2020-05-23 15:45:54 -05:00

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/* *
* (c) 2009-2020 Øystein Moseng
* Default options for accessibility.
* License: www.highcharts.com/license
* */
'use strict';
* Formatter callback for the accessibility announcement.
* @callback Highcharts.AccessibilityAnnouncementFormatter
* @param {Array<Highcharts.Series>} updatedSeries
* Array of all series that received updates. If an announcement is already
* queued, the series that received updates for that announcement are also
* included in this array.
* @param {Highcharts.Series} [addedSeries]
* This is provided if {@link Highcharts.Chart#addSeries} was called, and there
* is a new series. In that case, this argument is a reference to the new
* series.
* @param {Highcharts.Point} [addedPoint]
* This is provided if {@link Highcharts.Series#addPoint} was called, and there
* is a new point. In that case, this argument is a reference to the new point.
* @return {false|string}
* The function should return a string with the text to announce to the user.
* Return empty string to not announce anything. Return `false` to use the
* default announcement format.
* @interface Highcharts.PointAccessibilityOptionsObject
*/ /**
* Provide a description of the data point, announced to screen readers.
* @name Highcharts.PointAccessibilityOptionsObject#description
* @type {string|undefined}
* @requires modules/accessibility
* @since 7.1.0
/* *
* @interface Highcharts.PointOptionsObject in parts/Point.ts
*/ /**
* @name Highcharts.PointOptionsObject#accessibility
* @type {Highcharts.PointAccessibilityOptionsObject|undefined}
* @requires modules/accessibility
* @since 7.1.0
* @callback Highcharts.ScreenReaderClickCallbackFunction
* @param {global.MouseEvent} evt
* Mouse click event
* @return {void}
* Creates a formatted string for the screen reader module.
* @callback Highcharts.ScreenReaderFormatterCallbackFunction<T>
* @param {T} context
* Context to format
* @return {string}
* Formatted string for the screen reader module.
var options = {
* Options for configuring accessibility for the chart. Requires the
* [accessibility module](https://code.highcharts.com/modules/accessibility.js)
* to be loaded. For a description of the module and information
* on its features, see
* [Highcharts Accessibility](https://www.highcharts.com/docs/chart-concepts/accessibility).
* @since 5.0.0
* @requires modules/accessibility
* @optionparent accessibility
accessibility: {
* Enable accessibility functionality for the chart.
* @since 5.0.0
enabled: true,
* Accessibility options for the screen reader information sections
* added before and after the chart.
* @since 8.0.0
screenReaderSection: {
* Function to run upon clicking the "View as Data Table" link in
* the screen reader region.
* By default Highcharts will insert and set focus to a data table
* representation of the chart.
* @type {Highcharts.ScreenReaderClickCallbackFunction}
* @since 8.0.0
* @apioption accessibility.screenReaderSection.onViewDataTableClick
* Function to run upon clicking the "Play as sound" button in
* the screen reader region.
* By default Highcharts will call the `chart.sonify` function.
* @type {Highcharts.ScreenReaderClickCallbackFunction}
* @since 8.0.1
* @apioption accessibility.screenReaderSection.onPlayAsSoundClick
* A formatter function to create the HTML contents of the hidden
* screen reader information region before the chart. Receives one
* argument, `chart`, referring to the chart object. Should return a
* string with the HTML content of the region. By default this
* returns an automatic description of the chart based on
* [beforeChartFormat](#accessibility.screenReaderSection.beforeChartFormat).
* @type {Highcharts.ScreenReaderFormatterCallbackFunction<Highcharts.Chart>}
* @since 8.0.0
* @apioption accessibility.screenReaderSection.beforeChartFormatter
* Format for the screen reader information region before the chart.
* Supported HTML tags are `<h1-7>`, `<p>`, `<div>`, `<a>`, `<ul>`,
* `<ol>`, `<li>`, and `<button>`. Attributes are not supported,
* except for id on `<div>`, `<a>`, and `<button>`. Id is required
* on `<a>` and `<button>` in the format `<tag id="abcd">`. Numbers,
* lower- and uppercase letters, "-" and "#" are valid characters in
* IDs.
