<?php /* ! * HybridAuth * http://hybridauth.sourceforge.net | http://github.com/hybridauth/hybridauth * (c) 2009-2012, HybridAuth authors | http://hybridauth.sourceforge.net/licenses.html */ /** * Hybrid_Providers_Facebook provider adapter based on OAuth2 protocol * * Hybrid_Providers_Facebook use the Facebook PHP SDK created by Facebook * * http://hybridauth.sourceforge.net/userguide/IDProvider_info_Facebook.html */ class Hybrid_Providers_Facebook extends Hybrid_Provider_Model { /** * default permissions, and a lot of them. You can change them from the configuration by setting the scope to what you want/need * {@inheritdoc} */ public $scope = "email, user_about_me, user_birthday, user_hometown, user_location, user_website, publish_actions, read_custom_friendlists"; /** * Provider API client * @var Facebook */ public $api; /** * {@inheritdoc} */ function initialize() { if (!$this->config["keys"]["id"] || !$this->config["keys"]["secret"]) { throw new Exception("Your application id and secret are required in order to connect to {$this->providerId}.", 4); } if (!class_exists('FacebookApiException', false)) { require_once Hybrid_Auth::$config["path_libraries"] . "Facebook/base_facebook.php"; require_once Hybrid_Auth::$config["path_libraries"] . "Facebook/facebook.php"; } if (isset(Hybrid_Auth::$config["proxy"])) { BaseFacebook::$CURL_OPTS[CURLOPT_PROXY] = Hybrid_Auth::$config["proxy"]; } $trustForwarded = isset($this->config['trustForwarded']) ? (bool) $this->config['trustForwarded'] : false; $this->api = new Facebook(array('appId' => $this->config["keys"]["id"], 'secret' => $this->config["keys"]["secret"], 'trustForwarded' => $trustForwarded)); if ($this->token("access_token")) { $this->api->setAccessToken($this->token("access_token")); $this->api->setExtendedAccessToken(); $access_token = $this->api->getAccessToken(); if ($access_token) { $this->token("access_token", $access_token); $this->api->setAccessToken($access_token); } $this->api->setAccessToken($this->token("access_token")); } $this->api->getUser(); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ function loginBegin() { $parameters = array("scope" => $this->scope, "redirect_uri" => $this->endpoint, "display" => "page"); $optionals = array("scope", "redirect_uri", "display", "auth_type"); foreach ($optionals as $parameter) { if (isset($this->config[$parameter]) && !empty($this->config[$parameter])) { $parameters[$parameter] = $this->config[$parameter]; //If the auth_type parameter is used, we need to generate a nonce and include it as a parameter if ($parameter == "auth_type") { $nonce = md5(uniqid(mt_rand(), true)); $parameters['auth_nonce'] = $nonce; Hybrid_Auth::storage()->set('fb_auth_nonce', $nonce); } } } if (isset($this->config['force']) && $this->config['force'] === true) { $parameters['auth_type'] = 'reauthenticate'; $parameters['auth_nonce'] = md5(uniqid(mt_rand(), true)); Hybrid_Auth::storage()->set('fb_auth_nonce', $parameters['auth_nonce']); } // get the login url $url = $this->api->getLoginUrl($parameters); // redirect to facebook Hybrid_Auth::redirect($url); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ function loginFinish() { // in case we get error_reason=user_denied&error=access_denied if (isset($_REQUEST['error']) && $_REQUEST['error'] == "access_denied") { throw new Exception("Authentication failed! The user denied your request.", 5); } // in case we are using iOS/Facebook reverse authentication if (isset($_REQUEST['access_token'])) { $this->token("access_token", $_REQUEST['access_token']); $this->api->setAccessToken($this->token("access_token")); $this->api->setExtendedAccessToken(); $access_token = $this->api->getAccessToken(); if ($access_token) { $this->token("access_token", $access_token); $this->api->setAccessToken($access_token); } $this->api->setAccessToken($this->token("access_token")); } // if auth_type is used, then an auth_nonce is passed back, and we need to check it. if (isset($_REQUEST['auth_nonce'])) { $nonce = Hybrid_Auth::storage()->get('fb_auth_nonce'); //Delete the nonce Hybrid_Auth::storage()->delete('fb_auth_nonce'); if ($_REQUEST['auth_nonce'] != $nonce) { throw new Exception("Authentication failed! Invalid nonce used for reauthentication.", 5); } } // try to get the UID of the connected user from fb, should be > 0 if (!