
/* !
 * HybridAuth
 * http://hybridauth.sourceforge.net | http://github.com/hybridauth/hybridauth
 * (c) 2009-2012, HybridAuth authors | http://hybridauth.sourceforge.net/licenses.html

 * Hybrid_Providers_Twitter provider adapter based on OAuth1 protocol
class Hybrid_Providers_Twitter extends Hybrid_Provider_Model_OAuth1 {

	 * {@inheritdoc}
	function initialize() {

		// Provider api end-points 
		$this->api->api_base_url = "https://api.twitter.com/1.1/";
		$this->api->authorize_url = "https://api.twitter.com/oauth/authenticate";
		$this->api->request_token_url = "https://api.twitter.com/oauth/request_token";
		$this->api->access_token_url = "https://api.twitter.com/oauth/access_token";

		if (isset($this->config['api_version']) && $this->config['api_version']) {
			$this->api->api_base_url = "https://api.twitter.com/{$this->config['api_version']}/";

		if (isset($this->config['authorize']) && $this->config['authorize']) {
			$this->api->authorize_url = "https://api.twitter.com/oauth/authorize";

		$this->api->curl_auth_header = false;

	 * {@inheritdoc}
	function loginBegin() {
		// Initiate the Reverse Auth flow; cf. https://dev.twitter.com/docs/ios/using-reverse-auth
		if (isset($_REQUEST['reverse_auth']) && ($_REQUEST['reverse_auth'] == 'yes')) {
			$stage1 = $this->api->signedRequest($this->api->request_token_url, 'POST', array('x_auth_mode' => 'reverse_auth'));
			if ($this->api->http_code != 200) {
				throw new Exception("Authentication failed! {$this->providerId} returned an error. " . $this->errorMessageByStatus($this->api->http_code), 5);
			$responseObj = array('x_reverse_auth_parameters' => $stage1, 'x_reverse_auth_target' => $this->config["keys"]["key"]);
			$response = json_encode($responseObj);
			header("Content-Type: application/json", true, 200);
			echo $response;
		$tokens = $this->api->requestToken($this->endpoint);

		// request tokens as received from provider
		$this->request_tokens_raw = $tokens;

		// check the last HTTP status code returned
		if ($this->api->http_code != 200) {
			throw new Exception("Authentication failed! {$this->providerId} returned an error. " . $this->errorMessageByStatus($this->api->http_code), 5);

		if (!isset($tokens["oauth_token"])) {
			throw new Exception("Authentication failed! {$this->providerId} returned an invalid oauth token.", 5);

		$this->token("request_token", $tokens["oauth_token"]);
		$this->token("request_token_secret", $tokens["oauth_token_secret"]);

		// redirect the user to the provider authentication url with force_login
		if (( isset($this->config['force_login']) && $this->config['force_login'] ) || ( isset($this->config['force']) && $this->config['force'] === true )) {
			Hybrid_Auth::redirect($this->api->authorizeUrl($tokens, array('force_login' => true)));

		// else, redirect the user to the provider authentication url

	 * {@inheritdoc}
	function loginFinish() {
		// in case we are completing a Reverse Auth flow; cf. https://dev.twitter.com/docs/ios/using-reverse-auth
		if (isset($_REQUEST['oauth_token_secret'])) {
			$tokens = $_REQUEST;
			$this->access_tokens_raw = $tokens;

			// we should have an access_token unless something has gone wrong
			if (!isset($tokens["oauth_token"])) {
				throw new Exception("Authentication failed! {$this->providerId} returned an invalid access token.", 5);

			// Get rid of tokens we don't need

			// Store access_token and secret for later use
			$this->token("access_token", $tokens['oauth_token']);
			$this->token("access_token_secret", $tokens['oauth_token_secret']);

			// set user as logged in to the current provider

	 * {@inheritdoc}
	function getUserProfile() {
		$includeEmail = isset($this->config['includeEmail']) ? (bool) $this->config['includeEmail'] : false;
		$response = $this->api->get('account/verify_credentials.json'. ($includeEmail ? '?include_email=true' : ''));

		// check the last HTTP status code returned
		if ($this->api->http_code != 200) {
			throw new Exception("User profile request failed! {$this->providerId} returned an error. " . $this->errorMessageByStatus($this->api->http_code), 6);

		if (!is_object($response) || !isset($response->id)) {
			throw new Exception("User profile request failed! {$this->providerId} api returned an invalid response: " . Hybrid_Logger::dumpData( $response ), 6);

