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2020-05-23 20:45:54 +00:00
/* *
* (c) 2010-2018 Grzegorz Blachlinski, Sebastian Bochan
* License: www.highcharts.com/license
* */
'use strict';
import H from '../parts/Globals.js';
* Formatter callback function.
* @callback Highcharts.SeriesPackedBubbleDataLabelsFormatterCallbackFunction
* @param {Highcharts.SeriesPackedBubbleDataLabelsFormatterContextObject} this
* Data label context to format
* @return {string}
* Formatted data label text
* Context for the formatter function.
* @interface Highcharts.SeriesPackedBubbleDataLabelsFormatterContextObject
* @extends Highcharts.PointLabelObject
* @since 7.0.0
*/ /**
* The color of the node.
* @name Highcharts.SeriesPackedBubbleDataLabelsFormatterContextObject#color
* @type {Highcharts.ColorString}
* @since 7.0.0
*/ /**
* The point (node) object. The node name, if defined, is available through
* `this.point.name`. Arrays: `this.point.linksFrom` and `this.point.linksTo`
* contains all nodes connected to this point.
* @name Highcharts.SeriesPackedBubbleDataLabelsFormatterContextObject#point
* @type {Highcharts.Point}
* @since 7.0.0
*/ /**
* The ID of the node.
* @name Highcharts.SeriesPackedBubbleDataLabelsFormatterContextObject#key
* @type {string}
* @since 7.0.0
import Color from '../parts/Color.js';
var color = Color.parse;
import Point from '../parts/Point.js';
import U from '../parts/Utilities.js';
var addEvent = U.addEvent, clamp = U.clamp, defined = U.defined, extend = U.extend, extendClass = U.extendClass, fireEvent = U.fireEvent, isArray = U.isArray, isNumber = U.isNumber, merge = U.merge, pick = U.pick, seriesType = U.seriesType;
import '../parts/Axis.js';
import '../parts/Series.js';
import '../modules/networkgraph/layouts.js';
import '../modules/networkgraph/draggable-nodes.js';
var Series = H.Series, Chart = H.Chart, Reingold = H.layouts['reingold-fruchterman'], NetworkPoint = H.seriesTypes.bubble.prototype.pointClass, dragNodesMixin = H.dragNodesMixin;
H.networkgraphIntegrations.packedbubble = {
repulsiveForceFunction: function (d, k, node, repNode) {
return Math.min(d, (node.marker.radius + repNode.marker.radius) / 2);
barycenter: function () {
var layout = this, gravitationalConstant = layout.options.gravitationalConstant, box = layout.box, nodes = layout.nodes, centerX, centerY;
nodes.forEach(function (node) {
if (layout.options.splitSeries && !node.isParentNode) {
centerX = node.series.parentNode.plotX;
centerY = node.series.parentNode.plotY;
else {
centerX = box.width / 2;
centerY = box.height / 2;
if (!node.fixedPosition) {
node.plotX -=
(node.plotX - centerX) *
gravitationalConstant /
(node.mass * Math.sqrt(nodes.length));
node.plotY -=
(node.plotY - centerY) *
gravitationalConstant /
(node.mass * Math.sqrt(nodes.length));
repulsive: function (node, force, distanceXY, repNode) {
var factor = (force * this.diffTemperature / node.mass /
node.degree), x = distanceXY.x * factor, y = distanceXY.y * factor;
if (!node.fixedPosition) {
node.plotX += x;
node.plotY += y;
if (!repNode.fixedPosition) {
repNode.plotX -= x;
repNode.plotY -= y;
integrate: H.networkgraphIntegrations.verlet.integrate,
getK: H.noop
H.layouts.packedbubble = extendClass(Reingold, {
beforeStep: function () {
if (this.options.marker) {
this.series.forEach(function (series) {
if (series) {
setCircularPositions: function () {
var layout = this, box = layout.box, nodes = layout.nodes, nodesLength = nodes.length + 1, angle = 2 * Math.PI / nodesLength, centerX, centerY, radius = layout.options.initialPositionRadius;
nodes.forEach(function (node, index) {
if (layout.options.splitSeries &&
!node.isParentNode) {
centerX = node.series.parentNode.plotX;
centerY = node.series.parentNode.plotY;
else {
centerX = box.width / 2;
centerY = box.height / 2;
node.plotX = node.prevX = pick(node.plotX, centerX +
radius * Math.cos(node.index || index * angle));
node.plotY = node.prevY = pick(node.plotY, centerY +
radius * Math.sin(node.index || index * angle));
node.dispX = 0;
node.dispY = 0;
repulsiveForces: function () {
var layout = this, force, distanceR, distanceXY, bubblePadding = layout.options.bubblePadding;
layout.nodes.forEach(function (node) {
node.degree = node.mass;
node.neighbours = 0;
layout.nodes.forEach(function (repNode) {
force = 0;
if (
// Node can not repulse itself:
node !== repNode &&
// Only close nodes affect each other:
// Not dragged:
!node.fixedPosition &&
(layout.options.seriesInteraction ||
