(function() { L.Control.Search = L.Control.extend({ includes: L.Mixin.Events, // // Name Data passed Description // //Managed Events: // search_locationfound {latlng, title, layer} fired after moved and show markerLocation // search_expanded {} fired after control was expanded // search_collapsed {} fired after control was collapsed // //Public methods: // setLayer() L.LayerGroup() set layer search at runtime // showAlert() 'Text message' show alert message // searchText() 'Text searched' search text by external code // options: { url: '', //url for search by ajax request, ex: "search.php?q={s}". Can be function that returns string for dynamic parameter setting layer: null, //layer where search markers(is a L.LayerGroup) sourceData: null, //function that fill _recordsCache, passed searching text by first param and callback in second //TODO implements uniq option 'sourceData' that recognizes source type: url,array,callback or layer jsonpParam: null, //jsonp param name for search by jsonp service, ex: "callback" propertyLoc: 'loc', //field for remapping location, using array: ['latname','lonname'] for select double fields(ex. ['lat','lon'] ) support dotted format: 'prop.subprop.title' propertyName: 'title', //property in marker.options(or feature.properties for vector layer) trough filter elements in layer, formatData: null, //callback for reformat all data from source to indexed data object filterData: null, //callback for filtering data from text searched, params: textSearch, allRecords moveToLocation: null, //callback run on location found, params: latlng, title, map buildTip: null, //function that return row tip html node(or html string), receive text tooltip in first param container: '', //container id to insert Search Control zoom: null, //default zoom level for move to location minLength: 1, //minimal text length for autocomplete initial: true, //search elements only by initial text casesensitive: false, //search elements in case sensitive text autoType: true, //complete input with first suggested result and select this filled-in text. delayType: 400, //delay while typing for show tooltip tooltipLimit: -1, //limit max results to show in tooltip. -1 for no limit. tipAutoSubmit: true, //auto map panTo when click on tooltip firstTipSubmit: false, //auto select first result con enter click autoResize: true, //autoresize on input change collapsed: true, //collapse search control at startup autoCollapse: false, //collapse search control after submit(on button or on tips if enabled tipAutoSubmit) autoCollapseTime: 1200, //delay for autoclosing alert and collapse after blur textErr: 'Location not found', //error message textCancel: 'Cancel', //title in cancel button textPlaceholder: 'Search...', //placeholder value animateLocation: true, //animate a circle over location found circleLocation: true, //draw a circle in location found markerLocation: false, //draw a marker in location found hideMarkerOnCollapse: false, //remove circle and marker on search control collapsed markerIcon: new L.Icon.Default(),//custom icon for maker location markerLocationOptions: null, position: 'topleft' //TODO implement can do research on multiple sources layers and remote //TODO history: false, //show latest searches in tooltip }, //FIXME option condition problem {autoCollapse: true, markerLocation: true} not show location //FIXME option condition problem {autoCollapse: false } // //TODO important optimization!!! always append data in this._recordsCache // now _recordsCache content is emptied and replaced with new data founded // always appending data on _recordsCache give the possibility of caching ajax, jsonp and layersearch! // //TODO here insert function that search inputText FIRST in _recordsCache keys and if not find results.. // run one of callbacks search(sourceData,jsonpUrl or options.layer) and run this.showTooltip // //TODO change structure of _recordsCache // like this: _recordsCache = {"text-key1": {loc:[lat,lng], ..other attributes.. }, {"text-key2": {loc:[lat,lng]}...}, ...