2020-05-23 15:45:54 -05:00

339 lines
16 KiB

/* *
* (c) 2009-2020 Øystein Moseng
* Default lang/i18n options for accessibility.
* License: www.highcharts.com/license
* */
'use strict';
var langOptions = {
* Configure the accessibility strings in the chart. Requires the
* [accessibility module](https://code.highcharts.com/modules/accessibility.js)
* to be loaded. For a description of the module and information on its
* features, see
* [Highcharts Accessibility](https://www.highcharts.com/docs/chart-concepts/accessibility).
* For more dynamic control over the accessibility functionality, see
* [accessibility.pointDescriptionFormatter](#accessibility.pointDescriptionFormatter),
* [accessibility.seriesDescriptionFormatter](#accessibility.seriesDescriptionFormatter),
* and
* [accessibility.screenReaderSectionFormatter](#accessibility.screenReaderSectionFormatter).
* @since 6.0.6
* @optionparent lang.accessibility
accessibility: {
defaultChartTitle: 'Chart',
chartContainerLabel: '{title}. Highcharts interactive chart.',
svgContainerLabel: 'Interactive chart',
drillUpButton: '{buttonText}',
credits: 'Chart credits: {creditsStr}',
* Thousands separator to use when formatting numbers for screen
* readers. Note that many screen readers will not handle space as a
* thousands separator, and will consider "11 700" as two numbers.
* Set to `null` to use the separator defined in
* [lang.thousandsSep](lang.thousandsSep).
* @since 7.1.0
thousandsSep: ',',
* Title element text for the chart SVG element. Leave this
* empty to disable adding the title element. Browsers will display
* this content when hovering over elements in the chart. Assistive
* technology may use this element to label the chart.
* @since 6.0.8
svgContainerTitle: '',
* Set a label on the container wrapping the SVG.
* @see [chartContainerLabel](#lang.accessibility.chartContainerLabel)
* @since 8.0.0
graphicContainerLabel: '',
* Language options for the screen reader information sections added
* before and after the charts.
* @since 8.0.0
screenReaderSection: {
beforeRegionLabel: 'Chart screen reader information.',
afterRegionLabel: '',
* Language options for annotation descriptions.
* @since 8.0.1
annotations: {
heading: 'Chart annotations summary',
descriptionSinglePoint: '{annotationText}. Related to {annotationPoint}',
descriptionMultiplePoints: '{annotationText}. Related to {annotationPoint}' +
'{ Also related to, #each(additionalAnnotationPoints)}',
descriptionNoPoints: '{annotationText}'
* Label for the end of the chart. Announced by screen readers.
* @since 8.0.0
endOfChartMarker: 'End of interactive chart.'
* Language options for sonification.
* @since 8.0.1
sonification: {
playAsSoundButtonText: 'Play as sound, {chartTitle}',
playAsSoundClickAnnouncement: 'Play'
* Language options for accessibility of the legend.
* @since 8.0.0
legend: {
legendLabel: 'Toggle series visibility',
legendItem: 'Toggle visibility of {itemName}'
* Chart and map zoom accessibility language options.
* @since 8.0.0
zoom: {
mapZoomIn: 'Zoom chart',
mapZoomOut: 'Zoom out chart',
resetZoomButton: 'Reset zoom'
* Range selector language options for accessibility.
* @since 8.0.0
rangeSelector: {
minInputLabel: 'Select start date.',
maxInputLabel: 'Select end date.',
buttonText: 'Select range {buttonText}'
* Accessibility language options for the data table.
* @since 8.0.0
table: {
viewAsDataTableButtonText: 'View as data table, {chartTitle}',
tableSummary: 'Table representation of chart.'
* Default announcement for new data in charts. If addPoint or
* addSeries is used, and only one series/point is added, the
* `newPointAnnounce` and `newSeriesAnnounce` strings are used.
* The `...Single` versions will be used if there is only one chart
* on the page, and the `...Multiple` versions will be used if there
* are multiple charts on the page. For all other new data events,
* the `newDataAnnounce` string will be used.
* @since 7.1.0
announceNewData: {
newDataAnnounce: 'Updated data for chart {chartTitle}',
newSeriesAnnounceSingle: 'New data series: {seriesDesc}',
newPointAnnounceSingle: 'New data point: {pointDesc}',
newSeriesAnnounceMultiple: 'New data series in chart {chartTitle}: {seriesDesc}',
newPointAnnounceMultiple: 'New data point in chart {chartTitle}: {pointDesc}'
* Descriptions of lesser known series types. The relevant
* description is added to the screen reader information region
* when these series types are used.
