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2020-05-23 20:45:54 +00:00
/* *
* (c) 2010-2020 Torstein Honsi
* License: www.highcharts.com/license
* */
'use strict';
import H from './Globals.js';
* An animation configuration. Animation configurations can also be defined as
* booleans, where `false` turns off animation and `true` defaults to a duration
* of 500ms.
* @interface Highcharts.AnimationOptionsObject
*/ /**
* A callback function to exectute when the animation finishes.
* @name Highcharts.AnimationOptionsObject#complete
* @type {Function|undefined}
*/ /**
* The animation duration in milliseconds.
* @name Highcharts.AnimationOptionsObject#duration
* @type {number|undefined}
*/ /**
* The name of an easing function as defined on the `Math` object.
* @name Highcharts.AnimationOptionsObject#easing
* @type {string|Function|undefined}
*/ /**
* A callback function to execute on each step of each attribute or CSS property
* that's being animated. The first argument contains information about the
* animation and progress.
* @name Highcharts.AnimationOptionsObject#step
* @type {Function|undefined}
* Creates a frame for the animated SVG element.
* @callback Highcharts.AnimationStepCallbackFunction
* @param {Highcharts.SVGElement} this
* The SVG element to animate.
* @return {void}
* Interface description for a class.
* @interface Highcharts.Class<T>
* @extends Function
*/ /**
* Class costructor.
* @function Highcharts.Class<T>#new
* @param {...Array<*>} args
* Constructor arguments.
* @return {T}
* Class instance.
* A style object with camel case property names to define visual appearance of
* a SVG element or HTML element. The properties can be whatever styles are
* supported on the given SVG or HTML element.
* @example
* {
* fontFamily: 'monospace',
* fontSize: '1.2em'
* }
* @interface Highcharts.CSSObject
*/ /**
* @name Highcharts.CSSObject#[key:string]
* @type {boolean|number|string|undefined}
*/ /**
* Background style for the element.
* @name Highcharts.CSSObject#background
* @type {string|undefined}
*/ /**
* Background color of the element.
* @name Highcharts.CSSObject#backgroundColor
* @type {Highcharts.ColorString|undefined}
*/ /**
* Border style for the element.
* @name Highcharts.CSSObject#border
* @type {string|undefined}
*/ /**
* Radius of the element border.
* @name Highcharts.CSSObject#borderRadius
* @type {number|undefined}
*/ /**
* Color used in the element. The 'contrast' option is a Highcharts custom
* property that results in black or white, depending on the background of the
* element.
* @name Highcharts.CSSObject#color
* @type {'contrast'|Highcharts.ColorString|undefined}
*/ /**
* Style of the mouse cursor when resting over the element.
* @name Highcharts.CSSObject#cursor
* @type {Highcharts.CursorValue|undefined}
*/ /**
* Font family of the element text. Multiple values have to be in decreasing
* preference order and separated by comma.
* @name Highcharts.CSSObject#fontFamily
* @type {string|undefined}
*/ /**
* Font size of the element text.
* @name Highcharts.CSSObject#fontSize
* @type {string|undefined}
*/ /**
* Font weight of the element text.
* @name Highcharts.CSSObject#fontWeight
* @type {string|undefined}
*/ /**
* Height of the element.
* @name Highcharts.CSSObject#height
* @type {number|undefined}
*/ /**
* Width of the element border.
* @name Highcharts.CSSObject#lineWidth
* @type {number|undefined}
*/ /**
* Opacity of the element.
* @name Highcharts.CSSObject#opacity
* @type {number|undefined}
*/ /**
* Space around the element content.
* @name Highcharts.CSSObject#padding
* @type {string|undefined}
*/ /**
* Behaviour of the element when the mouse cursor rests over it.
* @name Highcharts.CSSObject#pointerEvents
* @type {string|undefined}
*/ /**
* Positioning of the element.
* @name Highcharts.CSSObject#position
* @type {string|undefined}
*/ /**
* Alignment of the element text.
* @name Highcharts.CSSObject#textAlign
* @type {string|undefined}
*/ /**
* Additional decoration of the element text.
* @name Highcharts.CSSObject#textDecoration
* @type {string|undefined}
*/ /**
* Outline style of the element text.
* @name Highcharts.CSSObject#textOutline
* @type {string|undefined}
*/ /**
* Line break style of the element text. Highcharts SVG elements support
* `ellipsis` when a `width` is set.
* @name Highcharts.CSSObject#textOverflow
* @type {string|undefined}
*/ /**
* Top spacing of the element relative to the parent element.
* @name Highcharts.CSSObject#top
* @type {string|undefined}
*/ /**
* Animated transition of selected element properties.
* @name Highcharts.CSSObject#transition
* @type {string|undefined}
*/ /**
* Line break style of the element text.
* @name Highcharts.CSSObject#whiteSpace
* @type {string|undefined}
*/ /**
* Width of the element.
* @name Highcharts.CSSObject#width
* @type {number|undefined}
* All possible cursor styles.
* @typedef {'alias'|'all-scroll'|'auto'|'cell'|'col-resize'|'context-menu'|'copy'|'crosshair'|'default'|'e-resize'|'ew-resize'|'grab'|'grabbing'|'help'|'move'|'n-resize'|'ne-resize'|'nesw-resize'|'no-drop'|'none'|'not-allowed'|'ns-resize'|'nw-resize'|'nwse-resize'|'pointer'|'progress'|'row-resize'|'s-resize'|'se-resize'|'sw-resize'|'text'|'vertical-text'|'w-resize'|'wait'|'zoom-in'|'zoom-out'} Highcharts.CursorValue
* All possible dash styles.
* @typedef {'Dash'|'DashDot'|'Dot'|'LongDash'|'LongDashDot'|'LongDashDotDot'|'ShortDash'|'ShortDashDot'|'ShortDashDotDot'|'ShortDot'|'Solid'} Highcharts.DashStyleValue
* Generic dictionary in TypeScript notation.
* @interface Highcharts.Dictionary<T>
*/ /**
* @name Highcharts.Dictionary<T>#[key:string]
* @type {T}
* The function callback to execute when the event is fired. The `this` context
* contains the instance, that fired the event.
* @callback Highcharts.EventCallbackFunction<T>
* @param {T} this
* @param {Highcharts.Dictionary<*>|Event} [eventArguments]
* Event arguments.
* @return {boolean|void}
* The event options for adding function callback.
* @interface Highcharts.EventOptionsObject
*/ /**
* The order the event handler should be called. This opens for having one
* handler be called before another, independent of in which order they were
* added.
* @name Highcharts.EventOptionsObject#order
* @type {number}
* Formats data as a string. Usually the data is accessible throught the `this`
* keyword.
* @callback Highcharts.FormatterCallbackFunction<T>
* @param {T} this
* Context to format
* @return {string}
* Formatted text
* An object of key-value pairs for HTML attributes.
* @typedef {Highcharts.Dictionary<boolean|number|string|Function>} Highcharts.HTMLAttributes
* An HTML DOM element. The type is a reference to the regular HTMLElement in
* the global scope.
* @typedef {global.HTMLElement} Highcharts.HTMLDOMElement
* @see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/HTMLElement
* The iterator callback.
* @callback Highcharts.ObjectEachCallbackFunction<T>
* @param {T} this
* The context.
* @param {*} value
* The property value.
* @param {string} key
* The property key.
* @param {*} obj
* The object that objectEach is being applied to.
* An object containing `left` and `top` properties for the position in the
* page.
* @interface Highcharts.OffsetObject
*/ /**
* Left distance to the page border.
* @name Highcharts.OffsetObject#left
* @type {number}
*/ /**
* Top distance to the page border.
* @name Highcharts.OffsetObject#top
* @type {number}
* Describes a range.
* @interface Highcharts.RangeObject
*/ /**
* Maximum number of the range.
* @name Highcharts.RangeObject#max
* @type {number}
*/ /**
* Minimum number of the range.
