts.AnnotationMockPoint|Highcharts.Point} Highcharts.AnnotationPointType
* @requires modules/annotations
/* eslint-disable no-invalid-this, valid-jsdoc */
* An annotation class which serves as a container for items like labels or
* shapes. Created items are positioned on the chart either by linking them to
* existing points or created mock points
* @class
* @name Highcharts.Annotation
* @param {Highcharts.Chart} chart a chart instance
* @param {Highcharts.AnnotationsOptions} userOptions the options object
var Annotation = H.Annotation = function (chart, userOptions) {
var labelsAndShapes;
* The chart that the annotation belongs to.
* @type {Highcharts.Chart}
this.chart = chart;
* The array of points which defines the annotation.
* @type {Array<Highcharts.Point>}
this.points = [];
* The array of control points.
* @private
* @name Highcharts.Annotation#controlPoints
* @type {Array<Annotation.ControlPoint>}
this.controlPoints = [];
this.coll = 'annotations';
* The array of labels which belong to the annotation.
* @private
* @name Highcharts.Annotation#labels
* @type {Array<Highcharts.AnnotationLabelType>}
this.labels = [];
* The array of shapes which belong to the annotation.
* @private
* @name Highcharts.Annotation#shapes
* @type {Array<Highcharts.AnnotationShapeType>}
this.shapes = [];
* The options for the annotations.
* @name Highcharts.Annotation#options
* @type {Highcharts.AnnotationsOptions}
this.options = merge(this.defaultOptions, userOptions);
* The user options for the annotations.
* @name Highcharts.Annotation#userOptions
* @type {Highcharts.AnnotationsOptions}
this.userOptions = userOptions;
// Handle labels and shapes - those are arrays
// Merging does not work with arrays (stores reference)
labelsAndShapes = this.getLabelsAndShapesOptions(this.options, userOptions);
this.options.labels = labelsAndShapes.labels;
this.options.shapes = labelsAndShapes.shapes;
* The callback that reports to the overlapping-labels module which
* labels it should account for.
* @private
* @name Highcharts.Annotation#labelCollector
* @type {Function}
* The group svg element.
* @name Highcharts.Annotation#group
* @type {Highcharts.SVGElement}
* The group svg element of the annotation's shapes.
* @name Highcharts.Annotation#shapesGroup
* @type {Highcharts.SVGElement}
* The group svg element of the annotation's labels.
* @name Highcharts.Annotation#labelsGroup
* @type {Highcharts.SVGElement}
this.init(chart, this.options);
merge(true, Annotation.prototype, controllableMixin, eventEmitterMixin,
/** @lends Highcharts.Annotation# */
* List of events for `annotation.options.events` that should not be
* added to `annotation.graphic` but to the `annotation`.
* @private
* @type {Array<string>}
nonDOMEvents: ['add', 'afterUpdate', 'drag', 'remove'],
* A basic type of an annotation. It allows to add custom labels
* or shapes. The items can be tied to points, axis coordinates
* or chart pixel coordinates.
* @sample highcharts/annotations/basic/
* Basic annotations
* @sample highcharts/demo/annotations/
* Advanced annotations
* @sample highcharts/css/annotations
* Styled mode
* @sample highcharts/annotations-advanced/controllable
* Controllable items
* @sample {highstock} stock/annotations/fibonacci-retracements
* Custom annotation, Fibonacci retracement
* @type {Array<*>}
* @since 6.0.0
* @requires modules/annotations
* @optionparent annotations
* @private
defaultOptions: {
* Sets an ID for an annotation. Can be user later when removing an
* annotation in [Chart#removeAnnotation(id)](
* /class-reference/Highcharts.Chart#removeAnnotation) method.
* @type {number|string}
* @apioption annotations.id
* Whether the annotation is visible.
* @sample highcharts/annotations/visible/
* Set annotation visibility
visible: true,
* Allow an annotation to be draggable by a user. Possible
* values are `'x'`, `'xy'`, `'y'` and `''` (disabled).
* @sample highcharts/annotations/draggable/
* Annotations draggable: 'xy'
* @type {Highcharts.AnnotationDraggableValue}
draggable: 'xy',
* Options for annotation's labels. Each label inherits options
* from the labelOptions object. An option from the labelOptions
* can be overwritten by config for a specific label.
