'http://tile.openstreetmap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png', 'osmarenderer' => 'http://otile1.mqcdn.com/tiles/1.0.0/osm/{z}/{x}/{y}.png', 'cycle' => 'http://a.tile.opencyclemap.org/cycle/{z}/{x}/{y}.png', 'wikimedia-intl' => 'https://maps.wikimedia.org/osm-intl/{z}/{x}/{y}.png', ]; protected $tileDefaultSrc = 'mapnik'; protected $markerBaseDir = '../images/markers'; protected $osmLogo = '../images/osm_logo.png'; protected $markerPrototypes = array( // found at http://www.mapito.net/map-marker-icons.html 'lighblue' => array('regex' => '/^lightblue([0-9]+)$/', 'extension' => '.png', 'shadow' => false, 'offsetImage' => '0,-19', 'offsetShadow' => false, ), // openlayers std markers 'ol-marker' => array('regex' => '/^ol-marker(|-blue|-gold|-green)+$/', 'extension' => '.png', 'shadow' => '../marker_shadow.png', 'offsetImage' => '-10,-25', 'offsetShadow' => '-1,-13', ), // taken from http://www.visual-case.it/cgi-bin/vc/GMapsIcons.pl 'ylw' => array('regex' => '/^(pink|purple|red|ltblu|ylw)-pushpin$/', 'extension' => '.png', 'shadow' => '../marker_shadow.png', 'offsetImage' => '-10,-32', 'offsetShadow' => '-1,-13', ), // http://svn.openstreetmap.org/sites/other/StaticMap/symbols/0.png 'ojw' => array('regex' => '/^bullseye$/', 'extension' => '.png', 'shadow' => false, 'offsetImage' => '-20,-20', 'offsetShadow' => false, ), ); protected $useTileCache = true; protected $useMapCache = false; protected $mapCacheBaseDir = '../cache/maps'; protected $mapCacheID = ''; protected $mapCacheFile = ''; protected $mapCacheExtension = 'png'; protected $zoom, $lat, $lon, $width, $height, $image, $maptype; protected $centerX, $centerY, $offsetX, $offsetY; protected $markers = []; protected $polylines = []; public function __construct() { $this->zoom = 0; $this->lat = 0; $this->lon = 0; $this->width = 500; $this->height = 350; $this->maptype = $this->tileDefaultSrc; $this->tileResolver = new CachedTileResolver(); $this->tileResolver->setTileLayerUrl($this->tileSrcUrl[$this->maptype]); } public function addMarker(AbstractMarker $marker): Printer { $this->markers[] = $marker; return $this; } public function addPolyline(Polyline $polyline): Printer { $this->polylines[] = $polyline; return $this; } public function setCenter(float $latitude, float $longitude): Printer { $this->lat = $latitude; $this->lon = $longitude; return $this; } public function setSize(int $width, int $height): Printer { $this->width = $width; $this->height = $height; if ($this->width > $this->maxWidth) { $this->width = $this->maxWidth; } if ($this->height > $this->maxHeight) { $this->height = $this->maxHeight; } return $this; } public function setZoom(int $zoom): Printer { $this->zoom = $zoom; if ($this->zoom > 18) { $this->zoom = 18; } return $this; } public function setMapType(string $mapType): Printer { $this->maptype = $mapType; $this->tileResolver->setTileLayerUrl($this->tileSrcUrl[$this->maptype]); return $this; } public function initCoords() { $this->centerX = Util::lonToTile($this->lon, $this->zoom); $this->centerY = Util::latToTile($this->lat, $this->zoom); $this->offsetX = floor((floor($this->centerX) - $this->centerX) * $this->tileSize); $this->offsetY = floor((floor($this->centerY) - $this->centerY) * $this->tileSize); } public function createBaseMap() { $this->canvas = new Canvas($this->width, $this->height); $startX = floor($this->centerX - ($this->width / $this->tileSize) / 2); $startY = floor($this->centerY - ($this->height / $this->tileSize) / 2); $endX = ceil($this->centerX + ($this->width / $this->tileSize) / 2); $endY = ceil($this->centerY + ($this->height / $this->tileSize) / 2); $this->offsetX = -floor(($this->centerX - floor($this->centerX)) * $this->tileSize); $this->offsetY = -floor(($this->centerY - floor($this->centerY)) * $this->tileSize); $this->offsetX += floor($this->width / 2); $this->offsetY += floor($this->height / 2); $this->offsetX += floor($startX - floor($this->centerX)) * $this->tileSize; $this->offsetY += floor($startY - floor($this->centerY)) * $this->tileSize; for ($x = $startX; $x <= $endX; $x++) { for ($y = $startY; $y <= $endY; $y++) { $tileData = $this->tileResolver->fetch($this->zoom, $x, $y); if ($tileData) { $tileImage = imagecreatefromstring($tileData); } else { $tileImage = imagecreate($this->tileSize, $this->tileSize); $color = imagecolorallocate($tileImage, 255, 255, 255); @imagestring($tileImage, 1, 127, 127, 'err', $color); } $destX = ($x - $startX) * $this->tileSize + $this->offsetX; $destY = ($y - $startY) * $this->tileSize + $this->offsetY; imagecopy($this->canvas->getImage(), $tileImage, $destX, $destY, 0, 0, $this->tileSize, $this->tileSize); } } } public function placeExtraMarker(ExtraMarker $extraMarker) { $extramarkers = imagecreatefrompng($this->markerBaseDir . '/../extramarkers.png'); $markerImage = imagecreatetruecolor(75, 100); $trans_colour = imagecolorallocatealpha($markerImage, 0, 0, 0, 127); imagefill($markerImage, 0, 0, $trans_colour); $destX = floor(($this->width / 2) - $this->tileSize * ($this->centerX - Util::lonToTile($extraMarker->getLongitude(), $this->zoom))); $destY = floor(($this->height / 2) - $this->tileSize * ($this->centerY - Util::latToTile($extraMarker->getLatitude(), $this->zoom))); $markerWidth = imagesx($markerImage); $markerHeight = imagesy($markerImage); $destX -= $markerWidth / 2; $destY -= $markerHeight; imagecopy($markerImage, $extramarkers, 0, 0, 0, 0, $markerWidth, $markerHeight); imagecopy($this->canvas->getImage(), $markerImage, $destX, $destY, 0, 0, imagesx($markerImage), imagesy($markerImage)); } public function placeMarkers() { foreach ($this->markers as $marker) { if ($marker instanceof ExtraMarker) { $this->placeExtraMarker($marker); continue; } $markerFilename = ''; $markerShadow = ''; $matches = false; // check for marker type, get settings from markerPrototypes if ($marker->getMarkerType()) { foreach ($this->markerPrototypes as $markerPrototype) { if (preg_match($markerPrototype['regex'], $marker->getMarkerType(), $matches)) { $markerFilename = $matches[0] . $markerPrototype['extension']; if ($markerPrototype['offsetImage']) { list($markerImageOffsetX, $markerImageOffsetY) = explode(",", $markerPrototype['offsetImage']); } $markerShadow = $markerPrototype['shadow']; if ($markerShadow) { list($markerShadowOffsetX, $markerShadowOffsetY) = explode(",", $markerPrototype['offsetShadow']); } } } } // check required files or set default if ($markerFilename == '' || !file_exists($this->markerBaseDir . '/' . $markerFilename)) { $markerIndex++; $markerFilename = 'lightblue' . $markerIndex . '.png'; $markerImageOffsetX = 0; $markerImageOffsetY = -19; } // create img resource if (file_exists($this->markerBaseDir . '/' . $markerFilename)) { $markerImg = imagecreatefrompng($this->markerBaseDir . '/' . $markerFilename); } else { $markerImg = imagecreatefrompng($this->markerBaseDir . '/lightblue1.png'); } // check for shadow + create shadow recource if ($markerShadow && file_exists($this->markerBaseDir . '/' . $markerShadow)) { $markerShadowImg = imagecreatefrompng($this->markerBaseDir . '/' . $markerShadow); } // calc position $destX = floor(($this->width / 2) - $this->tileSize * ($this->centerX - Util::lonToTile($marker->getLongitude(), $this->zoom))); $destY = floor(($this->height / 2) - $this->tileSize * ($this->centerY - Util::latToTile($marker->getLatitude(), $this->zoom))); // copy shadow on basemap if ($markerShadow && $markerShadowImg) { imagecopy($this->canvas->getImage(), $markerShadowImg, $destX + intval($markerShadowOffsetX), $destY + intval($markerShadowOffsetY), 0, 0, imagesx($markerShadowImg), imagesy($markerShadowImg)); } // copy marker on basemap above shadow imagecopy($this->canvas->getImage(), $markerImg, $destX + intval($markerImageOffsetX), $destY + intval($markerImageOffsetY), 0, 0, imagesx($markerImg), imagesy($markerImg)); }; } public function placePolylines() { /** @var Polyline $polyline */ foreach ($this->polylines as $polyline) { $polylineList = \Polyline::decode($polyline->getPolyline()); $sourceLatitude = null; $sourceLongitude = null; $destinationLatitude = null; $destinationLongitude = null; $color = imagecolorallocate($this->canvas->getImage(), $polyline->getColorRed(), $polyline->getColorGreen(), $polyline->getColorBlue()); imagesetthickness($this->image, 3); //imageantialias($this->image, true); while (!empty($polylineList)) { if (!