2020-05-23 15:45:54 -05:00

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/* *
* (c) 2010-2020 Highsoft AS
* Author: Paweł Potaczek
* License: www.highcharts.com/license
* */
'use strict';
import H from '../parts/Globals.js';
* @interface Highcharts.BubbleLegendFormatterContextObject
*/ /**
* The center y position of the range.
* @name Highcharts.BubbleLegendFormatterContextObject#center
* @type {number}
*/ /**
* The radius of the bubble range.
* @name Highcharts.BubbleLegendFormatterContextObject#radius
* @type {number}
*/ /**
* The bubble value.
* @name Highcharts.BubbleLegendFormatterContextObject#value
* @type {number}
''; // detach doclets above
import Color from '../parts/Color.js';
var color = Color.parse;
import Legend from '../parts/Legend.js';
import U from '../parts/Utilities.js';
var addEvent = U.addEvent, arrayMax = U.arrayMax, arrayMin = U.arrayMin, isNumber = U.isNumber, merge = U.merge, objectEach = U.objectEach, pick = U.pick, stableSort = U.stableSort, wrap = U.wrap;
var Series = H.Series, Chart = H.Chart, noop = H.noop, setOptions = H.setOptions;
legend: {
* The bubble legend is an additional element in legend which
* presents the scale of the bubble series. Individual bubble ranges
* can be defined by user or calculated from series. In the case of
* automatically calculated ranges, a 1px margin of error is
* permitted.
* @since 7.0.0
* @product highcharts highstock highmaps
* @requires highcharts-more
* @optionparent legend.bubbleLegend
bubbleLegend: {
* The color of the ranges borders, can be also defined for an
* individual range.
* @sample highcharts/bubble-legend/similartoseries/
* Similat look to the bubble series
* @sample highcharts/bubble-legend/bordercolor/
* Individual bubble border color
* @type {Highcharts.ColorString|Highcharts.GradientColorObject|Highcharts.PatternObject}
borderColor: void 0,
* The width of the ranges borders in pixels, can be also
* defined for an individual range.
borderWidth: 2,
* An additional class name to apply to the bubble legend'
* circle graphical elements. This option does not replace
* default class names of the graphical element.
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/css/bubble-legend/
* Styling by CSS
* @type {string}
className: void 0,
* The main color of the bubble legend. Applies to ranges, if
* individual color is not defined.
* @sample highcharts/bubble-legend/similartoseries/
* Similat look to the bubble series
* @sample highcharts/bubble-legend/color/
* Individual bubble color
* @type {Highcharts.ColorString|Highcharts.GradientColorObject|Highcharts.PatternObject}
color: void 0,
* An additional class name to apply to the bubble legend's
* connector graphical elements. This option does not replace
* default class names of the graphical element.
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/css/bubble-legend/
* Styling by CSS
* @type {string}
connectorClassName: void 0,
* The color of the connector, can be also defined
* for an individual range.
* @type {Highcharts.ColorString|Highcharts.GradientColorObject|Highcharts.PatternObject}
connectorColor: void 0,
* The length of the connectors in pixels. If labels are
* centered, the distance is reduced to 0.
* @sample highcharts/bubble-legend/connectorandlabels/
* Increased connector length
connectorDistance: 60,
* The width of the connectors in pixels.
* @sample highcharts/bubble-legend/connectorandlabels/
* Increased connector width
connectorWidth: 1,
* Enable or disable the bubble legend.
enabled: false,
* Options for the bubble legend labels.
labels: {
* An additional class name to apply to the bubble legend
* label graphical elements. This option does not replace
* default class names of the graphical element.
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/css/bubble-legend/
* Styling by CSS
* @type {string}
className: void 0,
* Whether to allow data labels to overlap.
allowOverlap: false,
* A format string for the bubble legend labels. Available
* variables are the same as for `formatter`.
* @sample highcharts/bubble-legend/format/
* Add a unit
* @type {string}
format: '',
* Available `this` properties are:
* - `this.value`: The bubble value.