* @since 8.0.0
beforeChartFormat: '<h5>{chartTitle}</h5>' +
'<div>{typeDescription}</div>' +
'<div>{chartSubtitle}</div>' +
'<div>{chartLongdesc}</div>' +
'<div>{playAsSoundButton}</div>' +
'<div>{viewTableButton}</div>' +
'<div>{xAxisDescription}</div>' +
'<div>{yAxisDescription}</div>' +
* A formatter function to create the HTML contents of the hidden
* screen reader information region after the chart. Analogous to
* [beforeChartFormatter](#accessibility.screenReaderSection.beforeChartFormatter).
* @type {Highcharts.ScreenReaderFormatterCallbackFunction<Highcharts.Chart>}
* @since 8.0.0
* @apioption accessibility.screenReaderSection.afterChartFormatter
* Format for the screen reader information region after the chart.
* Analogous to [beforeChartFormat](#accessibility.screenReaderSection.beforeChartFormat).
* @since 8.0.0
afterChartFormat: '{endOfChartMarker}',
* Date format to use to describe range of datetime axes.
* For an overview of the replacement codes, see
* [dateFormat](/class-reference/Highcharts#dateFormat).
* @see [point.dateFormat](#accessibility.point.dateFormat)
* @since 8.0.0
axisRangeDateFormat: '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'
* Accessibility options global to all data series. Individual series
* can also have specific [accessibility options](#plotOptions.series.accessibility)
* set.
* @since 8.0.0
series: {
* Formatter function to use instead of the default for series
* descriptions. Receives one argument, `series`, referring to the
* series to describe. Should return a string with the description
* of the series for a screen reader user. If `false` is returned,
* the default formatter will be used for that series.
* @see [series.description](#plotOptions.series.description)
* @type {Highcharts.ScreenReaderFormatterCallbackFunction<Highcharts.Series>}
* @since 8.0.0
* @apioption accessibility.series.descriptionFormatter
* Whether or not to add series descriptions to charts with a single
* series.
* @since 8.0.0
describeSingleSeries: false,
* When a series contains more points than this, we no longer expose
* information about individual points to screen readers.
* Set to `false` to disable.
* @type {boolean|number}
* @since 8.0.0
pointDescriptionEnabledThreshold: 200
* Options for descriptions of individual data points.
* @since 8.0.0
point: {
* Date format to use for points on datetime axes when describing
* them to screen reader users.
* Defaults to the same format as in tooltip.
* For an overview of the replacement codes, see
* [dateFormat](/class-reference/Highcharts#dateFormat).
* @see [dateFormatter](#accessibility.point.dateFormatter)
* @type {string}
* @since 8.0.0
* @apioption accessibility.point.dateFormat
* Formatter function to determine the date/time format used with
* points on datetime axes when describing them to screen reader
* users. Receives one argument, `point`, referring to the point
* to describe. Should return a date format string compatible with
* [dateFormat](/class-reference/Highcharts#dateFormat).
* @see [dateFormat](#accessibility.point.dateFormat)
* @type {Highcharts.ScreenReaderFormatterCallbackFunction<Highcharts.Point>}
* @since 8.0.0
* @apioption accessibility.point.dateFormatter
* Prefix to add to the values in the point descriptions. Uses
* [tooltip.valuePrefix](#tooltip.valuePrefix) if not defined.
* @type {string}
* @since 8.0.0
* @apioption accessibility.point.valuePrefix
* Suffix to add to the values in the point descriptions. Uses
* [tooltip.valueSuffix](#tooltip.valueSuffix) if not defined.
* @type {string}
* @since 8.0.0
* @apioption accessibility.point.valueSuffix
* Decimals to use for the values in the point descriptions. Uses
* [tooltip.valueDecimals](#tooltip.valueDecimals) if not defined.
* @type {number}
* @since 8.0.0
* @apioption accessibility.point.valueDecimals
* Formatter function to use instead of the default for point
* descriptions.
* Receives one argument, `point`, referring to the point to
* describe. Should return a string with the description of the
* point for a screen reader user. If `false` is returned, the
* default formatter will be used for that point.
* Note: Prefer using [accessibility.point.valueDescriptionFormat](#accessibility.point.valueDescriptionFormat)
* instead if possible, as default functionality such as describing
* annotations will be preserved.
