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2020-05-23 20:45:54 +00:00
/* *
* (c) 2016 Highsoft AS
* Author: Øystein Moseng
* License: www.highcharts.com/license
* */
'use strict';
import U from '../parts/Utilities.js';
var extend = U.extend, pick = U.pick;
var min = Math.min, max = Math.max, abs = Math.abs;
* Get index of last obstacle before xMin. Employs a type of binary search, and
* thus requires that obstacles are sorted by xMin value.
* @private
* @function findLastObstacleBefore
* @param {Array<object>} obstacles
* Array of obstacles to search in.
* @param {number} xMin
* The xMin threshold.
* @param {number} [startIx]
* Starting index to search from. Must be within array range.
* @return {number}
* The index of the last obstacle element before xMin.
function findLastObstacleBefore(obstacles, xMin, startIx) {
var left = startIx || 0, // left limit
right = obstacles.length - 1, // right limit
min = xMin - 0.0000001, // Make sure we include all obstacles at xMin
cursor, cmp;
while (left <= right) {
cursor = (right + left) >> 1;
cmp = min - obstacles[cursor].xMin;
if (cmp > 0) {
left = cursor + 1;
else if (cmp < 0) {
right = cursor - 1;
else {
return cursor;
return left > 0 ? left - 1 : 0;
* Test if a point lays within an obstacle.
* @private
* @function pointWithinObstacle
* @param {object} obstacle
* Obstacle to test.
* @param {Highcharts.Point} point
* Point with x/y props.
* @return {boolean}
* Whether point is within the obstacle or not.
function pointWithinObstacle(obstacle, point) {
return (point.x <= obstacle.xMax &&
point.x >= obstacle.xMin &&
point.y <= obstacle.yMax &&
point.y >= obstacle.yMin);
* Find the index of an obstacle that wraps around a point.
* Returns -1 if not found.
* @private
* @function findObstacleFromPoint
* @param {Array<object>} obstacles
* Obstacles to test.
* @param {Highcharts.Point} point
* Point with x/y props.
* @return {number}
* Ix of the obstacle in the array, or -1 if not found.
function findObstacleFromPoint(obstacles, point) {
var i = findLastObstacleBefore(obstacles, point.x + 1) + 1;
while (i--) {
if (obstacles[i].xMax >= point.x &&
// optimization using lazy evaluation
pointWithinObstacle(obstacles[i], point)) {
return i;
return -1;
* Get SVG path array from array of line segments.
* @private
* @function pathFromSegments
* @param {Array<object>} segments
* The segments to build the path from.
* @return {Highcharts.SVGPathArray}
* SVG path array as accepted by the SVG Renderer.
function pathFromSegments(segments) {
var path = [];
if (segments.length) {
path.push(['M', segments[0].start.x, segments[0].start.y]);
for (var i = 0; i < segments.length; ++i) {
path.push(['L', segments[i].end.x, segments[i].end.y]);
return path;
* Limits obstacle max/mins in all directions to bounds. Modifies input
* obstacle.
* @private
* @function limitObstacleToBounds
* @param {object} obstacle
* Obstacle to limit.
* @param {object} bounds
* Bounds to use as limit.
* @return {void}
function limitObstacleToBounds(obstacle, bounds) {
obstacle.yMin = max(obstacle.yMin, bounds.yMin);
obstacle.yMax = min(obstacle.yMax, bounds.yMax);
obstacle.xMin = max(obstacle.xMin, bounds.xMin);
obstacle.xMax = min(obstacle.xMax, bounds.xMax);
// Define the available pathfinding algorithms.
// Algorithms take up to 3 arguments: starting point, ending point, and an
// options object.
var algorithms = {
* Get an SVG path from a starting coordinate to an ending coordinate.
* Draws a straight line.
* @function Highcharts.Pathfinder.algorithms.straight
* @param {Highcharts.PositionObject} start
* Starting coordinate, object with x/y props.
* @param {Highcharts.PositionObject} end
* Ending coordinate, object with x/y props.
* @return {object}
* An object with the SVG path in Array form as accepted by the SVG
* renderer, as well as an array of new obstacles making up this
* path.
straight: function (start, end) {
return {
path: [
['M', start.x, start.y],
['L', end.x, end.y]
obstacles: [{ start: start, end: end }]
* Find a path from a starting coordinate to an ending coordinate, using
* right angles only, and taking only starting/ending obstacle into
* consideration.
* @function Highcharts.Pathfinder.algorithms.simpleConnect
* @param {Highcharts.PositionObject} start
* Starting coordinate, object with x/y props.