* - `this.radius`: The radius of the bubble range.
* - `this.center`: The center y position of the range.
* @type {Highcharts.FormatterCallbackFunction<Highcharts.BubbleLegendFormatterContextObject>}
formatter: void 0,
* The alignment of the labels compared to the bubble
* legend. Can be one of `left`, `center` or `right`.
* @sample highcharts/bubble-legend/connectorandlabels/
* Labels on left
* @type {Highcharts.AlignValue}
align: 'right',
* CSS styles for the labels.
* @type {Highcharts.CSSObject}
style: {
/** @ignore-option */
fontSize: 10,
/** @ignore-option */
color: void 0
* The x position offset of the label relative to the
* connector.
x: 0,
* The y position offset of the label relative to the
* connector.
y: 0
* Miximum bubble legend range size. If values for ranges are
* not specified, the `minSize` and the `maxSize` are calculated
* from bubble series.
maxSize: 60,
* Minimum bubble legend range size. If values for ranges are
* not specified, the `minSize` and the `maxSize` are calculated
* from bubble series.
minSize: 10,
* The position of the bubble legend in the legend.
* @sample highcharts/bubble-legend/connectorandlabels/
* Bubble legend as last item in legend
legendIndex: 0,
* Options for specific range. One range consists of bubble,
* label and connector.
* @sample highcharts/bubble-legend/ranges/
* Manually defined ranges
* @sample highcharts/bubble-legend/autoranges/
* Auto calculated ranges
* @type {Array<*>}
ranges: {
* Range size value, similar to bubble Z data.
* @type {number}
value: void 0,
* The color of the border for individual range.
* @type {Highcharts.ColorString|Highcharts.GradientColorObject|Highcharts.PatternObject}
borderColor: void 0,
* The color of the bubble for individual range.
* @type {Highcharts.ColorString|Highcharts.GradientColorObject|Highcharts.PatternObject}
color: void 0,
* The color of the connector for individual range.
* @type {Highcharts.ColorString|Highcharts.GradientColorObject|Highcharts.PatternObject}
connectorColor: void 0
* Whether the bubble legend range value should be represented
* by the area or the width of the bubble. The default, area,
* corresponds best to the human perception of the size of each
* bubble.
* @sample highcharts/bubble-legend/ranges/
* Size by width
* @type {Highcharts.BubbleSizeByValue}
sizeBy: 'area',
* When this is true, the absolute value of z determines the
* size of the bubble. This means that with the default
* zThreshold of 0, a bubble of value -1 will have the same size
* as a bubble of value 1, while a bubble of value 0 will have a
* smaller size according to minSize.
sizeByAbsoluteValue: false,
* Define the visual z index of the bubble legend.
zIndex: 1,
* Ranges with with lower value than zThreshold, are skipped.
zThreshold: 0
/* eslint-disable no-invalid-this, valid-jsdoc */
* BubbleLegend class.
* @private
* @class
* @name Highcharts.BubbleLegend
* @param {Highcharts.LegendBubbleLegendOptions} options
* Bubble legend options
* @param {Highcharts.Legend} legend
* Legend
var BubbleLegend = /** @class */ (function () {
function BubbleLegend(options, legend) {
this.chart = void 0;
this.fontMetrics = void 0;
this.legend = void 0;
this.legendGroup = void 0;
this.legendItem = void 0;
this.legendItemHeight = void 0;
this.legendItemWidth = void 0;
this.legendSymbol = void 0;
this.maxLabel = void 0;
this.movementX = void 0;
this.ranges = void 0;
this.visible = void 0;
this.symbols = void 0;
this.options = void 0;
this.setState = noop;
this.init(options, legend);
* Create basic bubbleLegend properties similar to item in legend.
* @private
* @function Highcharts.BubbleLegend#init
* @param {Highcharts.LegendBubbleLegendOptions} options
* Bubble legend options
* @param {Highcharts.Legend} legend
* Legend
* @return {void}
BubbleLegend.prototype.init = function (options, legend) {
this.options = options;
this.visible = true;
this.chart = legend.chart;
this.legend = legend;
* Depending on the position option, add bubbleLegend to legend items.
