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2020-05-23 20:45:54 +00:00
/* *
* (c) 2009-2020 Øystein Moseng
* TimelineEvent class definition.
* License: www.highcharts.com/license
* */
'use strict';
import H from '../../parts/Globals.js';
import U from '../../parts/Utilities.js';
var merge = U.merge, splat = U.splat, uniqueKey = U.uniqueKey;
* A set of options for the TimelineEvent class.
* @requires module:modules/sonification
* @private
* @interface Highcharts.TimelineEventOptionsObject
*/ /**
* The object we want to sonify when playing the TimelineEvent. Can be any
* object that implements the `sonify` and `cancelSonify` functions. If this is
* not supplied, the TimelineEvent is considered a silent event, and the onEnd
* event is immediately called.
* @name Highcharts.TimelineEventOptionsObject#eventObject
* @type {*}
*/ /**
* Options to pass on to the eventObject when playing it.
* @name Highcharts.TimelineEventOptionsObject#playOptions
* @type {object|undefined}
*/ /**
* The time at which we want this event to play (in milliseconds offset). This
* is not used for the TimelineEvent.play function, but rather intended as a
* property to decide when to call TimelineEvent.play. Defaults to 0.
* @name Highcharts.TimelineEventOptionsObject#time
* @type {number|undefined}
*/ /**
* Unique ID for the event. Generated automatically if not supplied.
* @name Highcharts.TimelineEventOptionsObject#id
* @type {string|undefined}
*/ /**
* Callback called when the play has finished.
* @name Highcharts.TimelineEventOptionsObject#onEnd
* @type {Function|undefined}
import utilities from './utilities.js';
/* eslint-disable no-invalid-this, valid-jsdoc */
* The TimelineEvent class. Represents a sound event on a timeline.
* @requires module:modules/sonification
* @private
* @class
* @name Highcharts.TimelineEvent
* @param {Highcharts.TimelineEventOptionsObject} options
* Options for the TimelineEvent.
function TimelineEvent(options) {
this.init(options || {});
TimelineEvent.prototype.init = function (options) {
this.options = options;
this.time = options.time || 0;
this.id = this.options.id = options.id || uniqueKey();
* Play the event. Does not take the TimelineEvent.time option into account,
* and plays the event immediately.
* @function Highcharts.TimelineEvent#play
* @param {Highcharts.TimelineEventOptionsObject} [options]
* Options to pass in to the eventObject when playing it.
* @return {void}
TimelineEvent.prototype.play = function (options) {
var eventObject = this.options.eventObject, masterOnEnd = this.options.onEnd, playOnEnd = options && options.onEnd, playOptionsOnEnd = this.options.playOptions &&
this.options.playOptions.onEnd, playOptions = merge(this.options.playOptions, options);
if (eventObject && eventObject.sonify) {
// If we have multiple onEnds defined, use all
playOptions.onEnd = masterOnEnd || playOnEnd || playOptionsOnEnd ?
function () {
var args = arguments;
[masterOnEnd, playOnEnd, playOptionsOnEnd].forEach(function (onEnd) {
if (onEnd) {
onEnd.apply(this, args);
} : void 0;
else {
if (playOnEnd) {
if (masterOnEnd) {
* Cancel the sonification of this event. Does nothing if the event is not
* currently sonifying.
* @function Highcharts.TimelineEvent#cancel
* @param {boolean} [fadeOut=false]
* Whether or not to fade out as we stop. If false, the event is
* cancelled synchronously.
TimelineEvent.prototype.cancel = function (fadeOut) {
* A set of options for the TimelinePath class.
* @requires module:modules/
* @private
* @interface Highcharts.TimelinePathOptionsObject
*/ /**
* List of TimelineEvents to play on this track.
* @name Highcharts.TimelinePathOptionsObject#events
* @type {Array<Highcharts.TimelineEvent>}
*/ /**
* If this option is supplied, this path ignores all events and just waits for
* the specified number of milliseconds before calling onEnd.
* @name Highcharts.TimelinePathOptionsObject#silentWait
* @type {number|undefined}
*/ /**
* Unique ID for this timeline path. Automatically generated if not supplied.
* @name Highcharts.TimelinePathOptionsObject#id
* @type {string|undefined}
*/ /**
* Callback called before the path starts playing.
