2020-05-23 15:45:54 -05:00

470 lines
15 KiB

/* *
* Copyright (c) 2019-2020 Highsoft AS
* Boost module: stripped-down renderer for higher performance
* License: highcharts.com/license
* */
'use strict';
import U from '../../parts/Utilities.js';
var clamp = U.clamp, error = U.error, pick = U.pick;
/* eslint-disable valid-jsdoc */
* A static shader mimicing axis translation functions found in parts/Axis
* @private
* @function GLShader
* @param {WebGLContext} gl
* the context in which the shader is active
* @return {*}
function GLShader(gl) {
var vertShade = [
/* eslint-disable max-len, @typescript-eslint/indent */
'#version 100',
'#define LN10 2.302585092994046',
'precision highp float;',
'attribute vec4 aVertexPosition;',
'attribute vec4 aColor;',
'varying highp vec2 position;',
'varying highp vec4 vColor;',
'uniform mat4 uPMatrix;',
'uniform float pSize;',
'uniform float translatedThreshold;',
'uniform bool hasThreshold;',
'uniform bool skipTranslation;',
'uniform float xAxisTrans;',
'uniform float xAxisMin;',
'uniform float xAxisMinPad;',
'uniform float xAxisPointRange;',
'uniform float xAxisLen;',
'uniform bool xAxisPostTranslate;',
'uniform float xAxisOrdinalSlope;',
'uniform float xAxisOrdinalOffset;',
'uniform float xAxisPos;',
'uniform bool xAxisCVSCoord;',
'uniform bool xAxisIsLog;',
'uniform bool xAxisReversed;',
'uniform float yAxisTrans;',
'uniform float yAxisMin;',
'uniform float yAxisMinPad;',
'uniform float yAxisPointRange;',
'uniform float yAxisLen;',
'uniform bool yAxisPostTranslate;',
'uniform float yAxisOrdinalSlope;',
'uniform float yAxisOrdinalOffset;',
'uniform float yAxisPos;',
'uniform bool yAxisCVSCoord;',
'uniform bool yAxisIsLog;',
'uniform bool yAxisReversed;',
'uniform bool isBubble;',
'uniform bool bubbleSizeByArea;',
'uniform float bubbleZMin;',
'uniform float bubbleZMax;',
'uniform float bubbleZThreshold;',
'uniform float bubbleMinSize;',
'uniform float bubbleMaxSize;',
'uniform bool bubbleSizeAbs;',
'uniform bool isInverted;',
'float bubbleRadius(){',
'float value = aVertexPosition.w;',
'float zMax = bubbleZMax;',
'float zMin = bubbleZMin;',
'float radius = 0.0;',
'float pos = 0.0;',
'float zRange = zMax - zMin;',
'if (bubbleSizeAbs){',
'value = value - bubbleZThreshold;',
'zMax = max(zMax - bubbleZThreshold, zMin - bubbleZThreshold);',
'zMin = 0.0;',
'if (value < zMin){',
'radius = bubbleZMin / 2.0 - 1.0;',
'} else {',
'pos = zRange > 0.0 ? (value - zMin) / zRange : 0.5;',
'if (bubbleSizeByArea && pos > 0.0){',
'pos = sqrt(pos);',
'radius = ceil(bubbleMinSize + pos * (bubbleMaxSize - bubbleMinSize)) / 2.0;',
'return radius * 2.0;',
'float translate(float val,',
'float pointPlacement,',
'float localA,',
'float localMin,',
'float minPixelPadding,',
'float pointRange,',
'float len,',
'bool cvsCoord,',
'bool isLog,',
'bool reversed',
'float sign = 1.0;',
'float cvsOffset = 0.0;',
'if (cvsCoord) {',
'sign *= -1.0;',
'cvsOffset = len;',
'if (isLog) {',
'val = log(val) / LN10;',
'if (reversed) {',
'sign *= -1.0;',
'cvsOffset -= sign * len;',
'return sign * (val - localMin) * localA + cvsOffset + ',
'(sign * minPixelPadding);',
'float xToPixels(float value) {',
'if (skipTranslation){',
'return value;// + xAxisPos;',
'return translate(value, 0.0, xAxisTrans, xAxisMin, xAxisMinPad, xAxisPointRange, xAxisLen, xAxisCVSCoord, xAxisIsLog, xAxisReversed);// + xAxisPos;',
'float yToPixels(float value, float checkTreshold) {',
'float v;',
'if (skipTranslation){',
'v = value;// + yAxisPos;',
'} else {',
'v = translate(value, 0.0, yAxisTrans, yAxisMin, yAxisMinPad, yAxisPointRange, yAxisLen, yAxisCVSCoord, yAxisIsLog, yAxisReversed);// + yAxisPos;',
'if (v > yAxisLen) {',
'v = yAxisLen;',
'if (checkTreshold > 0.0 && hasThreshold) {',
'v = min(v, translatedThreshold);',
'return v;',
'void main(void) {',