* @private
* @function Highcharts.BubbleLegend#addToLegend
* @param {Array<(Highcharts.Point|Highcharts.Series)>}
* All legend items
* @return {void}
BubbleLegend.prototype.addToLegend = function (items) {
// Insert bubbleLegend into legend items
items.splice(this.options.legendIndex, 0, this);
* Calculate ranges, sizes and call the next steps of bubbleLegend
* creation.
* @private
* @function Highcharts.BubbleLegend#drawLegendSymbol
* @param {Highcharts.Legend} legend
* Legend instance
* @return {void}
BubbleLegend.prototype.drawLegendSymbol = function (legend) {
var chart = this.chart, options = this.options, size, itemDistance = pick(legend.options.itemDistance, 20), connectorSpace, ranges = options.ranges, radius, maxLabel, connectorDistance = options.connectorDistance;
// Predict label dimensions
this.fontMetrics = chart.renderer.fontMetrics(options.labels.style.fontSize.toString() + 'px');
// Do not create bubbleLegend now if ranges or ranges valeus are not
// specified or if are empty array.
if (!ranges || !ranges.length || !isNumber(ranges[0].value)) {
legend.options.bubbleLegend.autoRanges = true;
// Sort ranges to right render order
stableSort(ranges, function (a, b) {
return b.value - a.value;
this.ranges = ranges;
// Get max label size
maxLabel = this.getMaxLabelSize();
radius = this.ranges[0].radius;
size = radius * 2;
// Space for connectors and labels.
connectorSpace =
connectorDistance - radius + maxLabel.width;
connectorSpace = connectorSpace > 0 ? connectorSpace : 0;
this.maxLabel = maxLabel;
this.movementX = options.labels.align === 'left' ?
connectorSpace : 0;
this.legendItemWidth = size + connectorSpace + itemDistance;
this.legendItemHeight = size + this.fontMetrics.h / 2;
* Set style options for each bubbleLegend range.
* @private
* @function Highcharts.BubbleLegend#setOptions
* @return {void}
BubbleLegend.prototype.setOptions = function () {
var ranges = this.ranges, options = this.options, series = this.chart.series[options.seriesIndex], baseline = this.legend.baseline, bubbleStyle = {
'z-index': options.zIndex,
'stroke-width': options.borderWidth
}, connectorStyle = {
'z-index': options.zIndex,
'stroke-width': options.connectorWidth
}, labelStyle = this.getLabelStyles(), fillOpacity = series.options.marker.fillOpacity, styledMode = this.chart.styledMode;
// Allow to parts of styles be used individually for range
ranges.forEach(function (range, i) {
if (!styledMode) {
bubbleStyle.stroke = pick(range.borderColor, options.borderColor, series.color);
bubbleStyle.fill = pick(range.color, options.color, fillOpacity !== 1 ?
.get('rgba') :
connectorStyle.stroke = pick(range.connectorColor, options.connectorColor, series.color);
// Set options needed for rendering each range
ranges[i].radius = this.getRangeRadius(range.value);
ranges[i] = merge(ranges[i], {
center: (ranges[0].radius - ranges[i].radius +
if (!styledMode) {
merge(true, ranges[i], {
bubbleStyle: merge(false, bubbleStyle),
connectorStyle: merge(false, connectorStyle),
labelStyle: labelStyle
}, this);
* Merge options for bubbleLegend labels.
* @private
* @function Highcharts.BubbleLegend#getLabelStyles
* @return {Highcharts.CSSObject}
BubbleLegend.prototype.getLabelStyles = function () {
var options = this.options, additionalLabelsStyle = {}, labelsOnLeft = options.labels.align === 'left', rtl = this.legend.options.rtl;
// To separate additional style options
objectEach(options.labels.style, function (value, key) {
if (key !== 'color' &&
key !== 'fontSize' &&
key !== 'z-index') {
additionalLabelsStyle[key] = value;
return merge(false, additionalLabelsStyle, {
'font-size': options.labels.style.fontSize,
fill: pick(options.labels.style.color, '#000000'),
'z-index': options.zIndex,
align: rtl || labelsOnLeft ? 'right' : 'left'
* Calculate radius for each bubble range,
* used code from BubbleSeries.js 'getRadius' method.
