// http://code.google.com/p/simple-linkedinphp/
// 3.2.0 - November 29, 2011
// hacked into the code to handel new scope (r_basicprofile+r_emailaddress) - until Paul update linkedinphp library!
// Facyla note 20131219 : this in fact should not be hacked, as Linkedin lets developpers define the wanted scope
//   in Linkedin application settings, when creating the (required) application and API access

 * This file defines the 'LinkedIn' class. This class is designed to be a
 * simple, stand-alone implementation of the LinkedIn API functions.
 * Copyright (C) 2011, fiftyMission Inc.
 * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
 * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
 * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
 * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
 * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
 * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
 * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
 * all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
 * http://code.google.com/p/simple-linkedinphp/
 * 1. You must have cURL installed on the server and available to PHP.
 * 2. You must be running PHP 5+.
 * There are two files needed to enable LinkedIn API functionality from PHP; the
 * stand-alone OAuth library, and this LinkedIn class. The latest version of
 * the stand-alone OAuth library can be found on Google Code:
 * http://code.google.com/p/oauth/
 * Install these two files on your server in a location that is accessible to
 * the scripts you wish to use them in. Make sure to change the file
 * permissions such that your web server can read the files.
 * Next, make sure the path to the OAuth library is correct (you can change this
 * as needed, depending on your file organization scheme, etc).
 * Finally, test the class by attempting to connect to LinkedIn using the
 * associated demo.php page, also located at the Google Code location
 * referenced above.
 * REST API Documentation: http://developer.linkedin.com/rest
 * @version 3.2.0 - November 8, 2011
 * @author Paul Mennega <paul@fiftymission.net>
 * @copyright Copyright 2011, fiftyMission Inc.
 * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php The MIT License

 * 'LinkedInException' class declaration.
 * This class extends the base 'Exception' class.
 * @access public
 * @package classpackage
class LinkedInException extends Exception {}

 * 'LinkedIn' class declaration.
 * This class provides generalized LinkedIn oauth functionality.
 * @access public
 * @package classpackage
class LinkedIn {
  // api/oauth settings
  const _API_OAUTH_REALM             = 'http://api.linkedin.com';
  const _API_OAUTH_VERSION           = '1.0';

  // the default response format from LinkedIn
  const _DEFAULT_RESPONSE_FORMAT     = 'xml';

  // helper constants used to standardize LinkedIn <-> API communication.  See demo page for usage.
  const _GET_RESPONSE                = 'lResponse';
  const _GET_TYPE                    = 'lType';

  // Invitation API constants.
  const _INV_SUBJECT                 = 'Invitation to connect';
  const _INV_BODY_LENGTH             = 200;

  // API methods
  const _METHOD_TOKENS               = 'POST';

  // Network API constants.
  const _NETWORK_LENGTH              = 1000;
  const _NETWORK_HTML                = '<a>';

  // response format type constants, see http://developer.linkedin.com/docs/DOC-1203
  const _RESPONSE_JSON               = 'JSON';
  const _RESPONSE_JSONP              = 'JSONP';
  const _RESPONSE_XML                = 'XML';

  // Share API constants
  const _SHARE_COMMENT_LENGTH        = 700;

  // LinkedIn API end-points
	const _URL_ACCESS                  = 'https://api.linkedin.com/uas/oauth/accessToken';
	const _URL_API                     = 'https://api.linkedin.com';
	const _URL_AUTH                    = 'https://www.linkedin.com/uas/oauth/authenticate?oauth_token=';
	const _URL_REQUEST                 = 'https://api.linkedin.com/uas/oauth/requestToken';
	// const _URL_REQUEST                 = 'https://api.linkedin.com/uas/oauth/requestToken?scope=r_basicprofile+r_emailaddress+rw_nus+r_network';
	const _URL_REVOKE                  = 'https://api.linkedin.com/uas/oauth/invalidateToken';

	// Library version
	const _VERSION                     = '3.2.0';

  // oauth properties
  protected $callback;
  protected $token                   = null;

  // application properties
  protected $application_key,

  // the format of the data to return
  protected $response_format         = self::_DEFAULT_RESPONSE_FORMAT;

  // last request fields
  public $last_request_headers,

	 * Create a LinkedIn object, used for OAuth-based authentication and
	 * communication with the LinkedIn API.
	 * @param arr $config
	 *    The 'start-up' object properties:
	 *           - appKey       => The application's API key
	 *           - appSecret    => The application's secret key
	 *           - callbackUrl  => [OPTIONAL] the callback URL
	 * @return obj
	 *    A new LinkedIn object.
	public function __construct($config) {
    if(!is_array($config)) {
      // bad data passed
		  throw new LinkedInException('LinkedIn->__construct(): bad data passed, $config must be of type array.');

   * The class destructor.
   * Explicitly clears LinkedIn object from memory upon destruction.
  public function __destruct() {

	 * Bookmark a job.
	 * Calling this method causes the current user to add a bookmark for the
	 * specified job:
	 *   http://developer.linkedin.com/docs/DOC-1323
	 * @param str $jid
	 *    Job ID you want to bookmark.
	 * @return arr
	 *    array containing retrieval success, LinkedIn response.
	public function bookmarkJob($jid) {
	  // check passed data
	  if(!is_string($jid)) {
	    // bad data passed
		  throw new LinkedInException('LinkedIn->bookmarkJob(): bad data passed, $jid must be of type string.');

	  // construct and send the request
	  $query    = self::_URL_API . '/v1/people/~/job-bookmarks';
	  $response = $this->fetch('POST', $query, '<job-bookmark><job><id>' . trim($jid) . '</id></job></job-bookmark>');

	   * Check for successful request (a 201 response from LinkedIn server)
	   * per the documentation linked in method comments above.
		return $this->checkResponse(201, $response);

	 * Get list of jobs you have bookmarked.
	 * Returns a list of jobs the current user has bookmarked, per:
	 *   http://developer.linkedin.com/docs/DOC-1323
	 * @return arr
	 *         array containing retrieval success, LinkedIn response.
	public function bookmarkedJobs() {
    // construct and send the request
	  $query    = self::_URL_API . '/v1/people/~/job-bookmarks';
	  $response = $this->fetch('GET', $query);

	   * Check for successful request (a 200 response from LinkedIn server)
	   * per the documentation linked in method comments above.
		return $this->checkResponse(200, $response);

	 * Custom addition to make code compatible with PHP 5.2
	private function intWalker($value, $key) {
        if(!is_int($value)) {
			throw new LinkedInException('LinkedIn->checkResponse(): $http_code_required must be an integer or an array of integer values');

	 * Used to check whether a response LinkedIn object has the required http_code or not and
	 * returns an appropriate LinkedIn object.
	 * @param var $http_code_required
	 * 		The required http response from LinkedIn, passed in either as an integer,
	 * 		or an array of integers representing the expected values.
	 * @param arr $response
	 *    An array containing a LinkedIn response.
	 * @return boolean
	 * 	  true or false depending on if the passed LinkedIn response matches the expected response.
	private function checkResponse($http_code_required, $response) {
		// check passed data
    if(is_array($http_code_required)) {
		  array_walk($http_code_required, array($this, 'intWalker'));
		} else {
		  if(!is_int($http_code_required)) {
  			throw new LinkedInException('LinkedIn->checkResponse(): $http_code_required must be an integer or an array of integer values');
  		} else {
  		  $http_code_required = array($http_code_required);
		if(!is_array($response)) {
			throw new LinkedInException('LinkedIn->checkResponse(): $response must be an array');

		// check for a match
		if(in_array($response['info']['http_code'], $http_code_required)) {
		  // response found
		  $response['success'] = true;
		} else {
			// response not found
			$response['success'] = false;
			$response['error']   = 'HTTP response from LinkedIn end-point was not code ' . implode(', ', $http_code_required);
		return $response;

	 * Close a job.
	 * Calling this method causes the passed job to be closed, per:
	 *   http://developer.linkedin.com/docs/DOC-1151
	 * @param str $jid
	 *    Job ID you want to close.
	 * @return arr
	 *    array containing retrieval success, LinkedIn response.
	public function closeJob($jid) {
	  // check passed data
	  if(!is_string($jid)) {
	    // bad data passed
		  throw new LinkedInException('LinkedIn->closeJob(): bad data passed, $jid must be of string value.');

	  // construct and send the request
	  $query    = self::_URL_API . '/v1/jobs/partner-job-id=' . trim($jid);
	  $response = $this->fetch('DELETE', $query);

	   * Check for successful request (a 204 response from LinkedIn server)
	   * per the documentation linked in method comments above.
	  return $this->checkResponse(204, $response);

	 * Share comment posting method.
	 * Post a comment on an existing connections shared content. API details can
	 * be found here:
	 * http://developer.linkedin.com/docs/DOC-1043
	 * @param str $uid
	 *    The LinkedIn update ID.
	 * @param str $comment
	 *    The share comment to be posted.
	 * @return arr
	 *    array containing retrieval success, LinkedIn response.
	public function comment($uid, $comment) {
	  // check passed data
	  if(!is_string($uid)) {
	    // bad data passed
		  throw new LinkedInException('LinkedIn->comment(): bad data passed, $uid must be of type string.');
    if(!is_string($comment)) {
      // nothing/non-string passed, raise an exception
		  throw new LinkedInException('LinkedIn->comment(): bad data passed, $comment must be a non-zero length string.');

     * Share comment rules:
     * 1) No HTML permitted.
     * 2) Comment cannot be longer than 700 characters.
    $comment = substr(trim(htmlspecialchars(strip_tags($comment))), 0, self::_SHARE_COMMENT_LENGTH);
		$data    = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  				        <comment>' . $comment . '</comment>

