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2020-05-23 20:45:54 +00:00
/* *
* (c) 2010-2020 Torstein Honsi
* License: www.highcharts.com/license
* Highcharts feature to make the Y axis stay fixed when scrolling the chart
* horizontally on mobile devices. Supports left and right side axes.
WIP on vertical scrollable plot area (#9378). To do:
- Bottom axis positioning
- Test with Gantt
- Look for size optimizing the code
- API and demos
'use strict';
import H from './Globals.js';
import U from './Utilities.js';
var addEvent = U.addEvent, createElement = U.createElement, pick = U.pick, stop = U.stop;
var Chart = H.Chart;
* Options for a scrollable plot area. This feature provides a minimum size for
* the plot area of the chart. If the size gets smaller than this, typically
* on mobile devices, a native browser scrollbar is presented. This scrollbar
* provides smooth scrolling for the contents of the plot area, whereas the
* title, legend and unaffected axes are fixed.
* Since v7.1.2, a scrollable plot area can be defined for either horizontal or
* vertical scrolling, depending on whether the `minWidth` or `minHeight`
* option is set.
* @sample highcharts/chart/scrollable-plotarea
* Scrollable plot area
* @sample highcharts/chart/scrollable-plotarea-vertical
* Vertically scrollable plot area
* @sample {gantt} highcharts/chart/scrollable-plotarea-vertical
* Gantt chart with vertically scrollable plot area
* @since 6.1.0
* @product highcharts gantt
* @apioption chart.scrollablePlotArea
* The minimum height for the plot area. If it gets smaller than this, the plot
* area will become scrollable.
* @type {number}
* @apioption chart.scrollablePlotArea.minHeight
* The minimum width for the plot area. If it gets smaller than this, the plot
* area will become scrollable.
* @type {number}
* @apioption chart.scrollablePlotArea.minWidth
* The initial scrolling position of the scrollable plot area. Ranges from 0 to
* 1, where 0 aligns the plot area to the left and 1 aligns it to the right.
* Typically we would use 1 if the chart has right aligned Y axes.
* @type {number}
* @apioption chart.scrollablePlotArea.scrollPositionX
* The initial scrolling position of the scrollable plot area. Ranges from 0 to
* 1, where 0 aligns the plot area to the top and 1 aligns it to the bottom.
* @type {number}
* @apioption chart.scrollablePlotArea.scrollPositionY
* The opacity of mask applied on one of the sides of the plot
* area.
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/chart/scrollable-plotarea-opacity
* Disabled opacity for the mask
* @type {number}
* @default 0.85
* @since 7.1.1
* @apioption chart.scrollablePlotArea.opacity
''; // detach API doclets
/* eslint-disable no-invalid-this, valid-jsdoc */
addEvent(Chart, 'afterSetChartSize', function (e) {
var scrollablePlotArea = this.options.chart.scrollablePlotArea, scrollableMinWidth = scrollablePlotArea && scrollablePlotArea.minWidth, scrollableMinHeight = scrollablePlotArea && scrollablePlotArea.minHeight, scrollablePixelsX, scrollablePixelsY, corrections;
if (!this.renderer.forExport) {
// The amount of pixels to scroll, the difference between chart
// width and scrollable width
if (scrollableMinWidth) {
this.scrollablePixelsX = scrollablePixelsX = Math.max(0, scrollableMinWidth - this.chartWidth);
if (scrollablePixelsX) {
this.plotWidth += scrollablePixelsX;
if (this.inverted) {
this.clipBox.height += scrollablePixelsX;
this.plotBox.height += scrollablePixelsX;
else {
this.clipBox.width += scrollablePixelsX;
this.plotBox.width += scrollablePixelsX;
corrections = {
// Corrections for right side
1: { name: 'right', value: scrollablePixelsX }
// Currently we can only do either X or Y
else if (scrollableMinHeight) {
this.scrollablePixelsY = scrollablePixelsY = Math.max(0, scrollableMinHeight - this.chartHeight);
if (scrollablePixelsY) {
this.plotHeight += scrollablePixelsY;
if (this.inverted) {
this.clipBox.width += scrollablePixelsY;
this.plotBox.width += scrollablePixelsY;
else {
this.clipBox.height += scrollablePixelsY;
this.plotBox.height += scrollablePixelsY;
corrections = {
2: { name: 'bottom', value: scrollablePixelsY }
if (corrections && !e.skipAxes) {
this.axes.forEach(function (axis) {
// For right and bottom axes, only fix the plot line length
if (corrections[axis.side]) {
// Get the plot lines right in getPlotLinePath,
// temporarily set it to the adjusted plot width.