* @private
* @function Highcharts.BubbleLegend#getRangeRadius
* @param {number} value
* Range value
* @return {number|null}
* Radius for one range
BubbleLegend.prototype.getRangeRadius = function (value) {
var options = this.options, seriesIndex = this.options.seriesIndex, bubbleSeries = this.chart.series[seriesIndex], zMax = options.ranges[0].value, zMin = options.ranges[options.ranges.length - 1].value, minSize = options.minSize, maxSize = options.maxSize;
return bubbleSeries.getRadius.call(this, zMin, zMax, minSize, maxSize, value);
* Render the legendSymbol group.
* @private
* @function Highcharts.BubbleLegend#render
* @return {void}
BubbleLegend.prototype.render = function () {
var renderer = this.chart.renderer, zThreshold = this.options.zThreshold;
if (!this.symbols) {
this.symbols = {
connectors: [],
bubbleItems: [],
labels: []
// Nesting SVG groups to enable handleOverflow
this.legendSymbol = renderer.g('bubble-legend');
this.legendItem = renderer.g('bubble-legend-item');
// To enable default 'hideOverlappingLabels' method
this.legendSymbol.translateX = 0;
this.legendSymbol.translateY = 0;
this.ranges.forEach(function (range) {
if (range.value >= zThreshold) {
}, this);
// To use handleOverflow method
* Render one range, consisting of bubble symbol, connector and label.
* @private
* @function Highcharts.BubbleLegend#renderRange
* @param {Highcharts.LegendBubbleLegendRangesOptions} range
* Range options
* @return {void}
BubbleLegend.prototype.renderRange = function (range) {
var mainRange = this.ranges[0], legend = this.legend, options = this.options, labelsOptions = options.labels, chart = this.chart, renderer = chart.renderer, symbols = this.symbols, labels = symbols.labels, label, elementCenter = range.center, absoluteRadius = Math.abs(range.radius), connectorDistance = options.connectorDistance || 0, labelsAlign = labelsOptions.align, rtl = legend.options.rtl, fontSize = labelsOptions.style.fontSize, connectorLength = rtl || labelsAlign === 'left' ?
-connectorDistance : connectorDistance, borderWidth = options.borderWidth, connectorWidth = options.connectorWidth, posX = mainRange.radius || 0, posY = elementCenter - absoluteRadius -
borderWidth / 2 + connectorWidth / 2, labelY, labelX, fontMetrics = this.fontMetrics, labelMovement = fontSize / 2 - (fontMetrics.h - fontSize) / 2, crispMovement = (posY % 1 ? 1 : 0.5) -
(connectorWidth % 2 ? 0 : 0.5), styledMode = renderer.styledMode;
// Set options for centered labels
if (labelsAlign === 'center') {
connectorLength = 0; // do not use connector
options.connectorDistance = 0;
range.labelStyle.align = 'center';
labelY = posY + options.labels.y;
labelX = posX + connectorLength + options.labels.x;
// Render bubble symbol
.circle(posX, elementCenter + crispMovement, absoluteRadius)
.attr(styledMode ? {} : range.bubbleStyle)
.addClass((styledMode ?
'highcharts-color-' +
this.options.seriesIndex + ' ' :
'') +
'highcharts-bubble-legend-symbol ' +
(options.className || '')).add(this.legendSymbol));
// Render connector
['M', posX, posY],
['L', posX + connectorLength, posY]
], options.connectorWidth))
.attr(styledMode ? {} : range.connectorStyle)
.addClass((styledMode ?