    // construct and send the request
    $query    = self::_URL_API . '/v1/people/~/network/updates/key=' . $uid . '/update-comments';
    $response = $this->fetch('POST', $query, $data);

	   * Check for successful request (a 201 response from LinkedIn server)
	   * per the documentation linked in method comments above.
    return $this->checkResponse(201, $response);

	 * Share comment retrieval.
	 * Return all comments associated with a given network update:
	 *   http://developer.linkedin.com/docs/DOC-1043
	 * @param str $uid
	 *    The LinkedIn update ID.
	 * @return arr
	 *    array containing retrieval success, LinkedIn response.
	public function comments($uid) {
	  // check passed data
	  if(!is_string($uid)) {
	    // bad data passed
		  throw new LinkedInException('LinkedIn->comments(): bad data passed, $uid must be of type string.');

		// construct and send the request
    $query    = self::_URL_API . '/v1/people/~/network/updates/key=' . $uid . '/update-comments';
    $response = $this->fetch('GET', $query);

	   * Check for successful request (a 200 response from LinkedIn server)
	   * per the documentation linked in method comments above.
    return $this->checkResponse(200, $response);

	 * Company profile retrieval function.
	 * Takes a string of parameters as input and requests company profile data
	 * from the LinkedIn Company Profile API. See the official documentation for
	 * $options 'field selector' formatting:
	 *   http://developer.linkedin.com/docs/DOC-1014
	 *   http://developer.linkedin.com/docs/DOC-1259
	 * @param str $options
	 *    Data retrieval options.
	 * @param	bool $by_email
	 *    [OPTIONAL] Search by email domain?
	 * @return arr
	 *    array containing retrieval success, LinkedIn response.
	public function company($options, $by_email = false) {
	  // check passed data
	  if(!is_string($options)) {
	    // bad data passed
		  throw new LinkedInException('LinkedIn->company(): bad data passed, $options must be of type string.');
	  if(!is_bool($by_email)) {
	    // bad data passed
		  throw new LinkedInException('LinkedIn->company(): bad data passed, $by_email must be of type boolean.');

	  // construct and send the request
	  $query    = self::_URL_API . '/v1/companies' . ($by_email ? '' : '/') . trim($options);
	  $response = $this->fetch('GET', $query);

	   * Check for successful request (a 200 response from LinkedIn server)
	   * per the documentation linked in method comments above.
	  return $this->checkResponse(200, $response);

	 * Company products and their associated recommendations.
	 * The product data type contains details about a company's product or
	 * service, including recommendations from LinkedIn members, and replies from
	 * company representatives.
	 *   http://developer.linkedin.com/docs/DOC-1327
	 * @param str $cid
	 *    Company ID you want the product for.
	 * @param str $options
	 *    [OPTIONAL] Data retrieval options.
	 * @return arr
	 *    array containing retrieval success, LinkedIn response.
	public function companyProducts($cid, $options = '') {
	  // check passed data
	  if(!is_string($cid)) {
	    // bad data passed
		  throw new LinkedInException('LinkedIn->companyProducts(): bad data passed, $cid must be of type string.');
	  if(!is_string($options)) {
	    // bad data passed
		  throw new LinkedInException('LinkedIn->companyProducts(): bad data passed, $options must be of type string.');

	  // construct and send the request
	  $query    = self::_URL_API . '/v1/companies/' . trim($cid) . '/products' . trim($options);
	  $response = $this->fetch('GET', $query);

	   * Check for successful request (a 200 response from LinkedIn server)
	   * per the documentation linked in method comments above.
	  return $this->checkResponse(200, $response);

	 * Connection retrieval function.
	 * Takes a string of parameters as input and requests connection-related data
	 * from the Linkedin Connections API. See the official documentation for
	 * $options 'field selector' formatting:
	 *   http://developer.linkedin.com/docs/DOC-1014
	 * @param str $options
	 *    [OPTIONAL] Data retrieval options.
	 * @return arr
	 *    array containing retrieval success, LinkedIn response.
	public function connections($options = '~/connections') {
	  // check passed data
	  if(!is_string($options)) {
	    // bad data passed
		  throw new LinkedInException('LinkedIn->connections(): bad data passed, $options must be of type string.');

	  // construct and send the request
	  $query    = self::_URL_API . '/v1/people/' . trim($options);
	  $response = $this->fetch('GET', $query);

	   * Check for successful request (a 200 response from LinkedIn server)
	   * per the documentation linked in method comments above.
	  return $this->checkResponse(200, $response);

	 * This creates a post in the specified group with the specified title and specified summary.
	 *   http://developer.linkedin.com/documents/groups-api
	 * @param str $gid
	 * 		The group id.
	 * @param str $title
	 * 		The title of the post. This must be non-empty.
	 * @param str $summary
	 * 		[OPTIONAL] The content or summary of the post. This can be empty.
	 * @return arr
	 * 		array containing retrieval success, LinkedIn response.
	public function createPost($gid, $title, $summary = '') {
		if(!is_string($gid)) {
			throw new LinkedInException('LinkedIn->createPost(): bad data passed, $gid must be of type string.');
		if(!is_string($title) || empty($title)) {
			throw new LinkedInException('LinkedIn->createPost(): bad data passed, $title must be a non-empty string.');
		if(!is_string($summary)) {
			throw new LinkedInException('LinkedIn->createPost(): bad data passed, $summary must be of type string.');

		// construct the XML
		$data = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    					 <title>'. $title . '</title>
    					 <summary>' . $summary . '</summary>

 		// construct and send the request
		$query    = self::_URL_API . '/v1/groups/' . trim($gid) . '/posts';
		$response = $this->fetch('POST', $query, $data);

	   * Check for successful request (a 201 response from LinkedIn server)
	   * per the documentation linked in method comments above.
		return $this->checkResponse(201, $response);

	 * This deletes the specified post if you are the owner or moderator that post.
	 * Otherwise, it just flags the post as inappropriate.
	 * https://developer.linkedin.com/documents/groups-api
	 * @param str $pid
	 * 		The post id.
	 * @return arr
	 * 		array containing retrieval success, LinkedIn response.
	public function deletePost($pid) {
		if(!is_string($pid)) {
			throw new LinkedInException('LinkedIn->deletePost(): bad data passed, $pid must be of type string');

		// construct and send the request
		$query    = self::_URL_API . '/v1/posts/' . trim($pid);
		$response = $this->fetch('DELETE', $query);

     * Check for successful request (a 204 response from LinkedIn server)
	   * per the documentation linked in method comments above.
		return $this->checkResponse(204, $response);

	 * Edit a job.
	 * Calling this method causes the passed job to be edited, with the passed
	 * XML instructing which fields to change, per:
	 *   http://developer.linkedin.com/docs/DOC-1154
	 *   http://developer.linkedin.com/docs/DOC-1142
	 * @param str $jid
	 *    Job ID you want to renew.
	 * @param str $xml
	 *    The XML containing the job fields to edit.
	 * @return arr
	 *    array containing retrieval success, LinkedIn response.
	public function editJob($jid, $xml) {
	  // check passed data
	  if(!is_string($jid)) {
	    // bad data passed
		  throw new LinkedInException('LinkedIn->editJob(): bad data passed, $jid must be of string value.');
	  if(is_string($xml)) {
	    $xml = trim(stripslashes($xml));
	  } else {
	    // bad data passed
		  throw new LinkedInException('LinkedIn->editJob(): bad data passed, $xml must be of string value.');

	  // construct and send the request
	  $query    = self::_URL_API . '/v1/jobs/partner-job-id=' . trim($jid);
	  $response = $this->fetch('PUT', $query, $xml);

	   * Check for successful request (a 200 response from LinkedIn server)
	   * per the documentation linked in method comments above.
	  return $this->checkResponse(200, $response);

	 * General data send/request method.
	 * @param str $method
	 *    The data communication method.
	 * @param str $url
	 *    The Linkedin API endpoint to connect with.
	 * @param str $data
	 *    [OPTIONAL] The data to send to LinkedIn.
	 * @param arr $parameters
	 *    [OPTIONAL] Addition OAuth parameters to send to LinkedIn.
	 * @return arr
	 *    array containing:
	 *           array(
	 *             'info'      =>	Connection information,
	 *             'linkedin'  => LinkedIn response,
	 *             'oauth'     => The OAuth request string that was sent to LinkedIn
	 *           )
	protected function fetch($method, $url, $data = null, $parameters = array()) {
	  // check for cURL
	  if(!extension_loaded('curl')) {
	    // cURL not present
      throw new LinkedInException('LinkedIn->fetch(): PHP cURL extension does not appear to be loaded/present.');

    try {
	    // generate OAuth values
	    $oauth_consumer  = new OAuthConsumer($this->getApplicationKey(), $this->getApplicationSecret(), $this->getCallbackUrl());
	    $oauth_token     = $this->getToken();
	    $oauth_token     = (!is_null($oauth_token)) ? new OAuthToken($oauth_token['oauth_token'], $oauth_token['oauth_token_secret']) : null;
      $defaults        = array(
        'oauth_version' => self::_API_OAUTH_VERSION
	    $parameters    = array_merge($defaults, $parameters);

	    // generate OAuth request
  		$oauth_req = OAuthRequest::from_consumer_and_token($oauth_consumer, $oauth_token, $method, $url, $parameters);
      $oauth_req->sign_request(new OAuthSignatureMethod_HMAC_SHA1(), $oauth_consumer, $oauth_token);

      // start cURL, checking for a successful initiation
      if(!$handle = curl_init()) {
         // cURL failed to start
        throw new LinkedInException('LinkedIn->fetch(): cURL did not initialize properly.');

      // set cURL options, based on parameters passed
	    curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, $method);
      curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
      curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
      curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
      curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_VERBOSE, false);

