Social Networks data analysis utilities and tools, starting with Twitter.
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2021-07-18 14:37:05 -05:00
BaselineOfDatanalitica.package Starting baselines. 2021-07-18 12:49:10 -05:00
Datanalitica.package Improving End Points. 2021-07-18 09:36:34 -05:00
.project Adding project metadata. 2021-06-30 09:55:57 -05:00
.properties Adding project metadata. 2021-06-30 09:55:57 -05:00
LICENSE Initial commit 2021-06-30 09:47:40 -05:00 Fixing instructions. 2021-07-18 14:37:05 -05:00


Social Networks data analysis utilities and tools, starting with Twitter.

To load this package open a Playground in GToolkit and execute:

  "I load the configuration of this package using a external Gitea repository." 
  "While more Git independient providers are implemented in Monticello, I will use Iceberg
  to download the repository and load it from a local directory"	
  | location localRepo repoName packageName |
  "Sometimes repoName and packageName are different, following Pharo's conventions.
  For example the repoName can be MyPackage, while packageName can be My-Package"
  repoName := 'Datanalitica'.
  packageName := 'Datanalitica'.
  "Local and remote repo definition"
  location := FileLocator localDirectory / 'iceberg' / 'Offray' / repoName.
  location exists ifFalse: [
      (IceRepositoryCreator new 
          location: location;
          remote: (IceGitRemote url: '', repoName, '.git');
  "Package loading"
  localRepo := 'gitlocal://', location fullName.
  Metacello new
      repository: localRepo;
      baseline: repoName;