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2020-05-23 20:45:54 +00:00
/* *
* (c) 2009-2020 Øystein Moseng
* Sonification functions for chart/series.
* License: www.highcharts.com/license
* */
'use strict';
import H from '../../parts/Globals.js';
* An Earcon configuration, specifying an Earcon and when to play it.
* @requires module:modules/sonification
* @interface Highcharts.EarconConfiguration
*/ /**
* An Earcon instance.
* @name Highcharts.EarconConfiguration#earcon
* @type {Highcharts.Earcon}
*/ /**
* The ID of the point to play the Earcon on.
* @name Highcharts.EarconConfiguration#onPoint
* @type {string|undefined}
*/ /**
* A function to determine whether or not to play this earcon on a point. The
* function is called for every point, receiving that point as parameter. It
* should return either a boolean indicating whether or not to play the earcon,
* or a new Earcon instance - in which case the new Earcon will be played.
* @name Highcharts.EarconConfiguration#condition
* @type {Function|undefined}
* Options for sonifying a series.
* @requires module:modules/sonification
* @interface Highcharts.SonifySeriesOptionsObject
*/ /**
* The duration for playing the points. Note that points might continue to play
* after the duration has passed, but no new points will start playing.
* @name Highcharts.SonifySeriesOptionsObject#duration
* @type {number}
*/ /**
* The axis to use for when to play the points. Can be a string with a data
* property (e.g. `x`), or a function. If it is a function, this function
* receives the point as argument, and should return a numeric value. The points
* with the lowest numeric values are then played first, and the time between
* points will be proportional to the distance between the numeric values.
* @name Highcharts.SonifySeriesOptionsObject#pointPlayTime
* @type {string|Function}
*/ /**
* The instrument definitions for the points in this series.
* @name Highcharts.SonifySeriesOptionsObject#instruments
* @type {Array<Highcharts.PointInstrumentObject>}
*/ /**
* Earcons to add to the series.
* @name Highcharts.SonifySeriesOptionsObject#earcons
* @type {Array<Highcharts.EarconConfiguration>|undefined}
*/ /**
* Optionally provide the minimum/maximum data values for the points. If this is
* not supplied, it is calculated from all points in the chart on demand. This
* option is supplied in the following format, as a map of point data properties
* to objects with min/max values:
* ```js
* dataExtremes: {
* y: {
* min: 0,
* max: 100
* },
* z: {
* min: -10,
* max: 10
* }
* // Properties used and not provided are calculated on demand
* }
* ```
* @name Highcharts.SonifySeriesOptionsObject#dataExtremes
* @type {Highcharts.Dictionary<Highcharts.RangeObject>|undefined}
*/ /**
* Callback before a point is played.
* @name Highcharts.SonifySeriesOptionsObject#onPointStart
* @type {Function|undefined}
*/ /**
* Callback after a point has finished playing.
* @name Highcharts.SonifySeriesOptionsObject#onPointEnd
* @type {Function|undefined}
*/ /**
* Callback after the series has played.
* @name Highcharts.SonifySeriesOptionsObject#onEnd
* @type {Function|undefined}
''; // detach doclets above
import Point from '../../parts/Point.js';
import U from '../../parts/Utilities.js';
var find = U.find, isArray = U.isArray, merge = U.merge, pick = U.pick, splat = U.splat;
import utilities from './utilities.js';
* Get the relative time value of a point.
* @private
* @param {Highcharts.Point} point
* The point.
* @param {Function|string} timeProp
* The time axis data prop or the time function.
* @return {number}
* The time value.
function getPointTimeValue(point, timeProp) {
return typeof timeProp === 'function' ?
timeProp(point) :
pick(point[timeProp], point.options[timeProp]);
* Get the time extremes of this series. This is handled outside of the
* dataExtremes, as we always want to just sonify the visible points, and we
* always want the extremes to be the extremes of the visible points.
* @private
* @param {Highcharts.Series} series
* The series to compute on.
* @param {Function|string} timeProp
* The time axis data prop or the time function.
