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2020-05-23 20:45:54 +00:00
* @license Highcharts JS v8.1.0 (2020-05-05)
* Annotations module
* (c) 2009-2019 Torstein Honsi
* License: www.highcharts.com/license
'use strict';
(function (factory) {
if (typeof module === 'object' && module.exports) {
factory['default'] = factory;
module.exports = factory;
} else if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
define('highcharts/modules/annotations-advanced', ['highcharts'], function (Highcharts) {
factory.Highcharts = Highcharts;
return factory;
} else {
factory(typeof Highcharts !== 'undefined' ? Highcharts : undefined);
}(function (Highcharts) {
var _modules = Highcharts ? Highcharts._modules : {};
function _registerModule(obj, path, args, fn) {
if (!obj.hasOwnProperty(path)) {
obj[path] = fn.apply(null, args);
_registerModule(_modules, 'annotations/eventEmitterMixin.js', [_modules['parts/Globals.js'], _modules['parts/Utilities.js']], function (H, U) {
/* *
* */
var addEvent = U.addEvent, fireEvent = U.fireEvent, inArray = U.inArray, objectEach = U.objectEach, pick = U.pick, removeEvent = U.removeEvent;
/* eslint-disable valid-jsdoc */
* It provides methods for:
* - adding and handling DOM events and a drag event,
* - mapping a mouse move event to the distance between two following events.
* The units of the distance are specific to a transformation,
* e.g. for rotation they are radians, for scaling they are scale factors.
* @private
* @mixin
* @memberOf Annotation
var eventEmitterMixin = {
* Add emitter events.
addEvents: function () {
var emitter = this, addMouseDownEvent = function (element) {
addEvent(element, 'mousedown', function (e) {
(emitter.labels || []).forEach(function (label) {
if (label.options.useHTML && label.graphic.text) {
// Mousedown event bound to HTML element (#13070).
objectEach(emitter.options.events, function (event, type) {
var eventHandler = function (e) {
if (type !== 'click' || !emitter.cancelClick) {
event.call(emitter, emitter.chart.pointer.normalize(e), emitter.target);
if (inArray(type, emitter.nonDOMEvents || []) === -1) {
emitter.graphic.on(type, eventHandler);
else {
addEvent(emitter, type, eventHandler);
if (emitter.options.draggable) {
addEvent(emitter, 'drag', emitter.onDrag);
if (!emitter.graphic.renderer.styledMode) {
var cssPointer_1 = {
cursor: {
x: 'ew-resize',
y: 'ns-resize',
xy: 'move'
(emitter.labels || []).forEach(function (label) {
if (label.options.useHTML && label.graphic.text) {
if (!emitter.isUpdating) {
fireEvent(emitter, 'add');
* Remove emitter document events.
removeDocEvents: function () {
if (this.removeDrag) {
this.removeDrag = this.removeDrag();
if (this.removeMouseUp) {
this.removeMouseUp = this.removeMouseUp();
* Mouse down handler.
onMouseDown: function (e) {
var emitter = this, pointer = emitter.chart.pointer, prevChartX, prevChartY;
if (e.preventDefault) {
// On right click, do nothing:
if (e.button === 2) {
e = pointer.normalize(e);
prevChartX = e.chartX;
prevChartY = e.chartY;
emitter.cancelClick = false;
emitter.chart.hasDraggedAnnotation = true;
emitter.removeDrag = addEvent(H.doc, 'mousemove', function (e) {
emitter.hasDragged = true;
e = pointer.normalize(e);
e.prevChartX = prevChartX;
e.prevChartY = prevChartY;
fireEvent(emitter, 'drag', e);
prevChartX = e.chartX;
prevChartY = e.chartY;
emitter.removeMouseUp = addEvent(H.doc, 'mouseup', function (e) {
emitter.cancelClick = emitter.hasDragged;
emitter.hasDragged = false;
emitter.chart.hasDraggedAnnotation = false;
// ControlPoints vs Annotation:
fireEvent(pick(emitter.target, emitter), 'afterUpdate');
* Mouse up handler.
onMouseUp: function (_e) {
var chart = this.chart, annotation = this.target || this, annotationsOptions = chart.options.annotations, index = chart.annotations.indexOf(annotation);
annotationsOptions[index] = annotation.options;
* Drag and drop event. All basic annotations should share this
* capability as well as the extended ones.
onDrag: function (e) {
if (this.chart.isInsidePlot(e.chartX - this.chart.plotLeft, e.chartY - this.chart.plotTop)) {
var translation = this.mouseMoveToTranslation(e);
if (this.options.draggable === 'x') {
translation.y = 0;
if (this.options.draggable === 'y') {
translation.x = 0;
if (this.points.length) {
this.translate(translation.x, translation.y);
else {
this.shapes.forEach(function (shape) {
shape.translate(translation.x, translation.y);
this.labels.forEach(function (label) {
label.translate(translation.x, translation.y);
* Map mouse move event to the radians.
mouseMoveToRadians: function (e, cx, cy) {
var prevDy = e.prevChartY - cy, prevDx = e.prevChartX - cx, dy = e.chartY - cy, dx = e.chartX - cx, temp;
if (this.chart.inverted) {
temp = prevDx;
prevDx = prevDy;
prevDy = temp;
temp = dx;
dx = dy;
dy = temp;
return Math.atan2(dy, dx) - Math.atan2(prevDy, prevDx);
* Map mouse move event to the distance between two following events.
mouseMoveToTranslation: function (e) {
var dx = e.chartX - e.prevChartX, dy = e.chartY - e.prevChartY, temp;
if (this.chart.inverted) {
temp = dy;
dy = dx;
dx = temp;
return {
x: dx,
y: dy
* Map mouse move to the scale factors.
* @param {Object} e event
* @param {number} cx center x
* @param {number} cy center y
mouseMoveToScale: function (e, cx, cy) {
var prevDx = e.prevChartX - cx, prevDy = e.prevChartY - cy, dx = e.chartX - cx, dy = e.chartY - cy, sx = (dx || 1) / (prevDx || 1), sy = (dy || 1) / (prevDy || 1), temp;
if (this.chart.inverted) {
temp = sy;
sy = sx;
sx = temp;
return {
x: sx,
y: sy
* Destroy the event emitter.
destroy: function () {
this.hcEvents = null;
return eventEmitterMixin;
_registerModule(_modules, 'annotations/ControlPoint.js', [_modules['parts/Utilities.js'], _modules['annotations/eventEmitterMixin.js']], function (U, eventEmitterMixin) {
/* *
* */
* Callback to modify annotation's possitioner controls.
* @callback Highcharts.AnnotationControlPointPositionerFunction
* @param {Highcharts.AnnotationControlPoint} this
* @param {Highcharts.AnnotationControllable} target
* @return {Highcharts.PositionObject}
var extend = U.extend, merge = U.merge, pick = U.pick;
/* eslint-disable no-invalid-this, valid-jsdoc */
* A control point class which is a connection between controllable
* transform methods and a user actions.
* @requires modules/annotations
* @class
* @name Highcharts.AnnotationControlPoint
* @hideconstructor
* @param {Highcharts.Chart} chart
* A chart instance.
* @param {Highcharts.AnnotationControllable} target
* A controllable instance which is a target for a control point.
* @param {Highcharts.AnnotationControlPointOptionsObject} options
* An options object.
* @param {number} [index]
* Point index.
var ControlPoint = /** @class */ (function () {
function ControlPoint(chart, target, options, index) {
* Properties
this.addEvents = eventEmitterMixin.addEvents;
this.graphic = void 0;
this.mouseMoveToRadians = eventEmitterMixin.mouseMoveToRadians;
this.mouseMoveToScale = eventEmitterMixin.mouseMoveToScale;
this.mouseMoveToTranslation = eventEmitterMixin.mouseMoveToTranslation;
this.onDrag = eventEmitterMixin.onDrag;
this.onMouseDown = eventEmitterMixin.onMouseDown;
this.onMouseUp = eventEmitterMixin.onMouseUp;
this.removeDocEvents = eventEmitterMixin.removeDocEvents;
* Functions
* List of events for `anntation.options.events` that should not be
* added to `annotation.graphic` but to the `annotation`.
* @private
* @name Highcharts.AnnotationControlPoint#nonDOMEvents
* @type {Array<string>}
this.nonDOMEvents = ['drag'];
this.chart = chart;
this.target = target;
this.options = options;
this.index = pick(options.index, index);
* Set the visibility of the control point.
* @function Highcharts.AnnotationControlPoint#setVisibility
* @param {boolean} visible
* Visibility of the control point.
* @return {void}
ControlPoint.prototype.setVisibility = function (visible) {
this.graphic.attr('visibility', visible ? 'visible' : 'hidden');
this.options.visible = visible;
* Render the control point.
* @private
ControlPoint.prototype.render = function () {
var chart = this.chart, options = this.options;
this.graphic = chart.renderer
.symbol(options.symbol, 0, 0, options.width, options.height)
// npm test -- --tests "highcharts/annotations-advanced/*"
* Redraw the control point.
* @private
* @param {boolean} [animation]
ControlPoint.prototype.redraw = function (animation) {
this.graphic[animation ? 'animate' : 'attr'](this.options.positioner.call(this, this.target));
* Destroy the control point.
* @private
ControlPoint.prototype.destroy = function () {
if (this.graphic) {
this.graphic = this.graphic.destroy();
this.chart = null;
this.target = null;
this.options = null;
* Update the control point.
* @function Highcharts.AnnotationControlPoint#update
* @param {Partial<Highcharts.AnnotationControlPointOptionsObject>} userOptions
* New options for the control point.
* @return {void}
ControlPoint.prototype.update = function (userOptions) {
var chart = this.chart, target = this.target, index = this.index, options = merge(true, this.options, userOptions);
this.constructor(chart, target, options, index);
return ControlPoint;
return ControlPoint;
_registerModule(_modules, 'annotations/MockPoint.js', [_modules['parts/Globals.js'], _modules['parts/Utilities.js']], function (H, U) {
/* *
* */
* @private
* @interface Highcharts.AnnotationMockLabelOptionsObject
*/ /**
* Point instance of the point.
* @name Highcharts.AnnotationMockLabelOptionsObject#point
* @type {Highcharts.AnnotationMockPoint}
*/ /**
* X value translated to x axis scale.
* @name Highcharts.AnnotationMockLabelOptionsObject#x
* @type {number|null}
*/ /**
* Y value translated to y axis scale.
* @name Highcharts.AnnotationMockLabelOptionsObject#y
* @type {number|null}
* A mock series instance imitating a real series from a real point.
* @private
* @interface Highcharts.AnnotationMockSeries
*/ /**
* Whether a series is visible.
* @name Highcharts.AnnotationMockSeries#visible
* @type {boolean}
*/ /**
* A chart instance.
* @name Highcharts.AnnotationMockSeries#chart
* @type {Highcharts.Chart}
*/ /**
* @name Highcharts.AnnotationMockSeries#getPlotBox
* @type {Function}
* Indicates if this is a mock point for an annotation.
* @name Highcharts.Point#mock
* @type {boolean|undefined}
var defined = U.defined, extend = U.extend, fireEvent = U.fireEvent;
/* eslint-disable no-invalid-this, valid-jsdoc */
* A trimmed point object which imitates {@link Highchart.Point} class. It is
* created when there is a need of pointing to some chart's position using axis
* values or pixel values
* @requires modules/annotations
* @private
* @class
* @name Highcharts.AnnotationMockPoint
* @hideconstructor
* @param {Highcharts.Chart} chart
* The chart instance.
* @param {Highcharts.AnnotationControllable|null} target
* The related controllable.
* @param {Highcharts.AnnotationMockPointOptionsObject|Function} options
* The options object.
var MockPoint = /** @class */ (function () {
function MockPoint(chart, target, options) {
this.isInside = void 0;
this.plotX = void 0;
this.plotY = void 0;
this.x = void 0;
this.y = void 0;
/* *
* Functions
* */
* A flag indicating that a point is not the real one.
* @type {boolean}
* @default true
this.mock = true;
* A mock series instance imitating a real series from a real point.
* @name Annotation.AnnotationMockPoint#series
* @type {Highcharts.AnnotationMockSeries}
this.series = {
visible: true,
chart: chart,
getPlotBox: H.Series.prototype.getPlotBox
* @name Annotation.AnnotationMockPoint#target
* @type {Highcharts.AnnotationControllable|null}
this.target = target || null;
* Options for the mock point.
* @name Annotation.AnnotationMockPoint#options
* @type {Highcharts.AnnotationsMockPointOptionsObject}
this.options = options;
* If an xAxis is set it represents the point's value in terms of the
* xAxis.
* @name Annotation.AnnotationMockPoint#x
* @type {number|undefined}
* If an yAxis is set it represents the point's value in terms of the
* yAxis.
* @name Annotation.AnnotationMockPoint#y
* @type {number|undefined}
* It represents the point's pixel x coordinate relative to its plot
* box.
* @name Annotation.AnnotationMockPoint#plotX
* @type {number|undefined}
* It represents the point's pixel y position relative to its plot box.
* @name Annotation.AnnotationMockPoint#plotY
* @type {number|undefined}
* Whether the point is inside the plot box.
* @name Annotation.AnnotationMockPoint#isInside
* @type {boolean|undefined}
* Create a mock point from a real Highcharts point.
* @private
* @static
* @param {Highcharts.Point} point
* @return {Highcharts.AnnotationMockPoint}
* A mock point instance.
MockPoint.fromPoint = function (point) {
return new MockPoint(point.series.chart, null, {
x: point.x,
y: point.y,
xAxis: point.series.xAxis,
yAxis: point.series.yAxis
* Get the pixel position from the point like object.
* @private
* @static
* @param {Highcharts.AnnotationPointType} point
* @param {boolean} [paneCoordinates]
* whether the pixel position should be relative
* @return {Highcharts.PositionObject} pixel position
MockPoint.pointToPixels = function (point, paneCoordinates) {
var series = point.series, chart = series.chart, x = point.plotX, y = point.plotY, plotBox;
if (chart.inverted) {
if (point.mock) {
x = point.plotY;
y = point.plotX;
else {
x = chart.plotWidth - point.plotY;
y = chart.plotHeight - point.plotX;
if (series && !paneCoordinates) {
plotBox = series.getPlotBox();
x += plotBox.translateX;
y += plotBox.translateY;
return {
x: x,
y: y
* Get fresh mock point options from the point like object.
* @private
* @static
* @param {Highcharts.AnnotationPointType} point
* @return {Highcharts.AnnotationMockPointOptionsObject}
* A mock point's options.
MockPoint.pointToOptions = function (point) {
return {
x: point.x,
y: point.y,
xAxis: point.series.xAxis,
yAxis: point.series.yAxis
* Check if the point has dynamic options.
* @private
* @return {boolean}
* A positive flag if the point has dynamic options.
MockPoint.prototype.hasDynamicOptions = function () {
return typeof this.options === 'function';
* Get the point's options.
* @private
* @return {Highcharts.AnnotationMockPointOptionsObject}
* The mock point's options.
MockPoint.prototype.getOptions = function () {
return this.hasDynamicOptions() ?
this.options(this.target) :
* Apply options for the point.
* @private
* @param {Highcharts.AnnotationMockPointOptionsObject} options
MockPoint.prototype.applyOptions = function (options) {
this.command = options.command;
this.setAxis(options, 'x');
this.setAxis(options, 'y');
* Set x or y axis.
* @private
* @param {Highcharts.AnnotationMockPointOptionsObject} options
* @param {string} xOrY
* 'x' or 'y' string literal
MockPoint.prototype.setAxis = function (options, xOrY) {
var axisName = (xOrY + 'Axis'), axisOptions = options[axisName], chart = this.series.chart;
this.series[axisName] =
axisOptions instanceof H.Axis ?
axisOptions :
defined(axisOptions) ?
(chart[axisName][axisOptions] ||
chart.get(axisOptions)) :
* Transform the mock point to an anchor (relative position on the chart).
* @private
* @return {Array<number>}
* A quadruple of numbers which denotes x, y, width and height of the box
MockPoint.prototype.toAnchor = function () {
var anchor = [this.plotX, this.plotY, 0, 0];
if (this.series.chart.inverted) {
anchor[0] = this.plotY;
anchor[1] = this.plotX;
return anchor;
* Returns a label config object - the same as
* Highcharts.Point.prototype.getLabelConfig
* @private
* @return {Annotation.MockPoint.LabelConfig} the point's label config
MockPoint.prototype.getLabelConfig = function () {
return {
x: this.x,
y: this.y,
point: this
* Check if the point is inside its pane.
* @private
* @return {boolean} A flag indicating whether the point is inside the pane.
MockPoint.prototype.isInsidePlot = function () {
var plotX = this.plotX, plotY = this.plotY, xAxis = this.series.xAxis, yAxis = this.series.yAxis, e = {
x: plotX,
y: plotY,
isInsidePlot: true
if (xAxis) {
e.isInsidePlot = defined(plotX) && plotX >= 0 && plotX <= xAxis.len;
if (yAxis) {
e.isInsidePlot =
e.isInsidePlot &&
defined(plotY) &&
plotY >= 0 && plotY <= yAxis.len;
fireEvent(this.series.chart, 'afterIsInsidePlot', e);
return e.isInsidePlot;
* Refresh point values and coordinates based on its options.
* @private
MockPoint.prototype.refresh = function () {
var series = this.series, xAxis = series.xAxis, yAxis = series.yAxis, options = this.getOptions();
if (xAxis) {
this.x = options.x;
this.plotX = xAxis.toPixels(options.x, true);
else {
this.x = null;
this.plotX = options.x;
if (yAxis) {
this.y = options.y;
this.plotY = yAxis.toPixels(options.y, true);
else {
this.y = null;
this.plotY = options.y;
this.isInside = this.isInsidePlot();
* Translate the point.
* @private
* @param {number|undefined} cx
* Origin x transformation.
* @param {number|undefined} cy
* Origin y transformation.
* @param {number} dx
* Translation for x coordinate.
* @param {number} dy
* Translation for y coordinate.
MockPoint.prototype.translate = function (_cx, _cy, dx, dy) {
if (!this.hasDynamicOptions()) {
this.plotX += dx;
this.plotY += dy;
* Scale the point.
* @private
* @param {number} cx
* Origin x transformation.
* @param {number} cy
* Origin y transformation.
* @param {number} sx
* Scale factor x.
* @param {number} sy
* Scale factor y.
MockPoint.prototype.scale = function (cx, cy, sx, sy) {
if (!this.hasDynamicOptions()) {
var x = this.plotX * sx, y = this.plotY * sy, tx = (1 - sx) * cx, ty = (1 - sy) * cy;
this.plotX = tx + x;
this.plotY = ty + y;
* Rotate the point.
* @private
* @param {number} cx origin x rotation
* @param {number} cy origin y rotation
* @param {number} radians
MockPoint.prototype.rotate = function (cx, cy, radians) {
if (!this.hasDynamicOptions()) {
var cos = Math.cos(radians), sin = Math.sin(radians), x = this.plotX, y = this.plotY, tx, ty;
x -= cx;
y -= cy;
tx = x * cos - y * sin;
ty = x * sin + y * cos;
this.plotX = tx + cx;
this.plotY = ty + cy;
* Refresh point options based on its plot coordinates.
* @private
MockPoint.prototype.refreshOptions = function () {
var series = this.series, xAxis = series.xAxis, yAxis = series.yAxis;
this.x = this.options.x = xAxis ?
this.options.x = xAxis.toValue(this.plotX, true) :
this.y = this.options.y = yAxis ?
yAxis.toValue(this.plotY, true) :
return MockPoint;
return MockPoint;
_registerModule(_modules, 'annotations/controllable/controllableMixin.js', [_modules['parts/Utilities.js'], _modules['annotations/ControlPoint.js'], _modules['annotations/MockPoint.js'], _modules['parts/Tooltip.js']], function (U, ControlPoint, MockPoint, Tooltip) {
/* *
* */
* An object which denots a controllable's anchor positions - relative and
* absolute.
* @private
* @interface Highcharts.AnnotationAnchorObject
*/ /**
* Relative to the plot area position
* @name Highcharts.AnnotationAnchorObject#relativePosition
* @type {Highcharts.BBoxObject}
*/ /**
* Absolute position
* @name Highcharts.AnnotationAnchorObject#absolutePosition
* @type {Highcharts.BBoxObject}
* @interface Highcharts.AnnotationControllable
*/ /**
* @name Highcharts.AnnotationControllable#annotation
* @type {Highcharts.Annotation}
*/ /**
* @name Highcharts.AnnotationControllable#chart
* @type {Highcharts.Chart}
*/ /**
* @name Highcharts.AnnotationControllable#collection
* @type {string}
*/ /**
* @private
* @name Highcharts.AnnotationControllable#controlPoints
* @type {Array<Highcharts.AnnotationControlPoint>}
*/ /**
* @name Highcharts.AnnotationControllable#points
* @type {Array<Highcharts.Point>}
var isObject = U.isObject, isString = U.isString, merge = U.merge, splat = U.splat;
/* eslint-disable no-invalid-this, valid-jsdoc */
* It provides methods for handling points, control points
* and points transformations.
* @private
* @mixin
* @name Highcharts.AnnotationControllableMixin
var controllableMixin = {
* Init the controllable
init: function (annotation, options, index) {
this.annotation = annotation;
this.chart = annotation.chart;
this.options = options;
this.points = [];
this.controlPoints = [];
this.index = index;
* Redirect attr usage on the controllable graphic element.
attr: function () {
this.graphic.attr.apply(this.graphic, arguments);
* Get the controllable's points options.
* @return {Array<Highcharts.PointOptionsObject>}
* An array of points' options.
getPointsOptions: function () {
var options = this.options;
return (options.points || (options.point && splat(options.point)));
* Utility function for mapping item's options
* to element's attribute
* @param {Highcharts.AnnotationsLabelsOptions|Highcharts.AnnotationsShapesOptions} options
* @return {Highcharts.SVGAttributes}
* Mapped options.
attrsFromOptions: function (options) {
var map = this.constructor.attrsMap, attrs = {}, key, mappedKey, styledMode = this.chart.styledMode;
for (key in options) { // eslint-disable-line guard-for-in
mappedKey = map[key];
if (mappedKey &&
(!styledMode ||
['fill', 'stroke', 'stroke-width']
.indexOf(mappedKey) === -1)) {
attrs[mappedKey] = options[key];
return attrs;
* Returns object which denotes anchor position - relative and absolute.
