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2020-05-23 20:45:54 +00:00
/* *
* (c) 2016 Highsoft AS
* Authors: Jon Arild Nygard
* License: www.highcharts.com/license
* */
'use strict';
import Axis from '../parts/Axis.js';
import Tick from '../parts/Tick.js';
import Tree from './Tree.js';
import TreeGridTick from './TreeGridTick.js';
import TreeSeriesMixin from '../mixins/tree-series.js';
import U from '../parts/Utilities.js';
var addEvent = U.addEvent, find = U.find, fireEvent = U.fireEvent, isNumber = U.isNumber, isObject = U.isObject, isString = U.isString, merge = U.merge, pick = U.pick, wrap = U.wrap;
import './GridAxis.js';
import '../modules/broken-axis.src.js';
* @private
var TreeGridAxis;
(function (TreeGridAxis) {
/* *
* Interfaces
* */
/* *
* Variables
* */
var applied = false;
/* *
* Functions
* */
* @private
function compose(AxisClass) {
if (!applied) {
wrap(AxisClass.prototype, 'generateTick', wrapGenerateTick);
wrap(AxisClass.prototype, 'getMaxLabelDimensions', wrapGetMaxLabelDimensions);
wrap(AxisClass.prototype, 'init', wrapInit);
wrap(AxisClass.prototype, 'setTickInterval', wrapSetTickInterval);
applied = true;
TreeGridAxis.compose = compose;
* @private
function getBreakFromNode(node, max) {
var from = node.collapseStart || 0, to = node.collapseEnd || 0;
// In broken-axis, the axis.max is minimized until it is not within a
// break. Therefore, if break.to is larger than axis.max, the axis.to
// should not add the 0.5 axis.tickMarkOffset, to avoid adding a break
// larger than axis.max.
// TODO consider simplifying broken-axis and this might solve itself
if (to >= max) {
from -= 0.5;
return {
from: from,
to: to,
showPoints: false
* Creates a tree structure of the data, and the treegrid. Calculates
* categories, and y-values of points based on the tree.
* @private
* @function getTreeGridFromData
* @param {Array<Highcharts.GanttPointOptions>} data
* All the data points to display in the axis.
* @param {boolean} uniqueNames
* Wether or not the data node with the same name should share grid cell. If
* true they do share cell. False by default.
* @param {number} numberOfSeries
* @return {object}
* Returns an object containing categories, mapOfIdToNode,
* mapOfPosToGridNode, and tree.
* @todo There should be only one point per line.
* @todo It should be optional to have one category per point, or merge
* cells
* @todo Add unit-tests.
function getTreeGridFromData(data, uniqueNames, numberOfSeries) {
var categories = [], collapsedNodes = [], mapOfIdToNode = {}, mapOfPosToGridNode = {}, posIterator = -1, uniqueNamesEnabled = typeof uniqueNames === 'boolean' ? uniqueNames : false, tree;
// Build the tree from the series data.
var treeParams = {
// After the children has been created.
after: function (node) {
var gridNode = mapOfPosToGridNode[node.pos], height = 0, descendants = 0;
gridNode.children.forEach(function (child) {
descendants += (child.descendants || 0) + 1;
height = Math.max((child.height || 0) + 1, height);
gridNode.descendants = descendants;
gridNode.height = height;
if (gridNode.collapsed) {
// Before the children has been created.
before: function (node) {
var data = isObject(node.data, true) ? node.data : {}, name = isString(data.name) ? data.name : '', parentNode = mapOfIdToNode[node.parent], parentGridNode = (isObject(parentNode, true) ?
mapOfPosToGridNode[parentNode.pos] :
null), hasSameName = function (x) {
return x.name === name;
}, gridNode, pos;
// If not unique names, look for sibling node with the same name
if (uniqueNamesEnabled &&
isObject(parentGridNode, true) &&
!!(gridNode = find(parentGridNode.children, hasSameName))) {
// If there is a gridNode with the same name, reuse position
pos = gridNode.pos;
// Add data node to list of nodes in the grid node.
else {
// If it is a new grid node, increment position.
pos = posIterator++;
// Add new grid node to map.
if (!mapOfPosToGridNode[pos]) {
mapOfPosToGridNode[pos] = gridNode = {
depth: parentGridNode ? parentGridNode.depth + 1 : 0,
name: name,
nodes: [node],
children: [],
pos: pos
// If not root, then add name to categories.