* @param {Highcharts.PositionObject} end
* Ending coordinate, object with x/y props.
* @param {object} options
* Options for the algorithm:
* - chartObstacles: Array of chart obstacles to avoid
* - startDirectionX: Optional. True if starting in the X direction.
* If not provided, the algorithm starts in the direction that is
* the furthest between start/end.
* @return {object}
* An object with the SVG path in Array form as accepted by the SVG
* renderer, as well as an array of new obstacles making up this
* path.
simpleConnect: extend(function (start, end, options) {
var segments = [], endSegment, dir = pick(options.startDirectionX, abs(end.x - start.x) > abs(end.y - start.y)) ? 'x' : 'y', chartObstacles = options.chartObstacles, startObstacleIx = findObstacleFromPoint(chartObstacles, start), endObstacleIx = findObstacleFromPoint(chartObstacles, end), startObstacle, endObstacle, prevWaypoint, waypoint, waypoint2, useMax, endPoint;
// eslint-disable-next-line valid-jsdoc
* Return a clone of a point with a property set from a target object,
* optionally with an offset
* @private
function copyFromPoint(from, fromKey, to, toKey, offset) {
var point = {
x: from.x,
y: from.y
point[fromKey] = to[toKey || fromKey] + (offset || 0);
return point;
// eslint-disable-next-line valid-jsdoc
* Return waypoint outside obstacle.
* @private
function getMeOut(obstacle, point, direction) {
var useMax = abs(point[direction] - obstacle[direction + 'Min']) >
abs(point[direction] - obstacle[direction + 'Max']);
return copyFromPoint(point, direction, obstacle, direction + (useMax ? 'Max' : 'Min'), useMax ? 1 : -1);
// Pull out end point
if (endObstacleIx > -1) {
endObstacle = chartObstacles[endObstacleIx];
waypoint = getMeOut(endObstacle, end, dir);
endSegment = {
start: waypoint,
end: end
endPoint = waypoint;
else {
endPoint = end;
// If an obstacle envelops the start point, add a segment to get out,
// and around it.
if (startObstacleIx > -1) {
startObstacle = chartObstacles[startObstacleIx];
waypoint = getMeOut(startObstacle, start, dir);
start: start,
end: waypoint
// If we are going back again, switch direction to get around start
// obstacle.
if (
// Going towards max from start:
waypoint[dir] >= start[dir] ===
// Going towards min to end:
waypoint[dir] >= endPoint[dir]) {
dir = dir === 'y' ? 'x' : 'y';
useMax = start[dir] < end[dir];
start: waypoint,
end: copyFromPoint(waypoint, dir, startObstacle, dir + (useMax ? 'Max' : 'Min'), useMax ? 1 : -1)
// Switch direction again
dir = dir === 'y' ? 'x' : 'y';
// We are around the start obstacle. Go towards the end in one
// direction.
prevWaypoint = segments.length ?
segments[segments.length - 1].end :
waypoint = copyFromPoint(prevWaypoint, dir, endPoint);
start: prevWaypoint,
end: waypoint
// Final run to end point in the other direction
dir = dir === 'y' ? 'x' : 'y';
waypoint2 = copyFromPoint(waypoint, dir, endPoint);
start: waypoint,
end: waypoint2
// Finally add the endSegment
return {
path: pathFromSegments(segments),
obstacles: segments
}, {
requiresObstacles: true
* Find a path from a starting coordinate to an ending coordinate, taking
* obstacles into consideration. Might not always find the optimal path,
* but is fast, and usually good enough.
* @function Highcharts.Pathfinder.algorithms.fastAvoid
* @param {Highcharts.PositionObject} start
* Starting coordinate, object with x/y props.
* @param {Highcharts.PositionObject} end
* Ending coordinate, object with x/y props.
* @param {object} options
* Options for the algorithm.
* - chartObstacles: Array of chart obstacles to avoid
* - lineObstacles: Array of line obstacles to jump over
* - obstacleMetrics: Object with metrics of chartObstacles cached
* - hardBounds: Hard boundaries to not cross
* - obstacleOptions: Options for the obstacles, including margin
* - startDirectionX: Optional. True if starting in the X direction.
* If not provided, the algorithm starts in the
* direction that is the furthest between
* start/end.
* @return {object}
* An object with the SVG path in Array form as accepted by the SVG
* renderer, as well as an array of new obstacles making up this
* path.
fastAvoid: extend(function (start, end, options) {
Algorithm rules/description
- Find initial direction
- Determine soft/hard max for each direction.
- Move along initial direction until obstacle.