      // Restrict the request timeout to 5 seconds. Linkedin is sometimes very
      // slow and we don't want to trigger a PHP timeout on our end.
      curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 5);

      if ( isset ( Hybrid_Auth::$config["proxy"] ) ) {
      	curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_PROXY, Hybrid_Auth::$config["proxy"]);

      // configure the header we are sending to LinkedIn - http://developer.linkedin.com/docs/DOC-1203
      $header = array($oauth_req->to_header(self::_API_OAUTH_REALM));
      if(is_null($data)) {
        // not sending data, identify the content type
        $header[] = 'Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8';
        switch($this->getResponseFormat()) {
          case self::_RESPONSE_JSON:
            $header[] = 'x-li-format: json';
          case self::_RESPONSE_JSONP:
            $header[] = 'x-li-format: jsonp';
      } else {
        $header[] = 'Content-Type: text/xml; charset=UTF-8';
        curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data);
      curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $header);

      // set the last url, headers
      $this->last_request_url = $url;
      $this->last_request_headers = $header;

      // gather the response
      $return_data['linkedin']        = curl_exec($handle);
      if( $return_data['linkedin'] === false ) {
          Hybrid_Logger::error( "LinkedIn::fetch(). curl_exec error: ", curl_error($handle) );
      $return_data['info']            = curl_getinfo($handle);
      $return_data['oauth']['header'] = $oauth_req->to_header(self::_API_OAUTH_REALM);
      $return_data['oauth']['string'] = $oauth_req->base_string;

      // check for throttling
      if(self::isThrottled($return_data['linkedin'])) {
        throw new LinkedInException('LinkedIn->fetch(): throttling limit for this user/application has been reached for LinkedIn resource - ' . $url);

      //TODO - add check for NO response (http_code = 0) from cURL

      // close cURL connection

      // no exceptions thrown, return the data
      return $return_data;
    } catch(OAuthException $e) {
      // oauth exception raised
      throw new LinkedInException('OAuth exception caught: ' . $e->getMessage());

	 * This flags a specified post as specified by type.
	 *   http://developer.linkedin.com/documents/groups-api
	 * @param str $pid
	 * 		The post id.
	 * @param str $type
	 * 		The type to flag the post as.
	 * @return arr
	 * 		array containing retrieval success, LinkedIn response.
	public function flagPost($pid, $type) {
		if(!is_string($pid)) {
			throw new LinkedInException('LinkedIn->flagPost(): bad data passed, $pid must be of type string');
		if(!is_string($type)) {
			throw new LinkedInException('LinkedIn->flagPost(): bad data passed, $like must be of type string');
		//Constructing the xml
		$data = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>';
		switch($type) {
			case 'promotion':
				$data .= '<code>promotion</code>';
			case 'job':
				$data .= '<code>job</code>';
				throw new LinkedInException('LinkedIn->flagPost(): invalid value for $type, must be one of: "promotion", "job"');

		// construct and send the request
		$query    = self::_URL_API . '/v1/posts/' . $pid . '/category/code';
		$response = $this->fetch('PUT', $query, $data);

     * Check for successful request (a 204 response from LinkedIn server)
	   * per the documentation linked in method comments above.
		return $this->checkResponse(204, $response);

	 * Follow a company.
	 * Calling this method causes the current user to start following the
	 * specified company, per:
	 *   http://developer.linkedin.com/docs/DOC-1324
	 * @param str $cid
	 *    Company ID you want to follow.
	 * @return arr
	 *    array containing retrieval success, LinkedIn response.
	public function followCompany($cid) {
	  // check passed data
	  if(!is_string($cid)) {
	    // bad data passed
		  throw new LinkedInException('LinkedIn->followCompany(): bad data passed, $cid must be of type string.');

	  // construct and send the request
	  $query    = self::_URL_API . '/v1/people/~/following/companies';
	  $response = $this->fetch('POST', $query, '<company><id>' . trim($cid) . '</id></company>');

	   * Check for successful request (a 201 response from LinkedIn server)
	   * per the documentation linked in method comments above.
	  return $this->checkResponse(201, $response);

	 * Follows/Unfollows the specified post.
	 * https://developer.linkedin.com/documents/groups-api
	 * @param str $pid
	 * 		The post id.
	 * @param bool $follow
	 * 		Determines whether to follow or unfollow the post. true = follow, false = unfollow
	 * @return arr
	 * 		array containing retrieval success, LinkedIn response.

	public function followPost($pid, $follow) {
		if(!is_string($pid)) {
			throw new LinkedInException('LinkedIn->followPost(): bad data passed, $pid must be of type string');
		if(!($follow === true || $follow === false)) {
			throw new LinkedInException('LinkedIn->followPost(): bad data passed, $follow must be of type boolean');

		// construct the XML
		$data = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
				     <is-following>'. (($follow) ? 'true' : 'false'). '</is-following>';

		// construct and send the request
		$query    = self::_URL_API . '/v1/posts/' . trim($pid) . '/relation-to-viewer/is-following';
		$response = $this->fetch('PUT', $query, $data);

	   * Check for successful request (a 204 response from LinkedIn server)
	   * per the documentation linked in method comments above.
		return $this->checkResponse(204, $response);

	 * Get list of companies you follow.
	 * Returns a list of companies the current user is currently following, per:
	 *   http://developer.linkedin.com/docs/DOC-1324
	 * @return arr
	 *    array containing retrieval success, LinkedIn response.
	public function followedCompanies() {
	  // construct and send the request
    $query    = self::_URL_API . '/v1/people/~/following/companies';
	  $response = $this->fetch('GET', $query);

	   * Check for successful request (a 200 response from LinkedIn server)
	   * per the documentation linked in method comments above.
	  return $this->checkResponse(200, $response);

	 * Get the application_key property.
	 * @return str
	 *    The application key.
	public function getApplicationKey() {
	  return $this->application_key;

	 * Get the application_secret property.
	 * @return str
	 *    The application secret.
	public function getApplicationSecret() {
	  return $this->application_secret;

	 * Get the callback property.
	 * @return str
	 *    The callback url.
	public function getCallbackUrl() {
	  return $this->callback;

	 * Get the response_format property.
	 * @return str
	 *    The response format.
	public function getResponseFormat() {
	  return $this->response_format;

	 * Get the token_access property.
	 * @return arr
	 *    The access token.
	public function getToken() {
	  return $this->token;

	 * [DEPRECATED] Get the token_access property.
	 * @return arr
	 *    The access token.
	public function getTokenAccess() {
	  return $this->getToken();

	 * Get information about a specific group.
	 *   http://developer.linkedin.com/documents/groups-api
	 * @param str $gid
	 * 	 	The group id.
	 * @param str $options
	 * 		[OPTIONAL] Field selectors for the group.
	 * @return arr
	 * 		array containing retrieval success, LinkedIn response.

	public function group($gid, $options = '') {
			throw new LinkedInException('LinkedIn->group(): bad data passed, $gid must be of type string.');
		if(!is_string($options)) {
			throw new LinkedInException('LinkedIn->group(): bad data passed, $options must be of type string');

		// construct and send the request
		$query    = self::_URL_API . '/v1/groups/' . trim($gid) . trim($options);
		$response = $this->fetch('GET', $query);

	   * Check for successful request (a 200 response from LinkedIn server)
	   * per the documentation linked in method comments above.
		return $this->checkResponse(200, $response);

	 * This returns all the groups the user is a member of.
	 *   http://developer.linkedin.com/documents/groups-api
	 * @param str $options
	 * 		[OPTIONAL] Field selectors for the groups.
	 * @return arr
	 * 		array containing retrieval success, LinkedIn response.
	public function groupMemberships($options = '') {
		if(!is_string($options)) {
			throw new LinkedInException('LinkedIn->groupMemberships(): bad data passed, $options must be of type string');

		// construct and send the request
		$query    = self::_URL_API . '/v1/people/~/group-memberships' . trim($options) . '?membership-state=member';
		$response = $this->fetch('GET', $query);

	   * Check for successful request (a 200 response from LinkedIn server)
	   * per the documentation linked in method comments above.
		return $this->checkResponse(200, $response);

	 * This gets a specified post made within a group.
	 *   http://developer.linkedin.com/documents/groups-api
	 * @param str $pid
	 * 		The post id.
	 * @param str $options
	 * 		[OPTIONAL] Field selectors for the post.
	 * @return arr
	 * 		array containing retrieval success, LinkedIn response.
	public function groupPost($pid, $options = '') {
		if(!is_string($pid)) {
			throw new LinkedInException('LinkedIn->groupPost(): bad data passed, $pid must be of type string.');
		if(!is_string($options)) {
			throw new LinkedInException('LinkedIn->groupPost(): bad data passed, $options must be of type string.');

		// construct and send the request
		$query    = self::_URL_API . '/v1/posts/' . trim($pid) . trim($options);
		$response = $this->fetch('GET', $query);

	   * Check for successful request (a 200 response from LinkedIn server)
	   * per the documentation linked in method comments above.
		return $this->checkResponse(200, $response);

	 * This returns all the comments made on the specified post within a group.
	 *   http://developer.linkedin.com/documents/groups-api
	 * @param str $pid
	 * 		The post id.
	 * @param str $options
	 * 		[OPTIONAL] Field selectors for the post comments.
	 * @return arr
	 * 		array containing retrieval success, LinkedIn response.
	public function groupPostComments($pid, $options = ''){
			throw new LinkedInException('LinkedIn->groupPostComments(): bad data passed, $pid must be of type string.');
		if(!is_string($options)) {
			throw new LinkedInException('LinkedIn->groupPostComments(): bad data passed, $options must be of type string.');

		// construct and send the request
		$query    = self::_URL_API . '/v1/posts/' . trim($pid) . '/comments' . trim($options);
		$response = $this->fetch('GET', $query);

