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2020-03-31 03:08:46 +00:00
/*! SearchPanes 1.0.1
* 2019-2020 SpryMedia Ltd - datatables.net/license
(function () {
'use strict';
var DataTable = $.fn.dataTable;
var SearchPane = /** @class */ (function () {
* Creates the panes, sets up the search function
* @param paneSettings The settings for the searchPanes
* @param opts The options for the default features
* @param idx the index of the column for this pane
* @returns {object} the pane that has been created, including the table and the index of the pane
function SearchPane(paneSettings, opts, idx, layout, panesContainer, panes) {
var _this = this;
if (panes === void 0) { panes = null; }
// Check that the required version of DataTables is included
if (!DataTable || !DataTable.versionCheck || !DataTable.versionCheck('1.10.0')) {
throw new Error('SearchPane requires DataTables 1.10 or newer');
// Check that Select is included
if (!DataTable.select) {
throw new Error('SearchPane requires Select');
var table = new DataTable.Api(paneSettings);
this.classes = $.extend(true, {}, SearchPane.classes);
// Get options from user
this.c = $.extend(true, {}, SearchPane.defaults, opts);
this.customPaneSettings = panes;
this.s = {
cascadeRegen: false,
clearing: false,
colOpts: [],
deselect: false,
displayed: false,
dt: table,
dtPane: undefined,
filteringActive: false,
index: idx,
indexes: [],
lastSelect: false,
redraw: false,
rowData: {
arrayFilter: [],
arrayOriginal: [],
arrayTotals: [],
bins: {},
binsOriginal: {},
binsTotal: {},
filterMap: new Map()
searchFunction: undefined,
selectPresent: false,
updating: false
var rowLength = table.columns().eq(0).toArray().length;
this.colExists = this.s.index < rowLength;
// Add extra elements to DOM object including clear and hide buttons
this.c.layout = layout;
var layVal = parseInt(layout.split('-')[1], 10);
this.dom = {
buttonGroup: $('<div/>').addClass(this.classes.buttonGroup),
clear: $('<button type="button">&#215;</button>')
container: $('<div/>').addClass(this.classes.container).addClass(this.classes.layout +
(layVal < 7 ? layout : layout.split('-')[0] + '-6')),
countButton: $('<button type="button"></button>')
dtP: $('<table><thead><tr><th>' +
? $(table.column(this.colExists ? this.s.index : 0).header()).text()
: this.customPaneSettings.header || 'Custom Pane') + '</th><th/></tr></thead></table>'),
lower: $('<div/>').addClass(this.classes.subRow2).addClass(this.classes.narrowButton),
nameButton: $('<button type="button"></button>').addClass(this.classes.paneButton).addClass(this.classes.nameButton),
searchBox: $('<input/>').addClass(this.classes.paneInputButton).addClass(this.classes.search),
searchButton: $('<button type = "button" class="' + this.classes.searchIcon + '"></button>')
searchCont: $('<div/>').addClass(this.classes.searchCont),
searchLabelCont: $('<div/>').addClass(this.classes.searchLabelCont),
topRow: $('<div/>').addClass(this.classes.topRow),
upper: $('<div/>').addClass(this.classes.subRow1).addClass(this.classes.narrowSearch)
this.s.displayed = false;
table = this.s.dt;
this.selections = [];
this.s.colOpts = this.colExists ? this._getOptions() : this._getBonusOptions();
var colOpts = this.s.colOpts;
var clear = $('<button type="button">X</button>').addClass(this.classes.paneButton);
$(clear).text(table.i18n('searchPanes.clearPane', 'X'));
this.dom.container.addClass((this.customPaneSettings !== null && this.customPaneSettings.className !== undefined)
? this.customPaneSettings.className
: '');
var tableNode = table.table(0).node();
// Custom search function for table
this.s.searchFunction = function (settings, searchData, dataIndex, origData) {
// If no data has been selected then show all
if (_this.selections.length === 0) {
return true;
if (settings.nTable !== tableNode) {
return true;
var filter = '';
if (_this.colExists) {
// Get the current filtered data
filter = searchData[_this.s.index];
if (colOpts.orthogonal.filter !== 'filter') {
// get the filter value from the map
filter = _this.s.rowData.filterMap.get(dataIndex);
if (filter instanceof $.fn.dataTable.Api) {
filter = filter.toArray();
return _this._search(filter, dataIndex);
// If the clear button for this pane is clicked clear the selections
if (this.c.clear) {
$(clear).on('click', function () {
var searches = _this.dom.container.find(_this.classes.search);
searches.each(function () {
// Sometimes the top row of the panes containing the search box and ordering buttons appears
// weird if the width of the panes is lower than expected, this fixes the design.
// Equally this may occur when the table is resized.
table.on('draw.dtsp', function () {
$(window).on('resize.dtsp', DataTable.util.throttle(function () {
// When column-reorder is present and the columns are moved, it is necessary to
// reassign all of the panes indexes to the new index of the column.
table.on('column-reorder.dtsp', function (e, settings, details) {
_this.s.index = details.mapping[_this.s.index];
return this;
* In the case of a rebuild there is potential for new data to have been included or removed
* so all of the rowData must be reset as a precaution.
SearchPane.prototype.clearData = function () {
this.s.rowData = {
arrayFilter: [],
arrayOriginal: [],
arrayTotals: [],
bins: {},
binsOriginal: {},
binsTotal: {},
filterMap: new Map()
* Clear the selections in the pane
SearchPane.prototype.clearPane = function () {
// Deselect all rows which are selected and update the table and filter count.
this.s.dtPane.rows({ selected: true }).deselect();
return this;
* Strips all of the SearchPanes elements from the document and turns all of the listeners for the buttons off
SearchPane.prototype.destroy = function () {
var searchIdx = $.fn.dataTable.ext.search.indexOf(this.s.searchFunction);
while (searchIdx !== -1) {
$.fn.dataTable.ext.search.splice(searchIdx, 1);
searchIdx = $.fn.dataTable.ext.search.indexOf(this.s.searchFunction);
// If the datatables have been defined for the panes then also destroy these
if (this.s.dtPane !== undefined) {
* Updates the number of filters that have been applied in the title
SearchPane.prototype.getPaneCount = function () {
return this.s.dtPane !== undefined ?
this.s.dtPane.rows({ selected: true }).data().toArray().length :
* Rebuilds the panes from the start having deleted the old ones
SearchPane.prototype.rebuildPane = function () {
// When rebuilding strip all of the HTML Elements out of the container and start from scratch
if (this.s.dtPane !== undefined) {
this.s.displayed = false;
return this;
* removes the pane from the page and sets the displayed property to false.
SearchPane.prototype.removePane = function () {
this.s.displayed = false;
* Sets the cascadeRegen property of the pane. Accessible from above because as SearchPanes.ts deals with the rebuilds.
* @param val the boolean value that the cascadeRegen property is to be set to
SearchPane.prototype.setCascadeRegen = function (val) {
this.s.cascadeRegen = val;
* This function allows the clearing property to be assigned. This is used when implementing cascadePane.
* In setting this to true for the clearing of the panes selection on the deselects it forces the pane to
* repopulate from the entire dataset not just the displayed values.
* @param val the boolean value which the clearing property is to be assigned
SearchPane.prototype.setClear = function (val) {
this.s.clearing = val;
* Updates the values of all of the panes
* @param draw whether this has been triggered by a draw event or not
SearchPane.prototype.updatePane = function (draw) {
if (draw === void 0) { draw = false; }
this.s.updating = true;
this.s.updating = false;
* Updates the panes if one of the options to do so has been set to true
* rather than the filtered message when using viewTotal.