* @return {Highcharts.RangeObject}
* Object with min/max extremes for the time values.
function getTimeExtremes(series, timeProp) {
// Compute the extremes from the visible points.
return series.points.reduce(function (acc, point) {
var value = getPointTimeValue(point, timeProp);
acc.min = Math.min(acc.min, value);
acc.max = Math.max(acc.max, value);
return acc;
}, {
min: Infinity,
max: -Infinity
* Calculate value extremes for used instrument data properties.
* @private
* @param {Highcharts.Chart} chart
* The chart to calculate extremes from.
* @param {Array<Highcharts.PointInstrumentObject>} instruments
* The instrument definitions used.
* @param {Highcharts.Dictionary<Highcharts.RangeObject>} [dataExtremes]
* Predefined extremes for each data prop.
* @return {Highcharts.Dictionary<Highcharts.RangeObject>}
* New extremes with data properties mapped to min/max objects.
function getExtremesForInstrumentProps(chart, instruments, dataExtremes) {
return (instruments || []).reduce(function (newExtremes, instrumentDefinition) {
Object.keys(instrumentDefinition.instrumentMapping || {}).forEach(function (instrumentParameter) {
var value = instrumentDefinition.instrumentMapping[instrumentParameter];
if (typeof value === 'string' && !newExtremes[value]) {
// This instrument parameter is mapped to a data prop.
// If we don't have predefined data extremes, find them.
newExtremes[value] = utilities.calculateDataExtremes(chart, value);
return newExtremes;
}, merge(dataExtremes));
* Get earcons for the point if there are any.
* @private
* @param {Highcharts.Point} point
* The point to find earcons for.
* @param {Array<Highcharts.EarconConfiguration>} earconDefinitions
* Earcons to check.
* @return {Array<Highcharts.Earcon>}
* Array of earcons to be played with this point.
function getPointEarcons(point, earconDefinitions) {
return earconDefinitions.reduce(function (earcons, earconDefinition) {
var cond, earcon = earconDefinition.earcon;
if (earconDefinition.condition) {
// We have a condition. This overrides onPoint
cond = earconDefinition.condition(point);
if (cond instanceof H.sonification.Earcon) {
// Condition returned an earcon
else if (cond) {
// Condition returned true
else if (earconDefinition.onPoint &&
point.id === earconDefinition.onPoint) {
// We have earcon onPoint
return earcons;
}, []);
* Utility function to get a new list of instrument options where all the
* instrument references are copies.
* @private
* @param {Array<Highcharts.PointInstrumentObject>} instruments
* The instrument options.
* @return {Array<Highcharts.PointInstrumentObject>}
* Array of copied instrument options.
function makeInstrumentCopies(instruments) {
return instruments.map(function (instrumentDef) {
var instrument = instrumentDef.instrument, copy = (typeof instrument === 'string' ?
H.sonification.instruments[instrument] :
return merge(instrumentDef, { instrument: copy });
* Create a TimelinePath from a series. Takes the same options as seriesSonify.
* To intuitively allow multiple series to play simultaneously we make copies of
* the instruments for each series.
* @private
* @param {Highcharts.Series} series
* The series to build from.
* @param {Highcharts.SonifySeriesOptionsObject} options
* The options for building the TimelinePath.
* @return {Highcharts.TimelinePath}
* A timeline path with events.
function buildTimelinePathFromSeries(series, options) {
// options.timeExtremes is internal and used so that the calculations from
// chart.sonify can be reused.