node.series === repNode.series)) {
distanceXY = layout.getDistXY(node, repNode);
distanceR = (layout.vectorLength(distanceXY) -
(node.marker.radius +
repNode.marker.radius +
// TODO padding configurable
if (distanceR < 0) {
node.degree += 0.01;
force = layout.repulsiveForce(-distanceR / Math.sqrt(node.neighbours), layout.k, node, repNode);
layout.force('repulsive', node, force * repNode.mass, distanceXY, repNode, distanceR);
applyLimitBox: function (node) {
var layout = this, distanceXY, distanceR, factor = 0.01;
// parentNodeLimit should be used together
// with seriesInteraction: false
if (layout.options.splitSeries &&
!node.isParentNode &&
layout.options.parentNodeLimit) {
distanceXY = layout.getDistXY(node, node.series.parentNode);
distanceR = (node.series.parentNodeRadius -
node.marker.radius -
if (distanceR < 0 &&
distanceR > -2 * node.marker.radius) {
node.plotX -= distanceXY.x * factor;
node.plotY -= distanceXY.y * factor;
Reingold.prototype.applyLimitBox.apply(this, arguments);
* @private
* @class
* @name Highcharts.seriesTypes.packedbubble
* @extends Highcharts.Series
seriesType('packedbubble', 'bubble',
* A packed bubble series is a two dimensional series type, where each point
* renders a value in X, Y position. Each point is drawn as a bubble
* where the bubbles don't overlap with each other and the radius
* of the bubble relates to the value.
* @sample highcharts/demo/packed-bubble/
* Packed bubble chart
* @sample highcharts/demo/packed-bubble-split/
* Split packed bubble chart
* @extends plotOptions.bubble
* @excluding connectEnds, connectNulls, dragDrop, jitter, keys,
* pointPlacement, sizeByAbsoluteValue, step, xAxis, yAxis,
* zMax, zMin, dataSorting
* @product highcharts
* @since 7.0.0
* @requires highcharts-more
* @optionparent plotOptions.packedbubble
* Minimum bubble size. Bubbles will automatically size between the
* `minSize` and `maxSize` to reflect the value of each bubble.
* Can be either pixels (when no unit is given), or a percentage of
* the smallest one of the plot width and height, divided by the square
* root of total number of points.
* @sample highcharts/plotoptions/bubble-size/
* Bubble size
* @type {number|string}
* @private
minSize: '10%',
* Maximum bubble size. Bubbles will automatically size between the
* `minSize` and `maxSize` to reflect the value of each bubble.
* Can be either pixels (when no unit is given), or a percentage of
* the smallest one of the plot width and height, divided by the square
* root of total number of points.
* @sample highcharts/plotoptions/bubble-size/
* Bubble size
* @type {number|string}
* @private
maxSize: '50%',
sizeBy: 'area',
zoneAxis: 'y',
crisp: false,
tooltip: {
pointFormat: 'Value: {point.value}'
* Flag to determine if nodes are draggable or not. Available for
* graph with useSimulation set to true only.
* @since 7.1.0
* @private
draggable: true,
* An option is giving a possibility to choose between using simulation
* for calculating bubble positions. These reflects in both animation
* and final position of bubbles. Simulation is also adding options to
* the series graph based on used layout. In case of big data sets, with
* any performance issues, it is possible to disable animation and pack
* bubble in a simple circular way.
* @sample highcharts/series-packedbubble/spiral/
* useSimulation set to false
* @since 7.1.0
* @private
useSimulation: true,
* @declare Highcharts.SeriesPackedBubbleDataLabelsOptionsObject
* @private
dataLabels: {
* The
* [format string](https://www.highcharts.com/docs/chart-concepts/labels-and-string-formatting)
* specifying what to show for _node_ in the networkgraph. In v7.0
* defaults to `{key}`, since v7.1 defaults to `undefined` and
* `formatter` is used instead.
* @type {string}
* @since 7.0.0
* @apioption plotOptions.packedbubble.dataLabels.format
// eslint-disable-next-line valid-jsdoc
* Callback JavaScript function to format the data label for a node.
* Note that if a `format` is defined, the format takes precedence
* and the formatter is ignored.
* @type {Highcharts.SeriesPackedBubbleDataLabelsFormatterCallbackFunction}
* @since 7.0.0
formatter: function () {
return this.point.value;
* @type {string}
* @since 7.1.0
* @apioption plotOptions.packedbubble.dataLabels.parentNodeFormat
// eslint-disable-next-line valid-jsdoc
* Callback to format data labels for _parentNodes_. The
* `parentNodeFormat` option takes precedence over the
* `parentNodeFormatter`.