* @name Highcharts.RangeObject#min
* @type {number}
* If a number is given, it defines the pixel length. If a percentage string is
* given, like for example `'50%'`, the setting defines a length relative to a
* base size, for example the size of a container.
* @typedef {number|string} Highcharts.RelativeSize
* Proceed function to call original (wrapped) function.
* @callback Highcharts.WrapProceedFunction
* @param {*} [arg1]
* Optional argument. Without any arguments defaults to first argument of
* the wrapping function.
* @param {*} [arg2]
* Optional argument. Without any arguments defaults to second argument
* of the wrapping function.
* @param {*} [arg3]
* Optional argument. Without any arguments defaults to third argument of
* the wrapping function.
* @return {*}
* Return value of the original function.
* The Highcharts object is the placeholder for all other members, and various
* utility functions. The most important member of the namespace would be the
* chart constructor.
* @example
* var chart = Highcharts.chart('container', { ... });
* @namespace Highcharts
H.timers = [];
var charts = H.charts, doc = H.doc, win = H.win;
* Provide error messages for debugging, with links to online explanation. This
* function can be overridden to provide custom error handling.
* @sample highcharts/chart/highcharts-error/
* Custom error handler
* @function Highcharts.error
* @param {number|string} code
* The error code. See
* [errors.xml](https://github.com/highcharts/highcharts/blob/master/errors/errors.xml)
* for available codes. If it is a string, the error message is printed
* directly in the console.
* @param {boolean} [stop=false]
* Whether to throw an error or just log a warning in the console.
* @param {Highcharts.Chart} [chart]
* Reference to the chart that causes the error. Used in 'debugger'
* module to display errors directly on the chart.
* Important note: This argument is undefined for errors that lack
* access to the Chart instance.
* @param {Highcharts.Dictionary<string>} [params]
* Additional parameters for the generated message.
* @return {void}
var error = H.error = function (code, stop, chart, params) {
var isCode = isNumber(code), message = isCode ?
"Highcharts error #" + code + ": www.highcharts.com/errors/" + code + "/" :
code.toString(), defaultHandler = function () {
if (stop) {
throw new Error(message);
// else ...
if (win.console) {
console.log(message); // eslint-disable-line no-console
if (typeof params !== 'undefined') {
var additionalMessages_1 = '';
if (isCode) {
message += '?';
objectEach(params, function (value, key) {
additionalMessages_1 += ('\n' + key + ': ' + value);
if (isCode) {
message += encodeURI(key) + '=' + encodeURI(value);
message += additionalMessages_1;
if (chart) {
fireEvent(chart, 'displayError', { code: code, message: message, params: params }, defaultHandler);
else {
/* eslint-disable no-invalid-this, valid-jsdoc */
* An animator object used internally. One instance applies to one property
* (attribute or style prop) on one element. Animation is always initiated
* through {@link SVGElement#animate}.
* @example
* var rect = renderer.rect(0, 0, 10, 10).add();
* rect.animate({ width: 100 });
* @private
* @class
* @name Highcharts.Fx
var Fx = /** @class */ (function () {
/* *
* Constructors
* */
* @param {Highcharts.HTMLDOMElement|Highcharts.SVGElement} elem
* The element to animate.
* @param {Highcharts.AnimationOptionsObject} options
* Animation options.
* @param {string} prop
* The single attribute or CSS property to animate.
function Fx(elem, options, prop) {
this.options = options;
this.elem = elem;
this.prop = prop;
/* *
* Functions
* */
* Set the current step of a path definition on SVGElement.
* @function Highcharts.Fx#dSetter
* @return {void}
Fx.prototype.dSetter = function () {
var paths = this.paths, start = paths && paths[0], end = paths && paths[1], path = [], now = this.now || 0;
// Land on the final path without adjustment points appended in the ends
if (now === 1 || !start || !end) {
path = this.toD || [];
else if (start.length === end.length && now < 1) {
for (var i = 0; i < end.length; i++) {
// Tween between the start segment and the end segment. Start
// with a copy of the end segment and tween the appropriate
// numerics
var startSeg = start[i];
var endSeg = end[i];
var tweenSeg = [];
for (var j = 0; j < endSeg.length; j++) {
var startItem = startSeg[j];
var endItem = endSeg[j];
// Tween numbers
if (typeof startItem === 'number' &&
typeof endItem === 'number' &&
// Arc boolean flags
!(endSeg[0] === 'A' && (j === 4 || j === 5))) {
tweenSeg[j] = startItem + now * (endItem - startItem);
// Strings, take directly from the end segment
else {
tweenSeg[j] = endItem;
// If animation is finished or length not matching, land on right value
else {
path = end;
this.elem.attr('d', path, void 0, true);
* Update the element with the current animation step.
* @function Highcharts.Fx#update
* @return {void}
Fx.prototype.update = function () {
var elem = this.elem, prop = this.prop, // if destroyed, it is null
now = this.now, step = this.options.step;
// Animation setter defined from outside
if (this[prop + 'Setter']) {
this[prop + 'Setter']();
// Other animations on SVGElement
else if (elem.attr) {
if (elem.element) {
elem.attr(prop, now, null, true);
// HTML styles, raw HTML content like container size
else {
elem.style[prop] = now + this.unit;
if (step) {
step.call(elem, now, this);
* Run an animation.
* @function Highcharts.Fx#run
* @param {number} from
* The current value, value to start from.
* @param {number} to
* The end value, value to land on.
* @param {string} unit
* The property unit, for example `px`.
* @return {void}
Fx.prototype.run = function (from, to, unit) {
var self = this, options = self.options, timer = function (gotoEnd) {
return timer.stopped ? false : self.step(gotoEnd);
}, requestAnimationFrame = win.requestAnimationFrame ||
function (step) {
setTimeout(step, 13);
}, step = function () {
for (var i = 0; i < H.timers.length; i++) {
if (!H.timers[i]()) {
H.timers.splice(i--, 1);
if (H.timers.length) {
if (from === to && !this.elem['forceAnimate:' + this.prop]) {
delete options.curAnim[this.prop];
if (options.complete && Object.keys(options.curAnim).length === 0) {
else { // #7166
this.startTime = +new Date();
this.start = from;
this.end = to;
this.unit = unit;
this.now = this.start;
this.pos = 0;
timer.elem = this.elem;
timer.prop = this.prop;
if (timer() && H.timers.push(timer) === 1) {
* Run a single step in the animation.
* @function Highcharts.Fx#step
* @param {boolean} [gotoEnd]
* Whether to go to the endpoint of the animation after abort.
* @return {boolean}
* Returns `true` if animation continues.
Fx.prototype.step = function (gotoEnd) {
var t = +new Date(), ret, done, options = this.options, elem = this.elem, complete = options.complete, duration = options.duration, curAnim = options.curAnim;
if (elem.attr && !elem.element) { // #2616, element is destroyed
ret = false;
else if (gotoEnd || t >= duration + this.startTime) {
this.now = this.end;
this.pos = 1;
curAnim[this.prop] = true;
done = true;
objectEach(curAnim, function (val) {
if (val !== true) {
done = false;
if (done && complete) {
ret = false;
else {
this.pos = options.easing((t - this.startTime) / duration);
this.now = this.start + ((this.end - this.start) * this.pos);
ret = true;
return ret;
* Prepare start and end values so that the path can be animated one to one.
* @function Highcharts.Fx#initPath
* @param {Highcharts.SVGElement} elem
* The SVGElement item.
* @param {Highcharts.SVGPathArray|undefined} fromD
* Starting path definition.
* @param {Highcharts.SVGPathArray} toD
* Ending path definition.
* @return {Array<Highcharts.SVGPathArray,Highcharts.SVGPathArray>}
* An array containing start and end paths in array form so that
* they can be animated in parallel.
Fx.prototype.initPath = function (elem, fromD, toD) {
var shift, startX = elem.startX, endX = elem.endX, fullLength, i, start = fromD && fromD.slice(), // copy
end = toD.slice(), // copy
isArea = elem.isArea, positionFactor = isArea ? 2 : 1, reverse;
if (!start) {
return [end, end];
* If shifting points, prepend a dummy point to the end path.