'highcharts-color-' +
this.options.seriesIndex + ' ' : '') +
'highcharts-bubble-legend-connectors ' +
(options.connectorClassName || '')).add(this.legendSymbol));
// Render label
label = renderer
.text(this.formatLabel(range), labelX, labelY + labelMovement)
.attr(styledMode ? {} : range.labelStyle)
.addClass('highcharts-bubble-legend-labels ' +
(options.labels.className || '')).add(this.legendSymbol);
// To enable default 'hideOverlappingLabels' method
label.placed = true;
label.alignAttr = {
x: labelX,
y: labelY + labelMovement
* Get the label which takes up the most space.
* @private
* @function Highcharts.BubbleLegend#getMaxLabelSize
* @return {Highcharts.BBoxObject}
BubbleLegend.prototype.getMaxLabelSize = function () {
var labels = this.symbols.labels, maxLabel, labelSize;
labels.forEach(function (label) {
labelSize = label.getBBox(true);
if (maxLabel) {
maxLabel = labelSize.width > maxLabel.width ?
labelSize : maxLabel;
else {
maxLabel = labelSize;
return maxLabel || {};
* Get formatted label for range.
* @private
* @function Highcharts.BubbleLegend#formatLabel
* @param {Highcharts.LegendBubbleLegendRangesOptions} range
* Range options
* @return {string}
* Range label text
BubbleLegend.prototype.formatLabel = function (range) {
var options = this.options, formatter = options.labels.formatter, format = options.labels.format;
var numberFormatter = this.chart.numberFormatter;
return format ? U.format(format, range) :
formatter ? formatter.call(range) :
numberFormatter(range.value, 1);
* By using default chart 'hideOverlappingLabels' method, hide or show
* labels and connectors.
* @private
* @function Highcharts.BubbleLegend#hideOverlappingLabels
* @return {void}
BubbleLegend.prototype.hideOverlappingLabels = function () {
var chart = this.chart, allowOverlap = this.options.labels.allowOverlap, symbols = this.symbols;
if (!allowOverlap && symbols) {
// Hide or show connectors
symbols.labels.forEach(function (label, index) {
if (!label.newOpacity) {
else if (label.newOpacity !== label.oldOpacity) {
* Calculate ranges from created series.
* @private
* @function Highcharts.BubbleLegend#getRanges
* @return {Array<Highcharts.LegendBubbleLegendRangesOptions>}
* Array of range objects
BubbleLegend.prototype.getRanges = function () {
var bubbleLegend = this.legend.bubbleLegend, series = bubbleLegend.chart.series, ranges, rangesOptions = bubbleLegend.options.ranges, zData, minZ = Number.MAX_VALUE, maxZ = -Number.MAX_VALUE;
series.forEach(function (s) {
// Find the min and max Z, like in bubble series
if (s.isBubble && !s.ignoreSeries) {
zData = s.zData.filter(isNumber);
if (zData.length) {
minZ = pick(s.options.zMin, Math.min(minZ, Math.max(arrayMin(zData), s.options.displayNegative === false ?
s.options.zThreshold :
maxZ = pick(s.options.zMax, Math.max(maxZ, arrayMax(zData)));
// Set values for ranges
if (minZ === maxZ) {
// Only one range if min and max values are the same.
ranges = [{ value: maxZ }];
else {
ranges = [
{ value: minZ },
{ value: (minZ + maxZ) / 2 },
{ value: maxZ, autoRanges: true }
// Prevent reverse order of ranges after redraw
if (rangesOptions.length && rangesOptions[0].radius) {
// Merge ranges values with user options
ranges.forEach(function (range, i) {
if (rangesOptions && rangesOptions[i]) {
ranges[i] = merge(false, rangesOptions[i], range);
return ranges;
* Calculate bubble legend sizes from rendered series.
