Temporal bugfix to deal with Twitter changes in user id.

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Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas 2022-05-03 08:32:10 -05:00
parent 419aa176ab
commit 21b4f432c4

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@ -1,6 +1,15 @@
accessing accessing
tweets tweets
| subcollection |
self messages ifEmpty: [ self getMessages ]. self messages ifEmpty: [ self getMessages ].
"TO DO: It seems that Twitter changes the user id, which we thought was unchangeable. This deals with the detected changes so far."
self userName = 'FranciaMarquezM'
ifFalse: [
subcollection := self messages select: [ :each | each authorId = self id ] ]
ifTrue: [
subcollection := self messages
select: [ :each | (each authorId = '1510420950801698826') or: [ each authorId = self id ] ]
^ TweetsCollection new ^ TweetsCollection new
messages: (self messages select: [ :each | each authorId = self id ]); messages: subcollection;
yourself yourself