SearchPane.prototype.updateTable = function () {
var selectedRows = this.s.dtPane.rows({ selected: true }).data().toArray();
this.selections = selectedRows;
// If either of the options that effect how the panes are displayed are selected then update the Panes
if (this.c.cascadePanes || this.c.viewTotal) {
* Takes in potentially undetected rows and adds them to the array if they are not yet featured
* @param filter the filter value of the potential row
* @param display the display value of the potential row
* @param sort the sort value of the potential row
* @param type the type value of the potential row
* @param arrayFilter the array to be populated
* @param bins the bins to be populated
SearchPane.prototype._addOption = function (filter, display, sort, type, arrayFilter, bins) {
// If the filter is an array then take a note of this, and add the elements to the arrayFilter array
if (Array.isArray(filter) || filter instanceof DataTable.Api) {
// Convert to an array so that we can work with it
if (filter instanceof DataTable.Api) {
filter = filter.toArray();
display = display.toArray();
if (filter.length === display.length) {
for (var i = 0; i < filter.length; i++) {
// If we haven't seen this row before add it
if (!bins[filter[i]]) {
bins[filter[i]] = 1;
display: display[i],
filter: filter[i],
sort: sort,
type: type
// Otherwise just increment the count
else {
else {
throw new Error('display and filter not the same length');
// If the values were affected by othogonal data and are not an array then check if it is already present
else if (typeof this.s.colOpts.orthogonal === 'string') {
if (!bins[filter]) {
bins[filter] = 1;
display: display,
filter: filter,
sort: sort,
type: type
else {
// Otherwise we must just be adding an option
else {
display: display,
filter: filter,
sort: sort,
type: type
* Adds a row to the panes table
* @param display the value to be displayed to the user
* @param filter the value to be filtered on when searchpanes is implemented
* @param shown the number of rows in the table that are currently visible matching this criteria
* @param total the total number of rows in the table that match this criteria
* @param sort the value to be sorted in the pane table
* @param type the value of which the type is to be derived from
SearchPane.prototype._addRow = function (display, filter, shown, total, sort, type) {
var index;
for (var _i = 0, _a = this.s.indexes; _i < _a.length; _i++) {
var entry = _a[_i];
if (entry.filter === filter) {
index = entry.index;
if (index === undefined) {
index = this.s.indexes.length;
this.s.indexes.push({ filter: filter, index: index });
return this.s.dtPane.row.add({
display: display !== '' ? display : this.c.emptyMessage,
filter: filter,
index: index,
shown: shown,
sort: sort !== '' ? sort : this.c.emptyMessage,
total: total,
type: type
* Adjusts the layout of the top row when the screen is resized
SearchPane.prototype._adjustTopRow = function () {
var subContainers = this.dom.container.find('.' + this.classes.subRowsContainer);
var subRow1 = this.dom.container.find('.dtsp-subRow1');
var subRow2 = this.dom.container.find('.dtsp-subRow2');
var topRow = this.dom.container.find('.' + this.classes.topRow);
// If the width is 0 then it is safe to assume that the pane has not yet been displayed.
// Even if it has, if the width is 0 it won't make a difference if it has the narrow class or not
if (($(subContainers[0]).width() < 252 || $(topRow[0]).width() < 252) && $(subContainers[0]).width() !== 0) {
else {
* Method to construct the actual pane.
SearchPane.prototype._buildPane = function () {
var _this = this;
// Aliases
this.selections = [];
var table = this.s.dt;
var column = table.column(this.colExists ? this.s.index : 0);
var colOpts = this.s.colOpts;
var rowData = this.s.rowData;
// Other Variables
var countMessage = table.i18n('searchPanes.count', '{total}');
var filteredMessage = table.i18n('searchPanes.countFiltered', '{shown} ({total})');
var loadedFilter = table.state.loaded();
// If it is not a custom pane in place
if (this.colExists) {
var idx = -1;
if (loadedFilter && loadedFilter.searchPanes && loadedFilter.searchPanes.panes) {
for (var i = 0; i < loadedFilter.searchPanes.panes.length; i++) {
if (loadedFilter.searchPanes.panes[i].id === this.s.index) {
idx = i;
// Perform checks that do not require populate pane to run
if ((colOpts.show === false
|| (colOpts.show !== undefined && colOpts.show !== true)) &&
idx === -1) {
this.s.displayed = false;
return false;
else if (colOpts.show === true || idx !== -1) {
this.s.displayed = true;
// Only run populatePane if the data has not been collected yet
if (rowData.arrayFilter.length === 0) {
if (loadedFilter && loadedFilter.searchPanes && loadedFilter.searchPanes.panes) {
// If the index is not found then no data has been added to the state for this pane,
// which will only occur if it has previously failed to meet the criteria to be
// displayed, therefore we can just hide it again here
if (idx !== -1) {
rowData.binsOriginal = loadedFilter.searchPanes.panes[idx].bins;
rowData.arrayOriginal = loadedFilter.searchPanes.panes[idx].arrayFilter;
else {
this.s.displayed = false;
else {
rowData.arrayOriginal = rowData.arrayFilter;
rowData.binsOriginal = rowData.bins;
var binLength = Object.keys(rowData.binsOriginal).length;
var uniqueRatio = this._uniqueRatio(binLength, table.rows()[0].length);
// Don't show the pane if there isn't enough variance in the data, or there is only 1 entry for that pane
if (this.s.displayed === false && ((colOpts.show === undefined && colOpts.threshold === null ?
uniqueRatio > this.c.threshold :
uniqueRatio > colOpts.threshold)
|| (colOpts.show !== true && binLength <= 1))) {
this.s.displayed = false;
// If the option viewTotal is true then find
// the total count for the whole table to display alongside the displayed count
if (this.c.viewTotal && rowData.arrayTotals.length === 0) {
else {
rowData.binsTotal = rowData.bins;
this.s.displayed = true;
else {
this.s.displayed = true;
// If the variance is accceptable then display the search pane
// Here, when the state is loaded if the data object on the original table is empty,
// then a state.clear() must have occurred, so delete all of the panes tables state objects too.
this.dom.dtP.on('stateLoadParams.dt', function (e, settings, data) {
if ($.isEmptyObject(table.state.loaded())) {
$.each(data, function (index, value) {
delete data[index];
// Declare the datatable for the pane
var errMode = $.fn.dataTable.ext.errMode;
$.fn.dataTable.ext.errMode = 'none';
var haveScroller = DataTable.Scroller;
this.s.dtPane = $(this.dom.dtP).DataTable($.extend(true, {
dom: 't',
columnDefs: [
className: 'dtsp-nameColumn',
data: 'display',
render: function (data, type, row) {
if (type === 'sort') {
return row.sort;
else if (type === 'type') {
return row.type;
var message;
_this.s.filteringActive && _this.c.viewTotal
? message = filteredMessage.replace(/{total}/, row.total)
: message = countMessage.replace(/{total}/, row.total);
message = message.replace(/{shown}/, row.shown);
while (message.indexOf('{total}') !== -1) {
message = message.replace(/{total}/, row.total);
while (message.indexOf('{shown}') !== -1) {
message = message.replace(/{shown}/, row.shown);
// We are displaying the count in the same columne as the name of the search option.
// This is so that there is not need to call columns.adjust(), which in turn speeds up the code
var displayMessage = '';
var pill = '<span class="' + _this.classes.pill + '">' + message + '</span>';
if (_this.c.hideCount || colOpts.hideCount) {
pill = '';
if (!_this.c.dataLength) {
displayMessage = '<span class="' + _this.classes.name + '">' + data + '</span>' + pill;
else if (data.length > _this.c.dataLength) {
displayMessage = '<span class="' + _this.classes.name + '">'
+ data.substr(0, _this.c.dataLength) + '...'