* @name Highcharts.TimelinePathOptionsObject#onStart
* @type {Function|undefined}
*/ /**
* Callback function to call before an event plays.
* @name Highcharts.TimelinePathOptionsObject#onEventStart
* @type {Function|undefined}
*/ /**
* Callback function to call after an event has stopped playing.
* @name Highcharts.TimelinePathOptionsObject#onEventEnd
* @type {Function|undefined}
*/ /**
* Callback called when the whole path is finished.
* @name Highcharts.TimelinePathOptionsObject#onEnd
* @type {Function|undefined}
* The TimelinePath class. Represents a track on a timeline with a list of
* sound events to play at certain times relative to each other.
* @requires module:modules/sonification
* @private
* @class
* @name Highcharts.TimelinePath
* @param {Highcharts.TimelinePathOptionsObject} options
* Options for the TimelinePath.
function TimelinePath(options) {
TimelinePath.prototype.init = function (options) {
this.options = options;
this.id = this.options.id = options.id || uniqueKey();
this.cursor = 0;
this.eventsPlaying = {};
// Handle silent wait, otherwise use events from options
this.events = options.silentWait ?
new TimelineEvent({ time: 0 }),
new TimelineEvent({ time: options.silentWait })
] :
// We need to sort our events by time
// Get map from event ID to index
// Signal events to fire
this.signalHandler = new utilities.SignalHandler(['playOnEnd', 'masterOnEnd', 'onStart', 'onEventStart', 'onEventEnd']);
this.signalHandler.registerSignalCallbacks(merge(options, { masterOnEnd: options.onEnd }));
* Sort the internal event list by time.
* @private
TimelinePath.prototype.sortEvents = function () {
this.events = this.events.sort(function (a, b) {
return a.time - b.time;
* Update the internal eventId to index map.
* @private
TimelinePath.prototype.updateEventIdMap = function () {
this.eventIdMap = this.events.reduce(function (acc, cur, i) {
acc[cur.id] = i;
return acc;
}, {});
* Add events to the path. Should not be done while the path is playing.
* The new events are inserted according to their time property.
* @private
* @param {Array<Highcharts.TimelineEvent>} newEvents - The new timeline events
* to add.
TimelinePath.prototype.addTimelineEvents = function (newEvents) {
this.events = this.events.concat(newEvents);
this.sortEvents(); // Sort events by time
this.updateEventIdMap(); // Update the event ID to index map
* Get the current TimelineEvent under the cursor.
* @private
* @return {Highcharts.TimelineEvent} The current timeline event.
TimelinePath.prototype.getCursor = function () {
return this.events[this.cursor];
* Set the current TimelineEvent under the cursor.
* @private
* @param {string} eventId
* The ID of the timeline event to set as current.
* @return {boolean}
* True if there is an event with this ID in the path. False otherwise.
TimelinePath.prototype.setCursor = function (eventId) {
var ix = this.eventIdMap[eventId];
if (typeof ix !== 'undefined') {
this.cursor = ix;
return true;
return false;
* Play the timeline from the current cursor.
* @private
* @param {Function} onEnd
* Callback to call when play finished. Does not override other onEnd callbacks.
* @return {void}
TimelinePath.prototype.play = function (onEnd) {
this.signalHandler.registerSignalCallbacks({ playOnEnd: onEnd });
* Play the timeline backwards from the current cursor.
* @private
* @param {Function} onEnd
* Callback to call when play finished. Does not override other onEnd callbacks.
* @return {void}
TimelinePath.prototype.rewind = function (onEnd) {
this.signalHandler.registerSignalCallbacks({ playOnEnd: onEnd });
* Reset the cursor to the beginning.
* @private
TimelinePath.prototype.resetCursor = function () {
this.cursor = 0;
* Reset the cursor to the end.
* @private
TimelinePath.prototype.resetCursorEnd = function () {
this.cursor = this.events.length - 1;
* Cancel current playing. Leaves the cursor intact.
* @private
* @param {boolean} [fadeOut=false] - Whether or not to fade out as we stop. If
* false, the path is cancelled synchronously.