* @type {Highcharts.SeriesPackedBubbleDataLabelsFormatterCallbackFunction}
* @since 7.1.0
parentNodeFormatter: function () {
return this.name;
* Options for a _parentNode_ label text.
* **Note:** Only SVG-based renderer supports this option.
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/series-packedbubble/packed-dashboard
* Dashboard with dataLabels on parentNodes
* @declare Highcharts.SeriesPackedBubbleDataLabelsTextPathOptionsObject
* @since 7.1.0
parentNodeTextPath: {
* Presentation attributes for the text path.
* @type {Highcharts.SVGAttributes}
* @since 7.1.0
* @apioption plotOptions.packedbubble.dataLabels.attributes
* Enable or disable `textPath` option for link's or marker's
* data labels.
* @since 7.1.0
enabled: true
* Options for a _node_ label text which should follow marker's
* shape.
* **Note:** Only SVG-based renderer supports this option.
* @extends plotOptions.series.dataLabels.textPath
* @apioption plotOptions.packedbubble.dataLabels.textPath
padding: 0,
style: {
transition: 'opacity 2000ms'
* Options for layout algorithm when simulation is enabled. Inside there
* are options to change the speed, padding, initial bubbles positions
* and more.
* @extends plotOptions.networkgraph.layoutAlgorithm
* @excluding approximation, attractiveForce, repulsiveForce, theta
* @since 7.1.0
* @private
layoutAlgorithm: {
* Initial layout algorithm for positioning nodes. Can be one of
* the built-in options ("circle", "random") or a function where
* positions should be set on each node (`this.nodes`) as
* `node.plotX` and `node.plotY`.
* @sample highcharts/series-networkgraph/initial-positions/
* Initial positions with callback
* @type {"circle"|"random"|Function}
initialPositions: 'circle',
* @sample highcharts/series-packedbubble/initial-radius/
* Initial radius set to 200
* @extends plotOptions.networkgraph.layoutAlgorithm.initialPositionRadius
* @excluding states
initialPositionRadius: 20,
* The distance between two bubbles, when the algorithm starts to
* treat two bubbles as overlapping. The `bubblePadding` is also the
* expected distance between all the bubbles on simulation end.
bubblePadding: 5,
* Whether bubbles should interact with their parentNode to keep
* them inside.
parentNodeLimit: false,
* Whether series should interact with each other or not. When
* `parentNodeLimit` is set to true, thi option should be set to
* false to avoid sticking points in wrong series parentNode.
seriesInteraction: true,
* In case of split series, this option allows user to drag and
* drop points between series, for changing point related series.
* @sample highcharts/series-packedbubble/packed-dashboard/
* Example of drag'n drop bubbles for bubble kanban
dragBetweenSeries: false,
* Layout algorithm options for parent nodes.
* @extends plotOptions.networkgraph.layoutAlgorithm
* @excluding approximation, attractiveForce, enableSimulation,
* repulsiveForce, theta
parentNodeOptions: {
maxIterations: 400,
gravitationalConstant: 0.03,
maxSpeed: 50,
initialPositionRadius: 100,
seriesInteraction: true,
* Styling options for parentNodes markers. Similar to
* line.marker options.
* @sample highcharts/series-packedbubble/parentnode-style/
* Bubble size
* @extends plotOptions.series.marker
* @excluding states
marker: {
fillColor: null,
fillOpacity: 1,
lineWidth: 1,
lineColor: null,
symbol: 'circle'
enableSimulation: true,
* Type of the algorithm used when positioning bubbles.
* @ignore-option
type: 'packedbubble',
* Integration type. Integration determines how forces are applied
* on particles. The `packedbubble` integration is based on
* the networkgraph `verlet` integration, where the new position
* is based on a previous position without velocity:
* `newPosition += previousPosition - newPosition`.
* @sample highcharts/series-networkgraph/forces/
* @ignore-option
integration: 'packedbubble',
maxIterations: 1000,
* Whether to split series into individual groups or to mix all
* series together.
* @since 7.1.0
* @default false
splitSeries: false,
* Max speed that node can get in one iteration. In terms of
* simulation, it's a maximum translation (in pixels) that a node
* can move (in both, x and y, dimensions). While `friction` is
* applied on all nodes, max speed is applied only for nodes that
* move very fast, for example small or disconnected ones.
* @see [layoutAlgorithm.integration](#series.networkgraph.layoutAlgorithm.integration)
* @see [layoutAlgorithm.friction](#series.networkgraph.layoutAlgorithm.friction)
maxSpeed: 5,
gravitationalConstant: 0.01,
friction: -0.981
}, {
* An internal option used for allowing nodes dragging.
* @private
hasDraggableNodes: true,
* Array of internal forces. Each force should be later defined in
* integrations.js.