} // in this mode every record can have a free structure of attributes, only 'loc' is required initialize: function(options) { L.Util.setOptions(this, options || {}); this._inputMinSize = this.options.textPlaceholder ? this.options.textPlaceholder.length : 10; this._layer = this.options.layer || new L.LayerGroup(); this._filterData = this.options.filterData || this._defaultFilterData; this._formatData = this.options.formatData || this._defaultFormatData; this._moveToLocation = this.options.moveToLocation || this._defaultMoveToLocation; this._autoTypeTmp = this.options.autoType; //useful for disable autoType temporarily in delete/backspace keydown this._countertips = 0; //number of tips items this._recordsCache = {}; //key,value table! that store locations! format: key,latlng this._curReq = null; }, onAdd: function (map) { this._map = map; this._container = L.DomUtil.create('div', 'leaflet-control-search'); this._input = this._createInput(this.options.textPlaceholder, 'search-input'); this._tooltip = this._createTooltip('search-tooltip'); this._cancel = this._createCancel(this.options.textCancel, 'search-cancel'); this._button = this._createButton(this.options.textPlaceholder, 'search-button'); this._alert = this._createAlert('search-alert'); if(this.options.collapsed===false) this.expand(this.options.collapsed); if(this.options.circleLocation || this.options.markerLocation || this.options.markerIcon) this._markerLoc = new L.Control.Search.Marker([0,0], { showCircle: this.options.circleLocation, showMarker: this.options.markerLocation, icon: this.options.markerIcon });//see below this.setLayer( this._layer ); map.on({ // 'layeradd': this._onLayerAddRemove, // 'layerremove': this._onLayerAddRemove 'resize': this._handleAutoresize }, this); return this._container; }, addTo: function (map) { if(this.options.container) { this._container = this.onAdd(map); this._wrapper = L.DomUtil.get(this.options.container); this._wrapper.style.position = 'relative'; this._wrapper.appendChild(this._container); } else L.Control.prototype.addTo.call(this, map); return this; }, onRemove: function(map) { this._recordsCache = {}; // map.off({ // 'layeradd': this._onLayerAddRemove, // 'layerremove': this._onLayerAddRemove // }, this); }, // _onLayerAddRemove: function(e) { // //console.info('_onLayerAddRemove'); // //without this, run setLayer also for each Markers!! to optimize! // if(e.layer instanceof L.LayerGroup) // if( L.stamp(e.layer) != L.stamp(this._layer) ) // this.setLayer(e.layer); // }, _getPath: function(obj, prop) { var parts = prop.split('.'), last = parts.pop(), len = parts.length, cur = parts[0], i = 1; if(len > 0) while((obj = obj[cur]) && i < len) cur = parts[i++]; if(obj) return obj[last]; }, setLayer: function(layer) { //set search layer at runtime //this.options.layer = layer; //setting this, run only this._recordsFromLayer() this._layer = layer; this._layer.addTo(this._map); if(this._markerLoc) this._layer.addLayer(this._markerLoc); return this; }, showAlert: function(text) { text = text || this.options.textErr; this._alert.style.display = 'block'; this._alert.innerHTML = text; clearTimeout(this.timerAlert); var that = this; this.timerAlert = setTimeout(function() { that.hideAlert(); },this.options.autoCollapseTime); return this; }, hideAlert: function() { this._alert.style.display = 'none'; return this; }, cancel: function() { this._input.value = ''; this._handleKeypress({keyCode:8});//simulate backspace keypress this._input.size = this._inputMinSize; this._input.focus(); this._cancel.style.display = 'none'; this._hideTooltip(); return this; }, expand: function(toggle) { toggle = typeof toggle === 'boolean' ? toggle : true; this._input.style.display = 'block'; L.DomUtil.addClass(this._container, 'search-exp'); if ( toggle !== false ) { this._input.focus(); this._map.on('dragstart click', this.collapse, this); } this.fire('search_expanded'); return this; }, collapse: function() { this._hideTooltip(); this.cancel(); this._alert.style.display = 'none'; this._input.blur(); if(this.options.collapsed) { this._input.style.display = 'none'; this._cancel.style.display = 'none'; L.DomUtil.removeClass(this._container, 'search-exp'); if (this.options.hideMarkerOnCollapse) { this._markerLoc.hide(); } this._map.off('dragstart click', this.collapse, this); } this.fire('search_collapsed'); return this; }, collapseDelayed: function() { //collapse after delay, used on_input blur if (!this.options.autoCollapse) return this; var that = this; clearTimeout(this.timerCollapse); this.timerCollapse = setTimeout(function() { that.collapse(); }, this.options.autoCollapseTime); return