* @private
* @param {Highcharts.SVGPathArray} arr - array
* @param {Highcharts.SVGPathArray} other - array
* @return {void}
function prepend(arr, other) {
while (arr.length < fullLength) {
// Move to, line to or curve to?
var moveSegment = arr[0], otherSegment = other[fullLength - arr.length];
if (otherSegment && moveSegment[0] === 'M') {
if (otherSegment[0] === 'C') {
arr[0] = [
else {
arr[0] = ['L', moveSegment[1], moveSegment[2]];
// Prepend a copy of the first point
// For areas, the bottom path goes back again to the left, so we
// need to append a copy of the last point.
if (isArea) {
arr.push(arr[arr.length - 1]);
* Copy and append last point until the length matches the end length.
* @private
* @param {Highcharts.SVGPathArray} arr - array
* @param {Highcharts.SVGPathArray} other - array
* @return {void}
function append(arr, other) {
while (arr.length < fullLength) {
// Pull out the slice that is going to be appended or inserted.
// In a line graph, the positionFactor is 1, and the last point
// is sliced out. In an area graph, the positionFactor is 2,
// causing the middle two points to be sliced out, since an area
// path starts at left, follows the upper path then turns and
// follows the bottom back.
var segmentToAdd = arr[arr.length / positionFactor - 1].slice();
// Disable the first control point of curve segments
if (segmentToAdd[0] === 'C') {
segmentToAdd[1] = segmentToAdd[5];
segmentToAdd[2] = segmentToAdd[6];
if (!isArea) {
else {
var lowerSegmentToAdd = arr[arr.length / positionFactor].slice();
arr.splice(arr.length / 2, 0, segmentToAdd, lowerSegmentToAdd);
// For sideways animation, find out how much we need to shift to get the
// start path Xs to match the end path Xs.
if (startX && endX) {
for (i = 0; i < startX.length; i++) {
// Moving left, new points coming in on right
if (startX[i] === endX[0]) {
shift = i;
// Moving right
else if (startX[0] ===
endX[endX.length - startX.length + i]) {
shift = i;
reverse = true;
// Fixed from the right side, "scaling" left
else if (startX[startX.length - 1] ===
endX[endX.length - startX.length + i]) {
shift = startX.length - i;
if (typeof shift === 'undefined') {
start = [];
if (start.length && isNumber(shift)) {
// The common target length for the start and end array, where both
// arrays are padded in opposite ends
fullLength = end.length + shift * positionFactor;
if (!reverse) {
prepend(end, start);
append(start, end);
else {
prepend(start, end);
append(end, start);
return [start, end];
* Handle animation of the color attributes directly.
* @function Highcharts.Fx#fillSetter
* @return {void}
Fx.prototype.fillSetter = function () {
Fx.prototype.strokeSetter.apply(this, arguments);
* Handle animation of the color attributes directly.
* @function Highcharts.Fx#strokeSetter
* @return {void}
Fx.prototype.strokeSetter = function () {
this.elem.attr(this.prop, H.color(this.start).tweenTo(H.color(this.end), this.pos), null, true);
return Fx;
H.Fx = Fx;
/* eslint-disable valid-jsdoc */
* Utility function to deep merge two or more objects and return a third object.
* If the first argument is true, the contents of the second object is copied
* into the first object. The merge function can also be used with a single
* object argument to create a deep copy of an object.
* @function Highcharts.merge<T>
* @param {boolean} extend
* Whether to extend the left-side object (a) or return a whole new
* object.
* @param {T|undefined} a
* The first object to extend. When only this is given, the function
* returns a deep copy.
* @param {...Array<object|undefined>} [n]
* An object to merge into the previous one.
* @return {T}
* The merged object. If the first argument is true, the return is the
* same as the second argument.
*/ /**
* Utility function to deep merge two or more objects and return a third object.
* The merge function can also be used with a single object argument to create a
* deep copy of an object.
* @function Highcharts.merge<T>
* @param {T|undefined} a
* The first object to extend. When only this is given, the function
* returns a deep copy.
* @param {...Array<object|undefined>} [n]
* An object to merge into the previous one.
* @return {T}
* The merged object. If the first argument is true, the return is the
* same as the second argument.
function merge() {
/* eslint-enable valid-jsdoc */
var i, args = arguments, len, ret = {}, doCopy = function (copy, original) {
// An object is replacing a primitive
if (typeof copy !== 'object') {
copy = {};
objectEach(original, function (value, key) {
// Copy the contents of objects, but not arrays or DOM nodes
if (isObject(value, true) &&
!isClass(value) &&
!isDOMElement(value)) {
copy[key] = doCopy(copy[key] || {}, value);
// Primitives and arrays are copied over directly
else {
copy[key] = original[key];
return copy;
// If first argument is true, copy into the existing object. Used in
// setOptions.
if (args[0] === true) {
ret = args[1];
args = Array.prototype.slice.call(args, 2);
// For each argument, extend the return
len = args.length;
for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
ret = doCopy(ret, args[i]);
return ret;
H.merge = merge;
* Constrain a value to within a lower and upper threshold.
* @private
* @param {number} value The initial value
* @param {number} min The lower threshold
* @param {number} max The upper threshold
* @return {number} Returns a number value within min and max.
function clamp(value, min, max) {
return value > min ? value < max ? value : max : min;
* Shortcut for parseInt
* @private
* @function Highcharts.pInt
* @param {*} s
* any
* @param {number} [mag]
* Magnitude
* @return {number}
* number
var pInt = H.pInt = function pInt(s, mag) {
return parseInt(s, mag || 10);
* Utility function to check for string type.
* @function Highcharts.isString
* @param {*} s
* The item to check.
* @return {boolean}
* True if the argument is a string.
var isString = H.isString = function isString(s) {
return typeof s === 'string';
* Utility function to check if an item is an array.
* @function Highcharts.isArray
* @param {*} obj
* The item to check.
* @return {boolean}
* True if the argument is an array.
var isArray = H.isArray = function isArray(obj) {
var str = Object.prototype.toString.call(obj);
return str === '[object Array]' || str === '[object Array Iterator]';
* Utility function to check if an item is of type object.
* @function Highcharts.isObject
* @param {*} obj
* The item to check.
* @param {boolean} [strict=false]
* Also checks that the object is not an array.
* @return {boolean}
* True if the argument is an object.
function isObject(obj, strict) {
return (!!obj &&
typeof obj === 'object' &&
(!strict || !isArray(obj))); // eslint-disable-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
H.isObject = isObject;
* Utility function to check if an Object is a HTML Element.
* @function Highcharts.isDOMElement
* @param {*} obj
* The item to check.
* @return {boolean}
* True if the argument is a HTML Element.
var isDOMElement = H.isDOMElement = function isDOMElement(obj) {
return isObject(obj) && typeof obj.nodeType === 'number';
* Utility function to check if an Object is a class.
* @function Highcharts.isClass
* @param {object|undefined} obj
* The item to check.
* @return {boolean}
* True if the argument is a class.
var isClass = H.isClass = function isClass(obj) {
var c = obj && obj.constructor;
return !!(isObject(obj, true) &&
!isDOMElement(obj) &&
(c && c.name && c.name !== 'Object'));
* Utility function to check if an item is a number and it is finite (not NaN,
* Infinity or -Infinity).
* @function Highcharts.isNumber
* @param {*} n
* The item to check.
* @return {boolean}
* True if the item is a finite number
var isNumber = H.isNumber = function isNumber(n) {
return typeof n === 'number' && !isNaN(n) && n < Infinity && n > -Infinity;
* Remove the last occurence of an item from an array.
* @function Highcharts.erase
* @param {Array<*>} arr
* The array.
* @param {*} item
* The item to remove.
* @return {void}
var erase = H.erase = function erase(arr, item) {
var i = arr.length;
while (i--) {
if (arr[i] === item) {
arr.splice(i, 1);
* Check if an object is null or undefined.