axis.getPlotLinePath = function () {
var marginName = corrections[axis.side].name, correctionValue = corrections[axis.side].value,
// axis.right or axis.bottom
margin = this[marginName], path;
// Temporarily adjust
this[marginName] = margin - correctionValue;
path = H.Axis.prototype.getPlotLinePath.apply(this, arguments);
// Reset
this[marginName] = margin;
return path;
else {
// Apply the corrected plotWidth
addEvent(Chart, 'render', function () {
if (this.scrollablePixelsX || this.scrollablePixelsY) {
if (this.setUpScrolling) {
else if (this.fixedDiv) { // Has been in scrollable mode
* @private
* @function Highcharts.Chart#setUpScrolling
* @return {void}
Chart.prototype.setUpScrolling = function () {
var _this = this;
var attribs = {
WebkitOverflowScrolling: 'touch',
overflowX: 'hidden',
overflowY: 'hidden'
if (this.scrollablePixelsX) {
attribs.overflowX = 'auto';
if (this.scrollablePixelsY) {
attribs.overflowY = 'auto';
// Add the necessary divs to provide scrolling
this.scrollingContainer = createElement('div', {
'className': 'highcharts-scrolling'
}, attribs, this.renderTo);
// On scroll, reset the chart position because it applies to the scrolled
// container
addEvent(this.scrollingContainer, 'scroll', function () {
if (_this.pointer) {
delete _this.pointer.chartPosition;
this.innerContainer = createElement('div', {
'className': 'highcharts-inner-container'
}, null, this.scrollingContainer);
// Now move the container inside
// Don't run again
this.setUpScrolling = null;
* These elements are moved over to the fixed renderer and stay fixed when the
* user scrolls the chart
* @private
Chart.prototype.moveFixedElements = function () {
var container = this.container, fixedRenderer = this.fixedRenderer, fixedSelectors = [
], axisClass;
if (this.scrollablePixelsX && !this.inverted) {
axisClass = '.highcharts-yaxis';
else if (this.scrollablePixelsX && this.inverted) {
axisClass = '.highcharts-xaxis';
else if (this.scrollablePixelsY && !this.inverted) {
axisClass = '.highcharts-xaxis';
else if (this.scrollablePixelsY && this.inverted) {
axisClass = '.highcharts-yaxis';
fixedSelectors.push(axisClass, axisClass + '-labels');
fixedSelectors.forEach(function (className) {
[].forEach.call(container.querySelectorAll(className), function (elem) {
(elem.namespaceURI === fixedRenderer.SVG_NS ?
fixedRenderer.box :
elem.style.pointerEvents = 'auto';
* @private
* @function Highcharts.Chart#applyFixed
* @return {void}
Chart.prototype.applyFixed = function () {
var _a;
var fixedRenderer, scrollableWidth, scrollableHeight, firstTime = !this.fixedDiv, scrollableOptions = this.options.chart.scrollablePlotArea;
// First render
if (firstTime) {
this.fixedDiv = createElement('div', {
className: 'highcharts-fixed'
}, {
position: 'absolute',
overflow: 'hidden',
pointerEvents: 'none',
zIndex: 2
}, null, true);
this.renderTo.insertBefore(this.fixedDiv, this.renderTo.firstChild);
this.renderTo.style.overflow = 'visible';
this.fixedRenderer = fixedRenderer = new H.Renderer(this.fixedDiv, this.chartWidth, this.chartHeight, (_a = this.options.chart) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.style);
// Mask
this.scrollableMask = fixedRenderer
fill: this.options.chart.backgroundColor || '#fff',
'fill-opacity': pick(scrollableOptions.opacity, 0.85),
zIndex: -1
addEvent(this, 'afterShowResetZoom', this.moveFixedElements);
addEvent(this, 'afterLayOutTitles', this.moveFixedElements);
else {
// Set the size of the fixed renderer to the visible width
this.fixedRenderer.setSize(this.chartWidth, this.chartHeight);
// Increase the size of the scrollable renderer and background
scrollableWidth = this.chartWidth + (this.scrollablePixelsX || 0);
scrollableHeight = this.chartHeight + (this.scrollablePixelsY || 0);
this.container.style.width = scrollableWidth + 'px';
this.container.style.height = scrollableHeight + 'px';
width: scrollableWidth,
height: scrollableHeight,
viewBox: [0, 0, scrollableWidth, scrollableHeight].join(' ')
width: scrollableWidth,
height: scrollableHeight
this.scrollingContainer.style.height = this.chartHeight + 'px';
// Set scroll position
if (firstTime) {
if (scrollableOptions.scrollPositionX) {
this.scrollingContainer.scrollLeft =
this.scrollablePixelsX *
if (scrollableOptions.scrollPositionY) {
this.scrollingContainer.scrollTop =
this.scrollablePixelsY *
// Mask behind the left and right side
var axisOffset = this.axisOffset, maskTop = this.plotTop - axisOffset[0] - 1, maskLeft = this.plotLeft - axisOffset[3] - 1, maskBottom = this.plotTop + this.plotHeight + axisOffset[2] + 1, maskRight = this.plotLeft + this.plotWidth + axisOffset[1] + 1, maskPlotRight = this.plotLeft + this.plotWidth -
(this.scrollablePixelsX || 0), maskPlotBottom = this.plotTop + this.plotHeight -
(this.scrollablePixelsY || 0), d;
if (this.scrollablePixelsX) {
d = [
// Left side
['M', 0, maskTop],
['L', this.plotLeft - 1, maskTop],
['L', this.plotLeft - 1, maskBottom],
['L', 0, maskBottom],
// Right side
['M', maskPlotRight, maskTop],
['L', this.chartWidth, maskTop],
['L', this.chartWidth, maskBottom],
['L', maskPlotRight, maskBottom],
else if (this.scrollablePixelsY) {
d = [
// Top side
['M', maskLeft, 0],
['L', maskLeft, this.plotTop - 1],
['L', maskRight, this.plotTop - 1],
['L', maskRight, 0],
// Bottom side
['M', maskLeft, maskPlotBottom],
['L', maskLeft, this.chartHeight],
['L', maskRight, this.chartHeight],
['L', maskRight, maskPlotBottom],
else {
d = [['M', 0, 0]];
if (this.redrawTrigger !== 'adjustHeight') {
this.scrollableMask.attr({ d: d });