this; }, collapseDelayedStop: function() { clearTimeout(this.timerCollapse); return this; }, ////start DOM creations _createAlert: function(className) { var alert = L.DomUtil.create('div', className, this._container); alert.style.display = 'none'; L.DomEvent .on(alert, 'click', L.DomEvent.stop, this) .on(alert, 'click', this.hideAlert, this); return alert; }, _createInput: function (text, className) { var label = L.DomUtil.create('label', className, this._container); var input = L.DomUtil.create('input', className, this._container); input.type = 'text'; input.size = this._inputMinSize; input.value = ''; input.autocomplete = 'off'; input.autocorrect = 'off'; input.autocapitalize = 'off'; input.placeholder = text; input.style.display = 'none'; input.role = 'search'; input.id = input.role + input.type + input.size; label.htmlFor = input.id; label.style.display = 'none'; label.value = text; L.DomEvent .disableClickPropagation(input) .on(input, 'keyup', this._handleKeypress, this) .on(input, 'keydown', this._handleAutoresize, this) .on(input, 'blur', this.collapseDelayed, this) .on(input, 'focus', this.collapseDelayedStop, this); return input; }, _createCancel: function (title, className) { var cancel = L.DomUtil.create('a', className, this._container); cancel.href = '#'; cancel.title = title; cancel.style.display = 'none'; cancel.innerHTML = "";//imageless(see css) L.DomEvent .on(cancel, 'click', L.DomEvent.stop, this) .on(cancel, 'click', this.cancel, this); return cancel; }, _createButton: function (title, className) { var button = L.DomUtil.create('a', className, this._container); button.href = '#'; button.title = title; L.DomEvent .on(button, 'click', L.DomEvent.stop, this) .on(button, 'click', this._handleSubmit, this) .on(button, 'focus', this.collapseDelayedStop, this) .on(button, 'blur', this.collapseDelayed, this); return button; }, _createTooltip: function(className) { var tool = L.DomUtil.create('ul', className, this._container); tool.style.display = 'none'; var that = this; L.DomEvent .disableClickPropagation(tool) .on(tool, 'blur', this.collapseDelayed, this) .on(tool, 'mousewheel', function(e) { that.collapseDelayedStop(); L.DomEvent.stopPropagation(e);//disable zoom map }, this) .on(tool, 'mouseover', function(e) { that.collapseDelayedStop(); }, this); return tool; }, _createTip: function(text, val) {//val is object in recordCache, usually is Latlng var tip; if(this.options.buildTip) { tip = this.options.buildTip.call(this, text, val); //custom tip node or html string if(typeof tip === 'string') { var tmpNode = L.DomUtil.create('div'); tmpNode.innerHTML = tip; tip = tmpNode.firstChild; } } else { tip = L.DomUtil.create('li', ''); tip.innerHTML = text; } L.DomUtil.addClass(tip, 'search-tip'); tip._text = text; //value replaced in this._input and used by _autoType if(this.options.tipAutoSubmit) L.DomEvent .disableClickPropagation(tip) .on(tip, 'click', L.DomEvent.stop, this) .on(tip, 'click', function(e) { this._input.value = text; this._handleAutoresize(); this._input.focus(); this._hideTooltip(); this._handleSubmit(); }, this); return tip; }, //////end DOM creations _getUrl: function(text) { return (typeof this.options.url === 'function') ? this.options.url(text) : this.options.url; }, _defaultFilterData: function(text, records) { var I, icase, regSearch, frecords = {}; text = text.replace(/[.*+?^${}()|[\]\\]/g, ''); //sanitize remove all special characters if(text==='') return []; I = this.options.initial ? '^' : ''; //search only initial text icase = !this.options.casesensitive ? 'i' : undefined; regSearch = new RegExp(I + text, icase); //TODO use .filter or .map for(var key in records) { if( regSearch.test(key) ) frecords[key]= records[key]; } return frecords; }, showTooltip: function(records) { var tip; this._countertips = 0; this._tooltip.innerHTML = ''; this._tooltip.currentSelection = -1; //inizialized for _handleArrowSelect() for(var key in records)//fill tooltip { if(++this._countertips == this.options.tooltipLimit) break; tip = this._createTip(key, records[key] ); this._tooltip.appendChild(tip); } if(this._countertips > 0) { this._tooltip.style.display = 'block'; if(this._autoTypeTmp) this._autoType(); this._autoTypeTmp = this.options.autoType;//reset default value } else