* @function Highcharts.defined
* @param {*} obj
* The object to check.
* @return {boolean}
* False if the object is null or undefined, otherwise true.
var defined = H.defined = function defined(obj) {
return typeof obj !== 'undefined' && obj !== null;
* Set or get an attribute or an object of attributes. To use as a setter, pass
* a key and a value, or let the second argument be a collection of keys and
* values. To use as a getter, pass only a string as the second argument.
* @function Highcharts.attr
* @param {Highcharts.HTMLDOMElement|Highcharts.SVGDOMElement} elem
* The DOM element to receive the attribute(s).
* @param {string|Highcharts.HTMLAttributes|Highcharts.SVGAttributes} [prop]
* The property or an object of key-value pairs.
* @param {number|string} [value]
* The value if a single property is set.
* @return {string|null|undefined}
* When used as a getter, return the value.
function attr(elem, prop, value) {
var ret;
// if the prop is a string
if (isString(prop)) {
// set the value
if (defined(value)) {
elem.setAttribute(prop, value);
// get the value
else if (elem && elem.getAttribute) {
ret = elem.getAttribute(prop);
// IE7 and below cannot get class through getAttribute (#7850)
if (!ret && prop === 'class') {
ret = elem.getAttribute(prop + 'Name');
// else if prop is defined, it is a hash of key/value pairs
else {
objectEach(prop, function (val, key) {
elem.setAttribute(key, val);
return ret;
H.attr = attr;
* Check if an element is an array, and if not, make it into an array.
* @function Highcharts.splat
* @param {*} obj
* The object to splat.
* @return {Array}
* The produced or original array.
var splat = H.splat = function splat(obj) {
return isArray(obj) ? obj : [obj];
* Set a timeout if the delay is given, otherwise perform the function
* synchronously.
* @function Highcharts.syncTimeout
* @param {Function} fn
* The function callback.
* @param {number} delay
* Delay in milliseconds.
* @param {*} [context]
* An optional context to send to the function callback.
* @return {number}
* An identifier for the timeout that can later be cleared with
* Highcharts.clearTimeout. Returns -1 if there is no timeout.
var syncTimeout = H.syncTimeout = function syncTimeout(fn, delay, context) {
if (delay > 0) {
return setTimeout(fn, delay, context);
fn.call(0, context);
return -1;
* Internal clear timeout. The function checks that the `id` was not removed
* (e.g. by `chart.destroy()`). For the details see
* [issue #7901](https://github.com/highcharts/highcharts/issues/7901).
* @function Highcharts.clearTimeout
* @param {number} id
* Id of a timeout.
* @return {void}
var internalClearTimeout = H.clearTimeout = function (id) {
if (defined(id)) {
/* eslint-disable valid-jsdoc */
* Utility function to extend an object with the members of another.
* @function Highcharts.extend<T>
* @param {T|undefined} a
* The object to be extended.
* @param {object} b
* The object to add to the first one.
* @return {T}
* Object a, the original object.
var extend = H.extend = function extend(a, b) {
/* eslint-enable valid-jsdoc */
var n;
if (!a) {
a = {};
for (n in b) { // eslint-disable-line guard-for-in
a[n] = b[n];
return a;
/* eslint-disable valid-jsdoc */
* Return the first value that is not null or undefined.
* @function Highcharts.pick<T>
* @param {...Array<T|null|undefined>} items
* Variable number of arguments to inspect.
* @return {T}
* The value of the first argument that is not null or undefined.
function pick() {
var args = arguments;
var length = args.length;
for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
var arg = args[i];
if (typeof arg !== 'undefined' && arg !== null) {
return arg;
H.pick = pick;
* Set CSS on a given element.
* @function Highcharts.css
* @param {Highcharts.HTMLDOMElement|Highcharts.SVGDOMElement} el
* An HTML DOM element.
* @param {Highcharts.CSSObject} styles
* Style object with camel case property names.
* @return {void}
var css = H.css = function css(el, styles) {
if (H.isMS && !H.svg) { // #2686
if (styles && typeof styles.opacity !== 'undefined') {
styles.filter =
'alpha(opacity=' + (styles.opacity * 100) + ')';
extend(el.style, styles);
* Utility function to create an HTML element with attributes and styles.
* @function Highcharts.createElement
* @param {string} tag
* The HTML tag.
* @param {Highcharts.HTMLAttributes} [attribs]
* Attributes as an object of key-value pairs.
* @param {Highcharts.CSSObject} [styles]
* Styles as an object of key-value pairs.
* @param {Highcharts.HTMLDOMElement} [parent]
* The parent HTML object.
* @param {boolean} [nopad=false]
* If true, remove all padding, border and margin.
* @return {Highcharts.HTMLDOMElement}
* The created DOM element.
var createElement = H.createElement = function createElement(tag, attribs, styles, parent, nopad) {
var el = doc.createElement(tag);
if (attribs) {
extend(el, attribs);
if (nopad) {
css(el, { padding: '0', border: 'none', margin: '0' });
if (styles) {
css(el, styles);
if (parent) {
return el;
// eslint-disable-next-line valid-jsdoc
* Extend a prototyped class by new members.
* @function Highcharts.extendClass<T>
* @param {Highcharts.Class<T>} parent
* The parent prototype to inherit.
* @param {Highcharts.Dictionary<*>} members
* A collection of prototype members to add or override compared to the
* parent prototype.
* @return {Highcharts.Class<T>}
* A new prototype.
var extendClass = H.extendClass = function extendClass(parent, members) {
var obj = (function () { });
obj.prototype = new parent(); // eslint-disable-line new-cap
extend(obj.prototype, members);
return obj;
* Left-pad a string to a given length by adding a character repetetively.
* @function Highcharts.pad
* @param {number} number
* The input string or number.
* @param {number} [length]
* The desired string length.
* @param {string} [padder=0]
* The character to pad with.
* @return {string}
* The padded string.
var pad = H.pad = function pad(number, length, padder) {
return new Array((length || 2) +
1 -
.replace('-', '')
.length).join(padder || '0') + number;
* Return a length based on either the integer value, or a percentage of a base.
* @function Highcharts.relativeLength
* @param {Highcharts.RelativeSize} value
* A percentage string or a number.
* @param {number} base
* The full length that represents 100%.
* @param {number} [offset=0]
* A pixel offset to apply for percentage values. Used internally in
* axis positioning.
* @return {number}
* The computed length.
var relativeLength = H.relativeLength = function relativeLength(value, base, offset) {
return (/%$/).test(value) ?
(base * parseFloat(value) / 100) + (offset || 0) :
* Wrap a method with extended functionality, preserving the original function.
' * @function Highcharts.wrap
* @param {*} obj
* The context object that the method belongs to. In real cases, this is
* often a prototype.
* @param {string} method
* The name of the method to extend.
* @param {Highcharts.WrapProceedFunction} func
* A wrapper function callback. This function is called with the same
* arguments as the original function, except that the original function
* is unshifted and passed as the first argument.
* @return {void}
var wrap = H.wrap = function wrap(obj, method, func) {
var proceed = obj[method];
obj[method] = function () {
var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments), outerArgs = arguments, ctx = this, ret;
ctx.proceed = function () {
proceed.apply(ctx, arguments.length ? arguments : outerArgs);
ret = func.apply(this, args);
ctx.proceed = null;
return ret;
* Format a string according to a subset of the rules of Python's String.format
* method.
* @example
* var s = Highcharts.format(
* 'The {color} fox was {len:.2f} feet long',
* { color: 'red', len: Math.PI }
* );
* // => The red fox was 3.14 feet long
* @function Highcharts.format
* @param {string} str
* The string to format.
* @param {Record<string, *>} ctx
* The context, a collection of key-value pairs where each key is
* replaced by its value.
* @param {Highcharts.Chart} [chart]
* A `Chart` instance used to get numberFormatter and time.