* @private
forces: ['barycenter', 'repulsive'],
pointArrayMap: ['value'],
pointValKey: 'value',
isCartesian: false,
requireSorting: false,
directTouch: true,
axisTypes: [],
noSharedTooltip: true,
// solving #12287
searchPoint: H.noop,
/* eslint-disable no-invalid-this, valid-jsdoc */
* Create a single array of all points from all series
* @private
* @param {Highcharts.Series} series Array of all series objects
* @return {Array<Highcharts.PackedBubbleData>} Returns the array of all points.
accumulateAllPoints: function (series) {
var chart = series.chart, allDataPoints = [], i, j;
for (i = 0; i < chart.series.length; i++) {
series = chart.series[i];
if (series.visible ||
!chart.options.chart.ignoreHiddenSeries) {
// add data to array only if series is visible
for (j = 0; j < series.yData.length; j++) {
null, null,
id: j,
marker: {
radius: 0
return allDataPoints;
init: function () {
Series.prototype.init.apply(this, arguments);
// When one series is modified, the others need to be recomputed
addEvent(this, 'updatedData', function () {
this.chart.series.forEach(function (s) {
if (s.type === this.type) {
s.isDirty = true;
}, this);
return this;
render: function () {
var series = this, dataLabels = [];
Series.prototype.render.apply(this, arguments);
// #10823 - dataLabels should stay visible
// when enabled allowOverlap.
if (!series.options.dataLabels.allowOverlap) {
series.data.forEach(function (point) {
if (isArray(point.dataLabels)) {
point.dataLabels.forEach(function (dataLabel) {
// Only hide overlapping dataLabels for layouts that
// use simulation. Spiral packedbubble don't need
// additional dataLabel hiding on every simulation step
if (series.options.useSimulation) {
// Needed because of z-indexing issue if point is added in series.group
setVisible: function () {
var series = this;
Series.prototype.setVisible.apply(series, arguments);
if (series.parentNodeLayout && series.graph) {
if (series.visible) {
if (series.parentNode.dataLabel) {
else {
.removeElementFromCollection(series.parentNode, series.parentNodeLayout.nodes);
if (series.parentNode.dataLabel) {
else if (series.layout) {
if (series.visible) {
series.layout.addElementsToCollection(series.points, series.layout.nodes);
else {
series.points.forEach(function (node) {
series.layout.removeElementFromCollection(node, series.layout.nodes);
// Packedbubble has two separate collecions of nodes if split, render
// dataLabels for both sets:
drawDataLabels: function () {
var textPath = this.options.dataLabels.textPath, points = this.points;
// Render node labels:
Series.prototype.drawDataLabels.apply(this, arguments);
// Render parentNode labels:
if (this.parentNode) {
this.parentNode.formatPrefix = 'parentNode';
this.points = [this.parentNode];
this.options.dataLabels.textPath =
Series.prototype.drawDataLabels.apply(this, arguments);
// Restore nodes
this.points = points;
this.options.dataLabels.textPath = textPath;
* The function responsible for calculating series bubble' s bBox.
* Needed because of exporting failure when useSimulation
* is set to false
* @private
seriesBox: function () {
var series = this, chart = series.chart, data = series.data, max = Math.max, min = Math.min, radius,
// bBox = [xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax]
bBox = [
chart.plotLeft + chart.plotWidth,
chart.plotTop + chart.plotHeight
data.forEach(function (p) {
if (defined(p.plotX) &&
defined(p.plotY) &&
p.marker.radius) {
radius = p.marker.radius;
bBox[0] = min(bBox[0], p.plotX - radius);
bBox[1] = max(bBox[1], p.plotX + radius);
bBox[2] = min(bBox[2], p.plotY - radius);
bBox[3] = max(bBox[3], p.plotY + radius);
return isNumber(bBox.width / bBox.height) ?
bBox :
* The function responsible for calculating the parent node radius
* based on the total surface of iniside-bubbles and the group BBox
* @private
calculateParentRadius: function () {
var series = this, bBox, parentPadding = 20, minParentRadius = 20;
bBox = series.seriesBox();
series.parentNodeRadius = clamp(Math.sqrt(2 * series.parentNodeMass / Math.PI) + parentPadding, minParentRadius, bBox ?