* @see [accessibility.point.valueDescriptionFormat](#accessibility.point.valueDescriptionFormat)
* @see [point.accessibility.description](#series.line.data.accessibility.description)
* @type {Highcharts.ScreenReaderFormatterCallbackFunction<Highcharts.Point>}
* @since 8.0.0
* @apioption accessibility.point.descriptionFormatter
* Format to use for describing the values of data points
* to assistive technology - including screen readers.
* The point context is available as `{point}`.
* Additionally, the series name, annotation info, and
* description added in `point.accessibility.description`
* is added by default if relevant. To override this, use the
* [accessibility.point.descriptionFormatter](#accessibility.point.descriptionFormatter)
* option.
* @see [point.accessibility.description](#series.line.data.accessibility.description)
* @see [accessibility.point.descriptionFormatter](#accessibility.point.descriptionFormatter)
* @type {string}
* @since 8.0.1
valueDescriptionFormat: '{index}. {xDescription}{separator}{value}.'
* Amount of landmarks/regions to create for screen reader users. More
* landmarks can make navigation with screen readers easier, but can
* be distracting if there are lots of charts on the page. Three modes
* are available:
* - `all`: Adds regions for all series, legend, menu, information
* region.
* - `one`: Adds a single landmark per chart.
* - `disabled`: No landmarks are added.
* @since 7.1.0
* @validvalue ["all", "one", "disabled"]
landmarkVerbosity: 'all',
* Link the chart to an HTML element describing the contents of the
* chart.
* It is always recommended to describe charts using visible text, to
* improve SEO as well as accessibility for users with disabilities.
* This option lets an HTML element with a description be linked to the
* chart, so that screen reader users can connect the two.
* By setting this option to a string, Highcharts runs the string as an
* HTML selector query on the entire document. If there is only a single
* match, this element is linked to the chart. The content of the linked
* element will be included in the chart description for screen reader
* users.
* By default, the chart looks for an adjacent sibling element with the
* `highcharts-description` class.
* The feature can be disabled by setting the option to an empty string,
* or overridden by providing the
* [accessibility.description](#accessibility.description) option.
* Alternatively, the HTML element to link can be passed in directly as
* an HTML node.
* If you need the description to be part of the exported image,
* consider using the [caption](#caption) feature.
* If you need the description to be hidden visually, use the
* [accessibility.description](#accessibility.description) option.
* @see [caption](#caption)
* @see [description](#accessibility.description)
* @see [typeDescription](#accessibility.typeDescription)
* @sample highcharts/accessibility/accessible-line
* Accessible line chart
* @type {string|Highcharts.HTMLDOMElement}
* @since 8.0.0
linkedDescription: '*[data-highcharts-chart="{index}"] + .highcharts-description',
* A hook for adding custom components to the accessibility module.
* Should be an object mapping component names to instances of classes
* inheriting from the Highcharts.AccessibilityComponent base class.
* Remember to add the component to the
* [keyboardNavigation.order](#accessibility.keyboardNavigation.order)
* for the keyboard navigation to be usable.
* @sample highcharts/accessibility/custom-component
* Custom accessibility component
* @type {*}
* @since 7.1.0
* @apioption accessibility.customComponents
* Theme to apply to the chart when Windows High Contrast Mode is
* detected. By default, a high contrast theme matching the high
* contrast system system colors is used.
* @type {*}
* @since 7.1.3
* @apioption accessibility.highContrastTheme
* A text description of the chart.
* **Note: Prefer using [linkedDescription](#accessibility.linkedDescription)
* or [caption](#caption.text) instead.**
* If the Accessibility module is loaded, this option is included by
* default as a long description of the chart in the hidden screen
* reader information region.
* Note: Since Highcharts now supports captions and linked descriptions,
* it is preferred to define the description using those methods, as a
* visible caption/description benefits all users. If the
* `accessibility.description` option is defined, the linked description
* is ignored, and the caption is hidden from screen reader users.
* @see [linkedDescription](#accessibility.linkedDescription)
* @see [caption](#caption)
* @see [typeDescription](#accessibility.typeDescription)
* @type {string}
* @since 5.0.0
* @apioption accessibility.description
* A text description of the chart type.
* If the Accessibility module is loaded, this will be included in the
* description of the chart in the screen reader information region.
* Highcharts will by default attempt to guess the chart type, but for
* more complex charts it is recommended to specify this property for
* clarity.
* @type {string}
* @since 5.0.0
* @apioption accessibility.typeDescription
* Options for keyboard navigation.