* @param {Highcharts.AnnotationPointType} point
* A point like object.
* @return {Highcharts.AnnotationAnchorObject} a controllable anchor
anchor: function (point) {
var plotBox = point.series.getPlotBox(), box = point.mock ?
point.toAnchor() :
chart: point.series.chart
}, point), anchor = {
x: box[0] + (this.options.x || 0),
y: box[1] + (this.options.y || 0),
height: box[2] || 0,
width: box[3] || 0
return {
relativePosition: anchor,
absolutePosition: merge(anchor, {
x: anchor.x + plotBox.translateX,
y: anchor.y + plotBox.translateY
* Map point's options to a point-like object.
* @param {string|Function|Highcharts.AnnotationMockPointOptionsObject|Highcharts.AnnotationPointType} pointOptions
* Point's options.
* @param {Highcharts.AnnotationPointType} point
* A point-like instance.
* @return {Highcharts.AnnotationPointType|null}
* if the point is found/set returns this point, otherwise null
point: function (pointOptions, point) {
if (pointOptions && pointOptions.series) {
return pointOptions;
if (!point || point.series === null) {
if (isObject(pointOptions)) {
point = new MockPoint(this.chart, this, pointOptions);
else if (isString(pointOptions)) {
point = this.chart.get(pointOptions) || null;
else if (typeof pointOptions === 'function') {
var pointConfig = pointOptions.call(point, this);
point = pointConfig.series ?
pointConfig :
new MockPoint(this.chart, this, pointOptions);
return point;
* Find point-like objects based on points options.
* @return {Array<Annotation.PointLike>} an array of point-like objects
linkPoints: function () {
var pointsOptions = this.getPointsOptions(), points = this.points, len = (pointsOptions && pointsOptions.length) || 0, i, point;
for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
point = this.point(pointsOptions[i], points[i]);
if (!point) {
points.length = 0;
if (point.mock) {
points[i] = point;
return points;
* Add control points to a controllable.
addControlPoints: function () {
var controlPointsOptions = this.options.controlPoints;
(controlPointsOptions || []).forEach(function (controlPointOptions, i) {
var options = merge(this.options.controlPointOptions, controlPointOptions);
if (!options.index) {
options.index = i;
controlPointsOptions[i] = options;
this.controlPoints.push(new ControlPoint(this.chart, this, options));
}, this);
* Check if a controllable should be rendered/redrawn.
* @return {boolean}
* Whether a controllable should be drawn.
shouldBeDrawn: function () {
return Boolean(this.points.length);
* Render a controllable.
render: function (_parentGroup) {
this.controlPoints.forEach(function (controlPoint) {
* Redraw a controllable.
* @param {boolean} [animation]
redraw: function (animation) {
this.controlPoints.forEach(function (controlPoint) {
* Transform a controllable with a specific transformation.
* @param {string} transformation a transformation name
* @param {number|null} cx origin x transformation
* @param {number|null} cy origin y transformation
* @param {number} p1 param for the transformation
* @param {number} [p2] param for the transformation
transform: function (transformation, cx, cy, p1, p2) {
if (this.chart.inverted) {
var temp = cx;
cx = cy;
cy = temp;
this.points.forEach(function (point, i) {
this.transformPoint(transformation, cx, cy, p1, p2, i);
}, this);
* Transform a point with a specific transformation
* If a transformed point is a real point it is replaced with
* the mock point.
* @param {string} transformation a transformation name
* @param {number|null} cx origin x transformation
* @param {number|null} cy origin y transformation
* @param {number} p1 param for the transformation
* @param {number|undefined} p2 param for the transformation
* @param {number} i index of the point
transformPoint: function (transformation, cx, cy, p1, p2, i) {
var point = this.points[i];
if (!point.mock) {
point = this.points[i] = MockPoint.fromPoint(point);
point[transformation](cx, cy, p1, p2);
* Translate a controllable.
* @param {number} dx translation for x coordinate
* @param {number} dy translation for y coordinate
translate: function (dx, dy) {
this.transform('translate', null, null, dx, dy);
* Translate a specific point within a controllable.
* @param {number} dx translation for x coordinate
* @param {number} dy translation for y coordinate
* @param {number} i index of the point
translatePoint: function (dx, dy, i) {
this.transformPoint('translate', null, null, dx, dy, i);
* Translate shape within controllable item.
* Replaces `controllable.translate` method.
* @param {number} dx translation for x coordinate
* @param {number} dy translation for y coordinate
translateShape: function (dx, dy) {
var chart = this.annotation.chart,
// Annotation.options
shapeOptions = this.annotation.userOptions,
// Chart.options.annotations
annotationIndex = chart.annotations.indexOf(this.annotation), chartOptions = chart.options.annotations[annotationIndex];
this.translatePoint(dx, dy, 0);
// Options stored in:
// - chart (for exporting)
// - current config (for redraws)
chartOptions[this.collection][this.index].point = this.options.point;
shapeOptions[this.collection][this.index].point = this.options.point;
* Rotate a controllable.
* @param {number} cx origin x rotation
* @param {number} cy origin y rotation
* @param {number} radians
rotate: function (cx, cy, radians) {
this.transform('rotate', cx, cy, radians);
* Scale a controllable.
* @param {number} cx origin x rotation
* @param {number} cy origin y rotation
* @param {number} sx scale factor x
* @param {number} sy scale factor y
scale: function (cx, cy, sx, sy) {
this.transform('scale', cx, cy, sx, sy);
* Set control points' visibility.
* @param {boolean} visible
setControlPointsVisibility: function (visible) {
this.controlPoints.forEach(function (controlPoint) {
* Destroy a controllable.
destroy: function () {
if (this.graphic) {
this.graphic = this.graphic.destroy();
if (this.tracker) {
this.tracker = this.tracker.destroy();
this.controlPoints.forEach(function (controlPoint) {
this.chart = null;
this.points = null;
this.controlPoints = null;
this.options = null;
if (this.annotation) {
this.annotation = null;
* Update a controllable.
* @param {Object} newOptions
update: function (newOptions) {
var annotation = this.annotation, options = merge(true, this.options, newOptions), parentGroup = this.graphic.parentGroup;
this.constructor(annotation, options);
return controllableMixin;
_registerModule(_modules, 'annotations/controllable/markerMixin.js', [_modules['parts/Globals.js'], _modules['parts/Utilities.js']], function (H, U) {
/* *
* */
var addEvent = U.addEvent, defined = U.defined, merge = U.merge, objectEach = U.objectEach, uniqueKey = U.uniqueKey;
* Options for configuring markers for annotations.
* An example of the arrow marker:
* <pre>
* {
* arrow: {
* id: 'arrow',
* tagName: 'marker',
* refY: 5,
* refX: 5,
* markerWidth: 10,
* markerHeight: 10,
* children: [{
* tagName: 'path',
* attrs: {
* d: 'M 0 0 L 10 5 L 0 10 Z',
* strokeWidth: 0
* }
* }]
* }
* }
* </pre>
* @sample highcharts/annotations/custom-markers/
* Define a custom marker for annotations
* @sample highcharts/css/annotations-markers/
* Define markers in a styled mode
* @type {Highcharts.Dictionary<Highcharts.SVGDefinitionObject>}
* @since 6.0.0
* @optionparent defs
var defaultMarkers = {
* @type {Highcharts.SVGDefinitionObject}
arrow: {
tagName: 'marker',
render: false,
id: 'arrow',
refY: 5,
refX: 9,
markerWidth: 10,
markerHeight: 10,
* @type {Array<Highcharts.DefsOptions>}
children: [{
tagName: 'path',
d: 'M 0 0 L 10 5 L 0 10 Z',
strokeWidth: 0
* @type {Highcharts.SVGDefinitionObject}
'reverse-arrow': {
tagName: 'marker',
render: false,
id: 'reverse-arrow',
refY: 5,
refX: 1,
markerWidth: 10,
markerHeight: 10,
children: [{
tagName: 'path',
// reverse triangle (used as an arrow)
d: 'M 0 5 L 10 0 L 10 10 Z',
strokeWidth: 0
H.SVGRenderer.prototype.addMarker = function (id, markerOptions) {
var options = { id: id };
var attrs = {
stroke: markerOptions.color || 'none',
fill: markerOptions.color || 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.75)'
options.children = markerOptions.children.map(function (child) {
return merge(attrs, child);
var marker = this.definition(merge(true, {
markerWidth: 20,
markerHeight: 20,
refX: 0,
refY: 0,
orient: 'auto'
}, markerOptions, options));
marker.id = id;
return marker;
/* eslint-disable no-invalid-this, valid-jsdoc */
var createMarkerSetter = function (markerType) {
return function (value) {
this.attr(markerType, 'url(#' + value + ')');
* @private
* @mixin
* @name Highcharts.AnnotaitonMarkerMixin
var markerMixin = {
markerEndSetter: createMarkerSetter('marker-end'),
markerStartSetter: createMarkerSetter('marker-start'),
* Set markers.
* @private
* @param {Highcharts.AnnotationControllablePath} item
setItemMarkers: function (item) {
var itemOptions = item.options, chart = item.chart, defs = chart.options.defs, fill = itemOptions.fill, color = defined(fill) && fill !== 'none' ?
fill :
itemOptions.stroke, setMarker = function (markerType) {
var markerId = itemOptions[markerType], def, predefinedMarker, key, marker;
if (markerId) {
for (key in defs) { // eslint-disable-line guard-for-in
def = defs[key];
if (markerId === def.id &&
def.tagName === 'marker') {
predefinedMarker = def;
if (predefinedMarker) {
marker = item[markerType] = chart.renderer
.addMarker((itemOptions.id || uniqueKey()) + '-' +
predefinedMarker.id, merge(predefinedMarker, { color: color }));
item.attr(markerType, marker.attr('id'));
['markerStart', 'markerEnd'].forEach(setMarker);
addEvent(H.Chart, 'afterGetContainer', function () {
this.options.defs = merge(defaultMarkers, this.options.defs || {});
objectEach(this.options.defs, function (def) {
if (def.tagName === 'marker' && def.render !== false) {
this.renderer.addMarker(def.id, def);
}, this);
return markerMixin;
_registerModule(_modules, 'annotations/controllable/ControllablePath.js', [_modules['parts/Globals.js'], _modules['parts/Utilities.js'], _modules['annotations/controllable/controllableMixin.js'], _modules['annotations/controllable/markerMixin.js']], function (H, U, controllableMixin, markerMixin) {
/* *
* */
var extend = U.extend, merge = U.merge;
// See TRACKER_FILL in highcharts.src.js
var TRACKER_FILL = 'rgba(192,192,192,' + (H.svg ? 0.0001 : 0.002) + ')';
/* eslint-disable no-invalid-this, valid-jsdoc */
* A controllable path class.
* @requires modules/annotations
* @private
* @class
* @name Highcharts.AnnotationControllablePath
* @param {Highcharts.Annotation}
* Related annotation.
* @param {Highcharts.AnnotationsShapeOptions} options
* A path's options object.
* @param {number} index
* Index of the path.
var ControllablePath = function (annotation, options, index) {
this.init(annotation, options, index);
this.collection = 'shapes';
* A map object which allows to map options attributes to element attributes
* @name Highcharts.AnnotationControllablePath.attrsMap
* @type {Highcharts.Dictionary<string>}
ControllablePath.attrsMap = {
dashStyle: 'dashstyle',
strokeWidth: 'stroke-width',
stroke: 'stroke',
fill: 'fill',
zIndex: 'zIndex'
merge(true, ControllablePath.prototype, controllableMixin, /** @lends Highcharts.AnnotationControllablePath# */ {
* @type 'path'
type: 'path',
setMarkers: markerMixin.setItemMarkers,
* Map the controllable path to 'd' path attribute.
* @return {Highcharts.SVGPathArray|null}
* A path's d attribute.
toD: function () {
var dOption = this.options.d;
if (dOption) {
return typeof dOption === 'function' ?
dOption.call(this) :
var points = this.points, len = points.length, showPath = len, point = points[0], position = showPath && this.anchor(point).absolutePosition, pointIndex = 0, command, d = [];
if (position) {
d.push(['M', position.x, position.y]);
while (++pointIndex < len && showPath) {
point = points[pointIndex];
command = point.command || 'L';
position = this.anchor(point).absolutePosition;
if (command === 'M') {
d.push([command, position.x, position.y]);
else if (command === 'L') {
d.push([command, position.x, position.y]);
else if (command === 'Z') {
showPath = point.series.visible;
return showPath ?
this.chart.renderer.crispLine(d, this.graphic.strokeWidth()) :
shouldBeDrawn: function () {
return (controllableMixin.shouldBeDrawn.call(this) || Boolean(this.options.d));
render: function (parent) {
var options = this.options, attrs = this.attrsFromOptions(options);
this.graphic = this.annotation.chart.renderer
.path([['M', 0, 0]])
if (options.className) {
this.tracker = this.annotation.chart.renderer
.path([['M', 0, 0]])
zIndex: 2
if (!this.annotation.chart.styledMode) {
'stroke-linejoin': 'round',
'stroke-width': this.graphic.strokeWidth() +
options.snap * 2
extend(this.graphic, {
markerStartSetter: markerMixin.markerStartSetter,
markerEndSetter: markerMixin.markerEndSetter
redraw: function (animation) {
var d = this.toD(), action = animation ? 'animate' : 'attr';
if (d) {
this.graphic[action]({ d: d });
this.tracker[action]({ d: d });
else {
this.graphic.attr({ d: 'M 0 ' + -9e9 });
this.tracker.attr({ d: 'M 0 ' + -9e9 });
this.graphic.placed = this.tracker.placed = Boolean(d);
controllableMixin.redraw.call(this, animation);
return ControllablePath;
_registerModule(_modules, 'annotations/controllable/ControllableRect.js', [_modules['parts/Utilities.js'], _modules['annotations/controllable/controllableMixin.js'], _modules['annotations/controllable/ControllablePath.js']], function (U, controllableMixin, ControllablePath) {
/* *
* */
var merge = U.merge;
/* eslint-disable no-invalid-this, valid-jsdoc */
* A controllable rect class.
* @requires modules/annotations
* @private
* @class
* @name Highcharts.AnnotationControllableRect
* @param {Highcharts.Annotation} annotation
* An annotation instance.
* @param {Highcharts.AnnotationsShapeOptions} options
* A rect's options.
* @param {number} index
* Index of the rectangle
var ControllableRect = function (annotation, options, index) {
this.init(annotation, options, index);
this.collection = 'shapes';
* @typedef {Annotation.ControllablePath.AttrsMap}
* Annotation.ControllableRect.AttrsMap
* @property {string} width=width
* @property {string} height=height
* A map object which allows to map options attributes to element attributes
* @type {Annotation.ControllableRect.AttrsMap}
ControllableRect.attrsMap = merge(ControllablePath.attrsMap, {
width: 'width',
height: 'height'
merge(true, ControllableRect.prototype, controllableMixin, /** @lends Annotation.ControllableRect# */ {
* @type 'rect'
type: 'rect',
translate: controllableMixin.translateShape,
render: function (parent) {
var attrs = this.attrsFromOptions(this.options);
this.graphic = this.annotation.chart.renderer
.rect(0, -9e9, 0, 0)
redraw: function (animation) {
var position = this.anchor(this.points[0]).absolutePosition;
if (position) {
this.graphic[animation ? 'animate' : 'attr']({
x: position.x,
y: position.y,
width: this.options.width,
height: this.options.height
else {
x: 0,
y: -9e9
this.graphic.placed = Boolean(position);
controllableMixin.redraw.call(this, animation);
return ControllableRect;
_registerModule(_modules, 'annotations/controllable/ControllableCircle.js', [_modules['parts/Utilities.js'], _modules['annotations/controllable/controllableMixin.js'], _modules['annotations/controllable/ControllablePath.js']], function (U, controllableMixin, ControllablePath) {
/* *
* */
var merge = U.merge;
/* eslint-disable no-invalid-this, valid-jsdoc */
* A controllable circle class.
* @requires modules/annotations
* @private
* @constructor
* @name Highcharts.AnnotationControllableCircle
* @param {Highcharts.Annotation} annotation an annotation instance
* @param {Highcharts.AnnotationsShapeOptions} options a shape's options
* @param {number} index of the circle
var ControllableCircle = function (annotation, options, index) {
this.init(annotation, options, index);
this.collection = 'shapes';
* A map object which allows to map options attributes to element attributes.
* @name Highcharts.AnnotationControllableCircle.attrsMap
* @type {Highcharts.Dictionary<string>}
ControllableCircle.attrsMap = merge(ControllablePath.attrsMap, {
r: 'r'
merge(true, ControllableCircle.prototype, controllableMixin, /** @lends Highcharts.AnnotationControllableCircle# */ {
* @type 'circle'
type: 'circle',
translate: controllableMixin.translateShape,
render: function (parent) {
var attrs = this.attrsFromOptions(this.options);
this.graphic = this.annotation.chart.renderer
.circle(0, -9e9, 0)
redraw: function (animation) {
var position = this.anchor(this.points[0]).absolutePosition;
if (position) {
this.graphic[animation ? 'animate' : 'attr']({
x: position.x,
y: position.y,
r: this.options.r
else {
x: 0,
y: -9e9
this.graphic.placed = Boolean(position);
controllableMixin.redraw.call(this, animation);
* Set the radius.
* @param {number} r a radius to be set
setRadius: function (r) {
this.options.r = r;
return ControllableCircle;
_registerModule(_modules, 'annotations/controllable/ControllableLabel.js', [_modules['parts/Globals.js'], _modules['parts/Utilities.js'], _modules['annotations/controllable/controllableMixin.js'], _modules['annotations/MockPoint.js'], _modules['parts/Tooltip.js']], function (H, U, controllableMixin, MockPoint, Tooltip) {
/* *
* */
var extend = U.extend, format = U.format, isNumber = U.isNumber, merge = U.merge, pick = U.pick;
/* eslint-disable no-invalid-this, valid-jsdoc */
* A controllable label class.
* @requires modules/annotations
* @private
* @class
* @name Highcharts.AnnotationControllableLabel
* @param {Highcharts.Annotation} annotation
* An annotation instance.
* @param {Highcharts.AnnotationsLabelOptions} options
* A label's options.
* @param {number} index
* Index of the label.
var ControllableLabel = function (annotation, options, index) {
this.init(annotation, options, index);
this.collection = 'labels';
* Shapes which do not have background - the object is used for proper
* setting of the contrast color.
* @type {Array<string>}
ControllableLabel.shapesWithoutBackground = ['connector'];
* Returns new aligned position based alignment options and box to align to.
* It is almost a one-to-one copy from SVGElement.prototype.align
* except it does not use and mutate an element
* @param {Highcharts.AnnotationAlignObject} alignOptions
* @param {Highcharts.BBoxObject} box
* @return {Highcharts.PositionObject}
* Aligned position.
ControllableLabel.alignedPosition = function (alignOptions, box) {
var align = alignOptions.align, vAlign = alignOptions.verticalAlign, x = (box.x || 0) + (alignOptions.x || 0), y = (box.y || 0) + (alignOptions.y || 0), alignFactor, vAlignFactor;
if (align === 'right') {
alignFactor = 1;
else if (align === 'center') {
alignFactor = 2;
if (alignFactor) {
x += (box.width - (alignOptions.width || 0)) / alignFactor;
if (vAlign === 'bottom') {
vAlignFactor = 1;
else if (vAlign === 'middle') {
vAlignFactor = 2;
if (vAlignFactor) {
y += (box.height - (alignOptions.height || 0)) / vAlignFactor;
return {
x: Math.round(x),
y: Math.round(y)
* Returns new alignment options for a label if the label is outside the
* plot area. It is almost a one-to-one copy from
* Series.prototype.justifyDataLabel except it does not mutate the label and
* it works with absolute instead of relative position.
ControllableLabel.justifiedOptions = function (chart, label, alignOptions, alignAttr) {
var align = alignOptions.align, verticalAlign = alignOptions.verticalAlign, padding = label.box ? 0 : (label.padding || 0), bBox = label.getBBox(), off,
options = {
align: align,
verticalAlign: verticalAlign,
x: alignOptions.x,
y: alignOptions.y,
width: label.width,
height: label.height
x = alignAttr.x - chart.plotLeft, y = alignAttr.y - chart.plotTop;
// Off left
off = x + padding;
if (off < 0) {
if (align === 'right') {
options.align = 'left';
else {
options.x = -off;
// Off right
off = x + bBox.width - padding;
if (off > chart.plotWidth) {
if (align === 'left') {
options.align = 'right';
else {
options.x = chart.plotWidth - off;
// Off top
off = y + padding;
if (off < 0) {
if (verticalAlign === 'bottom') {
options.verticalAlign = 'top';
else {
options.y = -off;
// Off bottom
off = y + bBox.height - padding;
if (off > chart.plotHeight) {
if (verticalAlign === 'top') {
options.verticalAlign = 'bottom';
else {
options.y = chart.plotHeight - off;
return options;
* A map object which allows to map options attributes to element attributes
* @type {Highcharts.Dictionary<string>}
ControllableLabel.attrsMap = {
backgroundColor: 'fill',
borderColor: 'stroke',
borderWidth: 'stroke-width',
zIndex: 'zIndex',
borderRadius: 'r',
padding: 'padding'
merge(true, ControllableLabel.prototype, controllableMixin,
/** @lends Annotation.ControllableLabel# */ {
* Translate the point of the label by deltaX and deltaY translations.
* The point is the label's anchor.
* @param {number} dx translation for x coordinate
* @param {number} dy translation for y coordinate
translatePoint: function (dx, dy) {
controllableMixin.translatePoint.call(this, dx, dy, 0);
* Translate x and y position relative to the label's anchor.