if (pos !== -1) {
// Add name to list of children.
if (isObject(parentGridNode, true)) {
// Add data node to map
if (isString(node.id)) {
mapOfIdToNode[node.id] = node;
// If one of the points are collapsed, then start the grid node
// in collapsed state.
if (gridNode &&
data.collapsed === true) {
gridNode.collapsed = true;
// Assign pos to data node
node.pos = pos;
var updateYValuesAndTickPos = function (map, numberOfSeries) {
var setValues = function (gridNode, start, result) {
var nodes = gridNode.nodes, end = start + (start === -1 ? 0 : numberOfSeries - 1), diff = (end - start) / 2, padding = 0.5, pos = start + diff;
nodes.forEach(function (node) {
var data = node.data;
if (isObject(data, true)) {
// Update point
data.y = start + (data.seriesIndex || 0);
// Remove the property once used
delete data.seriesIndex;
node.pos = pos;
result[pos] = gridNode;
gridNode.pos = pos;
gridNode.tickmarkOffset = diff + padding;
gridNode.collapseStart = end + padding;
gridNode.children.forEach(function (child) {
setValues(child, end + 1, result);
end = (child.collapseEnd || 0) - padding;
// Set collapseEnd to the end of the last child node.
gridNode.collapseEnd = end + padding;
return result;
return setValues(map['-1'], -1, {});
// Create tree from data
tree = Tree.getTree(data, treeParams);
// Update y values of data, and set calculate tick positions.
mapOfPosToGridNode = updateYValuesAndTickPos(mapOfPosToGridNode, numberOfSeries);
// Return the resulting data.
return {
categories: categories,
mapOfIdToNode: mapOfIdToNode,
mapOfPosToGridNode: mapOfPosToGridNode,
collapsedNodes: collapsedNodes,
tree: tree
* Builds the tree of categories and calculates its positions.
* @private
* @param {object} e Event object
* @param {object} e.target The chart instance which the event was fired on.
* @param {object[]} e.target.axes The axes of the chart.
function onBeforeRender(e) {
var chart = e.target, axes = chart.axes;
axes.filter(function (axis) {
return axis.options.type === 'treegrid';
}).forEach(function (axis) {
var options = axis.options || {}, labelOptions = options.labels, uniqueNames = options.uniqueNames, numberOfSeries = 0, isDirty, data, treeGrid;
// Check whether any of series is rendering for the first time,
// visibility has changed, or its data is dirty,
// and only then update. #10570, #10580
// Also check if mapOfPosToGridNode exists. #10887
isDirty = (!axis.treeGrid.mapOfPosToGridNode ||
axis.series.some(function (series) {
return !series.hasRendered ||
series.isDirtyData ||
if (isDirty) {
// Concatenate data from all series assigned to this axis.
data = axis.series.reduce(function (arr, s) {
if (s.visible) {
// Push all data to array
(s.options.data || []).forEach(function (data) {
if (isObject(data, true)) {
// Set series index on data. Removed again
// after use.
data.seriesIndex = numberOfSeries;
// Increment series index
if (uniqueNames === true) {
return arr;
}, []);
// setScale is fired after all the series is initialized,
// which is an ideal time to update the axis.categories.
treeGrid = getTreeGridFromData(data, uniqueNames || false, (uniqueNames === true) ? numberOfSeries : 1);
// Assign values to the axis.
axis.categories = treeGrid.categories;
axis.treeGrid.mapOfPosToGridNode = treeGrid.mapOfPosToGridNode;
axis.hasNames = true;
axis.treeGrid.tree = treeGrid.tree;
// Update yData now that we have calculated the y values
axis.series.forEach(function (series) {
var data = (series.options.data || []).map(function (d) {
return isObject(d, true) ? merge(d) : d;
// Avoid destroying points when series is not visible
if (series.visible) {
series.setData(data, false);
// Calculate the label options for each level in the tree.
axis.treeGrid.mapOptionsToLevel =
defaults: labelOptions,
from: 1,
levels: labelOptions && labelOptions.levels,
to: axis.treeGrid.tree && axis.treeGrid.tree.height
// Setting initial collapsed nodes
if (e.type === 'beforeRender') {
axis.treeGrid.collapsedNodes = treeGrid.collapsedNodes;
* Generates a tick for initial positioning.
* @private
* @function Highcharts.GridAxis#generateTick
* @param {Function} proceed
* The original generateTick function.