* @since 6.0.6
seriesTypeDescriptions: {
boxplot: 'Box plot charts are typically used to display ' +
'groups of statistical data. Each data point in the ' +
'chart can have up to 5 values: minimum, lower quartile, ' +
'median, upper quartile, and maximum.',
arearange: 'Arearange charts are line charts displaying a ' +
'range between a lower and higher value for each point.',
areasplinerange: 'These charts are line charts displaying a ' +
'range between a lower and higher value for each point.',
bubble: 'Bubble charts are scatter charts where each data ' +
'point also has a size value.',
columnrange: 'Columnrange charts are column charts ' +
'displaying a range between a lower and higher value for ' +
'each point.',
errorbar: 'Errorbar series are used to display the ' +
'variability of the data.',
funnel: 'Funnel charts are used to display reduction of data ' +
'in stages.',
pyramid: 'Pyramid charts consist of a single pyramid with ' +
'item heights corresponding to each point value.',
waterfall: 'A waterfall chart is a column chart where each ' +
'column contributes towards a total end value.'
* Chart type description strings. This is added to the chart
* information region.
* If there is only a single series type used in the chart, we use
* the format string for the series type, or default if missing.
* There is one format string for cases where there is only a single
* series in the chart, and one for multiple series of the same
* type.
* @since 6.0.6
chartTypes: {
/* eslint-disable max-len */
emptyChart: 'Empty chart',
mapTypeDescription: 'Map of {mapTitle} with {numSeries} data series.',
unknownMap: 'Map of unspecified region with {numSeries} data series.',
combinationChart: 'Combination chart with {numSeries} data series.',
defaultSingle: 'Chart with {numPoints} data {#plural(numPoints, points, point)}.',
defaultMultiple: 'Chart with {numSeries} data series.',
splineSingle: 'Line chart with {numPoints} data {#plural(numPoints, points, point)}.',
splineMultiple: 'Line chart with {numSeries} lines.',
lineSingle: 'Line chart with {numPoints} data {#plural(numPoints, points, point)}.',
lineMultiple: 'Line chart with {numSeries} lines.',
columnSingle: 'Bar chart with {numPoints} {#plural(numPoints, bars, bar)}.',
columnMultiple: 'Bar chart with {numSeries} data series.',
barSingle: 'Bar chart with {numPoints} {#plural(numPoints, bars, bar)}.',
barMultiple: 'Bar chart with {numSeries} data series.',
pieSingle: 'Pie chart with {numPoints} {#plural(numPoints, slices, slice)}.',
pieMultiple: 'Pie chart with {numSeries} pies.',
scatterSingle: 'Scatter chart with {numPoints} {#plural(numPoints, points, point)}.',
scatterMultiple: 'Scatter chart with {numSeries} data series.',
boxplotSingle: 'Boxplot with {numPoints} {#plural(numPoints, boxes, box)}.',
boxplotMultiple: 'Boxplot with {numSeries} data series.',
bubbleSingle: 'Bubble chart with {numPoints} {#plural(numPoints, bubbles, bubble)}.',
bubbleMultiple: 'Bubble chart with {numSeries} data series.'
* Axis description format strings.
* @since 6.0.6
axis: {
/* eslint-disable max-len */
xAxisDescriptionSingular: 'The chart has 1 X axis displaying {names[0]}. {ranges[0]}',
xAxisDescriptionPlural: 'The chart has {numAxes} X axes displaying {#each(names, -1) }and {names[-1]}.',
yAxisDescriptionSingular: 'The chart has 1 Y axis displaying {names[0]}. {ranges[0]}',
yAxisDescriptionPlural: 'The chart has {numAxes} Y axes displaying {#each(names, -1) }and {names[-1]}.',
timeRangeDays: 'Range: {range} days.',
timeRangeHours: 'Range: {range} hours.',
timeRangeMinutes: 'Range: {range} minutes.',
timeRangeSeconds: 'Range: {range} seconds.',
rangeFromTo: 'Range: {rangeFrom} to {rangeTo}.',
rangeCategories: 'Range: {numCategories} categories.'
* Exporting menu format strings for accessibility module.