var timeExtremes = options.timeExtremes || getTimeExtremes(series, options.pointPlayTime),
// Get time offset for a point, relative to duration
pointToTime = function (point) {
return utilities.virtualAxisTranslate(getPointTimeValue(point, options.pointPlayTime), timeExtremes, { min: 0, max: options.duration });
// Compute any data extremes that aren't defined yet
dataExtremes = getExtremesForInstrumentProps(series.chart, options.instruments, options.dataExtremes),
// Make copies of the instruments used for this series, to allow
// multiple series with the same instrument to play together
instruments = makeInstrumentCopies(options.instruments),
// Go through the points, convert to events, optionally add Earcons
timelineEvents = series.points.reduce(function (events, point) {
var earcons = getPointEarcons(point, options.earcons || []), time = pointToTime(point);
return events.concat(
// Event object for point
new H.sonification.TimelineEvent({
eventObject: point,
time: time,
id: point.id,
playOptions: {
instruments: instruments,
dataExtremes: dataExtremes
// Earcons
earcons.map(function (earcon) {
return new H.sonification.TimelineEvent({
eventObject: earcon,
time: time
}, []);
// Build the timeline path
return new H.sonification.TimelinePath({
events: timelineEvents,
onStart: function () {
if (options.onStart) {
onEventStart: function (event) {
var eventObject = event.options && event.options.eventObject;
if (eventObject instanceof Point) {
// Check for hidden series
if (!eventObject.series.visible &&
!eventObject.series.chart.series.some(function (series) {
return series.visible;
})) {
// We have no visible series, stop the path.
return false;
// Emit onPointStart
if (options.onPointStart) {
options.onPointStart(event, eventObject);
onEventEnd: function (eventData) {
var eventObject = eventData.event && eventData.event.options &&
if (eventObject instanceof Point && options.onPointEnd) {
options.onPointEnd(eventData.event, eventObject);
onEnd: function () {
if (options.onEnd) {
/* eslint-disable no-invalid-this, valid-jsdoc */
* Sonify a series.
* @sample highcharts/sonification/series-basic/
* Click on series to sonify
* @sample highcharts/sonification/series-earcon/
* Series with earcon
* @sample highcharts/sonification/point-play-time/
* Play y-axis by time
* @sample highcharts/sonification/earcon-on-point/
* Earcon set on point
* @requires module:modules/sonification
* @function Highcharts.Series#sonify
* @param {Highcharts.SonifySeriesOptionsObject} options
* The options for sonifying this series.
* @return {void}
function seriesSonify(options) {
var timelinePath = buildTimelinePathFromSeries(this, options), chartSonification = this.chart.sonification;
// Only one timeline can play at a time. If we want multiple series playing
// at the same time, use chart.sonify.
if (chartSonification.timeline) {
// Store reference to duration
chartSonification.duration = options.duration;
// Create new timeline for this series, and play it.
chartSonification.timeline = new H.sonification.Timeline({
paths: [timelinePath]
* Utility function to assemble options for creating a TimelinePath from a
* series when sonifying an entire chart.
* @private
* @param {Highcharts.Series} series
* The series to return options for.
* @param {Highcharts.RangeObject} dataExtremes
* Pre-calculated data extremes for the chart.
* @param {Highcharts.SonificationOptions} chartSonifyOptions
* Options passed in to chart.sonify.
* @return {Partial<Highcharts.SonifySeriesOptionsObject>}
* Options for buildTimelinePathFromSeries.
function buildSeriesOptions(series, dataExtremes, chartSonifyOptions) {
var seriesOptions = chartSonifyOptions.seriesOptions || {};
return merge({
// Calculated dataExtremes for chart
dataExtremes: dataExtremes,
// We need to get timeExtremes for each series. We pass this
// in when building the TimelinePath objects to avoid
// calculating twice.
timeExtremes: getTimeExtremes(series, chartSonifyOptions.pointPlayTime),
// Some options we just pass on
instruments: chartSonifyOptions.instruments,
onStart: chartSonifyOptions.onSeriesStart,
onEnd: chartSonifyOptions.onSeriesEnd,
earcons: chartSonifyOptions.earcons
// Merge in the specific series options by ID
isArray(seriesOptions) ? (find(seriesOptions, function (optEntry) {
return optEntry.id === pick(series.id, series.options.id);
}) || {}) : seriesOptions, {
// Forced options
pointPlayTime: chartSonifyOptions.pointPlayTime
* Utility function to normalize the ordering of timeline paths when sonifying
* a chart.
