Fixing method for geting oldest tweets, modifying store avoiding duplication.

This commit is contained in:
ruidajo 2022-04-28 16:17:56 -05:00
parent 06b0d5748d
commit 104fe9e348
2 changed files with 3 additions and 3 deletions

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@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
accessing accessing
getPagesContentsFromOldestUpto: anInteger getPagesContentsFromOldestUpto: anInteger
^ self getPagesContentsFrom: ((self messages oldest metadata select: [ :item | item beginsWith: 'https://' ]) values first) Upto: anInteger ^ self getPagesContentsFrom: ((self messages oldest metadata select: [ :item | item isString and: [ item beginsWith: 'https://' ]]) values first) Upto: anInteger

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@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ accessing
store store
ReStore isConnected ifFalse: [ self class storeDB ]. "Starting the ReStore singleton." ReStore isConnected ifFalse: [ self class storeDB ]. "Starting the ReStore singleton."
self messages do: [ :each | ReStore evaluateAsTransaction: [ self messages do: [ :each | ReStore evaluateAsTransaction: [
each store. each isInDB ifFalse: [ each store ].
each user isInDB ifFalse: [ each user store ] each user isInDB ifFalse: [ each user store ]
] ]
]. ].