* @since 6.0.6
exporting: {
chartMenuLabel: 'Chart menu',
menuButtonLabel: 'View chart menu',
exportRegionLabel: 'Chart menu'
* Lang configuration for different series types. For more dynamic
* control over the series element descriptions, see
* [accessibility.seriesDescriptionFormatter](#accessibility.seriesDescriptionFormatter).
* @since 6.0.6
series: {
* Lang configuration for the series main summary. Each series
* type has two modes:
* 1. This series type is the only series type used in the
* chart
* 2. This is a combination chart with multiple series types
* If a definition does not exist for the specific series type
* and mode, the 'default' lang definitions are used.
* @since 6.0.6
summary: {
/* eslint-disable max-len */
'default': '{name}, series {ix} of {numSeries} with {numPoints} data {#plural(numPoints, points, point)}.',
defaultCombination: '{name}, series {ix} of {numSeries} with {numPoints} data {#plural(numPoints, points, point)}.',
line: '{name}, line {ix} of {numSeries} with {numPoints} data {#plural(numPoints, points, point)}.',
lineCombination: '{name}, series {ix} of {numSeries}. Line with {numPoints} data {#plural(numPoints, points, point)}.',
spline: '{name}, line {ix} of {numSeries} with {numPoints} data {#plural(numPoints, points, point)}.',
splineCombination: '{name}, series {ix} of {numSeries}. Line with {numPoints} data {#plural(numPoints, points, point)}.',
column: '{name}, bar series {ix} of {numSeries} with {numPoints} {#plural(numPoints, bars, bar)}.',
columnCombination: '{name}, series {ix} of {numSeries}. Bar series with {numPoints} {#plural(numPoints, bars, bar)}.',
bar: '{name}, bar series {ix} of {numSeries} with {numPoints} {#plural(numPoints, bars, bar)}.',
barCombination: '{name}, series {ix} of {numSeries}. Bar series with {numPoints} {#plural(numPoints, bars, bar)}.',
pie: '{name}, pie {ix} of {numSeries} with {numPoints} {#plural(numPoints, slices, slice)}.',
pieCombination: '{name}, series {ix} of {numSeries}. Pie with {numPoints} {#plural(numPoints, slices, slice)}.',
scatter: '{name}, scatter plot {ix} of {numSeries} with {numPoints} {#plural(numPoints, points, point)}.',
scatterCombination: '{name}, series {ix} of {numSeries}, scatter plot with {numPoints} {#plural(numPoints, points, point)}.',
boxplot: '{name}, boxplot {ix} of {numSeries} with {numPoints} {#plural(numPoints, boxes, box)}.',
boxplotCombination: '{name}, series {ix} of {numSeries}. Boxplot with {numPoints} {#plural(numPoints, boxes, box)}.',
bubble: '{name}, bubble series {ix} of {numSeries} with {numPoints} {#plural(numPoints, bubbles, bubble)}.',
bubbleCombination: '{name}, series {ix} of {numSeries}. Bubble series with {numPoints} {#plural(numPoints, bubbles, bubble)}.',
map: '{name}, map {ix} of {numSeries} with {numPoints} {#plural(numPoints, areas, area)}.',
mapCombination: '{name}, series {ix} of {numSeries}. Map with {numPoints} {#plural(numPoints, areas, area)}.',
mapline: '{name}, line {ix} of {numSeries} with {numPoints} data {#plural(numPoints, points, point)}.',
maplineCombination: '{name}, series {ix} of {numSeries}. Line with {numPoints} data {#plural(numPoints, points, point)}.',
mapbubble: '{name}, bubble series {ix} of {numSeries} with {numPoints} {#plural(numPoints, bubbles, bubble)}.',
mapbubbleCombination: '{name}, series {ix} of {numSeries}. Bubble series with {numPoints} {#plural(numPoints, bubbles, bubble)}.'
* User supplied description text. This is added in the point
* comment description by default if present.
* @since 6.0.6
description: '{description}',
* xAxis description for series if there are multiple xAxes in
* the chart.
* @since 6.0.6
xAxisDescription: 'X axis, {name}',
* yAxis description for series if there are multiple yAxes in
* the chart.
* @since 6.0.6
yAxisDescription: 'Y axis, {name}',
* Description for the value of null points.
* @since 8.0.0
nullPointValue: 'No value',
* Description for annotations on a point, as it is made available
* to assistive technology.
* @since 8.0.1
pointAnnotationsDescription: '{Annotation: #each(annotations). }'
export default langOptions;