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2020-05-23 20:45:54 +00:00
/* *
* (c) 2010-2020 Torstein Honsi
* License: www.highcharts.com/license
* */
'use strict';
import Highcharts from './Globals.js';
* Normalized interval.
* @interface Highcharts.TimeNormalizedObject
*/ /**
* The count.
* @name Highcharts.TimeNormalizedObject#count
* @type {number}
*/ /**
* The interval in axis values (ms).
* @name Highcharts.TimeNormalizedObject#unitRange
* @type {number}
* Function of an additional date format specifier.
* @callback Highcharts.TimeFormatCallbackFunction
* @param {number} timestamp
* The time to format.
* @return {string}
* The formatted portion of the date.
* Additonal time tick information.
* @interface Highcharts.TimeTicksInfoObject
* @extends Highcharts.TimeNormalizedObject
*/ /**
* @name Highcharts.TimeTicksInfoObject#higherRanks
* @type {Array<string>}
*/ /**
* @name Highcharts.TimeTicksInfoObject#totalRange
* @type {number}
* Time ticks.
* @interface Highcharts.AxisTickPositionsArray
* @extends global.Array<number>
*/ /**
* @name Highcharts.AxisTickPositionsArray#info
* @type {Highcharts.TimeTicksInfoObject|undefined}
* A callback to return the time zone offset for a given datetime. It
* takes the timestamp in terms of milliseconds since January 1 1970,
* and returns the timezone offset in minutes. This provides a hook
* for drawing time based charts in specific time zones using their
* local DST crossover dates, with the help of external libraries.
* @callback Highcharts.TimezoneOffsetCallbackFunction
* @param {number} timestamp
* Timestamp in terms of milliseconds since January 1 1970.
* @return {number}
* Timezone offset in minutes.
import U from './Utilities.js';
var defined = U.defined, error = U.error, extend = U.extend, isObject = U.isObject, merge = U.merge, objectEach = U.objectEach, pad = U.pad, pick = U.pick, splat = U.splat, timeUnits = U.timeUnits;
var H = Highcharts, win = H.win;
/* eslint-disable no-invalid-this, valid-jsdoc */
* The Time class. Time settings are applied in general for each page using
* `Highcharts.setOptions`, or individually for each Chart item through the
* [time](https://api.highcharts.com/highcharts/time) options set.
* The Time object is available from {@link Highcharts.Chart#time},
* which refers to `Highcharts.time` if no individual time settings are
* applied.
* @example
* // Apply time settings globally
* Highcharts.setOptions({
* time: {
* timezone: 'Europe/London'
* }
* });
* // Apply time settings by instance
* var chart = Highcharts.chart('container', {
* time: {
* timezone: 'America/New_York'
* },
* series: [{
* data: [1, 4, 3, 5]
* }]
* });
* // Use the Time object
* console.log(
* 'Current time in New York',
* chart.time.dateFormat('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', Date.now())
* );
* @since 6.0.5
* @class
* @name Highcharts.Time
* @param {Highcharts.TimeOptions} options
* Time options as defined in [chart.options.time](/highcharts/time).
var Time = /** @class */ (function () {
/* *
* Constructors
* */
function Time(options) {
/* *
* Properties
* */
this.options = {};
this.useUTC = false;
this.variableTimezone = false;
this.Date = win.Date;
* Get the time zone offset based on the current timezone information as
* set in the global options.
* @function Highcharts.Time#getTimezoneOffset
* @param {number} timestamp
* The JavaScript timestamp to inspect.
* @return {number}
* The timezone offset in minutes compared to UTC.
this.getTimezoneOffset = this.timezoneOffsetFunction();
/* *
* Functions
* */
* Time units used in `Time.get` and `Time.set`
* @typedef {"Date"|"Day"|"FullYear"|"Hours"|"Milliseconds"|"Minutes"|"Month"|"Seconds"} Highcharts.TimeUnitValue
* Get the value of a date object in given units, and subject to the Time
* object's current timezone settings. This function corresponds directly to
* JavaScripts `Date.getXXX / Date.getUTCXXX`, so instead of calling
* `date.getHours()` or `date.getUTCHours()` we will call
* `time.get('Hours')`.