* @param {number} dx translation for x coordinate
* @param {number} dy translation for y coordinate
translate: function (dx, dy) {
var chart = this.annotation.chart,
// Annotation.options
labelOptions = this.annotation.userOptions,
// Chart.options.annotations
annotationIndex = chart.annotations.indexOf(this.annotation), chartAnnotations = chart.options.annotations, chartOptions = chartAnnotations[annotationIndex], temp;
if (chart.inverted) {
temp = dx;
dx = dy;
dy = temp;
// Local options:
this.options.x += dx;
this.options.y += dy;
// Options stored in chart:
chartOptions[this.collection][this.index].x = this.options.x;
chartOptions[this.collection][this.index].y = this.options.y;
labelOptions[this.collection][this.index].x = this.options.x;
labelOptions[this.collection][this.index].y = this.options.y;
render: function (parent) {
var options = this.options, attrs = this.attrsFromOptions(options), style = options.style;
this.graphic = this.annotation.chart.renderer
.label('', 0, -9999, // #10055
options.shape, null, null, options.useHTML, null, 'annotation-label')
if (!this.annotation.chart.styledMode) {
if (style.color === 'contrast') {
style.color = this.annotation.chart.renderer.getContrast(ControllableLabel.shapesWithoutBackground.indexOf(options.shape) > -1 ? '#FFFFFF' : options.backgroundColor);
if (options.className) {
this.graphic.labelrank = options.labelrank;
redraw: function (animation) {
var options = this.options, text = this.text || options.format || options.text, label = this.graphic, point = this.points[0], show = false, anchor, attrs;
text: text ?
format(text, point.getLabelConfig(), this.annotation.chart) :
options.formatter.call(point, this)
anchor = this.anchor(point);
attrs = this.position(anchor);
show = attrs;
if (show) {
label.alignAttr = attrs;
attrs.anchorX = anchor.absolutePosition.x;
attrs.anchorY = anchor.absolutePosition.y;
label[animation ? 'animate' : 'attr'](attrs);
else {
x: 0,
y: -9999 // #10055
label.placed = Boolean(show);
controllableMixin.redraw.call(this, animation);
* All basic shapes don't support alignTo() method except label.
* For a controllable label, we need to subtract translation from
* options.
anchor: function () {
var anchor = controllableMixin.anchor.apply(this, arguments), x = this.options.x || 0, y = this.options.y || 0;
anchor.absolutePosition.x -= x;
anchor.absolutePosition.y -= y;
anchor.relativePosition.x -= x;
anchor.relativePosition.y -= y;
return anchor;
* Returns the label position relative to its anchor.
* @param {Highcharts.AnnotationAnchorObject} anchor
* @return {Highcharts.PositionObject|null}
position: function (anchor) {
var item = this.graphic, chart = this.annotation.chart, point = this.points[0], itemOptions = this.options, anchorAbsolutePosition = anchor.absolutePosition, anchorRelativePosition = anchor.relativePosition, itemPosition, alignTo, itemPosRelativeX, itemPosRelativeY, showItem = point.series.visible &&
if (showItem) {
if (itemOptions.distance) {
itemPosition = Tooltip.prototype.getPosition.call({
chart: chart,
distance: pick(itemOptions.distance, 16)
}, item.width, item.height, {
plotX: anchorRelativePosition.x,
plotY: anchorRelativePosition.y,
negative: point.negative,
ttBelow: point.ttBelow,
h: (anchorRelativePosition.height || anchorRelativePosition.width)
else if (itemOptions.positioner) {
itemPosition = itemOptions.positioner.call(this);
else {
alignTo = {
x: anchorAbsolutePosition.x,
y: anchorAbsolutePosition.y,
width: 0,
height: 0
itemPosition = ControllableLabel.alignedPosition(extend(itemOptions, {
width: item.width,
height: item.height
}), alignTo);
if (this.options.overflow === 'justify') {
itemPosition = ControllableLabel.alignedPosition(ControllableLabel.justifiedOptions(chart, item, itemOptions, itemPosition), alignTo);
if (itemOptions.crop) {
itemPosRelativeX = itemPosition.x - chart.plotLeft;
itemPosRelativeY = itemPosition.y - chart.plotTop;
showItem =
chart.isInsidePlot(itemPosRelativeX, itemPosRelativeY) &&
chart.isInsidePlot(itemPosRelativeX + item.width, itemPosRelativeY + item.height);
return showItem ? itemPosition : null;
/* ********************************************************************** */
* General symbol definition for labels with connector
* @private
H.SVGRenderer.prototype.symbols.connector = function (x, y, w, h, options) {
var anchorX = options && options.anchorX, anchorY = options && options.anchorY, path, yOffset, lateral = w / 2;
if (isNumber(anchorX) && isNumber(anchorY)) {
path = [['M', anchorX, anchorY]];
// Prefer 45 deg connectors
yOffset = y - anchorY;
if (yOffset < 0) {
yOffset = -h - yOffset;
if (yOffset < w) {
lateral = anchorX < x + (w / 2) ? yOffset : w - yOffset;
// Anchor below label
if (anchorY > y + h) {
path.push(['L', x + lateral, y + h]);
// Anchor above label
else if (anchorY < y) {
path.push(['L', x + lateral, y]);
// Anchor left of label
else if (anchorX < x) {
path.push(['L', x, y + h / 2]);
// Anchor right of label
else if (anchorX > x + w) {
path.push(['L', x + w, y + h / 2]);
return path || [];
return ControllableLabel;
_registerModule(_modules, 'annotations/controllable/ControllableImage.js', [_modules['parts/Utilities.js'], _modules['annotations/controllable/controllableMixin.js'], _modules['annotations/controllable/ControllableLabel.js']], function (U, controllableMixin, ControllableLabel) {
/* *
* */
var merge = U.merge;
/* eslint-disable no-invalid-this, valid-jsdoc */
* A controllable image class.
* @requires modules/annotations
* @private
* @class
* @name Highcharts.AnnotationControllableImage
* @param {Highcharts.Annotation} annotation
* An annotation instance.
* @param {Highcharts.AnnotationsShapeOptions} options
* A controllable's options.
* @param {number} index
* Index of the image.
var ControllableImage = function (annotation, options, index) {
this.init(annotation, options, index);
this.collection = 'shapes';
* A map object which allows to map options attributes to element attributes
* @name Highcharts.AnnotationControllableImage.attrsMap
* @type {Highcharts.Dictionary<string>}
ControllableImage.attrsMap = {
width: 'width',
height: 'height',
zIndex: 'zIndex'
merge(true, ControllableImage.prototype, controllableMixin, /** @lends Annotation.ControllableImage# */ {
* @type 'image'
type: 'image',
translate: controllableMixin.translateShape,
render: function (parent) {
var attrs = this.attrsFromOptions(this.options), options = this.options;
this.graphic = this.annotation.chart.renderer
.image(options.src, 0, -9e9, options.width, options.height)
this.graphic.width = options.width;
this.graphic.height = options.height;
redraw: function (animation) {
var anchor = this.anchor(this.points[0]), position = ControllableLabel.prototype.position.call(this, anchor);
if (position) {
this.graphic[animation ? 'animate' : 'attr']({
x: position.x,
y: position.y
else {
x: 0,
y: -9e9
this.graphic.placed = Boolean(position);
controllableMixin.redraw.call(this, animation);
return ControllableImage;
_registerModule(_modules, 'annotations/annotations.src.js', [_modules['parts/Globals.js'], _modules['parts/Utilities.js'], _modules['annotations/controllable/controllableMixin.js'], _modules['annotations/controllable/ControllableRect.js'], _modules['annotations/controllable/ControllableCircle.js'], _modules['annotations/controllable/ControllablePath.js'], _modules['annotations/controllable/ControllableImage.js'], _modules['annotations/controllable/ControllableLabel.js'], _modules['annotations/eventEmitterMixin.js'], _modules['annotations/MockPoint.js'], _modules['annotations/ControlPoint.js']], function (H, U, controllableMixin, ControllableRect, ControllableCircle, ControllablePath, ControllableImage, ControllableLabel, eventEmitterMixin, MockPoint, ControlPoint) {
/* *
* (c) 2009-2017 Highsoft, Black Label
* License: www.highcharts.com/license
* */
var addEvent = U.addEvent, defined = U.defined, destroyObjectProperties = U.destroyObjectProperties, erase = U.erase, extend = U.extend, find = U.find, fireEvent = U.fireEvent, merge = U.merge, pick = U.pick, splat = U.splat, wrap = U.wrap;
var chartProto = H.Chart.prototype;
/* *********************************************************************
******************************************************************** */
* Possible directions for draggable annotations. An empty string (`''`)
* makes the annotation undraggable.
* @typedef {''|'x'|'xy'|'y'} Highcharts.AnnotationDraggableValue
* @private
* @typedef {
* Highcharts.AnnotationControllableCircle|
* Highcharts.AnnotationControllableImage|
* Highcharts.AnnotationControllablePath|
* Highcharts.AnnotationControllableRect
* }
* Highcharts.AnnotationShapeType
* @requires modules/annotations
* @private
* @typedef {
* Highcharts.AnnotationControllableLabel
* }
* Highcharts.AnnotationLabelType
* @requires modules/annotations
* A point-like object, a mock point or a point used in series.
* @private
* @typedef {Highcharts.AnnotationMockPoint|Highcharts.Point} Highcharts.AnnotationPointType
* @requires modules/annotations
/* eslint-disable no-invalid-this, valid-jsdoc */
* An annotation class which serves as a container for items like labels or
* shapes. Created items are positioned on the chart either by linking them to
* existing points or created mock points
* @class
* @name Highcharts.Annotation
* @param {Highcharts.Chart} chart a chart instance
* @param {Highcharts.AnnotationsOptions} userOptions the options object
var Annotation = H.Annotation = function (chart, userOptions) {
var labelsAndShapes;
* The chart that the annotation belongs to.
* @type {Highcharts.Chart}
this.chart = chart;
* The array of points which defines the annotation.
* @type {Array<Highcharts.Point>}
this.points = [];
* The array of control points.
* @private
* @name Highcharts.Annotation#controlPoints
* @type {Array<Annotation.ControlPoint>}
this.controlPoints = [];
this.coll = 'annotations';
* The array of labels which belong to the annotation.
* @private
* @name Highcharts.Annotation#labels
* @type {Array<Highcharts.AnnotationLabelType>}
this.labels = [];
* The array of shapes which belong to the annotation.
* @private
* @name Highcharts.Annotation#shapes
* @type {Array<Highcharts.AnnotationShapeType>}
this.shapes = [];
* The options for the annotations.
* @name Highcharts.Annotation#options
* @type {Highcharts.AnnotationsOptions}
this.options = merge(this.defaultOptions, userOptions);
* The user options for the annotations.
* @name Highcharts.Annotation#userOptions
* @type {Highcharts.AnnotationsOptions}
this.userOptions = userOptions;
// Handle labels and shapes - those are arrays
// Merging does not work with arrays (stores reference)
labelsAndShapes = this.getLabelsAndShapesOptions(this.options, userOptions);
this.options.labels = labelsAndShapes.labels;
this.options.shapes = labelsAndShapes.shapes;
* The callback that reports to the overlapping-labels module which
* labels it should account for.
* @private
* @name Highcharts.Annotation#labelCollector
* @type {Function}
* The group svg element.
* @name Highcharts.Annotation#group
* @type {Highcharts.SVGElement}
* The group svg element of the annotation's shapes.
* @name Highcharts.Annotation#shapesGroup
* @type {Highcharts.SVGElement}
* The group svg element of the annotation's labels.
* @name Highcharts.Annotation#labelsGroup
* @type {Highcharts.SVGElement}
this.init(chart, this.options);
merge(true, Annotation.prototype, controllableMixin, eventEmitterMixin,
/** @lends Highcharts.Annotation# */
* List of events for `annotation.options.events` that should not be
* added to `annotation.graphic` but to the `annotation`.
* @private
* @type {Array<string>}
nonDOMEvents: ['add', 'afterUpdate', 'drag', 'remove'],
* A basic type of an annotation. It allows to add custom labels
* or shapes. The items can be tied to points, axis coordinates
* or chart pixel coordinates.
* @sample highcharts/annotations/basic/
* Basic annotations
* @sample highcharts/demo/annotations/
* Advanced annotations
* @sample highcharts/css/annotations
* Styled mode
* @sample highcharts/annotations-advanced/controllable
* Controllable items
* @sample {highstock} stock/annotations/fibonacci-retracements
* Custom annotation, Fibonacci retracement
* @type {Array<*>}
* @since 6.0.0
* @requires modules/annotations
* @optionparent annotations
* @private
defaultOptions: {
* Sets an ID for an annotation. Can be user later when removing an
* annotation in [Chart#removeAnnotation(id)](
* /class-reference/Highcharts.Chart#removeAnnotation) method.
* @type {number|string}
* @apioption annotations.id
* Whether the annotation is visible.
* @sample highcharts/annotations/visible/
* Set annotation visibility
visible: true,
* Allow an annotation to be draggable by a user. Possible
* values are `'x'`, `'xy'`, `'y'` and `''` (disabled).
* @sample highcharts/annotations/draggable/
* Annotations draggable: 'xy'
* @type {Highcharts.AnnotationDraggableValue}
draggable: 'xy',
* Options for annotation's labels. Each label inherits options
* from the labelOptions object. An option from the labelOptions
* can be overwritten by config for a specific label.
* @requires modules/annotations
labelOptions: {
* The alignment of the annotation's label. If right,
* the right side of the label should be touching the point.
* @sample highcharts/annotations/label-position/
* Set labels position
* @type {Highcharts.AlignValue}
align: 'center',
* Whether to allow the annotation's labels to overlap.
* To make the labels less sensitive for overlapping,
* the can be set to 0.
* @sample highcharts/annotations/tooltip-like/
* Hide overlapping labels
allowOverlap: false,
* The background color or gradient for the annotation's label.
* @sample highcharts/annotations/label-presentation/
* Set labels graphic options
* @type {Highcharts.ColorString|Highcharts.GradientColorObject|Highcharts.PatternObject}
backgroundColor: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.75)',
* The border color for the annotation's label.
* @sample highcharts/annotations/label-presentation/
* Set labels graphic options
* @type {Highcharts.ColorString}
borderColor: 'black',
* The border radius in pixels for the annotaiton's label.
* @sample highcharts/annotations/label-presentation/
* Set labels graphic options
borderRadius: 3,
* The border width in pixels for the annotation's label
* @sample highcharts/annotations/label-presentation/
* Set labels graphic options
borderWidth: 1,
* A class name for styling by CSS.
* @sample highcharts/css/annotations
* Styled mode annotations
* @since 6.0.5
className: '',
* Whether to hide the annotation's label
* that is outside the plot area.
* @sample highcharts/annotations/label-crop-overflow/
* Crop or justify labels
crop: false,
* The label's pixel distance from the point.
* @sample highcharts/annotations/label-position/
* Set labels position
* @type {number}
* @apioption annotations.labelOptions.distance
* A
* [format](https://www.highcharts.com/docs/chart-concepts/labels-and-string-formatting)
* string for the data label.
* @see [plotOptions.series.dataLabels.format](plotOptions.series.dataLabels.format.html)
* @sample highcharts/annotations/label-text/
* Set labels text
* @type {string}
* @apioption annotations.labelOptions.format
* Alias for the format option.
* @see [format](annotations.labelOptions.format.html)
* @sample highcharts/annotations/label-text/
* Set labels text
* @type {string}
* @apioption annotations.labelOptions.text
* Callback JavaScript function to format the annotation's
* label. Note that if a `format` or `text` are defined, the
* format or text take precedence and the formatter is ignored.
* `This` refers to a point object.
* @sample highcharts/annotations/label-text/
* Set labels text
* @type {Highcharts.FormatterCallbackFunction<Highcharts.Point>}
* @default function () { return defined(this.y) ? this.y : 'Annotation label'; }
formatter: function () {
return defined(this.y) ? this.y : 'Annotation label';
* How to handle the annotation's label that flow outside the
* plot area. The justify option aligns the label inside the
* plot area.
* @sample highcharts/annotations/label-crop-overflow/
* Crop or justify labels
* @validvalue ["allow", "justify"]
overflow: 'justify',
* When either the borderWidth or the backgroundColor is set,
* this is the padding within the box.
* @sample highcharts/annotations/label-presentation/
* Set labels graphic options
padding: 5,
* The shadow of the box. The shadow can be an object
* configuration containing `color`, `offsetX`, `offsetY`,
* `opacity` and `width`.
* @sample highcharts/annotations/label-presentation/
* Set labels graphic options
* @type {boolean|Highcharts.ShadowOptionsObject}
shadow: false,
* The name of a symbol to use for the border around the label.
* Symbols are predefined functions on the Renderer object.
* @sample highcharts/annotations/shapes/
* Available shapes for labels
shape: 'callout',
* Styles for the annotation's label.
* @see [plotOptions.series.dataLabels.style](plotOptions.series.dataLabels.style.html)
* @sample highcharts/annotations/label-presentation/
* Set labels graphic options
* @type {Highcharts.CSSObject}
style: {
/** @ignore */
fontSize: '11px',
/** @ignore */
fontWeight: 'normal',
/** @ignore */
color: 'contrast'
* Whether to [use HTML](https://www.highcharts.com/docs/chart-concepts/labels-and-string-formatting#html)
* to render the annotation's label.
useHTML: false,
* The vertical alignment of the annotation's label.
* @sample highcharts/annotations/label-position/
* Set labels position
* @type {Highcharts.VerticalAlignValue}
verticalAlign: 'bottom',
* The x position offset of the label relative to the point.
* Note that if a `distance` is defined, the distance takes
* precedence over `x` and `y` options.
* @sample highcharts/annotations/label-position/
* Set labels position
x: 0,
* The y position offset of the label relative to the point.
* Note that if a `distance` is defined, the distance takes
* precedence over `x` and `y` options.
* @sample highcharts/annotations/label-position/
* Set labels position
y: -16
* An array of labels for the annotation. For options that apply to
* multiple labels, they can be added to the
* [labelOptions](annotations.labelOptions.html).
* @type {Array<*>}
* @extends annotations.labelOptions
* @apioption annotations.labels
* This option defines the point to which the label will be
* connected. It can be either the point which exists in the
* series - it is referenced by the point's id - or a new point with
* defined x, y properties and optionally axes.
* @sample highcharts/annotations/mock-point/
* Attach annotation to a mock point
* @declare Highcharts.AnnotationMockPointOptionsObject
* @type {string|*}
* @requires modules/annotations
* @apioption annotations.labels.point
* The x position of the point. Units can be either in axis
* or chart pixel coordinates.
* @type {number}
* @apioption annotations.labels.point.x
* The y position of the point. Units can be either in axis
* or chart pixel coordinates.
* @type {number}
* @apioption annotations.labels.point.y
* This number defines which xAxis the point is connected to. It
* refers to either the axis id or the index of the axis in the
* xAxis array. If the option is not configured or the axis is not
* found the point's x coordinate refers to the chart pixels.
* @type {number|string|null}
* @apioption annotations.labels.point.xAxis
* This number defines which yAxis the point is connected to. It
* refers to either the axis id or the index of the axis in the
* yAxis array. If the option is not configured or the axis is not
* found the point's y coordinate refers to the chart pixels.
* @type {number|string|null}
* @apioption annotations.labels.point.yAxis
* An array of shapes for the annotation. For options that apply to
* multiple shapes, then can be added to the
* [shapeOptions](annotations.shapeOptions.html).
* @type {Array<*>}
* @extends annotations.shapeOptions
* @apioption annotations.shapes
* This option defines the point to which the shape will be
* connected. It can be either the point which exists in the
* series - it is referenced by the point's id - or a new point with
* defined x, y properties and optionally axes.
* @declare Highcharts.AnnotationMockPointOptionsObject
* @type {string|Highcharts.AnnotationMockPointOptionsObject}
* @extends annotations.labels.point
* @apioption annotations.shapes.point
* An array of points for the shape. This option is available for
* shapes which can use multiple points such as path. A point can be
* either a point object or a point's id.
* @see [annotations.shapes.point](annotations.shapes.point.html)
* @declare Highcharts.AnnotationMockPointOptionsObject
* @type {Array<string|*>}
* @extends annotations.labels.point
* @apioption annotations.shapes.points
* The URL for an image to use as the annotation shape. Note,
* type has to be set to `'image'`.
* @see [annotations.shapes.type](annotations.shapes.type)
* @sample highcharts/annotations/shape-src/
* Define a marker image url for annotations
* @type {string}
* @apioption annotations.shapes.src
* Id of the marker which will be drawn at the final vertex of the
* path. Custom markers can be defined in defs property.
* @see [defs.markers](defs.markers.html)
* @sample highcharts/annotations/custom-markers/
* Define a custom marker for annotations
* @type {string}
* @apioption annotations.shapes.markerEnd
* Id of the marker which will be drawn at the first vertex of the
* path. Custom markers can be defined in defs property.
* @see [defs.markers](defs.markers.html)
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/annotations/custom-markers/
* Define a custom marker for annotations
* @type {string}
* @apioption annotations.shapes.markerStart
* Options for annotation's shapes. Each shape inherits options from
* the shapeOptions object. An option from the shapeOptions can be
* overwritten by config for a specific shape.
* @requires modules/annotations
shapeOptions: {
* The width of the shape.
* @sample highcharts/annotations/shape/
* Basic shape annotation
* @type {number}
* @apioption annotations.shapeOptions.width
* The height of the shape.
* @sample highcharts/annotations/shape/
* Basic shape annotation
* @type {number}
* @apioption annotations.shapeOptions.height
* The type of the shape, e.g. circle or rectangle.
* @sample highcharts/annotations/shape/
* Basic shape annotation
* @type {string}
* @default 'rect'
* @apioption annotations.shapeOptions.type
* The URL for an image to use as the annotation shape. Note,
* type has to be set to `'image'`.
* @see [annotations.shapeOptions.type](annotations.shapeOptions.type)
* @sample highcharts/annotations/shape-src/
* Define a marker image url for annotations
* @type {string}
* @apioption annotations.shapeOptions.src
* Name of the dash style to use for the shape's stroke.
