/* * * * (c) 2009-2020 Øystein Moseng * * Accessibility component for chart legend. * * License: www.highcharts.com/license * * !!!!!!! SOURCE GETS TRANSPILED BY TYPESCRIPT. EDIT TS FILE ONLY. !!!!!!! * * */ 'use strict'; import H from '../../../parts/Globals.js'; import Legend from '../../../parts/Legend.js'; import U from '../../../parts/Utilities.js'; var addEvent = U.addEvent, extend = U.extend, fireEvent = U.fireEvent; import AccessibilityComponent from '../AccessibilityComponent.js'; import KeyboardNavigationHandler from '../KeyboardNavigationHandler.js'; import HTMLUtilities from '../utils/htmlUtilities.js'; var stripHTMLTags = HTMLUtilities.stripHTMLTagsFromString, removeElement = HTMLUtilities.removeElement; /* eslint-disable no-invalid-this, valid-jsdoc */ /** * @private */ function scrollLegendToItem(legend, itemIx) { var itemPage = legend.allItems[itemIx].pageIx, curPage = legend.currentPage; if (typeof itemPage !== 'undefined' && itemPage + 1 !== curPage) { legend.scroll(1 + itemPage - curPage); } } /** * @private */ function shouldDoLegendA11y(chart) { var items = chart.legend && chart.legend.allItems, legendA11yOptions = (chart.options.legend.accessibility || {}); return !!(items && items.length && !(chart.colorAxis && chart.colorAxis.length) && legendA11yOptions.enabled !== false); } /** * Highlight legend item by index. * * @private * @function Highcharts.Chart#highlightLegendItem * * @param {number} ix * * @return {boolean} */ H.Chart.prototype.highlightLegendItem = function (ix) { var items = this.legend.allItems, oldIx = this.highlightedLegendItemIx; if (items[ix]) { if (items[oldIx]) { fireEvent(items[oldIx].legendGroup.element, 'mouseout'); } scrollLegendToItem(this.legend, ix); this.setFocusToElement(items[ix].legendItem, items[ix].a11yProxyElement); fireEvent(items[ix].legendGroup.element, 'mouseover'); return true; } return false; }; // Keep track of pressed state for legend items addEvent(Legend, 'afterColorizeItem', function (e) { var chart = this.chart, a11yOptions = chart.options.accessibility, legendItem = e.item; if (a11yOptions.enabled && legendItem && legendItem.a11yProxyElement) { legendItem.a11yProxyElement.setAttribute('aria-pressed', e.visible ? 'false' : 'true'); } }); /** * The LegendComponent class * * @private * @class * @name Highcharts.LegendComponent */ var LegendComponent = function () { }; LegendComponent.prototype = new AccessibilityComponent(); extend(LegendComponent.prototype, /** @lends Highcharts.LegendComponent */ { /** * Init the component * @private */ init: function () { var component = this; this.addEvent(Legend, 'afterScroll', function () { if (this.chart === component.chart) { component.updateProxies(); } }); }, /** * @private */ updateLegendItemProxyVisibility: function () { var legend = this.chart.legend, items = legend.allItems || [], curPage = legend.currentPage || 1, clipHeight = legend.clipHeight || 0; items.forEach(function (item) { var itemPage = item.pageIx || 0, y = item._legendItemPos ? item._legendItemPos[1] : 0, h = item.legendItem ? Math.round(item.legendItem.getBBox().height) : 0, hide = y + h - legend.pages[itemPage] > clipHeight || itemPage !== curPage - 1; if (item.a11yProxyElement) { item.a11yProxyElement.style.visibility = hide ? 'hidden' : 'visible'; } }); }, /** * The legend needs updates on every render, in order to update positioning * of the proxy overlays. */ onChartRender: function () { var component = this; // Ignore render after proxy clicked. No need to destroy it, and // destroying also kills focus. if (this.legendProxyButtonClicked) { delete component.legendProxyButtonClicked; return; } this.updateProxies(); }, /** * @private */ updateProxies: function () { removeElement(this.legendProxyGroup); if (shouldDoLegendA11y(this.chart)) { this.addLegendProxyGroup(); this.proxyLegendItems(); this.updateLegendItemProxyVisibility(); } }, /** * @private */ addLegendProxyGroup: function () { var a11yOptions = this.chart.options.accessibility, groupLabel = this.chart.langFormat('accessibility.legend.legendLabel', {}), groupRole = a11yOptions.landmarkVerbosity === 'all' ? 