* @function Highcharts.Time#get
* @param {Highcharts.TimeUnitValue} unit
* @param {Date} date
* @return {number}
* The given time unit
Time.prototype.get = function (unit, date) {
if (this.variableTimezone || this.timezoneOffset) {
var realMs = date.getTime();
var ms = realMs - this.getTimezoneOffset(date);
date.setTime(ms); // Temporary adjust to timezone
var ret = date['getUTC' + unit]();
date.setTime(realMs); // Reset
return ret;
// UTC time with no timezone handling
if (this.useUTC) {
return date['getUTC' + unit]();
// Else, local time
return date['get' + unit]();
* Set the value of a date object in given units, and subject to the Time
* object's current timezone settings. This function corresponds directly to
* JavaScripts `Date.setXXX / Date.setUTCXXX`, so instead of calling
* `date.setHours(0)` or `date.setUTCHours(0)` we will call
* `time.set('Hours', 0)`.
* @function Highcharts.Time#set
* @param {Highcharts.TimeUnitValue} unit
* @param {Date} date
* @param {number} value
* @return {number}
* The epoch milliseconds of the updated date
Time.prototype.set = function (unit, date, value) {
// UTC time with timezone handling
if (this.variableTimezone || this.timezoneOffset) {
// For lower order time units, just set it directly using UTC
// time
if (unit === 'Milliseconds' ||
unit === 'Seconds' ||
unit === 'Minutes') {
return date['setUTC' + unit](value);
// Higher order time units need to take the time zone into
// account
// Adjust by timezone
var offset = this.getTimezoneOffset(date);
var ms = date.getTime() - offset;
date['setUTC' + unit](value);
var newOffset = this.getTimezoneOffset(date);
ms = date.getTime() + newOffset;
return date.setTime(ms);
// UTC time with no timezone handling
if (this.useUTC) {
return date['setUTC' + unit](value);
// Else, local time
return date['set' + unit](value);
* Update the Time object with current options. It is called internally on
* initializing Highcharts, after running `Highcharts.setOptions` and on
* `Chart.update`.
* @private
* @function Highcharts.Time#update
* @param {Highcharts.TimeOptions} options
* @return {void}
Time.prototype.update = function (options) {
var useUTC = pick(options && options.useUTC, true), time = this;
this.options = options = merge(true, this.options || {}, options);
// Allow using a different Date class
this.Date = options.Date || win.Date || Date;
this.useUTC = useUTC;
this.timezoneOffset = (useUTC && options.timezoneOffset);
this.getTimezoneOffset = this.timezoneOffsetFunction();
* The time object has options allowing for variable time zones, meaning
* the axis ticks or series data needs to consider this.
this.variableTimezone = !!(!useUTC ||
options.getTimezoneOffset ||
* Make a time and returns milliseconds. Interprets the inputs as UTC time,
* local time or a specific timezone time depending on the current time
* settings.
* @function Highcharts.Time#makeTime
* @param {number} year
* The year
* @param {number} month
* The month. Zero-based, so January is 0.
* @param {number} [date=1]
* The day of the month
* @param {number} [hours=0]
* The hour of the day, 0-23.
* @param {number} [minutes=0]
* The minutes
* @param {number} [seconds=0]
* The seconds
* @return {number}
* The time in milliseconds since January 1st 1970.
Time.prototype.makeTime = function (year, month, date, hours, minutes, seconds) {
var d, offset, newOffset;
if (this.useUTC) {
d = this.Date.UTC.apply(0, arguments);
offset = this.getTimezoneOffset(d);
d += offset;
newOffset = this.getTimezoneOffset(d);
if (offset !== newOffset) {
d += newOffset - offset;
// A special case for transitioning from summer time to winter time.