* @requires modules/annotations
labelOptions: {
* The alignment of the annotation's label. If right,
* the right side of the label should be touching the point.
* @sample highcharts/annotations/label-position/
* Set labels position
* @type {Highcharts.AlignValue}
align: 'center',
* Whether to allow the annotation's labels to overlap.
* To make the labels less sensitive for overlapping,
* the can be set to 0.
* @sample highcharts/annotations/tooltip-like/
* Hide overlapping labels
allowOverlap: false,
* The background color or gradient for the annotation's label.
* @sample highcharts/annotations/label-presentation/
* Set labels graphic options
* @type {Highcharts.ColorString|Highcharts.GradientColorObject|Highcharts.PatternObject}
backgroundColor: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.75)',
* The border color for the annotation's label.
* @sample highcharts/annotations/label-presentation/
* Set labels graphic options
* @type {Highcharts.ColorString}
borderColor: 'black',
* The border radius in pixels for the annotaiton's label.
* @sample highcharts/annotations/label-presentation/
* Set labels graphic options
borderRadius: 3,
* The border width in pixels for the annotation's label
* @sample highcharts/annotations/label-presentation/
* Set labels graphic options
borderWidth: 1,
* A class name for styling by CSS.
* @sample highcharts/css/annotations
* Styled mode annotations
* @since 6.0.5
className: '',
* Whether to hide the annotation's label
* that is outside the plot area.
* @sample highcharts/annotations/label-crop-overflow/
* Crop or justify labels
crop: false,
* The label's pixel distance from the point.
* @sample highcharts/annotations/label-position/
* Set labels position
* @type {number}
* @apioption annotations.labelOptions.distance
* A
* [format](https://www.highcharts.com/docs/chart-concepts/labels-and-string-formatting)
* string for the data label.
* @see [plotOptions.series.dataLabels.format](plotOptions.series.dataLabels.format.html)
* @sample highcharts/annotations/label-text/
* Set labels text
* @type {string}
* @apioption annotations.labelOptions.format
* Alias for the format option.
* @see [format](annotations.labelOptions.format.html)
* @sample highcharts/annotations/label-text/
* Set labels text
* @type {string}
* @apioption annotations.labelOptions.text
* Callback JavaScript function to format the annotation's
* label. Note that if a `format` or `text` are defined, the
* format or text take precedence and the formatter is ignored.
* `This` refers to a point object.
* @sample highcharts/annotations/label-text/
* Set labels text
* @type {Highcharts.FormatterCallbackFunction<Highcharts.Point>}
* @default function () { return defined(this.y) ? this.y : 'Annotation label'; }
formatter: function () {
return defined(this.y) ? this.y : 'Annotation label';
* How to handle the annotation's label that flow outside the
* plot area. The justify option aligns the label inside the
* plot area.
* @sample highcharts/annotations/label-crop-overflow/
* Crop or justify labels
* @validvalue ["allow", "justify"]
overflow: 'justify',
* When either the borderWidth or the backgroundColor is set,
* this is the padding within the box.
* @sample highcharts/annotations/label-presentation/
* Set labels graphic options
padding: 5,
* The shadow of the box. The shadow can be an object
* configuration containing `color`, `offsetX`, `offsetY`,
* `opacity` and `width`.
* @sample highcharts/annotations/label-presentation/
* Set labels graphic options
* @type {boolean|Highcharts.ShadowOptionsObject}
shadow: false,
* The name of a symbol to use for the border around the label.
* Symbols are predefined functions on the Renderer object.
* @sample highcharts/annotations/shapes/
* Available shapes for labels
shape: 'callout',
* Styles for the annotation's label.
* @see [plotOptions.series.dataLabels.style](plotOptions.series.dataLabels.style.html)
* @sample highcharts/annotations/label-presentation/
* Set labels graphic options
* @type {Highcharts.CSSObject}
style: {
/** @ignore */
fontSize: '11px',
/** @ignore */
fontWeight: 'normal',
/** @ignore */
color: 'contrast'
* Whether to [use HTML](https://www.highcharts.com/docs/chart-concepts/labels-and-string-formatting#html)
* to render the annotation's label.
useHTML: false,
* The vertical alignment of the annotation's label.
