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// xajaxResponse.inc.php :: xajax XML response class
// xajax version 0.2
// copyright (c) 2005 by Jared White & J. Max Wilson
// http://www.xajaxproject.org
// xajax is an open source PHP class library for easily creating powerful
// PHP-driven, web-based Ajax Applications. Using xajax, you can asynchronously
// call PHP functions and update the content of your your webpage without
// reloading the page.
// xajax is released under the terms of the LGPL license
// http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html#SEC3
// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
// version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
| Online documentation for this class is available on the xajax wiki at: |
| http://wiki.xajaxproject.org/Documentation:xajaxResponse.inc.php |
// The xajaxResponse class is used to created responses to be sent back to your
// webpage. A response contains one or more command messages for updating your page.
// Currently xajax supports 17 kinds of command messages, including some common ones such as:
// * Assign - sets the specified attribute of an element in your page
// * Append - appends data to the end of the specified attribute of an element in your page
// * Prepend - prepends data to the beginning of the specified attribute of an element in your page
// * Replace - searches for and replaces data in the specified attribute of an element in your page
// * Script - runs the supplied JavaScript code
// * Alert - shows an alert box with the supplied message text
// *Note: elements are identified by their HTML id, so if you don't see your browser HTML display changing from the request, make sure you're using the right id names in your response.
class xajaxResponse
var $xml;
var $sEncoding;
// Constructor. Its main job is to set the character encoding for the response.
// $sEncoding is a string containing the character encoding string to use.
// * Note: to change the character encoding for all of the responses, set the
// XAJAX_DEFAULT_ENCODING constant near the beginning of the xajax.inc.php file
function xajaxResponse($sEncoding=XAJAX_DEFAULT_CHAR_ENCODING)
// setCharEncoding() sets the character encoding for the response based on
// $sEncoding, which is a string containing the character encoding to use. You
// don't need to use this method normally, since the character encoding for the
// response gets set automatically based on the XAJAX_DEFAULT_CHAR_ENCODING
// constant.
function setCharEncoding($sEncoding)
$this->sEncoding = $sEncoding;
// addAssign() adds an assign command message to the XML response
// $sTarget is a string containing the id of an HTML element
// $sAttribute is the part of the element you wish to modify ("innerHTML", "value", etc.)
// $sData is the data you want to set the attribute to
// usage: $objResponse->addAssign("contentDiv", "innerHTML", "Some Text");
function addAssign($sTarget,$sAttribute,$sData)
$this->xml .= $this->_cmdXML(array("n"=>"as","t"=>$sTarget,"p"=>$sAttribute),$sData);
// addAppend() adds an append command message to the XML response
// $sTarget is a string containing the id of an HTML element
// $sAttribute is the part of the element you wish to modify ("innerHTML", "value", etc.)
// $sData is the data you want to append to the end of the attribute
// usage: $objResponse->addAppend("contentDiv", "innerHTML", "Some New Text");
function addAppend($sTarget,$sAttribute,$sData)
$this->xml .= $this->_cmdXML(array("n"=>"ap","t"=>$sTarget,"p"=>$sAttribute),$sData);
// addPrepend() adds an prepend command message to the XML response
// $sTarget is a string containing the id of an HTML element
// $sAttribute is the part of the element you wish to modify ("innerHTML", "value", etc.)
// $sData is the data you want to prepend to the beginning of the attribute
// usage: $objResponse->addPrepend("contentDiv", "innerHTML", "Some Starting Text");
function addPrepend($sTarget,$sAttribute,$sData)
$this->xml .= $this->_cmdXML(array("n"=>"pp","t"=>$sTarget,"p"=>$sAttribute),$sData);
// addReplace() adds an replace command message to the XML response
// $sTarget is a string containing the id of an HTML element
// $sAttribute is the part of the element you wish to modify ("innerHTML", "value", etc.)