+ '</span>'
+ pill;
else {
displayMessage = '<span class="' + _this.classes.name + '">' + data + '</span>' + pill;
return displayMessage;
targets: 0,
// Accessing the private datatables property to set type based on the original table.
// This is null if not defined by the user, meaning that automatic type detection would take place
type: table.settings()[0].aoColumns[this.s.index] !== undefined ?
table.settings()[0].aoColumns[this.s.index]._sManualType :
className: 'dtsp-countColumn ' + this.classes.badgePill,
data: 'total',
targets: 1,
visible: false
deferRender: true,
info: false,
paging: haveScroller ? true : false,
scrollY: '200px',
scroller: haveScroller ? true : false,
select: true,
stateSave: table.settings()[0].oFeatures.bStateSave ? true : false
}, this.c.dtOpts, colOpts !== undefined ? colOpts.dtOpts : {}, (this.customPaneSettings !== null && this.customPaneSettings.dtOpts !== undefined)
? this.customPaneSettings.dtOpts
: {}));
// This is hacky but necessary for when datatables is generating the column titles automatically
$(this.dom.searchBox).attr('placeholder', colOpts.header !== undefined
? colOpts.header
: this.colExists
? table.settings()[0].aoColumns[this.s.index].sTitle
: this.customPaneSettings.header || 'Custom Pane');
// As the pane table is not in the document yet we must initialise select ourselves
$.fn.dataTable.ext.errMode = errMode;
// If it is not a custom pane
if (this.colExists) {
// On initialisation, do we need to set a filtering value from a
// saved state or init option?
var search = column.search();
search = search ? search.substr(1, search.length - 2).split('|') : [];
// Count the number of empty cells
var count_1 = 0;
rowData.arrayFilter.forEach(function (element) {
if (element.filter === '') {
// Add all of the search options to the pane
for (var i = 0, ien = rowData.arrayFilter.length; i < ien; i++) {
if (rowData.arrayFilter[i] && (rowData.bins[rowData.arrayFilter[i].filter] !== undefined || !this.c.cascadePanes)) {
var row = this._addRow(rowData.arrayFilter[i].display, rowData.arrayFilter[i].filter, rowData.bins[rowData.arrayFilter[i].filter], rowData.binsTotal[rowData.arrayFilter[i].filter], rowData.arrayFilter[i].sort, rowData.arrayFilter[i].type);
if (colOpts.preSelect !== undefined && colOpts.preSelect.indexOf(rowData.arrayFilter[i].filter) !== -1) {
else {
this._addRow(this.c.emptyMessage, count_1, count_1, this.c.emptyMessage, this.c.emptyMessage, this.c.emptyMessage);
// If there are custom options set or it is a custom pane then get them
if (colOpts.options !== undefined ||
(this.customPaneSettings !== null && this.customPaneSettings.options !== undefined)) {
// Display the pane
// When an item is selected on the pane, add these to the array which holds selected items.
// Custom search will perform.
this.s.dtPane.on('select.dtsp', function () {
_this.s.selectPresent = true;
if (!_this.s.updating) {
_this.s.selectPresent = false;
// When saving the state store all of the selected rows for preselection next time around
this.s.dt.on('stateSaveParams.dtsp', function (e, settings, data) {
// If the data being passed in is empty then a state clear must have occured so clear the panes state as well
if ($.isEmptyObject(data)) {
var selected = [];
var searchTerm;
var order;
var bins;
var arrayFilter;
// Get all of the data needed for the state save from the pane
if (_this.s.dtPane !== undefined) {
selected = _this.s.dtPane.rows({ selected: true }).data().map(function (item) { return item.filter.toString(); }).toArray();
searchTerm = $(_this.dom.searchBox).val();
order = _this.s.dtPane.order();
bins = rowData.binsOriginal;
arrayFilter = rowData.arrayOriginal;
if (data.searchPanes === undefined) {
data.searchPanes = {};
if (data.searchPanes.panes === undefined) {
data.searchPanes.panes = [];
// Add the panes data to the state object
arrayFilter: arrayFilter,
bins: bins,
id: _this.s.index,
order: order,
searchTerm: searchTerm,
selected: selected
// Reload the selection, searchbox entry and ordering from the previous state
if (loadedFilter && loadedFilter.searchPanes && loadedFilter.searchPanes.panes) {
if (!this.c.cascadePanes) {
for (var _i = 0, _a = loadedFilter.searchPanes.panes; _i < _a.length; _i++) {
var pane = _a[_i];
if (pane.id === this.s.index) {
this.s.dtPane.on('user-select.dtsp', function (e, _dt, type, cell, originalEvent) {
// When the button to order by the name of the options is clicked then
// change the ordering to whatever it isn't currently
$(this.dom.nameButton).on('click.dtsp', function () {
var currentOrder = _this.s.dtPane.order()[0][1];
_this.s.dtPane.order([0, currentOrder === 'asc' ? 'desc' : 'asc']).draw();
// When the button to order by the number of entries in the column is clicked then
// change the ordering to whatever it isn't currently
$(this.dom.countButton).on('click.dtsp', function () {
var currentOrder = _this.s.dtPane.order()[0][1];
_this.s.dtPane.order([1, currentOrder === 'asc' ? 'desc' : 'asc']).draw();
// When the clear button is clicked reset the pane
$(this.dom.clear).on('click.dtsp', function () {
var searches = _this.dom.container.find('.' + _this.classes.search);
searches.each(function () {
// set the value of the search box to be an empty string and then search on that, effectively reseting
// When the search button is clicked then draw focus to the search box
$(this.dom.searchButton).on('click.dtsp', function () {
// When a character is inputted into the searchbox search the pane for matching values.
// Doing it this way means that no button has to be clicked to trigger a search, it is done asynchronously
$(this.dom.searchBox).on('input.dtsp', function () {
// Declare timeout Variable
var t0;
// When an item is deselected on the pane, re add the currently selected items to the array
// which holds selected items. Custom search will be performed.
this.s.dtPane.on('deselect.dtsp', function () {
t0 = setTimeout(function () {
_this.s.deselect = true;
if (_this.s.dtPane.rows({ selected: true }).data().toArray().length === 0) {
_this.s.deselect = false;
}, 50);
// Make sure to save the state once the pane has been built
return true;
* Update the array which holds the display and filter values for the table
SearchPane.prototype._detailsPane = function () {
var _this = this;
var table = this.s.dt;
this.s.rowData.arrayTotals = [];
this.s.rowData.binsTotal = {};
var settings = this.s.dt.settings()[0];
table.rows().every(function (rowIdx) {
_this._populatePaneArray(rowIdx, _this.s.rowData.arrayTotals, settings, _this.s.rowData.binsTotal);
* Appends all of the HTML elements to their relevant parent Elements
SearchPane.prototype._displayPane = function () {
var container = this.dom.container;
var colOpts = this.s.colOpts;
var layVal = parseInt(this.c.layout.split('-')[1], 10);
// Empty everything to start again
// If there are more than 3 columns defined then make there be a smaller gap between the panes
if (layVal > 3) {
// If no selections have been made in the pane then disable the clear button
if (this.c.dtOpts.searching === false ||
(colOpts.dtOpts !== undefined &&
colOpts.dtOpts.searching === false) ||
(!this.c.controls || !colOpts.controls) ||
(this.customPaneSettings !== null &&
this.customPaneSettings.dtOpts !== undefined &&
this.customPaneSettings.dtOpts.searching !== undefined &&
!this.customPaneSettings.dtOpts.searching)) {
$(this.dom.searchBox).attr('disabled', 'disabled')
// Create the contents of the searchCont div. Worth noting that this function will change when using semantic ui
// If the clear button is allowed to show then display it
if (this.c.clear && this.c.controls && colOpts.controls) {
if (this.c.orderable && colOpts.orderable && this.c.controls && colOpts.controls) {
// If the count column is hidden then don't display the ordering button for it
if (!this.c.hideCount &&
!colOpts.hideCount &&
this.c.orderable &&
colOpts.orderable &&
this.c.controls &&
colOpts.controls) {
* Find the unique filter values in an array
* @param data empty array to populate with data which has not yet been found
* @param arrayFilter the array of all of the display and filter values for the table
SearchPane.prototype._findUnique = function (data, arrayFilter) {
var prev = [];
for (var _i = 0, arrayFilter_1 = arrayFilter; _i < arrayFilter_1.length; _i++) {
var filterEl = arrayFilter_1[_i];
// If the data has not already been processed then add it to the unique array and the previously processed array.
