2020-05-23 15:45:54 -05:00

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/* *
* (c) 2009-2020 Øystein Moseng
* Accessibility component for chart zoom.
* License: www.highcharts.com/license
* */
'use strict';
import H from '../../../parts/Globals.js';
import U from '../../../parts/Utilities.js';
var extend = U.extend, pick = U.pick;
import AccessibilityComponent from '../AccessibilityComponent.js';
import KeyboardNavigationHandler from '../KeyboardNavigationHandler.js';
import ChartUtilities from '../utils/chartUtilities.js';
var unhideChartElementFromAT = ChartUtilities.unhideChartElementFromAT;
import HTMLUtilities from '../utils/htmlUtilities.js';
var setElAttrs = HTMLUtilities.setElAttrs, removeElement = HTMLUtilities.removeElement;
/* eslint-disable no-invalid-this, valid-jsdoc */
* @private
function chartHasMapZoom(chart) {
return !!(chart.mapZoom &&
chart.mapNavButtons &&
* Pan along axis in a direction (1 or -1), optionally with a defined
* granularity (number of steps it takes to walk across current view)
* @private
* @function Highcharts.Axis#panStep
* @param {number} direction
* @param {number} [granularity]
H.Axis.prototype.panStep = function (direction, granularity) {
var gran = granularity || 3, extremes = this.getExtremes(), step = (extremes.max - extremes.min) / gran * direction, newMax = extremes.max + step, newMin = extremes.min + step, size = newMax - newMin;
if (direction < 0 && newMin < extremes.dataMin) {
newMin = extremes.dataMin;
newMax = newMin + size;
else if (direction > 0 && newMax > extremes.dataMax) {
newMax = extremes.dataMax;
newMin = newMax - size;
this.setExtremes(newMin, newMax);
* The ZoomComponent class
* @private
* @class
* @name Highcharts.ZoomComponent
var ZoomComponent = function () { };
ZoomComponent.prototype = new AccessibilityComponent();
extend(ZoomComponent.prototype, /** @lends Highcharts.ZoomComponent */ {
* Initialize the component
init: function () {
var component = this, chart = this.chart;
'afterShowResetZoom', 'afterDrilldown', 'drillupall'
].forEach(function (eventType) {
component.addEvent(chart, eventType, function () {
* Called when chart is updated
onChartUpdate: function () {
var chart = this.chart, component = this;
// Make map zoom buttons accessible
if (chart.mapNavButtons) {
chart.mapNavButtons.forEach(function (button, i) {
unhideChartElementFromAT(chart, button.element);
component.setMapNavButtonAttrs(button.element, 'accessibility.zoom.mapZoom' + (i ? 'Out' : 'In'));
* @private
* @param {Highcharts.HTMLDOMElement|Highcharts.SVGDOMElement} button
* @param {string} labelFormatKey
setMapNavButtonAttrs: function (button, labelFormatKey) {
var chart = this.chart, label = chart.langFormat(labelFormatKey, { chart: chart });
setElAttrs(button, {
tabindex: -1,
role: 'button',
'aria-label': label
* Update the proxy overlays on every new render to ensure positions are
* correct.
onChartRender: function () {
* Update proxy overlays, recreating the buttons.
updateProxyOverlays: function () {
var chart = this.chart;
// Always start with a clean slate
if (chart.resetZoomButton) {
this.recreateProxyButtonAndGroup(chart.resetZoomButton, 'resetZoomProxyButton', 'resetZoomProxyGroup', chart.langFormat('accessibility.zoom.resetZoomButton', { chart: chart }));
if (chart.drillUpButton) {
this.recreateProxyButtonAndGroup(chart.drillUpButton, 'drillUpProxyButton', 'drillUpProxyGroup', chart.langFormat('accessibility.drillUpButton', {
chart: chart,
buttonText: chart.getDrilldownBackText()
* @private
* @param {Highcharts.SVGElement} buttonEl
* @param {string} buttonProp
* @param {string} groupProp
* @param {string} label
recreateProxyButtonAndGroup: function (buttonEl, buttonProp, groupProp, label) {
this[groupProp] = this.addProxyGroup();
this[buttonProp] = this.createProxyButton(buttonEl, this[groupProp], { 'aria-label': label, tabindex: -1 });
* Get keyboard navigation handler for map zoom.