// When the clock is set back, the same time is repeated twice, i.e.
// 02:30 am is repeated since the clock is set back from 3 am to
// 2 am. We need to make the same time as local Date does.
else if (offset - 36e5 === this.getTimezoneOffset(d - 36e5) &&
!H.isSafari) {
d -= 36e5;
else {
d = new this.Date(year, month, pick(date, 1), pick(hours, 0), pick(minutes, 0), pick(seconds, 0)).getTime();
return d;
* Sets the getTimezoneOffset function. If the `timezone` option is set, a
* default getTimezoneOffset function with that timezone is returned. If
* a `getTimezoneOffset` option is defined, it is returned. If neither are
* specified, the function using the `timezoneOffset` option or 0 offset is
* returned.
* @private
* @function Highcharts.Time#timezoneOffsetFunction
* @return {Function}
* A getTimezoneOffset function
Time.prototype.timezoneOffsetFunction = function () {
var time = this, options = this.options, moment = win.moment;
if (!this.useUTC) {
return function (timestamp) {
return new Date(timestamp.toString()).getTimezoneOffset() * 60000;
if (options.timezone) {
if (!moment) {
// getTimezoneOffset-function stays undefined because it depends
// on Moment.js
else {
return function (timestamp) {
return -moment.tz(timestamp, options.timezone).utcOffset() * 60000;
// If not timezone is set, look for the getTimezoneOffset callback
if (this.useUTC && options.getTimezoneOffset) {
return function (timestamp) {
return options.getTimezoneOffset(timestamp.valueOf()) * 60000;
// Last, use the `timezoneOffset` option if set
return function () {
return (time.timezoneOffset || 0) * 60000;
* Formats a JavaScript date timestamp (milliseconds since Jan 1st 1970)
* into a human readable date string. The available format keys are listed
* below. Additional formats can be given in the
* {@link Highcharts.dateFormats} hook.
* Supported format keys:
* - `%a`: Short weekday, like 'Mon'
* - `%A`: Long weekday, like 'Monday'
* - `%d`: Two digit day of the month, 01 to 31
* - `%e`: Day of the month, 1 through 31
* - `%w`: Day of the week, 0 through 6
* - `%b`: Short month, like 'Jan'
* - `%B`: Long month, like 'January'
* - `%m`: Two digit month number, 01 through 12
* - `%y`: Two digits year, like 09 for 2009
* - `%Y`: Four digits year, like 2009
* - `%H`: Two digits hours in 24h format, 00 through 23
* - `%k`: Hours in 24h format, 0 through 23
* - `%I`: Two digits hours in 12h format, 00 through 11
* - `%l`: Hours in 12h format, 1 through 12
* - `%M`: Two digits minutes, 00 through 59
* - `%p`: Upper case AM or PM
* - `%P`: Lower case AM or PM
* - `%S`: Two digits seconds, 00 through 59
* - `%L`: Milliseconds (naming from Ruby)
* @example
* const time = new Highcharts.Time();
* const s = time.dateFormat('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', Date.UTC(2020, 0, 1));
* console.log(s); // => 2020-01-01 00:00:00
* @function Highcharts.Time#dateFormat
* @param {string} format
* The desired format where various time representations are
* prefixed with %.
* @param {number} timestamp
* The JavaScript timestamp.
* @param {boolean} [capitalize=false]
* Upper case first letter in the return.
* @return {string}
* The formatted date.