if (prev.indexOf(filterEl.filter) === -1) {
display: filterEl.display,
filter: filterEl.filter,
sort: filterEl.sort,
type: filterEl.type
* Gets the options for the row for the customPanes
* @returns {object} The options for the row extended to include the options from the user.
SearchPane.prototype._getBonusOptions = function () {
// We need to reset the thresholds as if they have a value in colOpts then that value will be used
var defaultMutator = {
orthogonal: {
threshold: null
threshold: null
return $.extend(true, {}, SearchPane.defaults, defaultMutator, this.c !== undefined ? this.c : {});
* Adds the custom options to the pane
* @returns {Array} Returns the array of rows which have been added to the pane
SearchPane.prototype._getComparisonRows = function () {
var colOpts = this.s.colOpts;
// Find the appropriate options depending on whether this is a pane for a specific column or a custom pane
var options = colOpts.options !== undefined
? colOpts.options
: this.customPaneSettings !== null && this.customPaneSettings.options !== undefined
? this.customPaneSettings.options
: undefined;
if (options === undefined) {
var tableVals = this.s.dt.rows({ search: 'applied' }).data().toArray();
var appRows = this.s.dt.rows({ search: 'applied' });
var tableValsTotal = this.s.dt.rows().data().toArray();
var allRows = this.s.dt.rows();
var rows = [];
// Clear all of the other rows from the pane, only custom options are to be displayed when they are defined
for (var _i = 0, options_1 = options; _i < options_1.length; _i++) {
var comp = options_1[_i];
// Initialise the object which is to be placed in the row
var insert = comp.label !== '' ? comp.label : this.c.emptyMessage;
var comparisonObj = {
display: insert,
filter: typeof comp.value === 'function' ? comp.value : [],
shown: 0,
sort: insert,
total: 0,
type: insert
// If a custom function is in place
if (typeof comp.value === 'function') {
// Count the number of times the function evaluates to true for the data currently being displayed
for (var tVal = 0; tVal < tableVals.length; tVal++) {
if (comp.value.call(this.s.dt, tableVals[tVal], appRows[0][tVal])) {
// Count the number of times the function evaluates to true for the original data in the Table
for (var i = 0; i < tableValsTotal.length; i++) {
if (comp.value.call(this.s.dt, tableValsTotal[i], allRows[0][i])) {
// Update the comparisonObj
if (typeof comparisonObj.filter !== 'function') {
// If cascadePanes is not active or if it is and the comparisonObj should be shown then add it to the pane
if (!this.c.cascadePanes || (this.c.cascadePanes && comparisonObj.shown !== 0)) {
rows.push(this._addRow(comparisonObj.display, comparisonObj.filter, comparisonObj.shown, comparisonObj.total, comparisonObj.sort, comparisonObj.type));
return rows;
* Gets the options for the row for the customPanes
* @returns {object} The options for the row extended to include the options from the user.
SearchPane.prototype._getOptions = function () {
var table = this.s.dt;
// We need to reset the thresholds as if they have a value in colOpts then that value will be used
var defaultMutator = {
orthogonal: {
threshold: null
threshold: null
return $.extend(true, {}, SearchPane.defaults, defaultMutator, table.settings()[0].aoColumns[this.s.index].searchPanes);
* This method allows for changes to the panes and table to be made when a selection or a deselection occurs
* @param select Denotes whether a selection has been made or not
SearchPane.prototype._makeSelection = function () {
this.s.updating = true;
this.s.updating = false;
* Fill the array with the values that are currently being displayed in the table
SearchPane.prototype._populatePane = function () {
var table = this.s.dt;
this.s.rowData.arrayFilter = [];
this.s.rowData.bins = {};
var settings = this.s.dt.settings()[0];
// If cascadePanes or viewTotal are active it is necessary to get the data which is currently
// being displayed for their functionality.
var indexArray = (this.c.cascadePanes || this.c.viewTotal) && !this.s.clearing ?
table.rows({ search: 'applied' }).indexes() :
for (var _i = 0, indexArray_1 = indexArray; _i < indexArray_1.length; _i++) {
var index = indexArray_1[_i];
this._populatePaneArray(index, this.s.rowData.arrayFilter, settings);
* Populates an array with all of the data for the table
* @param rowIdx The current row index to be compared
* @param arrayFilter The array that is to be populated with row Details
* @param bins The bins object that is to be populated with the row counts
SearchPane.prototype._populatePaneArray = function (rowIdx, arrayFilter, settings, bins) {
if (bins === void 0) { bins = this.s.rowData.bins; }
var colOpts = this.s.colOpts;
// Retrieve the rendered data from the cell using the fnGetCellData function
// rather than the cell().render API method for optimisation
if (typeof colOpts.orthogonal === 'string') {
var rendered = settings.oApi._fnGetCellData(settings, rowIdx, this.s.index, colOpts.orthogonal);
this.s.rowData.filterMap.set(rowIdx, rendered);
this._addOption(rendered, rendered, rendered, rendered, arrayFilter, bins);
else {
var filter = settings.oApi._fnGetCellData(settings, rowIdx, this.s.index, colOpts.orthogonal.search);
this.s.rowData.filterMap.set(rowIdx, filter);
if (!bins[filter]) {
bins[filter] = 1;
this._addOption(filter, settings.oApi._fnGetCellData(settings, rowIdx, this.s.index, colOpts.orthogonal.display), settings.oApi._fnGetCellData(settings, rowIdx, this.s.index, colOpts.orthogonal.sort), settings.oApi._fnGetCellData(settings, rowIdx, this.s.index, colOpts.orthogonal.type), arrayFilter, bins);
else {
* Reloads all of the previous selects into the panes
* @param loadedFilter The loaded filters from a previous state
SearchPane.prototype._reloadSelect = function (loadedFilter) {
// If the state was not saved don't selected any
if (loadedFilter === undefined) {
var idx;
// For each pane, check that the loadedFilter list exists and is not null,
// find the id of each search item and set it to be selected.
for (var i = 0; i < loadedFilter.searchPanes.panes.length; i++) {
if (loadedFilter.searchPanes.panes[i].id === this.s.index) {
idx = i;
if (idx !== undefined) {
var table = this.s.dtPane;
var rows = table.rows({ order: 'index' }).data().map(function (item) { return item.filter !== null ?