* @private
* @return {Highcharts.KeyboardNavigationHandler} The module object
getMapZoomNavigation: function () {
var keys = this.keyCodes, chart = this.chart, component = this;
return new KeyboardNavigationHandler(chart, {
keyCodeMap: [
[keys.up, keys.down, keys.left, keys.right],
function (keyCode) {
return component.onMapKbdArrow(this, keyCode);
function (_keyCode, e) {
return component.onMapKbdTab(this, e);
[keys.space, keys.enter],
function () {
return component.onMapKbdClick(this);
validate: function () {
return chartHasMapZoom(chart);
init: function (direction) {
return component.onMapNavInit(direction);
* @private
* @param {Highcharts.KeyboardNavigationHandler} keyboardNavigationHandler
* @param {number} keyCode
* @return {number} Response code
onMapKbdArrow: function (keyboardNavigationHandler, keyCode) {
var keys = this.keyCodes, panAxis = (keyCode === keys.up || keyCode === keys.down) ?
'yAxis' : 'xAxis', stepDirection = (keyCode === keys.left || keyCode === keys.up) ?
-1 : 1;
return keyboardNavigationHandler.response.success;
* @private
* @param {Highcharts.KeyboardNavigationHandler} keyboardNavigationHandler
* @param {global.KeyboardEvent} event
* @return {number} Response code
onMapKbdTab: function (keyboardNavigationHandler, event) {
var button, chart = this.chart, response = keyboardNavigationHandler.response, isBackwards = event.shiftKey, isMoveOutOfRange = isBackwards && !this.focusedMapNavButtonIx ||
!isBackwards && this.focusedMapNavButtonIx;
// Deselect old
if (isMoveOutOfRange) {
chart.mapZoom(); // Reset zoom
return response[isBackwards ? 'prev' : 'next'];
// Select other button
this.focusedMapNavButtonIx += isBackwards ? -1 : 1;
button = chart.mapNavButtons[this.focusedMapNavButtonIx];
chart.setFocusToElement(button.box, button.element);
return response.success;
* @private
* @param {Highcharts.KeyboardNavigationHandler} keyboardNavigationHandler
* @return {number} Response code
onMapKbdClick: function (keyboardNavigationHandler) {
return keyboardNavigationHandler.response.success;
* @private
* @param {number} direction
onMapNavInit: function (direction) {
var chart = this.chart, zoomIn = chart.mapNavButtons[0], zoomOut = chart.mapNavButtons[1], initialButton = direction > 0 ? zoomIn : zoomOut;
chart.setFocusToElement(initialButton.box, initialButton.element);
this.focusedMapNavButtonIx = direction > 0 ? 0 : 1;
* Get keyboard navigation handler for a simple chart button. Provide the
* button reference for the chart, and a function to call on click.
* @private
* @param {string} buttonProp The property on chart referencing the button.
* @return {Highcharts.KeyboardNavigationHandler} The module object
simpleButtonNavigation: function (buttonProp, proxyProp, onClick) {
var keys = this.keyCodes, component = this, chart = this.chart;
return new KeyboardNavigationHandler(chart, {
keyCodeMap: [
[keys.tab, keys.up, keys.down, keys.left, keys.right],
function (keyCode, e) {
var isBackwards = keyCode === keys.tab && e.shiftKey ||
keyCode === keys.left || keyCode === keys.up;
// Arrow/tab => just move
return this.response[isBackwards ? 'prev' : 'next'];
[keys.space, keys.enter],
function () {
var res = onClick(this, chart);
return pick(res, this.response.success);
validate: function () {
var hasButton = (chart[buttonProp] &&
chart[buttonProp].box &&
return hasButton;
init: function () {
chart.setFocusToElement(chart[buttonProp].box, component[proxyProp]);
* Get keyboard navigation handlers for this component.
* @return {Array<Highcharts.KeyboardNavigationHandler>}
* List of module objects
getKeyboardNavigation: function () {
return [
this.simpleButtonNavigation('resetZoomButton', 'resetZoomProxyButton', function (_handler, chart) {
this.simpleButtonNavigation('drillUpButton', 'drillUpProxyButton', function (handler, chart) {
return handler.response.prev;
export default ZoomComponent;