TimelinePath.prototype.pause = function (fadeOut) {
var timelinePath = this;
// Cancel next scheduled play
// Cancel currently playing events
Object.keys(timelinePath.eventsPlaying).forEach(function (id) {
if (timelinePath.eventsPlaying[id]) {
timelinePath.eventsPlaying = {};
* Play the events, starting from current cursor, and going in specified
* direction.
* @private
* @param {number} direction
* The direction to play, 1 for forwards and -1 for backwards.
* @return {void}
TimelinePath.prototype.playEvents = function (direction) {
var timelinePath = this, curEvent = timelinePath.events[this.cursor], nextEvent = timelinePath.events[this.cursor + direction], timeDiff, onEnd = function (signalData) {
timelinePath.signalHandler.emitSignal('masterOnEnd', signalData);
timelinePath.signalHandler.emitSignal('playOnEnd', signalData);
// Store reference to path on event
curEvent.timelinePath = timelinePath;
// Emit event, cancel if returns false
if (timelinePath.signalHandler.emitSignal('onEventStart', curEvent) === false) {
event: curEvent,
cancelled: true
// Play the current event
timelinePath.eventsPlaying[curEvent.id] = curEvent;
onEnd: function (cancelled) {
var signalData = {
event: curEvent,
cancelled: !!cancelled
// Keep track of currently playing events for cancelling
delete timelinePath.eventsPlaying[curEvent.id];
// Handle onEventEnd
timelinePath.signalHandler.emitSignal('onEventEnd', signalData);
// Reached end of path?
if (!nextEvent) {
// Schedule next
if (nextEvent) {
timeDiff = Math.abs(nextEvent.time - curEvent.time);
if (timeDiff < 1) {
// Play immediately
timelinePath.cursor += direction;
else {
// Schedule after the difference in ms
this.nextScheduledPlay = setTimeout(function () {
timelinePath.cursor += direction;
}, timeDiff);
/* ************************************************************************** *
* ************************************************************************** */
* A set of options for the Timeline class.
* @requires module:modules/sonification
* @private
* @interface Highcharts.TimelineOptionsObject
*/ /**
* List of TimelinePaths to play. Multiple paths can be grouped together and
* played simultaneously by supplying an array of paths in place of a single
* path.
* @name Highcharts.TimelineOptionsObject#paths
* @type {Array<(Highcharts.TimelinePath|Array<Highcharts.TimelinePath>)>}
*/ /**
* Callback function to call before a path plays.
* @name Highcharts.TimelineOptionsObject#onPathStart
* @type {Function|undefined}
*/ /**
* Callback function to call after a path has stopped playing.
* @name Highcharts.TimelineOptionsObject#onPathEnd
* @type {Function|undefined}
*/ /**
* Callback called when the whole path is finished.
* @name Highcharts.TimelineOptionsObject#onEnd
* @type {Function|undefined}
* The Timeline class. Represents a sonification timeline with a list of
* timeline paths with events to play at certain times relative to each other.
* @requires module:modules/sonification
* @private
* @class
* @name Highcharts.Timeline
* @param {Highcharts.TimelineOptionsObject} options
* Options for the Timeline.
function Timeline(options) {
this.init(options || {});
Timeline.prototype.init = function (options) {
this.options = options;
this.cursor = 0;
this.paths = options.paths;
this.pathsPlaying = {};
this.signalHandler = new utilities.SignalHandler(['playOnEnd', 'masterOnEnd', 'onPathStart', 'onPathEnd']);
this.signalHandler.registerSignalCallbacks(merge(options, { masterOnEnd: options.onEnd }));
* Play the timeline forwards from cursor.
* @private
* @param {Function} [onEnd]
* Callback to call when play finished. Does not override other onEnd callbacks.
* @return {void}
Timeline.prototype.play = function (onEnd) {
this.signalHandler.registerSignalCallbacks({ playOnEnd: onEnd });
* Play the timeline backwards from cursor.
* @private
* @param {Function} onEnd
* Callback to call when play finished. Does not override other onEnd callbacks.
* @return {void}
Timeline.prototype.rewind = function (onEnd) {
this.signalHandler.registerSignalCallbacks({ playOnEnd: onEnd });
* Play the timeline in the specified direction.
* @private
* @param {number} direction
* Direction to play in. 1 for forwards, -1 for backwards.