item.filter.toString() :
null; }).toArray();
for (var _i = 0, _a = loadedFilter.searchPanes.panes[idx].selected; _i < _a.length; _i++) {
var filter = _a[_i];
var id = -1;
if (filter !== null) {
id = rows.indexOf(filter.toString());
if (id > -1) {
* This method decides whether a row should contribute to the pane or not
* @param filter the value that the row is to be filtered on
* @param dataIndex the row index
SearchPane.prototype._search = function (filter, dataIndex) {
var colOpts = this.s.colOpts;
var table = this.s.dt;
// For each item selected in the pane, check if it is available in the cell
for (var _i = 0, _a = this.selections; _i < _a.length; _i++) {
var colSelect = _a[_i];
// if the filter is an array then is the column present in it
if (Array.isArray(filter)) {
if (filter.indexOf(colSelect.filter) !== -1) {
return true;
// if the filter is a function then does it meet the criteria of that function or not
else if (typeof colSelect.filter === 'function') {
if (colSelect.filter.call(table, table.row(dataIndex).data(), dataIndex)) {
if (!this.s.redraw) {
if (colOpts.combiner === 'or') {
return true;
// If the combiner is an "and" then we need to check against all possible selections
// so if it fails here then the and is not met and return false
else if (colOpts.combiner === 'and') {
return false;
// otherwise if the two filter values are equal then return true
else if (filter === colSelect.filter) {
return true;
// If the combiner is an and then we need to check against all possible selections
// so return true here if so because it would have returned false earlier if it had failed
if (colOpts.combiner === 'and') {
return true;
// Otherwise it hasn't matched with anything by this point so it must be false
else {
return false;
* Creates the contents of the searchCont div
* NOTE This is overridden when semantic ui styling in order to integrate the search button into the text box.
SearchPane.prototype._searchContSetup = function () {
if (this.c.controls && this.s.colOpts.controls) {
if (!(this.c.dtOpts.searching === false ||
this.s.colOpts.dtOpts.searching === false ||
(this.customPaneSettings !== null &&
this.customPaneSettings.dtOpts !== undefined &&
this.customPaneSettings.dtOpts.searching !== undefined &&
!this.customPaneSettings.dtOpts.searching))) {
* Adds outline to the pane when a selection has been made
SearchPane.prototype._searchExtras = function () {
var updating = this.s.updating;
this.s.updating = true;
var filters = this.s.dtPane.rows({ selected: true }).data().pluck('filter').toArray();
var nullIndex = filters.indexOf(this.c.emptyMessage);
var container = $(this.s.dtPane.table().container());
// If null index is found then search for empty cells as a filter.
if (nullIndex > -1) {
filters[nullIndex] = '';
// If a filter has been applied then outline the respective pane, remove it when it no longer is.
if (filters.length > 0) {
else if (filters.length === 0) {
this.s.updating = updating;
* Finds the ratio of the number of different options in the table to the number of rows
* @param bins the number of different options in the table
* @param rowCount the total number of rows in the table
* @returns {number} returns the ratio
SearchPane.prototype._uniqueRatio = function (bins, rowCount) {
if (rowCount > 0) {
return bins / rowCount;
else {
return 1;
* updates the options within the pane
* @param draw a flag to define whether this has been called due to a draw event or not
SearchPane.prototype._updateCommon = function (draw) {
if (draw === void 0) { draw = false; }
// Update the panes if doing a deselect. if doing a select then
// update all of the panes except for the one causing the change
if (this.s.dtPane !== undefined &&
((!this.s.filteringActive || this.c.cascadePanes) || draw === true) &&
(this.c.cascadePanes !== true || this.s.selectPresent !== true) && !this.s.lastSelect) {
var colOpts = this.s.colOpts;
var selected = this.s.dtPane.rows({ selected: true }).data().toArray();
var scrollTop = $(this.s.dtPane.table().node()).parent()[0].scrollTop;
var rowData = this.s.rowData;
// Clear the pane in preparation for adding the updated search options
// If it is not a custom pane
if (this.colExists) {
// Only run populatePane if the data has not been collected yet
if (rowData.arrayFilter.length === 0) {
// If cascadePanes is active and the table has returned to its default state then
// there is a need to update certain parts ofthe rowData.
else if (this.c.cascadePanes
&& this.s.dt.rows().data().toArray().length === this.s.dt.rows({ search: 'applied' }).data().toArray().length) {
rowData.arrayFilter = rowData.arrayOriginal;
rowData.bins = rowData.binsOriginal;
// Otherwise if viewTotal or cascadePanes is active then the data from the table must be read.
else if (this.c.viewTotal || this.c.cascadePanes) {
// If the viewTotal option is selected then find the totals for the table
if (this.c.viewTotal) {
else {
rowData.binsTotal = rowData.bins;
if (this.c.viewTotal && !this.c.cascadePanes) {
rowData.arrayFilter = rowData.arrayTotals;
var _loop_1 = function (dataP) {
// If both view Total and cascadePanes have been selected and the count of the row is not 0 then add it to pane
// Do this also if the viewTotal option has been selected and cascadePanes has not
if (dataP && ((rowData.bins[dataP.filter] !== undefined && rowData.bins[dataP.filter] !== 0 && this_1.c.cascadePanes)
|| !this_1.c.cascadePanes
|| this_1.s.clearing)) {
var row = this_1._addRow(dataP.display, dataP.filter, !this_1.c.viewTotal
? rowData.bins[dataP.filter]
: rowData.bins[dataP.filter] !== undefined
? rowData.bins[dataP.filter]
: 0, this_1.c.viewTotal
? String(rowData.binsTotal[dataP.filter])
: rowData.bins[dataP.filter], dataP.sort, dataP.type);
// Find out if the filter was selected in the previous search, if so select it and remove from array.
var selectIndex = selected.findIndex(function (element) {
return element.filter === dataP.filter;
if (selectIndex !== -1) {
selected.splice(selectIndex, 1);
var this_1 = this;
for (var _i = 0, _a = rowData.arrayFilter; _i < _a.length; _i++) {
var dataP = _a[_i];
if ((colOpts.searchPanes !== undefined && colOpts.searchPanes.options !== undefined) ||
colOpts.options !== undefined ||
(this.customPaneSettings !== null && this.customPaneSettings.options !== undefined)) {
var rows = this._getComparisonRows();
var _loop_2 = function (row) {
var selectIndex = selected.findIndex(function (element) {
if (element.display === row.data().display) {
return true;
if (selectIndex !== -1) {
selected.splice(selectIndex, 1);
for (var _b = 0, rows_1 = rows; _b < rows_1.length; _b++) {
var row = rows_1[_b];
// Add search options which were previously selected but whos results are no
// longer present in the resulting data set.