* @private
* @function Highcharts.BubbleLegend#predictBubbleSizes
* @return {Array<number,number>}
* Calculated min and max bubble sizes
BubbleLegend.prototype.predictBubbleSizes = function () {
var chart = this.chart, fontMetrics = this.fontMetrics, legendOptions = chart.legend.options, floating = legendOptions.floating, horizontal = legendOptions.layout === 'horizontal', lastLineHeight = horizontal ? chart.legend.lastLineHeight : 0, plotSizeX = chart.plotSizeX, plotSizeY = chart.plotSizeY, bubbleSeries = chart.series[this.options.seriesIndex], minSize = Math.ceil(bubbleSeries.minPxSize), maxPxSize = Math.ceil(bubbleSeries.maxPxSize), maxSize = bubbleSeries.options.maxSize, plotSize = Math.min(plotSizeY, plotSizeX), calculatedSize;
// Calculate prediceted max size of bubble
if (floating || !(/%$/.test(maxSize))) {
calculatedSize = maxPxSize;
else {
maxSize = parseFloat(maxSize);
calculatedSize = ((plotSize + lastLineHeight -
fontMetrics.h / 2) * maxSize / 100) / (maxSize / 100 + 1);
// Get maxPxSize from bubble series if calculated bubble legend
// size will not affect to bubbles series.
if ((horizontal && plotSizeY - calculatedSize >=
plotSizeX) || (!horizontal && plotSizeX -
calculatedSize >= plotSizeY)) {
calculatedSize = maxPxSize;
return [minSize, Math.ceil(calculatedSize)];
* Correct ranges with calculated sizes.
* @private
* @function Highcharts.BubbleLegend#updateRanges
* @param {number} min
* @param {number} max
* @return {void}
BubbleLegend.prototype.updateRanges = function (min, max) {
var bubbleLegendOptions = this.legend.options.bubbleLegend;
bubbleLegendOptions.minSize = min;
bubbleLegendOptions.maxSize = max;
bubbleLegendOptions.ranges = this.getRanges();
* Because of the possibility of creating another legend line, predicted
* bubble legend sizes may differ by a few pixels, so it is necessary to
* correct them.
* @private
* @function Highcharts.BubbleLegend#correctSizes
* @return {void}
BubbleLegend.prototype.correctSizes = function () {
var legend = this.legend, chart = this.chart, bubbleSeries = chart.series[this.options.seriesIndex], bubbleSeriesSize = bubbleSeries.maxPxSize, bubbleLegendSize = this.options.maxSize;
if (Math.abs(Math.ceil(bubbleSeriesSize) - bubbleLegendSize) >
1) {
this.updateRanges(this.options.minSize, bubbleSeries.maxPxSize);
return BubbleLegend;
// Start the bubble legend creation process.
addEvent(Legend, 'afterGetAllItems', function (e) {
var legend = this, bubbleLegend = legend.bubbleLegend, legendOptions = legend.options, options = legendOptions.bubbleLegend, bubbleSeriesIndex = legend.chart.getVisibleBubbleSeriesIndex();
// Remove unnecessary element
if (bubbleLegend && bubbleLegend.ranges && bubbleLegend.ranges.length) {
// Allow change the way of calculating ranges in update
if (options.ranges.length) {
options.autoRanges =
// Update bubbleLegend dimensions in each redraw
// Create bubble legend
if (bubbleSeriesIndex >= 0 &&
legendOptions.enabled &&
options.enabled) {
options.seriesIndex = bubbleSeriesIndex;
legend.bubbleLegend = new H.BubbleLegend(options, legend);
* Check if there is at least one visible bubble series.
* @private
* @function Highcharts.Chart#getVisibleBubbleSeriesIndex
* @return {number}
* First visible bubble series index
Chart.prototype.getVisibleBubbleSeriesIndex = function () {
var series = this.series, i = 0;
while (i < series.length) {
if (series[i] &&
series[i].isBubble &&
series[i].visible &&
series[i].zData.length) {
return i;
return -1;
* Calculate height for each row in legend.
