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2016-10-29 15:07:15 +00:00
/* !
* HybridAuth
* http://hybridauth.sourceforge.net | http://github.com/hybridauth/hybridauth
* (c) 2009-2015, HybridAuth authors | http://hybridauth.sourceforge.net/licenses.html
* Hybrid_Providers_Google provider adapter based on OAuth2 protocol
* http://hybridauth.sourceforge.net/userguide/IDProvider_info_Google.html
class Hybrid_Providers_Google extends Hybrid_Provider_Model_OAuth2 {
* > more infos on google APIs: http://developer.google.com (official site)
* or here: http://discovery-check.appspot.com/ (unofficial but up to date)
* default permissions
* {@inheritdoc}
public $scope = "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/plus.login https://www.googleapis.com/auth/plus.profile.emails.read https://www.google.com/m8/feeds/";
* {@inheritdoc}
function initialize() {
// Provider api end-points
$this->api->authorize_url = "https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/auth";
$this->api->token_url = "https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/token";
$this->api->token_info_url = "https://www.googleapis.com/oauth2/v2/tokeninfo";
// Google POST methods require an access_token in the header
$this->api->curl_header = array("Authorization: OAuth " . $this->api->access_token);
// Override the redirect uri when it's set in the config parameters. This way we prevent
// redirect uri mismatches when authenticating with Google.
if (isset($this->config['redirect_uri']) && !empty($this->config['redirect_uri'])) {
$this->api->redirect_uri = $this->config['redirect_uri'];
* {@inheritdoc}
function loginBegin() {
$parameters = array("scope" => $this->scope, "access_type" => "offline");
$optionals = array("scope", "access_type", "redirect_uri", "approval_prompt", "hd", "state");
foreach ($optionals as $parameter) {
if (isset($this->config[$parameter]) && !empty($this->config[$parameter])) {
$parameters[$parameter] = $this->config[$parameter];
if (isset($this->config["scope"]) && !empty($this->config["scope"])) {
$this->scope = $this->config["scope"];
if (isset($this->config['force']) && $this->config['force'] === true) {
$parameters['approval_prompt'] = 'force';
* {@inheritdoc}
function getUserProfile() {
// refresh tokens if needed
// ask google api for user infos
if (strpos($this->scope, '/auth/plus.profile.emails.read') !== false) {
$verified = $this->api->api("https://www.googleapis.com/plus/v1/people/me");
if (!isset($verified->id) || isset($verified->error))
$verified = new stdClass();
} else {
$verified = $this->api->api("https://www.googleapis.com/plus/v1/people/me/openIdConnect");
if (!isset($verified->sub) || isset($verified->error))
$verified = new stdClass();
$response = $this->api->api("https://www.googleapis.com/plus/v1/people/me");
if (!isset($response->id) || isset($response->error)) {
throw new Exception("User profile request failed! {$this->providerId} returned an invalid response:" . Hybrid_Logger::dumpData( $response ), 6);
$this->user->profile->identifier = (property_exists($verified, 'id')) ? $verified->id : ((property_exists($response, 'id')) ? $response->id : "");
$this->user->profile->firstName = (property_exists($response, 'name')) ? $response->name->givenName : "";
$this->user->profile->lastName = (property_exists($response, 'name')) ? $response->name->familyName : "";
$this->user->profile->displayName = (property_exists($response, 'displayName')) ? $response->displayName : "";
$this->user->profile->photoURL = (property_exists($response, 'image')) ? ((property_exists($response->image, 'url')) ? substr($response->image->url, 0, -2) . "200" : '') : '';
$this->user->profile->profileURL = (property_exists($response, 'url')) ? $response->url : "";
$this->user->profile->description = (property_exists($response, 'aboutMe')) ? $response->aboutMe : "";
$this->user->profile->gender = (property_exists($response, 'gender')) ? $response->gender : "";
$this->user->profile->language = (property_exists($response, 'locale')) ? $response->locale : ((property_exists($verified, 'locale')) ? $verified->locale : "");
$this->user->profile->email = (property_exists($response, 'email')) ? $response->email : ((property_exists($verified, 'email')) ? $verified->email : "");
$this->user->profile->emailVerified = (property_exists($verified, 'email')) ? $verified->email : "";
if (property_exists($response, 'emails')) {
if (count($response->emails) == 1) {
$this->user->profile->email = $response->emails[0]->value;
} else {
foreach ($response->emails as $email) {
if ($email->type == 'account') {
$this->user->profile->email = $email->value;
if (property_exists($verified, 'emails')) {
if (count($verified->emails) == 1) {
$this->user->profile->emailVerified = $verified->emails[0]->value;
} else {
foreach ($verified->emails as $email) {
if ($email->type == 'account') {
$this->user->profile->emailVerified = $email->value;
$this->user->profile->phone = (property_exists($response, 'phone')) ? $response->phone : "";
