accessing asDictionary | tweets tweetsHistogramData repliesHistogramData quotesHistogramData retweetsHistogramData | [self config at: 'lang'] onErrorDo: [ ^ self inform: 'Please put a lang key with a language (for example: en) in the object config.' ]. tweets := self messages. tweetsHistogramData := self tweetsByWeeksTimeSpan. repliesHistogramData := self repliesByWeeksTimeSpan. quotesHistogramData := self quotesReportData. retweetsHistogramData := self retweetsReportData. ^ { 'profile-card-avatar' -> self profileImageFile fullName. 'profile-card-avatar-url' -> self profileImageUrl. 'profile-card-fullname' -> self name . 'profile-card-username' -> self userName . 'profile-bio' -> self profileBio. 'messages-size' -> tweets size. 'messages-newest' -> tweets newest created asDate greaseString. 'messages-oldest' -> tweets oldest created asDate greaseString. 'tweets-histogram-labels' -> tweetsHistogramData third. 'tweets-histogram-quantity' -> tweetsHistogramData second. 'replies-histogram-labels' -> repliesHistogramData third. 'replies-histogram-quantity' -> repliesHistogramData second. 'retweets-histogram-labels' -> retweetsHistogramData third. 'retweets-histogram-quantity' -> retweetsHistogramData second. 'quotes-histogram-labels' -> quotesHistogramData third. 'quotes-histogram-quantity' -> quotesHistogramData second. 'wordcloud-data' -> (self wordcloudDataLanguage: (self config at: 'lang')) first. } asDictionary