	   * Check for successful request (a 200 response from LinkedIn server)
	   * per the documentation linked in method comments above.
		return $this->checkResponse(200, $response);

	 * This returns all the posts within a group.
	 *   http://developer.linkedin.com/documents/groups-api
	 * @param str $gid
	 * 		The group id.
	 * @return arr
	 * 		array containing retrieval success, LinkedIn response.
	public function groupPosts($gid, $options = '') {
			throw new LinkedInException('LinkedIn->groupPosts(): bad data passed, $gid must be of type string');
			throw new LinkedInException('LinkedIn->groupPosts(): bad data passed, $options must be of type string');

		// construct and send the request
		$query    = self::_URL_API . '/v1/groups/' . trim($gid)  .'/posts' . trim($options);
		$response = $this->fetch('GET', $query);

	   * Check for successful request (a 200 response from LinkedIn server)
	   * per the documentation linked in method comments above.
		return $this->checkResponse(200, $response);

	 * This returns the group settings of the specified group
	 *   http://developer.linkedin.com/documents/groups-api
	 * @param str $gid
	 * 		The group id.
	 * @param str $options
	 * 		[OPTIONAL] Field selectors for the group.
	 * @return arr
	 * 		array containing retrieval success, LinkedIn response.
	public function groupSettings($gid, $options = '') {
		if(!is_string($gid)) {
			throw new LinkedInException('LinkedIn->groupSettings(): bad data passed, $gid must be of type string');
		if(!is_string($options)) {
			throw new LinkedInException('LinkedIn->groupSettings(): bad data passed, $options must be of type string');

		// construct and send the request
		$query    = self::_URL_API . '/v1/people/~/group-memberships/' . trim($gid) . trim($options);
		$response = $this->fetch('GET', $query);

	   * Check for successful request (a 200 response from LinkedIn server)
	   * per the documentation linked in method comments above.
		return $this->checkResponse(200, $response);

	 * Send connection invitations.
	 * Send an invitation to connect to your network, either by email address or
	 * by LinkedIn ID. Details on the API here:
	 *   http://developer.linkedin.com/docs/DOC-1012
	 * @param str $method
	 *    The invitation method to process.
	 * @param str $recipient
	 *    The email/id to send the invitation to.
	 * @param str $subject
	 *    The subject of the invitation to send.
	 * @param str $body
	 *    The body of the invitation to send.
	 * @param str $type
	 *    [OPTIONAL] The invitation request type (only friend is supported at this time by the Invite API).
	 * @return arr
	 *    array containing retrieval success, LinkedIn response.
	public function invite($method, $recipient, $subject, $body, $type = 'friend') {
     * Clean up the passed data per these rules:
     * 1) Message must be sent to one recipient (only a single recipient permitted for the Invitation API)
     * 2) No HTML permitted
     * 3) 200 characters max in the invitation subject
     * 4) Only able to connect as a friend at this point
    // check passed data
    if(empty($recipient)) {
   		throw new LinkedInException('LinkedIn->invite(): you must provide an invitation recipient.');
    switch($method) {
      case 'email':
        if(is_array($recipient)) {
          $recipient = array_map('trim', $recipient);
        } else {
          // bad format for recipient for email method
          throw new LinkedInException('LinkedIn->invite(): invitation recipient email/name array is malformed.');
      case 'id':
        $recipient = trim($recipient);
        if(!self::isId($recipient)) {
          // bad format for recipient for id method
          throw new LinkedInException('LinkedIn->invite(): invitation recipient ID does not match LinkedIn format.');
        throw new LinkedInException('LinkedIn->invite(): bad invitation method, must be one of: email, id.');
    if(!empty($subject)) {
      $subject = trim(htmlspecialchars(strip_tags(stripslashes($subject))));
    } else {
      throw new LinkedInException('LinkedIn->invite(): message subject is empty.');
    if(!empty($body)) {
      $body = trim(htmlspecialchars(strip_tags(stripslashes($body))));
      if(strlen($body) > self::_INV_BODY_LENGTH) {
        throw new LinkedInException('LinkedIn->invite(): message body length is too long - max length is ' . self::_INV_BODY_LENGTH . ' characters.');
    } else {
      throw new LinkedInException('LinkedIn->invite(): message body is empty.');
    switch($type) {
      case 'friend':
        throw new LinkedInException('LinkedIn->invite(): bad invitation type, must be one of: friend.');

    // construct the xml data
		$data   = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
                     switch($method) {
                       case 'email':
                         // email-based invitation
                         $data .= '<person path="/people/email=' . $recipient['email'] . '">
                                     <first-name>' . htmlspecialchars($recipient['first-name']) . '</first-name>
                                     <last-name>' . htmlspecialchars($recipient['last-name']) . '</last-name>
                       case 'id':
                         // id-based invitation
                         $data .= '<person path="/people/id=' . $recipient . '"/>';
    $data  .= '    </recipient>
                 <subject>' . $subject . '</subject>
                 <body>' . $body . '</body>
                       switch($type) {
                         case 'friend':
                           $data .= 'friend';
    $data  .= '      </connect-type>';
                     switch($method) {
                       case 'id':
                         // id-based invitation, we need to get the authorization information
                         $query                 = 'id=' . $recipient . ':(api-standard-profile-request)';
                         $response              = self::profile($query);
                         if($response['info']['http_code'] == 200) {
                           $response['linkedin'] = self::xmlToarray($response['linkedin']);
                           if($response['linkedin'] === false) {
                             // bad XML data
                             throw new LinkedInException('LinkedIn->invite(): LinkedIn returned bad XML data.');
                           $authentication = explode(':', $response['linkedin']['person']['children']['api-standard-profile-request']['children']['headers']['children']['http-header']['children']['value']['content']);

                           // complete the xml
                           $data .= '<authorization>
                                       <name>' . $authentication[0] . '</name>
                                       <value>' . $authentication[1] . '</value>
                         } else {
                           // bad response from the profile request, not a valid ID?
                           throw new LinkedInException('LinkedIn->invite(): could not send invitation, LinkedIn says: ' . print_r($response['linkedin'], true));
    $data  .= '    </invitation-request>

    // send request
    $query    = self::_URL_API . '/v1/people/~/mailbox';
    $response = $this->fetch('POST', $query, $data);

	   * Check for successful request (a 201 response from LinkedIn server)
	   * per the documentation linked in method comments above.
    return $this->checkResponse(201, $response);

	 * LinkedIn ID validation.
	 * Checks the passed string $id to see if it has a valid LinkedIn ID format,
	 * which is, as of October 15th, 2010:
	 *   10 alpha-numeric mixed-case characters, plus underscores and dashes.
	 * @param str $id
	 *    A possible LinkedIn ID.
	 * @return bool
	 *    true/false depending on valid ID format determination.
	public static function isId($id) {
	  // check passed data
    if(!is_string($id)) {
	    // bad data passed
	    throw new LinkedInException('LinkedIn->isId(): bad data passed, $id must be of type string.');

	  $pattern = '/^[a-z0-9_\-]{10}$/i';
	  if($match = preg_match($pattern, $id)) {
	    // we have a match
	    $return_data = true;
	  } else {
	    // no match
	    $return_data = false;
	  return $return_data;

	 * Throttling check.
	 * Checks the passed LinkedIn response to see if we have hit a throttling
	 * limit:
	 * http://developer.linkedin.com/docs/DOC-1112
	 * @param arr $response
	 *    The LinkedIn response.
	 * @return bool
	 *    true/false depending on content of response.
	public static function isThrottled($response) {
	  $return_data = false;

    // check the variable
	  if(!empty($response) && is_string($response)) {
	    // we have an array and have a properly formatted LinkedIn response

      // store the response in a temp variable
      $temp_response = self::xmlToarray($response);
  	  if($temp_response !== false) {
    	  // check to see if we have an error
    	  if(array_key_exists('error', $temp_response) && ($temp_response['error']['children']['status']['content'] == 403) && preg_match('/throttle/i', $temp_response['error']['children']['message']['content'])) {
    	    // we have an error, it is 403 and we have hit a throttle limit
  	      $return_data = true;
  	return $return_data;

	 * Job posting detail info retrieval function.
	 * The Jobs API returns detailed information about job postings on LinkedIn.
	 * Find the job summary, description, location, and apply our professional graph
	 * to present the relationship between the current member and the job poster or
	 * hiring manager.
	 *   http://developer.linkedin.com/docs/DOC-1322
	 * @param	str $jid
	 *    ID of the job you want to look up.
	 * @param str $options
	 *    [OPTIONAL] Data retrieval options.
	 * @return arr
	 *    array containing retrieval success, LinkedIn response.
	public function job($jid, $options = '') {
	  // check passed data
	  if(!is_string($jid)) {
	    // bad data passed
		  throw new LinkedInException('LinkedIn->job(): bad data passed, $jid must be of type string.');
	  if(!is_string($options)) {
	    // bad data passed
		  throw new LinkedInException('LinkedIn->job(): bad data passed, $options must be of type string.');

	  // construct and send the request
	  $query    = self::_URL_API . '/v1/jobs/' . trim($jid) . trim($options);
	  $response = $this->fetch('GET', $query);

	   * Check for successful request (a 200 response from LinkedIn server)
	   * per the documentation linked in method comments above.
	  return $this->checkResponse(200, $response);

	 * Join the specified group, per:
	 *   http://developer.linkedin.com/documents/groups-api
	 * @param str $gid
	 * 		The group id.
	 * @return arr
	 * 		array containing retrieval success, LinkedIn response.
	public function joinGroup($gid) {
		if(!is_string($gid)) {
			throw new LinkedInException('LinkedIn->joinGroup(): bad data passed, $gid must be of type string.');