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/plotoptions/series-dashstyle-all/
* Possible values demonstrated
* @type {Highcharts.DashStyleValue}
* @apioption annotations.shapeOptions.dashStyle
* The color of the shape's stroke.
* @sample highcharts/annotations/shape/
* Basic shape annotation
* @type {Highcharts.ColorString}
stroke: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.75)',
* The pixel stroke width of the shape.
* @sample highcharts/annotations/shape/
* Basic shape annotation
strokeWidth: 1,
* The color of the shape's fill.
* @sample highcharts/annotations/shape/
* Basic shape annotation
* @type {Highcharts.ColorString|Highcharts.GradientColorObject|Highcharts.PatternObject}
fill: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.75)',
* The radius of the shape.
* @sample highcharts/annotations/shape/
* Basic shape annotation
r: 0,
* Defines additional snapping area around an annotation
* making this annotation to focus. Defined in pixels.
snap: 2
* Options for annotation's control points. Each control point
* inherits options from controlPointOptions object.
* Options from the controlPointOptions can be overwritten
* by options in a specific control point.
* @declare Highcharts.AnnotationControlPointOptionsObject
* @requires modules/annotations
* @apioption annotations.controlPointOptions
controlPointOptions: {
* @type {Highcharts.AnnotationControlPointPositionerFunction}
* @apioption annotations.controlPointOptions.positioner
symbol: 'circle',
width: 10,
height: 10,
style: {
stroke: 'black',
'stroke-width': 2,
fill: 'white'
visible: false,
events: {}
* Event callback when annotation is added to the chart.
* @type {Highcharts.EventCallbackFunction<Highcharts.Annotation>}
* @since 7.1.0
* @apioption annotations.events.add
* Event callback when annotation is updated (e.g. drag and
* droppped or resized by control points).
* @type {Highcharts.EventCallbackFunction<Highcharts.Annotation>}
* @since 7.1.0
* @apioption annotations.events.afterUpdate
* Event callback when annotation is removed from the chart.
* @type {Highcharts.EventCallbackFunction<Highcharts.Annotation>}
* @since 7.1.0
* @apioption annotations.events.remove
* Events available in annotations.
* @requires modules/annotations
events: {},
* The Z index of the annotation.
zIndex: 6
* Initialize the annotation.
* @private
init: function () {
getLabelsAndShapesOptions: function (baseOptions, newOptions) {
var mergedOptions = {};
['labels', 'shapes'].forEach(function (name) {
if (baseOptions[name]) {
mergedOptions[name] = splat(newOptions[name]).map(function (basicOptions, i) {
return merge(baseOptions[name][i], basicOptions);
return mergedOptions;
addShapes: function () {
(this.options.shapes || []).forEach(function (shapeOptions, i) {
var shape = this.initShape(shapeOptions, i);
merge(true, this.options.shapes[i], shape.options);
}, this);
addLabels: function () {
(this.options.labels || []).forEach(function (labelsOptions, i) {
var labels = this.initLabel(labelsOptions, i);
merge(true, this.options.labels[i], labels.options);
}, this);
addClipPaths: function () {
if (this.clipXAxis && this.clipYAxis) {
this.clipRect = this.chart.renderer.clipRect(this.getClipBox());
setClipAxes: function () {
var xAxes = this.chart.xAxis, yAxes = this.chart.yAxis, linkedAxes = (this.options.labels || [])
.concat(this.options.shapes || [])
.reduce(function (axes, labelOrShape) {
return [
xAxes[labelOrShape &&
labelOrShape.point &&
labelOrShape.point.xAxis] || axes[0],
yAxes[labelOrShape &&
labelOrShape.point &&
labelOrShape.point.yAxis] || axes[1]
}, []);
this.clipXAxis = linkedAxes[0];
this.clipYAxis = linkedAxes[1];
getClipBox: function () {
if (this.clipXAxis && this.clipYAxis) {
return {
x: this.clipXAxis.left,
y: this.clipYAxis.top,
width: this.clipXAxis.width,
height: this.clipYAxis.height
setLabelCollector: function () {
var annotation = this;
annotation.labelCollector = function () {
return annotation.labels.reduce(function (labels, label) {
if (!label.options.allowOverlap) {
return labels;
}, []);
* Set an annotation options.
* @private
* @param {Highcharts.AnnotationsOptions} - user options for an annotation
setOptions: function (userOptions) {
this.options = merge(this.defaultOptions, userOptions);
redraw: function (animation) {
if (!this.graphic) {
if (this.clipRect) {
this.redrawItems(this.shapes, animation);
this.redrawItems(this.labels, animation);
controllableMixin.redraw.call(this, animation);
* @private
* @param {Array<Highcharts.AnnotationControllable>} items
* @param {boolean} [animation]
redrawItems: function (items, animation) {
var i = items.length;
// needs a backward loop
// labels/shapes array might be modified
// due to destruction of the item
while (i--) {
this.redrawItem(items[i], animation);
* @private
* @param {Array<Highcharts.AnnotationControllable>} items
renderItems: function (items) {
var i = items.length;
while (i--) {
render: function () {
var renderer = this.chart.renderer;
this.graphic = renderer
zIndex: this.options.zIndex,
visibility: this.options.visible ?
'visible' :
this.shapesGroup = renderer
this.labelsGroup = renderer
// hideOverlappingLabels requires translation
translateX: 0,
translateY: 0
if (this.clipRect) {
// Render shapes and labels before adding events (#13070).
* Set the annotation's visibility.
* @private
* @param {boolean} [visible]
* Whether to show or hide an annotation. If the param is omitted, the
* annotation's visibility is toggled.
setVisibility: function (visible) {
var options = this.options, visibility = pick(visible, !options.visible);
this.graphic.attr('visibility', visibility ? 'visible' : 'hidden');
if (!visibility) {
options.visible = visibility;
setControlPointsVisibility: function (visible) {
var setItemControlPointsVisibility = function (item) {
controllableMixin.setControlPointsVisibility.call(this, visible);
* Destroy the annotation. This function does not touch the chart
* that the annotation belongs to (all annotations are kept in
* the chart.annotations array) - it is recommended to use
* {@link Highcharts.Chart#removeAnnotation} instead.
* @private
destroy: function () {
var chart = this.chart, destroyItem = function (item) {
this.clipXAxis = null;
this.clipYAxis = null;
erase(chart.labelCollectors, this.labelCollector);
destroyObjectProperties(this, chart);
* See {@link Highcharts.Chart#removeAnnotation}.
* @private
remove: function () {
// Let chart.update() remove annoations on demand
return this.chart.removeAnnotation(this);
* Updates an annotation.
* @function Highcharts.Annotation#update
* @param {Partial<Highcharts.AnnotationsOptions>} userOptions
* New user options for the annotation.
* @return {void}
update: function (userOptions, redraw) {
var chart = this.chart, labelsAndShapes = this.getLabelsAndShapesOptions(this.userOptions, userOptions), userOptionsIndex = chart.annotations.indexOf(this), options = merge(true, this.userOptions, userOptions);
options.labels = labelsAndShapes.labels;
options.shapes = labelsAndShapes.shapes;
this.constructor(chart, options);
// Update options in chart options, used in exporting (#9767):
chart.options.annotations[userOptionsIndex] = options;
this.isUpdating = true;
if (pick(redraw, true)) {
fireEvent(this, 'afterUpdate');
this.isUpdating = false;
/* *************************************************************
* Contains methods for handling a single item in an annotation
**************************************************************** */
* Initialisation of a single shape
* @private
* @param {Object} shapeOptions - a confg object for a single shape
initShape: function (shapeOptions, index) {
var options = merge(this.options.shapeOptions, {
controlPointOptions: this.options.controlPointOptions
}, shapeOptions), shape = new Annotation.shapesMap[options.type](this, options, index);
shape.itemType = 'shape';
return shape;
* Initialisation of a single label
* @private
initLabel: function (labelOptions, index) {
var options = merge(this.options.labelOptions, {
controlPointOptions: this.options.controlPointOptions
}, labelOptions), label = new ControllableLabel(this, options, index);
label.itemType = 'label';
return label;
* Redraw a single item.
* @private
* @param {Annotation.Label|Annotation.Shape} item
* @param {boolean} [animation]
redrawItem: function (item, animation) {
if (!item.shouldBeDrawn()) {
else {
if (!item.graphic) {
item.redraw(pick(animation, true) && item.graphic.placed);
if (item.points.length) {
* Hide or show annotaiton attached to points.
* @private
* @param {Annotation.Label|Annotation.Shape} item
adjustVisibility: function (item) {
var hasVisiblePoints = false, label = item.graphic;
item.points.forEach(function (point) {
if (point.series.visible !== false &&
point.visible !== false) {
hasVisiblePoints = true;
if (!hasVisiblePoints) {
else if (label.visibility === 'hidden') {
* Destroy a single item.
* @private
* @param {Annotation.Label|Annotation.Shape} item
destroyItem: function (item) {
// erase from shapes or labels array
erase(this[item.itemType + 's'], item);
* @private
renderItem: function (item) {
item.render(item.itemType === 'label' ?
this.labelsGroup :
* An object uses for mapping between a shape type and a constructor.
* To add a new shape type extend this object with type name as a key
* and a constructor as its value.
Annotation.shapesMap = {
'rect': ControllableRect,
'circle': ControllableCircle,
'path': ControllablePath,
'image': ControllableImage
Annotation.types = {};
Annotation.MockPoint = MockPoint;
Annotation.ControlPoint = ControlPoint;
H.extendAnnotation = function (Constructor, BaseConstructor, prototype, defaultOptions) {
BaseConstructor = BaseConstructor || Annotation;
merge(true, Constructor.prototype, BaseConstructor.prototype, prototype);
Constructor.prototype.defaultOptions = merge(Constructor.prototype.defaultOptions, defaultOptions || {});
/* *********************************************************************
******************************************************************** */
extend(chartProto, /** @lends Highcharts.Chart# */ {
initAnnotation: function (userOptions) {
var Constructor = Annotation.types[userOptions.type] || Annotation, annotation = new Constructor(this, userOptions);
return annotation;
* Add an annotation to the chart after render time.
* @param {Highcharts.AnnotationsOptions} options
* The annotation options for the new, detailed annotation.
* @param {boolean} [redraw]
* @return {Highcharts.Annotation} - The newly generated annotation.
addAnnotation: function (userOptions, redraw) {
var annotation = this.initAnnotation(userOptions);
if (pick(redraw, true)) {
return annotation;
* Remove an annotation from the chart.
* @param {number|string|Highcharts.Annotation} idOrAnnotation
* The annotation's id or direct annotation object.
removeAnnotation: function (idOrAnnotation) {
var annotations = this.annotations, annotation = idOrAnnotation.coll === 'annotations' ?
idOrAnnotation :
find(annotations, function (annotation) {
return annotation.options.id === idOrAnnotation;
if (annotation) {
fireEvent(annotation, 'remove');
erase(this.options.annotations, annotation.options);
erase(annotations, annotation);
drawAnnotations: function () {
this.annotations.forEach(function (annotation) {
// Let chart.update() update annotations
// Let chart.update() create annoations on demand
chartProto.collectionsWithInit.annotations = [chartProto.addAnnotation];
chartProto.callbacks.push(function (chart) {
chart.annotations = [];
if (!chart.options.annotations) {
chart.options.annotations = [];
chart.plotBoxClip = this.renderer.clipRect(this.plotBox);
chart.controlPointsGroup = chart.renderer
.attr({ zIndex: 99 })
chart.options.annotations.forEach(function (annotationOptions, i) {
var annotation = chart.initAnnotation(annotationOptions);
chart.options.annotations[i] = annotation.options;
addEvent(chart, 'redraw', chart.drawAnnotations);
addEvent(chart, 'destroy', function () {
wrap(H.Pointer.prototype, 'onContainerMouseDown', function (proceed) {
if (!this.chart.hasDraggedAnnotation) {
proceed.apply(this, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1));
_registerModule(_modules, 'annotations/types/BasicAnnotation.js', [_modules['parts/Globals.js']], function (H) {
/* *
* */
var Annotation = H.Annotation;
/* eslint-disable no-invalid-this */
var BasicAnnotation = function () {
Annotation.apply(this, arguments);
H.extendAnnotation(BasicAnnotation, null, {
basicControlPoints: {
label: [{
symbol: 'triangle-down',
positioner: function (target) {
if (!target.graphic.placed) {
return {
x: 0,
y: -9e7
var xy = H.Annotation.MockPoint
return {
x: xy.x - this.graphic.width / 2,
y: xy.y - this.graphic.height / 2
events: {
drag: function (e, target) {
var xy = this.mouseMoveToTranslation(e);
target.translatePoint(xy.x, xy.y);
target.annotation.userOptions.labels[0].point =
}, {
symbol: 'square',
positioner: function (target) {
if (!target.graphic.placed) {
return {
x: 0,
y: -9e7
return {
x: target.graphic.alignAttr.x -
this.graphic.width / 2,
y: target.graphic.alignAttr.y -
this.graphic.height / 2
events: {
drag: function (e, target) {
var xy = this.mouseMoveToTranslation(e);
target.translate(xy.x, xy.y);
target.annotation.userOptions.labels[0].point =
rectangle: [{
positioner: function (annotation) {
var xy = H.Annotation.MockPoint
return {
x: xy.x - 4,
y: xy.y - 4
events: {
drag: function (e, target) {
var annotation = target.annotation, coords = this.chart.pointer.getCoordinates(e), x = coords.xAxis[0].value, y = coords.yAxis[0].value, points = target.options.points;
// Top right point
points[1].x = x;
// Bottom right point (cursor position)
points[2].x = x;
points[2].y = y;
// Bottom left
points[3].y = y;
annotation.userOptions.shapes[0].points =
circle: [{
positioner: function (target) {
var xy = H.Annotation.MockPoint.pointToPixels(target.points[0]), r = target.options.r;
return {
x: xy.x + r * Math.cos(Math.PI / 4) -
this.graphic.width / 2,
y: xy.y + r * Math.sin(Math.PI / 4) -
this.graphic.height / 2
events: {
drag: function (e, target) {
var annotation = target.annotation, position = this.mouseMoveToTranslation(e);
target.setRadius(Math.max(target.options.r +
position.y /
Math.sin(Math.PI / 4), 5));
annotation.userOptions.shapes[0].r = target.options.r;
annotation.userOptions.shapes[0].point =
addControlPoints: function () {
var options = this.options, controlPoints = this.basicControlPoints, langKey = options.langKey, optionsGroup = options.labels || options.shapes;
optionsGroup.forEach(function (group) {
if (langKey) {
group.controlPoints = controlPoints[langKey];
Annotation.types.basicAnnotation = BasicAnnotation;
return BasicAnnotation;
_registerModule(_modules, 'annotations/types/CrookedLine.js', [_modules['parts/Globals.js'], _modules['parts/Utilities.js']], function (H, U) {
/* *
* */
var merge = U.merge;
var Annotation = H.Annotation, MockPoint = Annotation.MockPoint, ControlPoint = Annotation.ControlPoint;
/* eslint-disable no-invalid-this, valid-jsdoc */
var CrookedLine = function () {
Annotation.apply(this, arguments);
H.extendAnnotation(CrookedLine, null, {
* Overrides default setter to get axes from typeOptions.
* @private
setClipAxes: function () {
this.clipXAxis = this.chart.xAxis[this.options.typeOptions.xAxis];
this.clipYAxis = this.chart.yAxis[this.options.typeOptions.yAxis];
getPointsOptions: function () {
var typeOptions = this.options.typeOptions;
return typeOptions.points.map(function (pointOptions) {
pointOptions.xAxis = typeOptions.xAxis;
pointOptions.yAxis = typeOptions.yAxis;
return pointOptions;
getControlPointsOptions: function () {
return this.getPointsOptions();
addControlPoints: function () {
this.getControlPointsOptions().forEach(function (pointOptions, i) {
var controlPoint = new ControlPoint(this.chart, this, merge(this.options.controlPointOptions, pointOptions.controlPoint), i);
pointOptions.controlPoint = controlPoint.options;
}, this);
addShapes: function () {
var typeOptions = this.options.typeOptions, shape = this.initShape(merge(typeOptions.line, {
type: 'path',
points: this.points.map(function (_point, i) {
return function (target) {
return target.annotation.points[i];
}), false);
typeOptions.line = shape.options;
* A crooked line annotation.
* @sample highcharts/annotations-advanced/crooked-line/
* Crooked line
* @product highstock
* @optionparent annotations.crookedLine
* @extends annotations.labelOptions
* @apioption annotations.crookedLine.labelOptions
* @extends annotations.shapeOptions
* @apioption annotations.crookedLine.shapeOptions
* Additional options for an annotation with the type.
typeOptions: {
* This number defines which xAxis the point is connected to.
* It refers to either the axis id or the index of the axis
* in the xAxis array.
xAxis: 0,
* This number defines which yAxis the point is connected to.
* It refers to either the axis id or the index of the axis
* in the xAxis array.
yAxis: 0,
* @type {Array<*>}
* @apioption annotations.crookedLine.typeOptions.points
* The x position of the point.
* @type {number}
* @apioption annotations.crookedLine.typeOptions.points.x
* The y position of the point.
* @type {number}
* @apioption annotations.crookedLine.typeOptions.points.y
* @type {number}
* @excluding positioner, events
* @apioption annotations.crookedLine.typeOptions.points.controlPoint
* Line options.
* @excluding height, point, points, r, type, width
line: {
fill: 'none'
* @excluding positioner, events
controlPointOptions: {
positioner: function (target) {
var graphic = this.graphic, xy = MockPoint.pointToPixels(target.points[this.index]);
return {
x: xy.x - graphic.width / 2,
y: xy.y - graphic.height / 2
events: {
drag: function (e, target) {
if (target.chart.isInsidePlot(e.chartX - target.chart.plotLeft, e.chartY - target.chart.plotTop)) {
var translation = this.mouseMoveToTranslation(e);
target.translatePoint(translation.x, translation.y, this.index);
// Update options:
target.options.typeOptions.points[this.index].x = target.points[this.index].x;
target.options.typeOptions.points[this.index].y = target.points[this.index].y;
Annotation.types.crookedLine = CrookedLine;
return CrookedLine;
_registerModule(_modules, 'annotations/types/ElliottWave.js', [_modules['parts/Globals.js'], _modules['parts/Utilities.js']], function (H, U) {
/* *
* */
var merge = U.merge;
var Annotation = H.Annotation, CrookedLine = Annotation.types.crookedLine;
/* eslint-disable no-invalid-this, valid-jsdoc */
var ElliottWave = function () {
CrookedLine.apply(this, arguments);
H.extendAnnotation(ElliottWave, CrookedLine, {
addLabels: function () {
this.getPointsOptions().forEach(function (point, i) {
var label = this.initLabel(merge(point.label, {
text: this.options.typeOptions.labels[i],
point: function (target) {
return target.annotation.points[i];
}), false);
point.label = label.options;
}, this);
* An elliott wave annotation.
* @sample highcharts/annotations-advanced/elliott-wave/
* Elliott wave
* @extends annotations.crookedLine
* @product highstock
* @optionparent annotations.elliottWave
typeOptions: {
* @extends annotations.crookedLine.labelOptions
* @apioption annotations.elliottWave.typeOptions.points.label
* @ignore-options
labels: ['(0)', '(A)', '(B)', '(C)', '(D)', '(E)'],
line: {
strokeWidth: 1
labelOptions: {
align: 'center',
allowOverlap: true,
crop: true,
overflow: 'none',
type: 'rect',
backgroundColor: 'none',
borderWidth: 0,
y: -5
Annotation.types.elliottWave = ElliottWave;
return ElliottWave;
_registerModule(_modules, 'annotations/types/Tunnel.js', [_modules['parts/Globals.js'], _modules['parts/Utilities.js']], function (H, U) {
/* *
* */
var merge = U.merge;
var Annotation = H.Annotation, CrookedLine = Annotation.types.crookedLine, ControlPoint = Annotation.ControlPoint, MockPoint = Annotation.MockPoint;
/* eslint-disable no-invalid-this, valid-jsdoc */
* @private
function getSecondCoordinate(p1, p2, x) {
return (p2.y - p1.y) / (p2.x - p1.x) * (x - p1.x) + p1.y;
var Tunnel = function () {
CrookedLine.apply(this, arguments);
H.extendAnnotation(Tunnel, CrookedLine, {
getPointsOptions: function () {
var pointsOptions = CrookedLine.prototype.getPointsOptions.call(this);
pointsOptions[2] = this.heightPointOptions(pointsOptions[1]);
pointsOptions[3] = this.heightPointOptions(pointsOptions[0]);
return pointsOptions;
getControlPointsOptions: function () {
return this.getPointsOptions().slice(0, 2);
heightPointOptions: function (pointOptions) {
var heightPointOptions = merge(pointOptions);
heightPointOptions.y += this.options.typeOptions.height;
return heightPointOptions;
addControlPoints: function () {
var options = this.options, controlPoint = new ControlPoint(this.chart, this, merge(options.controlPointOptions, options.typeOptions.heightControlPoint), 2);
options.typeOptions.heightControlPoint = controlPoint.options;
addShapes: function () {
addLine: function () {
var line = this.initShape(merge(this.options.typeOptions.line, {
type: 'path',
points: [
function (target) {
var pointOptions = MockPoint.pointToOptions(target.annotation.points[2]);
pointOptions.command = 'M';
return pointOptions;
}), false);
this.options.typeOptions.line = line.options;
addBackground: function () {
var background = this.initShape(merge(this.options.typeOptions.background, {
type: 'path',
points: this.points.slice()
this.options.typeOptions.background = background.options;
* Translate start or end ("left" or "right") side of the tunnel.
* @private
* @param {number} dx - the amount of x translation
* @param {number} dy - the amount of y translation
* @param {boolean} [end] - whether to translate start or end side
translateSide: function (dx, dy, end) {
var topIndex = Number(end), bottomIndex = topIndex === 0 ? 3 : 2;
this.translatePoint(dx, dy, topIndex);
this.translatePoint(dx, dy, bottomIndex);
* Translate height of the tunnel.