// $sSearch is a string to search for
// $sData is a string to replace the search string when found in the attribute
// usage: $objResponse->addReplace("contentDiv", "innerHTML", "text", "<b>text</b>");
function addReplace($sTarget,$sAttribute,$sSearch,$sData)
$sDta = "<s><![CDATA[$sSearch]]></s><r><![CDATA[$sData]]></r>";
$this->xml .= $this->_cmdXML(array("n"=>"rp","t"=>$sTarget,"p"=>$sAttribute),$sDta);
// addClear() adds an clear command message to the XML response
// $sTarget is a string containing the id of an HTML element
// $sAttribute is the part of the element you wish to clear ("innerHTML", "value", etc.)
// usage: $objResponse->addClear("contentDiv", "innerHTML");
function addClear($sTarget,$sAttribute)
// addAlert() adds an alert command message to the XML response
// $sMsg is the text to be displayed in the Javascript alert box
// usage: $objResponse->addAlert("This is important information");
function addAlert($sMsg)
$this->xml .= $this->_cmdXML(array("n"=>"al"),$sMsg);
// addRedirect() uses the addScript() method to add a Javascript redirect to
// another URL
// $sURL is the URL to redirect the client browser to
// usage: $objResponse->addRedirect("http://www.xajaxproject.org");
function addRedirect($sURL)
$this->addScript('window.location = "'.rawurlencode($sURL).'";');
// addScript() adds a Javascript command message to the XML response
// $sJS is a string containing Javascript code to be executed
// usage: $objResponse->addScript("var x = prompt('get some text');");
function addScript($sJS)
$this->xml .= $this->_cmdXML(array("n"=>"js"),$sJS);
// addRemove() adds a remove element command message to the XML response
// $sTarget is a string containing the id of an HTML element to be removed
// from your page
// usage: $objResponse->addRemove("Div2");
function addRemove($sTarget)
$this->xml .= $this->_cmdXML(array("n"=>"rm","t"=>$sTarget),'');
// addCreate() adds a create element command message to the XML response
// $sParent is a string containing the id of an HTML element to which the new
// element will be appended.
// $sTag is the tag to be added
// $sId is the id to be assigned to the new element
// $sType has been deprecated, use the addCreateInput() method instead
// usage: $objResponse->addCreate("parentDiv", "h3", "myid");
function addCreate($sParent, $sTag, $sId, $sType="")
if ($sType)
trigger_error("The \$sType parameter of addCreate has been deprecated. Use the addCreateInput() method instead.", E_USER_WARNING);
$this->xml .= $this->_cmdXML(array("n"=>"ce","t"=>$sParent,"p"=>$sId),$sTag);
// addInsert() adds an insert element command message to the XML response
// $sBefore is a string containing the id of the child before which the new element
// will be inserted
// $sTag is the tag to be added
// $sId is the id to be assigned to the new element
// usage: $objResponse->addInsert("childDiv", "h3", "myid");
function addInsert($sBefore, $sTag, $sId)
$this->xml .= $this->_cmdXML(array("n"=>"ie","t"=>$sBefore,"p"=>$sId),$sTag);
// addCreateInput() adds a create input command message to the XML response
// $sParent is a string containing the id of an HTML element to which the new
// input will be appended
// $sType is the type of input to be created (text, radio, checkbox, etc.)
// $sName is the name to be assigned to the new input and the variable name when it is submitted
// $sId is the id to be assigned to the new input
// usage: $objResponse->addCreateInput("form1", "text", "username", "input1");
function addCreateInput($sParent, $sType, $sName, $sId)
$this->xml .= $this->_cmdXML(array("n"=>"ci","t"=>$sParent,"p"=>$sId,"c"=>$sType),$sName);
// addInsertInput() adds an insert input command message to the XML response
// $sBefore is a string containing the id of the child before which the new element
// will be inserted
// $sType is the type of input to be created (text, radio, checkbox, etc.)