$sourceLatitude) { $sourceLatitude = array_shift($polylineList); } if (!$sourceLongitude) { $sourceLongitude = array_shift($polylineList); } $sourceX = floor(($this->width / 2) - $this->tileSize * ($this->centerX - Util::lonToTile($sourceLongitude, $this->zoom))); $sourceY = floor(($this->height / 2) - $this->tileSize * ($this->centerY - Util::latToTile($sourceLatitude, $this->zoom))); $destinationLatitude = array_shift($polylineList); $destinationLongitude = array_shift($polylineList); $destinationX = floor(($this->width / 2) - $this->tileSize * ($this->centerX - Util::lonToTile($destinationLongitude, $this->zoom))); $destinationY = floor(($this->height / 2) - $this->tileSize * ($this->centerY - Util::latToTile($destinationLatitude, $this->zoom))); imageline($this->canvas->getImage() , $sourceX, $sourceY , $destinationX, $destinationY, $color); $sourceLatitude = $destinationLatitude; $sourceLongitude = $destinationLongitude; } } } public function checkMapCache() { $this->mapCacheID = md5($this->serializeParams()); $filename = $this->mapCacheIDToFilename(); if (file_exists($filename)) return true; } public function serializeParams() { return join("&", array($this->zoom, $this->lat, $this->lon, $this->width, $this->height, serialize($this->markers), $this->maptype)); } public function mapCacheIDToFilename() { if (!$this->mapCacheFile) { $this->mapCacheFile = $this->mapCacheBaseDir . "/" . $this->maptype . "/" . $this->zoom . "/cache_" . substr($this->mapCacheID, 0, 2) . "/" . substr($this->mapCacheID, 2, 2) . "/" . substr($this->mapCacheID, 4); } return $this->mapCacheFile . "." . $this->mapCacheExtension; } public function copyrightNotice() { $logoImg = imagecreatefrompng($this->osmLogo); imagecopy($this->canvas->getImage(), $logoImg, imagesx($this->image) - imagesx($logoImg), imagesy($this->image) - imagesy($logoImg), 0, 0, imagesx($logoImg), imagesy($logoImg)); } public function sendHeader() { header('Content-Type: image/png'); $expires = 60 * 60 * 24 * 14; header("Pragma: public"); header("Cache-Control: maxage=" . $expires); header('Expires: ' . gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', time() + $expires) . ' GMT'); } public function makeMap() { $this->initCoords(); $this->createBaseMap(); if (count($this->markers)) $this->placeMarkers(); if (count($this->polylines)) $this->placePolylines(); if ($this->osmLogo) $this->copyrightNotice(); } public function showMap() { if ($this->useMapCache) { // use map cache, so check cache for map if (!$this->checkMapCache()) { // map is not in cache, needs to be build $this->makeMap(); $this->mkdir_recursive(dirname($this->mapCacheIDToFilename()), 0777); imagepng($this->canvas->getImage(), $this->mapCacheIDToFilename(), 9); $this->sendHeader(); if (file_exists($this->mapCacheIDToFilename())) { return file_get_contents($this->mapCacheIDToFilename()); } else { return imagepng($this->canvas->getImage()); } } else { // map is in cache $this->sendHeader(); return file_get_contents($this->mapCacheIDToFilename()); } } else { // no cache, make map, send headers and deliver png $this->makeMap(); $this->sendHeader(); return imagepng($this->canvas->getImage()); } } public function mkdir_recursive($pathname, $mode) { is_dir(dirname($pathname)) || $this->mkdir_recursive(dirname($pathname), $mode); return is_dir($pathname) || @mkdir($pathname, $mode); } }