Improving rebuilded tiddlers JSON.

This commit is contained in:
ruidajo 2022-03-08 18:41:54 -05:00
parent 251f5d3426
commit 7802cfe8f5
2 changed files with 4 additions and 5 deletions

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@ -152,11 +152,10 @@ Tiddler >> exportSTONFile [
{ #category : #accessing } { #category : #accessing }
Tiddler >> exportSTONFileInto: subfolder [ Tiddler >> exportSTONFileInto: subfolder [
| stonFile output dashedTitle sanitized date | | stonFile output dashedTitle sanitized |
dashedTitle := '-' join: (self title substrings collect: [ :each | each ]). dashedTitle := '-' join: (self title substrings collect: [ :each | each ]).
sanitized := dashedTitle copyWithoutAll: #($¿ $? $! $/). sanitized := dashedTitle copyWithoutAll: #($¿ $? $! $/).
date := self uid. stonFile := self wiki file parent / subfolder / (sanitized, '--', self uid, '.ston').
stonFile := self wiki file parent / subfolder / (sanitized, '--', date, '.ston').
^ MarkupFile exportAsFileOn: stonFile containing: self asStonStringPretty ^ MarkupFile exportAsFileOn: stonFile containing: self asStonStringPretty
] ]

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@ -427,7 +427,6 @@ TiddlyWiki >> rebuildTiddlers [
addAll: (((self largeTiddlersFolder files) addAll: (((self largeTiddlersFolder files)
reject: [ :each | each basename beginsWith: '_shadow.ston' ]) reject: [ :each | each basename beginsWith: '_shadow.ston' ])
collect: [ :each | STONJSON fromString: each contents ]); collect: [ :each | STONJSON fromString: each contents ]);
addAll: (STON fromString:shadowTiddlersFile first contents);
addAll: (contentTiddlersFiles collect:[ :each | STONJSON fromString: each contents ]). addAll: (contentTiddlersFiles collect:[ :each | STONJSON fromString: each contents ]).
^ stonTiddlers ^ stonTiddlers
] ]
@ -483,11 +482,12 @@ TiddlyWiki >> resynchronize [
| repository | | repository |
self self
exportJSONFileOptimized; exportJSONFile;
importJSONFile. importJSONFile.
repository := self repository. repository := self repository.
repository update. repository update.
self exportContentTiddlers. self exportContentTiddlers.
self exportLargeTiddlers.
repository addRecentChangesFromWiki: self. repository addRecentChangesFromWiki: self.
^ Dictionary new ^ Dictionary new
at: 'status' put: repository status; at: 'status' put: repository status;