* @private
* @function Highcharts.Legend#getLinesHeights
* @return {Array<Highcharts.Dictionary<number>>}
* Informations about line height and items amount
Legend.prototype.getLinesHeights = function () {
var items = this.allItems, lines = [], lastLine, length = items.length, i = 0, j = 0;
for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
if (items[i].legendItemHeight) {
// for bubbleLegend
items[i].itemHeight = items[i].legendItemHeight;
if ( // Line break
items[i] === items[length - 1] ||
items[i + 1] &&
items[i]._legendItemPos[1] !==
items[i + 1]._legendItemPos[1]) {
lines.push({ height: 0 });
lastLine = lines[lines.length - 1];
// Find the highest item in line
for (j; j <= i; j++) {
if (items[j].itemHeight > lastLine.height) {
lastLine.height = items[j].itemHeight;
lastLine.step = i;
return lines;
* Correct legend items translation in case of different elements heights.
* @private
* @function Highcharts.Legend#retranslateItems
* @param {Array<Highcharts.Dictionary<number>>} lines
* Informations about line height and items amount
* @return {void}
Legend.prototype.retranslateItems = function (lines) {
var items = this.allItems, orgTranslateX, orgTranslateY, movementX, rtl = this.options.rtl, actualLine = 0;
items.forEach(function (item, index) {
orgTranslateX = item.legendGroup.translateX;
orgTranslateY = item._legendItemPos[1];
movementX = item.movementX;
if (movementX || (rtl && item.ranges)) {
movementX = rtl ?
orgTranslateX - item.options.maxSize / 2 :
orgTranslateX + movementX;
item.legendGroup.attr({ translateX: movementX });
if (index > lines[actualLine].step) {
translateY: Math.round(orgTranslateY + lines[actualLine].height / 2)
item._legendItemPos[1] = orgTranslateY +
lines[actualLine].height / 2;
// Toggle bubble legend depending on the visible status of bubble series.
addEvent(Series, 'legendItemClick', function () {
var series = this, chart = series.chart, visible = series.visible, legend = series.chart.legend, status;
if (legend && legend.bubbleLegend) {
// Temporary correct 'visible' property
series.visible = !visible;
// Save future status for getRanges method
series.ignoreSeries = visible;
// Check if at lest one bubble series is visible
status = chart.getVisibleBubbleSeriesIndex() >= 0;
// Hide bubble legend if all bubble series are disabled
if (legend.bubbleLegend.visible !== status) {
// Show or hide bubble legend
bubbleLegend: { enabled: status }
legend.bubbleLegend.visible = status; // Restore default status
series.visible = visible;
// If ranges are not specified, determine ranges from rendered bubble series
// and render legend again.
wrap(Chart.prototype, 'drawChartBox', function (proceed, options, callback) {
var chart = this, legend = chart.legend, bubbleSeries = chart.getVisibleBubbleSeriesIndex() >= 0, bubbleLegendOptions, bubbleSizes;
if (legend && legend.options.enabled && legend.bubbleLegend &&
legend.options.bubbleLegend.autoRanges && bubbleSeries) {
bubbleLegendOptions = legend.bubbleLegend.options;
bubbleSizes = legend.bubbleLegend.predictBubbleSizes();
legend.bubbleLegend.updateRanges(bubbleSizes[0], bubbleSizes[1]);
// Disable animation on init
if (!bubbleLegendOptions.placed) {
legend.group.placed = false;
legend.allItems.forEach(function (item) {
item.legendGroup.translateY = null;
// Create legend with bubbleLegend
chart.axes.forEach(function (axis) {
if (axis.visible) { // #11448
if (!bubbleLegendOptions.placed) {
// Disable axis animation on init
objectEach(axis.ticks, function (tick) {
tick.isNew = true;
tick.isNewLabel = true;
bubbleLegendOptions.placed = true;
// After recalculate axes, calculate margins again.
// Call default 'drawChartBox' method.
proceed.call(chart, options, callback);
// Check bubble legend sizes and correct them if necessary.
// Correct items positions with different dimensions in legend.
else {
proceed.call(chart, options, callback);
// Allow color change on static bubble legend after click on legend
if (legend && legend.options.enabled && legend.bubbleLegend) {
H.BubbleLegend = BubbleLegend;
export default H.BubbleLegend;