Code review: More modular code.

This commit is contained in:
Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas 2022-04-16 12:08:30 -05:00
parent 5d457e824a
commit 50a3ef901b
2 changed files with 20 additions and 12 deletions

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@ -1,17 +1,10 @@
exportTweetsHistogramWithBars: aNumberOfBars
| timeSpans labels tweetsByTimeSpan subtotals tweetsColor x tweetsHistogram diagram |
timeSpans := self tweets timeSpansOf: aNumberOfBars.
labels := (timeSpans collect: [ :timeSpan |
((timeSpan start asDate asString removeSuffix: '2022'), '→ ', timeSpan end asDate asString removeSuffix: '2022')
]) asArray.
tweetsByTimeSpan := OrderedCollection new.
1 to: labels size do: [ :i |
tweetsByTimeSpan add: (self tweets messages select: [ :tweet |
(timeSpans at: i) includes: (tweet created asDateAndTime)])
subtotals := tweetsByTimeSpan collect: [ :collection | collection size ].
| tweetsByTimeSpan subtotals tweetsColor x tweetsHistogram diagram |
tweetsByTimeSpan := self collectMessages: [ self tweets] byTimeSpanSplits: aNumberOfBars.
subtotals := tweetsByTimeSpan values collect: [ :collection | collection size ].
tweetsColor := (Color r:(91/255) g:(131/255) b:(222/255)).
x := 1 to: subtotals size.
tweetsHistogram := RSChart new.
@ -20,7 +13,7 @@ exportTweetsHistogramWithBars: aNumberOfBars
diagram color: tweetsColor.
tweetsHistogram addPlot: diagram.
tweetsHistogram addDecoration: (RSHorizontalTick new
fromNames: labels;
fromNames: tweetsByTimeSpan keys;
labelRotation: 0;
fontSize: 80 /aNumberOfBars;

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@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
collectMessages: aBlock byTimeSpanSplits: anInteger
| timespans spanLabels messagesByTimespan |
timespans := aBlock value timeSpansOf: anInteger.
spanLabels := (timespans collect: [ :timeSpan |
((timeSpan start asDate greaseString removeSuffix: '2022'), '→ ', timeSpan end asDate greaseString removeSuffix: '2022')
]) asArray.
messagesByTimespan := OrderedDictionary new.
spanLabels doWithIndex: [:label :i |
at: label
put: (aBlock value messages select: [ :message |
(timespans at: i) includes: (message created asDateAndTime)])
^ messagesByTimespan