Math.max(Math.sqrt(Math.pow(bBox.width, 2) +
Math.pow(bBox.height, 2)) / 2 + parentPadding, minParentRadius) :
Math.sqrt(2 * series.parentNodeMass / Math.PI) + parentPadding);
if (series.parentNode) {
series.parentNode.marker.radius =
series.parentNode.radius = series.parentNodeRadius;
// Create Background/Parent Nodes for split series.
drawGraph: function () {
// if the series is not using layout, don't add parent nodes
if (!this.layout || !this.layout.options.splitSeries) {
var series = this, chart = series.chart, parentAttribs = {}, nodeMarker = this.layout.options.parentNodeOptions.marker, parentOptions = {
fill: nodeMarker.fillColor || color(series.color).brighten(0.4).get(),
opacity: nodeMarker.fillOpacity,
stroke: nodeMarker.lineColor || series.color,
'stroke-width': nodeMarker.lineWidth
}, visibility = series.visible ? 'inherit' : 'hidden';
// create the group for parent Nodes if doesn't exist
if (!this.parentNodesGroup) {
series.parentNodesGroup = series.plotGroup('parentNodesGroup', 'parentNode', visibility, 0.1, chart.seriesGroup);
zIndex: 2
parentAttribs = merge({
x: series.parentNode.plotX -
y: series.parentNode.plotY -
width: series.parentNodeRadius * 2,
height: series.parentNodeRadius * 2
}, parentOptions);
if (!series.parentNode.graphic) {
series.graph = series.parentNode.graphic =
* Creating parent nodes for split series, in which all the bubbles
* are rendered.
* @private
createParentNodes: function () {
var series = this, chart = series.chart, parentNodeLayout = series.parentNodeLayout, nodeAdded, parentNode = series.parentNode;
series.parentNodeMass = 0;
series.points.forEach(function (p) {
series.parentNodeMass +=
Math.PI * Math.pow(p.marker.radius, 2);
parentNodeLayout.nodes.forEach(function (node) {
if (node.seriesIndex === series.index) {
nodeAdded = true;
parentNodeLayout.setArea(0, 0, chart.plotWidth, chart.plotHeight);
if (!nodeAdded) {
if (!parentNode) {
parentNode = (new NetworkPoint()).init(this, {
mass: series.parentNodeRadius / 2,
marker: {
radius: series.parentNodeRadius
dataLabels: {
inside: false
dataLabelOnNull: true,
degree: series.parentNodeRadius,
isParentNode: true,
seriesIndex: series.index
if (series.parentNode) {
parentNode.plotX = series.parentNode.plotX;
parentNode.plotY = series.parentNode.plotY;
series.parentNode = parentNode;
parentNodeLayout.addElementsToCollection([series], parentNodeLayout.series);
parentNodeLayout.addElementsToCollection([parentNode], parentNodeLayout.nodes);
* Function responsible for adding series layout, used for parent nodes.
* @private
addSeriesLayout: function () {
var series = this, layoutOptions = series.options.layoutAlgorithm, graphLayoutsStorage = series.chart.graphLayoutsStorage, graphLayoutsLookup = series.chart.graphLayoutsLookup, parentNodeOptions = merge(layoutOptions, layoutOptions.parentNodeOptions, {
enableSimulation: series.layout.options.enableSimulation
}), parentNodeLayout;
parentNodeLayout = graphLayoutsStorage[layoutOptions.type + '-series'];
if (!parentNodeLayout) {
graphLayoutsStorage[layoutOptions.type + '-series'] =
parentNodeLayout =
new H.layouts[layoutOptions.type]();
graphLayoutsLookup.splice(parentNodeLayout.index, 0, parentNodeLayout);
series.parentNodeLayout = parentNodeLayout;
* Adding the basic layout to series points.
* @private
addLayout: function () {
var series = this, layoutOptions = series.options.layoutAlgorithm, graphLayoutsStorage = series.chart.graphLayoutsStorage, graphLayoutsLookup = series.chart.graphLayoutsLookup, chartOptions = series.chart.options.chart, layout;
if (!graphLayoutsStorage) {
series.chart.graphLayoutsStorage = graphLayoutsStorage = {};
series.chart.graphLayoutsLookup = graphLayoutsLookup = [];
layout = graphLayoutsStorage[layoutOptions.type];
if (!layout) {
layoutOptions.enableSimulation =
!defined(chartOptions.forExport) ?
layoutOptions.enableSimulation :
graphLayoutsStorage[layoutOptions.type] = layout =
new H.layouts[layoutOptions.type]();
graphLayoutsLookup.splice(layout.index, 0, layout);
series.layout = layout;
series.points.forEach(function (node) {
node.mass = 2;
node.degree = 1;
node.collisionNmb = 1;
layout.setArea(0, 0, series.chart.plotWidth, series.chart.plotHeight);
layout.addElementsToCollection([series], layout.series);
layout.addElementsToCollection(series.points, layout.nodes);
* Function responsible for adding all the layouts to the chart.
* @private
deferLayout: function () {
// TODO split layouts to independent methods
var series = this, layoutOptions = series.options.layoutAlgorithm;
if (!series.visible) {
// layout is using nodes for position calculation
if (layoutOptions.splitSeries) {
* Extend the base translate method to handle bubble size,
* and correct positioning them.