$this->api->getUser()) { throw new Exception("Authentication failed! {$this->providerId} returned an invalid user id.", 5); } // set user as logged in $this->setUserConnected(); // store facebook access token $this->token("access_token", $this->api->getAccessToken()); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ function logout() { $this->api->destroySession(); parent::logout(); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ function getUserProfile() { // request user profile from fb api try { $fields = array( 'id', 'name', 'first_name', 'last_name', 'link', 'website', 'gender', 'locale', 'about', 'email', 'hometown', 'location', 'birthday' ); $data = $this->api->api('/me?fields=' . implode(',', $fields)); } catch (FacebookApiException $e) { throw new Exception("User profile request failed! {$this->providerId} returned an error: {$e->getMessage()}", 6, $e); } // if the provider identifier is not received, we assume the auth has failed if (!isset($data["id"])) { throw new Exception("User profile request failed! {$this->providerId} api returned an invalid response: " . Hybrid_Logger::dumpData( $data ), 6); } # store the user profile. $this->user->profile->identifier = (array_key_exists('id', $data)) ? $data['id'] : ""; $this->user->profile->username = (array_key_exists('username', $data)) ? $data['username'] : ""; $this->user->profile->displayName = (array_key_exists('name', $data)) ? $data['name'] : ""; $this->user->profile->firstName = (array_key_exists('first_name', $data)) ? $data['first_name'] : ""; $this->user->profile->lastName = (array_key_exists('last_name', $data)) ? $data['last_name'] : ""; $this->user->profile->photoURL = "https://graph.facebook.com/" . $this->user->profile->identifier . "/picture?width=150&height=150"; $this->user->profile->coverInfoURL = "https://graph.facebook.com/" . $this->user->profile->identifier . "?fields=cover&access_token=" . $this->api->getAccessToken(); $this->user->profile->profileURL = (array_key_exists('link', $data)) ? $data['link'] : ""; $this->user->profile->webSiteURL = (array_key_exists('website', $data)) ? $data['website'] : ""; $this->user->profile->gender = (array_key_exists('gender', $data)) ? $data['gender'] : ""; $this->user->profile->language = (array_key_exists('locale', $data)) ? $data['locale'] : ""; $this->user->profile->description = (array_key_exists('about', $data)) ? $data['about'] : ""; $this->user->profile->email = (array_key_exists('email', $data)) ? $data['email'] : ""; $this->user->profile->emailVerified = (array_key_exists('email', $data)) ? $data['email'] : ""; $this->user->profile->region = (array_key_exists("location", $data) && array_key_exists("name", $data['location'])) ? $data['location']["name"] : ""; if (!empty($this->user->profile->region)) { $regionArr = explode(',', $this->user->profile->region); if (count($regionArr) > 1) { $this->user->profile->city = trim($regionArr[0]); $this->user->profile->country = trim($regionArr[1]); } } if (array_key_exists('birthday', $data)) { list($birthday_month, $birthday_day, $birthday_year) = explode("/", $data['birthday']); $this->user->profile->birthDay = (int) $birthday_day; $this->user->profile->birthMonth = (int) $birthday_month; $this->user->profile->birthYear = (int) $birthday_year; } return $this->user->profile; } /** * Attempt to retrieve the url to the cover image given the coverInfoURL * * @param string $coverInfoURL coverInfoURL variable * @return string url to the cover image OR blank string */ function getCoverURL($coverInfoURL) { try { $headers = get_headers($coverInfoURL); if (substr($headers[0], 9, 3) != "404") { $coverOBJ = json_decode(file_get_contents($coverInfoURL)); if (array_key_exists('cover', $coverOBJ)) { return $coverOBJ->cover->source; } } } catch (Exception $e) { } return ""; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ function getUserContacts() { $apiCall = '?fields=link,name'; $returnedContacts = array(); $pagedList = false; do { try { $response = $this->api->api('/me/friends' . $apiCall); } catch (FacebookApiException $e) { throw new Exception("User contacts request failed! {$this->providerId} returned an error {$e->getMessage()}", 0, $e); } // Prepare the next call if paging links have been returned if (array_key_exists('paging', $response) && array_key_exists('next', $response['paging'])) { $pagedList = true; $next_page = explode('friends', $response['paging']['next']); $apiCall = $next_page[1]; } else { $pagedList = false; } // Add the new page contacts $returnedContacts = array_merge($returnedContacts, $response['data']); } while ($pagedList == true); $contacts = array(); foreach ($returnedContacts as $item) { $uc = new Hybrid_User_Contact(); $uc->identifier = (array_key_exists("id", $item)) ? $item["id"] : ""; $uc->displayName = (array_key_exists("name", $item)) ? $item["name"] : ""; $uc->profileURL = (array_key_exists("link", $item)) ? $item["link"] : "https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=" . $uc->identifier; $uc->photoURL = "https://graph.facebook.com/" . $uc->identifier . "/picture?width=150&height=150"; $contacts[] = $uc; } return $contacts; } /** * Update user status * * @param mixed $status An array describing the status, or string * @param string $pageid (optional) User page id * @return array * @throw Exception */ function setUserStatus($status, $pageid = null) { if (!is_array($status)) { $status = array('message' => $status); } if (is_null($pageid)) { $pageid = 'me'; // if post on page, get access_token page } else { $access_token = null; foreach ($this->getUserPages(true) as $p) { if (isset($p['id']) && intval($p['id']) == intval($pageid)) { $access_token = $p['access_token']; break; } } if (is_null($access_token)) { throw new Exception("Update user page failed, page not found or not writable!"); } $status['access_token'] = $access_token; } try { $response = $this->api->api('/' . $pageid . '/feed', 'post', $status); } catch (FacebookApiException $e) { throw new Exception("Update user status failed! {$this->providerId} returned an error {$e->getMessage()}", 0, $e); } return $response; } /** * {@inheridoc} */ function getUserStatus($postid) { try { $postinfo = $this->api->api("/" . $postid); } catch (FacebookApiException $e) { throw new Exception("Cannot retrieve user status! {$this->providerId} returned an error: {$e->getMessage()}", 0, $e); } return $postinfo; } /** * {@inheridoc} */ function getUserPages($writableonly = false) { if (( isset($this->config['scope']) && strpos($this->config['scope'], 'manage_pages') === false ) || (!isset($this->config['scope']) && strpos($this->scope, 'manage_pages') === false )) throw new Exception("User status requires manage_page permission!"); try { $pages = $this->api->api("/me/accounts", 'get'); } catch (FacebookApiException $e) { throw new Exception("Cannot retrieve user pages! {$this->providerId} returned an error: {$e->getMessage()}", 0, $e); } if (!isset($pages['data'])) { return array(); } if (!$writableonly) { return $pages['data']; } $wrpages = array(); foreach ($pages['data'] as $p) { if (isset($p['perms']) && in_array('CREATE_CONTENT', $p['perms'])) { $wrpages[] = $p; } } return $wrpages; } /** * load the user latest activity * - timeline : all the stream * - me : the user activity only * {@inheritdoc} */ function getUserActivity($stream) { try { if ($stream == "me") { $response = $this->api->api('/me/feed'); } else { $response = $this->api->api('/me/home'); } } catch (FacebookApiException $e) { throw new Exception("User activity stream request failed! {$this->providerId} returned an error: {$e->getMessage()}", 0, $e); } if (!$response || !count($response['data'])) { return array(); } $activities = array(); foreach ($response['data'] as $item) { if ($stream == "me" && $item["from"]["id"] != $this->api->getUser()) { continue; } $ua = new Hybrid_User_Activity(); $ua->id = (array_key_exists("id", $item)) ? $item["id"] : ""; $ua->date = (array_key_exists("created_time", $item)) ? strtotime($item["created_time"]) : ""; if ($item["type"] == "video") { $ua->text = (array_key_exists("link", $item)) ? $item["link"] : ""; } if ($item["type"] == "link") { $ua->text = (array_key_exists("link", $item)) ? $item["link"] : ""; } if (empty($ua->text) && isset($item["story"])) { $ua->text = (array_key_exists("link", $item)) ? $item["link"] : ""; } if (empty($ua->text) && isset($item["message"])) { $ua->text = (array_key_exists("message", $item)) ? $item["message"] : ""; } if (!empty($ua->text)) { $ua->user->identifier = (array_key_exists("id", $item["from"])) ? $item["from"]["id"] : ""; $ua->user->displayName = (array_key_exists("name", $item["from"])) ? $item["from"]["name"] : ""; $ua->user->profileURL = "https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=" . $ua->user->identifier; $ua->user->photoURL = "https://graph.facebook.com/" . $ua->user->identifier . "/picture?type=square"; $activities[] = $ua; } } return $activities; } }