for (var _c = 0, selected_1 = selected; _c < selected_1.length; _c++) {
var selectedEl = selected_1[_c];
var row = this._addRow(selectedEl.display, selectedEl.filter, 0, this.c.viewTotal
? selectedEl.total
: 0, selectedEl.filter, selectedEl.filter);
this.s.dtPane.table().node().parentNode.scrollTop = scrollTop;
SearchPane.version = '1.0.1';
SearchPane.classes = {
buttonGroup: 'dtsp-buttonGroup',
buttonSub: 'dtsp-buttonSub',
clear: 'dtsp-clear',
clearAll: 'dtsp-clearAll',
clearButton: 'clearButton',
container: 'dtsp-searchPane',
countButton: 'dtsp-countButton',
disabledButton: 'dtsp-disabledButton',
dull: 'dtsp-dull',
hidden: 'dtsp-hidden',
hide: 'dtsp-hide',
layout: 'dtsp-',
name: 'dtsp-name',
nameButton: 'dtsp-nameButton',
narrow: 'dtsp-narrow',
paneButton: 'dtsp-paneButton',
paneInputButton: 'dtsp-paneInputButton',
pill: 'dtsp-pill',
search: 'dtsp-search',
searchCont: 'dtsp-searchCont',
searchIcon: 'dtsp-searchIcon',
searchLabelCont: 'dtsp-searchButtonCont',
selected: 'dtsp-selected',
smallGap: 'dtsp-smallGap',
subRow1: 'dtsp-subRow1',
subRow2: 'dtsp-subRow2',
subRowsContainer: 'dtsp-subRowsContainer',
title: 'dtsp-title',
topRow: 'dtsp-topRow'
// Define SearchPanes default options
SearchPane.defaults = {
cascadePanes: false,
clear: true,
combiner: 'or',
controls: true,
container: function (dt) {
return dt.table().container();
dataLength: 30,
dtOpts: {},
emptyMessage: '<i>No Data</i>',
hideCount: false,
layout: 'columns-3',
orderable: true,
orthogonal: {
display: 'display',
hideCount: false,
search: 'filter',
show: undefined,
sort: 'sort',
threshold: 0.6,
type: 'type'
preSelect: [],
threshold: 0.6,
viewTotal: false
return SearchPane;
var DataTable$1 = $.fn.dataTable;
var SearchPanes = /** @class */ (function () {
function SearchPanes(paneSettings, opts, fromInit) {
var _this = this;
if (fromInit === void 0) { fromInit = false; }
this.regenerating = false;
// Check that the required version of DataTables is included
if (!DataTable$1 || !DataTable$1.versionCheck || !DataTable$1.versionCheck('1.10.0')) {
throw new Error('SearchPane requires DataTables 1.10 or newer');
// Check that Select is included
if (!DataTable$1.select) {
throw new Error('SearchPane requires Select');
var table = new DataTable$1.Api(paneSettings);
this.classes = $.extend(true, {}, SearchPanes.classes);
// Get options from user
this.c = $.extend(true, {}, SearchPanes.defaults, opts);
// Add extra elements to DOM object including clear
this.dom = {
clearAll: $('<button type="button">Clear All</button>').addClass(this.classes.clearAll),
container: $('<div/>').addClass(this.classes.panes).text(table.i18n('searchPanes.loadMessage', 'Loading Search Panes...')),
emptyMessage: $('<div/>').addClass(this.classes.emptyMessage),
options: $('<div/>').addClass(this.classes.container),
panes: $('<div/>').addClass(this.classes.container),
title: $('<div/>').addClass(this.classes.title),
titleRow: $('<div/>').addClass(this.classes.titleRow),
wrapper: $('<div/>')
this.s = {
colOpts: [],
dt: table,
filterPane: -1,
panes: [],
selectionList: [],
updating: false
table.settings()[0]._searchPanes = this;
this.dom.clearAll.text(table.i18n('searchPanes.clearMessage', 'Clear All'));
if (this.s.dt.settings()[0]._bInitComplete || fromInit) {
this._paneDeclare(table, paneSettings, opts);
else {
table.on('preInit.dt', function () {
_this._paneDeclare(table, paneSettings, opts);
* Clear the selections of all of the panes
SearchPanes.prototype.clearSelections = function () {
// Load in all of the searchBoxes in the documents
var searches = this.dom.container.find(this.classes.search);
// For each searchBox set the input text to be empty and then trigger
// an input on them so that they no longer filter the panes
searches.each(function () {
var returnArray = [];
// For every pane, clear the selections in the pane
for (var _i = 0, _a = this.s.panes; _i < _a.length; _i++) {
var pane = _a[_i];
if (pane.s.dtPane !== undefined) {
return returnArray;
* returns the container node for the searchPanes
SearchPanes.prototype.getNode = function () {
return this.dom.container;
* rebuilds all of the panes
SearchPanes.prototype.rebuild = function (targetIdx) {
if (targetIdx === void 0) { targetIdx = false; }
// As a rebuild from scratch is required, empty the searchpanes container.
var returnArray = [];
// Rebuild each pane individually, if a specific pane has been selected then only rebuild that one
for (var _i = 0, _a = this.s.panes; _i < _a.length; _i++) {
var pane = _a[_i];
if (targetIdx !== false && pane.s.index !== targetIdx) {
// Attach panes, clear buttons, and title bar to the document
// If a single pane has been rebuilt then return only that pane
if (returnArray.length === 1) {
return returnArray[0];
// Otherwise return all of the panes that have been rebuilt
else {
return returnArray;
* Redraws all of the panes
SearchPanes.prototype.redrawPanes = function () {
var table = this.s.dt;
// Only do this if the redraw isn't being triggered by the panes updating themselves
if (!this.s.updating) {
var filterActive = true;
var filterPane = this.s.filterPane;
// If the number of rows currently visible is equal to the number of rows in the table
// then there can't be any filtering taking place
if (table.rows({ search: 'applied' }).data().toArray().length === table.rows().data().toArray().length) {
filterActive = false;
// Otherwise if viewTotal is active then it is necessary to determine which panes a select is present in.
// If there is only one pane with a selection present then it should not show the filtered message as
// more selections may be made in that pane.
else if (this.c.viewTotal) {
for (var _i = 0, _a = this.s.panes; _i < _a.length; _i++) {
var pane = _a[_i];
if (pane.s.dtPane !== undefined) {
var selectLength = pane.s.dtPane.rows({ selected: true }).data().toArray().length;
// If filterPane === -1 then a pane with a selection has not been found yet, so set filterPane to that panes index
if (selectLength > 0 && filterPane === -1) {
filterPane = pane.s.index;
// Then if another pane is found with a selection then set filterPane to null to
// show that multiple panes have selections present
else if (selectLength > 0) {
filterPane = null;
var deselectIdx = void 0;
var newSelectionList = [];
// Don't run this if it is due to the panes regenerating
if (!this.regenerating) {
for (var _b = 0, _c = this.s.panes; _b < _c.length; _b++) {
var pane = _c[_b];
// Identify the pane where a selection or deselection has been made and add it to the list.