- Change direction.
- If hitting obstacle, first try to change length of previous line
before changing direction again.
Soft min/max x = start/destination x +/- widest obstacle + margin
Soft min/max y = start/destination y +/- tallest obstacle + margin
- Make retrospective, try changing prev segment to reduce
- Fix logic for breaking out of end-points - not always picking
the best direction currently
- When going around the end obstacle we should not always go the
shortest route, rather pick the one closer to the end point
var dirIsX = pick(options.startDirectionX, abs(end.x - start.x) > abs(end.y - start.y)), dir = dirIsX ? 'x' : 'y', segments, useMax, extractedEndPoint, endSegments = [], forceObstacleBreak = false, // Used in clearPathTo to keep track of
// when to force break through an obstacle.
// Boundaries to stay within. If beyond soft boundary, prefer to
// change direction ASAP. If at hard max, always change immediately.
metrics = options.obstacleMetrics, softMinX = min(start.x, end.x) - metrics.maxWidth - 10, softMaxX = max(start.x, end.x) + metrics.maxWidth + 10, softMinY = min(start.y, end.y) - metrics.maxHeight - 10, softMaxY = max(start.y, end.y) + metrics.maxHeight + 10,
// Obstacles
chartObstacles = options.chartObstacles, startObstacleIx = findLastObstacleBefore(chartObstacles, softMinX), endObstacleIx = findLastObstacleBefore(chartObstacles, softMaxX);
// eslint-disable-next-line valid-jsdoc
* How far can you go between two points before hitting an obstacle?
* Does not work for diagonal lines (because it doesn't have to).
* @private
function pivotPoint(fromPoint, toPoint, directionIsX) {
var firstPoint, lastPoint, highestPoint, lowestPoint, i, searchDirection = fromPoint.x < toPoint.x ? 1 : -1;
if (fromPoint.x < toPoint.x) {
firstPoint = fromPoint;
lastPoint = toPoint;
else {
firstPoint = toPoint;
lastPoint = fromPoint;
if (fromPoint.y < toPoint.y) {
lowestPoint = fromPoint;
highestPoint = toPoint;
else {
lowestPoint = toPoint;
highestPoint = fromPoint;
// Go through obstacle range in reverse if toPoint is before
// fromPoint in the X-dimension.
i = searchDirection < 0 ?
// Searching backwards, start at last obstacle before last point
min(findLastObstacleBefore(chartObstacles, lastPoint.x), chartObstacles.length - 1) :
// Forwards. Since we're not sorted by xMax, we have to look
// at all obstacles.
// Go through obstacles in this X range
while (chartObstacles[i] && (searchDirection > 0 && chartObstacles[i].xMin <= lastPoint.x ||
searchDirection < 0 && chartObstacles[i].xMax >= firstPoint.x)) {
// If this obstacle is between from and to points in a straight
// line, pivot at the intersection.
if (chartObstacles[i].xMin <= lastPoint.x &&
chartObstacles[i].xMax >= firstPoint.x &&
chartObstacles[i].yMin <= highestPoint.y &&
chartObstacles[i].yMax >= lowestPoint.y) {
if (directionIsX) {
return {
y: fromPoint.y,
x: fromPoint.x < toPoint.x ?
chartObstacles[i].xMin - 1 :
chartObstacles[i].xMax + 1,
obstacle: chartObstacles[i]
// else ...
return {
x: fromPoint.x,
y: fromPoint.y < toPoint.y ?
chartObstacles[i].yMin - 1 :
chartObstacles[i].yMax + 1,
obstacle: chartObstacles[i]
i += searchDirection;
return toPoint;
* Decide in which direction to dodge or get out of an obstacle.
* Considers desired direction, which way is shortest, soft and hard
* bounds.
* (? Returns a string, either xMin, xMax, yMin or yMax.)
* @private
* @function
* @param {object} obstacle
* Obstacle to dodge/escape.
* @param {object} fromPoint
* Point with x/y props that's dodging/escaping.
* @param {object} toPoint
* Goal point.
* @param {boolean} dirIsX
* Dodge in X dimension.
* @param {object} bounds
* Hard and soft boundaries.