		// constructing the XML
		$data = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

		// construct and send the request
		$query    = self::_URL_API . '/v1/people/~/group-memberships/' . trim($gid);
		$response = $this->fetch('PUT', $query, $data);

	   * Check for successful request (a 200 or 201 response from LinkedIn server)
	   * per the documentation linked in method comments above.
		return $this->checkResponse(array(200, 201), $response);

	 * Returns the last request header from the previous call to the
	 * LinkedIn API.
	 * @returns str
	 *    The header, in string format.
	public function lastRequestHeader() {
	   return $this->last_request_headers;

	 * Returns the last request url from the previous call to the
	 * LinkedIn API.
	 * @returns str
	 *    The url, in string format.
	public function lastRequestUrl() {
	   return $this->last_request_url;

	 * Leave the specified group, per:.
	 *   http://developer.linkedin.com/documents/groups-api
	 * @param str $gid
	 * 		The group id.
	 * @return arr
	 * 		array containing retrieval success, LinkedIn response.
	public function leaveGroup($gid){
		if(!is_string($gid)) {
			throw new LinkedInException('LinkedIn->leaveGroup(): bad data passed, $gid must be of type string');

		// construct and send the request
		$query    = self::_URL_API . '/v1/people/~/group-memberships/'  .trim($gid);
		$response = $this->fetch('DELETE', $query);

	   * Check for successful request (a 204 response from LinkedIn server)
	   * per the documentation linked in method comments above.
		return $this->checkResponse(204, $response);

	 * Like another user's network update, per:
	 *   http://developer.linkedin.com/docs/DOC-1043
	 * @param str $uid
	 *    The LinkedIn update ID.
	 * @return arr
	 *    array containing retrieval success, LinkedIn response.
	public function like($uid) {
	  // check passed data
	  if(!is_string($uid)) {
	    // bad data passed
		  throw new LinkedInException('LinkedIn->like(): bad data passed, $uid must be of type string.');

    // construct the XML
		$data = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

		// construct and send the request
    $query    = self::_URL_API . '/v1/people/~/network/updates/key=' . $uid . '/is-liked';
    $response = $this->fetch('PUT', $query, $data);

	   * Check for successful request (a 201 response from LinkedIn server)
	   * per the documentation linked in method comments above.
    return $this->checkResponse(201, $response);

	 * Likes/unlikes the specified post, per:
	 *   http://developer.linkedin.com/documents/groups-api
	 * @param str $pid
	 * 		The post id.
	 * @param bool $like
	 * 		Determines whether to like or unlike. true = like, false = unlike.
	 * @return arr
	 * 		array containing retrieval success, LinkedIn response.
	public function likePost($pid, $like) {
		if(!is_string($pid)) {
			throw new LinkedInException ('LinkedIn->likePost(): bad data passed, $pid must be of type string');
		if(!($like === true || $like === false)) {
			throw new LinkedInException('LinkedIn->likePost(): bad data passed, $like must be of type boolean');

		// construct the XML
		$data = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
		         <is-liked>'.(($like) ? 'true': 'false').'</is-liked>';

		// construct and send the request
		$query    = self::_URL_API . '/v1/posts/' . trim($pid) . '/relation-to-viewer/is-liked';
		$response = $this->fetch('PUT', $query, $data);

	   * Check for successful request (a 204 response from LinkedIn server)
	   * per the documentation linked in method comments above.
		return $this->checkResponse(204, $response);

	 * Retrieve network update likes.
	 * Return all likes associated with a given network update:
	 * http://developer.linkedin.com/docs/DOC-1043
	 * @param str $uid
	 *    The LinkedIn update ID.
	 * @return arr
	 *    array containing retrieval success, LinkedIn response.
	public function likes($uid) {
	  // check passed data
	  if(!is_string($uid)) {
	    // bad data passed
		  throw new LinkedInException('LinkedIn->likes(): bad data passed, $uid must be of type string.');

		// construct and send the request
    $query    = self::_URL_API . '/v1/people/~/network/updates/key=' . $uid . '/likes';
    $response = $this->fetch('GET', $query);

	   * Check for successful request (a 200 response from LinkedIn server)
	   * per the documentation linked in method comments above.
    return $this->checkResponse(200, $response);

	 * Connection messaging method.
	 * Send a message to your network connection(s), optionally copying yourself.
	 * Full details from LinkedIn on this functionality can be found here:
	 *   http://developer.linkedin.com/docs/DOC-1044
	 * @param arr $recipients
	 *    The connection(s) to send the message to.
	 * @param str $subject
	 *    The subject of the message to send.
	 * @param str $body
	 *    The body of the message to send.
	 * @param bool $copy_self
	 *    [OPTIONAL] Also update the teathered Twitter account.
	 * @return arr
	 *    array containing retrieval success, LinkedIn response.
	public function message($recipients, $subject, $body, $copy_self = false) {
     * Clean up the passed data per these rules:
     * 1) Message must be sent to at least one recipient
     * 2) No HTML permitted
    if(!empty($subject) && is_string($subject)) {
      $subject = trim(strip_tags(stripslashes($subject)));
    } else {
      throw new LinkedInException('LinkedIn->message(): bad data passed, $subject must be of type string.');
    if(!empty($body) && is_string($body)) {
      $body = trim(strip_tags(stripslashes($body)));
    } else {
      throw new LinkedInException('LinkedIn->message(): bad data passed, $body must be of type string.');
    if(!is_array($recipients) || count($recipients) < 1) {
      // no recipients, and/or bad data
      throw new LinkedInException('LinkedIn->message(): at least one message recipient required.');

    // construct the xml data
		$data   = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    $data  .=     ($copy_self) ? '<recipient><person path="/people/~"/></recipient>' : '';
                  for($i = 0; $i < count($recipients); $i++) {
                    if(is_string($recipients[$i])) {
                      $data .= '<recipient><person path="/people/' . trim($recipients[$i]) . '"/></recipient>';
                    } else {
                      throw new LinkedInException ('LinkedIn->message(): bad data passed, $recipients must be an array of type string.');
    $data  .= '  </recipients>
                 <subject>' . htmlspecialchars($subject) . '</subject>
                 <body>' . htmlspecialchars($body) . '</body>

    // send request
    $query    = self::_URL_API . '/v1/people/~/mailbox';
    $response = $this->fetch('POST', $query, $data);

	   * Check for successful request (a 201 response from LinkedIn server)
	   * per the documentation linked in method comments above.
    return $this->checkResponse(201, $response);

	 * Job posting method.
	 * Post a job to LinkedIn, assuming that you have access to this feature.
	 * Full details from LinkedIn on this functionality can be found here:
	 *   http://developer.linkedin.com/community/jobs?view=documents
	 * @param str $xml
	 *    The XML defining a job to post.
	 * @return arr
	 *    array containing retrieval success, LinkedIn response.
	public function postJob($xml) {
    // check passed data
    if(is_string($xml)) {
      $xml = trim(stripslashes($xml));
    } else {
      throw new LinkedInException('LinkedIn->postJob(): bad data passed, $xml must be of type string.');

    // construct and send the request
    $query    = self::_URL_API . '/v1/jobs';
    $response = $this->fetch('POST', $query, $xml);

	   * Check for successful request (a 201 response from LinkedIn server)
	   * per the documentation linked in method comments above.
    return $this->checkResponse(201, $response);

	 * General profile retrieval function.
	 * Takes a string of parameters as input and requests profile data from the
	 * Linkedin Profile API. See the official documentation for $options
	 * 'field selector' formatting:
	 *   http://developer.linkedin.com/docs/DOC-1014
	 *   http://developer.linkedin.com/docs/DOC-1002
	 * @param str $options
	 *    [OPTIONAL] Data retrieval options.
	 * @return arr
	 *    array containing retrieval success, LinkedIn response.
	public function profile($options = '~') {
	  // check passed data
	  if(!is_string($options)) {
	    // bad data passed
		  throw new LinkedInException('LinkedIn->profile(): bad data passed, $options must be of type string.');

	  // construct and send the request
	  $query    = self::_URL_API . '/v1/people/' . trim($options);
	  $response = $this->fetch('GET', $query);

	   * Check for successful request (a 200 response from LinkedIn server)
	   * per the documentation linked in method comments above.
	  return $this->checkResponse(200, $response);

   * Send a message
   * Send a message to another member or members
   * @author @timersys
   * @param array $recipients
   *    The id or ids to send the message to.
   * @param str $subject
   *    The subject of the invitation to send.
   * @param str $body
   *    The body of the invitation to send.
   * @return arr array
   *    Containing retrieval success, LinkedIn response.
   public function send_msg($recipients, $subject, $body) {
     	* Clean up the passed data per these rules:
     	* 1) No HTML permitted
     	* 2) 200 characters max in the invitation subject
     	* 3) Only able to connect as a friend at this point

        // check passed data
        if(empty($recipients)) {
          throw new LinkedInException('LinkedIn->send_msg(): you must provide an invitation recipient.');
        if(!empty($subject)) {
          $subject = trim(htmlspecialchars(strip_tags(stripslashes($subject))));
        } else {
          throw new LinkedInException('LinkedIn->send_msg(): message subject is empty.');
        if(!empty($body)) {
          $body = trim(htmlspecialchars(strip_tags(stripslashes($body))));

          if(strlen($body) > self::_INV_BODY_LENGTH) {
           throw new LinkedInException('LinkedIn->send_msg(): message body length is too long - max length is ' . self::_INV_BODY_LENGTH . ' characters.');
        } else {
          throw new LinkedInException('LinkedIn->send_msg(): message body is empty.');