if (pane.s.selectPresent) {
this.s.selectionList.push({ index: pane.s.index, rows: pane.s.dtPane.rows({ selected: true }).data().toArray(), protect: false });
else if (pane.s.deselect) {
deselectIdx = pane.s.index;
var selectedData = pane.s.dtPane.rows({ selected: true }).data().toArray();
if (selectedData.length > 0) {
this.s.selectionList.push({ index: pane.s.index, rows: selectedData, protect: true });
if (this.s.selectionList.length > 0) {
var last = this.s.selectionList[this.s.selectionList.length - 1].index;
for (var _d = 0, _e = this.s.panes; _d < _e.length; _d++) {
var pane = _e[_d];
pane.s.lastSelect = (pane.s.index === last && this.s.selectionList.length === 1);
// Remove selections from the list from the pane where a deselect has taken place
for (var i = 0; i < this.s.selectionList.length; i++) {
if (this.s.selectionList[i].index !== deselectIdx || this.s.selectionList[i].protect === true) {
var further = false;
// Find out if this selection is the last one in the list for that pane
for (var j = i + 1; j < this.s.selectionList.length; j++) {
if (this.s.selectionList[j].index === this.s.selectionList[i].index) {
further = true;
// If there are no selections for this pane in the list then just push this one
if (!further) {
this.s.selectionList[i].protect = false;
// Update all of the panes to reflect the current state of the filters
for (var _f = 0, _g = this.s.panes; _f < _g.length; _f++) {
var pane = _g[_f];
if (pane.s.dtPane !== undefined) {
var tempFilter = true;
pane.s.filteringActive = true;
if ((filterPane !== -1 && filterPane !== null && filterPane === pane.s.index) || filterActive === false) {
tempFilter = false;
pane.s.filteringActive = false;
pane.updatePane(!tempFilter ? false : filterActive);
// Update the label that shows how many filters are in place
// If the length of the selections are different then some of them have been removed and a deselect has occured
if (newSelectionList.length > 0 && newSelectionList.length < this.s.selectionList.length) {
var last = newSelectionList[newSelectionList.length - 1].index;
for (var _h = 0, _j = this.s.panes; _h < _j.length; _h++) {
var pane = _j[_h];
pane.s.lastSelect = (pane.s.index === last && this.s.selectionList.length === 1);
else if (newSelectionList.length > 0) {
// Update all of the other panes as you would just making a normal selection
for (var _k = 0, _l = this.s.panes; _k < _l.length; _k++) {
var paneUpdate = _l[_k];
if (paneUpdate.s.dtPane !== undefined) {
var tempFilter = true;
paneUpdate.s.filteringActive = true;
if ((filterPane !== -1 && filterPane !== null && filterPane === paneUpdate.s.index) || filterActive === false) {
tempFilter = false;
paneUpdate.s.filteringActive = false;
paneUpdate.updatePane(!tempFilter ? tempFilter : filterActive);
else {
for (var _m = 0, _o = this.s.panes; _m < _o.length; _m++) {
var pane = _o[_m];
if (pane.s.dtPane !== undefined) {
var tempFilter = true;
pane.s.filteringActive = true;
if ((filterPane !== -1 && filterPane !== null && filterPane === pane.s.index) || filterActive === false) {
tempFilter = false;
pane.s.filteringActive = false;
pane.updatePane(!tempFilter ? tempFilter : filterActive);
// Update the label that shows how many filters are in place
if (!filterActive) {
this.s.selectionList = [];
* Attach the panes, buttons and title to the document
SearchPanes.prototype._attach = function () {
// If the clear button is permitted attach it
if (this.c.clear) {
// Attach the container for each individual pane to the overall container
for (var _i = 0, _a = this.s.panes; _i < _a.length; _i++) {
var pane = _a[_i];
// Attach everything to the document
if ($('div.' + this.classes.container).length === 0) {
return this.dom.container;
* Attach the top row containing the filter count and clear all button
SearchPanes.prototype._attachExtras = function () {
// If the clear button is permitted attach it
if (this.c.clear) {
return this.dom.container;
* If there are no panes to display then this method is called to either
* display a message in their place or hide them completely.
SearchPanes.prototype._attachMessage = function () {
// Create a message to display on the screen
var message;
try {
message = this.s.dt.i18n('searchPanes.emptyPanes', 'No SearchPanes');
catch (error) {
message = null;
// If the message is an empty string then searchPanes.emptyPanes is undefined,
// therefore the pane container should be removed from the display
if (message === null) {
else {
// Otherwise display the message
return this.dom.container;
* Attaches the panes to the document and displays a message or hides if there are none
SearchPanes.prototype._attachPaneContainer = function () {
// If a pane is to be displayed then attach the normal pane output
for (var _i = 0, _a = this.s.panes; _i < _a.length; _i++) {
var pane = _a[_i];
if (pane.s.displayed === true) {
return this._attach();
// Otherwise attach the custom message or remove the container from the display
return this._attachMessage();
* Prepares the panes for selections to be made when cascade is active and a deselect has occured
* @param newSelectionList the list of selections which are to be made
SearchPanes.prototype._cascadeRegen = function (newSelectionList) {
// Set this to true so that the actions taken do not cause this to run until it is finished
this.regenerating = true;
// If only one pane has been selected then take note of its index
var solePane = -1;
if (newSelectionList.length === 1) {
solePane = newSelectionList[0].index;
// Let the pane know that a cascadeRegen is taking place to avoid unexpected behaviour
// and clear all of the previous selections in the pane
for (var _i = 0, _a = this.s.panes; _i < _a.length; _i++) {
var pane = _a[_i];
// If this is the same as the pane with the only selection then pass it as a parameter into clearPane
if ((pane.s.dtPane !== undefined && pane.s.index === solePane) || pane.s.dtPane !== undefined) {
// Remake Selections
// Set the selection list property to be the list without the selections from the deselect pane
this.s.selectionList = newSelectionList;
// The regeneration of selections is over so set it back to false
for (var _b = 0, _c = this.s.panes; _b < _c.length; _b++) {
var pane = _c[_b];
this.regenerating = false;
* Attaches the message to the document but does not add any panes
SearchPanes.prototype._checkMessage = function () {
// If a pane is to be displayed then attach the normal pane output
for (var _i = 0, _a = this.s.panes; _i < _a.length; _i++) {
var pane = _a[_i];
if (pane.s.displayed === true) {
// Otherwise attach the custom message or remove the container from the display
return this._attachMessage();
* Gets the selection list from the previous state and stores it in the selectionList Property
SearchPanes.prototype._getState = function () {
var loadedFilter = this.s.dt.state.loaded();
if (loadedFilter && loadedFilter.searchPanes && loadedFilter.searchPanes.selectionList !== undefined) {
this.s.selectionList = loadedFilter.searchPanes.selectionList;
* Makes all of the selections when cascade is active
* @param newSelectionList the list of selections to be made, in the order they were originally selected
SearchPanes.prototype._makeCascadeSelections = function (newSelectionList) {
// make selections in the order they were made previously, excluding those from the pane where a deselect was made
for (var _i = 0, newSelectionList_1 = newSelectionList; _i < newSelectionList_1.length; _i++) {
var selection = newSelectionList_1[_i];
var _loop_1 = function (pane) {
if (pane.s.index === selection.index && pane.s.dtPane !== undefined) {
// if there are any selections currently in the pane then deselect them as we are about to make our new selections
if (pane.s.dtPane.rows({ selected: true }).data().toArray().length > 0 && pane.s.dtPane !== undefined) {
var _loop_2 = function (row) {
pane.s.dtPane.rows().every(function (rowIdx) {
if (pane.s.dtPane.row(rowIdx).data().filter === row.filter) {
// select every row in the pane that was selected previously
for (var _i = 0, _a = selection.rows; _i < _a.length; _i++) {
var row = _a[_i];
// Update the label that shows how many filters are in place
var this_1 = this;
// As the selections may have been made across the panes in a different order to the pane index we must identify
// which pane has the index of the selection. This is also important for colreorder etc
for (var _a = 0, _b = this.s.panes; _a < _b.length; _a++) {
var pane = _b[_a];
// Make sure that the state is saved after all of these selections
* Declares the instances of individual searchpanes dependant on the number of columns.
* It is necessary to run this once preInit has completed otherwise no panes will be
* created as the column count will be 0.