* @private
translate: function () {
var series = this, chart = series.chart, data = series.data, index = series.index, point, radius, positions, i, useSimulation = series.options.useSimulation;
series.processedXData = series.xData;
// merged data is an array with all of the data from all series
if (!defined(chart.allDataPoints)) {
chart.allDataPoints = series.accumulateAllPoints(series);
// calculate radius for all added data
// after getting initial radius, calculate bubble positions
if (useSimulation) {
positions = chart.allDataPoints;
else {
positions = series.placeBubbles(chart.allDataPoints);
series.options.draggable = false;
// Set the shape and arguments to be picked up in drawPoints
for (i = 0; i < positions.length; i++) {
if (positions[i][3] === index) {
// update the series points with the val from positions
// array
point = data[positions[i][4]];
radius = positions[i][2];
if (!useSimulation) {
point.plotX = (positions[i][0] - chart.plotLeft +
point.plotY = (positions[i][1] - chart.plotTop +
point.marker = extend(point.marker, {
radius: radius,
width: 2 * radius,
height: 2 * radius
point.radius = radius;
if (useSimulation) {
fireEvent(series, 'afterTranslate');
* Check if two bubbles overlaps.
* @private
* @param {Array} first bubble
* @param {Array} second bubble
* @return {Boolean} overlap or not
checkOverlap: function (bubble1, bubble2) {
var diffX = bubble1[0] - bubble2[0], // diff of X center values
diffY = bubble1[1] - bubble2[1], // diff of Y center values
sumRad = bubble1[2] + bubble2[2]; // sum of bubble radius
return (Math.sqrt(diffX * diffX + diffY * diffY) -
Math.abs(sumRad)) < -0.001;
* Function that is adding one bubble based on positions and sizes of
* two other bubbles, lastBubble is the last added bubble, newOrigin is
* the bubble for positioning new bubbles. nextBubble is the curently
* added bubble for which we are calculating positions
* @private
* @param {Array<number>} lastBubble The closest last bubble
* @param {Array<number>} newOrigin New bubble
* @param {Array<number>} nextBubble The closest next bubble
* @return {Array<number>} Bubble with correct positions
positionBubble: function (lastBubble, newOrigin, nextBubble) {
var sqrt = Math.sqrt, asin = Math.asin, acos = Math.acos, pow = Math.pow, abs = Math.abs, distance = sqrt(// dist between lastBubble and newOrigin
pow((lastBubble[0] - newOrigin[0]), 2) +
pow((lastBubble[1] - newOrigin[1]), 2)), alfa = acos(
// from cosinus theorem: alfa is an angle used for
// calculating correct position
(pow(distance, 2) +
pow(nextBubble[2] + newOrigin[2], 2) -
pow(nextBubble[2] + lastBubble[2], 2)) / (2 * (nextBubble[2] + newOrigin[2]) * distance)), beta = asin(// from sinus theorem.
abs(lastBubble[0] - newOrigin[0]) /
// providing helping variables, related to angle between
// lastBubble and newOrigin
gamma = (lastBubble[1] - newOrigin[1]) < 0 ? 0 : Math.PI,
// if new origin y is smaller than last bubble y value
// (2 and 3 quarter),
// add Math.PI to final angle
delta = (lastBubble[0] - newOrigin[0]) *
(lastBubble[1] - newOrigin[1]) < 0 ?
1 : -1, // (1st and 3rd quarter)
finalAngle = gamma + alfa + beta * delta, cosA = Math.cos(finalAngle), sinA = Math.sin(finalAngle), posX = newOrigin[0] + (newOrigin[2] + nextBubble[2]) * sinA,
// center of new origin + (radius1 + radius2) * sinus A
posY = newOrigin[1] - (newOrigin[2] + nextBubble[2]) * cosA;
return [
]; // the same as described before
* This is the main function responsible
* for positioning all of the bubbles
* allDataPoints - bubble array, in format [pixel x value,
* pixel y value, radius,
* related series index, related point index]
* @private
* @param {Array<Highcharts.PackedBubbleData>} allDataPoints All points from all series
* @return {Array<Highcharts.PackedBubbleData>} Positions of all bubbles
placeBubbles: function (allDataPoints) {
var series = this, checkOverlap = series.checkOverlap, positionBubble = series.positionBubble, bubblePos = [], stage = 1, j = 0, k = 0, calculatedBubble, sortedArr, arr = [], i;
// sort all points
sortedArr = allDataPoints.sort(function (a, b) {
return b[2] - a[2];
if (sortedArr.length) {
// create first bubble in the middle of the chart
] // point index
]); // 0 level bubble
if (sortedArr.length > 1) {
(0 - sortedArr[1][2] -
// move bubble above first one
]); // 1 level 1st bubble
// first two already positioned so starting from 2
for (i = 2; i < sortedArr.length; i++) {
sortedArr[i][2] = sortedArr[i][2] || 1;
// in case if radius is calculated as 0.