this._hideTooltip(); this._tooltip.scrollTop = 0; return this._countertips; }, _hideTooltip: function() { this._tooltip.style.display = 'none'; this._tooltip.innerHTML = ''; return 0; }, _defaultFormatData: function(json) { //default callback for format data to indexed data var propName = this.options.propertyName, propLoc = this.options.propertyLoc, i, jsonret = {}; if( L.Util.isArray(propLoc) ) for(i in json) jsonret[ this._getPath(json[i],propName) ]= L.latLng( json[i][ propLoc[0] ], json[i][ propLoc[1] ] ); else for(i in json) jsonret[ this._getPath(json[i],propName) ]= L.latLng( this._getPath(json[i],propLoc) ); //TODO throw new Error("propertyName '"+propName+"' not found in JSON data"); return jsonret; }, _recordsFromJsonp: function(text, callAfter) { //extract searched records from remote jsonp service L.Control.Search.callJsonp = callAfter; var script = L.DomUtil.create('script','leaflet-search-jsonp', document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0] ), url = L.Util.template(this._getUrl(text)+'&'+this.options.jsonpParam+'=L.Control.Search.callJsonp', {s: text}); //parsing url //rnd = '&_='+Math.floor(Math.random()*10000); //TODO add rnd param or randomize callback name! in recordsFromJsonp script.type = 'text/javascript'; script.src = url; return { abort: function() { script.parentNode.removeChild(script); } }; }, _recordsFromAjax: function(text, callAfter) { //Ajax request if (window.XMLHttpRequest === undefined) { window.XMLHttpRequest = function() { try { return new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP.6.0"); } catch (e1) { try { return new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP.3.0"); } catch (e2) { throw new Error("XMLHttpRequest is not supported"); } } }; } var IE8or9 = ( L.Browser.ie && !window.atob && document.querySelector ), request = IE8or9 ? new XDomainRequest() : new XMLHttpRequest(), url = L.Util.template(this._getUrl(text), {s: text}); //rnd = '&_='+Math.floor(Math.random()*10000); //TODO add rnd param or randomize callback name! in recordsFromAjax request.open("GET", url); var that = this; request.onload = function() { callAfter( JSON.parse(request.responseText) ); }; request.onreadystatechange = function() { if(request.readyState === 4 && request.status === 200) { this.onload(); } }; request.send(); return request; }, _recordsFromLayer: function() { //return table: key,value from layer var that = this, retRecords = {}, propName = this.options.propertyName, loc; this._layer.eachLayer(function(layer) { if(layer instanceof L.Control.Search.Marker) return; if(layer instanceof L.Marker || layer instanceof L.CircleMarker) { try { if(that._getPath(layer.options,propName)) { loc = layer.getLatLng(); loc.layer = layer; retRecords[ that._getPath(layer.options,propName) ] = loc; } else if(that._getPath(layer.feature.properties,propName)){ loc = layer.getLatLng(); loc.layer = layer; retRecords[ that._getPath(layer.feature.properties,propName) ] = loc; } else throw new Error("propertyName '"+propName+"' not found in marker"); } catch(err){ if (console) {console.warn(err);} } } else if(layer.hasOwnProperty('feature'))//GeoJSON { try { if(layer.feature.properties.hasOwnProperty(propName)) { loc = layer.getBounds().getCenter(); loc.layer = layer; retRecords[ layer.feature.properties[propName] ] = loc; } else throw new Error("propertyName '"+propName+"' not found in feature"); } catch(err){ if (console) {console.warn(err);} } } else if(layer instanceof L.LayerGroup) { //TODO: Optimize layer.eachLayer(function(m) { loc = m.getLatLng(); loc.layer = m; retRecords[ m.feature.properties[propName] ] = loc; }); } },this); return retRecords; }, _autoType: function() { //TODO implements autype without selection(useful for mobile device) var start = this._input.value.length, firstRecord = this._tooltip.firstChild._text, end = firstRecord.length; if (firstRecord.indexOf(this._input.value) === 0) { // If prefix match this._input.value = firstRecord; this._handleAutoresize(); if (this._input.createTextRange) { var selRange = this._input.createTextRange(); selRange.collapse(true); selRange.moveStart('character', start); selRange.moveEnd('character', end); selRange.select(); } else if(this._input.setSelectionRange) { this._input.setSelectionRange(start, end); } else if(this._input.selectionStart) { this._input.selectionStart = start; this._input.selectionEnd = end; } } }, _hideAutoType: function() { // deselect text: var sel; if ((sel = this._input.selection) && sel.empty) { sel.empty(); } else if (this._input.createTextRange) { sel = this._input.createTextRange(); sel.collapse(true); var end = this._input.value.length; sel.moveStart('character', end); sel.moveEnd('character', end); sel.select(); } else { if (this._input.getSelection) { this._input.getSelection().removeAllRanges(); } this._input.selectionStart = this._input.selectionEnd; } }, _handleKeypress: function (e) { //run _input keyup event switch(e.keyCode) { case 27: //Esc this.collapse(); break; case 13: //Enter if(this._countertips == 1 || (this.options.firstTipSubmit && this._countertips > 0)) this._handleArrowSelect(1); this._handleSubmit(); //do search break; case 38://Up this._handleArrowSelect(-1); break; case 40://Down this._handleArrowSelect(1); break; case 37://Left case 39://Right case 16://Shift case 17://Ctrl //case 32://Space break; case 8://backspace case 46://delete this._autoTypeTmp = false;//disable temporarily autoType break; default://All keys if(this._input.value.length) this._cancel.style.display = 'block'; else this._cancel.style.display = 'none'; if(this._input.value.length >= this.options.minLength) { var that = this; clearTimeout(this.timerKeypress); //cancel last search request while type in this.timerKeypress = setTimeout(function() { //delay before request, for limit jsonp/ajax request that._fillRecordsCache(); }, this.options.delayType); } else this._hideTooltip(); } }, searchText: function(text) { var code = text.charCodeAt(text.length); this._input.value = text; this._input.style.display = 'block'; L.DomUtil.addClass(this._container, 'search-exp'); this._autoTypeTmp = false; this._handleKeypress({keyCode: code}); }, _fillRecordsCache: function() { //TODO important optimization!!! always append data in this._recordsCache // now _recordsCache content is emptied and replaced with new data founded // always appending data on _recordsCache give the possibility of caching ajax, jsonp and layersearch! // //TODO here insert function that search inputText FIRST in _recordsCache keys and if not find results.. // run one of callbacks search(sourceData,jsonpUrl or options.layer) and run this.showTooltip // //TODO change structure of _recordsCache // like this: _recordsCache = {"text-key1": {loc:[lat,lng], ..other attributes.. }, {"text-key2": {loc:[lat,lng]}...}, ...} // in this way every record can have a free structure of attributes, only 'loc' is required var inputText = this._input.value, that = this, records; if(this._curReq && this._curReq.abort) this._curReq.abort(); //abort previous requests L.DomUtil.addClass(this._container, 'search-load'); if(this.options.layer) { //TODO _recordsFromLayer must return array of objects, formatted from _formatData this._recordsCache = this._recordsFromLayer(); records = this._filterData( this._input.value, this._recordsCache ); this.showTooltip( records ); L.DomUtil.removeClass(this._container, 'search-load'); } else { if(this.options.sourceData) this._retrieveData = this.options.sourceData; else if(this.options.url) //jsonp or ajax this._retrieveData = this.options.jsonpParam ? this._recordsFromJsonp : this._recordsFromAjax; this._curReq = this._retrieveData.call(this, inputText, function(data) { that._recordsCache = that._formatData(data); //TODO refact! if(that.options.sourceData) records = that._filterData( that._input.value, that._recordsCache ); else records = that._recordsCache; that.showTooltip( records ); L.DomUtil.removeClass(that._container, 'search-load'); }); } }, _handleAutoresize: function() { //autoresize this._input //TODO refact _handleAutoresize now is not accurate if (this._input.style.maxWidth != this._map._container.offsetWidth) //If maxWidth isn't the same as when first set, reset to current Map width this._input.style.maxWidth = L.DomUtil.getStyle(this._map._container, 'width'); if(this.options.autoResize && (this._container.offsetWidth + 45 < this._map._container.offsetWidth)) this._input.size = this._input.value.length= (searchTips.length - 1))) {// If at end of list. L.DomUtil.addClass(searchTips[this._tooltip.currentSelection], 'search-tip-select'); } else if ((velocity == -1 ) && (this._tooltip.currentSelection <= 0)) { // Going back up to the search box. this._tooltip.currentSelection = -1; } else if (this._tooltip.style.display != 'none') { this._tooltip.currentSelection += velocity; L.DomUtil.addClass(searchTips[this._tooltip.currentSelection], 'search-tip-select'); this._input.value = searchTips[this._tooltip.currentSelection]._text; // scroll: var tipOffsetTop = searchTips[this._tooltip.currentSelection].offsetTop; if (tipOffsetTop + searchTips[this._tooltip.currentSelection].clientHeight >= this._tooltip.scrollTop + this._tooltip.clientHeight) { this._tooltip.scrollTop = tipOffsetTop - this._tooltip.clientHeight + searchTips[this._tooltip.currentSelection].clientHeight; } else if (tipOffsetTop <= this._tooltip.scrollTop) { this._tooltip.scrollTop = tipOffsetTop; } } }, _handleSubmit: function() { //button and tooltip click and enter submit this._hideAutoType(); this.hideAlert(); this._hideTooltip(); if(this._input.style.display == 'none') //on first click show _input only this.expand(); else { if(this._input.value === '') //hide _input only this.collapse(); else { var loc = this._getLocation(this._input.value); if(loc===false) this.showAlert(); else { this.showLocation(loc, this._input.value); this.fire('search_locationfound', { latlng: loc, text: this._input.value, layer: loc.layer ? loc.layer : null }); } //this.collapse(); //FIXME if collapse in _handleSubmit hide _markerLoc! } } }, _getLocation: function(key) { //extract latlng from _recordsCache if( this._recordsCache.hasOwnProperty(key) ) return this._recordsCache[key];//then after use .loc attribute else return false; }, _defaultMoveToLocation: function(latlng, title, map) { if(this.options.zoom) this._map.setView(latlng, this.options.zoom); else this._map.panTo(latlng); }, showLocation: function(latlng, title) { //set location on map from _recordsCache var self = this; self._map.once('moveend zoomend', function(e) { if(self._markerLoc) { self._markerLoc.setLatLng(latlng); //show circle/marker in location found self._markerLoc.setTitle(title); self._markerLoc.show(); if(self.options.animateLocation) self._markerLoc.animate(); } }); self._moveToLocation(latlng, title, self._map); //FIXME autoCollapse option hide self._markerLoc before that visualized!! if(self.options.autoCollapse) self.collapse(); return self; } }); L.Control.Search.Marker = L.Marker.extend({ includes: L.Mixin.Events, options: { radius: 14, weight: 3, color: '#e03', stroke: true, fill: false, title: '', icon: new L.Icon.Default(), showCircle: true, showMarker: false //show icon optional, show only circleLoc }, initialize: function (latlng, options) { L.setOptions(this, options); L.Marker.prototype.initialize.call(this, latlng, options); if(this.options.showCircle) this._circleLoc = new L.CircleMarker(latlng, this.options); }, onAdd: function (map) { L.Marker.prototype.onAdd.call(this, map); if(this._circleLoc) map.addLayer(this._circleLoc); this.hide(); }, onRemove: function (map) { L.Marker.prototype.onRemove.call(this, map); if(this._circleLoc) map.removeLayer(this._circleLoc); }, setLatLng: function (latlng) { L.Marker.prototype.setLatLng.call(this, latlng); if(this._circleLoc) this._circleLoc.setLatLng(latlng); return this; }, setTitle: function(title) { title = title || ''; this.options.title = title; this.bindPopup( title ); return this; }, show: function() { if(this.options.showMarker) { if(this._icon) this._icon.style.display = 'block'; if(this._shadow) this._shadow.style.display = 'block'; //this._bringToFront(); } if(this._circleLoc) { this._circleLoc.setStyle({fill: this.options.fill, stroke: this.options.stroke}); //this._circleLoc.bringToFront(); } return this; }, hide: function() { if(this._icon) this._icon.style.display = 'none'; if(this._shadow) this._shadow.style.display = 'none'; if(this._circleLoc) this._circleLoc.setStyle({fill: false, stroke: false}); return this; }, animate: function() { //TODO refact animate() more smooth! like this: http://goo.gl/DDlRs if(this._circleLoc) { var circle = this._circleLoc, tInt = 200, //time interval ss = 5, //frames mr = parseInt(circle._radius/ss), oldrad = this.options.radius, newrad = circle._radius * 2, acc = 0; circle._timerAnimLoc = setInterval(function() { acc += 0.5; mr += acc; //adding acceleration newrad -= mr; circle.setRadius(newrad); if(newrad