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2024-05-29 14:42:33 +00:00
Class {
#name : #WikiText,
#superclass : #Object,
#instVars : [
#category : 'TiddlyWiki-Model'
{ #category : #accessing }
WikiText >> content [
^ content
{ #category : #accessing }
WikiText >> content: aString [
content := aString
{ #category : #conversions }
WikiText >> converMarkdownBold [
self content: (self content copyReplaceAll: '**' with: '''''').
{ #category : #conversions }
WikiText >> convertMarkdownBold [
self content: (self content copyReplaceAll: '**' with: '''''').
^ self.
{ #category : #conversions }
WikiText >> convertMarkdownLinks [
| markdownLinks markdownLinksRegex |
markdownLinksRegex := '\[([\w|\s]+)\]\((\S+)\)'.
"For the explanation of the Regex details see: http://scottradcliff.com/how-to-parse-urls-in-markdown.html"
markdownLinks := self content regex: markdownLinksRegex matchesCollect: [:link | link ].
markdownLinks ifEmpty: [ ^ self content ].
markdownLinks do: [:markdownLink | | linkText closingLinkIndex newContent |
closingLinkIndex := markdownLink indexOf: $].
linkText := markdownLink copyFrom: 2 to: closingLinkIndex.
newContent := self content copyReplaceAll: markdownLink with: '[[', linkText, ']'.
self content: newContent.
^ self content
{ #category : #accessing }
WikiText >> sample [
^ 'The ''quick'' brown ~~flea~~ fox //jumps// over the `lazy` dog.
This is a link to HelloThere, and one to [[History of TiddlyWiki]] and [[other link]].'