* @private
* @param {number} dh - the amount of height translation
translateHeight: function (dh) {
this.translatePoint(0, dh, 2);
this.translatePoint(0, dh, 3);
this.options.typeOptions.height = this.points[3].y - this.points[0].y;
* A tunnel annotation.
* @extends annotations.crookedLine
* @sample highcharts/annotations-advanced/tunnel/
* Tunnel
* @product highstock
* @optionparent annotations.tunnel
typeOptions: {
xAxis: 0,
yAxis: 0,
* Background options.
* @type {Object}
* @excluding height, point, points, r, type, width, markerEnd,
* markerStart
background: {
fill: 'rgba(130, 170, 255, 0.4)',
strokeWidth: 0
line: {
strokeWidth: 1
* The height of the annotation in terms of yAxis.
height: -2,
* Options for the control point which controls
* the annotation's height.
* @extends annotations.crookedLine.controlPointOptions
* @excluding positioner, events
heightControlPoint: {
positioner: function (target) {
var startXY = MockPoint.pointToPixels(target.points[2]), endXY = MockPoint.pointToPixels(target.points[3]), x = (startXY.x + endXY.x) / 2;
return {
x: x - this.graphic.width / 2,
y: getSecondCoordinate(startXY, endXY, x) -
this.graphic.height / 2
events: {
drag: function (e, target) {
if (target.chart.isInsidePlot(e.chartX - target.chart.plotLeft, e.chartY - target.chart.plotTop)) {
* @extends annotations.crookedLine.controlPointOptions
* @excluding positioner, events
controlPointOptions: {
events: {
drag: function (e, target) {
if (target.chart.isInsidePlot(e.chartX - target.chart.plotLeft, e.chartY - target.chart.plotTop)) {
var translation = this.mouseMoveToTranslation(e);
target.translateSide(translation.x, translation.y, this.index);
Annotation.types.tunnel = Tunnel;
return Tunnel;
_registerModule(_modules, 'annotations/types/InfinityLine.js', [_modules['parts/Globals.js'], _modules['parts/Utilities.js']], function (H, U) {
/* *
* */
var merge = U.merge;
var Annotation = H.Annotation, MockPoint = Annotation.MockPoint, CrookedLine = Annotation.types.crookedLine;
/* eslint-disable no-invalid-this, valid-jsdoc */
var InfinityLine = function () {
CrookedLine.apply(this, arguments);
InfinityLine.findEdgeCoordinate = function (firstPoint, secondPoint, xOrY, edgePointFirstCoordinate) {
var xOrYOpposite = xOrY === 'x' ? 'y' : 'x';
// solves equation for x or y
// y - y1 = (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1) * (x - x1)
return ((secondPoint[xOrY] - firstPoint[xOrY]) *
(edgePointFirstCoordinate - firstPoint[xOrYOpposite]) /
(secondPoint[xOrYOpposite] - firstPoint[xOrYOpposite]) +
InfinityLine.findEdgePoint = function (firstPoint, secondPoint) {
var xAxis = firstPoint.series.xAxis, yAxis = secondPoint.series.yAxis, firstPointPixels = MockPoint.pointToPixels(firstPoint), secondPointPixels = MockPoint.pointToPixels(secondPoint), deltaX = secondPointPixels.x - firstPointPixels.x, deltaY = secondPointPixels.y - firstPointPixels.y, xAxisMin = xAxis.left, xAxisMax = xAxisMin + xAxis.width, yAxisMin = yAxis.top, yAxisMax = yAxisMin + yAxis.height, xLimit = deltaX < 0 ? xAxisMin : xAxisMax, yLimit = deltaY < 0 ? yAxisMin : yAxisMax, edgePoint = {
x: deltaX === 0 ? firstPointPixels.x : xLimit,
y: deltaY === 0 ? firstPointPixels.y : yLimit
}, edgePointX, edgePointY, swap;
if (deltaX !== 0 && deltaY !== 0) {
edgePointY = InfinityLine.findEdgeCoordinate(firstPointPixels, secondPointPixels, 'y', xLimit);
edgePointX = InfinityLine.findEdgeCoordinate(firstPointPixels, secondPointPixels, 'x', yLimit);
if (edgePointY >= yAxisMin && edgePointY <= yAxisMax) {
edgePoint.x = xLimit;
edgePoint.y = edgePointY;
else {
edgePoint.x = edgePointX;
edgePoint.y = yLimit;
edgePoint.x -= xAxisMin;
edgePoint.y -= yAxisMin;
if (firstPoint.series.chart.inverted) {
swap = edgePoint.x;
edgePoint.x = edgePoint.y;
edgePoint.y = swap;
return edgePoint;
var edgePoint = function (startIndex, endIndex) {
return function (target) {
var annotation = target.annotation, points = annotation.points, type = annotation.options.typeOptions.type;
if (type === 'horizontalLine') {
// Horizontal line has only one point,
// make a copy of it:
points = [
new MockPoint(annotation.chart, points[0].target, {
x: points[0].x + 1,
y: points[0].y,
xAxis: points[0].options.xAxis,
yAxis: points[0].options.yAxis
else if (type === 'verticalLine') {
// The same for verticalLine type:
points = [
new MockPoint(annotation.chart, points[0].target, {
x: points[0].x,
y: points[0].y + 1,
xAxis: points[0].options.xAxis,
yAxis: points[0].options.yAxis
return InfinityLine.findEdgePoint(points[startIndex], points[endIndex]);
InfinityLine.endEdgePoint = edgePoint(0, 1);
InfinityLine.startEdgePoint = edgePoint(1, 0);
H.extendAnnotation(InfinityLine, CrookedLine, {
addShapes: function () {
var typeOptions = this.options.typeOptions, points = [
if (typeOptions.type.match(/Line/g)) {
points[0] = InfinityLine.startEdgePoint;
var line = this.initShape(merge(typeOptions.line, {
type: 'path',
points: points
}), false);
typeOptions.line = line.options;
* An infinity line annotation.
* @sample highcharts/annotations-advanced/infinity-line/
* Infinity Line
* @extends annotations.crookedLine
* @product highstock
* @apioption annotations.infinityLine
Annotation.types.infinityLine = InfinityLine;
return InfinityLine;
_registerModule(_modules, 'annotations/types/Fibonacci.js', [_modules['parts/Globals.js'], _modules['parts/Utilities.js']], function (H, U) {
/* *
* */
var merge = U.merge;
var Annotation = H.Annotation, MockPoint = Annotation.MockPoint, Tunnel = Annotation.types.tunnel;
/* eslint-disable no-invalid-this, valid-jsdoc */
var createPathDGenerator = function (retracementIndex, isBackground) {
return function () {
var annotation = this.annotation, leftTop = this.anchor(annotation.startRetracements[retracementIndex]).absolutePosition, rightTop = this.anchor(annotation.endRetracements[retracementIndex]).absolutePosition, d = [
['M', Math.round(leftTop.x), Math.round(leftTop.y)],
['L', Math.round(rightTop.x), Math.round(rightTop.y)]
], rightBottom, leftBottom;
if (isBackground) {
rightBottom = this.anchor(annotation.endRetracements[retracementIndex - 1]).absolutePosition;
leftBottom = this.anchor(annotation.startRetracements[retracementIndex - 1]).absolutePosition;
d.push(['L', Math.round(rightBottom.x), Math.round(rightBottom.y)], ['L', Math.round(leftBottom.x), Math.round(leftBottom.y)]);
return d;
var Fibonacci = function () {
this.startRetracements = [];
this.endRetracements = [];
Tunnel.apply(this, arguments);
Fibonacci.levels = [0, 0.236, 0.382, 0.5, 0.618, 0.786, 1];
H.extendAnnotation(Fibonacci, Tunnel, {
linkPoints: function () {
linkRetracementsPoints: function () {
var points = this.points, startDiff = points[0].y - points[3].y, endDiff = points[1].y - points[2].y, startX = points[0].x, endX = points[1].x;
Fibonacci.levels.forEach(function (level, i) {
var startRetracement = points[0].y - startDiff * level, endRetracement = points[1].y - endDiff * level;
this.linkRetracementPoint(i, startX, startRetracement, this.startRetracements);
this.linkRetracementPoint(i, endX, endRetracement, this.endRetracements);
}, this);
linkRetracementPoint: function (pointIndex, x, y, retracements) {
var point = retracements[pointIndex], typeOptions = this.options.typeOptions;
if (!point) {
retracements[pointIndex] = new MockPoint(this.chart, this, {
x: x,
y: y,
xAxis: typeOptions.xAxis,
yAxis: typeOptions.yAxis
else {
point.options.x = x;
point.options.y = y;
addShapes: function () {
Fibonacci.levels.forEach(function (_level, i) {
type: 'path',
d: createPathDGenerator(i)
}, false);
if (i > 0) {
type: 'path',
fill: this.options.typeOptions.backgroundColors[i - 1],
strokeWidth: 0,
d: createPathDGenerator(i, true)
}, this);
addLabels: function () {
Fibonacci.levels.forEach(function (level, i) {
var options = this.options.typeOptions, label = this.initLabel(merge(options.labels[i], {
point: function (target) {
var point = MockPoint.pointToOptions(target.annotation.startRetracements[i]);
return point;
text: level.toString()
options.labels[i] = label.options;
}, this);
* A fibonacci annotation.
* @sample highcharts/annotations-advanced/fibonacci/
* Fibonacci
* @extends annotations.crookedLine
* @product highstock
* @optionparent annotations.fibonacci
typeOptions: {
* The height of the fibonacci in terms of yAxis.
height: 2,
* An array of background colors:
* Default to:
* ```
* [
* 'rgba(130, 170, 255, 0.4)',
* 'rgba(139, 191, 216, 0.4)',
* 'rgba(150, 216, 192, 0.4)',
* 'rgba(156, 229, 161, 0.4)',
* 'rgba(162, 241, 130, 0.4)',
* 'rgba(169, 255, 101, 0.4)'
* ]
* ```
backgroundColors: [
'rgba(130, 170, 255, 0.4)',
'rgba(139, 191, 216, 0.4)',
'rgba(150, 216, 192, 0.4)',
'rgba(156, 229, 161, 0.4)',
'rgba(162, 241, 130, 0.4)',
'rgba(169, 255, 101, 0.4)'
* The color of line.
lineColor: 'grey',
* An array of colors for the lines.
lineColors: [],
* An array with options for the labels.
* @type {Array<*>}
* @extends annotations.crookedLine.labelOptions
* @apioption annotations.fibonacci.typeOptions.labels
labels: []
labelOptions: {
allowOverlap: true,
align: 'right',
backgroundColor: 'none',
borderWidth: 0,
crop: false,
overflow: 'none',
shape: 'rect',
style: {
color: 'grey'
verticalAlign: 'middle',
y: 0
Annotation.types.fibonacci = Fibonacci;
return Fibonacci;
_registerModule(_modules, 'annotations/types/Pitchfork.js', [_modules['parts/Globals.js'], _modules['parts/Utilities.js']], function (H, U) {
/* *
* */
var merge = U.merge;
var Annotation = H.Annotation, MockPoint = Annotation.MockPoint, InfinityLine = Annotation.types.infinityLine;
/* eslint-disable no-invalid-this, valid-jsdoc */
var Pitchfork = function () {
InfinityLine.apply(this, arguments);
Pitchfork.findEdgePoint = function (point, firstAnglePoint, secondAnglePoint) {
var angle = Math.atan2(secondAnglePoint.plotY - firstAnglePoint.plotY, secondAnglePoint.plotX - firstAnglePoint.plotX), distance = 1e7;
return {
x: point.plotX + distance * Math.cos(angle),
y: point.plotY + distance * Math.sin(angle)
Pitchfork.middleLineEdgePoint = function (target) {
var annotation = target.annotation, points = annotation.points;
return InfinityLine.findEdgePoint(points[0], new MockPoint(annotation.chart, target, annotation.midPointOptions()));
var outerLineEdgePoint = function (firstPointIndex) {
return function (target) {
var annotation = target.annotation, points = annotation.points;
return Pitchfork.findEdgePoint(points[firstPointIndex], points[0], new MockPoint(annotation.chart, target, annotation.midPointOptions()));
Pitchfork.topLineEdgePoint = outerLineEdgePoint(1);
Pitchfork.bottomLineEdgePoint = outerLineEdgePoint(0);
H.extendAnnotation(Pitchfork, InfinityLine, {
midPointOptions: function () {
var points = this.points;
return {
x: (points[1].x + points[2].x) / 2,
y: (points[1].y + points[2].y) / 2,
xAxis: points[0].series.xAxis,
yAxis: points[0].series.yAxis
addShapes: function () {
addLines: function () {
type: 'path',
points: [
}, false);
type: 'path',
points: [
}, false);
type: 'path',
points: [
}, false);
addBackgrounds: function () {
var shapes = this.shapes, typeOptions = this.options.typeOptions;
var innerBackground = this.initShape(merge(typeOptions.innerBackground, {
type: 'path',
points: [
function (target) {
var annotation = target.annotation, points = annotation.points, midPointOptions = annotation.midPointOptions();
return {
x: (points[1].x + midPointOptions.x) / 2,
y: (points[1].y + midPointOptions.y) / 2,
xAxis: midPointOptions.xAxis,
yAxis: midPointOptions.yAxis
function (target) {
var annotation = target.annotation, points = annotation.points, midPointOptions = annotation.midPointOptions();
return {
x: (midPointOptions.x + points[2].x) / 2,
y: (midPointOptions.y + points[2].y) / 2,
xAxis: midPointOptions.xAxis,
yAxis: midPointOptions.yAxis
var outerBackground = this.initShape(merge(typeOptions.outerBackground, {
type: 'path',
points: [
typeOptions.innerBackground = innerBackground.options;
typeOptions.outerBackground = outerBackground.options;
* A pitchfork annotation.
* @sample highcharts/annotations-advanced/pitchfork/
* Pitchfork
* @extends annotations.infinityLine
* @product highstock
* @optionparent annotations.pitchfork
typeOptions: {
* Inner background options.
* @extends annotations.crookedLine.shapeOptions
* @excluding height, r, type, width
innerBackground: {
fill: 'rgba(130, 170, 255, 0.4)',
strokeWidth: 0
* Outer background options.
* @extends annotations.crookedLine.shapeOptions
* @excluding height, r, type, width
outerBackground: {
fill: 'rgba(156, 229, 161, 0.4)',
strokeWidth: 0
Annotation.types.pitchfork = Pitchfork;
return Pitchfork;
_registerModule(_modules, 'annotations/types/VerticalLine.js', [_modules['parts/Globals.js'], _modules['parts/Utilities.js']], function (H, U) {
/* *
* */
var merge = U.merge;
var Annotation = H.Annotation, MockPoint = Annotation.MockPoint;
/* eslint-disable no-invalid-this, valid-jsdoc */
var VerticalLine = function () {
H.Annotation.apply(this, arguments);
VerticalLine.connectorFirstPoint = function (target) {
var annotation = target.annotation, point = annotation.points[0], xy = MockPoint.pointToPixels(point, true), y = xy.y, offset = annotation.options.typeOptions.label.offset;
if (annotation.chart.inverted) {
y = xy.x;
return {
x: point.x,
xAxis: point.series.xAxis,
y: y + offset
VerticalLine.connectorSecondPoint = function (target) {
var annotation = target.annotation, typeOptions = annotation.options.typeOptions, point = annotation.points[0], yOffset = typeOptions.yOffset, xy = MockPoint.pointToPixels(point, true), y = xy[annotation.chart.inverted ? 'x' : 'y'];
if (typeOptions.label.offset < 0) {
yOffset *= -1;
return {
x: point.x,
xAxis: point.series.xAxis,
y: y + yOffset
H.extendAnnotation(VerticalLine, null, {
getPointsOptions: function () {
return [this.options.typeOptions.point];
addShapes: function () {
var typeOptions = this.options.typeOptions, connector = this.initShape(merge(typeOptions.connector, {
type: 'path',
points: [
}), false);
typeOptions.connector = connector.options;
addLabels: function () {
var typeOptions = this.options.typeOptions, labelOptions = typeOptions.label, x = 0, y = labelOptions.offset, verticalAlign = labelOptions.offset < 0 ? 'bottom' : 'top', align = 'center';
if (this.chart.inverted) {
x = labelOptions.offset;
y = 0;
verticalAlign = 'middle';
align = labelOptions.offset < 0 ? 'right' : 'left';
var label = this.initLabel(merge(labelOptions, {
verticalAlign: verticalAlign,
align: align,
x: x,
y: y
typeOptions.label = label.options;
* A vertical line annotation.
* @sample highcharts/annotations-advanced/vertical-line/
* Vertical line
* @extends annotations.crookedLine
* @excluding labels, shapes, controlPointOptions
* @product highstock
* @optionparent annotations.verticalLine
typeOptions: {
* @ignore
yOffset: 10,
* Label options.
* @extends annotations.crookedLine.labelOptions
label: {
offset: -40,
point: function (target) {
return target.annotation.points[0];
allowOverlap: true,
backgroundColor: 'none',
borderWidth: 0,
crop: true,
overflow: 'none',
shape: 'rect',
text: '{y:.2f}'
* Connector options.
* @extends annotations.crookedLine.shapeOptions
* @excluding height, r, type, width
connector: {
strokeWidth: 1,
markerEnd: 'arrow'
Annotation.types.verticalLine = VerticalLine;
return VerticalLine;
_registerModule(_modules, 'annotations/types/Measure.js', [_modules['parts/Globals.js'], _modules['parts/Utilities.js']], function (H, U) {
/* *
* */
var extend = U.extend, isNumber = U.isNumber, merge = U.merge;
var Annotation = H.Annotation, ControlPoint = Annotation.ControlPoint;
/* eslint-disable no-invalid-this, valid-jsdoc */
var Measure = function () {
Annotation.apply(this, arguments);
Annotation.types.measure = Measure;
H.extendAnnotation(Measure, null, {
* Init annotation object.
* @private
init: function () {
Annotation.prototype.init.apply(this, arguments);
this.offsetX = 0;
this.offsetY = 0;
this.resizeX = 0;
this.resizeY = 0;
* Overrides default setter to get axes from typeOptions.
* @private
setClipAxes: function () {
this.clipXAxis = this.chart.xAxis[this.options.typeOptions.xAxis];
this.clipYAxis = this.chart.yAxis[this.options.typeOptions.yAxis];
* Get measure points configuration objects.
* @private
* @return {Array<Highcharts.AnnotationMockPointOptionsObject>}
pointsOptions: function () {
return this.options.points;
* Get points configuration objects for shapes.
* @private
* @return {Array<Highcharts.AnnotationMockPointOptionsObject>}
shapePointsOptions: function () {
var options = this.options.typeOptions, xAxis = options.xAxis, yAxis = options.yAxis;
return [
x: this.xAxisMin,
y: this.yAxisMin,
xAxis: xAxis,
yAxis: yAxis
x: this.xAxisMax,
y: this.yAxisMin,
xAxis: xAxis,
yAxis: yAxis
x: this.xAxisMax,
y: this.yAxisMax,
xAxis: xAxis,
yAxis: yAxis
x: this.xAxisMin,
y: this.yAxisMax,
xAxis: xAxis,
yAxis: yAxis
addControlPoints: function () {
var selectType = this.options.typeOptions.selectType, controlPoint;
controlPoint = new ControlPoint(this.chart, this, this.options.controlPointOptions, 0);
// add extra controlPoint for horizontal and vertical range
if (selectType !== 'xy') {
controlPoint = new ControlPoint(this.chart, this, this.options.controlPointOptions, 1);
* Add label with calculated values (min, max, average, bins).
* @private
* @param {boolean} [resize]
* The flag for resize shape
addValues: function (resize) {
var typeOptions = this.options.typeOptions, formatter = typeOptions.label.formatter;
// set xAxisMin, xAxisMax, yAxisMin, yAxisMax
this.calculations.recalculate.call(this, resize);
if (!typeOptions.label.enabled) {
if (this.labels.length > 0) {
this.labels[0].text = (formatter && formatter.call(this)) ||
else {
shape: 'rect',
backgroundColor: 'none',
color: 'black',
borderWidth: 0,
dashStyle: 'dash',
overflow: 'none',
align: 'left',
vertical: 'top',
crop: true,
point: function (target) {
var annotation = target.annotation, chart = annotation.chart, inverted = chart.inverted, xAxis = chart.xAxis[typeOptions.xAxis], yAxis = chart.yAxis[typeOptions.yAxis], top = chart.plotTop, left = chart.plotLeft;
return {
x: (inverted ? top : 10) +
xAxis.toPixels(annotation.xAxisMin, !inverted),
y: (inverted ? -left + 10 : top) +
text: (formatter && formatter.call(this)) ||
}, typeOptions.label));
* Crosshair, background (rect).
* @private
addShapes: function () {
* Add background shape.
* @private
addBackground: function () {
var shapePoints = this.shapePointsOptions();
if (typeof shapePoints[0].x === 'undefined') {
type: 'path',
points: this.shapePointsOptions()
}, this.options.typeOptions.background), false);
* Add internal crosshair shapes (on top and bottom).