* @declare Highcharts.KeyboardNavigationOptionsObject
* @since 5.0.0
keyboardNavigation: {
* Enable keyboard navigation for the chart.
* @since 5.0.0
enabled: true,
* Options for the focus border drawn around elements while
* navigating through them.
* @sample highcharts/accessibility/custom-focus
* Custom focus ring
* @declare Highcharts.KeyboardNavigationFocusBorderOptionsObject
* @since 6.0.3
focusBorder: {
* Enable/disable focus border for chart.
* @since 6.0.3
enabled: true,
* Hide the browser's default focus indicator.
* @since 6.0.4
hideBrowserFocusOutline: true,
* Style options for the focus border drawn around elements
* while navigating through them. Note that some browsers in
* addition draw their own borders for focused elements. These
* automatic borders can not be styled by Highcharts.
* In styled mode, the border is given the
* `.highcharts-focus-border` class.
* @type {Highcharts.CSSObject}
* @since 6.0.3
style: {
/** @internal */
color: '#335cad',
/** @internal */
lineWidth: 2,
/** @internal */
borderRadius: 3
* Focus border margin around the elements.
* @since 6.0.3
margin: 2
* Order of tab navigation in the chart. Determines which elements
* are tabbed to first. Available elements are: `series`, `zoom`,
* `rangeSelector`, `chartMenu`, `legend`. In addition, any custom
* components can be added here.
* @type {Array<string>}
* @since 7.1.0
order: ['series', 'zoom', 'rangeSelector', 'legend', 'chartMenu'],
* Whether or not to wrap around when reaching the end of arrow-key
* navigation for an element in the chart.
* @since 7.1.0
wrapAround: true,
* Options for the keyboard navigation of data points and series.
* @declare Highcharts.KeyboardNavigationSeriesNavigationOptionsObject
* @since 8.0.0
seriesNavigation: {
* Set the keyboard navigation mode for the chart. Can be
* "normal" or "serialize". In normal mode, left/right arrow
* keys move between points in a series, while up/down arrow
* keys move between series. Up/down navigation acts
* intelligently to figure out which series makes sense to move
* to from any given point.
* In "serialize" mode, points are instead navigated as a single
* list. Left/right behaves as in "normal" mode. Up/down arrow
* keys will behave like left/right. This can be useful for
* unifying navigation behavior with/without screen readers
* enabled.
* @type {string}
* @default normal
* @since 8.0.0
* @validvalue ["normal", "serialize"]
* @apioption accessibility.keyboardNavigation.seriesNavigation.mode
* Skip null points when navigating through points with the
* keyboard.
* @since 8.0.0
skipNullPoints: true,
* When a series contains more points than this, we no longer
* allow keyboard navigation for it.
* Set to `false` to disable.
* @type {boolean|number}
* @since 8.0.0
pointNavigationEnabledThreshold: false
* Options for announcing new data to screen reader users. Useful
* for dynamic data applications and drilldown.
* Keep in mind that frequent announcements will not be useful to
* users, as they won't have time to explore the new data. For these
* applications, consider making snapshots of the data accessible, and
* do the announcements in batches.
* @declare Highcharts.AccessibilityAnnounceNewDataOptionsObject
* @since 7.1.0
announceNewData: {
* Optional formatter callback for the announcement. Receives
* up to three arguments. The first argument is always an array
* of all series that received updates. If an announcement is
* already queued, the series that received updates for that
* announcement are also included in this array. The second
* argument is provided if `chart.addSeries` was called, and
* there is a new series. In that case, this argument is a
* reference to the new series. The third argument, similarly,
* is provided if `series.addPoint` was called, and there is a
* new point. In that case, this argument is a reference to the
* new point.
* The function should return a string with the text to announce
* to the user. Return empty string to not announce anything.
* Return `false` to use the default announcement format.