* @sample highcharts/annotations/label-position/
* Set labels position
* @type {Highcharts.VerticalAlignValue}
verticalAlign: 'bottom',
* The x position offset of the label relative to the point.
* Note that if a `distance` is defined, the distance takes
* precedence over `x` and `y` options.
* @sample highcharts/annotations/label-position/
* Set labels position
x: 0,
* The y position offset of the label relative to the point.
* Note that if a `distance` is defined, the distance takes
* precedence over `x` and `y` options.
* @sample highcharts/annotations/label-position/
* Set labels position
y: -16
* An array of labels for the annotation. For options that apply to
* multiple labels, they can be added to the
* [labelOptions](annotations.labelOptions.html).
* @type {Array<*>}
* @extends annotations.labelOptions
* @apioption annotations.labels
* This option defines the point to which the label will be
* connected. It can be either the point which exists in the
* series - it is referenced by the point's id - or a new point with
* defined x, y properties and optionally axes.
* @sample highcharts/annotations/mock-point/
* Attach annotation to a mock point
* @declare Highcharts.AnnotationMockPointOptionsObject
* @type {string|*}
* @requires modules/annotations
* @apioption annotations.labels.point
* The x position of the point. Units can be either in axis
* or chart pixel coordinates.
* @type {number}
* @apioption annotations.labels.point.x
* The y position of the point. Units can be either in axis
* or chart pixel coordinates.
* @type {number}
* @apioption annotations.labels.point.y
* This number defines which xAxis the point is connected to. It
* refers to either the axis id or the index of the axis in the
* xAxis array. If the option is not configured or the axis is not
* found the point's x coordinate refers to the chart pixels.
* @type {number|string|null}
* @apioption annotations.labels.point.xAxis
* This number defines which yAxis the point is connected to. It
* refers to either the axis id or the index of the axis in the
* yAxis array. If the option is not configured or the axis is not
* found the point's y coordinate refers to the chart pixels.
* @type {number|string|null}
* @apioption annotations.labels.point.yAxis
* An array of shapes for the annotation. For options that apply to
* multiple shapes, then can be added to the
* [shapeOptions](annotations.shapeOptions.html).
* @type {Array<*>}
* @extends annotations.shapeOptions
* @apioption annotations.shapes
* This option defines the point to which the shape will be
* connected. It can be either the point which exists in the
* series - it is referenced by the point's id - or a new point with
* defined x, y properties and optionally axes.
* @declare Highcharts.AnnotationMockPointOptionsObject
* @type {string|Highcharts.AnnotationMockPointOptionsObject}
* @extends annotations.labels.point
* @apioption annotations.shapes.point
* An array of points for the shape. This option is available for
* shapes which can use multiple points such as path. A point can be
* either a point object or a point's id.
* @see [annotations.shapes.point](annotations.shapes.point.html)
* @declare Highcharts.AnnotationMockPointOptionsObject
* @type {Array<string|*>}
* @extends annotations.labels.point
* @apioption annotations.shapes.points
* The URL for an image to use as the annotation shape. Note,
* type has to be set to `'image'`.
* @see [annotations.shapes.type](annotations.shapes.type)
* @sample highcharts/annotations/shape-src/
* Define a marker image url for annotations
* @type {string}
* @apioption annotations.shapes.src
* Id of the marker which will be drawn at the final vertex of the
* path. Custom markers can be defined in defs property.
* @see [defs.markers](defs.markers.html)
* @sample highcharts/annotations/custom-markers/
* Define a custom marker for annotations
* @type {string}
* @apioption annotations.shapes.markerEnd
* Id of the marker which will be drawn at the first vertex of the
* path. Custom markers can be defined in defs property.
* @see [defs.markers](defs.markers.html)
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/annotations/custom-markers/
* Define a custom marker for annotations
* @type {string}
* @apioption annotations.shapes.markerStart
* Options for annotation's shapes. Each shape inherits options from
* the shapeOptions object. An option from the shapeOptions can be
* overwritten by config for a specific shape.
* @requires modules/annotations
shapeOptions: {
* The width of the shape.
* @sample highcharts/annotations/shape/
* Basic shape annotation
* @type {number}
* @apioption annotations.shapeOptions.width
* The height of the shape.