* @return {boolean}
* Use max or not.
function getDodgeDirection(obstacle, fromPoint, toPoint, dirIsX, bounds) {
var softBounds = bounds.soft, hardBounds = bounds.hard, dir = dirIsX ? 'x' : 'y', toPointMax = { x: fromPoint.x, y: fromPoint.y }, toPointMin = { x: fromPoint.x, y: fromPoint.y }, minPivot, maxPivot, maxOutOfSoftBounds = obstacle[dir + 'Max'] >=
softBounds[dir + 'Max'], minOutOfSoftBounds = obstacle[dir + 'Min'] <=
softBounds[dir + 'Min'], maxOutOfHardBounds = obstacle[dir + 'Max'] >=
hardBounds[dir + 'Max'], minOutOfHardBounds = obstacle[dir + 'Min'] <=
hardBounds[dir + 'Min'],
// Find out if we should prefer one direction over the other if
// we can choose freely
minDistance = abs(obstacle[dir + 'Min'] - fromPoint[dir]), maxDistance = abs(obstacle[dir + 'Max'] - fromPoint[dir]),
// If it's a small difference, pick the one leading towards dest
// point. Otherwise pick the shortest distance
useMax = abs(minDistance - maxDistance) < 10 ?
fromPoint[dir] < toPoint[dir] :
maxDistance < minDistance;
// Check if we hit any obstacles trying to go around in either
// direction.
toPointMin[dir] = obstacle[dir + 'Min'];
toPointMax[dir] = obstacle[dir + 'Max'];
minPivot = pivotPoint(fromPoint, toPointMin, dirIsX)[dir] !==
maxPivot = pivotPoint(fromPoint, toPointMax, dirIsX)[dir] !==
useMax = minPivot ?
(maxPivot ? useMax : true) :
(maxPivot ? false : useMax);
// useMax now contains our preferred choice, bounds not taken into
// account. If both or neither direction is out of bounds we want to
// use this.
// Deal with soft bounds
useMax = minOutOfSoftBounds ?
(maxOutOfSoftBounds ? useMax : true) : // Out on min
(maxOutOfSoftBounds ? false : useMax); // Not out on min
// Deal with hard bounds
useMax = minOutOfHardBounds ?
(maxOutOfHardBounds ? useMax : true) : // Out on min
(maxOutOfHardBounds ? false : useMax); // Not out on min
return useMax;
// eslint-disable-next-line valid-jsdoc
* Find a clear path between point.
* @private
function clearPathTo(fromPoint, toPoint, dirIsX) {
// Don't waste time if we've hit goal
if (fromPoint.x === toPoint.x && fromPoint.y === toPoint.y) {
return [];
var dir = dirIsX ? 'x' : 'y', pivot, segments, waypoint, waypointUseMax, envelopingObstacle, secondEnvelopingObstacle, envelopWaypoint, obstacleMargin = options.obstacleOptions.margin, bounds = {
soft: {
xMin: softMinX,
xMax: softMaxX,
yMin: softMinY,
yMax: softMaxY
hard: options.hardBounds
// If fromPoint is inside an obstacle we have a problem. Break out
// by just going to the outside of this obstacle. We prefer to go to
// the nearest edge in the chosen direction.
envelopingObstacle =
findObstacleFromPoint(chartObstacles, fromPoint);
if (envelopingObstacle > -1) {
envelopingObstacle = chartObstacles[envelopingObstacle];
waypointUseMax = getDodgeDirection(envelopingObstacle, fromPoint, toPoint, dirIsX, bounds);
// Cut obstacle to hard bounds to make sure we stay within
limitObstacleToBounds(envelopingObstacle, options.hardBounds);
envelopWaypoint = dirIsX ? {
y: fromPoint.y,
x: envelopingObstacle[waypointUseMax ? 'xMax' : 'xMin'] +
(waypointUseMax ? 1 : -1)
} : {
x: fromPoint.x,
y: envelopingObstacle[waypointUseMax ? 'yMax' : 'yMin'] +
(waypointUseMax ? 1 : -1)
// If we crashed into another obstacle doing this, we put the
// waypoint between them instead
secondEnvelopingObstacle = findObstacleFromPoint(chartObstacles, envelopWaypoint);
if (secondEnvelopingObstacle > -1) {
secondEnvelopingObstacle = chartObstacles[secondEnvelopingObstacle];
// Cut obstacle to hard bounds
limitObstacleToBounds(secondEnvelopingObstacle, options.hardBounds);
// Modify waypoint to lay between obstacles
envelopWaypoint[dir] = waypointUseMax ? max(envelopingObstacle[dir + 'Max'] - obstacleMargin + 1, (secondEnvelopingObstacle[dir + 'Min'] +
envelopingObstacle[dir + 'Max']) / 2) :
min((envelopingObstacle[dir + 'Min'] + obstacleMargin - 1), ((secondEnvelopingObstacle[dir + 'Max'] +
envelopingObstacle[dir + 'Min']) / 2));
// We are not going anywhere. If this happens for the first
// time, do nothing. Otherwise, try to go to the extreme of
// the obstacle pair in the current direction.