$this->user->profile->country = (property_exists($response, 'country')) ? $response->country : "";
$this->user->profile->region = (property_exists($response, 'region')) ? $response->region : "";
$this->user->profile->zip = (property_exists($response, 'zip')) ? $response->zip : "";
if (property_exists($response, 'placesLived')) {
$this->user->profile->city = "";
$this->user->profile->address = "";
foreach ($response->placesLived as $c) {
if (property_exists($c, 'primary')) {
if ($c->primary == true) {
$this->user->profile->address = $c->value;
$this->user->profile->city = $c->value;
} else {
if (property_exists($c, 'value')) {
$this->user->profile->address = $c->value;
$this->user->profile->city = $c->value;
// google API returns multiple urls, but a "website" only if it is verified
// see http://support.google.com/plus/answer/1713826?hl=en
if (property_exists($response, 'urls')) {
foreach ($response->urls as $u) {
if (property_exists($u, 'primary') && $u->primary == true)
$this->user->profile->webSiteURL = $u->value;
} else {
$this->user->profile->webSiteURL = '';
// google API returns age ranges or min. age only (with plus.login scope)
if (property_exists($response, 'ageRange')) {
if (property_exists($response->ageRange, 'min') && property_exists($response->ageRange, 'max')) {
$this->user->profile->age = $response->ageRange->min . ' - ' . $response->ageRange->max;
} else {
$this->user->profile->age = '> ' . $response->ageRange->min;
} else {
$this->user->profile->age = '';
// google API returns birthdays only if a user set 'show in my account'
if (property_exists($response, 'birthday')) {
list($birthday_year, $birthday_month, $birthday_day) = explode('-', $response->birthday);
$this->user->profile->birthDay = (int) $birthday_day;
$this->user->profile->birthMonth = (int) $birthday_month;
$this->user->profile->birthYear = (int) $birthday_year;
} else {
$this->user->profile->birthDay = 0;
$this->user->profile->birthMonth = 0;
$this->user->profile->birthYear = 0;
return $this->user->profile;
* {@inheritdoc}
function getUserContacts() {
// refresh tokens if needed
$contacts = array();
if (!isset($this->config['contacts_param'])) {
$this->config['contacts_param'] = array("max-results" => 500);
// Google Gmail and Android contacts
if (strpos($this->scope, '/m8/feeds/') !== false) {
$response = $this->api->api("https://www.google.com/m8/feeds/contacts/default/full?"
. http_build_query(array_merge(array('alt' => 'json', 'v' => '3.0'), $this->config['contacts_param'])));
if (!$response) {
return array();
if (isset($response->feed->entry)) {
foreach ($response->feed->entry as $idx => $entry) {
$uc = new Hybrid_User_Contact();
$uc->email = isset($entry->{'gd$email'}[0]->address) ? (string) $entry->{'gd$email'}[0]->address : '';
$uc->displayName = isset($entry->title->{'$t'}) ? (string) $entry->title->{'$t'} : '';
$uc->identifier = ($uc->email != '') ? $uc->email : '';
$uc->description = '';
if (property_exists($entry, 'link')) {
* sign links with access_token
if (is_array($entry->link)) {
foreach ($entry->link as $l) {
if (property_exists($l, 'gd$etag') && $l->type == "image/*") {
$uc->photoURL = $this->addUrlParam($l->href, array('access_token' => $this->api->access_token));
} else if ($l->type == "self") {
$uc->profileURL = $this->addUrlParam($l->href, array('access_token' => $this->api->access_token));
} else {
$uc->profileURL = '';
if (property_exists($response, 'website')) {
if (is_array($response->website)) {
foreach ($response->website as $w) {
if ($w->primary == true)
$uc->webSiteURL = $w->value;
} else {
$uc->webSiteURL = $response->website->value;
} else {
$uc->webSiteURL = '';
$contacts[] = $uc;
// Google social contacts
if (strpos($this->scope, '/auth/plus.login') !== false) {
$response = $this->api->api("https://www.googleapis.com/plus/v1/people/me/people/visible?"
. http_build_query($this->config['contacts_param']));
if (!$response) {
return array();
foreach ($response->items as $idx => $item) {
$uc = new Hybrid_User_Contact();
$uc->email = (property_exists($item, 'email')) ? $item->email : '';
$uc->displayName = (property_exists($item, 'displayName')) ? $item->displayName : '';
$uc->identifier = (property_exists($item, 'id')) ? $item->id : '';
$uc->description = (property_exists($item, 'objectType')) ? $item->objectType : '';
$uc->photoURL = (property_exists($item, 'image')) ? ((property_exists($item->image, 'url')) ? $item->image->url : '') : '';
$uc->profileURL = (property_exists($item, 'url')) ? $item->url : '';
$uc->webSiteURL = '';
$contacts[] = $uc;
return $contacts;
* Add query parameters to the $url
* @param string $url URL
* @param array $params Parameters to add
* @return string
function addUrlParam($url, array $params) {
$query = parse_url($url, PHP_URL_QUERY);
// Returns the URL string with new parameters
if ($query) {
$url .= '&' . http_build_query($params);
} else {
$url .= '?' . http_build_query($params);
return $url;