Time.prototype.dateFormat = function (format, timestamp, capitalize) {
var _a;
if (!defined(timestamp) || isNaN(timestamp)) {
return ((_a = H.defaultOptions.lang) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.invalidDate) || '';
format = pick(format, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S');
var time = this, date = new this.Date(timestamp),
// get the basic time values
hours = this.get('Hours', date), day = this.get('Day', date), dayOfMonth = this.get('Date', date), month = this.get('Month', date), fullYear = this.get('FullYear', date), lang = H.defaultOptions.lang, langWeekdays = lang === null || lang === void 0 ? void 0 : lang.weekdays, shortWeekdays = lang === null || lang === void 0 ? void 0 : lang.shortWeekdays,
// List all format keys. Custom formats can be added from the
// outside.
replacements = extend({
// Day
// Short weekday, like 'Mon'
a: shortWeekdays ?
shortWeekdays[day] :
langWeekdays[day].substr(0, 3),
// Long weekday, like 'Monday'
A: langWeekdays[day],
// Two digit day of the month, 01 to 31
d: pad(dayOfMonth),
// Day of the month, 1 through 31
e: pad(dayOfMonth, 2, ' '),
// Day of the week, 0 through 6
w: day,
// Week (none implemented)
// 'W': weekNumber(),
// Month
// Short month, like 'Jan'
b: lang.shortMonths[month],
// Long month, like 'January'
B: lang.months[month],
// Two digit month number, 01 through 12
m: pad(month + 1),
// Month number, 1 through 12 (#8150)
o: month + 1,
// Year
// Two digits year, like 09 for 2009
y: fullYear.toString().substr(2, 2),
// Four digits year, like 2009
Y: fullYear,
// Time
// Two digits hours in 24h format, 00 through 23
H: pad(hours),
// Hours in 24h format, 0 through 23
k: hours,
// Two digits hours in 12h format, 00 through 11
I: pad((hours % 12) || 12),
// Hours in 12h format, 1 through 12
l: (hours % 12) || 12,
// Two digits minutes, 00 through 59
M: pad(this.get('Minutes', date)),
// Upper case AM or PM
p: hours < 12 ? 'AM' : 'PM',
// Lower case AM or PM
P: hours < 12 ? 'am' : 'pm',
// Two digits seconds, 00 through 59
S: pad(date.getSeconds()),
// Milliseconds (naming from Ruby)
L: pad(Math.floor(timestamp % 1000), 3)
}, H.dateFormats);
// Do the replaces
objectEach(replacements, function (val, key) {
// Regex would do it in one line, but this is faster
while (format.indexOf('%' + key) !== -1) {
format = format.replace('%' + key, typeof val === 'function' ? val.call(time, timestamp) : val);
// Optionally capitalize the string and return
return capitalize ?
(format.substr(0, 1).toUpperCase() +
format.substr(1)) :
* Resolve legacy formats of dateTimeLabelFormats (strings and arrays) into
* an object.
* @private
* @param {string|Array<T>|Highcharts.Dictionary<T>} f - General format description
* @return {Highcharts.Dictionary<T>} - The object definition
Time.prototype.resolveDTLFormat = function (f) {
if (!isObject(f, true)) { // check for string or array
f = splat(f);
return {
main: f[0],
from: f[1],
to: f[2]
return f;
* Return an array with time positions distributed on round time values
* right and right after min and max. Used in datetime axes as well as for
* grouping data on a datetime axis.
* @function Highcharts.Time#getTimeTicks
* @param {Highcharts.TimeNormalizedObject} normalizedInterval
* The interval in axis values (ms) and the count
* @param {number} [min]
* The minimum in axis values
* @param {number} [max]
* The maximum in axis values
* @param {number} [startOfWeek=1]
* @return {Highcharts.AxisTickPositionsArray}
Time.prototype.getTimeTicks = function (normalizedInterval, min, max, startOfWeek) {
var time = this, Date = time.Date, tickPositions = [], i, higherRanks = {}, minYear, // used in months and years as a basis for Date.UTC()
// When crossing DST, use the max. Resolves #6278.
minDate = new Date(min), interval = normalizedInterval.unitRange, count = normalizedInterval.count || 1, variableDayLength, minDay;
startOfWeek = pick(startOfWeek, 1);
if (defined(min)) { // #1300
time.set('Milliseconds', minDate, interval >= timeUnits.second ?