* @return {void}
Timeline.prototype.playPaths = function (direction) {
var curPaths = splat(this.paths[this.cursor]), nextPaths = this.paths[this.cursor + direction], timeline = this, signalHandler = this.signalHandler, pathsEnded = 0,
// Play a path
playPath = function (path) {
// Emit signal and set playing state
signalHandler.emitSignal('onPathStart', path);
timeline.pathsPlaying[path.id] = path;
// Do the play
path[direction > 0 ? 'play' : 'rewind'](function (callbackData) {
// Play ended callback
// Data to pass to signal callbacks
var cancelled = callbackData && callbackData.cancelled, signalData = {
path: path,
cancelled: cancelled
// Clear state and send signal
delete timeline.pathsPlaying[path.id];
signalHandler.emitSignal('onPathEnd', signalData);
// Handle next paths
if (pathsEnded >= curPaths.length) {
// We finished all of the current paths for cursor.
if (nextPaths && !cancelled) {
// We have more paths, move cursor along
timeline.cursor += direction;
// Reset upcoming path cursors before playing
splat(nextPaths).forEach(function (nextPath) {
nextPath[direction > 0 ? 'resetCursor' : 'resetCursorEnd']();
// Play next
else {
// If it is the last path in this direction, call onEnd
signalHandler.emitSignal('playOnEnd', signalData);
signalHandler.emitSignal('masterOnEnd', signalData);
// Go through the paths under cursor and play them
curPaths.forEach(function (path) {
if (path) {
// Store reference to timeline
path.timeline = timeline;
// Leave a timeout to let notes fade out before next play
setTimeout(function () {
}, H.sonification.fadeOutDuration);
* Stop the playing of the timeline. Cancels all current sounds, but does not
* affect the cursor.
* @private
* @param {boolean} [fadeOut=false]
* Whether or not to fade out as we stop. If false, the timeline is cancelled
* synchronously.
* @return {void}
Timeline.prototype.pause = function (fadeOut) {
var timeline = this;
// Cancel currently playing events
Object.keys(timeline.pathsPlaying).forEach(function (id) {
if (timeline.pathsPlaying[id]) {
timeline.pathsPlaying = {};
* Reset the cursor to the beginning of the timeline.
* @private
* @return {void}
Timeline.prototype.resetCursor = function () {
this.paths.forEach(function (paths) {
splat(paths).forEach(function (path) {
this.cursor = 0;
* Reset the cursor to the end of the timeline.
* @private
* @return {void}
Timeline.prototype.resetCursorEnd = function () {
this.paths.forEach(function (paths) {
splat(paths).forEach(function (path) {
this.cursor = this.paths.length - 1;
* Set the current TimelineEvent under the cursor. If multiple paths are being
* played at the same time, this function only affects a single path (the one
* that contains the eventId that is passed in).
* @private
* @param {string} eventId
* The ID of the timeline event to set as current.
* @return {boolean}
* True if the cursor was set, false if no TimelineEvent was found for this ID.
Timeline.prototype.setCursor = function (eventId) {
return this.paths.some(function (paths) {
return splat(paths).some(function (path) {
return path.setCursor(eventId);
* Get the current TimelineEvents under the cursors. This function will return
* the event under the cursor for each currently playing path, as an object
* where the path ID is mapped to the TimelineEvent under that path's cursor.
* @private
* @return {Highcharts.Dictionary<Highcharts.TimelineEvent>}
* The TimelineEvents under each path's cursors.
Timeline.prototype.getCursor = function () {
return this.getCurrentPlayingPaths().reduce(function (acc, cur) {
acc[cur.id] = cur.getCursor();
return acc;
}, {});
* Check if timeline is reset or at start.
* @private
* @return {boolean}
* True if timeline is at the beginning.
Timeline.prototype.atStart = function () {
return !this.getCurrentPlayingPaths().some(function (path) {
return path.cursor;
* Get the current TimelinePaths being played.
* @private
* @return {Array<Highcharts.TimelinePath>}
* The TimelinePaths currently being played.
Timeline.prototype.getCurrentPlayingPaths = function () {
return splat(this.paths[this.cursor]);
// Export the classes
var timelineClasses = {
TimelineEvent: TimelineEvent,
TimelinePath: TimelinePath,
Timeline: Timeline
export default timelineClasses;