* @sample highcharts/annotations/shape/
* Basic shape annotation
* @type {number}
* @apioption annotations.shapeOptions.height
* The type of the shape, e.g. circle or rectangle.
* @sample highcharts/annotations/shape/
* Basic shape annotation
* @type {string}
* @default 'rect'
* @apioption annotations.shapeOptions.type
* The URL for an image to use as the annotation shape. Note,
* type has to be set to `'image'`.
* @see [annotations.shapeOptions.type](annotations.shapeOptions.type)
* @sample highcharts/annotations/shape-src/
* Define a marker image url for annotations
* @type {string}
* @apioption annotations.shapeOptions.src
* Name of the dash style to use for the shape's stroke.
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/plotoptions/series-dashstyle-all/
* Possible values demonstrated
* @type {Highcharts.DashStyleValue}
* @apioption annotations.shapeOptions.dashStyle
* The color of the shape's stroke.
* @sample highcharts/annotations/shape/
* Basic shape annotation
* @type {Highcharts.ColorString}
stroke: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.75)',
* The pixel stroke width of the shape.
* @sample highcharts/annotations/shape/
* Basic shape annotation
strokeWidth: 1,
* The color of the shape's fill.
* @sample highcharts/annotations/shape/
* Basic shape annotation
* @type {Highcharts.ColorString|Highcharts.GradientColorObject|Highcharts.PatternObject}
fill: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.75)',
* The radius of the shape.
* @sample highcharts/annotations/shape/
* Basic shape annotation
r: 0,
* Defines additional snapping area around an annotation
* making this annotation to focus. Defined in pixels.
snap: 2
* Options for annotation's control points. Each control point
* inherits options from controlPointOptions object.
* Options from the controlPointOptions can be overwritten
* by options in a specific control point.
* @declare Highcharts.AnnotationControlPointOptionsObject
* @requires modules/annotations
* @apioption annotations.controlPointOptions
controlPointOptions: {
* @type {Highcharts.AnnotationControlPointPositionerFunction}
* @apioption annotations.controlPointOptions.positioner
symbol: 'circle',
width: 10,
height: 10,
style: {
stroke: 'black',
'stroke-width': 2,
fill: 'white'
visible: false,
events: {}
* Event callback when annotation is added to the chart.
* @type {Highcharts.EventCallbackFunction<Highcharts.Annotation>}
* @since 7.1.0
* @apioption annotations.events.add
* Event callback when annotation is updated (e.g. drag and
* droppped or resized by control points).
* @type {Highcharts.EventCallbackFunction<Highcharts.Annotation>}
* @since 7.1.0
* @apioption annotations.events.afterUpdate
* Event callback when annotation is removed from the chart.
* @type {Highcharts.EventCallbackFunction<Highcharts.Annotation>}
* @since 7.1.0
* @apioption annotations.events.remove
* Events available in annotations.
* @requires modules/annotations
events: {},
* The Z index of the annotation.
zIndex: 6
* Initialize the annotation.
* @private
init: function () {
getLabelsAndShapesOptions: function (baseOptions, newOptions) {
var mergedOptions = {};
['labels', 'shapes'].forEach(function (name) {
if (baseOptions[name]) {
mergedOptions[name] = splat(newOptions[name]).map(function (basicOptions, i) {
return merge(baseOptions[name][i], basicOptions);
return mergedOptions;
addShapes: function () {
(this.options.shapes || []).forEach(function (shapeOptions, i) {
var shape = this.initShape(shapeOptions, i);
merge(true, this.options.shapes[i], shape.options);
}, this);
addLabels: function () {
(this.options.labels || []).forEach(function (labelsOptions, i) {
var labels = this.initLabel(labelsOptions, i);
merge(true, this.options.labels[i], labels.options);
}, this);
addClipPaths: function () {
if (this.clipXAxis && this.clipYAxis) {
this.clipRect = this.chart.renderer.clipRect(this.getClipBox());
setClipAxes: function () {
var xAxes = this.chart.xAxis, yAxes = this.chart.yAxis, linkedAxes = (this.options.labels || [])
.concat(this.options.shapes || [])
.reduce(function (axes, labelOrShape) {
return [
xAxes[labelOrShape &&
labelOrShape.point &&
labelOrShape.point.xAxis] || axes[0],
yAxes[labelOrShape &&
labelOrShape.point &&
labelOrShape.point.yAxis] || axes[1]
}, []);
this.clipXAxis = linkedAxes[0];
this.clipYAxis = linkedAxes[1];
getClipBox: function () {
if (this.clipXAxis && this.clipYAxis) {
return {
x: this.clipXAxis.left,
y: this.clipYAxis.top,
width: this.clipXAxis.width,
height: this.clipYAxis.height
setLabelCollector: function () {
var annotation = this;
annotation.labelCollector = function () {
return annotation.labels.reduce(function (labels, label) {
if (!label.options.allowOverlap) {
return labels;
}, []);
* Set an annotation options.