* @private
* @param {string|Array<string|Highcharts.Earcon|Array<string|Highcharts.Earcon>>} orderOptions -
* Order options for the sonification.
* @param {Highcharts.Chart} chart - The chart we are sonifying.
* @param {Function} seriesOptionsCallback
* A function that takes a series as argument, and returns the series options
* for that series to be used with buildTimelinePathFromSeries.
* @return {Array<object|Array<object|Highcharts.TimelinePath>>} If order is
* sequential, we return an array of objects to create series paths from. If
* order is simultaneous we return an array of an array with the same. If there
* is a custom order, we return an array of arrays of either objects (for
* series) or TimelinePaths (for earcons and delays).
function buildPathOrder(orderOptions, chart, seriesOptionsCallback) {
var order;
if (orderOptions === 'sequential' || orderOptions === 'simultaneous') {
// Just add the series from the chart
order = chart.series.reduce(function (seriesList, series) {
if (series.visible) {
series: series,
seriesOptions: seriesOptionsCallback(series)
return seriesList;
}, []);
// If order is simultaneous, group all series together
if (orderOptions === 'simultaneous') {
order = [order];
else {
// We have a specific order, and potentially custom items - like
// earcons or silent waits.
order = orderOptions.reduce(function (orderList, orderDef) {
// Return set of items to play simultaneously. Could be only one.
var simulItems = splat(orderDef).reduce(function (items, item) {
var itemObject;
// Is this item a series ID?
if (typeof item === 'string') {
var series = chart.get(item);
if (series.visible) {
itemObject = {
series: series,
seriesOptions: seriesOptionsCallback(series)
// Is it an earcon? If so, just create the path.
else if (item instanceof H.sonification.Earcon) {
// Path with a single event
itemObject = new H.sonification.TimelinePath({
events: [new H.sonification.TimelineEvent({
eventObject: item
// Is this item a silent wait? If so, just create the path.
if (item.silentWait) {
itemObject = new H.sonification.TimelinePath({
silentWait: item.silentWait
// Add to items to play simultaneously
if (itemObject) {
return items;
}, []);
// Add to order list
if (simulItems.length) {
return orderList;
}, []);
return order;
* Utility function to add a silent wait after all series.
* @private
* @param {Array<object|Array<object|TimelinePath>>} order
* The order of items.
* @param {number} wait
* The wait in milliseconds to add.
* @return {Array<object|Array<object|TimelinePath>>}
* The order with waits inserted.
function addAfterSeriesWaits(order, wait) {
if (!wait) {
return order;
return order.reduce(function (newOrder, orderDef, i) {
var simultaneousPaths = splat(orderDef);
// Go through the simultaneous paths and see if there is a series there
if (i < order.length - 1 && // Do not add wait after last series
simultaneousPaths.some(function (item) {
return item.series;
})) {
// We have a series, meaning we should add a wait after these
// paths have finished.
newOrder.push(new H.sonification.TimelinePath({
silentWait: wait
return newOrder;
}, []);
* Utility function to find the total amout of wait time in the TimelinePaths.
* @private
* @param {Array<object|Array<object|TimelinePath>>} order - The order of
* TimelinePaths/items.
* @return {number} The total time in ms spent on wait paths between playing.
function getWaitTime(order) {
return order.reduce(function (waitTime, orderDef) {
var def = splat(orderDef);
return waitTime + (def.length === 1 &&
def[0].options &&
def[0].options.silentWait || 0);
}, 0);
* Utility function to ensure simultaneous paths have start/end events at the
* same time, to sync them.