0 : // #3935
count * Math.floor(time.get('Milliseconds', minDate) / count)); // #3652, #3654
if (interval >= timeUnits.second) { // second
time.set('Seconds', minDate, interval >= timeUnits.minute ?
0 : // #3935
count * Math.floor(time.get('Seconds', minDate) / count));
if (interval >= timeUnits.minute) { // minute
time.set('Minutes', minDate, interval >= timeUnits.hour ?
0 :
count * Math.floor(time.get('Minutes', minDate) / count));
if (interval >= timeUnits.hour) { // hour
time.set('Hours', minDate, interval >= timeUnits.day ?
0 :
count * Math.floor(time.get('Hours', minDate) / count));
if (interval >= timeUnits.day) { // day
time.set('Date', minDate, interval >= timeUnits.month ?
1 :
Math.max(1, count * Math.floor(time.get('Date', minDate) / count)));
if (interval >= timeUnits.month) { // month
time.set('Month', minDate, interval >= timeUnits.year ? 0 :
count * Math.floor(time.get('Month', minDate) / count));
minYear = time.get('FullYear', minDate);
if (interval >= timeUnits.year) { // year
minYear -= minYear % count;
time.set('FullYear', minDate, minYear);
// week is a special case that runs outside the hierarchy
if (interval === timeUnits.week) {
// get start of current week, independent of count
minDay = time.get('Day', minDate);
time.set('Date', minDate, (time.get('Date', minDate) -
minDay + startOfWeek +
// We don't want to skip days that are before
// startOfWeek (#7051)
(minDay < startOfWeek ? -7 : 0)));
// Get basics for variable time spans
minYear = time.get('FullYear', minDate);
var minMonth = time.get('Month', minDate), minDateDate = time.get('Date', minDate), minHours = time.get('Hours', minDate);
// Redefine min to the floored/rounded minimum time (#7432)
min = minDate.getTime();
// Handle local timezone offset
if (time.variableTimezone) {
// Detect whether we need to take the DST crossover into
// consideration. If we're crossing over DST, the day length may
// be 23h or 25h and we need to compute the exact clock time for
// each tick instead of just adding hours. This comes at a cost,
// so first we find out if it is needed (#4951).
variableDayLength = (
// Long range, assume we're crossing over.
max - min > 4 * timeUnits.month ||
// Short range, check if min and max are in different time
// zones.
time.getTimezoneOffset(min) !==
// Iterate and add tick positions at appropriate values
var t = minDate.getTime();
i = 1;
while (t < max) {
// if the interval is years, use Date.UTC to increase years
if (interval === timeUnits.year) {
t = time.makeTime(minYear + i * count, 0);
// if the interval is months, use Date.UTC to increase months
else if (interval === timeUnits.month) {
t = time.makeTime(minYear, minMonth + i * count);
// if we're using global time, the interval is not fixed as it
// jumps one hour at the DST crossover
else if (variableDayLength &&
(interval === timeUnits.day || interval === timeUnits.week)) {
t = time.makeTime(minYear, minMonth, minDateDate +
i * count * (interval === timeUnits.day ? 1 : 7));
else if (variableDayLength &&
interval === timeUnits.hour &&
count > 1) {
// make sure higher ranks are preserved across DST (#6797,
// #7621)
t = time.makeTime(minYear, minMonth, minDateDate, minHours + i * count);
// else, the interval is fixed and we use simple addition
else {
t += interval * count;
// push the last time
// Handle higher ranks. Mark new days if the time is on midnight
// (#950, #1649, #1760, #3349). Use a reasonable dropout threshold
// to prevent looping over dense data grouping (#6156).
if (interval <= timeUnits.hour && tickPositions.length < 10000) {
tickPositions.forEach(function (t) {
if (
// Speed optimization, no need to run dateFormat unless
// we're on a full or half hour
t % 1800000 === 0 &&
// Check for local or global midnight
time.dateFormat('%H%M%S%L', t) === '000000000') {
higherRanks[t] = 'day';
// record information on the chosen unit - for dynamic label formatter
tickPositions.info = extend(normalizedInterval, {
higherRanks: higherRanks,
totalRange: interval * count
return tickPositions;
/* *
* Static Properties
* */
* Time options that can apply globally or to individual charts. These
* settings affect how `datetime` axes are laid out, how tooltips are
* formatted, how series
* [pointIntervalUnit](#plotOptions.series.pointIntervalUnit) works and how
* the Highstock range selector handles time.