       // construct the xml data
       $data = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

       foreach( $recipients as $recipient )
         $data .= '<recipient>';
         $data .= '<person path="/people/'. $recipient . '"/>';
         $data .= '</recipient>';
       $data .= ' </recipients>
           <subject>' . $subject . '</subject>
           <body>' . $body . '</body>
      // send request
      $query = self::_URL_API . '/v1/people/~/mailbox';
      $response = $this->fetch('POST', $query, $data);

     	 * Check for successful request (a 201 response from LinkedIn server)
     	 * per the documentation linked in method comments above.
      return $this->checkResponse(201, $response);

	 * Manual API call method, allowing for support for un-implemented API
	 * functionality to be supported.
	 * @param str $method
	 *    The data communication method.
	 * @param str $url
	 *    The Linkedin API endpoint to connect with - should NOT include the
	 *    leading https://api.linkedin.com/v1.
	 * @param str $body
	 *    [OPTIONAL] The URL-encoded body data to send to LinkedIn with the request.
	 * @return arr
	 * 		array containing retrieval information, LinkedIn response. Note that you
	 * 		must manually check the return code and compare this to the expected
	 * 		API response to determine  if the raw call was successful.
	public function raw($method, $url, $body = null) {
	  if(!is_string($method)) {
	    // bad data passed
		  throw new LinkedInException('LinkedIn->raw(): bad data passed, $method must be of string value.');
	  if(!is_string($url)) {
	    // bad data passed
		  throw new LinkedInException('LinkedIn->raw(): bad data passed, $url must be of string value.');
	  if(!is_null($body) && !is_string($url)) {
	    // bad data passed
		  throw new LinkedInException('LinkedIn->raw(): bad data passed, $body must be of string value.');

    // construct and send the request
	  $query = self::_URL_API . '/v1' . trim($url);
	  return $this->fetch($method, $query, $body);

	 * This removes the specified group from the group suggestions, per:
	 *   http://developer.linkedin.com/documents/groups-api
	 * @param str $gid
	 * 		The group id.
	 * @return arr
	 * 		array containing retrieval success, LinkedIn response.
	public function removeSuggestedGroup($gid) {
		if(!is_string($gid)) {
			throw new LinkedInException('LinkedIn->removeSuggestedGroup(): bad data passed, $gid must be of type string');

		// construct and send the request
		$query    = self::_URL_API . '/v1/people/~/suggestions/groups/'  .trim($gid);
		$response = $this->fetch('DELETE', $query);

	   * Check for successful request (a 204 response from LinkedIn server)
	   * per the documentation linked in method comments above.
		return $this->checkResponse(204, $response);

	 * Renew a job.
	 * Calling this method causes the passed job to be renewed, per:
	 *   http://developer.linkedin.com/docs/DOC-1154
	 * @param str $jid
	 *    Job ID you want to renew.
	 * @param str $cid
	 *    Contract ID that covers the passed Job ID.
	 * @return arr
	 *    array containing retrieval success, LinkedIn response.
	public function renewJob($jid, $cid) {
	  // check passed data
	  if(!is_string($jid)) {
	    // bad data passed
		  throw new LinkedInException('LinkedIn->renewJob(): bad data passed, $jid must be of string value.');
	  if(!is_string($cid)) {
	    // bad data passed
		  throw new LinkedInException('LinkedIn->renewJob(): bad data passed, $cid must be of string value.');

	  // construct the xml data
		$data   = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
		             <contract-id>' . trim($cid) . '</contract-id>

	  // construct and send the request
	  $query    = self::_URL_API . '/v1/jobs/partner-job-id=' . trim($jid);
	  $response = $this->fetch('PUT', $query, $data);

	   * Check for successful request (a 200 response from LinkedIn server)
	   * per the documentation linked in method comments above.
	  return $this->checkResponse(200, $response);

	 * Access token retrieval.
	 * Request the user's access token from the Linkedin API.
	 * @param str $token
	 *    The token returned from the user authorization stage.
	 * @param str $secret
	 *    The secret returned from the request token stage.
	 * @param str $verifier
	 *    The verification value from LinkedIn.
	 * @return arr
	 *    The Linkedin OAuth/http response, in array format.
	public function retrieveTokenAccess($token, $secret, $verifier) {
	  // check passed data
    if(!is_string($token) || !is_string($secret) || !is_string($verifier)) {
      // nothing passed, raise an exception
		  throw new LinkedInException('LinkedIn->retrieveTokenAccess(): bad data passed, string type is required for $token, $secret and $verifier.');

    // start retrieval process
	  $this->setToken(array('oauth_token' => $token, 'oauth_token_secret' => $secret));
    $parameters = array(
      'oauth_verifier' => $verifier
    $response = $this->fetch(self::_METHOD_TOKENS, self::_URL_ACCESS, null, $parameters);
    parse_str($response['linkedin'], $response['linkedin']);

	   * Check for successful request (a 200 response from LinkedIn server)
	   * per the documentation linked in method comments above.
    if($response['info']['http_code'] == 200) {
      // tokens retrieved

      // set the response
      $return_data            = $response;
      $return_data['success'] = true;
    } else {
      // error getting the request tokens

      // set the response
      $return_data            = $response;
      $return_data['error']   = 'HTTP response from LinkedIn end-point was not code 200';
      $return_data['success'] = false;
    return $return_data;

	 * Request token retrieval.
	 * Get the request token from the Linkedin API.
	 * @return arr
	 *    The Linkedin OAuth/http response, in array format.
	public function retrieveTokenRequest() {
    $parameters = array(
      'oauth_callback' => $this->getCallbackUrl()
    $response = $this->fetch(self::_METHOD_TOKENS, self::_URL_REQUEST, null, $parameters);
    parse_str($response['linkedin'], $response['linkedin']);

	   * Check for successful request (a 200 response from LinkedIn server)
	   * per the documentation linked in method comments above.
    if(($response['info']['http_code'] == 200) && (array_key_exists('oauth_callback_confirmed', $response['linkedin'])) && ($response['linkedin']['oauth_callback_confirmed'] == 'true')) {
      // tokens retrieved

      // set the response
      $return_data            = $response;
      $return_data['success'] = true;
    } else {
      // error getting the request tokens

      // set the response
      $return_data = $response;
      if((array_key_exists('oauth_callback_confirmed', $response['linkedin'])) && ($response['linkedin']['oauth_callback_confirmed'] == 'true')) {
        $return_data['error'] = 'HTTP response from LinkedIn end-point was not code 200';
      } else {
        $return_data['error'] = 'OAuth callback URL was not confirmed by the LinkedIn end-point';
      $return_data['success'] = false;
    return $return_data;

	 * User authorization revocation.
	 * Revoke the current user's access token, clear the access token's from
	 * current LinkedIn object. The current documentation for this feature is
	 * found in a blog entry from April 29th, 2010:
	 *   http://developer.linkedin.com/community/apis/blog/2010/04/29/oauth--now-for-authentication
	 * @return arr
	 *    array containing retrieval success, LinkedIn response.
	public function revoke() {
	  // construct and send the request
	  $response = $this->fetch('GET', self::_URL_REVOKE);

	   * Check for successful request (a 200 response from LinkedIn server)
	   * per the documentation linked in method comments above.
    return $this->checkResponse(200, $response);

	 * [DEPRECATED] General people search function.
	 * Takes a string of parameters as input and requests profile data from the
	 * Linkedin People Search API.  See the official documentation for $options
	 * querystring formatting:
	 *   http://developer.linkedin.com/docs/DOC-1191
	 * @param str $options
	 *    [OPTIONAL] Data retrieval options.
	 * @return arr
	 *    array containing retrieval success, LinkedIn response.
	public function search($options = null) {
		return searchPeople($options);

	 * Company search.
	 * Uses the Company Search API to find companies using keywords, industry,
	 * location, or some other criteria. It returns a collection of matching
	 * companies.
	 *   http://developer.linkedin.com/docs/DOC-1325
	 * @param str $options
	 *    [OPTIONAL] Search options.
	 * @return arr
	 *    array containing retrieval success, LinkedIn response.
	public function searchCompanies($options = '') {
	  // check passed data
	  if(!is_string($options)) {
	    // bad data passed
		  throw new LinkedInException('LinkedIn->searchCompanies(): bad data passed, $options must be of type string.');

	  // construct and send the request
	  $query    = self::_URL_API . '/v1/company-search' . trim($options);
	  $response = $this->fetch('GET', $query);

	   * Check for successful request (a 200 response from LinkedIn server)
	   * per the documentation linked in method comments above.
	  return $this->checkResponse(200, $response);

	 * Jobs search.
	 * Use the Job Search API to find jobs using keywords, company, location,
	 * or some other criteria. It returns a collection of matching jobs. Each
	 * entry can contain much of the information available on the job listing.
	 *   http://developer.linkedin.com/docs/DOC-1321
	 * @param str $options
	 *    [OPTIONAL] Data retrieval options.
	 * @return arr
	 *    array containing retrieval success, LinkedIn response.
	public function searchJobs($options = '') {
	  // check passed data
	  if(!is_string($options)) {
	    // bad data passed
		  throw new LinkedInException('LinkedIn->jobsSearch(): bad data passed, $options must be of type string.');

	  // construct and send the request
	  $query    = self::_URL_API . '/v1/job-search' . trim($options);
	  $response = $this->fetch('GET', $query);

	   * Check for successful request (a 200 response from LinkedIn server)
	   * per the documentation linked in method comments above.
	  return $this->checkResponse(200, $response);

	 * General people search function.
	 * Takes a string of parameters as input and requests profile data from the
	 * Linkedin People Search API.  See the official documentation for $options
	 * querystring formatting:
	 *   http://developer.linkedin.com/docs/DOC-1191
	 * @param str $options
	 *    [OPTIONAL] Data retrieval options.
	 * @return arr
	 *    array containing retrieval success, LinkedIn response.
	public function searchPeople($options = null) {
	  // check passed data
    if(!is_null($options) && !is_string($options)) {
	    // bad data passed
		  throw new LinkedInException('LinkedIn->search(): bad data passed, $options must be of type string.');

