Improved listed tiddlers.

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Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas 2021-10-06 16:17:59 -05:00
parent ddd6820255
commit 8894a61b12

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@ -230,13 +230,24 @@ Tiddler >> list: anObject [
{ #category : 'accessing' } { #category : 'accessing' }
Tiddler >> listedTiddlers [ Tiddler >> listedTiddlers [
"I only include the so called 'pureLinks' or manual links (see [1]) i.e. those which are enclosed in '[[' and ']]' "I export all tiddlers in the list field as an alphabetic collection.
An improved future version of me should include all links with CamelCase Future versions should preserve the order in the list."
[1]" | remainList remainListArray listedTiddlers |
| listedTiddlersTitles |
self list ifNil: [^ nil ]. self list ifNil: [^ nil ].
listedTiddlersTitles := WikiTextGrammar new linkSea star parse: self list. remainList := self list copy.
^ self wiki tiddlers select: [:tiddler | listedTiddlersTitles includes: tiddler title ] self manualLinksList do: [:manualLink |
remainList := remainList copyReplaceAll: manualLink with: ''
remainListArray := (remainList copyReplaceAll: '[[]]' with: '') withBlanksCondensed splitOn: Character space.
listedTiddlers := self manualLinksList, remainListArray.
^ self wiki tiddlers select: [:tiddler | listedTiddlers includes: tiddler title ].
{ #category : 'accessing' }
Tiddler >> manualLinksList [
self list ifNil: [^ nil].
^ WikiTextGrammar new linkSea star parse: self list.
] ]
{ #category : 'utilities' } { #category : 'utilities' }