* The common use case is that all charts in the same Highcharts object
* share the same time settings, in which case the global settings are set
* using `setOptions`.
* ```js
* // Apply time settings globally
* Highcharts.setOptions({
* time: {
* timezone: 'Europe/London'
* }
* });
* // Apply time settings by instance
* var chart = Highcharts.chart('container', {
* time: {
* timezone: 'America/New_York'
* },
* series: [{
* data: [1, 4, 3, 5]
* }]
* });
* // Use the Time object
* console.log(
* 'Current time in New York',
* chart.time.dateFormat('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', Date.now())
* );
* ```
* Since v6.0.5, the time options were moved from the `global` obect to the
* `time` object, and time options can be set on each individual chart.
* @sample {highcharts|highstock}
* highcharts/time/timezone/
* Set the timezone globally
* @sample {highcharts}
* highcharts/time/individual/
* Set the timezone per chart instance
* @sample {highstock}
* stock/time/individual/
* Set the timezone per chart instance
* @since 6.0.5
* @optionparent time
Time.defaultOptions = {
* A custom `Date` class for advanced date handling. For example,
* [JDate](https://github.com/tahajahangir/jdate) can be hooked in to
* handle Jalali dates.
* @type {*}
* @since 4.0.4
* @product highcharts highstock gantt
Date: void 0,
* A callback to return the time zone offset for a given datetime. It
* takes the timestamp in terms of milliseconds since January 1 1970,
* and returns the timezone offset in minutes. This provides a hook
* for drawing time based charts in specific time zones using their
* local DST crossover dates, with the help of external libraries.
* @see [global.timezoneOffset](#global.timezoneOffset)
* @sample {highcharts|highstock} highcharts/time/gettimezoneoffset/
* Use moment.js to draw Oslo time regardless of browser locale
* @type {Highcharts.TimezoneOffsetCallbackFunction}
* @since 4.1.0
* @product highcharts highstock gantt
getTimezoneOffset: void 0,
* Requires [moment.js](https://momentjs.com/). If the timezone option
* is specified, it creates a default
* [getTimezoneOffset](#time.getTimezoneOffset) function that looks
* up the specified timezone in moment.js. If moment.js is not included,
* this throws a Highcharts error in the console, but does not crash the
* chart.
* @see [getTimezoneOffset](#time.getTimezoneOffset)
* @sample {highcharts|highstock} highcharts/time/timezone/
* Europe/Oslo
* @type {string}
* @since 5.0.7
* @product highcharts highstock gantt
timezone: void 0,
* The timezone offset in minutes. Positive values are west, negative
* values are east of UTC, as in the ECMAScript
* [getTimezoneOffset](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date/getTimezoneOffset)
* method. Use this to display UTC based data in a predefined time zone.
* @see [time.getTimezoneOffset](#time.getTimezoneOffset)
* @sample {highcharts|highstock} highcharts/time/timezoneoffset/
* Timezone offset
* @since 3.0.8
* @product highcharts highstock gantt
timezoneOffset: 0,
* Whether to use UTC time for axis scaling, tickmark placement and
* time display in `Highcharts.dateFormat`. Advantages of using UTC
* is that the time displays equally regardless of the user agent's
* time zone settings. Local time can be used when the data is loaded
* in real time or when correct Daylight Saving Time transitions are
* required.
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/time/useutc-true/
* True by default
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/time/useutc-false/
* False
useUTC: true
return Time;
H.Time = Time;
export default H.Time;