* @private
addCrosshairs: function () {
var chart = this.chart, options = this.options.typeOptions, point = this.options.typeOptions.point, xAxis = chart.xAxis[options.xAxis], yAxis = chart.yAxis[options.yAxis], inverted = chart.inverted, xAxisMin = xAxis.toPixels(this.xAxisMin), xAxisMax = xAxis.toPixels(this.xAxisMax), yAxisMin = yAxis.toPixels(this.yAxisMin), yAxisMax = yAxis.toPixels(this.yAxisMax), defaultOptions = {
point: point,
type: 'path'
}, pathH = [], pathV = [], crosshairOptionsX, crosshairOptionsY, temp;
if (inverted) {
temp = xAxisMin;
xAxisMin = yAxisMin;
yAxisMin = temp;
temp = xAxisMax;
xAxisMax = yAxisMax;
yAxisMax = temp;
// horizontal line
if (options.crosshairX.enabled) {
pathH = [[
yAxisMin + ((yAxisMax - yAxisMin) / 2)
], [
yAxisMin + ((yAxisMax - yAxisMin) / 2)
// vertical line
if (options.crosshairY.enabled) {
pathV = [[
xAxisMin + ((xAxisMax - xAxisMin) / 2),
], [
xAxisMin + ((xAxisMax - xAxisMin) / 2),
// Update existed crosshair
if (this.shapes.length > 0) {
this.shapes[0].options.d = pathH;
this.shapes[1].options.d = pathV;
else {
// Add new crosshairs
crosshairOptionsX = merge(defaultOptions, options.crosshairX);
crosshairOptionsY = merge(defaultOptions, options.crosshairY);
d: pathH
}, crosshairOptionsX), false);
d: pathV
}, crosshairOptionsY), false);
onDrag: function (e) {
var translation = this.mouseMoveToTranslation(e), selectType = this.options.typeOptions.selectType, x = selectType === 'y' ? 0 : translation.x, y = selectType === 'x' ? 0 : translation.y;
this.translate(x, y);
this.offsetX += x;
this.offsetY += y;
// animation, resize, setStartPoints
this.redraw(false, false, true);
* Translate start or end ("left" or "right") side of the measure.
* Update start points (startXMin, startXMax, startYMin, startYMax)
* @private
* @param {number} dx - the amount of x translation
* @param {number} dy - the amount of y translation
* @param {number} cpIndex - index of control point
* @param {Highcharts.AnnotationDraggableValue} selectType - x / y / xy
resize: function (dx, dy, cpIndex, selectType) {
// background shape
var bckShape = this.shapes[2];
if (selectType === 'x') {
if (cpIndex === 0) {
bckShape.translatePoint(dx, 0, 0);
bckShape.translatePoint(dx, dy, 3);
else {
bckShape.translatePoint(dx, 0, 1);
bckShape.translatePoint(dx, dy, 2);
else if (selectType === 'y') {
if (cpIndex === 0) {
bckShape.translatePoint(0, dy, 0);
bckShape.translatePoint(0, dy, 1);
else {
bckShape.translatePoint(0, dy, 2);
bckShape.translatePoint(0, dy, 3);
else {
bckShape.translatePoint(dx, 0, 1);
bckShape.translatePoint(dx, dy, 2);
bckShape.translatePoint(0, dy, 3);
.call(this, false, true, cpIndex, dx, dy);
this.options.typeOptions.background.height = Math.abs(this.startYMax - this.startYMin);
this.options.typeOptions.background.width = Math.abs(this.startXMax - this.startXMin);
* Redraw event which render elements and update start points if needed.
* @private
* @param {boolean} animation
* @param {boolean} [resize] - flag if resized
* @param {boolean} [setStartPoints] - update position of start points
redraw: function (animation, resize, setStartPoints) {
if (!this.graphic) {
if (setStartPoints) {
this.calculations.updateStartPoints.call(this, true, false);
// #11174 - clipBox was not recalculate during resize / redraw
if (this.clipRect) {
this.redrawItems(this.shapes, animation);
this.redrawItems(this.labels, animation);
// redraw control point to run positioner
this.controlPoints.forEach(function (controlPoint) {
translate: function (dx, dy) {
this.shapes.forEach(function (item) {
item.translate(dx, dy);
this.options.typeOptions.point.x = this.startXMin;
this.options.typeOptions.point.y = this.startYMin;
calculations: {
* Set starting points
* @private
init: function () {
var options = this.options.typeOptions, chart = this.chart, getPointPos = this.calculations.getPointPos, inverted = chart.inverted, xAxis = chart.xAxis[options.xAxis], yAxis = chart.yAxis[options.yAxis], bck = options.background, width = inverted ? bck.height : bck.width, height = inverted ? bck.width : bck.height, selectType = options.selectType, top = inverted ? chart.plotLeft : chart.plotTop, left = inverted ? chart.plotTop : chart.plotLeft;
this.startXMin = options.point.x;
this.startYMin = options.point.y;
if (isNumber(width)) {
this.startXMax = this.startXMin + width;
else {
this.startXMax = getPointPos(xAxis, this.startXMin, parseFloat(width));
if (isNumber(height)) {
this.startYMax = this.startYMin - height;
else {
this.startYMax = getPointPos(yAxis, this.startYMin, parseFloat(height));
// x / y selection type
if (selectType === 'x') {
this.startYMin = yAxis.toValue(top);
this.startYMax = yAxis.toValue(top + yAxis.len);
else if (selectType === 'y') {
this.startXMin = xAxis.toValue(left);
this.startXMax = xAxis.toValue(left + xAxis.len);
* Set current xAxisMin, xAxisMax, yAxisMin, yAxisMax.
* Calculations of measure values (min, max, average, bins).
* @private
* @param {boolean} [resize]
* Flag if shape is resized.
recalculate: function (resize) {
var calc = this.calculations, options = this.options.typeOptions, xAxis = this.chart.xAxis[options.xAxis], yAxis = this.chart.yAxis[options.yAxis], getPointPos = this.calculations.getPointPos, offsetX = this.offsetX, offsetY = this.offsetY;
this.xAxisMin = getPointPos(xAxis, this.startXMin, offsetX);
this.xAxisMax = getPointPos(xAxis, this.startXMax, offsetX);
this.yAxisMin = getPointPos(yAxis, this.startYMin, offsetY);
this.yAxisMax = getPointPos(yAxis, this.startYMax, offsetY);
this.min = calc.min.call(this);
this.max = calc.max.call(this);
this.average = calc.average.call(this);
this.bins = calc.bins.call(this);
if (resize) {
this.resize(0, 0);
* Set current xAxisMin, xAxisMax, yAxisMin, yAxisMax.
* Calculations of measure values (min, max, average, bins).
* @private
* @param {Highcharts.Axis} axis
* X or y axis reference
* @param {number} value
* Point's value (x or y)
* @param {number} offset
* Amount of pixels
getPointPos: function (axis, value, offset) {
return axis.toValue(axis.toPixels(value) + offset);
* Update position of start points
* (startXMin, startXMax, startYMin, startYMax)
* @private
* @param {boolean} redraw
* Flag if shape is redraw
* @param {boolean} resize
* Flag if shape is resized
* @param {number} cpIndex
* Index of controlPoint
updateStartPoints: function (redraw, resize, cpIndex, dx, dy) {
var options = this.options.typeOptions, selectType = options.selectType, xAxis = this.chart.xAxis[options.xAxis], yAxis = this.chart.yAxis[options.yAxis], getPointPos = this.calculations.getPointPos, startXMin = this.startXMin, startXMax = this.startXMax, startYMin = this.startYMin, startYMax = this.startYMax, offsetX = this.offsetX, offsetY = this.offsetY;
if (resize) {
if (selectType === 'x') {
if (cpIndex === 0) {
this.startXMin = getPointPos(xAxis, startXMin, dx);
else {
this.startXMax = getPointPos(xAxis, startXMax, dx);
else if (selectType === 'y') {
if (cpIndex === 0) {
this.startYMin = getPointPos(yAxis, startYMin, dy);
else {
this.startYMax = getPointPos(yAxis, startYMax, dy);
else {
this.startXMax = getPointPos(xAxis, startXMax, dx);
this.startYMax = getPointPos(yAxis, startYMax, dy);
if (redraw) {
this.startXMin = getPointPos(xAxis, startXMin, offsetX);
this.startXMax = getPointPos(xAxis, startXMax, offsetX);
this.startYMin = getPointPos(yAxis, startYMin, offsetY);
this.startYMax = getPointPos(yAxis, startYMax, offsetY);
this.offsetX = 0;
this.offsetY = 0;
* Default formatter of label's content
* @private
defaultFormatter: function () {
return 'Min: ' + this.min +
'<br>Max: ' + this.max +
'<br>Average: ' + this.average +
'<br>Bins: ' + this.bins;
* Set values for xAxisMin, xAxisMax, yAxisMin, yAxisMax, also
* when chart is inverted
* @private
getExtremes: function (xAxisMin, xAxisMax, yAxisMin, yAxisMax) {
return {
xAxisMin: Math.min(xAxisMax, xAxisMin),
xAxisMax: Math.max(xAxisMax, xAxisMin),
yAxisMin: Math.min(yAxisMax, yAxisMin),
yAxisMax: Math.max(yAxisMax, yAxisMin)
* Definitions of calculations (min, max, average, bins)
* @private
min: function () {
var min = Infinity, series = this.chart.series, ext = this.calculations.getExtremes(this.xAxisMin, this.xAxisMax, this.yAxisMin, this.yAxisMax), isCalculated = false; // to avoid Infinity in formatter
series.forEach(function (serie) {
if (serie.visible &&
serie.options.id !== 'highcharts-navigator-series') {
serie.points.forEach(function (point) {
if (!point.isNull &&
point.y < min &&
point.x > ext.xAxisMin &&
point.x <= ext.xAxisMax &&
point.y > ext.yAxisMin &&
point.y <= ext.yAxisMax) {
min = point.y;
isCalculated = true;
if (!isCalculated) {
min = '';
return min;
max: function () {
var max = -Infinity, series = this.chart.series, ext = this.calculations.getExtremes(this.xAxisMin, this.xAxisMax, this.yAxisMin, this.yAxisMax), isCalculated = false; // to avoid Infinity in formatter
series.forEach(function (serie) {
if (serie.visible &&
serie.options.id !== 'highcharts-navigator-series') {
serie.points.forEach(function (point) {
if (!point.isNull &&
point.y > max &&
point.x > ext.xAxisMin &&
point.x <= ext.xAxisMax &&
point.y > ext.yAxisMin &&
point.y <= ext.yAxisMax) {
max = point.y;
isCalculated = true;
if (!isCalculated) {
max = '';
return max;
average: function () {
var average = '';
if (this.max !== '' && this.min !== '') {
average = (this.max + this.min) / 2;
return average;
bins: function () {
var bins = 0, series = this.chart.series, ext = this.calculations.getExtremes(this.xAxisMin, this.xAxisMax, this.yAxisMin, this.yAxisMax), isCalculated = false; // to avoid Infinity in formatter
series.forEach(function (serie) {
if (serie.visible &&
serie.options.id !== 'highcharts-navigator-series') {
serie.points.forEach(function (point) {
if (!point.isNull &&
point.x > ext.xAxisMin &&
point.x <= ext.xAxisMax &&
point.y > ext.yAxisMin &&
point.y <= ext.yAxisMax) {
isCalculated = true;
if (!isCalculated) {
bins = '';
return bins;
* A measure annotation.
* @extends annotations.crookedLine
* @excluding labels, labelOptions, shapes, shapeOptions
* @sample highcharts/annotations-advanced/measure/
* Measure
* @product highstock
* @optionparent annotations.measure
typeOptions: {
* Decides in what dimensions the user can resize by dragging the
* mouse. Can be one of x, y or xy.
selectType: 'xy',
* This number defines which xAxis the point is connected to.
* It refers to either the axis id or the index of the axis
* in the xAxis array.
xAxis: 0,
* This number defines which yAxis the point is connected to.
* It refers to either the axis id or the index of the axis
* in the yAxis array.
yAxis: 0,
background: {
* The color of the rectangle.
fill: 'rgba(130, 170, 255, 0.4)',
* The width of border.
strokeWidth: 0,
* The color of border.
stroke: void 0
* Configure a crosshair that is horizontally placed in middle of
* rectangle.
crosshairX: {
* Enable or disable the horizontal crosshair.
enabled: true,
* The Z index of the crosshair in annotation.
zIndex: 6,
* The dash or dot style of the crosshair's line. For possible
* values, see
* [this demonstration](https://jsfiddle.net/gh/get/library/pure/highcharts/highcharts/tree/master/samples/highcharts/plotoptions/series-dashstyle-all/).
* @type {Highcharts.DashStyleValue}
* @default Dash
dashStyle: 'Dash',
* The marker-end defines the arrowhead that will be drawn
* at the final vertex of the given crosshair's path.
* @type {string}
* @default arrow
markerEnd: 'arrow'
* Configure a crosshair that is vertically placed in middle of
* rectangle.
crosshairY: {
* Enable or disable the vertical crosshair.
enabled: true,
* The Z index of the crosshair in annotation.
zIndex: 6,
* The dash or dot style of the crosshair's line. For possible
* values, see [this demonstration](https://jsfiddle.net/gh/get/library/pure/highcharts/highcharts/tree/master/samples/highcharts/plotoptions/series-dashstyle-all/).
* @type {Highcharts.DashStyleValue}
* @default Dash
* @apioption annotations.measure.typeOptions.crosshairY.dashStyle
dashStyle: 'Dash',
* The marker-end defines the arrowhead that will be drawn
* at the final vertex of the given crosshair's path.
* @type {string}
* @default arrow
* @validvalue ["none", "arrow"]
markerEnd: 'arrow'
label: {
* Enable or disable the label text (min, max, average,
* bins values).
* Defaults to true.
enabled: true,
* CSS styles for the measure label.
* @type {Highcharts.CSSObject}
* @default {"color": "#666666", "fontSize": "11px"}
style: {
fontSize: '11px',
color: '#666666'
* Formatter function for the label text.
* Available data are:
* <table>
* <tbody>
* <tr>
* <td>`this.min`</td>
* <td>The mininimum value of the points in the selected
* range.</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>`this.max`</td>
* <td>The maximum value of the points in the selected
* range.</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>`this.average`</td>
* <td>The average value of the points in the selected
* range.</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>`this.bins`</td>
* <td>The amount of the points in the selected range.</td>
* </tr>
* </table>
* @type {function}
formatter: void 0
controlPointOptions: {
positioner: function (target) {
var cpIndex = this.index, chart = target.chart, options = target.options, typeOptions = options.typeOptions, selectType = typeOptions.selectType, controlPointOptions = options.controlPointOptions, inverted = chart.inverted, xAxis = chart.xAxis[typeOptions.xAxis], yAxis = chart.yAxis[typeOptions.yAxis], targetX = target.xAxisMax, targetY = target.yAxisMax, ext = target.calculations.getExtremes(target.xAxisMin, target.xAxisMax, target.yAxisMin, target.yAxisMax), x, y;
if (selectType === 'x') {
targetY = (ext.yAxisMax - ext.yAxisMin) / 2;
// first control point
if (cpIndex === 0) {
targetX = target.xAxisMin;
if (selectType === 'y') {
targetX = ext.xAxisMin +
((ext.xAxisMax - ext.xAxisMin) / 2);
// first control point
if (cpIndex === 0) {
targetY = target.yAxisMin;
if (inverted) {
x = yAxis.toPixels(targetY);
y = xAxis.toPixels(targetX);
else {
x = xAxis.toPixels(targetX);
y = yAxis.toPixels(targetY);
return {
x: x - (controlPointOptions.width / 2),
y: y - (controlPointOptions.height / 2)
events: {
drag: function (e, target) {
var translation = this.mouseMoveToTranslation(e), selectType = target.options.typeOptions.selectType, index = this.index, x = selectType === 'y' ? 0 : translation.x, y = selectType === 'x' ? 0 : translation.y;
target.resize(x, y, index, selectType);
target.resizeX += x;
target.resizeY += y;
target.redraw(false, true);
Annotation.types.measure = Measure;
return Measure;
_registerModule(_modules, 'mixins/navigation.js', [], function () {
* (c) 2010-2018 Paweł Fus
* License: www.highcharts.com/license
* */
var chartNavigation = {
* Initializes `chart.navigation` object which delegates `update()` methods
* to all other common classes (used in exporting and navigationBindings).
* @private
* @param {Highcharts.Chart} chart
* The chart instance.
* @return {void}
initUpdate: function (chart) {
if (!chart.navigation) {
chart.navigation = {
updates: [],
update: function (options, redraw) {
this.updates.forEach(function (updateConfig) {
updateConfig.update.call(updateConfig.context, options, redraw);
* Registers an `update()` method in the `chart.navigation` object.
* @private
* @param {Highcharts.ChartNavigationUpdateFunction} update
* The `update()` method that will be called in `chart.update()`.
* @param {Highcharts.Chart} chart
* The chart instance. `update()` will use that as a context
* (`this`).
* @return {void}
addUpdate: function (update, chart) {
if (!chart.navigation) {
update: update,
context: chart
return chartNavigation;
_registerModule(_modules, 'annotations/navigationBindings.js', [_modules['parts/Globals.js'], _modules['parts/Utilities.js'], _modules['mixins/navigation.js']], function (H, U, chartNavigationMixin) {
/* *
* (c) 2009-2017 Highsoft, Black Label
* License: www.highcharts.com/license
* */
* A config object for navigation bindings in annotations.
* @interface Highcharts.NavigationBindingsOptionsObject
*/ /**
* ClassName of the element for a binding.
* @name Highcharts.NavigationBindingsOptionsObject#className
* @type {string|undefined}
*/ /**
* Last event to be fired after last step event.
* @name Highcharts.NavigationBindingsOptionsObject#end
* @type {Function|undefined}
*/ /**
* Initial event, fired on a button click.
* @name Highcharts.NavigationBindingsOptionsObject#init
* @type {Function|undefined}
*/ /**
* Event fired on first click on a chart.
* @name Highcharts.NavigationBindingsOptionsObject#start
* @type {Function|undefined}
*/ /**
* Last event to be fired after last step event. Array of step events to be
* called sequentially after each user click.
* @name Highcharts.NavigationBindingsOptionsObject#steps
* @type {Array<Function>|undefined}
var addEvent = U.addEvent, attr = U.attr, extend = U.extend, format = U.format, fireEvent = U.fireEvent, isArray = U.isArray, isFunction = U.isFunction, isNumber = U.isNumber, isObject = U.isObject, merge = U.merge, objectEach = U.objectEach, pick = U.pick;
var doc = H.doc, win = H.win, PREFIX = 'highcharts-';
/* eslint-disable no-invalid-this, valid-jsdoc */
* IE 9-11 polyfill for Element.closest():
* @private
function closestPolyfill(el, s) {
var ElementProto = win.Element.prototype, elementMatches = ElementProto.matches ||
ElementProto.msMatchesSelector ||
ElementProto.webkitMatchesSelector, ret = null;
if (ElementProto.closest) {
ret = ElementProto.closest.call(el, s);
else {
do {
if (elementMatches.call(el, s)) {
return el;
el = el.parentElement || el.parentNode;
} while (el !== null && el.nodeType === 1);
return ret;
* @private
* @interface bindingsUtils
var bindingsUtils = {
* Update size of background (rect) in some annotations: Measure, Simple
* Rect.
* @private
* @function Highcharts.NavigationBindingsUtilsObject.updateRectSize
* @param {Highcharts.PointerEventObject} event
* Normalized browser event
* @param {Highcharts.Annotation} annotation
* Annotation to be updated
updateRectSize: function (event, annotation) {
var chart = annotation.chart, options = annotation.options.typeOptions, coords = chart.pointer.getCoordinates(event), width = coords.xAxis[0].value - options.point.x, height = options.point.y - coords.yAxis[0].value;
typeOptions: {
background: {
width: chart.inverted ? height : width,
height: chart.inverted ? width : height
* Get field type according to value
* @private
* @function Highcharts.NavigationBindingsUtilsObject.getFieldType
* @param {'boolean'|'number'|'string'} value
* Atomic type (one of: string, number, boolean)
* @return {'checkbox'|'number'|'text'}
* Field type (one of: text, number, checkbox)
getFieldType: function (value) {
return {
'string': 'text',
'number': 'number',
'boolean': 'checkbox'
}[typeof value];
* @private
var NavigationBindings = /** @class */ (function () {
/* *
* Constructors
* */
function NavigationBindings(chart, options) {
this.boundClassNames = void 0;
this.selectedButton = void 0;
this.chart = chart;
this.options = options;
this.eventsToUnbind = [];
this.container = doc.getElementsByClassName(this.options.bindingsClassName || '');
// Private properties added by bindings:
// Active (selected) annotation that is editted through popup/forms
// activeAnnotation: Annotation
// Holder for current step, used on mouse move to update bound object
// mouseMoveEvent: function () {}
// Next event in `step` array to be called on chart's click
// nextEvent: function () {}
// Index in the `step` array of the current event
// stepIndex: 0
// Flag to determine if current binding has steps
// steps: true|false
// Bindings holder for all events
// selectedButton: {}
// Holder for user options, returned from `start` event, and passed on to
// `step`'s' and `end`.
// currentUserDetails: {}
/* *
* Functions
* */
* Initi all events conencted to NavigationBindings.
* @private
* @function Highcharts.NavigationBindings#initEvents
NavigationBindings.prototype.initEvents = function () {
var navigation = this, chart = navigation.chart, bindingsContainer = navigation.container, options = navigation.options;
// Shorthand object for getting events for buttons:
navigation.boundClassNames = {};
objectEach((options.bindings || {}), function (value) {
navigation.boundClassNames[value.className] = value;
// Handle multiple containers with the same class names:
[].forEach.call(bindingsContainer, function (subContainer) {
navigation.eventsToUnbind.push(addEvent(subContainer, 'click', function (event) {
var bindings = navigation.getButtonEvents(subContainer, event);
if (bindings) {
navigation.bindingsButtonClick(bindings.button, bindings.events, event);
objectEach(options.events || {}, function (callback, eventName) {
if (isFunction(callback)) {
navigation.eventsToUnbind.push(addEvent(navigation, eventName, callback));
navigation.eventsToUnbind.push(addEvent(chart.container, 'click', function (e) {
if (!chart.cancelClick &&
chart.isInsidePlot(e.chartX - chart.plotLeft, e.chartY - chart.plotTop)) {
navigation.bindingsChartClick(this, e);
navigation.eventsToUnbind.push(addEvent(chart.container, 'mousemove', function (e) {
navigation.bindingsContainerMouseMove(this, e);
* Common chart.update() delegation, shared between bindings and exporting.
* @private
* @function Highcharts.NavigationBindings#initUpdate
NavigationBindings.prototype.initUpdate = function () {
var navigation = this;
chartNavigationMixin.addUpdate(function (options) {
}, this.chart);
* Hook for click on a button, method selcts/unselects buttons,
* then calls `bindings.init` callback.