* @private
* @param {Highcharts.AnnotationsOptions} - user options for an annotation
setOptions: function (userOptions) {
this.options = merge(this.defaultOptions, userOptions);
redraw: function (animation) {
if (!this.graphic) {
if (this.clipRect) {
this.redrawItems(this.shapes, animation);
this.redrawItems(this.labels, animation);
controllableMixin.redraw.call(this, animation);
* @private
* @param {Array<Highcharts.AnnotationControllable>} items
* @param {boolean} [animation]
redrawItems: function (items, animation) {
var i = items.length;
// needs a backward loop
// labels/shapes array might be modified
// due to destruction of the item
while (i--) {
this.redrawItem(items[i], animation);
* @private
* @param {Array<Highcharts.AnnotationControllable>} items
renderItems: function (items) {
var i = items.length;
while (i--) {
render: function () {
var renderer = this.chart.renderer;
this.graphic = renderer
zIndex: this.options.zIndex,
visibility: this.options.visible ?
'visible' :
this.shapesGroup = renderer
this.labelsGroup = renderer
// hideOverlappingLabels requires translation
translateX: 0,
translateY: 0
if (this.clipRect) {
// Render shapes and labels before adding events (#13070).
* Set the annotation's visibility.
* @private
* @param {boolean} [visible]
* Whether to show or hide an annotation. If the param is omitted, the
* annotation's visibility is toggled.
setVisibility: function (visible) {
var options = this.options, visibility = pick(visible, !options.visible);
this.graphic.attr('visibility', visibility ? 'visible' : 'hidden');
if (!visibility) {
options.visible = visibility;
setControlPointsVisibility: function (visible) {
var setItemControlPointsVisibility = function (item) {
controllableMixin.setControlPointsVisibility.call(this, visible);
* Destroy the annotation. This function does not touch the chart
* that the annotation belongs to (all annotations are kept in
* the chart.annotations array) - it is recommended to use
* {@link Highcharts.Chart#removeAnnotation} instead.
* @private
destroy: function () {
var chart = this.chart, destroyItem = function (item) {
this.clipXAxis = null;
this.clipYAxis = null;
erase(chart.labelCollectors, this.labelCollector);
destroyObjectProperties(this, chart);
* See {@link Highcharts.Chart#removeAnnotation}.
* @private
remove: function () {
// Let chart.update() remove annoations on demand
return this.chart.removeAnnotation(this);
* Updates an annotation.
* @function Highcharts.Annotation#update
* @param {Partial<Highcharts.AnnotationsOptions>} userOptions
* New user options for the annotation.
* @return {void}
update: function (userOptions, redraw) {
var chart = this.chart, labelsAndShapes = this.getLabelsAndShapesOptions(this.userOptions, userOptions), userOptionsIndex = chart.annotations.indexOf(this), options = merge(true, this.userOptions, userOptions);
options.labels = labelsAndShapes.labels;
options.shapes = labelsAndShapes.shapes;
this.constructor(chart, options);
// Update options in chart options, used in exporting (#9767):
chart.options.annotations[userOptionsIndex] = options;
this.isUpdating = true;
if (pick(redraw, true)) {
fireEvent(this, 'afterUpdate');
this.isUpdating = false;
/* *************************************************************
* Contains methods for handling a single item in an annotation
**************************************************************** */
* Initialisation of a single shape
* @private
* @param {Object} shapeOptions - a confg object for a single shape
initShape: function (shapeOptions, index) {
var options = merge(this.options.shapeOptions, {
controlPointOptions: this.options.controlPointOptions
}, shapeOptions), shape = new Annotation.shapesMap[options.type](this, options, index);
shape.itemType = 'shape';
return shape;
* Initialisation of a single label
* @private
initLabel: function (labelOptions, index) {
var options = merge(this.options.labelOptions, {
controlPointOptions: this.options.controlPointOptions
}, labelOptions), label = new ControllableLabel(this, options, index);
label.itemType = 'label';
return label;
* Redraw a single item.