* @private
* @param {Array<Highcharts.TimelinePath>} paths - The paths to sync.
function syncSimultaneousPaths(paths) {
// Find the extremes for these paths
var extremes = paths.reduce(function (extremes, path) {
var events = path.events;
if (events && events.length) {
extremes.min = Math.min(events[0].time, extremes.min);
extremes.max = Math.max(events[events.length - 1].time, extremes.max);
return extremes;
}, {
min: Infinity,
max: -Infinity
// Go through the paths and add events to make them fit the same timespan
paths.forEach(function (path) {
var events = path.events, hasEvents = events && events.length, eventsToAdd = [];
if (!(hasEvents && events[0].time <= extremes.min)) {
eventsToAdd.push(new H.sonification.TimelineEvent({
time: extremes.min
if (!(hasEvents && events[events.length - 1].time >= extremes.max)) {
eventsToAdd.push(new H.sonification.TimelineEvent({
time: extremes.max
if (eventsToAdd.length) {
* Utility function to find the total duration span for all simul path sets
* that include series.
* @private
* @param {Array<object|Array<object|Highcharts.TimelinePath>>} order - The
* order of TimelinePaths/items.
* @return {number} The total time value span difference for all series.
function getSimulPathDurationTotal(order) {
return order.reduce(function (durationTotal, orderDef) {
return durationTotal + splat(orderDef).reduce(function (maxPathDuration, item) {
var timeExtremes = (item.series &&
item.seriesOptions &&
return timeExtremes ?
Math.max(maxPathDuration, timeExtremes.max - timeExtremes.min) : maxPathDuration;
}, 0);
}, 0);
* Function to calculate the duration in ms for a series.
* @private
* @param {number} seriesValueDuration - The duration of the series in value
* difference.
* @param {number} totalValueDuration - The total duration of all (non
* simultaneous) series in value difference.
* @param {number} totalDurationMs - The desired total duration for all series
* in milliseconds.
* @return {number} The duration for the series in milliseconds.
function getSeriesDurationMs(seriesValueDuration, totalValueDuration, totalDurationMs) {
// A series spanning the whole chart would get the full duration.
return utilities.virtualAxisTranslate(seriesValueDuration, { min: 0, max: totalValueDuration }, { min: 0, max: totalDurationMs });
* Convert series building objects into paths and return a new list of
* TimelinePaths.
* @private
* @param {Array<object|Array<object|Highcharts.TimelinePath>>} order - The
* order list.
* @param {number} duration - Total duration to aim for in milliseconds.
* @return {Array<Array<Highcharts.TimelinePath>>} Array of TimelinePath objects
* to play.
function buildPathsFromOrder(order, duration) {
// Find time used for waits (custom or after series), and subtract it from
// available duration.
var totalAvailableDurationMs = Math.max(duration - getWaitTime(order), 0),
// Add up simultaneous path durations to find total value span duration
// of everything
totalUsedDuration = getSimulPathDurationTotal(order);
// Go through the order list and convert the items
return order.reduce(function (allPaths, orderDef) {
var simultaneousPaths = splat(orderDef).reduce(function (simulPaths, item) {
if (item instanceof H.sonification.TimelinePath) {
// This item is already a path object
else if (item.series) {
// We have a series.
// We need to set the duration of the series
item.seriesOptions.duration =
item.seriesOptions.duration || getSeriesDurationMs(item.seriesOptions.timeExtremes.max -
item.seriesOptions.timeExtremes.min, totalUsedDuration, totalAvailableDurationMs);
// Add the path
simulPaths.push(buildTimelinePathFromSeries(item.series, item.seriesOptions));
return simulPaths;
}, []);
// Add in the simultaneous paths
return allPaths;
}, []);
* @private
* @param {Highcharts.Chart} chart The chart to get options for.
* @param {Highcharts.SonificationOptions} userOptions
* Options to merge with options on chart and default options.
* @returns {Highcharts.SonificationOptions} The merged options.
function getChartSonifyOptions(chart, userOptions) {
return merge(chart.options.sonification, userOptions);
* Options for sonifying a chart.
* @requires module:modules/sonification
* @interface Highcharts.SonificationOptions
*/ /**
* Duration for sonifying the entire chart. The duration is distributed across
* the different series intelligently, but does not take earcons into account.
* It is also possible to set the duration explicitly per series, using
* `seriesOptions`. Note that points may continue to play after the duration has
* passed, but no new points will start playing.