* @return {string}
* The formatted string.
var format = H.format = function (str, ctx, chart) {
var splitter = '{', isInside = false, segment, valueAndFormat, ret = [], val, index;
var floatRegex = /f$/;
var decRegex = /\.([0-9])/;
var lang = H.defaultOptions.lang;
var time = chart && chart.time || H.time;
var numberFormatter = chart && chart.numberFormatter || numberFormat;
while (str) {
index = str.indexOf(splitter);
if (index === -1) {
segment = str.slice(0, index);
if (isInside) { // we're on the closing bracket looking back
valueAndFormat = segment.split(':');
val = getNestedProperty(valueAndFormat.shift() || '', ctx);
// Format the replacement
if (valueAndFormat.length && typeof val === 'number') {
segment = valueAndFormat.join(':');
if (floatRegex.test(segment)) { // float
var decimals = parseInt((segment.match(decRegex) || ['', '-1'])[1], 10);
if (val !== null) {
val = numberFormatter(val, decimals, lang.decimalPoint, segment.indexOf(',') > -1 ? lang.thousandsSep : '');
else {
val = time.dateFormat(segment, val);
// Push the result and advance the cursor
else {
str = str.slice(index + 1); // the rest
isInside = !isInside; // toggle
splitter = isInside ? '}' : '{'; // now look for next matching bracket
return ret.join('');
* Get the magnitude of a number.
* @function Highcharts.getMagnitude
* @param {number} num
* The number.
* @return {number}
* The magnitude, where 1-9 are magnitude 1, 10-99 magnitude 2 etc.
var getMagnitude = H.getMagnitude = function (num) {
return Math.pow(10, Math.floor(Math.log(num) / Math.LN10));
* Take an interval and normalize it to multiples of round numbers.
* @deprecated
* @function Highcharts.normalizeTickInterval
* @param {number} interval
* The raw, un-rounded interval.
* @param {Array<*>} [multiples]
* Allowed multiples.
* @param {number} [magnitude]
* The magnitude of the number.
* @param {boolean} [allowDecimals]
* Whether to allow decimals.
* @param {boolean} [hasTickAmount]
* If it has tickAmount, avoid landing on tick intervals lower than
* original.
* @return {number}
* The normalized interval.
* @todo
* Move this function to the Axis prototype. It is here only for historical
* reasons.
var normalizeTickInterval = H.normalizeTickInterval = function (interval, multiples, magnitude, allowDecimals, hasTickAmount) {
var normalized, i, retInterval = interval;
// round to a tenfold of 1, 2, 2.5 or 5
magnitude = pick(magnitude, 1);
normalized = interval / magnitude;
// multiples for a linear scale
if (!multiples) {
multiples = hasTickAmount ?
// Finer grained ticks when the tick amount is hard set, including
// when alignTicks is true on multiple axes (#4580).
[1, 1.2, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10] :
// Else, let ticks fall on rounder numbers
[1, 2, 2.5, 5, 10];
// the allowDecimals option
if (allowDecimals === false) {
if (magnitude === 1) {
multiples = multiples.filter(function (num) {
return num % 1 === 0;
else if (magnitude <= 0.1) {
multiples = [1 / magnitude];
// normalize the interval to the nearest multiple
for (i = 0; i < multiples.length; i++) {
retInterval = multiples[i];
// only allow tick amounts smaller than natural
if ((hasTickAmount &&
retInterval * magnitude >= interval) ||
(!hasTickAmount &&
(normalized <=
(multiples[i] +
(multiples[i + 1] || multiples[i])) / 2))) {
// Multiply back to the correct magnitude. Correct floats to appropriate
// precision (#6085).
retInterval = correctFloat(retInterval * magnitude, -Math.round(Math.log(0.001) / Math.LN10));
return retInterval;
* Sort an object array and keep the order of equal items. The ECMAScript
* standard does not specify the behaviour when items are equal.
* @function Highcharts.stableSort
* @param {Array<*>} arr
* The array to sort.
* @param {Function} sortFunction
* The function to sort it with, like with regular Array.prototype.sort.
* @return {void}
var stableSort = H.stableSort = function stableSort(arr, sortFunction) {
// @todo It seems like Chrome since v70 sorts in a stable way internally,
// plus all other browsers do it, so over time we may be able to remove this
// function
var length = arr.length, sortValue, i;
// Add index to each item
for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
arr[i].safeI = i; // stable sort index
arr.sort(function (a, b) {
sortValue = sortFunction(a, b);
return sortValue === 0 ? a.safeI - b.safeI : sortValue;
// Remove index from items
for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
delete arr[i].safeI; // stable sort index
* Non-recursive method to find the lowest member of an array. `Math.min` raises
* a maximum call stack size exceeded error in Chrome when trying to apply more
* than 150.000 points. This method is slightly slower, but safe.
* @function Highcharts.arrayMin
* @param {Array<*>} data
* An array of numbers.
* @return {number}
* The lowest number.
var arrayMin = H.arrayMin = function arrayMin(data) {
var i = data.length, min = data[0];
while (i--) {
if (data[i] < min) {
min = data[i];
return min;
* Non-recursive method to find the lowest member of an array. `Math.max` raises
* a maximum call stack size exceeded error in Chrome when trying to apply more
* than 150.000 points. This method is slightly slower, but safe.
* @function Highcharts.arrayMax
* @param {Array<*>} data
* An array of numbers.
* @return {number}
* The highest number.
var arrayMax = H.arrayMax = function arrayMax(data) {
var i = data.length, max = data[0];
while (i--) {
if (data[i] > max) {
max = data[i];
return max;
* Utility method that destroys any SVGElement instances that are properties on
* the given object. It loops all properties and invokes destroy if there is a
* destroy method. The property is then delete.
* @function Highcharts.destroyObjectProperties
* @param {*} obj
* The object to destroy properties on.
* @param {*} [except]
* Exception, do not destroy this property, only delete it.
* @return {void}
var destroyObjectProperties = H.destroyObjectProperties =
function destroyObjectProperties(obj, except) {
objectEach(obj, function (val, n) {
// If the object is non-null and destroy is defined
if (val && val !== except && val.destroy) {
// Invoke the destroy
// Delete the property from the object.
delete obj[n];
* Discard a HTML element by moving it to the bin and delete.
* @function Highcharts.discardElement
* @param {Highcharts.HTMLDOMElement} element
* The HTML node to discard.
* @return {void}
var discardElement = H.discardElement = function discardElement(element) {
var garbageBin = H.garbageBin;
// create a garbage bin element, not part of the DOM
if (!garbageBin) {
garbageBin = createElement('div');
// move the node and empty bin
if (element) {
garbageBin.innerHTML = '';
* Fix JS round off float errors.
* @function Highcharts.correctFloat
* @param {number} num
* A float number to fix.
* @param {number} [prec=14]
* The precision.
* @return {number}
* The corrected float number.
var correctFloat = H.correctFloat = function correctFloat(num, prec) {
return parseFloat(num.toPrecision(prec || 14));
* Set the global animation to either a given value, or fall back to the given
* chart's animation option.
* @function Highcharts.setAnimation
* @param {boolean|Highcharts.AnimationOptionsObject|undefined} animation
* The animation object.
* @param {Highcharts.Chart} chart
* The chart instance.
* @return {void}
* @todo
* This function always relates to a chart, and sets a property on the renderer,
* so it should be moved to the SVGRenderer.
var setAnimation = H.setAnimation = function setAnimation(animation, chart) {
chart.renderer.globalAnimation = pick(animation, chart.options.chart.animation, true);
* Get the animation in object form, where a disabled animation is always
* returned as `{ duration: 0 }`.
* @function Highcharts.animObject
* @param {boolean|Highcharts.AnimationOptionsObject} [animation=0]
* An animation setting. Can be an object with duration, complete and
* easing properties, or a boolean to enable or disable.
* @return {Highcharts.AnimationOptionsObject}
* An object with at least a duration property.
var animObject = H.animObject = function animObject(animation) {
return isObject(animation) ?
merge(animation) :
{ duration: animation ? 500 : 0 };
* The time unit lookup
* @ignore
var timeUnits = H.timeUnits = {
millisecond: 1,
second: 1000,
minute: 60000,
hour: 3600000,
day: 24 * 3600000,
week: 7 * 24 * 3600000,
month: 28 * 24 * 3600000,
year: 364 * 24 * 3600000
* Format a number and return a string based on input settings.