* @param {number} pos
* The tick position in axis values.
function wrapGenerateTick(proceed, pos) {
var axis = this, mapOptionsToLevel = axis.treeGrid.mapOptionsToLevel || {}, isTreeGrid = axis.options.type === 'treegrid', ticks = axis.ticks;
var tick = ticks[pos], levelOptions, options, gridNode;
if (isTreeGrid &&
axis.treeGrid.mapOfPosToGridNode) {
gridNode = axis.treeGrid.mapOfPosToGridNode[pos];
levelOptions = mapOptionsToLevel[gridNode.depth];
if (levelOptions) {
options = {
labels: levelOptions
if (!tick) {
ticks[pos] = tick =
new Tick(axis, pos, void 0, void 0, {
category: gridNode.name,
tickmarkOffset: gridNode.tickmarkOffset,
options: options
else {
// update labels depending on tick interval
tick.parameters.category = gridNode.name;
tick.options = options;
else {
proceed.apply(axis, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1));
* Override to add indentation to axis.maxLabelDimensions.
* @private
* @function Highcharts.GridAxis#getMaxLabelDimensions
* @param {Function} proceed
* The original function
function wrapGetMaxLabelDimensions(proceed) {
var axis = this, options = axis.options, labelOptions = options && options.labels, indentation = (labelOptions && isNumber(labelOptions.indentation) ?
labelOptions.indentation :
0), retVal = proceed.apply(axis, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1)), isTreeGrid = axis.options.type === 'treegrid';
var treeDepth;
if (isTreeGrid && axis.treeGrid.mapOfPosToGridNode) {
treeDepth = axis.treeGrid.mapOfPosToGridNode[-1].height || 0;
retVal.width += indentation * (treeDepth - 1);
return retVal;
* @private
function wrapInit(proceed, chart, userOptions) {
var axis = this, isTreeGrid = userOptions.type === 'treegrid';
if (!axis.treeGrid) {
axis.treeGrid = new Additions(axis);
// Set default and forced options for TreeGrid
if (isTreeGrid) {
// Add event for updating the categories of a treegrid.
// NOTE Preferably these events should be set on the axis.
addEvent(chart, 'beforeRender', onBeforeRender);
addEvent(chart, 'beforeRedraw', onBeforeRender);
// Add new collapsed nodes on addseries
addEvent(chart, 'addSeries', function (e) {
if (e.options.data) {
var treeGrid = getTreeGridFromData(e.options.data, userOptions.uniqueNames || false, 1);
axis.treeGrid.collapsedNodes = (axis.treeGrid.collapsedNodes || []).concat(treeGrid.collapsedNodes);
// Collapse all nodes in axis.treegrid.collapsednodes
// where collapsed equals true.
addEvent(axis, 'foundExtremes', function () {
if (axis.treeGrid.collapsedNodes) {
axis.treeGrid.collapsedNodes.forEach(function (node) {
var breaks = axis.treeGrid.collapse(node);
if (axis.brokenAxis) {
axis.brokenAxis.setBreaks(breaks, false);
// remove the node from the axis collapsedNodes
if (axis.treeGrid.collapsedNodes) {
axis.treeGrid.collapsedNodes = axis.treeGrid.collapsedNodes.filter(function (n) {
return node.collapseStart !== n.collapseStart ||
node.collapseEnd !== n.collapseEnd;
userOptions = merge({
// Default options
grid: {
enabled: true
// TODO: add support for align in treegrid.
labels: {
align: 'left',
* Set options on specific levels in a tree grid axis. Takes
* precedence over labels options.
* @sample {gantt} gantt/treegrid-axis/labels-levels
* Levels on TreeGrid Labels
* @type {Array<*>}
* @product gantt
* @apioption yAxis.labels.levels
* @private
levels: [{
* Specify the level which the options within this object
* applies to.
* @type {number}
* @product gantt
* @apioption yAxis.labels.levels.level
* @private
level: void 0
}, {
level: 1,
* @type {Highcharts.CSSObject}
* @product gantt
* @apioption yAxis.labels.levels.style
* @private
style: {
/** @ignore-option */
fontWeight: 'bold'
* The symbol for the collapse and expand icon in a
* treegrid.
* @product gantt
* @optionparent yAxis.labels.symbol
* @private
symbol: {
* The symbol type. Points to a definition function in
* the `Highcharts.Renderer.symbols` collection.
