$(document).ready(function(){ /* This code is executed after the DOM has been completely loaded */ var tmp; $('.note').each(function(){ /* Finding the biggest z-index value of the notes */ tmp = $(this).css('z-index'); if(tmp>zIndex) zIndex = tmp; }) /* A helper function for converting a set of elements to draggables: */ make_draggable($('.note')); }); var zIndex = 0; function make_draggable(elements) { /* Elements is a jquery object: */ elements.draggable({ //containment:'parent', start:function(e,ui){ ui.helper.css('z-index',++zIndex); }, stop:function(e,ui){ var left = ui.position.left; var top = ui.position.top; var index = zIndex; /// var id = parseInt(ui.helper.find('span.data').html()); var id = ui.helper.find('span.data').html(); /* Sending the z-index and positon of the note to update_position.php via AJAX GET: */ var datos = [['id',id],['x',left],['y',top],['z',index]]; var formulario = id.split("-", 1); xajax_notes('','mover',datos,''); xajax_ultimos_registros(document.getElementById('ultimo_id').value,formulario[0]); } }); }