// $sName is the name to be assigned to the new input and the variable name when it is submitted
// $sId is the id to be assigned to the new input
// usage: $objResponse->addInsertInput("input5", "text", "username", "input1");
function addInsertInput($sBefore, $sType, $sName, $sId)
$this->xml .= $this->_cmdXML(array("n"=>"ii","t"=>$sBefore,"p"=>$sId,"c"=>$sType),$sName);
// addEvent() adds an event command message to the XML response
// $sTarget is a string containing the id of an HTML element
// $sEvent is the event you wish to set ("click", "mouseover", etc.)
// $sScript is the Javascript string you want to the event to invoke
// usage: $objResponse->addEvent("contentDiv", "click", "alert(\'Hello World\');");
function addEvent($sTarget,$sEvent,$sScript)
$this->xml .= $this->_cmdXML(array("n"=>"ev","t"=>$sTarget,"p"=>$sEvent),$sScript);
// addHandler() adds a handler command message to the XML response
// $sTarget is a string containing the id of an HTML element
// $sEvent is the event you wish to set ("click", "mouseover", etc.)
// $sHandler is a string containing the name of a Javascript function
// that will handle the event. Multiple handlers can be added for the same event
// usage: $objResponse->addHandler("contentDiv", "click", "content_click");
function addHandler($sTarget,$sEvent,$sHandler)
$this->xml .= $this->_cmdXML(array("n"=>"ah","t"=>$sTarget,"p"=>$sEvent),$sHandler);
// addRemoveHandler() adds a remove handler command message to the XML response
// $sTarget is a string containing the id of an HTML element
// $sEvent is the event you wish to remove ("click", "mouseover", etc.)
// $sHandler is a string containing the name of a Javascript handler function
// that you want to remove
// usage: $objResponse->addRemoveHandler("contentDiv", "click", "content_click");
function addRemoveHandler($sTarget,$sEvent,$sHandler)
$this->xml .= $this->_cmdXML(array("n"=>"rh","t"=>$sTarget,"p"=>$sEvent),$sHandler);
// addIncludeScript() adds an include script command message to the XML response
// $sFileName is a URL of the Javascript file to include
// usage: $objResponse->addIncludeScript("functions.js");
function addIncludeScript($sFileName)
$this->xml .= $this->_cmdXML(array("n"=>"in"),$sFileName);
// getXML() returns the XML to be returned from your function to the xajax
// processor on your page. Since xajax 0.2, you can also return an xajaxResponse
// object from your function directly, and xajax will automatically request the
// XML using this method call.
// usage: return $objResponse->getXML();
function getXML()
$sXML = "<?xml version=\"1.0\"";
if ($this->sEncoding && strlen(trim($this->sEncoding)) > 0)
$sXML .= " encoding=\"".$this->sEncoding."\"";
$sXML .= " ?"."><xjx>" . $this->xml . "</xjx>";
return $sXML;
// loadXML() adds the commands of the provided response XML output to this
// response object
// $sXML is the response XML (returned from a getXML() method) to add to the
// end of this response object
// usage: $r1 = $objResponse1->getXML();
// $objResponse2->loadXML($r1);
// return $objResponse2->getXML();
function loadXML($sXML)
$sNewXML = "";
$iStartPos = strpos($sXML, "<xjx>") + 5;
$sNewXML = substr($sXML, $iStartPos);
$iEndPos = strpos($sNewXML, "</xjx>");
$sNewXML = substr($sNewXML, 0, $iEndPos);
$this->xml .= $sNewXML;
// private method, used internally
function _cmdXML($aAttributes, $sData)
$xml = "<cmd";
foreach($aAttributes as $sAttribute => $sValue)
$xml .= " $sAttribute=\"$sValue\"";
if ($sData && !stristr($sData,'<![CDATA['))
$xml .= "><![CDATA[$sData]]></cmd>";
else if ($sData)
$xml .= ">$sData</cmd>";
$xml .= "></cmd>";
return $xml;
}// end class xajaxResponse