* @type {Highcharts.SymbolKeyValue}
* @private
type: 'triangle',
x: -5,
y: -5,
height: 10,
width: 10,
padding: 5
uniqueNames: false
}, userOptions, {
// Forced options
reversed: true,
// grid.columns is not supported in treegrid
grid: {
columns: void 0
// Now apply the original function with the original arguments,
// which are sliced off this function's arguments
proceed.apply(axis, [chart, userOptions]);
if (isTreeGrid) {
axis.hasNames = true;
axis.options.showLastLabel = true;
* Set the tick positions, tickInterval, axis min and max.
* @private
* @function Highcharts.GridAxis#setTickInterval
* @param {Function} proceed
* The original setTickInterval function.
function wrapSetTickInterval(proceed) {
var axis = this, options = axis.options, isTreeGrid = options.type === 'treegrid';
if (isTreeGrid) {
axis.min = pick(axis.userMin, options.min, axis.dataMin);
axis.max = pick(axis.userMax, options.max, axis.dataMax);
fireEvent(axis, 'foundExtremes');
// setAxisTranslation modifies the min and max according to
// axis breaks.
axis.tickmarkOffset = 0.5;
axis.tickInterval = 1;
axis.tickPositions = axis.treeGrid.mapOfPosToGridNode ?
axis.treeGrid.getTickPositions() :
else {
proceed.apply(axis, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1));
/* *
* Classes
* */
* @private
* @class
var Additions = /** @class */ (function () {
/* *
* Constructors
* */
* @private
function Additions(axis) {
this.axis = axis;
/* *
* Functions
* */
* Calculates the new axis breaks to collapse a node.
* @private
* @param {Highcharts.Axis} axis
* The axis to check against.
* @param {Highcharts.GridNode} node
* The node to collapse.
* @param {number} pos
* The tick position to collapse.
* @return {Array<object>}
* Returns an array of the new breaks for the axis.
Additions.prototype.collapse = function (node) {
var axis = this.axis, breaks = (axis.options.breaks || []), obj = getBreakFromNode(node, axis.max);
return breaks;
* Calculates the new axis breaks to expand a node.
* @private
* @param {Highcharts.Axis} axis
* The axis to check against.
* @param {Highcharts.GridNode} node
* The node to expand.
* @param {number} pos
* The tick position to expand.
* @return {Array<object>}
* Returns an array of the new breaks for the axis.
Additions.prototype.expand = function (node) {
var axis = this.axis, breaks = (axis.options.breaks || []), obj = getBreakFromNode(node, axis.max);
// Remove the break from the axis breaks array.
return breaks.reduce(function (arr, b) {
if (b.to !== obj.to || b.from !== obj.from) {
return arr;
}, []);
* Creates a list of positions for the ticks on the axis. Filters out
* positions that are outside min and max, or is inside an axis break.
* @private
* @return {Array<number>}
* List of positions.
Additions.prototype.getTickPositions = function () {
var axis = this.axis;
return Object.keys(axis.treeGrid.mapOfPosToGridNode || {}).reduce(function (arr, key) {
var pos = +key;
if (axis.min <= pos &&
axis.max >= pos &&
!(axis.brokenAxis && axis.brokenAxis.isInAnyBreak(pos))) {
return arr;
}, []);
* Check if a node is collapsed.
* @private
* @param {Highcharts.Axis} axis
* The axis to check against.
* @param {object} node
* The node to check if is collapsed.
* @param {number} pos
* The tick position to collapse.
* @return {boolean}
* Returns true if collapsed, false if expanded.
Additions.prototype.isCollapsed = function (node) {
var axis = this.axis, breaks = (axis.options.breaks || []), obj = getBreakFromNode(node, axis.max);
return breaks.some(function (b) {
return b.from === obj.from && b.to === obj.to;
* Calculates the new axis breaks after toggling the collapse/expand
* state of a node. If it is collapsed it will be expanded, and if it is
* exapended it will be collapsed.
* @private
* @param {Highcharts.Axis} axis
* The axis to check against.
* @param {Highcharts.GridNode} node
* The node to toggle.
* @return {Array<object>}
* Returns an array of the new breaks for the axis.
Additions.prototype.toggleCollapse = function (node) {
return (this.isCollapsed(node) ?
this.expand(node) :
return Additions;
TreeGridAxis.Additions = Additions;
})(TreeGridAxis || (TreeGridAxis = {}));
// Make utility functions available for testing.
Axis.prototype.utils = {
getNode: Tree.getNode
export default TreeGridAxis;