* @private
* @function Highcharts.NavigationBindings#bindingsButtonClick
* @param {Highcharts.HTMLDOMElement} [button]
* Clicked button
* @param {object} events
* Events passed down from bindings (`init`, `start`, `step`, `end`)
* @param {Highcharts.PointerEventObject} clickEvent
* Browser's click event
NavigationBindings.prototype.bindingsButtonClick = function (button, events, clickEvent) {
var navigation = this, chart = navigation.chart;
if (navigation.selectedButtonElement) {
fireEvent(navigation, 'deselectButton', { button: navigation.selectedButtonElement });
if (navigation.nextEvent) {
// Remove in-progress annotations adders:
if (navigation.currentUserDetails &&
navigation.currentUserDetails.coll === 'annotations') {
navigation.mouseMoveEvent = navigation.nextEvent = false;
navigation.selectedButton = events;
navigation.selectedButtonElement = button;
fireEvent(navigation, 'selectButton', { button: button });
// Call "init" event, for example to open modal window
if (events.init) {
events.init.call(navigation, button, clickEvent);
if (events.start || events.steps) {
chart.renderer.boxWrapper.addClass(PREFIX + 'draw-mode');
* Hook for click on a chart, first click on a chart calls `start` event,
* then on all subsequent clicks iterate over `steps` array.
* When finished, calls `end` event.
* @private
* @function Highcharts.NavigationBindings#bindingsChartClick
* @param {Highcharts.Chart} chart
* Chart that click was performed on.
* @param {Highcharts.PointerEventObject} clickEvent
* Browser's click event.
NavigationBindings.prototype.bindingsChartClick = function (chart, clickEvent) {
var navigation = this, chart = navigation.chart, selectedButton = navigation.selectedButton, svgContainer = chart.renderer.boxWrapper;
// Click outside popups, should close them and deselect the annotation
if (navigation.activeAnnotation &&
!clickEvent.activeAnnotation &&
// Element could be removed in the child action, e.g. button
clickEvent.target.parentNode &&
// TO DO: Polyfill for IE11?
!closestPolyfill(clickEvent.target, '.' + PREFIX + 'popup')) {
fireEvent(navigation, 'closePopup');
if (!selectedButton || !selectedButton.start) {
if (!navigation.nextEvent) {
// Call init method:
navigation.currentUserDetails = selectedButton.start.call(navigation, clickEvent);
// If steps exists (e.g. Annotations), bind them:
if (selectedButton.steps) {
navigation.stepIndex = 0;
navigation.steps = true;
navigation.mouseMoveEvent = navigation.nextEvent =
else {
fireEvent(navigation, 'deselectButton', { button: navigation.selectedButtonElement });
svgContainer.removeClass(PREFIX + 'draw-mode');
navigation.steps = false;
navigation.selectedButton = null;
// First click is also the last one:
if (selectedButton.end) {
selectedButton.end.call(navigation, clickEvent, navigation.currentUserDetails);
else {
navigation.nextEvent(clickEvent, navigation.currentUserDetails);
if (navigation.steps) {
if (selectedButton.steps[navigation.stepIndex]) {
// If we have more steps, bind them one by one:
navigation.mouseMoveEvent = navigation.nextEvent =
else {
fireEvent(navigation, 'deselectButton', { button: navigation.selectedButtonElement });
svgContainer.removeClass(PREFIX + 'draw-mode');
// That was the last step, call end():
if (selectedButton.end) {
selectedButton.end.call(navigation, clickEvent, navigation.currentUserDetails);
navigation.nextEvent = false;
navigation.mouseMoveEvent = false;
navigation.selectedButton = null;
* Hook for mouse move on a chart's container. It calls current step.
* @private
* @function Highcharts.NavigationBindings#bindingsContainerMouseMove
* @param {Highcharts.HTMLDOMElement} container
* Chart's container.
* @param {global.Event} moveEvent
* Browser's move event.
NavigationBindings.prototype.bindingsContainerMouseMove = function (_container, moveEvent) {
if (this.mouseMoveEvent) {
this.mouseMoveEvent(moveEvent, this.currentUserDetails);
* Translate fields (e.g. `params.period` or `marker.styles.color`) to
* Highcharts options object (e.g. `{ params: { period } }`).
* @private
* @function Highcharts.NavigationBindings#fieldsToOptions<T>
* @param {Highcharts.Dictionary<string>} fields
* Fields from popup form.
* @param {T} config
* Default config to be modified.
* @return {T}
* Modified config
NavigationBindings.prototype.fieldsToOptions = function (fields, config) {
objectEach(fields, function (value, field) {
var parsedValue = parseFloat(value), path = field.split('.'), parent = config, pathLength = path.length - 1;
// If it's a number (not "format" options), parse it:
if (isNumber(parsedValue) &&
!value.match(/px/g) &&
!field.match(/format/g)) {
value = parsedValue;
// Remove empty strings or values like 0
if (value !== '' && value !== 'undefined') {
path.forEach(function (name, index) {
var nextName = pick(path[index + 1], '');
if (pathLength === index) {
// Last index, put value:
parent[name] = value;
else if (!parent[name]) {
// Create middle property:
parent[name] = nextName.match(/\d/g) ? [] : {};
parent = parent[name];
else {
// Jump into next property
parent = parent[name];
return config;
* Shorthand method to deselect an annotation.
* @function Highcharts.NavigationBindings#deselectAnnotation
NavigationBindings.prototype.deselectAnnotation = function () {
if (this.activeAnnotation) {
this.activeAnnotation = false;
* Generates API config for popup in the same format as options for
* Annotation object.
* @function Highcharts.NavigationBindings#annotationToFields
* @param {Highcharts.Annotation} annotation
* Annotations object
* @return {Highcharts.Dictionary<string>}
* Annotation options to be displayed in popup box
NavigationBindings.prototype.annotationToFields = function (annotation) {
var options = annotation.options, editables = NavigationBindings.annotationsEditable, nestedEditables = editables.nestedOptions, getFieldType = this.utils.getFieldType, type = pick(options.type, options.shapes && options.shapes[0] &&
options.shapes[0].type, options.labels && options.labels[0] &&
options.labels[0].itemType, 'label'), nonEditables = NavigationBindings.annotationsNonEditable[options.langKey] || [], visualOptions = {
langKey: options.langKey,
type: type
* Nested options traversing. Method goes down to the options and copies
* allowed options (with values) to new object, which is last parameter:
* "parent".
* @private
* @param {*} option
* Atomic type or object/array
* @param {string} key
* Option name, for example "visible" or "x", "y"
* @param {object} parentEditables
* Editables from NavigationBindings.annotationsEditable
* @param {object} parent
* Where new options will be assigned
function traverse(option, key, parentEditables, parent) {
var nextParent;
if (parentEditables &&
nonEditables.indexOf(key) === -1 &&
((parentEditables.indexOf &&
parentEditables.indexOf(key)) >= 0 ||
parentEditables[key] || // nested array
parentEditables === true // simple array
)) {
// Roots:
if (isArray(option)) {
parent[key] = [];
option.forEach(function (arrayOption, i) {
if (!isObject(arrayOption)) {
// Simple arrays, e.g. [String, Number, Boolean]
traverse(arrayOption, 0, nestedEditables[key], parent[key]);
else {
// Advanced arrays, e.g. [Object, Object]
parent[key][i] = {};
objectEach(arrayOption, function (nestedOption, nestedKey) {
traverse(nestedOption, nestedKey, nestedEditables[key], parent[key][i]);
else if (isObject(option)) {
nextParent = {};
if (isArray(parent)) {
nextParent[key] = {};
nextParent = nextParent[key];
else {
parent[key] = nextParent;
objectEach(option, function (nestedOption, nestedKey) {
traverse(nestedOption, nestedKey, key === 0 ? parentEditables : nestedEditables[key], nextParent);
else {
// Leaf:
if (key === 'format') {
parent[key] = [
format(option, annotation.labels[0].points[0]).toString(),
else if (isArray(parent)) {
parent.push([option, getFieldType(option)]);
else {
parent[key] = [option, getFieldType(option)];
objectEach(options, function (option, key) {
if (key === 'typeOptions') {
visualOptions[key] = {};
objectEach(options[key], function (typeOption, typeKey) {
traverse(typeOption, typeKey, nestedEditables, visualOptions[key], true);
else {
traverse(option, key, editables[type], visualOptions);
return visualOptions;
* Get all class names for all parents in the element. Iterates until finds
* main container.
* @function Highcharts.NavigationBindings#getClickedClassNames
* @param {Highcharts.HTMLDOMElement}
* Container that event is bound to.
* @param {global.Event} event
* Browser's event.
* @return {Array<Array<string, Highcharts.HTMLDOMElement>>}
* Array of class names with corresponding elements
NavigationBindings.prototype.getClickedClassNames = function (container, event) {
var element = event.target, classNames = [], elemClassName;
while (element) {
elemClassName = attr(element, 'class');
if (elemClassName) {
classNames = classNames.concat(elemClassName
.split(' ')
.map(function (name) {
return [
element = element.parentNode;
if (element === container) {
return classNames;
return classNames;
* Get events bound to a button. It's a custom event delegation to find all
* events connected to the element.
* @private
* @function Highcharts.NavigationBindings#getButtonEvents
* @param {Highcharts.HTMLDOMElement} container
* Container that event is bound to.
* @param {global.Event} event
* Browser's event.
* @return {object}
* Object with events (init, start, steps, and end)
NavigationBindings.prototype.getButtonEvents = function (container, event) {
var navigation = this, classNames = this.getClickedClassNames(container, event), bindings;
classNames.forEach(function (className) {
if (navigation.boundClassNames[className[0]] && !bindings) {
bindings = {
events: navigation.boundClassNames[className[0]],
button: className[1]
return bindings;
* Bindings are just events, so the whole update process is simply
* removing old events and adding new ones.
* @private
* @function Highcharts.NavigationBindings#update
NavigationBindings.prototype.update = function (options) {
this.options = merge(true, this.options, options);
* Remove all events created in the navigation.
* @private
* @function Highcharts.NavigationBindings#removeEvents
NavigationBindings.prototype.removeEvents = function () {
this.eventsToUnbind.forEach(function (unbinder) {
NavigationBindings.prototype.destroy = function () {
/* *
* Static Properties
* */
// Define which options from annotations should show up in edit box:
NavigationBindings.annotationsEditable = {
// `typeOptions` are always available
// Nested and shared options:
nestedOptions: {
labelOptions: ['style', 'format', 'backgroundColor'],
labels: ['style'],
label: ['style'],
style: ['fontSize', 'color'],
background: ['fill', 'strokeWidth', 'stroke'],
innerBackground: ['fill', 'strokeWidth', 'stroke'],
outerBackground: ['fill', 'strokeWidth', 'stroke'],
shapeOptions: ['fill', 'strokeWidth', 'stroke'],
shapes: ['fill', 'strokeWidth', 'stroke'],
line: ['strokeWidth', 'stroke'],
backgroundColors: [true],
connector: ['fill', 'strokeWidth', 'stroke'],
crosshairX: ['strokeWidth', 'stroke'],
crosshairY: ['strokeWidth', 'stroke']
// Simple shapes:
circle: ['shapes'],
verticalLine: [],
label: ['labelOptions'],
// Measure
measure: ['background', 'crosshairY', 'crosshairX'],
// Others:
fibonacci: [],
tunnel: ['background', 'line', 'height'],
pitchfork: ['innerBackground', 'outerBackground'],
rect: ['shapes'],
// Crooked lines, elliots, arrows etc:
crookedLine: [],
basicAnnotation: []
// Define non editable fields per annotation, for example Rectangle inherits
// options from Measure, but crosshairs are not available
NavigationBindings.annotationsNonEditable = {
rectangle: ['crosshairX', 'crosshairY', 'label']
return NavigationBindings;
* General utils for bindings
* @private
* @name Highcharts.NavigationBindings.utils
* @type {bindingsUtils}
NavigationBindings.prototype.utils = bindingsUtils;
H.Chart.prototype.initNavigationBindings = function () {
var chart = this, options = chart.options;
if (options && options.navigation && options.navigation.bindings) {
chart.navigationBindings = new NavigationBindings(chart, options.navigation);
addEvent(H.Chart, 'load', function () {
addEvent(H.Chart, 'destroy', function () {
if (this.navigationBindings) {
addEvent(NavigationBindings, 'deselectButton', function () {
this.selectedButtonElement = null;
addEvent(H.Annotation, 'remove', function () {
if (this.chart.navigationBindings) {
* Show edit-annotation form:
* @private
function selectableAnnotation(annotationType) {
var originalClick = annotationType.prototype.defaultOptions.events &&
* @private
function selectAndshowPopup(event) {
var annotation = this, navigation = annotation.chart.navigationBindings, prevAnnotation = navigation.activeAnnotation;
if (originalClick) {
originalClick.click.call(annotation, event);
if (prevAnnotation !== annotation) {
// Select current:
navigation.activeAnnotation = annotation;
fireEvent(navigation, 'showPopup', {
annotation: annotation,
formType: 'annotation-toolbar',
options: navigation.annotationToFields(annotation),
onSubmit: function (data) {
var config = {}, typeOptions;
if (data.actionType === 'remove') {
navigation.activeAnnotation = false;
else {
navigation.fieldsToOptions(data.fields, config);
typeOptions = config.typeOptions;
if (annotation.options.type === 'measure') {
// Manually disable crooshars according to
// stroke width of the shape:
typeOptions.crosshairY.enabled =
typeOptions.crosshairY.strokeWidth !== 0;
typeOptions.crosshairX.enabled =
typeOptions.crosshairX.strokeWidth !== 0;
else {
// Deselect current:
fireEvent(navigation, 'closePopup');
// Let bubble event to chart.click:
event.activeAnnotation = true;
merge(true, annotationType.prototype.defaultOptions.events, {
click: selectAndshowPopup
if (H.Annotation) {
// Basic shapes:
// Advanced annotations:
objectEach(H.Annotation.types, function (annotationType) {
* @optionparent lang
lang: {
* Configure the Popup strings in the chart. Requires the
* `annotations.js` or `annotations-advanced.src.js` module to be
* loaded.
* @since 7.0.0
* @product highcharts highstock
navigation: {
* Translations for all field names used in popup.
* @product highcharts highstock
popup: {
simpleShapes: 'Simple shapes',
lines: 'Lines',
circle: 'Circle',
rectangle: 'Rectangle',
label: 'Label',
shapeOptions: 'Shape options',
typeOptions: 'Details',
fill: 'Fill',
format: 'Text',
strokeWidth: 'Line width',
stroke: 'Line color',
title: 'Title',
name: 'Name',
labelOptions: 'Label options',
labels: 'Labels',
backgroundColor: 'Background color',
backgroundColors: 'Background colors',
borderColor: 'Border color',
borderRadius: 'Border radius',
borderWidth: 'Border width',
style: 'Style',
padding: 'Padding',
fontSize: 'Font size',
color: 'Color',
height: 'Height',
shapes: 'Shape options'
* @optionparent navigation
* @product highcharts highstock
navigation: {
* A CSS class name where all bindings will be attached to. Multiple
* charts on the same page should have separate class names to prevent
* duplicating events.
* Default value of versions < 7.0.4 `highcharts-bindings-wrapper`
* @since 7.0.0
* @type {string}
bindingsClassName: 'highcharts-bindings-container',
* Bindings definitions for custom HTML buttons. Each binding implements
* simple event-driven interface:
* - `className`: classname used to bind event to
* - `init`: initial event, fired on button click
* - `start`: fired on first click on a chart
* - `steps`: array of sequential events fired one after another on each
* of users clicks
* - `end`: last event to be called after last step event
* @type {Highcharts.Dictionary<Highcharts.NavigationBindingsOptionsObject>|*}
* @sample stock/stocktools/stocktools-thresholds
* Custom bindings in Highstock
* @since 7.0.0
* @product highcharts highstock
bindings: {
* A circle annotation bindings. Includes `start` and one event in
* `steps` array.
* @type {Highcharts.NavigationBindingsOptionsObject}
* @default {"className": "highcharts-circle-annotation", "start": function() {}, "steps": [function() {}], "annotationsOptions": {}}
circleAnnotation: {
/** @ignore-option */
className: 'highcharts-circle-annotation',
/** @ignore-option */
start: function (e) {
var coords = this.chart.pointer.getCoordinates(e), navigation = this.chart.options.navigation;
return this.chart.addAnnotation(merge({
langKey: 'circle',
type: 'basicAnnotation',
shapes: [{
type: 'circle',
point: {
xAxis: 0,
yAxis: 0,
x: coords.xAxis[0].value,
y: coords.yAxis[0].value
r: 5
}, navigation
.annotationsOptions, navigation
/** @ignore-option */
steps: [
function (e, annotation) {
var point = annotation.options.shapes[0].point, x = this.chart.xAxis[0].toPixels(point.x), y = this.chart.yAxis[0].toPixels(point.y), inverted = this.chart.inverted, distance = Math.max(Math.sqrt(Math.pow(inverted ? y - e.chartX : x - e.chartX, 2) +
Math.pow(inverted ? x - e.chartY : y - e.chartY, 2)), 5);
shapes: [{
r: distance
* A rectangle annotation bindings. Includes `start` and one event
* in `steps` array.
* @type {Highcharts.NavigationBindingsOptionsObject}
* @default {"className": "highcharts-rectangle-annotation", "start": function() {}, "steps": [function() {}], "annotationsOptions": {}}
rectangleAnnotation: {
/** @ignore-option */
className: 'highcharts-rectangle-annotation',
/** @ignore-option */
start: function (e) {
var coords = this.chart.pointer.getCoordinates(e), navigation = this.chart.options.navigation, x = coords.xAxis[0].value, y = coords.yAxis[0].value;
return this.chart.addAnnotation(merge({
langKey: 'rectangle',
type: 'basicAnnotation',
shapes: [{
type: 'path',
points: [{
xAxis: 0,
yAxis: 0,
x: x,
y: y
}, {
xAxis: 0,
yAxis: 0,
x: x,
y: y
}, {
xAxis: 0,
yAxis: 0,
x: x,
y: y
}, {
xAxis: 0,
yAxis: 0,
x: x,
y: y
}, navigation
.annotationsOptions, navigation
/** @ignore-option */
steps: [
function (e, annotation) {
var points = annotation.options.shapes[0].points, coords = this.chart.pointer.getCoordinates(e), x = coords.xAxis[0].value, y = coords.yAxis[0].value;
// Top right point
points[1].x = x;
// Bottom right point (cursor position)
points[2].x = x;
points[2].y = y;
// Bottom left
points[3].y = y;
shapes: [{
points: points
* A label annotation bindings. Includes `start` event only.
* @type {Highcharts.NavigationBindingsOptionsObject}
* @default {"className": "highcharts-label-annotation", "start": function() {}, "steps": [function() {}], "annotationsOptions": {}}
labelAnnotation: {
/** @ignore-option */
className: 'highcharts-label-annotation',
/** @ignore-option */
start: function (e) {
var coords = this.chart.pointer.getCoordinates(e), navigation = this.chart.options.navigation;
return this.chart.addAnnotation(merge({
langKey: 'label',
type: 'basicAnnotation',
labelOptions: {
format: '{y:.2f}'
labels: [{
point: {
xAxis: 0,
yAxis: 0,
x: coords.xAxis[0].value,
y: coords.yAxis[0].value
overflow: 'none',
crop: true
}, navigation
.annotationsOptions, navigation
* Path where Highcharts will look for icons. Change this to use icons
* from a different server.
* @type {string}
* @default https://code.highcharts.com/8.1.0/gfx/stock-icons/
* @since 7.1.3
* @apioption navigation.iconsURL
* A `showPopup` event. Fired when selecting for example an annotation.
* @type {Function}
* @apioption navigation.events.showPopup
* A `closePopup` event. Fired when Popup should be hidden, for example
* when clicking on an annotation again.
* @type {Function}
* @apioption navigation.events.closePopup
* Event fired on a button click.
* @type {Function}
* @sample highcharts/annotations/gui/
* Change icon in a dropddown on event
* @sample highcharts/annotations/gui-buttons/
* Change button class on event
* @apioption navigation.events.selectButton
* Event fired when button state should change, for example after
* adding an annotation.
* @type {Function}
* @sample highcharts/annotations/gui/
* Change icon in a dropddown on event
* @sample highcharts/annotations/gui-buttons/
* Change button class on event
* @apioption navigation.events.deselectButton
* Events to communicate between Stock Tools and custom GUI.
* @since 7.0.0
* @product highcharts highstock
* @optionparent navigation.events
events: {},
* Additional options to be merged into all annotations.
* @sample stock/stocktools/navigation-annotation-options
* Set red color of all line annotations
* @type {Highcharts.AnnotationsOptions}
* @extends annotations
* @exclude crookedLine, elliottWave, fibonacci, infinityLine,
* measure, pitchfork, tunnel, verticalLine, basicAnnotation
* @apioption navigation.annotationsOptions
annotationsOptions: {}
return NavigationBindings;
_registerModule(_modules, 'annotations/popup.js', [_modules['parts/Globals.js'], _modules['annotations/navigationBindings.js'], _modules['parts/Utilities.js']], function (H, NavigationBindings, U) {
/* *
* Popup generator for Stock tools
* (c) 2009-2017 Sebastian Bochan
* License: www.highcharts.com/license
* */
var addEvent = U.addEvent, createElement = U.createElement, defined = U.defined, isArray = U.isArray, isObject = U.isObject, isString = U.isString, objectEach = U.objectEach, pick = U.pick, wrap = U.wrap;
var indexFilter = /\d/g, PREFIX = 'highcharts-', DIV = 'div', INPUT = 'input', LABEL = 'label', BUTTON = 'button', SELECT = 'select', OPTION = 'option', SPAN = 'span', UL = 'ul', LI = 'li', H3 = 'h3';
/* eslint-disable no-invalid-this, valid-jsdoc */
// onContainerMouseDown blocks internal popup events, due to e.preventDefault.