* @sample highcharts/members/highcharts-numberformat/
* Custom number format
* @function Highcharts.numberFormat
* @param {number} number
* The input number to format.
* @param {number} decimals
* The amount of decimals. A value of -1 preserves the amount in the
* input number.
* @param {string} [decimalPoint]
* The decimal point, defaults to the one given in the lang options, or
* a dot.
* @param {string} [thousandsSep]
* The thousands separator, defaults to the one given in the lang
* options, or a space character.
* @return {string}
* The formatted number.
var numberFormat = H.numberFormat = function numberFormat(number, decimals, decimalPoint, thousandsSep) {
number = +number || 0;
decimals = +decimals;
var lang = H.defaultOptions.lang, origDec = (number.toString().split('.')[1] || '').split('e')[0].length, strinteger, thousands, ret, roundedNumber, exponent = number.toString().split('e'), fractionDigits;
if (decimals === -1) {
// Preserve decimals. Not huge numbers (#3793).
decimals = Math.min(origDec, 20);
else if (!isNumber(decimals)) {
decimals = 2;
else if (decimals && exponent[1] && exponent[1] < 0) {
// Expose decimals from exponential notation (#7042)
fractionDigits = decimals + +exponent[1];
if (fractionDigits >= 0) {
// remove too small part of the number while keeping the notation
exponent[0] = (+exponent[0]).toExponential(fractionDigits)
decimals = fractionDigits;
else {
// fractionDigits < 0
exponent[0] = exponent[0].split('.')[0] || 0;
if (decimals < 20) {
// use number instead of exponential notation (#7405)
number = (exponent[0] * Math.pow(10, exponent[1]))
else {
// or zero
number = 0;
exponent[1] = 0;
// Add another decimal to avoid rounding errors of float numbers. (#4573)
// Then use toFixed to handle rounding.
roundedNumber = (Math.abs(exponent[1] ? exponent[0] : number) +
Math.pow(10, -Math.max(decimals, origDec) - 1)).toFixed(decimals);
// A string containing the positive integer component of the number
strinteger = String(pInt(roundedNumber));
// Leftover after grouping into thousands. Can be 0, 1 or 2.
thousands = strinteger.length > 3 ? strinteger.length % 3 : 0;
// Language
decimalPoint = pick(decimalPoint, lang.decimalPoint);
thousandsSep = pick(thousandsSep, lang.thousandsSep);
// Start building the return
ret = number < 0 ? '-' : '';
// Add the leftover after grouping into thousands. For example, in the
// number 42 000 000, this line adds 42.
ret += thousands ? strinteger.substr(0, thousands) + thousandsSep : '';
// Add the remaining thousands groups, joined by the thousands separator
ret += strinteger
.replace(/(\d{3})(?=\d)/g, '$1' + thousandsSep);
// Add the decimal point and the decimal component
if (decimals) {
// Get the decimal component
ret += decimalPoint + roundedNumber.slice(-decimals);
if (exponent[1] && +ret !== 0) {
ret += 'e' + exponent[1];
return ret;
* Easing definition
* @private
* @function Math.easeInOutSine
* @param {number} pos
* Current position, ranging from 0 to 1.
* @return {number}
* Ease result
Math.easeInOutSine = function (pos) {
return -0.5 * (Math.cos(Math.PI * pos) - 1);
* Returns the value of a property path on a given object.
* @private
* @function getNestedProperty
* @param {string} path
* Path to the property, for example `custom.myValue`.
* @param {unknown} obj
* Instance containing the property on the specific path.
* @return {unknown}
* The unknown property value.
function getNestedProperty(path, obj) {
if (!path) {
return obj;
var pathElements = path.split('.').reverse();
var subProperty = obj;
if (pathElements.length === 1) {
return subProperty[path];
var pathElement = pathElements.pop();
while (typeof pathElement !== 'undefined' &&
typeof subProperty !== 'undefined' &&
subProperty !== null) {
subProperty = subProperty[pathElement];
pathElement = pathElements.pop();
return subProperty;
* Get the computed CSS value for given element and property, only for numerical
* properties. For width and height, the dimension of the inner box (excluding
* padding) is returned. Used for fitting the chart within the container.
* @function Highcharts.getStyle
* @param {Highcharts.HTMLDOMElement} el
* An HTML element.
* @param {string} prop
* The property name.
* @param {boolean} [toInt=true]
* Parse to integer.
* @return {number|string}
* The numeric value.
var getStyle = H.getStyle = function (el, prop, toInt) {
var style;
// For width and height, return the actual inner pixel size (#4913)
if (prop === 'width') {
var offsetWidth = Math.min(el.offsetWidth, el.scrollWidth);
// In flex boxes, we need to use getBoundingClientRect and floor it,
// because scrollWidth doesn't support subpixel precision (#6427) ...
var boundingClientRectWidth = el.getBoundingClientRect &&
// ...unless if the containing div or its parents are transform-scaled
// down, in which case the boundingClientRect can't be used as it is
// also scaled down (#9871, #10498).
if (boundingClientRectWidth < offsetWidth &&
boundingClientRectWidth >= offsetWidth - 1) {
offsetWidth = Math.floor(boundingClientRectWidth);
return Math.max(0, // #8377
(offsetWidth -
H.getStyle(el, 'padding-left') -
H.getStyle(el, 'padding-right')));
if (prop === 'height') {
return Math.max(0, // #8377
Math.min(el.offsetHeight, el.scrollHeight) -
H.getStyle(el, 'padding-top') -
H.getStyle(el, 'padding-bottom'));
if (!win.getComputedStyle) {
// SVG not supported, forgot to load oldie.js?
error(27, true);
// Otherwise, get the computed style
style = win.getComputedStyle(el, undefined); // eslint-disable-line no-undefined
if (style) {
style = style.getPropertyValue(prop);
if (pick(toInt, prop !== 'opacity')) {
style = pInt(style);
return style;
* Search for an item in an array.
* @function Highcharts.inArray
* @deprecated
* @param {*} item
* The item to search for.
* @param {Array<*>} arr
* The array or node collection to search in.
* @param {number} [fromIndex=0]
* The index to start searching from.
* @return {number}
* The index within the array, or -1 if not found.
var inArray = H.inArray = function (item, arr, fromIndex) {
return arr.indexOf(item, fromIndex);
/* eslint-disable valid-jsdoc */
* Return the value of the first element in the array that satisfies the
* provided testing function.
* @function Highcharts.find<T>
* @param {Array<T>} arr
* The array to test.
* @param {Function} callback
* The callback function. The function receives the item as the first
* argument. Return `true` if this item satisfies the condition.
* @return {T|undefined}
* The value of the element.
var find = H.find = Array.prototype.find ?
/* eslint-enable valid-jsdoc */
function (arr, callback) {
return arr.find(callback);
} :
// Legacy implementation. PhantomJS, IE <= 11 etc. #7223.
function (arr, callback) {
var i, length = arr.length;
for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
if (callback(arr[i], i)) { // eslint-disable-line callback-return
return arr[i];
* Returns an array of a given object's own properties.
* @function Highcharts.keys
* @deprecated
* @param {*} obj
* The object of which the properties are to be returned.
* @return {Array<string>}
* An array of strings that represents all the properties.
H.keys = Object.keys;
* Get the element's offset position, corrected for `overflow: auto`.
* @function Highcharts.offset
* @param {global.Element} el
* The DOM element.
* @return {Highcharts.OffsetObject}
* An object containing `left` and `top` properties for the position in
* the page.
var offset = H.offset = function offset(el) {
var docElem = doc.documentElement, box = (el.parentElement || el.parentNode) ?
el.getBoundingClientRect() :
{ top: 0, left: 0 };
return {
top: box.top + (win.pageYOffset || docElem.scrollTop) -
(docElem.clientTop || 0),
left: box.left + (win.pageXOffset || docElem.scrollLeft) -
(docElem.clientLeft || 0)
* Stop running animation.
