Creating nitter user as dictionary for web report and twwets by time span.

This commit is contained in:
ruidajo 2022-06-09 15:50:26 -05:00
parent 40d47caf1c
commit c8e7509e6a
2 changed files with 47 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
| tweets tweetsHistogramData repliesHistogramData quotesHistogramData retweetsHistogramData |
tweets := self messages.
tweetsHistogramData := self tweetsByTimeSpan: 7.
repliesHistogramData := self repliesByWeeksTimeSpan.
quotesHistogramData := self quotesReportData.
retweetsHistogramData := self retweetsReportData.
^ { 'profile-card-avatar' -> self profileImageFile fullName.
'profile-card-avatar-url' -> self profileImageUrl.
'profile-card-fullname' -> self name .
'profile-card-username' -> self userName .
'profile-bio' -> self profileBio.
'messages-size' -> tweets size.
'messages-newest' -> tweets newest created asDate greaseString.
'messages-oldest' -> tweets oldest created asDate greaseString.
'tweets-histogram-labels' -> tweetsHistogramData third.
'tweets-histogram-quantity' -> tweetsHistogramData second.
'replies-histogram-labels' -> repliesHistogramData third.
'replies-histogram-quantity' -> repliesHistogramData second.
'retweets-histogram-labels' -> retweetsHistogramData third.
'retweets-histogram-quantity' -> retweetsHistogramData second.
'quotes-histogram-labels' -> quotesHistogramData third.
'quotes-histogram-quantity' -> quotesHistogramData second.
'wordcloud-data' -> self wordcloudData first.
} asDictionary

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@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
tweetsByTimeSpan: divisions
| tweetsByTimeSpan xAxis labels |
tweetsByTimeSpan := self collectMessages: [ self tweets] byTimeSpanSplits: divisions.
xAxis := OrderedCollection new.
(tweetsByTimeSpan values collect: [ :collection | collection size ]) do: [ :number |
xAxis add: ($' asString), (number asString), ($' asString)
labels := OrderedCollection new.
tweetsByTimeSpan keys do: [ :string |
labels add: ($' asString), string, ($' asString)
^ {
('[', (',' join: xAxis), ']').
('[', (',' join: labels), ']').