* @param table the DataTable api for the parent table
* @param paneSettings the settings passed into the constructor
* @param opts the options passed into the constructor
SearchPanes.prototype._paneDeclare = function (table, paneSettings, opts) {
var _this = this;
// Create Panes
.columns(this.c.columns.length > 0 ? this.c.columns : undefined)
.each(function (idx) {
_this.s.panes.push(new SearchPane(paneSettings, opts, idx, _this.c.layout, _this.dom.panes));
// If there is any extra custom panes defined then create panes for them too
var rowLength = table.columns().eq(0).toArray().length;
var paneLength = this.c.panes.length;
for (var i = 0; i < paneLength; i++) {
var id = rowLength + i;
this.s.panes.push(new SearchPane(paneSettings, opts, id, this.c.layout, this.dom.panes, this.c.panes[i]));
// If this internal property is true then the DataTable has been initialised already
if (this.s.dt.settings()[0]._bInitComplete) {
else {
// Otherwise add the paneStartup function to the list of functions that are to be run when the table is initialised
// This will garauntee that the panes are initialised before the init event and init Complete callback is fired
this.s.dt.settings()[0].aoInitComplete.push({ fn: function () {
} });
* Runs the start up functions for the panes to enable listeners and populate panes
* @param table the DataTable api for the parent Table
SearchPanes.prototype._paneStartup = function (table) {
var _this = this;
// Magic number of 500 is a guess at what will be fast
if (this.s.dt.page.info().recordsTotal <= 500) {
else {
setTimeout(function () {
}, 100);
* Initialises the tables previous/preset selections and initialises callbacks for events
* @param table the parent table for which the searchPanes are being created
SearchPanes.prototype._startup = function (table) {
var _this = this;
// Attach clear button and title bar to the document
for (var _i = 0, _a = this.s.panes; _i < _a.length; _i++) {
var pane = _a[_i];
// When a draw is called on the DataTable, update all of the panes incase the data in the DataTable has changed
table.on('draw.dtsps', function () {
if (_this.c.cascadePanes || _this.c.viewTotal) {
_this.s.filterPane = -1;
// Whenever a state save occurs store the selection list in the state object
this.s.dt.on('stateSaveParams.dtsp', function (e, settings, data) {
if (data.searchPanes === undefined) {
data.searchPanes = {};
data.searchPanes.selectionList = _this.s.selectionList;
// If cascadePanes is active then make the previous selections in the order they were previously
if (this.s.selectionList.length > 0 && this.c.cascadePanes) {
// PreSelect any selections which have been defined using the preSelect option
.columns(this.c.columns.length > 0 ? this.c.columns : undefined)
.each(function (idx) {
if (_this.s.panes[idx] !== undefined &&
_this.s.panes[idx].s.dtPane !== undefined &&
_this.s.panes[idx].s.colOpts.preSelect !== undefined) {
var tableLength = _this.s.panes[idx].s.dtPane.rows().data().toArray().length;
for (var i = 0; i < tableLength; i++) {
if (_this.s.panes[idx].s.colOpts.preSelect.indexOf(_this.s.panes[idx].s.dtPane.cell(i, 0).data()) !== -1) {
// Update the title bar to show how many filters have been selected
// If the table is destroyed and restarted then clear the selections so that they do not persist.
table.on('destroy.dtsps', function () {
for (var _i = 0, _a = _this.s.panes; _i < _a.length; _i++) {
var pane = _a[_i];
// When the clear All button has been pressed clear all of the selections in the panes
if (this.c.clear) {
$(this.dom.clearAll).on('click.dtsps', function () {
table.settings()[0]._searchPanes = this;
* Updates the number of filters that have been applied in the title
SearchPanes.prototype._updateFilterCount = function () {
var filterCount = 0;
// Add the number of all of the filters throughout the panes
for (var _i = 0, _a = this.s.panes; _i < _a.length; _i++) {
var pane = _a[_i];
if (pane.s.dtPane !== undefined) {
filterCount += pane.getPaneCount();
// Run the message through the internationalisation method to improve readability
var message = this.s.dt.i18n('searchPanes.title', 'Filters Active - %d', filterCount);
SearchPanes.version = '1.0.1';
SearchPanes.classes = {
clear: 'dtsp-clear',
clearAll: 'dtsp-clearAll',
container: 'dtsp-searchPanes',
emptyMessage: 'dtsp-emptyMessage',
hide: 'dtsp-hidden',
panes: 'dtsp-panesContainer',
search: 'dtsp-search',
title: 'dtsp-title',
titleRow: 'dtsp-titleRow'
// Define SearchPanes default options
SearchPanes.defaults = {
cascadePanes: false,
clear: true,
container: function (dt) {
return dt.table().container();
columns: [],
layout: 'columns-3',
panes: [],
viewTotal: false
return SearchPanes;
/*! SearchPanes 1.0.1
* 2019-2020 SpryMedia Ltd - datatables.net/license
// DataTables extensions common UMD. Note that this allows for AMD, CommonJS
// (with window and jQuery being allowed as parameters to the returned
// function) or just default browser loading.
(function (factory) {
if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
// AMD
define(['jquery', 'datatables.net'], function ($) {
return factory($, window, document);
else if (typeof exports === 'object') {
// CommonJS
module.exports = function (root, $) {
if (!root) {
root = window;
if (!$ || !$.fn.dataTable) {
$ = require('datatables.net')(root, $).$;
return factory($, root, root.document);
else {
// Browser - assume jQuery has already been loaded
factory(window.jQuery, window, document);
}(function ($, window, document) {
var DataTable = $.fn.dataTable;
$.fn.dataTable.SearchPanes = SearchPanes;
$.fn.DataTable.SearchPanes = SearchPanes;
$.fn.dataTable.SearchPane = SearchPane;
$.fn.DataTable.SearchPane = SearchPane;
DataTable.Api.register('searchPanes.rebuild()', function () {
return this.iterator('table', function () {
if (this.searchPanes) {
DataTable.Api.register('column().paneOptions()', function (options) {
return this.iterator('column', function (idx) {
var col = this.aoColumns[idx];
if (!col.searchPanes) {
col.searchPanes = {};
col.searchPanes.values = options;
if (this.searchPanes) {
var apiRegister = $.fn.dataTable.Api.register;
apiRegister('searchPanes()', function () {
return this;
apiRegister('searchPanes.clearSelections()', function () {
var ctx = this.context[0];
return this;
apiRegister('searchPanes.rebuildPane()', function (targetIdx) {
var ctx = this.context[0];
return this;
apiRegister('searchPanes.container()', function () {
var ctx = this.context[0];
return ctx._searchPanes.getNode();
$.fn.dataTable.ext.buttons.searchPanesClear = {
text: 'Clear Panes',
action: function (e, dt, node, config) {
$.fn.dataTable.ext.buttons.searchPanes = {
text: 'Search Panes',
init: function (dt, node, config) {
var panes = new $.fn.dataTable.SearchPanes(dt, {
filterChanged: function (count) {
dt.button(node).text(dt.i18n('searchPanes.collapse', { 0: 'SearchPanes', _: 'SearchPanes (%d)' }, count));
var message = dt.i18n('searchPanes.collapse', 'SearchPanes');
config._panes = panes;
action: function (e, dt, node, config) {
this.popover(config._panes.getNode(), {
align: 'dt-container'
function _init(settings, fromPre) {
if (fromPre === void 0) { fromPre = false; }
var api = new DataTable.Api(settings);
var opts = api.init().searchPanes || DataTable.defaults.searchPanes;
var searchPanes = new SearchPanes(api, opts, fromPre);
var node = searchPanes.getNode();
return node;
// Attach a listener to the document which listens for DataTables initialisation
// events so we can automatically initialise
$(document).on('preInit.dt.dtsp', function (e, settings, json) {
if (e.namespace !== 'dt') {
if (settings.oInit.searchPanes ||
DataTable.defaults.searchPanes) {
if (!settings._searchPanes) {
_init(settings, true);
// DataTables `dom` feature option
cFeature: 'P',
fnInit: _init
// DataTables 2 layout feature
if (DataTable.ext.features) {
DataTable.ext.features.register('searchPanes', _init);