	  // construct and send the request
    $query    = self::_URL_API . '/v1/people-search' . trim($options);
		$response = $this->fetch('GET', $query);

	   * Check for successful request (a 200 response from LinkedIn server)
	   * per the documentation linked in method comments above.
		return $this->checkResponse(200, $response);

	 * Set the application_key property.
	 * @param str $key
	 *    The application key.
	public function setApplicationKey($key) {
	  $this->application_key = $key;

	 * Set the application_secret property.
	 * @param str $secret
	 *    The application secret.
	public function setApplicationSecret($secret) {
	  $this->application_secret = $secret;

	 * Set the callback property.
	 * @param str $url
	 *    The callback url.
	public function setCallbackUrl($url) {
	  $this->callback = $url;

	 * This sets the group settings of the specified group.
	 *   http://developer.linkedin.com/documents/groups-api
	 * @param str $gid
	 * 		The group id.
	 * @param str $xml
	 * 		The group settings to set. The settings are:
	 * 		  -<show-group-logo-in-profile>
	 * 		  -<contact-email>
	 * 		  -<email-digest-frequency>
	 * 		  -<email-announcements-from-managers>
	 * 		  -<allow-messages-from-members>
	 * 		  -<email-for-every-new-post>
	 * @return arr
	 * 		array containing retrieval success, LinkedIn response.
	public function setGroupSettings($gid, $xml) {
		if(!is_string ($gid)) {
      throw new LinkedInException('LinkedIn->setGroupSettings(): bad data passed, $token_access should be in array format.');
		if(!is_string ($xml)) {
      throw new LinkedInException('LinkedIn->setGroupSettings(): bad data passed, $token_access should be in array format.');

		// construct and send the request
		$query    = self::_URL_API . '/v1/people/~/group-memberships/' . trim($gid);
		$response = $this->fetch('PUT', $query, $xml);

	   * Check for successful request (a 200 response from LinkedIn server)
	   * per the documentation linked in method comments above.
		return $this->checkResponse(200, $response);

	 * Set the response_format property.
	 * @param str $format
	 *    [OPTIONAL] The response format to specify to LinkedIn.
	public function setResponseFormat($format = self::_DEFAULT_RESPONSE_FORMAT) {
	  $this->response_format = $format;

	 * Set the token property.
	 * @return arr $token
	 *    The LinkedIn OAuth token.
	public function setToken($token) {
    // check passed data
    if(!is_null($token) && !is_array($token)) {
      // bad data passed
      throw new LinkedInException('LinkedIn->setToken(): bad data passed, $token_access should be in array format.');

    // set token
    $this->token = $token;

	 * [DEPRECATED] Set the token_access property.
	 * @return arr $token_access
	 *    [OPTIONAL] The LinkedIn OAuth access token.
	public function setTokenAccess($token_access) {

	 * Post a share.
	 * Create a new or reshare another user's shared content. Full details from
	 * LinkedIn on this functionality can be found here:
	 *   http://developer.linkedin.com/docs/DOC-1212
	 *   $action values: ('new', 'reshare')
	 *   $content format:
	 *     $action = 'new'; $content => ('comment' => 'xxx', 'title' => 'xxx', 'submitted-url' => 'xxx', 'submitted-image-url' => 'xxx', 'description' => 'xxx')
	 *     $action = 'reshare'; $content => ('comment' => 'xxx', 'id' => 'xxx')
	 * @param str $action
	 *    The sharing action to perform.
	 * @param str $content
	 *    The share content.
	 * @param bool $private
	 *    [OPTIONAL] Should we restrict this shared item to connections only?
	 * @param bool $twitter
	 *    [OPTIONAL] Also update the teathered Twitter account.
	 * @return arr
	 *    array containing retrieval success, LinkedIn response.
	public function share($action, $content, $private = true, $twitter = false) {
	  // check the status itself
    if(!empty($action) && !empty($content)) {
       * Status is not empty, wrap a cleaned version of it in xml.  Status
       * rules:
       * 1) Comments are 700 chars max (if this changes, change _SHARE_COMMENT_LENGTH constant)
       * 2) Content/title 200 chars max (if this changes, change _SHARE_CONTENT_TITLE_LENGTH constant)
       * 3) Content/description 400 chars max (if this changes, change _SHARE_CONTENT_DESC_LENGTH constant)
       * 4a) New shares must contain a comment and/or (content/title and content/submitted-url)
       * 4b) Reshared content must contain an attribution id.
       * 4c) Reshared content must contain actual content, not just a comment.
       * 5) No HTML permitted in comment, content/title, content/description.

      // prepare the share data per the rules above
      $share_flag   = false;
      $content_xml  = null;
      switch($action) {
        case 'new':
          // share can be an article
          if(array_key_exists('title', $content) && array_key_exists('submitted-url', $content)) {
            // we have shared content, format it as needed per rules above
            $content_title = trim(htmlspecialchars(strip_tags(stripslashes($content['title']))));
            if(strlen($content_title) > self::_SHARE_CONTENT_TITLE_LENGTH) {
              throw new LinkedInException('LinkedIn->share(): title length is too long - max length is ' . self::_SHARE_CONTENT_TITLE_LENGTH . ' characters.');
            $content_xml .= '<content>
                               <title>' . $content_title . '</title>
                               <submitted-url>' . trim(htmlspecialchars($content['submitted-url'])) . '</submitted-url>';
            if(array_key_exists('submitted-image-url', $content)) {
              $content_xml .= '<submitted-image-url>' . trim(htmlspecialchars($content['submitted-image-url'])) . '</submitted-image-url>';
            if(array_key_exists('description', $content)) {
              $content_desc = trim(htmlspecialchars(strip_tags(stripslashes($content['description']))));
              if(strlen($content_desc) > self::_SHARE_CONTENT_DESC_LENGTH) {
                throw new LinkedInException('LinkedIn->share(): description length is too long - max length is ' . self::_SHARE_CONTENT_DESC_LENGTH . ' characters.');
              $content_xml .= '<description>' . $content_desc . '</description>';
            $content_xml .= '</content>';

            $share_flag = true;

          // share can be just a comment
          if(array_key_exists('comment', $content)) {
          	// comment located
          	$comment = htmlspecialchars(trim(strip_tags(stripslashes($content['comment']))));
          	if(strlen($comment) > self::_SHARE_COMMENT_LENGTH) {
              throw new LinkedInException('LinkedIn->share(): comment length is too long - max length is ' . self::_SHARE_COMMENT_LENGTH . ' characters.');
            $content_xml .= '<comment>' . $comment . '</comment>';

          	$share_flag = true;
        case 'reshare':
          if(array_key_exists('id', $content)) {
            // put together the re-share attribution XML
            $content_xml .= '<attribution>
                                 <id>' . trim($content['id']) . '</id>

            // optional additional comment
            if(array_key_exists('comment', $content)) {
            	// comment located
            	$comment = htmlspecialchars(trim(strip_tags(stripslashes($content['comment']))));
            	if(strlen($comment) > self::_SHARE_COMMENT_LENGTH) {
                throw new LinkedInException('LinkedIn->share(): comment length is too long - max length is ' . self::_SHARE_COMMENT_LENGTH . ' characters.');
              $content_xml .= '<comment>' . $comment . '</comment>';

        	  $share_flag = true;
          // bad action passed
          throw new LinkedInException('LinkedIn->share(): share action is an invalid value, must be one of: share, reshare.');

      // should we proceed?
      if($share_flag) {
        // put all of the xml together
        $visibility = ($private) ? 'connections-only' : 'anyone';
        $data       = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
                         ' . $content_xml . '
                           <code>' . $visibility . '</code>

        // create the proper url
        $share_url = self::_URL_API . '/v1/people/~/shares';
  		  if($twitter) {
  			  // update twitter as well
          $share_url .= '?twitter-post=true';

        // send request
        $response = $this->fetch('POST', $share_url, $data);
  		} else {
  		  // data constraints/rules not met, raise an exception
		    throw new LinkedInException('LinkedIn->share(): sharing data constraints not met; check that you have supplied valid content and combinations of content to share.');
    } else {
      // data missing, raise an exception
		  throw new LinkedInException('LinkedIn->share(): sharing action or shared content is missing.');

	   * Check for successful request (a 201 response from LinkedIn server)
	   * per the documentation linked in method comments above.
    return $this->checkResponse(201, $response);

	 * Network statistics.
	 * General network statistics retrieval function, returns the number of connections,
	 * second-connections an authenticated user has. More information here:
	 *   http://developer.linkedin.com/docs/DOC-1006
	 * @return arr
	 *    array containing retrieval success, LinkedIn response.
	public function statistics() {
	  // construct and send the request
    $query    = self::_URL_API . '/v1/people/~/network/network-stats';
		$response = $this->fetch('GET', $query);

	   * Check for successful request (a 200 response from LinkedIn server)
	   * per the documentation linked in method comments above.
		return $this->checkResponse(200, $response);

	 * Companies you may want to follow.
	 * Returns a list of companies the current user may want to follow, per:
	 *   http://developer.linkedin.com/docs/DOC-1324
	 * @return arr
	 *    array containing retrieval success, LinkedIn response.
	public function suggestedCompanies() {
	  // construct and send the request
    $query    = self::_URL_API . '/v1/people/~/suggestions/to-follow/companies';
	  $response = $this->fetch('GET', $query);

	   * Check for successful request (a 200 response from LinkedIn server)
	   * per the documentation linked in method comments above.
	  return $this->checkResponse(200, $response);