* @sample highcharts/accessibility/custom-dynamic
* High priority live alerts
* @type {Highcharts.AccessibilityAnnouncementFormatter}
* @apioption accessibility.announceNewData.announcementFormatter
* Enable announcing new data to screen reader users
* @sample highcharts/accessibility/accessible-dynamic
* Dynamic data accessible
enabled: false,
* Minimum interval between announcements in milliseconds. If
* new data arrives before this amount of time has passed, it is
* queued for announcement. If another new data event happens
* while an announcement is queued, the queued announcement is
* dropped, and the latest announcement is queued instead. Set
* to 0 to allow all announcements, but be warned that frequent
* announcements are disturbing to users.
minAnnounceInterval: 5000,
* Choose whether or not the announcements should interrupt the
* screen reader. If not enabled, the user will be notified once
* idle. It is recommended not to enable this setting unless
* there is a specific reason to do so.
interruptUser: false
* Accessibility options for a data point.
* @declare Highcharts.PointAccessibilityOptionsObject
* @since 7.1.0
* @apioption series.line.data.accessibility
* Provide a description of the data point, announced to screen readers.
* @type {string}
* @since 7.1.0
* @apioption series.line.data.accessibility.description
* Accessibility options for a series.
* @declare Highcharts.SeriesAccessibilityOptionsObject
* @since 7.1.0
* @requires modules/accessibility
* @apioption plotOptions.series.accessibility
* Enable/disable accessibility functionality for a specific series.
* @type {boolean}
* @since 7.1.0
* @apioption plotOptions.series.accessibility.enabled
* Provide a description of the series, announced to screen readers.
* @type {string}
* @since 7.1.0
* @apioption plotOptions.series.accessibility.description
* Formatter function to use instead of the default for point
* descriptions. Same as `accessibility.point.descriptionFormatter`, but for
* a single series.
* @see [accessibility.point.descriptionFormatter](#accessibility.point.descriptionFormatter)
* @type {Highcharts.ScreenReaderFormatterCallbackFunction<Highcharts.Point>}
* @since 7.1.0
* @apioption plotOptions.series.accessibility.pointDescriptionFormatter
* Expose only the series element to screen readers, not its points.
* @type {boolean}
* @since 7.1.0
* @apioption plotOptions.series.accessibility.exposeAsGroupOnly
* Keyboard navigation for a series
* @declare Highcharts.SeriesAccessibilityKeyboardNavigationOptionsObject
* @since 7.1.0
* @apioption plotOptions.series.accessibility.keyboardNavigation
* Enable/disable keyboard navigation support for a specific series.
* @type {boolean}
* @since 7.1.0
* @apioption plotOptions.series.accessibility.keyboardNavigation.enabled
* Accessibility options for an annotation label.
* @declare Highcharts.AnnotationLabelAccessibilityOptionsObject
* @since 8.0.1
* @requires modules/accessibility
* @apioption annotations.labelOptions.accessibility
* Description of an annotation label for screen readers and other assistive
* technology.
* @type {string}
* @since 8.0.1
* @apioption annotations.labelOptions.accessibility.description
* Accessibility options for an axis. Requires the accessibility module.
* @declare Highcharts.AxisAccessibilityOptionsObject
* @since 7.1.0
* @requires modules/accessibility
* @apioption xAxis.accessibility
* Enable axis accessibility features, including axis information in the
* screen reader information region. If this is disabled on the xAxis, the
* x values are not exposed to screen readers for the individual data points
* by default.
* @type {boolean}
* @since 7.1.0
* @apioption xAxis.accessibility.enabled
* Description for an axis to expose to screen reader users.
* @type {string}
* @since 7.1.0
* @apioption xAxis.accessibility.description
* Range description for an axis. Overrides the default range description.
* Set to empty to disable range description for this axis.
* @type {string}
* @since 7.1.0
* @apioption xAxis.accessibility.rangeDescription
* @optionparent legend
legend: {
* Accessibility options for the legend. Requires the Accessibility
* module.
* @since 7.1.0
* @requires modules/accessibility
accessibility: {
* Enable accessibility support for the legend.
* @since 7.1.0
enabled: true,
* Options for keyboard navigation for the legend.
* @since 7.1.0
* @requires modules/accessibility
keyboardNavigation: {
* Enable keyboard navigation for the legend.
* @see [accessibility.keyboardNavigation](#accessibility.keyboardNavigation.enabled)
* @since 7.1.0
enabled: true
* @optionparent exporting
exporting: {
* Accessibility options for the exporting menu. Requires the
* Accessibility module.
* @since 7.1.0
* @requires modules/accessibility
accessibility: {
* Enable accessibility support for the export menu.
* @since 7.1.0
enabled: true
export default options;