calculatedBubble = positionBubble(bubblePos[stage][j], bubblePos[stage - 1][k], sortedArr[i]); // calculate initial bubble position
if (checkOverlap(calculatedBubble, bubblePos[stage][0])) {
/* if new bubble is overlapping with first bubble
* in current level (stage)
k = 0;
/* reset index of bubble, used for
* positioning the bubbles around it,
* we are starting from first bubble in next
* stage because we are changing level to higher
bubblePos[stage + 1].push(positionBubble(bubblePos[stage][j], bubblePos[stage][0], sortedArr[i]));
// (last bubble, 1. from curr stage, new bubble)
stage++; // the new level is created, above current
j = 0; // set the index of bubble in curr level to 0
else if (stage > 1 &&
bubblePos[stage - 1][k + 1] &&
checkOverlap(calculatedBubble, bubblePos[stage - 1][k + 1])) {
/* if new bubble is overlapping with one of the prev
* stage bubbles, it means that - bubble, used for
* positioning the bubbles around it has changed
* so we need to recalculate it
bubblePos[stage].push(positionBubble(bubblePos[stage][j], bubblePos[stage - 1][k], sortedArr[i]));
// (last bubble, prev stage bubble, new bubble)
else { // simply add calculated bubble
series.chart.stages = bubblePos;
// it may not be necessary but adding it just in case -
// it is containing all of the bubble levels
series.chart.rawPositions =
.concat.apply([], bubblePos);
// bubble positions merged into one array
arr = series.chart.rawPositions;
return arr;
* The function responsible for resizing the bubble radius.
* In shortcut: it is taking the initially
* calculated positions of bubbles. Then it is calculating the min max
* of both dimensions, creating something in shape of bBox.
* The comparison of bBox and the size of plotArea
* (later it may be also the size set by customer) is giving the
* value how to recalculate the radius so it will match the size
* @private
resizeRadius: function () {
var chart = this.chart, positions = chart.rawPositions, min = Math.min, max = Math.max, plotLeft = chart.plotLeft, plotTop = chart.plotTop, chartHeight = chart.plotHeight, chartWidth = chart.plotWidth, minX, maxX, minY, maxY, radius, bBox, spaceRatio, smallerDimension, i;
minX = minY = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY; // set initial values
maxX = maxY = Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
for (i = 0; i < positions.length; i++) {
radius = positions[i][2];
minX = min(minX, positions[i][0] - radius);
// (x center-radius) is the min x value used by specific bubble
maxX = max(maxX, positions[i][0] + radius);
minY = min(minY, positions[i][1] - radius);
maxY = max(maxY, positions[i][1] + radius);
bBox = [maxX - minX, maxY - minY];
spaceRatio = [
(chartWidth - plotLeft) / bBox[0],
(chartHeight - plotTop) / bBox[1]
smallerDimension = min.apply([], spaceRatio);
if (Math.abs(smallerDimension - 1) > 1e-10) {
// if bBox is considered not the same width as possible size
for (i = 0; i < positions.length; i++) {
positions[i][2] *= smallerDimension;
else {
/** if no radius recalculation is needed, we need to position
* the whole bubbles in center of chart plotarea
* for this, we are adding two parameters,
* diffY and diffX, that are related to differences
* between the initial center and the bounding box
chart.diffY = chartHeight / 2 +
plotTop - minY - (maxY - minY) / 2;
chart.diffX = chartWidth / 2 +
plotLeft - minX - (maxX - minX) / 2;
* Calculate min and max bubble value for radius calculation.
* @private
calculateZExtremes: function () {
var chart = this.chart, zMin = this.options.zMin, zMax = this.options.zMax, valMin = Infinity, valMax = -Infinity;
if (zMin && zMax) {
return [zMin, zMax];
// it is needed to deal with null
// and undefined values
chart.series.forEach(function (s) {
s.yData.forEach(function (p) {
if (defined(p)) {
if (p > valMax) {
valMax = p;
if (p < valMin) {
valMin = p;
zMin = pick(zMin, valMin);
zMax = pick(zMax, valMax);
return [zMin, zMax];
* Calculate radius of bubbles in series.