* @private
* @param {Annotation.Label|Annotation.Shape} item
* @param {boolean} [animation]
redrawItem: function (item, animation) {
if (!item.shouldBeDrawn()) {
else {
if (!item.graphic) {
item.redraw(pick(animation, true) && item.graphic.placed);
if (item.points.length) {
* Hide or show annotaiton attached to points.
* @private
* @param {Annotation.Label|Annotation.Shape} item
adjustVisibility: function (item) {
var hasVisiblePoints = false, label = item.graphic;
item.points.forEach(function (point) {
if (point.series.visible !== false &&
point.visible !== false) {
hasVisiblePoints = true;
if (!hasVisiblePoints) {
else if (label.visibility === 'hidden') {
* Destroy a single item.
* @private
* @param {Annotation.Label|Annotation.Shape} item
destroyItem: function (item) {
// erase from shapes or labels array
erase(this[item.itemType + 's'], item);
* @private
renderItem: function (item) {
item.render(item.itemType === 'label' ?
this.labelsGroup :
* An object uses for mapping between a shape type and a constructor.
* To add a new shape type extend this object with type name as a key
* and a constructor as its value.
Annotation.shapesMap = {
'rect': ControllableRect,
'circle': ControllableCircle,
'path': ControllablePath,
'image': ControllableImage
Annotation.types = {};
Annotation.MockPoint = MockPoint;
Annotation.ControlPoint = ControlPoint;
H.extendAnnotation = function (Constructor, BaseConstructor, prototype, defaultOptions) {
BaseConstructor = BaseConstructor || Annotation;
merge(true, Constructor.prototype, BaseConstructor.prototype, prototype);
Constructor.prototype.defaultOptions = merge(Constructor.prototype.defaultOptions, defaultOptions || {});
/* *********************************************************************
******************************************************************** */
extend(chartProto, /** @lends Highcharts.Chart# */ {
initAnnotation: function (userOptions) {
var Constructor = Annotation.types[userOptions.type] || Annotation, annotation = new Constructor(this, userOptions);
return annotation;
* Add an annotation to the chart after render time.
* @param {Highcharts.AnnotationsOptions} options
* The annotation options for the new, detailed annotation.
* @param {boolean} [redraw]
* @return {Highcharts.Annotation} - The newly generated annotation.
addAnnotation: function (userOptions, redraw) {
var annotation = this.initAnnotation(userOptions);
if (pick(redraw, true)) {
return annotation;
* Remove an annotation from the chart.
* @param {number|string|Highcharts.Annotation} idOrAnnotation
* The annotation's id or direct annotation object.
removeAnnotation: function (idOrAnnotation) {
var annotations = this.annotations, annotation = idOrAnnotation.coll === 'annotations' ?
idOrAnnotation :
find(annotations, function (annotation) {
return annotation.options.id === idOrAnnotation;
if (annotation) {
fireEvent(annotation, 'remove');
erase(this.options.annotations, annotation.options);
erase(annotations, annotation);
drawAnnotations: function () {
this.annotations.forEach(function (annotation) {
// Let chart.update() update annotations
// Let chart.update() create annoations on demand
chartProto.collectionsWithInit.annotations = [chartProto.addAnnotation];
chartProto.callbacks.push(function (chart) {
chart.annotations = [];
if (!chart.options.annotations) {
chart.options.annotations = [];
chart.plotBoxClip = this.renderer.clipRect(this.plotBox);
chart.controlPointsGroup = chart.renderer
.attr({ zIndex: 99 })
chart.options.annotations.forEach(function (annotationOptions, i) {
var annotation = chart.initAnnotation(annotationOptions);
chart.options.annotations[i] = annotation.options;
addEvent(chart, 'redraw', chart.drawAnnotations);
addEvent(chart, 'destroy', function () {
wrap(H.Pointer.prototype, 'onContainerMouseDown', function (proceed) {
if (!this.chart.hasDraggedAnnotation) {
proceed.apply(this, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1));