html{ overflow: hidden; } .accion{ width:10px; height:10px; border: solid 1px ; border-color: #cccccc; } .botonera .btn{ padding: 1px; } .note{ height:150px; padding:5px; width:150px; position:absolute; overflow:hidden; cursor:move; font-family:Trebuchet MS,Tahoma,Myriad Pro,Arial,Verdana,sans-serif; font-size:12px; /* Adding a CSS3 shadow below the note, in the browsers which support it: */ -moz-box-shadow:2px 2px 0 #A58452; -webkit-box-shadow:2px 2px 0 #A58452; box-shadow:2px 2px 15px #3E3131; } #viewport { overflow:hidden; /* Occlude elements outside viewport! */ max-height: calc(100vh); min-height: 3000px; /* zoom: 0.5;*/ } #wall { /* Default settings by code: * position: relative; * cursor: move; */ } /* background:url(librerias/notas/img/corcho.jpg);*/ #fancy_ajax .note{ cursor:default; } /* Three styles for the notes: */ .yellow{ background-color:#FDFB8C; border:1px solid #DEDC65; } .blue{ background-color:#A6E3FC; border:1px solid #75C5E7; } .green{ background-color:#A5F88B; border:1px solid #98E775; } .red{ background-color:#FFDAE9; border:1px solid #FFAAAA; } .tablero_descripcion{ background-color:white; border:1px solid black; height:20vw; padding:10px; width:90vw; position:absolute; overflow:hidden; cursor:move; text-align: center; top: 400px; left: 700px; z-index: 1000; resize: both; } .tablero_titulo{ background-color:white; /*border:1px solid #333; */ height:150px; padding:10px; width:1000px; position:relative; overflow:hidden; cursor:move; text-align: center; top: 100px; left: 400px; z-index: 1; box-shadow:2px 2px 15px #3E3131; /*resize: both;*/ } .tablero_titulo h1 { font-size: 30px;; } .fantasma{ background-color:white; border:1px solid gray; opacity: 0.5; } /* Each note has a data span, which holds its ID */{ display:none; } /* The "Add a note" button: */ #addButton{ position:absolute; top:-70px; left:0; } /* Green button class: */,{ color:black; display:block; font-size:10px; font-weight:bold; height:15px; padding:6px 5px 4px; text-align:center; width:60px; text-shadow:1px 1px 1px #DDDDDD; background:url(img/button_green.png) no-repeat left top; }{ text-decoration:none; background-position:left bottom; } .author{ /* The author name on the note: */ bottom:10px; color:#666666; font-family:Arial,Verdana,sans-serif; font-size:12px; position:absolute; right:10px; } #main{ /* Contains all the notes and limits their movement: */ margin:0 auto; position:relative; width:980px; height:980px; z-index:10; /*background:url(img/corcho.jpg) repeat left top;*/ } h3.popupTitle{ border-bottom:1px solid #DDDDDD; color:#666666; font-size:24px; font-weight:normal; padding:0 0 5px; } #noteData{ /* The input form in the pop-up: */ height:200px; margin:30px 0 0 200px; width:350px; } .note-form label{ display:block; font-size:10px; font-weight:bold; letter-spacing:1px; text-transform:uppercase; padding-bottom:3px; } .note-form textarea, .note-form input[type=text]{ background-color:#FCFCFC; border:1px solid #AAAAAA; font-family:Arial,Verdana,sans-serif; font-size:16px; height:60px; padding:5px; width:300px; margin-bottom:10px; } .note-form input[type=text]{ height:auto; } .color{ /* The color swatches in the form: */ cursor:pointer; float:left; height:10px; margin:0 5px 0 0; width:10px; } #note-submit{ margin:20px auto; } /* The styles below are only necessary for the demo page */