'region' : null; this.legendProxyGroup = this.addProxyGroup({ 'aria-label': groupLabel, 'role': groupRole }); }, /** * @private */ proxyLegendItems: function () { var component = this, items = (this.chart.legend && this.chart.legend.allItems || []); items.forEach(function (item) { if (item.legendItem && item.legendItem.element) { component.proxyLegendItem(item); } }); }, /** * @private * @param {Highcharts.BubbleLegend|Highcharts.Point|Highcharts.Series} item */ proxyLegendItem: function (item) { var component = this, itemLabel = this.chart.langFormat('accessibility.legend.legendItem', { chart: this.chart, itemName: stripHTMLTags(item.name) }), attribs = { tabindex: -1, 'aria-pressed': !item.visible, 'aria-label': itemLabel }, // Keep track of when we should ignore next render preClickEvent = function () { component.legendProxyButtonClicked = true; }, // Considers useHTML proxyPositioningElement = item.legendGroup.div ? item.legendItem : item.legendGroup; item.a11yProxyElement = this.createProxyButton(item.legendItem, this.legendProxyGroup, attribs, proxyPositioningElement, preClickEvent); }, /** * Get keyboard navigation handler for this component. * @return {Highcharts.KeyboardNavigationHandler} */ getKeyboardNavigation: function () { var keys = this.keyCodes, component = this, chart = this.chart; return new KeyboardNavigationHandler(chart, { keyCodeMap: [ [ [keys.left, keys.right, keys.up, keys.down], function (keyCode) { return component.onKbdArrowKey(this, keyCode); } ], [ [keys.enter, keys.space], function () { return component.onKbdClick(this); } ] ], validate: function () { return component.shouldHaveLegendNavigation(); }, init: function (direction) { return component.onKbdNavigationInit(direction); } }); }, /** * @private * @param {Highcharts.KeyboardNavigationHandler} keyboardNavigationHandler * @param {number} keyCode * @return {number} * Response code */ onKbdArrowKey: function (keyboardNavigationHandler, keyCode) { var keys = this.keyCodes, response = keyboardNavigationHandler.response, chart = this.chart, a11yOptions = chart.options.accessibility, numItems = chart.legend.allItems.length, direction = (keyCode === keys.left || keyCode === keys.up) ? -1 : 1; var res = chart.highlightLegendItem(this.highlightedLegendItemIx + direction); if (res) { this.highlightedLegendItemIx += direction; return response.success; } if (numItems > 1 && a11yOptions.keyboardNavigation.wrapAround) { keyboardNavigationHandler.init(direction); return response.success; } // No wrap, move return response[direction > 0 ? 'next' : 'prev']; }, /** * @private * @param {Highcharts.KeyboardNavigationHandler} keyboardNavigationHandler * @return {number} * Response code */ onKbdClick: function (keyboardNavigationHandler) { var legendItem = this.chart.legend.allItems[this.highlightedLegendItemIx]; if (legendItem && legendItem.a11yProxyElement) { fireEvent(legendItem.a11yProxyElement, 'click'); } return keyboardNavigationHandler.response.success; }, /** * @private * @return {boolean|undefined} */ shouldHaveLegendNavigation: function () { var chart = this.chart, legendOptions = chart.options.legend || {}, hasLegend = chart.legend && chart.legend.allItems, hasColorAxis = chart.colorAxis && chart.colorAxis.length, legendA11yOptions = (legendOptions.accessibility || {}); return !!(hasLegend && chart.legend.display && !hasColorAxis && legendA11yOptions.enabled && legendA11yOptions.keyboardNavigation && legendA11yOptions.keyboardNavigation.enabled); }, /** * @private * @param {number} direction */ onKbdNavigationInit: function (direction) { var chart = this.chart, lastIx = chart.legend.allItems.length - 1, ixToHighlight = direction > 0 ? 0 : lastIx; chart.highlightLegendItem(ixToHighlight); this.highlightedLegendItemIx = ixToHighlight; } }); export default LegendComponent;