* @private
getPointRadius: function () {
var series = this, chart = series.chart, plotWidth = chart.plotWidth, plotHeight = chart.plotHeight, seriesOptions = series.options, useSimulation = seriesOptions.useSimulation, smallestSize = Math.min(plotWidth, plotHeight), extremes = {}, radii = [], allDataPoints = chart.allDataPoints, minSize, maxSize, value, radius, zExtremes;
['minSize', 'maxSize'].forEach(function (prop) {
var length = parseInt(seriesOptions[prop], 10), isPercent = /%$/.test(seriesOptions[prop]);
extremes[prop] = isPercent ?
smallestSize * length / 100 :
length * Math.sqrt(allDataPoints.length);
chart.minRadius = minSize = extremes.minSize /
chart.maxRadius = maxSize = extremes.maxSize /
zExtremes = useSimulation ?
series.calculateZExtremes() :
[minSize, maxSize];
(allDataPoints || []).forEach(function (point, i) {
value = useSimulation ?
clamp(point[2], zExtremes[0], zExtremes[1]) :
radius = series.getRadius(zExtremes[0], zExtremes[1], minSize, maxSize, value);
if (radius === 0) {
radius = null;
allDataPoints[i][2] = radius;
series.radii = radii;
// Draggable mode:
* Redraw halo on mousemove during the drag&drop action.
* @private
* @param {Highcharts.Point} point The point that should show halo.
redrawHalo: dragNodesMixin.redrawHalo,
* Mouse down action, initializing drag&drop mode.
* @private
* @param {global.Event} event Browser event, before normalization.
* @param {Highcharts.Point} point The point that event occured.
onMouseDown: dragNodesMixin.onMouseDown,
* Mouse move action during drag&drop.
* @private
* @param {global.Event} event Browser event, before normalization.
* @param {Highcharts.Point} point The point that event occured.
onMouseMove: dragNodesMixin.onMouseMove,
* Mouse up action, finalizing drag&drop.
* @private
* @param {Highcharts.Point} point The point that event occured.
onMouseUp: function (point) {
if (point.fixedPosition && !point.removed) {
var distanceXY, distanceR, layout = this.layout, parentNodeLayout = this.parentNodeLayout;
if (parentNodeLayout && layout.options.dragBetweenSeries) {
parentNodeLayout.nodes.forEach(function (node) {
if (point && point.marker &&
node !== point.series.parentNode) {
distanceXY = layout.getDistXY(point, node);
distanceR = (layout.vectorLength(distanceXY) -
node.marker.radius -
if (distanceR < 0) {
node.series.addPoint(merge(point.options, {
plotX: point.plotX,
plotY: point.plotY
}), false);
layout.removeElementFromCollection(point, layout.nodes);
dragNodesMixin.onMouseUp.apply(this, arguments);
destroy: function () {
// Remove the series from all layouts series collections #11469
if (this.chart.graphLayoutsLookup) {
this.chart.graphLayoutsLookup.forEach(function (layout) {
layout.removeElementFromCollection(this, layout.series);
}, this);
if (this.parentNode) {
this.parentNodeLayout.removeElementFromCollection(this.parentNode, this.parentNodeLayout.nodes);
if (this.parentNode.dataLabel) {
this.parentNode.dataLabel =
H.Series.prototype.destroy.apply(this, arguments);
alignDataLabel: H.Series.prototype.alignDataLabel
}, {
* Destroy point.
* Then remove point from the layout.
* @private
* @return {undefined}
destroy: function () {
if (this.series.layout) {
this.series.layout.removeElementFromCollection(this, this.series.layout.nodes);
return Point.prototype.destroy.apply(this, arguments);
// Remove accumulated data points to redistribute all of them again
// (i.e after hiding series by legend)
addEvent(Chart, 'beforeRedraw', function () {
if (this.allDataPoints) {
delete this.allDataPoints;
/* eslint-enable no-invalid-this, valid-jsdoc */
* A `packedbubble` series. If the [type](#series.packedbubble.type) option is
* not specified, it is inherited from [chart.type](#chart.type).
* @type {Object}
* @extends series,plotOptions.packedbubble
* @excluding dataParser, dataSorting, dataURL, dragDrop, stack
* @product highcharts
* @requires highcharts-more
* @apioption series.packedbubble
* An array of data points for the series. For the `packedbubble` series type,
* points can be given in the following ways:
* 1. An array of `values`.
* ```js
* data: [5, 1, 20]
* ```
* 2. An array of objects with named values. The objects are point
* configuration objects as seen below. If the total number of data points
* exceeds the series' [turboThreshold](#series.packedbubble.turboThreshold),
* this option is not available.
* ```js
* data: [{
* value: 1,
* name: "Point2",
* color: "#00FF00"
* }, {
* value: 5,
* name: "Point1",
* color: "#FF00FF"
* }]
* ```
* @type {Array<Object|Array>}
* @extends series.line.data
* @excluding marker, x, y
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/series/data-array-of-objects/
* Config objects
* @product highcharts
* @apioption series.packedbubble.data
* @type {Highcharts.SeriesPackedBubbleDataLabelsOptionsObject|Array<Highcharts.SeriesPackedBubbleDataLabelsOptionsObject>}
* @product highcharts
* @apioption series.packedbubble.data.dataLabels
* @excluding enabled,enabledThreshold,height,radius,width
* @product highcharts
* @apioption series.packedbubble.marker
''; // adds doclets above to transpiled file