		# store the user profile.  
		$this->user->profile->identifier = (property_exists($response, 'id')) ? $response->id : "";
		$this->user->profile->displayName = (property_exists($response, 'screen_name')) ? $response->screen_name : "";
		$this->user->profile->description = (property_exists($response, 'description')) ? $response->description : "";
		$this->user->profile->firstName = (property_exists($response, 'name')) ? $response->name : "";
		$this->user->profile->photoURL = (property_exists($response, 'profile_image_url')) ? (str_replace('_normal', '', $response->profile_image_url)) : "";
		$this->user->profile->profileURL = (property_exists($response, 'screen_name')) ? ("http://twitter.com/" . $response->screen_name) : "";
		$this->user->profile->webSiteURL = (property_exists($response, 'url')) ? $response->url : "";
		$this->user->profile->region = (property_exists($response, 'location')) ? $response->location : "";
		if($includeEmail) $this->user->profile->email = (property_exists($response, 'email')) ? $response->email : "";

		return $this->user->profile;

	 * {@inheritdoc}
	function getUserContacts() {
		$parameters = array('cursor' => '-1');
		$response = $this->api->get('friends/ids.json', $parameters);

		// check the last HTTP status code returned
		if ($this->api->http_code != 200) {
			throw new Exception("User contacts request failed! {$this->providerId} returned an error. " . $this->errorMessageByStatus($this->api->http_code));

		if (!$response || !count($response->ids)) {
			return array();

		// 75 id per time should be okey
		$contactsids = array_chunk($response->ids, 75);

		$contacts = array();

		foreach ($contactsids as $chunk) {
			$parameters = array('user_id' => implode(",", $chunk));
			$response = $this->api->get('users/lookup.json', $parameters);

			// check the last HTTP status code returned
			if ($this->api->http_code != 200) {
				throw new Exception("User contacts request failed! {$this->providerId} returned an error. " . $this->errorMessageByStatus($this->api->http_code));

			if ($response && count($response)) {
				foreach ($response as $item) {
					$uc = new Hybrid_User_Contact();

					$uc->identifier = (property_exists($item, 'id')) ? $item->id : "";
					$uc->displayName = (property_exists($item, 'name')) ? $item->name : "";
					$uc->profileURL = (property_exists($item, 'screen_name')) ? ("http://twitter.com/" . $item->screen_name) : "";
					$uc->photoURL = (property_exists($item, 'profile_image_url')) ? $item->profile_image_url : "";
					$uc->description = (property_exists($item, 'description')) ? $item->description : "";

					$contacts[] = $uc;

		return $contacts;

	 * {@inheritdoc}
	function setUserStatus($status) {

		if (is_array($status) && isset($status['message']) && isset($status['picture'])) {
			$response = $this->api->post('statuses/update_with_media.json', array('status' => $status['message'], 'media[]' => file_get_contents($status['picture'])), null, null, true);
		} else {
			$response = $this->api->post('statuses/update.json', array('status' => $status));

		// check the last HTTP status code returned
		if ($this->api->http_code != 200) {
			throw new Exception("Update user status failed! {$this->providerId} returned an error. " . $this->errorMessageByStatus($this->api->http_code));

		return $response;

	 * {@inheritdoc}
	function getUserStatus($tweetid) {
		$info = $this->api->get('statuses/show.json?id=' . $tweetid . '&include_entities=true');

		// check the last HTTP status code returned
		if ($this->api->http_code != 200 || !isset($info->id)) {
			throw new Exception("Cannot retrieve user status! {$this->providerId} returned an error. " . $this->errorMessageByStatus($this->api->http_code));

		return $info;

	 * load the user latest activity
	 *    - timeline : all the stream
	 *    - me       : the user activity only
	 * by default return the timeline
	 * {@inheritdoc}
	function getUserActivity($stream) {
		if ($stream == "me") {
			$response = $this->api->get('statuses/user_timeline.json');
		} else {
			$response = $this->api->get('statuses/home_timeline.json');

		// check the last HTTP status code returned
		if ($this->api->http_code != 200) {
			throw new Exception("User activity stream request failed! {$this->providerId} returned an error. " . $this->errorMessageByStatus($this->api->http_code));

		if (!$response) {
			return array();

		$activities = array();

		foreach ($response as $item) {
			$ua = new Hybrid_User_Activity();

			$ua->id = (property_exists($item, 'id')) ? $item->id : "";
			$ua->date = (property_exists($item, 'created_at')) ? strtotime($item->created_at) : "";
			$ua->text = (property_exists($item, 'text')) ? $item->text : "";

			$ua->user->identifier = (property_exists($item->user, 'id')) ? $item->user->id : "";
			$ua->user->displayName = (property_exists($item->user, 'name')) ? $item->user->name : "";
			$ua->user->profileURL = (property_exists($item->user, 'screen_name')) ? ("http://twitter.com/" . $item->user->screen_name) : "";
			$ua->user->photoURL = (property_exists($item->user, 'profile_image_url')) ? $item->user->profile_image_url : "";

			$activities[] = $ua;

		return $activities;