if (fromPoint.x === envelopWaypoint.x &&
fromPoint.y === envelopWaypoint.y) {
if (forceObstacleBreak) {
envelopWaypoint[dir] = waypointUseMax ?
max(envelopingObstacle[dir + 'Max'], secondEnvelopingObstacle[dir + 'Max']) + 1 :
min(envelopingObstacle[dir + 'Min'], secondEnvelopingObstacle[dir + 'Min']) - 1;
// Toggle on if off, and the opposite
forceObstacleBreak = !forceObstacleBreak;
else {
// This point is not identical to previous.
// Clear break trigger.
forceObstacleBreak = false;
segments = [{
start: fromPoint,
end: envelopWaypoint
else { // If not enveloping, use standard pivot calculation
pivot = pivotPoint(fromPoint, {
x: dirIsX ? toPoint.x : fromPoint.x,
y: dirIsX ? fromPoint.y : toPoint.y
}, dirIsX);
segments = [{
start: fromPoint,
end: {
x: pivot.x,
y: pivot.y
// Pivot before goal, use a waypoint to dodge obstacle
if (pivot[dirIsX ? 'x' : 'y'] !== toPoint[dirIsX ? 'x' : 'y']) {
// Find direction of waypoint
waypointUseMax = getDodgeDirection(pivot.obstacle, pivot, toPoint, !dirIsX, bounds);
// Cut waypoint to hard bounds
limitObstacleToBounds(pivot.obstacle, options.hardBounds);
waypoint = {
x: dirIsX ?
pivot.x :
pivot.obstacle[waypointUseMax ? 'xMax' : 'xMin'] +
(waypointUseMax ? 1 : -1),
y: dirIsX ?
pivot.obstacle[waypointUseMax ? 'yMax' : 'yMin'] +
(waypointUseMax ? 1 : -1) :
// We're changing direction here, store that to make sure we
// also change direction when adding the last segment array
// after handling waypoint.
dirIsX = !dirIsX;
segments = segments.concat(clearPathTo({
x: pivot.x,
y: pivot.y
}, waypoint, dirIsX));
// Get segments for the other direction too
// Recursion is our friend
segments = segments.concat(clearPathTo(segments[segments.length - 1].end, toPoint, !dirIsX));
return segments;
// eslint-disable-next-line valid-jsdoc
* Extract point to outside of obstacle in whichever direction is
* closest. Returns new point outside obstacle.
* @private
function extractFromObstacle(obstacle, point, goalPoint) {
var dirIsX = min(obstacle.xMax - point.x, point.x - obstacle.xMin) <
min(obstacle.yMax - point.y, point.y - obstacle.yMin), bounds = {
soft: options.hardBounds,
hard: options.hardBounds
}, useMax = getDodgeDirection(obstacle, point, goalPoint, dirIsX, bounds);
return dirIsX ? {
y: point.y,
x: obstacle[useMax ? 'xMax' : 'xMin'] + (useMax ? 1 : -1)
} : {
x: point.x,
y: obstacle[useMax ? 'yMax' : 'yMin'] + (useMax ? 1 : -1)
// Cut the obstacle array to soft bounds for optimization in large
// datasets.
chartObstacles =
chartObstacles.slice(startObstacleIx, endObstacleIx + 1);
// If an obstacle envelops the end point, move it out of there and add
// a little segment to where it was.
if ((endObstacleIx = findObstacleFromPoint(chartObstacles, end)) > -1) {
extractedEndPoint = extractFromObstacle(chartObstacles[endObstacleIx], end, start);
end: end,
start: extractedEndPoint
end = extractedEndPoint;
// If it's still inside one or more obstacles, get out of there by
// force-moving towards the start point.
while ((endObstacleIx = findObstacleFromPoint(chartObstacles, end)) > -1) {
useMax = end[dir] - start[dir] < 0;
extractedEndPoint = {
x: end.x,
y: end.y
extractedEndPoint[dir] = chartObstacles[endObstacleIx][useMax ? dir + 'Max' : dir + 'Min'] + (useMax ? 1 : -1);
end: end,
start: extractedEndPoint
end = extractedEndPoint;
// Find the path
segments = clearPathTo(start, end, dirIsX);
// Add the end-point segments
segments = segments.concat(endSegments.reverse());
return {
path: pathFromSegments(segments),
obstacles: segments
}, {
requiresObstacles: true
export default algorithms;