* @function Highcharts.stop
* @param {Highcharts.SVGElement} el
* The SVGElement to stop animation on.
* @param {string} [prop]
* The property to stop animating. If given, the stop method will stop a
* single property from animating, while others continue.
* @return {void}
* @todo
* A possible extension to this would be to stop a single property, when
* we want to continue animating others. Then assign the prop to the timer
* in the Fx.run method, and check for the prop here. This would be an
* improvement in all cases where we stop the animation from .attr. Instead of
* stopping everything, we can just stop the actual attributes we're setting.
var stop = H.stop = function (el, prop) {
var i = H.timers.length;
// Remove timers related to this element (#4519)
while (i--) {
if (H.timers[i].elem === el && (!prop || prop === H.timers[i].prop)) {
H.timers[i].stopped = true; // #4667
/* eslint-disable valid-jsdoc */
* Iterate over object key pairs in an object.
* @function Highcharts.objectEach<T>
* @param {*} obj
* The object to iterate over.
* @param {Highcharts.ObjectEachCallbackFunction<T>} fn
* The iterator callback. It passes three arguments:
* * value - The property value.
* * key - The property key.
* * obj - The object that objectEach is being applied to.
* @param {T} [ctx]
* The context.
* @return {void}
var objectEach = H.objectEach = function objectEach(obj, fn, ctx) {
/* eslint-enable valid-jsdoc */
for (var key in obj) {
if (Object.hasOwnProperty.call(obj, key)) {
fn.call(ctx || obj[key], obj[key], key, obj);
* Iterate over an array.
* @deprecated
* @function Highcharts.each
* @param {Array<*>} arr
* The array to iterate over.
* @param {Function} fn
* The iterator callback. It passes three arguments:
* - `item`: The array item.
* - `index`: The item's index in the array.
* - `arr`: The array that each is being applied to.
* @param {*} [ctx]
* The context.
* @return {void}
* Filter an array by a callback.
* @deprecated
* @function Highcharts.grep
* @param {Array<*>} arr
* The array to filter.
* @param {Function} callback
* The callback function. The function receives the item as the first
* argument. Return `true` if the item is to be preserved.
* @return {Array<*>}
* A new, filtered array.
* Map an array by a callback.
* @deprecated
* @function Highcharts.map
* @param {Array<*>} arr
* The array to map.
* @param {Function} fn
* The callback function. Return the new value for the new array.
* @return {Array<*>}
* A new array item with modified items.
* Reduce an array to a single value.
* @deprecated
* @function Highcharts.reduce
* @param {Array<*>} arr
* The array to reduce.
* @param {Function} fn
* The callback function. Return the reduced value. Receives 4
* arguments: Accumulated/reduced value, current value, current array
* index, and the array.
* @param {*} initialValue
* The initial value of the accumulator.
* @return {*}
* The reduced value.
* Test whether at least one element in the array passes the test implemented by
* the provided function.
* @deprecated
* @function Highcharts.some
* @param {Array<*>} arr
* The array to test
* @param {Function} fn
* The function to run on each item. Return truty to pass the test.
* Receives arguments `currentValue`, `index` and `array`.
* @param {*} ctx
* The context.
* @return {boolean}
map: 'map',
each: 'forEach',
grep: 'filter',
reduce: 'reduce',
some: 'some'
}, function (val, key) {
H[key] = function (arr) {
return Array.prototype[val].apply(arr, [].slice.call(arguments, 1));
/* eslint-disable valid-jsdoc */
* Add an event listener.
* @function Highcharts.addEvent<T>
* @param {Highcharts.Class<T>|T} el
* The element or object to add a listener to. It can be a
* {@link HTMLDOMElement}, an {@link SVGElement} or any other object.
* @param {string} type
* The event type.
* @param {Highcharts.EventCallbackFunction<T>|Function} fn
* The function callback to execute when the event is fired.
* @param {Highcharts.EventOptionsObject} [options]
* Options for adding the event.
* @return {Function}
* A callback function to remove the added event.
var addEvent = H.addEvent = function (el, type, fn, options) {
if (options === void 0) { options = {}; }
/* eslint-enable valid-jsdoc */
var events, addEventListener = (el.addEventListener || H.addEventListenerPolyfill);
// If we're setting events directly on the constructor, use a separate
// collection, `protoEvents` to distinguish it from the item events in
// `hcEvents`.
if (typeof el === 'function' && el.prototype) {
events = el.prototype.protoEvents = el.prototype.protoEvents || {};
else {
events = el.hcEvents = el.hcEvents || {};
// Allow click events added to points, otherwise they will be prevented by
// the TouchPointer.pinch function after a pinch zoom operation (#7091).
if (H.Point &&
el instanceof H.Point &&
el.series &&
el.series.chart) {
el.series.chart.runTrackerClick = true;
// Handle DOM events
if (addEventListener) {
addEventListener.call(el, type, fn, false);
if (!events[type]) {
events[type] = [];
var eventObject = {
fn: fn,
order: typeof options.order === 'number' ? options.order : Infinity
// Order the calls
events[type].sort(function (a, b) {
return a.order - b.order;
// Return a function that can be called to remove this event.
return function () {
removeEvent(el, type, fn);
/* eslint-disable valid-jsdoc */
* Remove an event that was added with {@link Highcharts#addEvent}.
* @function Highcharts.removeEvent<T>
* @param {Highcharts.Class<T>|T} el
* The element to remove events on.
* @param {string} [type]
* The type of events to remove. If undefined, all events are removed
* from the element.
* @param {Highcharts.EventCallbackFunction<T>} [fn]
* The specific callback to remove. If undefined, all events that match
* the element and optionally the type are removed.
* @return {void}
var removeEvent = H.removeEvent = function removeEvent(el, type, fn) {
/* eslint-enable valid-jsdoc */
var events;
* @private
* @param {string} type - event type
* @param {Highcharts.EventCallbackFunction<T>} fn - callback
* @return {void}
function removeOneEvent(type, fn) {
var removeEventListener = (el.removeEventListener || H.removeEventListenerPolyfill);
if (removeEventListener) {
removeEventListener.call(el, type, fn, false);
* @private
* @param {any} eventCollection - collection
* @return {void}
function removeAllEvents(eventCollection) {
var types, len;
if (!el.nodeName) {
return; // break on non-DOM events
if (type) {
types = {};
types[type] = true;
else {
types = eventCollection;
objectEach(types, function (val, n) {
if (eventCollection[n]) {
len = eventCollection[n].length;
while (len--) {
removeOneEvent(n, eventCollection[n][len].fn);
['protoEvents', 'hcEvents'].forEach(function (coll, i) {
var eventElem = i ? el : el.prototype;
var eventCollection = eventElem && eventElem[coll];
if (eventCollection) {
if (type) {
events = (eventCollection[type] || []);
if (fn) {
eventCollection[type] = events.filter(function (obj) {
return fn !== obj.fn;
removeOneEvent(type, fn);
else {
eventCollection[type] = [];
else {
eventElem[coll] = {};
/* eslint-disable valid-jsdoc */
* Fire an event that was registered with {@link Highcharts#addEvent}.
* @function Highcharts.fireEvent<T>
* @param {T} el
* The object to fire the event on. It can be a {@link HTMLDOMElement},
* an {@link SVGElement} or any other object.
* @param {string} type
* The type of event.
* @param {Highcharts.Dictionary<*>|Event} [eventArguments]
* Custom event arguments that are passed on as an argument to the event
* handler.
* @param {Highcharts.EventCallbackFunction<T>|Function} [defaultFunction]
* The default function to execute if the other listeners haven't
* returned false.