// Related issue #4606
wrap(H.Pointer.prototype, 'onContainerMouseDown', function (proceed, e) {
var popupClass = e.target && e.target.className;
// elements is not in popup
if (!(isString(popupClass) &&
popupClass.indexOf(PREFIX + 'popup-field') >= 0)) {
proceed.apply(this, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1));
H.Popup = function (parentDiv, iconsURL) {
this.init(parentDiv, iconsURL);
H.Popup.prototype = {
* Initialize the popup. Create base div and add close button.
* @private
* @param {Highcharts.HTMLDOMElement} parentDiv
* Container where popup should be placed
* @param {string} iconsURL
* Icon URL
init: function (parentDiv, iconsURL) {
// create popup div
this.container = createElement(DIV, {
className: PREFIX + 'popup'
}, null, parentDiv);
this.lang = this.getLangpack();
this.iconsURL = iconsURL;
// add close button
* Create HTML element and attach click event (close popup).
* @private
addCloseBtn: function () {
var _self = this, closeBtn;
// create close popup btn
closeBtn = createElement(DIV, {
className: PREFIX + 'popup-close'
}, null, this.container);
closeBtn.style['background-image'] = 'url(' +
this.iconsURL + 'close.svg)';
['click', 'touchstart'].forEach(function (eventName) {
addEvent(closeBtn, eventName, function () {
* Create two columns (divs) in HTML.
* @private
* @param {Highcharts.HTMLDOMElement} container
* Container of columns
* @return {Highcharts.Dictionary<Highcharts.HTMLDOMElement>}
* Reference to two HTML columns (lhsCol, rhsCol)
addColsContainer: function (container) {
var rhsCol, lhsCol;
// left column
lhsCol = createElement(DIV, {
className: PREFIX + 'popup-lhs-col'
}, null, container);
// right column
rhsCol = createElement(DIV, {
className: PREFIX + 'popup-rhs-col'
}, null, container);
// wrapper content
createElement(DIV, {
className: PREFIX + 'popup-rhs-col-wrapper'
}, null, rhsCol);
return {
lhsCol: lhsCol,
rhsCol: rhsCol
* Create input with label.
* @private
* @param {string} option
* Chain of fields i.e params.styles.fontSize
* @param {string} type
* Indicator type
* @param {Highhcharts.HTMLDOMElement}
* Container where elements should be added
* @param {string} value
* Default value of input i.e period value is 14, extracted from
* defaultOptions (ADD mode) or series options (EDIT mode)
addInput: function (option, type, parentDiv, value) {
var optionParamList = option.split('.'), optionName = optionParamList[optionParamList.length - 1], lang = this.lang, inputName = PREFIX + type + '-' + optionName;
if (!inputName.match(indexFilter)) {
// add label
createElement(LABEL, {
innerHTML: lang[optionName] || optionName,
htmlFor: inputName
}, null, parentDiv);
// add input
createElement(INPUT, {
name: inputName,
value: value[0],
type: value[1],
className: PREFIX + 'popup-field'
}, null, parentDiv).setAttribute(PREFIX + 'data-name', option);
* Create button.
* @private
* @param {Highcharts.HTMLDOMElement} parentDiv
* Container where elements should be added
* @param {string} label
* Text placed as button label
* @param {string} type
* add | edit | remove
* @param {Function} callback
* On click callback
* @param {Highcharts.HTMLDOMElement} fieldsDiv
* Container where inputs are generated
* @return {Highcharts.HTMLDOMElement}
* HTML button
addButton: function (parentDiv, label, type, callback, fieldsDiv) {
var _self = this, closePopup = this.closePopup, getFields = this.getFields, button;
button = createElement(BUTTON, {
innerHTML: label
}, null, parentDiv);
['click', 'touchstart'].forEach(function (eventName) {
addEvent(button, eventName, function () {
return callback(getFields(fieldsDiv, type));
return button;
* Get values from all inputs and create JSON.
* @private
* @param {Highcharts.HTMLDOMElement} - container where inputs are created
* @param {string} - add | edit | remove
* @return {Highcharts.PopupFieldsObject} - fields
getFields: function (parentDiv, type) {
var inputList = parentDiv.querySelectorAll('input'), optionSeries = '#' + PREFIX + 'select-series > option:checked', optionVolume = '#' + PREFIX + 'select-volume > option:checked', linkedTo = parentDiv.querySelectorAll(optionSeries)[0], volumeTo = parentDiv.querySelectorAll(optionVolume)[0], seriesId, param, fieldsOutput;
fieldsOutput = {
actionType: type,
linkedTo: linkedTo && linkedTo.getAttribute('value'),
fields: {}
[].forEach.call(inputList, function (input) {
param = input.getAttribute(PREFIX + 'data-name');
seriesId = input.getAttribute(PREFIX + 'data-series-id');
// params
if (seriesId) {
fieldsOutput.seriesId = input.value;
else if (param) {
fieldsOutput.fields[param] = input.value;
else {
// type like sma / ema
fieldsOutput.type = input.value;
if (volumeTo) {
fieldsOutput.fields['params.volumeSeriesID'] = volumeTo.getAttribute('value');
return fieldsOutput;
* Reset content of the current popup and show.
* @private
showPopup: function () {
var popupDiv = this.container, toolbarClass = PREFIX + 'annotation-toolbar', popupCloseBtn = popupDiv
.querySelectorAll('.' + PREFIX + 'popup-close')[0];
// reset content
popupDiv.innerHTML = '';
// reset toolbar styles if exists
if (popupDiv.className.indexOf(toolbarClass) >= 0) {
// reset toolbar inline styles
// add close button
popupDiv.style.display = 'block';
* Hide popup.
* @private
closePopup: function () {
this.popup.container.style.display = 'none';
* Create content and show popup.
* @private
* @param {string} - type of popup i.e indicators
* @param {Highcharts.Chart} - chart
* @param {Highcharts.AnnotationsOptions} - options
* @param {Function} - on click callback
showForm: function (type, chart, options, callback) {
this.popup = chart.navigationBindings.popup;
// show blank popup
// indicator form
if (type === 'indicators') {
this.indicators.addForm.call(this, chart, options, callback);
// annotation small toolbar
if (type === 'annotation-toolbar') {
this.annotations.addToolbar.call(this, chart, options, callback);
// annotation edit form
if (type === 'annotation-edit') {
this.annotations.addForm.call(this, chart, options, callback);
// flags form - add / edit
if (type === 'flag') {
this.annotations.addForm.call(this, chart, options, callback, true);
* Return lang definitions for popup.
* @private
* @return {Highcharts.Dictionary<string>} - elements translations.
getLangpack: function () {
return H.getOptions().lang.navigation.popup;
annotations: {
* Create annotation simple form. It contains two buttons
* (edit / remove) and text label.
* @private
* @param {Highcharts.Chart} - chart
* @param {Highcharts.AnnotationsOptions} - options
* @param {Function} - on click callback
addToolbar: function (chart, options, callback) {
var _self = this, lang = this.lang, popupDiv = this.popup.container, showForm = this.showForm, toolbarClass = PREFIX + 'annotation-toolbar', button;
// set small size
if (popupDiv.className.indexOf(toolbarClass) === -1) {
popupDiv.className += ' ' + toolbarClass;
// set position
popupDiv.style.top = chart.plotTop + 10 + 'px';
// create label
createElement(SPAN, {
innerHTML: pick(
// Advanced annotations:
lang[options.langKey] || options.langKey,
// Basic shapes:
options.shapes && options.shapes[0].type)
}, null, popupDiv);
// add buttons
button = this.addButton(popupDiv, lang.removeButton || 'remove', 'remove', callback, popupDiv);
button.className += ' ' + PREFIX + 'annotation-remove-button';
button.style['background-image'] = 'url(' +
this.iconsURL + 'destroy.svg)';
button = this.addButton(popupDiv, lang.editButton || 'edit', 'edit', function () {
showForm.call(_self, 'annotation-edit', chart, options, callback);
}, popupDiv);
button.className += ' ' + PREFIX + 'annotation-edit-button';
button.style['background-image'] = 'url(' +
this.iconsURL + 'edit.svg)';
* Create annotation simple form.
* It contains fields with param names.
* @private
* @param {Highcharts.Chart} chart
* Chart
* @param {Object} options
* Options
* @param {Function} callback
* On click callback
* @param {boolean} [isInit]
* If it is a form declared for init annotation
addForm: function (chart, options, callback, isInit) {
var popupDiv = this.popup.container, lang = this.lang, bottomRow, lhsCol;
// create title of annotations
lhsCol = createElement('h2', {
innerHTML: lang[options.langKey] || options.langKey,
className: PREFIX + 'popup-main-title'
}, null, popupDiv);
// left column
lhsCol = createElement(DIV, {
className: PREFIX + 'popup-lhs-col ' + PREFIX + 'popup-lhs-full'
}, null, popupDiv);
bottomRow = createElement(DIV, {
className: PREFIX + 'popup-bottom-row'
}, null, popupDiv);
this.annotations.addFormFields.call(this, lhsCol, chart, '', options, [], true);
this.addButton(bottomRow, isInit ?
(lang.addButton || 'add') :
(lang.saveButton || 'save'), isInit ? 'add' : 'save', callback, popupDiv);
* Create annotation's form fields.
* @private
* @param {Highcharts.HTMLDOMElement} parentDiv
* Div where inputs are placed
* @param {Highcharts.Chart} chart
* Chart
* @param {string} parentNode
* Name of parent to create chain of names
* @param {Highcharts.AnnotationsOptions} options
* Options
* @param {Array<unknown>} storage
* Array where all items are stored
* @param {boolean} [isRoot]
* Recursive flag for root
addFormFields: function (parentDiv, chart, parentNode, options, storage, isRoot) {
var _self = this, addFormFields = this.annotations.addFormFields, addInput = this.addInput, lang = this.lang, parentFullName, titleName;
objectEach(options, function (value, option) {
// create name like params.styles.fontSize
parentFullName = parentNode !== '' ?
parentNode + '.' + option : option;
if (isObject(value)) {
if (
// value is object of options
!isArray(value) ||
// array of objects with params. i.e labels in Fibonacci
(isArray(value) && isObject(value[0]))) {
titleName = lang[option] || option;
if (!titleName.match(indexFilter)) {
addFormFields.call(_self, parentDiv, chart, parentFullName, value, storage, false);
else {
if (isRoot) {
storage = storage.sort(function (a) {
return a[1].match(/format/g) ? -1 : 1;
storage.forEach(function (genInput) {
if (genInput[0] === true) {
createElement(SPAN, {
className: PREFIX + 'annotation-title',
innerHTML: genInput[1]
}, null, genInput[2]);
else {
addInput.apply(genInput[0], genInput.splice(1));
indicators: {
* Create indicator's form. It contains two tabs (ADD and EDIT) with
* content.
* @private
addForm: function (chart, _options, callback) {
var tabsContainers, indicators = this.indicators, lang = this.lang, buttonParentDiv;
// add tabs
this.tabs.init.call(this, chart);
// get all tabs content divs
tabsContainers = this.popup.container
.querySelectorAll('.' + PREFIX + 'tab-item-content');
// ADD tab
indicators.addIndicatorList.call(this, chart, tabsContainers[0], 'add');
buttonParentDiv = tabsContainers[0]
.querySelectorAll('.' + PREFIX + 'popup-rhs-col')[0];
this.addButton(buttonParentDiv, lang.addButton || 'add', 'add', callback, buttonParentDiv);
// EDIT tab
indicators.addIndicatorList.call(this, chart, tabsContainers[1], 'edit');
buttonParentDiv = tabsContainers[1]
.querySelectorAll('.' + PREFIX + 'popup-rhs-col')[0];
this.addButton(buttonParentDiv, lang.saveButton || 'save', 'edit', callback, buttonParentDiv);
this.addButton(buttonParentDiv, lang.removeButton || 'remove', 'remove', callback, buttonParentDiv);
* Create HTML list of all indicators (ADD mode) or added indicators
* (EDIT mode).
* @private
addIndicatorList: function (chart, parentDiv, listType) {
var _self = this, lhsCol = parentDiv.querySelectorAll('.' + PREFIX + 'popup-lhs-col')[0], rhsCol = parentDiv.querySelectorAll('.' + PREFIX + 'popup-rhs-col')[0], isEdit = listType === 'edit', series = (isEdit ?
chart.series : // EDIT mode
chart.options.plotOptions // ADD mode
), addFormFields = this.indicators.addFormFields, rhsColWrapper, indicatorList, item;
// create wrapper for list
indicatorList = createElement(UL, {
className: PREFIX + 'indicator-list'
}, null, lhsCol);
rhsColWrapper = rhsCol
.querySelectorAll('.' + PREFIX + 'popup-rhs-col-wrapper')[0];
objectEach(series, function (serie, value) {
var seriesOptions = serie.options;
if (serie.params ||
seriesOptions && seriesOptions.params) {
var indicatorNameType = _self.indicators.getNameType(serie, value), indicatorType = indicatorNameType.type;
item = createElement(LI, {
className: PREFIX + 'indicator-list',
innerHTML: indicatorNameType.name
}, null, indicatorList);
['click', 'touchstart'].forEach(function (eventName) {
addEvent(item, eventName, function () {
addFormFields.call(_self, chart, isEdit ? serie : series[indicatorType], indicatorNameType.type, rhsColWrapper);
// add hidden input with series.id
if (isEdit && serie.options) {
createElement(INPUT, {
type: 'hidden',
name: PREFIX + 'id-' + indicatorType,
value: serie.options.id
}, null, rhsColWrapper)
.setAttribute(PREFIX + 'data-series-id', serie.options.id);
// select first item from the list
if (indicatorList.childNodes.length > 0) {
* Extract full name and type of requested indicator.
* @private
* @param {Highcharts.Series} series
* Series which name is needed. (EDIT mode - defaultOptions.series, ADD
* mode - indicator series).
* @param {string} - indicator type like: sma, ema, etc.
* @return {Object} - series name and type like: sma, ema, etc.
getNameType: function (series, type) {
var options = series.options, seriesTypes = H.seriesTypes,
// add mode
seriesName = seriesTypes[type] &&
seriesTypes[type].prototype.nameBase || type.toUpperCase(), seriesType = type;
// edit
if (options && options.type) {
seriesType = series.options.type;
seriesName = series.name;
return {
name: seriesName,
type: seriesType
* List all series with unique ID. Its mandatory for indicators to set
* correct linking.
* @private
* @param {string} type
* Indicator type like: sma, ema, etc.
* @param {string} optionName
* Type of select i.e series or volume.
* @param {Highcharts.Chart} chart
* Chart
* @param {Highcharts.HTMLDOMElement} parentDiv
* Element where created HTML list is added
* @param {string} selectedOption
* optional param for default value in dropdown
listAllSeries: function (type, optionName, chart, parentDiv, selectedOption) {
var selectName = PREFIX + optionName + '-type-' + type, lang = this.lang, selectBox, seriesOptions;
createElement(LABEL, {
innerHTML: lang[optionName] || optionName,
htmlFor: selectName
}, null, parentDiv);
// select type
selectBox = createElement(SELECT, {
name: selectName,
className: PREFIX + 'popup-field'
}, null, parentDiv);
selectBox.setAttribute('id', PREFIX + 'select-' + optionName);
// list all series which have id - mandatory for creating indicator
chart.series.forEach(function (serie) {
seriesOptions = serie.options;
if (!seriesOptions.params &&
seriesOptions.id &&
seriesOptions.id !== PREFIX + 'navigator-series') {
createElement(OPTION, {
innerHTML: seriesOptions.name || seriesOptions.id,
value: seriesOptions.id
}, null, selectBox);
if (defined(selectedOption)) {
selectBox.value = selectedOption;
* Create typical inputs for chosen indicator. Fields are extracted from
* defaultOptions (ADD mode) or current indicator (ADD mode). Two extra
* fields are added:
* - hidden input - contains indicator type (required for callback)
* - select - list of series which can be linked with indicator
* @private
* @param {Highcharts.Chart} chart
* Chart
* @param {Highcharts.Series} series
* Indicator
* @param {string} seriesType
* Indicator type like: sma, ema, etc.
* @param {Highcharts.HTMLDOMElement} rhsColWrapper
* Element where created HTML list is added
addFormFields: function (chart, series, seriesType, rhsColWrapper) {
var fields = series.params || series.options.params, getNameType = this.indicators.getNameType;
// reset current content
rhsColWrapper.innerHTML = '';
// create title (indicator name in the right column)
createElement(H3, {
className: PREFIX + 'indicator-title',
innerHTML: getNameType(series, seriesType).name
}, null, rhsColWrapper);
// input type
createElement(INPUT, {
type: 'hidden',
name: PREFIX + 'type-' + seriesType,
value: seriesType
}, null, rhsColWrapper);
// list all series with id
this.indicators.listAllSeries.call(this, seriesType, 'series', chart, rhsColWrapper, series.linkedParent && fields.volumeSeriesID);
if (fields.volumeSeriesID) {
this.indicators.listAllSeries.call(this, seriesType, 'volume', chart, rhsColWrapper, series.linkedParent && series.linkedParent.options.id);
// add param fields
this.indicators.addParamInputs.call(this, chart, 'params', fields, seriesType, rhsColWrapper);
* Recurent function which lists all fields, from params object and
* create them as inputs. Each input has unique `data-name` attribute,
* which keeps chain of fields i.e params.styles.fontSize.
* @private
* @param {Highcharts.Chart} chart
* Chart
* @param {string} parentNode
* Name of parent to create chain of names
* @param {Highcharts.PopupFieldsDictionary<string>} fields
* Params which are based for input create
* @param {string} type
* Indicator type like: sma, ema, etc.
* @param {Highcharts.HTMLDOMElement} parentDiv
* Element where created HTML list is added
addParamInputs: function (chart, parentNode, fields, type, parentDiv) {
var _self = this, addParamInputs = this.indicators.addParamInputs, addInput = this.addInput, parentFullName;
objectEach(fields, function (value, fieldName) {
// create name like params.styles.fontSize
parentFullName = parentNode + '.' + fieldName;
if (isObject(value)) {
addParamInputs.call(_self, chart, parentFullName, value, type, parentDiv);
else if (
// skip volume field which is created by addFormFields
parentFullName !== 'params.volumeSeriesID') {
addInput.call(_self, parentFullName, type, parentDiv, [value, 'text'] // all inputs are text type
* Get amount of indicators added to chart.
* @private
* @return {number} - Amount of indicators
getAmount: function () {
var series = this.series, counter = 0;
objectEach(series, function (serie) {
var seriesOptions = serie.options;
if (serie.params ||
seriesOptions && seriesOptions.params) {
return counter;
tabs: {
* Init tabs. Create tab menu items, tabs containers
* @private
* @param {Highcharts.Chart} chart
* Reference to current chart
init: function (chart) {
var tabs = this.tabs, indicatorsCount = this.indicators.getAmount.call(chart), firstTab; // run by default
// create menu items
firstTab = tabs.addMenuItem.call(this, 'add');
tabs.addMenuItem.call(this, 'edit', indicatorsCount);
// create tabs containers
tabs.addContentItem.call(this, 'add');
tabs.addContentItem.call(this, 'edit');
tabs.switchTabs.call(this, indicatorsCount);
// activate first tab
tabs.selectTab.call(this, firstTab, 0);
* Create tab menu item
* @private
* @param {string} tabName
* `add` or `edit`
* @param {number} [disableTab]
* Disable tab when 0
* @return {Highcharts.HTMLDOMElement}
* Created HTML tab-menu element
addMenuItem: function (tabName, disableTab) {
var popupDiv = this.popup.container, className = PREFIX + 'tab-item', lang = this.lang, menuItem;
if (disableTab === 0) {
className += ' ' + PREFIX + 'tab-disabled';
// tab 1
menuItem = createElement(SPAN, {
innerHTML: lang[tabName + 'Button'] || tabName,
className: className
}, null, popupDiv);
menuItem.setAttribute(PREFIX + 'data-tab-type', tabName);
return menuItem;
* Create tab content
* @private
* @return {HTMLDOMElement} - created HTML tab-content element
addContentItem: function () {
var popupDiv = this.popup.container;
return createElement(DIV, {
className: PREFIX + 'tab-item-content'
}, null, popupDiv);
* Add click event to each tab
* @private
* @param {number} disableTab
* Disable tab when 0
switchTabs: function (disableTab) {
var _self = this, popupDiv = this.popup.container, tabs = popupDiv.querySelectorAll('.' + PREFIX + 'tab-item'), dataParam;
tabs.forEach(function (tab, i) {
dataParam = tab.getAttribute(PREFIX + 'data-tab-type');
if (dataParam === 'edit' && disableTab === 0) {
['click', 'touchstart'].forEach(function (eventName) {
addEvent(tab, eventName, function () {
// reset class on other elements
_self.tabs.selectTab.call(_self, this, i);
* Set tab as visible
* @private
* @param {globals.Element} - current tab
* @param {number} - Index of tab in menu
selectTab: function (tab, index) {
var allTabs = this.popup.container
.querySelectorAll('.' + PREFIX + 'tab-item-content');
tab.className += ' ' + PREFIX + 'tab-item-active';
allTabs[index].className += ' ' + PREFIX + 'tab-item-show';
* Set all tabs as invisible.
* @private
deselectAll: function () {
var popupDiv = this.popup.container, tabs = popupDiv
.querySelectorAll('.' + PREFIX + 'tab-item'), tabsContent = popupDiv
.querySelectorAll('.' + PREFIX + 'tab-item-content'), i;
for (i = 0; i < tabs.length; i++) {
tabs[i].classList.remove(PREFIX + 'tab-item-active');
tabsContent[i].classList.remove(PREFIX + 'tab-item-show');
addEvent(NavigationBindings, 'showPopup', function (config) {
if (!this.popup) {
// Add popup to main container
this.popup = new H.Popup(this.chart.container, (this.chart.options.navigation.iconsURL ||
(this.chart.options.stockTools &&
this.chart.options.stockTools.gui.iconsURL) ||
this.popup.showForm(config.formType, this.chart, config.options, config.onSubmit);
addEvent(NavigationBindings, 'closePopup', function () {
if (this.popup) {
_registerModule(_modules, 'masters/modules/annotations-advanced.src.js', [], function () {