	 * Retrieves suggested groups for the user, per:
	 *   http://developer.linkedin.com/documents/groups-api
	 * @return arr
	 * 		array containing retrieval success, LinkedIn response.
	public function suggestedGroups() {
		// construct and send the request
		$query    = self::_URL_API . '/v1/people/~/suggestions/groups:(id,name,is-open-to-non-members)';
		$response = $this->fetch('GET', $query);

	   * Check for successful request (a 200 response from LinkedIn server)
	   * per the documentation linked in method comments above.
		return $this->checkResponse (200, $response);

	 * Jobs you may be interested in.
	 * Returns a list of jobs the current user may be interested in, per:
	 *   http://developer.linkedin.com/docs/DOC-1323
 	 * @param str $options
 	 *    [OPTIONAL] Data retrieval options.
	 * @return arr
	 *    array containing retrieval success, LinkedIn response.
	public function suggestedJobs($options = ':(jobs)') {
	  // check passed data
	  if(!is_string($options)) {
	    // bad data passed
		  throw new LinkedInException('LinkedIn->suggestedJobs(): bad data passed, $options must be of type string.');

	  // construct and send the request
	  $query    = self::_URL_API . '/v1/people/~/suggestions/job-suggestions' . trim($options);
	  $response = $this->fetch('GET', $query);

	   * Check for successful request (a 200 response from LinkedIn server)
	   * per the documentation linked in method comments above.
	  return $this->checkResponse(200, $response);

	 * Unbookmark a job.
	 * Calling this method causes the current user to remove a bookmark for the
	 * specified job:
	 *   http://developer.linkedin.com/docs/DOC-1323
	 * @param str $jid
	 *    Job ID you want to unbookmark.
	 * @return arr
	 *    array containing retrieval success, LinkedIn response.
	public function unbookmarkJob($jid) {
	  // check passed data
	  if(!is_string($jid)) {
	    // bad data passed
		  throw new LinkedInException('LinkedIn->unbookmarkJob(): bad data passed, $jid must be of type string.');

	  // construct and send the request
	  $query    = self::_URL_API . '/v1/people/~/job-bookmarks/' . trim($jid);
	  $response = $this->fetch('DELETE', $query);

	   * Check for successful request (a 204 response from LinkedIn server)
	   * per the documentation linked in method comments above.
	  return $this->checkResponse(204, $response);

	 * Unfollow a company.
	 * Calling this method causes the current user to stop following the specified
	 * company, per:
	 *   http://developer.linkedin.com/docs/DOC-1324
	 * @param str $cid
	 *    Company ID you want to unfollow.
	 * @return arr
	 *    array containing retrieval success, LinkedIn response.
	public function unfollowCompany($cid) {
	  // check passed data
	  if(!is_string($cid)) {
	    // bad data passed
		  throw new LinkedInException('LinkedIn->unfollowCompany(): bad data passed, $cid must be of string value.');

	  // construct and send the request
	  $query    = self::_URL_API . '/v1/people/~/following/companies/id=' . trim($cid);
	  $response = $this->fetch('DELETE', $query);

	   * Check for successful request (a 204 response from LinkedIn server)
	   * per the documentation linked in method comments above.
	  return $this->checkResponse(204, $response);

	 * Unlike a network update.
	 * Unlike another user's network update:
	 *   http://developer.linkedin.com/docs/DOC-1043
	 * @param str $uid
	 *    The LinkedIn update ID.
	 * @return arr
	 *    array containing retrieval success, LinkedIn response.
	public function unlike($uid) {
	  // check passed data
	  if(!is_string($uid)) {
	    // bad data passed
		  throw new LinkedInException('LinkedIn->unlike(): bad data passed, $uid must be of type string.');

    // construct the xml data
		$data = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

		// send request
    $query    = self::_URL_API . '/v1/people/~/network/updates/key=' . $uid . '/is-liked';
    $response = $this->fetch('PUT', $query, $data);

	   * Check for successful request (a 201 response from LinkedIn server)
	   * per the documentation linked in method comments above.
    return $this->checkResponse(201, $response);

	 * Post network update.
	 * Update the user's Linkedin network status. Full details from LinkedIn
	 * on this functionality can be found here:
	 *   http://developer.linkedin.com/docs/DOC-1009
	 *   http://developer.linkedin.com/docs/DOC-1009#comment-1077
	 * @param str $update
	 *    The network update.
	 * @return arr
	 *    array containing retrieval success, LinkedIn response.
	public function updateNetwork($update) {
	  // check passed data
    if(!is_string($update)) {
      // nothing/non-string passed, raise an exception
		  throw new LinkedInException('LinkedIn->updateNetwork(): bad data passed, $update must be a non-zero length string.');

     * Network update is not empty, wrap a cleaned version of it in xml.
     * Network update rules:
     * 1) No HTML permitted except those found in _NETWORK_HTML constant
     * 2) Update cannot be longer than 140 characters.
    // get the user data
    $response = self::profile('~:(first-name,last-name,site-standard-profile-request)');
    if($response['success'] === true) {
       * We are converting response to usable data.  I'd use SimpleXML here, but
       * to keep the class self-contained, we will use a portable XML parsing
       * routine, self::xmlToarray.
      $person = self::xmlToarray($response['linkedin']);
      if($person === false) {
        // bad xml data
        throw new LinkedInException('LinkedIn->updateNetwork(): LinkedIn returned bad XML data.');
  		$fields = $person['person']['children'];

  		// prepare user data
  		$first_name   = trim($fields['first-name']['content']);
  		$last_name    = trim($fields['last-name']['content']);
  		$profile_url  = trim($fields['site-standard-profile-request']['children']['url']['content']);

      // create the network update
      $update = trim(htmlspecialchars(strip_tags($update, self::_NETWORK_HTML)));
      if(strlen($update) > self::_NETWORK_LENGTH) {
        throw new LinkedInException('LinkedIn->share(): update length is too long - max length is ' . self::_NETWORK_LENGTH . ' characters.');
      $user   = htmlspecialchars('<a href="' . $profile_url . '">' . $first_name . ' ' . $last_name . '</a>');
  		$data   = '<activity locale="en_US">
    				       <body>' . $user . ' ' . $update . '</body>

      // send request
      $query    = self::_URL_API . '/v1/people/~/person-activities';
      $response = $this->fetch('POST', $query, $data);

  	   * Check for successful request (a 201 response from LinkedIn server)
  	   * per the documentation linked in method comments above.
      return $this->checkResponse(201, $response);
    } else {
      // profile retrieval failed
      throw new LinkedInException('LinkedIn->updateNetwork(): profile data could not be retrieved.');

	 * General network update retrieval function.
	 * Takes a string of parameters as input and requests update-related data
	 * from the Linkedin Network Updates API. See the official documentation for
	 * $options parameter formatting:
	 *   http://developer.linkedin.com/docs/DOC-1006
	 * For getting more comments, likes, etc, see here:
	 *   http://developer.linkedin.com/docs/DOC-1043
	 * @param str $options
	 *    [OPTIONAL] Data retrieval options.
	 * @param str $id
	 *    [OPTIONAL] The LinkedIn ID to restrict the updates for.
	 * @return arr
	 *    array containing retrieval success, LinkedIn response.
	public function updates($options = null, $id = null) {
	  // check passed data
    if(!is_null($options) && !is_string($options)) {
	    // bad data passed
		  throw new LinkedInException('LinkedIn->updates(): bad data passed, $options must be of type string.');
	  if(!is_null($id) && !is_string($id)) {
	    // bad data passed
		  throw new LinkedInException('LinkedIn->updates(): bad data passed, $id must be of type string.');

	  // construct and send the request
	  if(!is_null($id) && self::isId($id)) {
	    $query = self::_URL_API . '/v1/people/' . $id . '/network/updates' . trim($options);
	  } else {
      $query = self::_URL_API . '/v1/people/~/network/updates' . trim($options);
	  $response = $this->fetch('GET', $query);

	   * Check for successful request (a 200 response from LinkedIn server)
	   * per the documentation linked in method comments above.
	  return $this->checkResponse(200, $response);

	 * Converts passed XML data to an array.
	 * @param str $xml
	 *    The XML to convert to an array.
	 * @return arr
	 *    array containing the XML data.
	 * @return bool
	 *    false if passed data cannot be parsed to an array.
	public static function xmlToarray($xml) {
	  // check passed data
    if(!is_string($xml)) {
	    // bad data passed
      throw new LinkedInException('LinkedIn->xmlToarray(): bad data passed, $xml must be a non-zero length string.');

	  $parser = xml_parser_create();
	  xml_parser_set_option($parser, XML_OPTION_CASE_FOLDING, 0);
    xml_parser_set_option($parser, XML_OPTION_SKIP_WHITE, 1);
    if(xml_parse_into_struct($parser, $xml, $tags)) {
	    $elements = array();
      $stack    = array();
      foreach($tags as $tag) {
        $index = count($elements);
        if($tag['type'] == 'complete' || $tag['type'] == 'open') {
          $elements[$tag['tag']]               = array();
          $elements[$tag['tag']]['attributes'] = (array_key_exists('attributes', $tag)) ? $tag['attributes'] : null;
          $elements[$tag['tag']]['content']    = (array_key_exists('value', $tag)) ? $tag['value'] : null;
          if($tag['type'] == 'open') {
            $elements[$tag['tag']]['children'] = array();
            $stack[count($stack)] = &$elements;
            $elements = &$elements[$tag['tag']]['children'];
        if($tag['type'] == 'close') {
          $elements = &$stack[count($stack) - 1];
          unset($stack[count($stack) - 1]);
      $return_data = $elements;
	  } else {
	    // not valid xml data
	    $return_data = false;
    return $return_data;