* @name Highcharts.SonificationOptions#duration
* @type {number}
*/ /**
* Define the order to play the series in. This can be given as a string, or an
* array specifying a custom ordering. If given as a string, valid values are
* `sequential` - where each series is played in order - or `simultaneous`,
* where all series are played at once. For custom ordering, supply an array as
* the order. Each element in the array can be either a string with a series ID,
* an Earcon object, or an object with a numeric `silentWait` property
* designating a number of milliseconds to wait before continuing. Each element
* of the array will be played in order. To play elements simultaneously, group
* the elements in an array.
* @name Highcharts.SonificationOptions#order
* @type {string|Array<string|Highcharts.Earcon|Array<string|Highcharts.Earcon>>}
*/ /**
* The axis to use for when to play the points. Can be a string with a data
* property (e.g. `x`), or a function. If it is a function, this function
* receives the point as argument, and should return a numeric value. The points
* with the lowest numeric values are then played first, and the time between
* points will be proportional to the distance between the numeric values. This
* option can not be overridden per series.
* @name Highcharts.SonificationOptions#pointPlayTime
* @type {string|Function}
*/ /**
* Milliseconds of silent waiting to add between series. Note that waiting time
* is considered part of the sonify duration.
* @name Highcharts.SonificationOptions#afterSeriesWait
* @type {number|undefined}
*/ /**
* Options as given to `series.sonify` to override options per series. If the
* option is supplied as an array of options objects, the `id` property of the
* object should correspond to the series' id. If the option is supplied as a
* single object, the options apply to all series.
* @name Highcharts.SonificationOptions#seriesOptions
* @type {Object|Array<object>|undefined}
*/ /**
* The instrument definitions for the points in this chart.
* @name Highcharts.SonificationOptions#instruments
* @type {Array<Highcharts.PointInstrumentObject>|undefined}
*/ /**
* Earcons to add to the chart. Note that earcons can also be added per series
* using `seriesOptions`.
* @name Highcharts.SonificationOptions#earcons
* @type {Array<Highcharts.EarconConfiguration>|undefined}
*/ /**
* Optionally provide the minimum/maximum data values for the points. If this is
* not supplied, it is calculated from all points in the chart on demand. This
* option is supplied in the following format, as a map of point data properties
* to objects with min/max values:
* ```js
* dataExtremes: {
* y: {
* min: 0,
* max: 100
* },
* z: {
* min: -10,
* max: 10
* }
* // Properties used and not provided are calculated on demand
* }
* ```
* @name Highcharts.SonificationOptions#dataExtremes
* @type {Highcharts.Dictionary<Highcharts.RangeObject>|undefined}
*/ /**
* Callback before a series is played.
* @name Highcharts.SonificationOptions#onSeriesStart
* @type {Function|undefined}
*/ /**
* Callback after a series has finished playing.
* @name Highcharts.SonificationOptions#onSeriesEnd
* @type {Function|undefined}
*/ /**
* Callback after the chart has played.
* @name Highcharts.SonificationOptions#onEnd
* @type {Function|undefined}
* Sonify a chart.
* @sample highcharts/sonification/chart-sequential/
* Sonify a basic chart
* @sample highcharts/sonification/chart-simultaneous/
* Sonify series simultaneously
* @sample highcharts/sonification/chart-custom-order/
* Custom defined order of series
* @sample highcharts/sonification/chart-earcon/
* Earcons on chart
* @sample highcharts/sonification/chart-events/
* Sonification events on chart
* @requires module:modules/sonification
* @function Highcharts.Chart#sonify
* @param {Highcharts.SonificationOptions} options
* The options for sonifying this chart.