'if (isBubble){',
'gl_PointSize = bubbleRadius();',
'} else {',
'gl_PointSize = pSize;',
// 'gl_PointSize = 10.0;',
'vColor = aColor;',
'if (skipTranslation && isInverted) {',
// If we get translated values from JS, just swap them (x, y)
'gl_Position = uPMatrix * vec4(aVertexPosition.y + yAxisPos, aVertexPosition.x + xAxisPos, 0.0, 1.0);',
'} else if (isInverted) {',
// But when calculating pixel positions directly,
// swap axes and values (x, y)
'gl_Position = uPMatrix * vec4(yToPixels(aVertexPosition.y, aVertexPosition.z) + yAxisPos, xToPixels(aVertexPosition.x) + xAxisPos, 0.0, 1.0);',
'} else {',
'gl_Position = uPMatrix * vec4(xToPixels(aVertexPosition.x) + xAxisPos, yToPixels(aVertexPosition.y, aVertexPosition.z) + yAxisPos, 0.0, 1.0);',
// 'gl_Position = uPMatrix * vec4(aVertexPosition.x, aVertexPosition.y, 0.0, 1.0);',
/* eslint-enable max-len, @typescript-eslint/indent */
// Fragment shader source
fragShade = [
/* eslint-disable max-len, @typescript-eslint/indent */
'precision highp float;',
'uniform vec4 fillColor;',
'varying highp vec2 position;',
'varying highp vec4 vColor;',
'uniform sampler2D uSampler;',
'uniform bool isCircle;',
'uniform bool hasColor;',
// 'vec4 toColor(float value, vec2 point) {',
// 'return vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);',
// '}',
'void main(void) {',
'vec4 col = fillColor;',
'vec4 tcol;',
'if (hasColor) {',
'col = vColor;',
'if (isCircle) {',
'tcol = texture2D(uSampler, gl_PointCoord.st);',
'col *= tcol;',
'if (tcol.r < 0.0) {',
'} else {',
'gl_FragColor = col;',
'} else {',
'gl_FragColor = col;',
/* eslint-enable max-len, @typescript-eslint/indent */
].join('\n'), uLocations = {},
// The shader program
// Uniform handle to the perspective matrix
// Uniform for point size
// Uniform for fill color
// Uniform for isBubble
// Uniform for bubble abs sizing
bubbleSizeAbsUniform, bubbleSizeAreaUniform,
// Skip translation uniform
// Set to 1 if circle
// Uniform for invertion
// Error stack
errors = [],
// Texture uniform
* Handle errors accumulated in errors stack
* @private
function handleErrors() {
if (errors.length) {
error('[highcharts boost] shader error - ' + errors.join('\n'));
* String to shader program
* @private
* @param {string} str - the program source
* @param {string} type - the program type: either `vertex` or `fragment`
* @returns {bool|shader}
function stringToProgram(str, type) {
var t = type === 'vertex' ? gl.VERTEX_SHADER : gl.FRAGMENT_SHADER, shader = gl.createShader(t);
gl.shaderSource(shader, str);
if (!gl.getShaderParameter(shader, gl.COMPILE_STATUS)) {
errors.push('when compiling ' +
type +
' shader:\n' +
return false;
return shader;
* Create the shader.
* Loads the shader program statically defined above
* @private
function createShader() {
var v = stringToProgram(vertShade, 'vertex'), f = stringToProgram(fragShade, 'fragment');
if (!v || !f) {
shaderProgram = false;
return false;
* @private
function uloc(n) {
return gl.getUniformLocation(shaderProgram, n);
shaderProgram = gl.createProgram();
gl.attachShader(shaderProgram, v);
gl.attachShader(shaderProgram, f);
if (!gl.getProgramParameter(shaderProgram, gl.LINK_STATUS)) {
shaderProgram = false;
return false;
gl.bindAttribLocation(shaderProgram, 0, 'aVertexPosition');
pUniform = uloc('uPMatrix');
psUniform = uloc('pSize');
fillColorUniform = uloc('fillColor');
isBubbleUniform = uloc('isBubble');
bubbleSizeAbsUniform = uloc('bubbleSizeAbs');
bubbleSizeAreaUniform = uloc('bubbleSizeByArea');
uSamplerUniform = uloc('uSampler');
skipTranslationUniform = uloc('skipTranslation');
isCircleUniform = uloc('isCircle');
isInverted = uloc('isInverted');
return true;
* Destroy the shader
* @private
function destroy() {
if (gl && shaderProgram) {
shaderProgram = false;
* Bind the shader.