* @return {void}
var fireEvent = H.fireEvent = function (el, type, eventArguments, defaultFunction) {
/* eslint-enable valid-jsdoc */
var e, i;
eventArguments = eventArguments || {};
if (doc.createEvent &&
(el.dispatchEvent || el.fireEvent)) {
e = doc.createEvent('Events');
e.initEvent(type, true, true);
extend(e, eventArguments);
if (el.dispatchEvent) {
else {
el.fireEvent(type, e);
else {
if (!eventArguments.target) {
// We're running a custom event
extend(eventArguments, {
// Attach a simple preventDefault function to skip
// default handler if called. The built-in
// defaultPrevented property is not overwritable (#5112)
preventDefault: function () {
eventArguments.defaultPrevented = true;
// Setting target to native events fails with clicking
// the zoom-out button in Chrome.
target: el,
// If the type is not set, we're running a custom event
// (#2297). If it is set, we're running a browser event,
// and setting it will cause en error in IE8 (#2465).
type: type
var fireInOrder = function (protoEvents, hcEvents) {
if (protoEvents === void 0) { protoEvents = []; }
if (hcEvents === void 0) { hcEvents = []; }
var iA = 0;
var iB = 0;
var length = protoEvents.length + hcEvents.length;
for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
var obj = (!protoEvents[iA] ?
hcEvents[iB++] :
!hcEvents[iB] ?
protoEvents[iA++] :
protoEvents[iA].order <= hcEvents[iB].order ?
protoEvents[iA++] :
// If the event handler return false, prevent the default
// handler from executing
if (obj.fn.call(el, eventArguments) === false) {
fireInOrder(el.protoEvents && el.protoEvents[type], el.hcEvents && el.hcEvents[type]);
// Run the default if not prevented
if (defaultFunction && !eventArguments.defaultPrevented) {
defaultFunction.call(el, eventArguments);
* The global animate method, which uses Fx to create individual animators.
* @function Highcharts.animate
* @param {Highcharts.HTMLDOMElement|Highcharts.SVGElement} el
* The element to animate.
* @param {Highcharts.CSSObject|Highcharts.SVGAttributes} params
* An object containing key-value pairs of the properties to animate.
* Supports numeric as pixel-based CSS properties for HTML objects and
* attributes for SVGElements.
* @param {Highcharts.AnimationOptionsObject} [opt]
* Animation options.
* @return {void}
var animate = H.animate = function (el, params, opt) {
var start, unit = '', end, fx, args;
if (!isObject(opt)) { // Number or undefined/null
args = arguments;
opt = {
duration: args[2],
easing: args[3],
complete: args[4]
if (!isNumber(opt.duration)) {
opt.duration = 400;
opt.easing = typeof opt.easing === 'function' ?
opt.easing :
(Math[opt.easing] || Math.easeInOutSine);
opt.curAnim = merge(params);
objectEach(params, function (val, prop) {
// Stop current running animation of this property
stop(el, prop);
fx = new Fx(el, opt, prop);
end = null;
if (prop === 'd' && isArray(params.d)) {
fx.paths = fx.initPath(el, el.pathArray, params.d);
fx.toD = params.d;
start = 0;
end = 1;
else if (el.attr) {
start = el.attr(prop);
else {
start = parseFloat(getStyle(el, prop)) || 0;
if (prop !== 'opacity') {
unit = 'px';
if (!end) {
end = val;
if (end && end.match && end.match('px')) {
end = end.replace(/px/g, ''); // #4351
fx.run(start, end, unit);
* Factory to create new series prototypes.
* @function Highcharts.seriesType
* @param {string} type
* The series type name.
* @param {string} parent
* The parent series type name. Use `line` to inherit from the basic
* {@link Series} object.
* @param {Highcharts.SeriesOptionsType|Highcharts.Dictionary<*>} options
* The additional default options that are merged with the parent's
* options.
* @param {Highcharts.Dictionary<*>} [props]
* The properties (functions and primitives) to set on the new
* prototype.
* @param {Highcharts.Dictionary<*>} [pointProps]
* Members for a series-specific extension of the {@link Point}
* prototype if needed.
* @return {Highcharts.Series}
* The newly created prototype as extended from {@link Series} or its
* derivatives.
// docs: add to API + extending Highcharts
var seriesType = H.seriesType = function (type, parent, options, props, pointProps) {
var defaultOptions = H.getOptions(), seriesTypes = H.seriesTypes;
// Merge the options
defaultOptions.plotOptions[type] = merge(defaultOptions.plotOptions[parent], options);
// Create the class
seriesTypes[type] = extendClass(seriesTypes[parent] || function () { }, props);
seriesTypes[type].prototype.type = type;
// Create the point class if needed
if (pointProps) {
seriesTypes[type].prototype.pointClass =
extendClass(H.Point, pointProps);
return seriesTypes[type];
* Get a unique key for using in internal element id's and pointers. The key is
* composed of a random hash specific to this Highcharts instance, and a
* counter.
* @example
* var id = uniqueKey(); // => 'highcharts-x45f6hp-0'
* @function Highcharts.uniqueKey
* @return {string}
* A unique key.
var uniqueKey = H.uniqueKey = (function () {
var uniqueKeyHash = Math.random().toString(36).substring(2, 9), idCounter = 0;
return function () {
return 'highcharts-' + uniqueKeyHash + '-' + idCounter++;
var isFunction = H.isFunction = function (obj) {
return typeof obj === 'function';
// Register Highcharts as a plugin in jQuery
if (win.jQuery) {
* Highcharts-extended JQuery.
* @external JQuery
* Helper function to return the chart of the current JQuery selector
* element.
* @function external:JQuery#highcharts
* @return {Highcharts.Chart}
* The chart that is linked to the JQuery selector element.
*/ /**
* Factory function to create a chart in the current JQuery selector
* element.
* @function external:JQuery#highcharts
* @param {'Chart'|'Map'|'StockChart'|string} [className]
* Name of the factory class in the Highcharts namespace.
* @param {Highcharts.Options} [options]
* The chart options structure.
* @param {Highcharts.ChartCallbackFunction} [callback]
* Function to run when the chart has loaded and and all external
* images are loaded. Defining a
* [chart.events.load](https://api.highcharts.com/highcharts/chart.events.load)
* handler is equivalent.
* @return {JQuery}
* The current JQuery selector.
win.jQuery.fn.highcharts = function () {
var args = [].slice.call(arguments);
if (this[0]) { // this[0] is the renderTo div
// Create the chart
if (args[0]) {
new H[ // eslint-disable-line computed-property-spacing, no-new
// Constructor defaults to Chart
isString(args[0]) ? args.shift() : 'Chart'](this[0], args[0], args[1]);
return this;
// When called without parameters or with the return argument,
// return an existing chart
return charts[attr(this[0], 'data-highcharts-chart')];
// TODO use named exports when supported.
var utilitiesModule = {
Fx: H.Fx,
addEvent: addEvent,
animate: animate,
animObject: animObject,
arrayMax: arrayMax,
arrayMin: arrayMin,
attr: attr,
clamp: clamp,
clearTimeout: internalClearTimeout,
correctFloat: correctFloat,
createElement: createElement,
css: css,
defined: defined,
destroyObjectProperties: destroyObjectProperties,
discardElement: discardElement,
erase: erase,
error: error,
extend: extend,
extendClass: extendClass,
find: find,
fireEvent: fireEvent,
format: format,
getMagnitude: getMagnitude,
getNestedProperty: getNestedProperty,
getStyle: getStyle,
inArray: inArray,
isArray: isArray,
isClass: isClass,
isDOMElement: isDOMElement,
isFunction: isFunction,
isNumber: isNumber,
isObject: isObject,
isString: isString,
merge: merge,
normalizeTickInterval: normalizeTickInterval,
numberFormat: numberFormat,
objectEach: objectEach,
offset: offset,
pad: pad,
pick: pick,
pInt: pInt,
relativeLength: relativeLength,
removeEvent: removeEvent,
seriesType: seriesType,
setAnimation: setAnimation,
splat: splat,
stableSort: stableSort,
stop: stop,
syncTimeout: syncTimeout,
timeUnits: timeUnits,
uniqueKey: uniqueKey,
wrap: wrap
export default utilitiesModule;