* @return {void}
function chartSonify(options) {
var opts = getChartSonifyOptions(this, options);
// Only one timeline can play at a time.
if (this.sonification.timeline) {
// Store reference to duration
this.sonification.duration = opts.duration;
// Calculate data extremes for the props used
var dataExtremes = getExtremesForInstrumentProps(this, opts.instruments, opts.dataExtremes);
// Figure out ordering of series and custom paths
var order = buildPathOrder(opts.order, this, function (series) {
return buildSeriesOptions(series, dataExtremes, opts);
// Add waits after simultaneous paths with series in them.
order = addAfterSeriesWaits(order, opts.afterSeriesWait || 0);
// We now have a list of either TimelinePath objects or series that need to
// be converted to TimelinePath objects. Convert everything to paths.
var paths = buildPathsFromOrder(order, opts.duration);
// Sync simultaneous paths
paths.forEach(function (simultaneousPaths) {
// We have a set of paths. Create the timeline, and play it.
this.sonification.timeline = new H.sonification.Timeline({
paths: paths,
onEnd: opts.onEnd
* Get a list of the points currently under cursor.
* @requires module:modules/sonification
* @function Highcharts.Chart#getCurrentSonifyPoints
* @return {Array<Highcharts.Point>}
* The points currently under the cursor.
function getCurrentPoints() {
var cursorObj;
if (this.sonification.timeline) {
cursorObj = this.sonification.timeline.getCursor(); // Cursor per pathID
return Object.keys(cursorObj).map(function (path) {
// Get the event objects under cursor for each path
return cursorObj[path].eventObject;
}).filter(function (eventObj) {
// Return the events that are points
return eventObj instanceof Point;
return [];
* Set the cursor to a point or set of points in different series.
* @requires module:modules/sonification
* @function Highcharts.Chart#setSonifyCursor
* @param {Highcharts.Point|Array<Highcharts.Point>} points
* The point or points to set the cursor to. If setting multiple points
* under the cursor, the points have to be in different series that are
* being played simultaneously.
function setCursor(points) {
var timeline = this.sonification.timeline;
if (timeline) {
splat(points).forEach(function (point) {
// We created the events with the ID of the points, which makes
// this easy. Just call setCursor for each ID.
* Pause the running sonification.
* @requires module:modules/sonification
* @function Highcharts.Chart#pauseSonify
* @param {boolean} [fadeOut=true]
* Fade out as we pause to avoid clicks.
* @return {void}
function pause(fadeOut) {
if (this.sonification.timeline) {
this.sonification.timeline.pause(pick(fadeOut, true));
else if (this.sonification.currentlyPlayingPoint) {
* Resume the currently running sonification. Requires series.sonify or
* chart.sonify to have been played at some point earlier.
* @requires module:modules/sonification
* @function Highcharts.Chart#resumeSonify
* @param {Function} onEnd
* Callback to call when play finished.
* @return {void}
function resume(onEnd) {
if (this.sonification.timeline) {
* Play backwards from cursor. Requires series.sonify or chart.sonify to have
* been played at some point earlier.
* @requires module:modules/sonification
* @function Highcharts.Chart#rewindSonify
* @param {Function} onEnd
* Callback to call when play finished.
* @return {void}
function rewind(onEnd) {
if (this.sonification.timeline) {
* Cancel current sonification and reset cursor.
* @requires module:modules/sonification
* @function Highcharts.Chart#cancelSonify
* @param {boolean} [fadeOut=true]
* Fade out as we pause to avoid clicks.
* @return {void}
function cancel(fadeOut) {
* Reset cursor to start. Requires series.sonify or chart.sonify to have been
* played at some point earlier.
* @requires module:modules/sonification
* @function Highcharts.Chart#resetSonifyCursor
* @return {void}
function resetCursor() {
if (this.sonification.timeline) {
* Reset cursor to end. Requires series.sonify or chart.sonify to have been
* played at some point earlier.
* @requires module:modules/sonification
* @function Highcharts.Chart#resetSonifyCursorEnd
* @return {void}
function resetCursorEnd() {
if (this.sonification.timeline) {
// Export functions
var chartSonifyFunctions = {
chartSonify: chartSonify,
seriesSonify: seriesSonify,
pause: pause,
resume: resume,
rewind: rewind,
cancel: cancel,
getCurrentPoints: getCurrentPoints,
setCursor: setCursor,
resetCursor: resetCursor,
resetCursorEnd: resetCursorEnd
export default chartSonifyFunctions;