* This makes the shader the active one until another one is bound,
* or until 0 is bound.
* @private
function bind() {
if (gl && shaderProgram) {
* Set a uniform value.
* This uses a hash map to cache uniform locations.
* @private
* @param name {string} - the name of the uniform to set
* @param val {float} - the value to set
function setUniform(name, val) {
if (gl && shaderProgram) {
var u = uLocations[name] = (uLocations[name] ||
gl.getUniformLocation(shaderProgram, name));
gl.uniform1f(u, val);
* Set the active texture
* @private
* @param texture - the texture
function setTexture(texture) {
if (gl && shaderProgram) {
gl.uniform1i(uSamplerUniform, texture);
* Set if inversion state
* @private
* @flag is the state
function setInverted(flag) {
if (gl && shaderProgram) {
gl.uniform1i(isInverted, flag);
* Enable/disable circle drawing
* @private
function setDrawAsCircle(flag) {
if (gl && shaderProgram) {
gl.uniform1i(isCircleUniform, flag ? 1 : 0);
* Flush
* @private
function reset() {
if (gl && shaderProgram) {
gl.uniform1i(isBubbleUniform, 0);
gl.uniform1i(isCircleUniform, 0);
* Set bubble uniforms
* @private
* @param series {Highcharts.Series} - the series to use
function setBubbleUniforms(series, zCalcMin, zCalcMax) {
var seriesOptions = series.options, zMin = Number.MAX_VALUE, zMax = -Number.MAX_VALUE;
if (gl && shaderProgram && series.type === 'bubble') {
zMin = pick(seriesOptions.zMin, clamp(zCalcMin, seriesOptions.displayNegative === false ?
seriesOptions.zThreshold : -Number.MAX_VALUE, zMin));
zMax = pick(seriesOptions.zMax, Math.max(zMax, zCalcMax));
gl.uniform1i(isBubbleUniform, 1);
gl.uniform1i(isCircleUniform, 1);
gl.uniform1i(bubbleSizeAreaUniform, (series.options.sizeBy !== 'width'));
gl.uniform1i(bubbleSizeAbsUniform, series.options
setUniform('bubbleZMin', zMin);
setUniform('bubbleZMax', zMax);
setUniform('bubbleZThreshold', series.options.zThreshold);
setUniform('bubbleMinSize', series.minPxSize);
setUniform('bubbleMaxSize', series.maxPxSize);
* Set the Color uniform.
* @private
* @param color {Array<float>} - an array with RGBA values
function setColor(color) {
if (gl && shaderProgram) {
gl.uniform4f(fillColorUniform, color[0] / 255.0, color[1] / 255.0, color[2] / 255.0, color[3]);
* Set skip translation
* @private
function setSkipTranslation(flag) {
if (gl && shaderProgram) {
gl.uniform1i(skipTranslationUniform, flag === true ? 1 : 0);
* Set the perspective matrix
* @private
* @param m {Matrix4x4} - the matrix
function setPMatrix(m) {
if (gl && shaderProgram) {
gl.uniformMatrix4fv(pUniform, false, m);
* Set the point size.
* @private
* @param p {float} - point size
function setPointSize(p) {
if (gl && shaderProgram) {
gl.uniform1f(psUniform, p);
* Get the shader program handle
* @private
* @return {GLInt} - the handle for the program
function getProgram() {
return shaderProgram;
if (gl) {
if (!createShader()) {
return false;
return {
psUniform: function () {
return psUniform;
pUniform: function () {
return pUniform;
fillColorUniform: function () {
return fillColorUniform;
setBubbleUniforms: setBubbleUniforms,
bind: bind,
program: getProgram,
create: createShader,
setUniform: setUniform,
setPMatrix: setPMatrix,
setColor: setColor,
setPointSize: setPointSize,
setSkipTranslation: setSkipTranslation,
setTexture: setTexture,
setDrawAsCircle: setDrawAsCircle,
reset: reset,
setInverted: setInverted,
destroy: destroy
export default GLShader;